////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/AMON NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Sat 19 Oct 24 23:44:38 UT NOTICE_TYPE: ICECUBE Cascade EVENT_NAME: IceCubeCascade-241019a STREAM: 26 RUN_NUM: 139992 EVENT_NUM: 18206409 SRC_RA: 173.1245d {+11h 32m 30s} (J2000), 173.4400d {+11h 33m 46s} (current), 172.4887d {+11h 29m 57s} (1950) SRC_DEC: -7.9153d {-07d 54' 54"} (J2000), -8.0524d {-08d 03' 08"} (current), -7.6391d {-07d 38' 20"} (1950) SRC_ERROR: 13.07 [deg radius, stat+systematic, 90% containment] SRC_ERROR50: 7.17 [deg radius, stat+systematic, 50% containment] DISCOVERY_DATE: 20602 TJD; 293 DOY; 24/10/19 (yy/mm/dd) DISCOVERY_TIME: 84539 SOD {23:28:59.84} UT REVISION: 0 ENERGY: 53.31 [TeV] SIGNALNESS: 8.3946e-01 [dn] FAR: 0.7193 [yr^-1] SUN_POSTN: 205.13d {+13h 40m 32s} -10.43d {-10d 25' 53"} SUN_DIST: 31.36 [deg] Sun_angle= 2.1 [hr] (West of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 58.99d {+03h 55m 57s} +24.73d {+24d 43' 59"} MOON_DIST: 115.52 [deg] GAL_COORDS: 271.52, 50.08 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the event ECL_COORDS: 176.86, -9.99 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the event SKYMAP_FITS_URL: https://roc.icecube.wisc.edu/public/hese_cascades/hese_60602_run00139992.evt000018206409.fits SKYMAP_PNG_URL: https://roc.icecube.wisc.edu/public/hese_cascades/hese_60602_run00139992.evt000018206409.png COMMENTS: IceCube Cascade event. COMMENTS: The position error is the combined statistical and the systematic.