////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/GRB_COUNTERPART POSITION NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Thu 17 Oct 24 20:32:16 UT NOTICE_TYPE: Other TRIGGER_NUM: 21723 CNTRPART_RA: 356.1750d {+23h 44m 42.0s} (J2000), 356.4902d {+23h 45m 57.6s} (current), 355.5401d {+23h 42m 09.6s} (1950) CNTRPART_DEC: +15.6574d {+15d 39' 26.6"} (J2000), +15.7952d {+15d 47' 42.5"} (current), +15.3797d {+15d 22' 47.0"} (1950) CNTRPART_ERROR: 6.1 [arcsec, radius] GRB_DATE: 20600 TJD; 291 DOY; 24/10/17 GRB_TIME: 50295.00 SOD {13:58:15.00} UT OBS_DATE: 20600 TJD; 291 DOY; 24/10/17 OBS_TIME: 50295.0 SOD {13:58:15.00} UT OBS_DUR: 2931.0 [sec] INTENSITY: 1.40e-13 +/- 4.00e-14 [erg/cm2/sec] ENERGY: 0.3-10 [keV] TELESCOPE: Swift-XRT SUBMITTER: Phil_Evans SUN_POSTN: 203.13d {+13h 32m 31s} -9.66d {-09d 39' 44"} SUN_DIST: 153.33 [deg] Sun_angle= -10.2 [hr] (East of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 27.32d {+01h 49m 17s} +13.49d {+13d 29' 24"} MOON_DIST: 29.89 [deg] MOON_ILLUM: 100 [%] GAL_COORDS: 100.23,-44.25 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the counterpart ECL_COORDS: 2.89, 15.85 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the counterpart COMMENTS: GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. COMMENTS: We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.