////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/OGLE NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Thu 17 Apr 14 19:54:24 UT NOTICE_TYPE: OGLE Lensing Event SRC_ID_NUM: 201400585 SRC_RA: 269.7001d {+17h 58m 48s} (J2000), 269.9303d {+17h 59m 43s} (current), 268.8900d {+17h 55m 34s} (1950) SRC_DEC: -31.3531d {-31d 21' 10"} (J2000), -31.3534d {-31d 21' 11"} (current), -31.3497d {-31d 20' 58"} (1950) DISCOVERY_DATE: 16733 TJD; 76 DOY; 14/03/17 (yy/mm/dd) DISCOVERY_TIME: 71664 SOD {19:54:24.00} UT LEAD_TIME: 29.417 [days] MAX_DATE: 16763 TJD; 106 DOY; 14/04/16 (yy/mm/dd) MAX_TIME: 21254 SOD {05:54:14.39} UT MAX_UNCERT: 0.050 [days] CUSP_WIDTH: 9.13 +/- 0.32 [days] u0: 0.16 +/- 0.00 [RingUnits] MAX_MAG: 18.3 mag (estimated) BASE_MAG: 20.26 +/- 0.00 [mag] AMPLIFICATION: 6.20 +/- 0.10 factor LC_URL: http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ogle4/ews/blg-0585.html SUN_POSTN: 25.74d {+01h 42m 58s} +10.66d {+10d 39' 47"} SUN_DIST: 117.50 [deg] Sun_angle= 7.7 [hr] (West of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 237.35d {+15h 49m 23s} -17.35d {-17d 21' 09"} MOON_DIST: 32.65 [deg] GAL_COORDS: 359.37, -3.68 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst ECL_COORDS: 269.74, -7.91 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst COMMENTS: OGLE Gravitational Lensing Event.