batgrbproduct Analysis for Trigger=557310

Analysis Summary


    Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.46
    Process Start Time (local time): Tue Jun  4 11:50:33 EDT 2013
             Host Name: gcn5
   Current Working Dir: /local/data/raid16/prebascript_archive/trigger557310/GCN5_download_cron

  Trigger: 00557310      Segment: 000

  BAT Trigger Time: 391967364.768   [s; MET]
      Trigger Stop: 391967364.8   [s; MET]
               UTC: 2013-06-03T15:49:14.136600    [includes UTCF correction] 
       Where From?: (*SHORT BURST*) TDRSS scaled map message

    RA: 172.20866268286   Dec: 17.0451158220811  [deg; J2000]

     Catalogged Source?: NO
     Point Source?:      YES
     GRB Indicated?:     YES    [ by BAT flight software ]
     Image S/N Ratio:    17.27
     Image Trigger?:     NO
     Rate S/N Ratio:     242.441745580253  [ if not an image trigger ]
     Image S/N Ratio:    17.27

  Flight Position:   [ source = BAT ]
    RA: 172.20866268286   Dec: 17.0451158220811  [deg; J2000]

  Ground Position:   [ source = BAT pre-slew burst ]
    RA: 172.221706943278   Dec: 17.063400298901  [deg; J2000]  
        { 11h 28m 53.2s , +17d 03' 48.2" }
         +/- 0.716656188129077 [arcmin] (estimated 90% radius based on SNR)
         +/- 0.236470229587442 [arcmin] (formal 1-sigma fit error)
    SNR: 48.9572661597038
  Angular difference between Flight and Ground position is 1.327939 arcmin
  Partial Coding Fraction: 1    [ including projection effects ]

     T90: 0.175999999046326 +/- 0.0240000486373901
        Measured from: 0.0120000839233398
                   to: 0.188000082969666     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
     T50: 0.059999942779541 +/- 0.00400000810623169
        Measured from: 0.0240001082420349
                   to: 0.0840000510215759     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]

     Peak Flux  (peak 1 second)
        Measured from: -0.364000022411346     
                   to: 0.635999977588654     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
     Total Fluence        
        Measured from: 0.00800001621246338     
                   to: 0.259999990463257     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
             Band 1     Band 2     Band 3     Band 4
              15-25      25-50     50-100    100-350     keV
 Total     0.133251   0.277304   0.307640   0.123273
           0.006681   0.009146   0.010284   0.008637 [error]
 Peak      0.141004   0.284838   0.308744   0.124249
           0.008401   0.010335   0.011165   0.009385 [error]

     [ fluence units of on-axis counts / fully illuminated detector ] 

=== Fluence/Peak Flux Summary ===
              Model    Band1    Band2    Band3    Band4    Band5    Total      
                       15-25    25-50   50-100  100-350   15-150   15-350   keV
Fluence   Power-law 3.68e-08 1.03e-07 2.32e-07 1.40e-06 6.27e-07 1.77e-06   erg/cm2
              Error 2.75e-09 4.48e-09 9.63e-09 1.37e-07 2.64e-08 1.43e-07   erg/cm2
Peak flux Power-law 1.23e+00 1.83e+00 2.02e+00 4.22e+00 6.36e+00 9.30e+00   ph/cm2/s
              Error 1.04e-01 9.14e-02 8.73e-02 4.13e-01 2.51e-01 4.50e-01   ph/cm2/s
Fluence   Cutoff-PL 3.63e-08 1.03e-07 2.34e-07 1.28e-06 6.25e-07 1.65e-06   erg/cm2
              Error 3.28e-09 4.83e-09 1.11e-08 2.97e-07 2.78e-08 2.96e-07   erg/cm2
Peak flux Cutoff-PL 1.23e+00 1.83e+00 2.02e+00 4.19e+00 6.36e+00 9.27e+00   ph/cm2/s
              Error 1.06e-01 8.78e-02 9.52e-02 7.31e-01 2.50e-01 7.36e-01   ph/cm2/s
Fluence        Band 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00   erg/cm2
              Error 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00   erg/cm2
Peak flux      Band 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00   ph/cm2/s
              Error 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00   ph/cm2/s
=== Time-averaged spectral analysis ===
Model Ph_index Ph_90err Epeak  Epeak_90err Norm     Nomr_90err chi2   dof
PL    0.823    0.066    -      -           2.15e-01 7.80e-03   59.210 57
CPL   0.758    0.172     999.8    0.0      2.31e-01 4.90e-02   59.020 56
=== 1-s peak spectral analysis ===
Model Ph_index Ph_90err Epeak  Epeak_90err Norm     Nomr_90err chi2   dof
PL    0.854    0.072    -      -           5.54e-02 2.19e-03   58.170 57
CPL   0.847    0.151    9998.1    0.0      5.58e-02 8.90e-03   58.180 56
Model      : spectral model: simple power-law (PL) and cutoff power-law (CPL)
Ph_index   : photon index: E^-{Ph_index} (minus sign is not included in the index)
Ph_90err   : 90% error of the photon index
Epeak      : Epeak in keV
Epeak_90err: 90% error of Epeak
Norm       : normalization at 50 keV in PL model and at 1 keV in CPL model
Nomr_90err : 90% error of the normalization
chi2       : Chi-Squared
dof        : degree of freedom
=== T90/T50 calculation in the 50-300 keV band (BATSE band) using 64 ms lc ===
T90 in the 50-300 keV band: 0.128000 sec.
T50 in the 50-300 keV band: 0.064000 sec.
=== Table of the duration information ==
        Value   tstart    tstop
T100    0.252    0.008    0.260
T90     0.176    0.012    0.188
T50     0.060    0.024    0.084
Peak    1.000   -0.364    0.636


Pre-slew 15-350 keV image (Event data; bkg subtracted)

#   RAcent  DECcent POSerr  Theta    Phi     Peak Cts     SNR  Name
  172.2217 +17.0634 0.0040   10.7  152.0       0.8613    49.0  TRIG_00557310       
Foreground time interval of the image:
  0.008   0.260 (delta_t =   0.252 [sec])
Background time interval of the image:
-60.768 -58.367 (delta_t =   2.401 [sec])
-56.768   0.008 (delta_t =  56.776 [sec])



1 s binning

From T0-310 s to T0+310 s
From T100_start - 20 s to T100_end + 30 s
Full time interval

64 ms binning

Full time interval
From T100_start to T100_end
From T0-5 sec to T0+5 sec

16 ms binning

From T100_start-5 s to T100_start+5 s

8 ms binning

From T100_start-3 s to T100_start+3 s

2 ms binning

From T100_start-1 s to T100_start+1 s

SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (whichever binning is satisfied first)

SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (T < 200 sec)



Time averaged spectrum fit using the pre-slew DRM

Power-law model
Time interval is from    0.008 sec. to    0.260 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: 0.823114     ( -0.0657613   0.0652849 )
Norm@50keV  : 0.214808    ( -0.00780976   0.00779955 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          59.21 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.039 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   3.950086e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 0.252 sec: 24.6710 ( -0.891206  0.89125 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 6.26515e-07 ( -2.63486e-08  2.6434e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from    0.008 sec. to    0.260 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: 0.757530     ( -0.250242   0.0928899 )
Epeak [keV] : 999.784      ( -999.958 -999.958 )
Norm@50keV  : 0.231330    ( -0.0337468   0.06435 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          59.02 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.054 for     56 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   3.657411e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 0.252 sec: 24.6115 ( -0.9168  0.9148 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 6.24564e-07 ( 0  0 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Time interval is from    0.008 sec. to    0.260 sec.
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
alpha       : -0.949659   ( 0.949659   0.949659 )
beta        : -0.823114    ( -0.0652813   0.0657692 )
Epeak [keV] : 13.8045      ( -13.8047 -13.8047 )
Norm@50keV   : 0.312150    ( -0.105115   0 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          59.21 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.076 for     55 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   3.247514e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 0.252 sec:  (    ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 0 ( 0  0 ) ergs/cm2
Single BB
Spectral model blackbody:
Parameters  : value    Lower 90%  Upper 90%
kT [keV]    : 23.4784  (  )
R^2/D10^2   : 0.745141  (   )
(R is the radius in km and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =         183.11 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         3.2125 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   3.785407e-15
Energy  Fluence     90% Error
[keV]   [erg/cm2]   [erg/cm2]
15- 25  1.857e-08   1.425e-09
25- 50  1.019e-07   5.544e-09
50-150  4.192e-07   2.545e-08
15-150  5.397e-07   2.570e-08
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Spectral model: thermal bremsstrahlung
Parameters  : value         Lower 90%    Upper 90%
kT [keV]    : 199.363       (      )
Norm        : 91.6048       (     )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =         360.52 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         6.3249 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   1.159019e-45
Energy  Fluence     90% Error
[keV]   [erg/cm2]   [erg/cm2]
15- 25  5.748e-08   2.331e-09
25- 50  1.106e-07   4.448e-09
50-150  2.425e-07   9.500e-09
15-150  4.106e-07   1.714e-08
Double BB
Spectral model: bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2>
Parameters  : value         Lower 90%    Upper 90%
kT1 [keV]   : 10.5581        (-1.5343      1.70444)
R1^2/D10^2  : 4.83556        (-1.46175      2.35412)
kT2 [keV]   : 51.8241        (-11.0166      23.7288)
R2^2/D10^2  : 6.60279E-02    (-0.0369005   0.0556703)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          51.36 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         0.9338 for     55 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   6.144994e-01
Energy  Fluence     90% Error
[keV]   [erg/cm2]   [erg/cm2]
15- 25  3.286e-08   5.509e-09
25- 50  1.099e-07   1.390e-08
50-150  4.830e-07   1.542e-07
15-150  6.258e-07   1.292e-07

Peak spectrum fit

Power-law model
Time interval is from   -0.364 sec. to    0.636 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: 0.853907     ( -0.0726457   0.0719785 )
Norm@50keV  : 5.54457E-02    ( -0.00219365   0.00218887 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          58.17 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.021 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   4.318662e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec: 6.36443 ( -0.250501  0.250528 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 6.33711e-07 ( -2.83832e-08  2.85257e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from   -0.364 sec. to    0.636 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: 0.847262     ( -0.197589   0.105218 )
Epeak [keV] : 9998.08      (   )
Norm@50keV  : 5.58261E-02    ( -0.00217501   0.0156346 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          58.18 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.039 for     56 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   3.948906e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec: 6.36310 ( -0.25093  0.25 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 6.33191e-07 ( -2.7022e-08  2.9049e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Time interval is from   -0.364 sec. to    0.636 sec.
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
alpha       : 5.00000   ( -5   -5 )
beta        : -0.856572    ( -0.0723165   0.0730742 )
Epeak [keV] : 29.8375      ( -29.8375 2.54447 )
Norm@50keV   : 1149.81    ( -44.7208   5.62992e+06 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          56.52 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.028 for     55 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   4.178986e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec:  (    ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 0 ( 0  0 ) ergs/cm2
Single BB
Spectral model blackbody:
Parameters  : value    Lower 90%  Upper 90%
kT [keV]    : 23.6147  (  )
R^2/D10^2   : 0.186429  (   )
(R is the radius in km and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =         174.48 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         3.0611 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   7.657684e-14
Energy  Fluence     90% Error
[keV]   [erg/cm2]   [erg/cm2]
15- 25  1.860e-08   1.545e-09
25- 50  1.024e-07   5.880e-09
50-150  4.259e-07   2.795e-08
15-150  5.469e-07   2.710e-08
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Spectral model: thermal bremsstrahlung
Parameters  : value         Lower 90%    Upper 90%
kT [keV]    : 199.363       (      )
Norm        : 24.3762       (     )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =         295.21 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         5.1791 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   7.534528e-34
Energy  Fluence     90% Error
[keV]   [erg/cm2]   [erg/cm2]
15- 25  6.070e-08   2.580e-09
25- 50  1.168e-07   5.400e-09
50-150  2.561e-07   1.145e-08
15-150  4.335e-07   2.270e-08
Double BB
Spectral model: bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2>
Parameters  : value         Lower 90%    Upper 90%
kT1 [keV]   : 10.4272        (-1.49655      1.66393)
R1^2/D10^2  : 1.35372        (-0.438076      0.721844)
kT2 [keV]   : 53.7625        (-11.7713      26.2599)
R2^2/D10^2  : 1.56002E-02    (-0.00928977   0.0144237)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          51.51 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         0.9365 for     55 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   6.087770e-01
Energy  Fluence     90% Error
[keV]   [erg/cm2]   [erg/cm2]
15- 25  3.501e-08   6.085e-09
25- 50  1.141e-07   1.477e-08
50-150  4.937e-07   1.546e-07
15-150  6.429e-07   1.624e-07
Plot creation:
Tue Jun  4 11:57:24 EDT 2013