////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/SNEWS EVENT NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Tue 11 Jun 24 16:00:14 UT NOTICE_TYPE: TEST COINCIDENCE TRIGGER_NUM: 1000467 EVENT_RA: Undefined (J2000), Undefined (current), Undefined (1950) EVENT_DEC: Undefined (J2000), Undefined (current), Undefined (1950) EVENT_ERROR: 360.0 [deg radius, statistical plus systematic], 68.00% containment EVENT_FLUENCE: 0 [neutrinos] EVENT_TIME: 57601.00 SOD {16:00:01.00} UT EVENT_DATE: 20472 TJD; 163 DOY; 24/06/11 EVENT_DUR: 0.00 [sec] EXPT: Detector_A Good, Detector_B Good, Detector_D Possible, Detector_E Good, Detector_F Possible, SUN_POSTN: 80.44d {+05h 21m 45s} +23.14d {+23d 08' 40"} SUN_DIST: Undefined [deg] MOON_POSTN: 146.88d {+09h 47m 31s} +17.41d {+17d 24' 46"} MOON_DIST: Undefined [deg] MOON_ILLUM: 26 [%] GAL_COORDS: Undefined,Undefined [deg] galactic lon,lat of the event ECL_COORDS: Undefined,Undefined [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the event COMMENTS: SNEWS Event without RA,Dec coordinates. COMMENTS: This is a Test COINCIDENCE notice. It is NOT a Real event. COMMENTS: This is a Test COINCIDENCE notice. The EXPT labels have been anonymized. COMMENTS: COMMENTS: RA,Dec fields undefined. COMMENTS: For more information see: COMMENTS: http://snews.bnl.gov/