////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/AMON NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Wed 16 Oct 24 01:00:08 UT NOTICE_TYPE: ICECUBE Astrotrack Gold STREAM: 24 RUN_NUM: 139977 EVENT_NUM: 2910365 SRC_RA: 112.3290d {+07h 29m 19s} (J2000), 112.5620d {+07h 30m 15s} (current), 111.8591d {+07h 27m 26s} (1950) SRC_DEC: -33.5285d {-33d 31' 42"} (J2000), -33.5812d {-33d 34' 51"} (current), -33.4238d {-33d 25' 25"} (1950) SRC_ERROR: 52.23 [arcmin radius, stat-only, 90% containment] SRC_ERROR50: 18.59 [arcmin radius, stat-only, 50% containment] DISCOVERY_DATE: 20599 TJD; 290 DOY; 24/10/16 (yy/mm/dd) DISCOVERY_TIME: 3511 SOD {00:58:31.75} UT REVISION: 0 ENERGY: 2.4033e+03 [TeV] SIGNALNESS: 6.7112e-01 [dn] FAR: 0.3596 [yr^-1] SUN_POSTN: 201.43d {+13h 25m 44s} -9.00d {-09d 00' 00"} SUN_DIST: 84.10 [deg] Sun_angle= 5.9 [hr] (West of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 2.61d {+00h 10m 26s} +0.83d {+00d 50' 05"} MOON_DIST: 107.00 [deg] GAL_COORDS: 246.91, -7.46 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the event ECL_COORDS: 123.00,-54.44 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the event COMMENTS: IceCube Gold event. COMMENTS: The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/AMON NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Wed 16 Oct 24 01:41:18 UT NOTICE_TYPE: ICECUBE Astrotrack Gold STREAM: 24 RUN_NUM: 139977 EVENT_NUM: 2910365 SRC_RA: 112.3290d {+07h 29m 19s} (J2000), 112.5620d {+07h 30m 15s} (current), 111.8591d {+07h 27m 26s} (1950) SRC_DEC: -33.5285d {-33d 31' 42"} (J2000), -33.5812d {-33d 34' 51"} (current), -33.4238d {-33d 25' 25"} (1950) SRC_ERROR: 52.23 [arcmin radius, stat-only, 90% containment] SRC_ERROR50: 18.59 [arcmin radius, stat-only, 50% containment] DISCOVERY_DATE: 20599 TJD; 290 DOY; 24/10/16 (yy/mm/dd) DISCOVERY_TIME: 3511 SOD {00:58:31.75} UT REVISION: 1 ENERGY: 0.0000e+00 [TeV] SIGNALNESS: 0.0000e+00 [dn] FAR: 1000.0000 [yr^-1] SUN_POSTN: 201.46d {+13h 25m 50s} -9.01d {-09d 00' 37"} SUN_DIST: 84.12 [deg] Sun_angle= 5.9 [hr] (West of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 2.99d {+00h 11m 57s} +1.04d {+01d 02' 27"} MOON_DIST: 106.80 [deg] GAL_COORDS: 246.91, -7.46 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the event ECL_COORDS: 123.00,-54.44 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the event COMMENTS: IceCube Gold event. COMMENTS: The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.