////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/OGLE NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Sun 08 May 16 11:18:06 UT NOTICE_TYPE: OGLE Lensing Event SRC_ID_NUM: 201600858 SRC_RA: 270.2252d {+18h 00m 54s} (J2000), 270.4833d {+18h 01m 56s} (current), 269.4320d {+17h 57m 44s} (1950) SRC_DEC: -28.7405d {-28d 44' 25"} (J2000), -28.7399d {-28d 44' 23"} (current), -28.7397d {-28d 44' 22"} (1950) DISCOVERY_DATE: 17486 TJD; 99 DOY; 16/04/08 (yy/mm/dd) DISCOVERY_TIME: 40686 SOD {11:18:06.00} UT LEAD_TIME: 65.228 [days] MAX_DATE: 17551 TJD; 164 DOY; 16/06/12 (yy/mm/dd) MAX_TIME: 60393 SOD {16:46:33.60} UT MAX_UNCERT: 1.610 [days] CUSP_WIDTH: 35.20 +/- 1.32 [days] u0: 0.00 +/- 0.08 [RingUnits] MAX_MAG: 9.0 mag (estimated) BASE_MAG: 18.17 +/- 0.00 [mag] AMPLIFICATION: 225.48 +/- 0.00 factor LC_URL: http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ogle4/ews/blg-0858.html SUN_POSTN: 45.83d {+03h 03m 20s} +17.27d {+17d 16' 27"} SUN_DIST: 137.60 [deg] Sun_angle= 9.0 [hr] (West of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 70.99d {+04h 43m 58s} +17.25d {+17d 15' 09"} MOON_DIST: 158.74 [deg] GAL_COORDS: 1.87, -2.78 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst ECL_COORDS: 270.20, -5.30 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst COMMENTS: OGLE Gravitational Lensing Event. COMMENTS: WARNING: Amax_error was 'nan'.