batgrbproduct analysis for trigger=1186295
batgrbproduct Analysis for Trigger=1186295
Analysis Summary
- 1) No attempt has been made to eliminate the non-significant decimal places.
- 2) This batgrbproduct analysis is done of the amount of data for this trigger downloaded to date.
- 3) This batgrbproduct analysis is using the flight position for the mask-weighting calculation.
- 4) This page will be updated for up to 15 downlinks after the trigger.
Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.48
Process Start Time (local time): Mon Aug 21 20:27:57 EDT 2023
Host Name: batproc1
Current Working Dir: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/trigger1186295/GCN5_download_cron
Trigger: 01186295 Segment: 000
BAT Trigger Time: 714253040 [s; MET]
Trigger Stop: 714253104 [s; MET]
UTC: 2023-08-20T19:36:48.138320 [includes UTCF correction]
Where From?: TDRSS position message
RA: 245.263198737866 Dec: -17.4181337007019 [deg; J2000]
Catalogged Source?: NO
Point Source?: YES
GRB Indicated?: YES [ by BAT flight software ]
Image S/N Ratio: 7.56
Image Trigger?: YES
Rate S/N Ratio: 0 [ if not an image trigger ]
Image S/N Ratio: 7.56
Flight Position: [ source = BAT ]
RA: 245.263198737866 Dec: -17.4181337007019 [deg; J2000]
Partial Coding Fraction: [ including projection effects ]
Angular difference between Flight and Ground position is 0.000000 arcmin
Partial Coding Fraction: [ including projection effects ]
T90: 64 +/- 832.615157200492
Measured from: 0
to: 64 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
T50: 64 +/- 16
Measured from: 0
to: 64 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
WARNING: battblocks failed. Used TDRSS fore/background intervals
Peak Flux (peak 64 second)
Measured from: 0
to: 64 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
Total Fluence
Measured from: 0
to: 64 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 keV
Total WARNING: could not be found
Peak WARNING: could not be found
[ fluence units of on-axis counts / fully illuminated detector ]
=== Fluence/Peak Flux Summary ===
Model Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Total
15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 15-150 15-350 keV
Fluence Power-law -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- erg/cm2
Error -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- erg/cm2
Peak flux Power-law -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ph/cm2/s
Error -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ph/cm2/s
Fluence Cutoff-PL -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- erg/cm2
Error -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- erg/cm2
Peak flux Cutoff-PL -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ph/cm2/s
Error -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ph/cm2/s
Fluence Band -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- erg/cm2
Error -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- erg/cm2
Peak flux Band -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ph/cm2/s
Error -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ph/cm2/s
=== Time-averaged spectral analysis ===
Model Ph_index Ph_90err Epeak Epeak_90err Norm Nomr_90err chi2 dof
PL 0.000 0.000 - - 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.000 0
CPL 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.000 0
=== 1-s peak spectral analysis ===
Model Ph_index Ph_90err Epeak Epeak_90err Norm Nomr_90err chi2 dof
PL 0.000 0.000 - - 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.000 0
CPL 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.000 0
Model : spectral model: simple power-law (PL) and cutoff power-law (CPL)
Ph_index : photon index: E^-{Ph_index} (minus sign is not included in the index)
Ph_90err : 90% error of the photon index
Epeak : Epeak in keV
Epeak_90err: 90% error of Epeak
Norm : normalization at 50 keV in PL model and at 1 keV in CPL model
Nomr_90err : 90% error of the normalization
chi2 : Chi-Squared
dof : degree of freedom
=== T90/T50 calculation in the 50-300 keV band (BATSE band) using 64 ms lc ===
T90 in the 50-300 keV band: 0.000000 sec.
T50 in the 50-300 keV band: 0.000000 sec.
=== Table of the duration information ==
Value tstart tstop
T100 64.000 0.000 64.000
T90 64.000 0.000 64.000
T50 64.000 0.000 64.000
Peak 64.000 0.000 64.000
Pre-slew 15-350 keV image (Event data; bkg subtracted)
Foreground time interval of the image:
Background time interval of the image:
- 1) All plots contain as much data as has been downloaded to date.
- 2) The mask-weighted light curves are using the flight position.
- 3) Multiple plots of different time binning/intervals are shown to cover all scenarios of short/long GRBs, rate/image triggers, and real/false positives.
- 4) For all the mask-weighted lightcurves, the y-axis units are counts/sec/det where a det is 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16 sq cm.
- 5) The verticle lines correspond to following: green dotted lines are T50 interval, black dotted lines are T90 interval, blue solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew start time, and orange solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew end time.
- 6) Time of each bin is in the middle of the bin.
1 s binning
From T0-310 s to T0+310 s
From T100_start - 20 s to T100_end + 30 s
Full time interval
64 ms binning
Full time interval
From T100_start to T100_end
From T0-5 sec to T0+5 sec
16 ms binning
From T100_start-5 s to T100_start+5 s
8 ms binning
From T100_start-3 s to T100_start+3 s
2 ms binning
From T100_start-1 s to T100_start+1 s
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (whichever binning is satisfied first)
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (T < 200 sec)
- 1) The fitting includes the systematic errors.
- 2) For long bursts, a spectral fit of the pre-slew DRM will introduce some errors in both a spectral shape and a normalization if the PHA file contains a lot of the slew/post-slew time interval.
- 3) For fits to more complicated models (e.g. a power-law over a cutoff power-law), the BAT team has decided to require a chi-square improvement of more than 6 for each extra dof.
- 4) For short bursts (T90<1sec), the specrtum is also fit with Blackbody, OTTB, and Double Blackbody.
Time averaged spectrum fit using the pre-slew DRM
Power-law model
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum
tstart tstop
Cutoff power-law model
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum
tstart tstop
Band function
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum
tstart tstop
Single BB
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Double BB
Peak spectrum fit
Power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 0.000 sec.
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 0.000 sec.
Band function
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 0.000 sec.
Single BB
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Double BB
Plot creation:
Mon Aug 21 20:28:23 EDT 2023