RXTE (-PCA & -ASM) GRB Observations

NOTE: The end of science operations (and therefore GCN Notices) was April of 2004.

This table contains information about observations (or attempted observations) by RXTE (PCA and ASM) on GRBs. It is updated automatically in real-time. The most recent observation is listed first (reverse time order).

The 3 left-most columns (GRB) are the date and time of the start of the GRB and the BATSE Trigger Number (if also detected by BATSE).

The next 7 columns (Observation) come from the results of the various observations and anlyses by the RXTE PCA and ASM instrument teams. These columns contain: the Time Delay [hrs] between the start of the burst and the start of the observation, the Instrument that made the observation, the RA,Dec (J2000) location of the GRB, the Flux of the detected source (in units of mCrab), a Comment describing the observation results, and if there is any Other related information (usually links). If a column's information is not available or is not applicable, then that entry is listed as "n/a".

For more information on the two RXTE instruments: PCA and ASM.

Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to Scott Barthelmy.

RXTE GRB Observations
GRB Observation
Date Time UT Trig# Time Delay Inst RA Dec Flux Comments Other
04/12/19 20:29:51.64 No 0 sec ASM 342.367 -76.648 2900.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This is GRB041219C (GCN 2886). ASM error box lies near W edge of Swift error circle. First ASM maximum confirms Swift precursor peak, and we see the two later peaks in the subsequent camera.dwell. gcn
04/03/08 18:57:05.75 No 0 sec ASM 174.681 +6.444 3400.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. GRB-like event is 2 days old. Event lasts 25 sec in X-rays with obvious softening. 5-12 keV band shows fairly symmetric profile with maximum that is 10 sec after start time given above. gcn
04/02/29 04:38:17.65 No 0 sec ASM 239.254 +47.907 0.29 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. multiple peaks, with hardest at 26 s after listed start time; intensity is average over 90 s (1.5-12 keV); highest peak near 1.1 Crab in 1 s bins. Chance for small error box if IPN detection crosses this long ASM error box. GCN_OPS_NOTE (14:55 UT): This Notice was delayed 7.3 hours due to a processing error in GCN. gcn
02/04/06 18:18:15.55 No 0 sec ASM 285.400 +1.440 900.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. The ASM event on 020406 was NOT a GRB, but a fast X-ray transient. ASM archival data shows a previous, fast outburst on 1997 June 21 at 390 mCrab (2-12 keV). The revised error triangle (no 4th corner), is derived from the two outbursts. It contains one very faint, unidentified X-ray source from the Einstein Galactic Plane Survey: 2E1859.1+0122 at 285.4175 +1.4536 +/- 48 arcsec (Hertz and Grindlay 1988, AJ, 96, 233). gcn
02/04/06 18:18:36.37 gcn 2.1 day ASM 285.441 +1.438 2000.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. Greatly refined error box; see http://xte.mit.edu/grb/grb020406 for more information gcn
02/04/06 18:18:36.37 gcn 4.5 hr ASM 285.101 +1.414 2000.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. Likely GRB: hard x-ray flare from uncataloged location. gcn
01/12/12 04:04:02.21 No ASM 74.930 +32.120 157.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This is HETE GRB011212. The ASM and HETE positions overlap. The error box corners COMBINE the ASM and HETE error boxes. The intensity is averaged over a 90 s dwell that begins 50 sec before the HETE GRB time. gcn
01/07/28 19:24:47.23 No ASM 175.030 -7.950 2300.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. 20 sec event, very hard spectrum, GRB likely Report is 1.8 days later than event (during weeknd). gcn
01/03/24 11:37:31.99 No 11.3 hr ASM 107.774 +20.091 330.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. A sky map and time-series data plots are available at http://xte.mit.edu/crossbox/xbox_022/main.html Although the time-series data show no obvious peak of emission, the transmission function to the source location was such that we cannot exclude the presence of a peak. Significant detections were made in three subsequent observations over three minutes, indicating fading behavior. No significant detections have been made since then. Without confirmation from the IPN, we cannot be certain that this is a GRB, but we are certain that it is real. Please contact Al Levine (aml@space.mit.edu) or Ron Remillard (rr@space.mit.edu) if you have any questions concerning this alert. gcn
01/01/25 09:10:40.37 No 6.9 hrs ASM 178.795 +49.253 1100.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. This was a singly-peaked burst in the ASM, lasting about 20-s. It was very hard, with fluxes of 1.8, 2.5 and 5.0 Crab in the 1.5-3, 3-5, and 5-12 keV bands, respectively. We await confirmation from high-energy instruments that this is a GRB. gcn
00/10/26 03:10:09.37 No 12.7 hr ASM 129.494 -13.265 2400.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. The given intensity is at the peak in a 2-s bin (1.5-12 keV). We await confirmation from high-energy instruments. gcn
00/09/08 13:19:24.00 n/a 24 min ASM 279.900 +5.312 162.00 RXTE-ASM TRANSIENT Coordinates. TIME SINCE EVENT: 24 minutes. This alert is generated by two crossed lines of position with a very high level of confidence for localizing a real uncatalogued x-ray transient or gamma-ray burst. Optical counterparts to GRBs have ONLY ONCE been observed less than a few hours after the event. We claim no ownership of any results that follow from this report. We'd like to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to make the next big discovery. Below are quanities to aid in evaluating this alert. Values of chi-sq. less than 1.15 and S/N > 6.0 are good indicators of a strong, real detection. Chi-sq. 1.032016 and 0.977982, S/N ratio 6.329610 and 12.792106. The following comments should help indicate whether or not this alert was spawned by the detection of a GRB. They are not definitive, but we are confident that there *will* be something new of Astronomical interest in this error box. BATSE reports no recent GRB trigger. SSC 1: No short-term variability detected in ASM MTS data. SSC 0: No short-term variability detected in ASM MTS data. This alert was generated by software by Donald A. Smith. Please feel free to email me (dasmith@space.mit.edu) with any questions. A record of ASM Crossed-box alerts is kept athttp://xte.mit.edu/crossbox/. Please check there for sky maps and time-series data. Please report any results as soon as possible via the GCN circulars and any other means you see fit to use. If you have no immediate me ans of distributing your results, feel free to call Don Smith at home: (617) 720-1612 or at work: (617) 258-8108 for assistance. [GCN OPS NOTE (08sep00): This ASM Transinet was later identified to be a false trigger due to a temporary error in the RXTE attitude information. This transient is neither a GRB nor any other type of astrophysically significant transient event. Please do not invoke any follow-up observing efforts based on this Notice.] n/a
00/05/11 01:11:59.99 8101 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe this burst because the observing efficiency is very poor. (F. Marshall) gcn
00/05/08 19:10:50.88 8098 24 hr ASM 253.498 -20.504 300.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. Further analysis has revealed a detection of this GRB in the second dwell after its emergence from behind the Earth. We report here the joint position of these two lines of position. gcn
00/05/08 19:10:50.88 8098 4 hrs ASM 248.756 -22.672 330.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. Due to missing anodes, we can poorly constrain the position of the GRB along the long direction of the error box. From the given position, the box should extend 10 degrees to the north east, and 1.5 degrees to the south west. This was a complex observation to analyze. It appears that the GRB came out of earth-occult in progress at around 19:13:40 UTC. The average flux over the full 90-s observation was 330 mCrab (2-12 keV), but we only observed the burst for around 20 s. The maximum flux may have exceeded 2 Crab. The ASM position passes 5' outside the nominal 0.4deg radius LOCBURST position reported by BATSE. gcn
00/04/24 18:18:07.99 8086 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE cannot search for an afterglow from this burst. (F. Marshall) gcn
00/04/08 02:35:48.20 8069 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE cannot observe this burst because there are no command opportunities while the control center is staffed (08:00 to 24:00 local time). F. Marshall gcn
00/03/07 21:50:47.03 8022 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe this burst because the observing efficiency would be very low at this time. (F. Marshall) gcn
00/03/06 18:00:31.61 8019 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE cannot observe this burst because of high-priority observations already in the schedule. (F.Marshall) gcn
00/03/02 02:50:25.08 8008 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Unfortunately, we cannot chase this bright GRB without causing problem on the on-going observation. T.Takeshima(RXTE GRB Team) gcn
00/02/29 02:45:02.07 8004 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. T.Takeshima (RXTE GRB team) gcn
00/02/21 23:39:10.14 7994 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Since RXTE is performing another TOO observation, we cannot chase this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
00/02/12 22:31:05.14 7987 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE cannot chase this GRB, unfortunately. Toshi Takeshima gcn
00/02/01 03:02:09.91 7976 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not be able to chase this burst. (F. Marshall) gcn
00/01/15 14:49:32.03 7954 n/a PCA 120.80 -17.10 2 mCrab RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 00/01/15 17:23:54.00 UT. A previously unknown source with a flux of 2 mCrab was detected at 17:44 UT or 2h55m after the burst trigger. The estimated 90% confidence region covers +/- 0.15 deg. in RA and +/- 0.20 deg. in Decl. Source variability could cause a systematic error in Decl. Another RXTE scan is planned to reduce the uncertainty in Decl. This message may be cited. (F. Marshall and T. Takeshima) gcn
00/01/15 14:49:32.03 7954 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 00/01/15 17:23:54.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 5(Dec.) deg. region. Scans start at 17:31(UT) that is less than three hours after the burst. Toshi Takeshima, RXTE GRB team gcn
00/01/08 16:48:07.29 7939 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. With some consideration, RXTE GRB team decided NOT to chase this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/12/16 16:07:01.37 7906 n/a PCA 77.38 +11.31 RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 99/12/17 02:15:37.00 UT. Previously reported RXTE/PCA X-ray source was detected again during followup scans six hours later, a factor of ~5 fainter (2-10 keV). In this observation scans were primarily along Decl., and thus the R.A. was fixed at its previously reported value. Position uncertainties are estimated to be 0.04 deg in R.A. and 0.08 deg in Decl. C.B.Markwardt, T.Takeshima & F.E.Marshall (GSFC) and T.Giblin & R.M. Kippen (UAH/MSFC) gcn
99/12/16 16:07:01.37 7906 4 hrs PCA 77.38 +11.19 5.0 RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 99/12/16 19:55:27.00 UT. A previously unknown xray source of about 5 mCrab level was detected during the two scans with RXTE/PCA around the BATSE/LOCBURST position. Two scans are parallel or near parallel to equator, so the determination of R.A is much better than Decl. The Decl. is determined assuming the source was constant during the two scan peaks separated by about 240-sec. Short-term variability of the source could lead to an error of a few tenths of a degree in Decl. T.Takeshima, C.B.Markwardt, & F.E.Marshall (GSFC) and T.Giblin & R.M. Kippen (UAH/MSFC) gcn
99/12/16 16:07:01.37 7906 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 99/12/16 19:55:27.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 6(R.A.) x 1(Dec.) deg. region. Scan observation was already done. Quick look result follows. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/11/27 14:54:59.71 7884 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE cannot observe this position because the observing efficiency is too poor. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/10/01 01:22:30.20 7781 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe this burst because the observing efficiency is low and there are high priority observations underway. (F.Marshall) gcn
99/09/15 23:15:22.55 7766 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Due to the on-going TOO observations of GM Sgr, we cannot follow up this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/08/06 14:28:06.52 7701 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE/PCA observed the position of GRB 990806 determined by BeppoSAX (RA=47.632d,Dec=-66.116d) betweeen 18:11 and 18:31. No source brighter than 0.5 mCrab (3-sigma upper limit) level was detected. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/08/03 06:29:35.93 7695 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. It is after mid-night here and no personnel is available for the chase of BRB. We cannot follow up this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/08/02 01:04:43.51 7688 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Due to very poor observation efficiency of the sky region and unfortunate timing of command uplink opportunity, we cannot follow-up this GRB with RXTE/PCA. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/07/28 11:03:44.89 7678 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. For some of difficulties in new command plan preparation, RXTE/PCA cannot follow up this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/06/15 15:47:54.23 7607 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. During the RXTE/PCA follow-up observation of GRB990615 scanning over 3x8 deg rectangle region, we did not detect any X-ray source brighter than 1 mCrab level. The corners of scanned region are: R.A.(J2000) Dec.(J2000) 11h 19m 5s -51o 58' 0" 12h 11m 5s -51o 58' 0" 12h 13m 0s -54o 57' 0" 11h 17m 10s -54o 57' 0" Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/06/15 15:47:54.23 7607 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 99/06/15 18:11:27.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 3(Dec.) deg. region 9 scans are scheduled between 18:19 and 19:30. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/06/11 11:57:01.95 7605 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe due to other coordinated observations. gcn
99/06/04 19:59:40.80 7598 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe this burst because it is too close to the Sun. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/05/18 17:18:45.50 7575 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Since another TOO observation is being done, we cannot follow-up this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/05/06 11:23:30.94 7549 n/a PCA 178.69 -26.76 n/a RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 99/05/06 14:25:28.00 UT. This is a preliminary determination of the position assuming little variation in source intensity between the RXTE scan at 16:00 and the scan at 16:20. The position is consistent with the annulus reported in the GCN/IPN Notice for GRB990506 (Trig=7549). A later observation at 18:50 shows that the X-ray source is dimming. T.Takeshima & F.Marshall gcn
99/05/06 11:23:30.94 7549 n/a PCA 178.80 -26.50 1.5 RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 99/05/06 14:25:28.00 UT. RXTE/PCA detected 1.5 mCrab source during the scans at around RA=178.8 and Dec=-26.5. The position uncertainty is 0.5 degree at the present time. We are working to refine the position. The source is also detected during a pointing at the LOCBURST position, which indicates the source is within one degree of the LOCBURST position. The measured flux is much brighter than any catalogued X-ray source. F.Marshall & T.Takeshima gcn
99/05/06 11:23:30.94 7549 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 99/05/06 14:25:28.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 6(Dec.) deg. region The scans will start at 14:33(UT). Toshi Takeshima gcn
99/04/25 02:19:26.95 7530 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE scanned a box covering RA between 328 and 336 and DEC between -11.25 and -5.25 from 04:08 and 05:58 UT. No source other than the previously known source H2215-086 was detected. A conservative upper limit for other sources in the box is 2 mCrab. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/04/24 22:09:22.67 7529 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE observed a position within the Locburst error region (at RA=85.0;Dec=36.5) at about 23:20. No source was seen in the 1-degree fov of the PCA with a conservative upper limit of 2 mCrab for an on-axis source. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/04/25 02:19:26.95 7530 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 99/04/25 04:00:23.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 6(Dec.) deg. region RXTE will scan the Locburst error region from about 04:08 to 05:55. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/04/24 22:09:22.67 7529 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 99/04/25 01:35:27.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 7(Dec.) deg. region RXTE observed a small section of the Locburst error region starting about 23:20. Data are not yet available for analysis. There was no scanning of the error region. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/04/24 03:12:31.93 7527 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE cannot observe this GRB because the SOF is not staffed at this time. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/03/30 19:26:07.61 7497 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Due to current absence of key personnel RXTE can presently only do limited followups of GRBs gcn
99/03/23 17:29:37.08 7491 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE scanned a box with corners at (RA,DEC) = (332.58,-80.49), (282.66,-80.49), (348.53,-83.89), (266.71,-83.89) between 146 and 197 minutes after the BATSE trigger. No source was seen in the realtime data with an estimated upper limit of about 2 mCrab in the 2-10 keV band. More detailed analysis is underway. (F. Marshall) gcn
99/03/23 17:29:37.08 7491 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 99/03/23 19:47:30.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 4(Dec.) deg. region gcn
99/03/16 12:28:59.51 7477 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Observing efficiency is poor for this burst, and the response time was long. Consequently it was decided not to observe. gcn
99/03/11 22:11:45.53 7464 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe this GRB because it would require interruption of the currently scheduled, high-priority observation. gcn
99/03/08 05:15:07.34 7457 11.5 hrs ASM 183.046 +4.521 360.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. This is a revised position, using an updated analysis code that takes into account that this detection was made in SSC 3, a camera which has lost four of its eight resistive anodes, and has therefore very poor position resolution, if the boundary between two shadow patters falls on one of these dead anodes. The error box is therefore almost nine degrees long and 2.3 arcmin wide. Please see http://xte.mit.edu/grb/ for sky plots and other relevant data. gcn
99/03/08 05:15:07.34 7457 47 min ASM 185.046 +6.143 330.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. The burst profile is ragged, but seems to last approximately 50 s. gcn
99/01/11 17:58:20.15 7319 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Due to bad timinig of scheduled slew and command forward link, we only have 15 min good observation time for GRB. Next Good time interval is more than 4 hours from GRB. So we don't follow-up this GRB. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/12/23 12:11:15.04 7277 n/a PCA 188.80 +13.60 n/a RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 98/12/23 15:33:40.00 UT. During the scan observation of GRB (BATSE #7277), RXTE/PCA detected a source of about 1 mCrab (2-10keV). near (188.8, 13.6), which is at the edge of the scanned region and more than 4 degrees away from the LOCBURST position. There is no bright source in the ROSAT Bright Source Survey catalog near this position. It is likely that the source is detected cerendipitously and no relation with GRB afterglow, but RXTE/PCA will make another scan observation at early Dec. 24 to look for variability. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/12/23 12:11:15.04 7277 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/12/23 15:33:40.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 1(Dec.) deg. region. Due to limited time and efficiency, the covered area is restricted. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/12/20 21:51:56.97 No 30 hrs ASM 55.763 +17.165 500.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. This GRB was only seen in one camera. This is a preliminary report of a single line of position for a hard X-ray flare that may be a GRB. The position is consistent with no catalogued X-ray source. Here are a few sample points along the line of position: 55.185927 17.044893 55.456874 17.112256 55.764183 17.188163 56.035547 17.254756 56.270887 17.312175 (R.A. and Decl. in J2000.0) PCA observations may follow. [GCN OP NOTE: Abnormal processing delays in the data delivery at MIT caused the large delay time.] gcn
98/12/11 20:29:39.00 7255 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Since RXTE/PCA can follow-up this burst only after 00:46(UT) tomorrow, which is more than four hours after the burst, we will not chase this one. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/12/05 05:41:24.32 7250 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE did not observe the burst because it occurred late at night when the SOF is not staffed (F. Marshall). gcn
98/12/03 00:59:12.99 7247 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE/PCA team made effort to follow up this GRB, but due to lack of staffs in Mission Operation Center to process updated observation plan, we could not make it. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/11/25 21:06:21.73 7230 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE/PCA team tried to chase this burst, but could not find good timing for the chase with direct slew. Chase by updating the operation schedule was also tried but failed during the processing in mission operation center. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/10/22 18:02:02.34 7172 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE observed the sky region of GRB981022 and scanned an RAxDec box of 8x2 degrees. XTE saw nothing brighter than 2 mCrab. The analysis of the scan data is continuing, but a bright source can be ruled out. gcn
98/10/22 18:02:02.34 7172 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/10/22 20:06:27.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 2(Dec.) deg. region Follow-up observation of GRB981022 (#7172) with RXTE/PCA has just started. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/09/23 20:10:47.52 7113 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE attempted to observe GRB980923. Unfortunately, key personnel were not avaialble to run the full raster-pattern observing plan. A manual stare-mode of the specified coordinates and a location 1deg to the north for background comparison was made. No change in the observed rate was detected. S.Barthelmy for Robin Corbet gcn
98/08/10 18:35:29.38 6985 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. We tried to follow-up this GRB but could not upload the updated observation plan to RXTE. As RXTE is going to make another TOO observation, we have no chance to chase this GRB, unfortunately. Toshi Takeshima, RXTE SOF gcn
98/07/18 02:58:26.66 6930 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. We tried to follow-up this GRB, but the large sun angle caused longer slew time which made the follow-up difficult. As we have an coodinated observation which cannot be disturbed, we cannot make another attempt to follow-up this GRB. by Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/07/03 04:22:45.21 6891 0 sec ASM 359.768 +8.556 1400.00 RXTE-ASM GRB Coordinates. Please note this is a new position: a long diamond (17' x 3.6' at a position angle of 46.77 degrees), rather than a square box. The quoted intensity has a 1-sigma error of 400 mCrab (2-12 keV). Please note that the last message had incorrect units. gcn
98/07/06 15:59:47.04 6904 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/07/06 18:39:45.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 4(Dec.) deg. region RXTE will scan the BATSE error box until 20:45 UT gcn
98/07/03 04:22:56 6891 0 sec ASM 359.750 +8.560 1700 Bright GRB detected by ASM. The error box is small enough to be approximated by a circle of radius 4 arc min (including an estimate of systematic error). The corners are listed to satisfy the GCN format, but are close in size to our estimated circle. Better intensity data, durations, will be reported later. See the gcn link. gcn
98/06/11 00:48:59.87 6816 4.0 hrs PCA 276.47 +53.86 0.6 RXTE-PCA GRB Coordinates. The RXTE-PCA observation started at 98/06/11 04:47:13.00 UT. RXTE/PCA detected two sources during the follow-up observation for GRB980611. One source is slightly out of the region covered by scans (7deg[RA] x 8deg[Dec] was coverd). So it's impossible to determine the position. The probable position is RA=279 & Dec=56 or west to this position (larger RA). But it's more than 4.2 degree away from the BATSE LOCBURST position. The other source is located at: R.A.: 18h25m.88 +/- 0m.96 Dec.: 53o51m.6 +/- 9m.6 and the flux level was: Flux: 6.31 +/- 0.85 c/s in Std2 Layer1 2-10 keV The errors were estimated from change in chi-square by 1.0. No known X-ray source is listed in ROSAT WGA catalog. (Toshi Takeshima) gcn
98/06/11 00:48:59.87 6816 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/06/11 04:47:13.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 8(R.A.) x 7(Dec.) deg. region Scans with RXTE/PCA will start at 162:04:55:13 and contineus until 162:07:03:25. by Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/06/09 20:32:15.59 6814 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE team tried to follow up this GRB, but could not make it due to some problem in processing system problem. Currently we cannot upload any command plan to RXTE, unfortunately. Toshi Takeshima gcn
98/05/19 12:20:12.64 6764 3.5 hr PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/05/19 16:23:32.00 UT. RXTE/PCA once tried to follow-up this GRB with normal BATSE/Locburst follow-up procedure. But as it turned out that the planned scans of 4 deg x 8 deg do not cover the BeppoSAX position, we cancelled the follow-up with updated schedule and employed the direct slew procedure. We sent direct slew command at 15:38:52(UT) which is less than an hour after BeppoSAX alert comes in. RXTE/PCA arrived at the BeppoSAX position at around 15:51 and stayed and stayed there until 16:18:23. Good time interval was 15:51-15:53 (only 2 min). We tried to upload scan commands via update plan but could not make it due to the limitied time. Since there is an originally scheduled slew at 16:26, RXTE/PCA follow-up ends at this time. Detailed analysis is going on. by T.Takeshima gcn
98/04/09 02:08:32.23 6683 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE/PCA cannot follow-up this GRB because of bad observation efficiency, availability of Mission Operetion Planner, and up coming scheduled observations. (Toshi Takeshima) gcn
98/03/06 17:34:11.62 6630 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE/PCA cannot follow-up this GRB since we made a replan for another TOO today. We only can make one replan per day. (Toshiaki Takeshima) gcn
98/02/08 12:50:59.94 6593 3.3 hr PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. From quick real-time analysis, RXTE/PCA observed NO obvious source brighter than 2 mCrab level. Further detaild analysis is still going on. (by Toshiaki Takeshima) gcn
98/02/08 12:50:59.94 6593 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/02/08 16:12:40.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 6(R.A.) x 5(Dec.) deg. region. Due to the tite schedule of RXTE, we can only use one orbit for the observation. (By T.Takeshima) gcn
98/02/03 22:47:08.25 6587 1.2-2.5 hr PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. RXTE/PCA scanned 6 deg x 6 deg square region and found nothing evident brighter than 2 mCrab. But there remains a possiblity PCA detected something around R.A.~ 6.0 Dec.~ -19.2, which is more than 3 degree away from the Locburst position. As we don't have the detailed satellite attitude information now, we cannot check if what we observed is consistent with a single point source. Most of science data and attitude data will become available within couple of hours. Further analysis is going on. (by Toshiaki Takeshima) P.S. the position mentioned above is very very rough value (uncertainty should be more than one degree). gcn
98/02/03 22:47:08.25 6587 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 98/02/04 01:17:09.00 UT. RXTE is going to scan 6(R.A.) x 6(Dec.) deg. region RXTE/PCA is already pointing around GRB region by using direct slew command. It has been there since 23:58:05 (UT). We are going to the updated plan for scans and the scans will start 01:25:09. (by Toshiaki Takeshima) gcn
98/01/25 20:39:28.73 6581 5.4 hr PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. gcn
98/01/25 20:39:28.73 6581 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE is going to scan 6(R.A.) x 6(Dec.) deg. region. The scans will start at 02:03:07 (UT). gcn
98/01/05 00:44:41.83 6560 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE/PCA team tried to follow-up this GRB, but could not. The processing of update plan was failed maybe due to recent work station system problem. Toshiaki Takeshima, XTE SOF. gcn
97/12/18 14:34:59.94 6535 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. Necessary people are not available. gcn
97/12/14 23:20:41.19 6533 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe because of various technical problems in the re-planning process. gcn
97/12/14 23:20:41.19 6533 0 ASM 180.895 64.923 400 This is a long thin error box. See the gcn link for the details and the corners of the box. gcn
97/12/09 23:10:36.00 6527 1.9 hr PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA was NOT able to localize this GRB. During the real-time monitoring of the raster scans with real-time commands, we did see a few small peaks in light curve, but they are not consistent with a single point source. Raster scan pattern is followings 00:36:00 RA=239.0 DEC=60.0 ROLL_BIAS=-8.0 SLEW_RATE=3.0 00:43:30 RA=242.0 DEC=60.0 ROLL_BIAS=-8.0 SLEW_RATE=3.0 01:33:00 RA=239.0 DEC=64.0 ROLL_BIAS=-8.0 SLEW_RATE=6.0 01:45:00 RA=246.0 DEC=62.0 ROLL_BIAS=-8.0 SLEW_RATE=6.0 With real-time analysis, the upper-limit of afterglow is 3 mCrab. T.Takeshima gcn
97/12/09 23:10:36.00 6527 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA WILL observe this LOCBURST GRB location. The RXTE-PCA observation will start at 97/12/10 00:04:00.00 UT. RXTE is already at GRB region by direct slew command. Unfortunately, processing the update plan at Mission Operation Center failed, we cannot make systematic raster scans. RXTE is now scanning around the LOCBURST error position with real-time commands. T.Takeshima gcn
97/12/07 20:03:52.92 6525 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. We tried to follow-up this GRB, but we could not do it, unfortunately. Toshi Takeshima gcn
97/12/07 20:03:52.92 6525 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a RXTE-PCA can NOT observe this LOCBURST GRB location. RXTE will not observe this GRB because of difficulties in creating a new observing plan. gcn
97/11/21 12:06:08.86 6489 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a Will not observe; another ToO already in progress. gcn
97/10/29 01:28:38.37 6453 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a Will not observe; poor visibility. gcn
97/10/24 11:33:32 6448 11.2 ASM 276.257 +49.491 49 GRB detected by ASM. See other link. gcn
97/10/09 18:56:55.77 6422 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a Will not observe. SAA in middle of non-occultation zone. gcn
97/09/25 22:43:15.81 6397 03:05:49 PCA n/a n/a n/a Was not able to localize this GRB. Nothing seen >3 mCrab. gcn
97/09/12 06:09:23 n/a 06:09:23 ASM n/a n/a 10000 Bright GRB detection by the ASM. See the Other link. gcn
97/09/01 17:39:30.66 6353 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a Will not observe. gcn
97/08/28 17:44:36 6350 21:21:00 PCA 272.12 59.30 0.5 Afterglow detection by the PCA. See the Other link. gcn
97/08/28 17:44:36 n/a 17:44:36 ASM 272.12 59.30 1000 Bright GRB detection by the ASM. See the Other link. gcn
97/08/16 02:17:44.41 6335 n/a PCA n/a n/a n/a Will not observe.
97/08/15 12:07:04.41 n/a 0 sec ASM 242.18 81.51 2000 Serendipidous observation. iauc gcn
97/07/04 01:08:16.80 n/a 3.2 hrs PCA n/a n/a n/a One weak source detected, but it is outside the IPN annulus.
97/06/16 18:09:50.28 6274 4.0 hrs PCA 19.66 -5.44 0.48 The source was detected in two of the scan passes. iauc gcn
97/06/03 23:35:00.29 6251 3.4 hrs PCA n/a n/a n/a Saw nothing greater than 2mCrab. [This is the first RXTE GRB ToO.]

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