LVC Event Information

O1 and O2 era:
This page contains the Notices ONLY for the "G" and "GW" events that LVC has released to the public.
These G/GW events occurred during the O1 and O2 science operations intervals which was a private-phase mode of operation
(i.e. Notices were sent to only those sites that had an MOU with the LVC).
As the LVC publishes on each GW event, the Notices for that event are moved from the private portion of the GCN to the public portion.
(Please note that for the next science operation (O3, starting in early 2019), the Notices (& Circulars) are immediately public and distributed without the need of an MOU.)

Post O2 Further Release to Public:
Two of the four GW events mentioned in the Dec 01, 2018 press release have been moved to this public page: G296853(=GW170809) and G298936(=GW170823).

O3 era:
During ER14 and O3, the events released to the public will be prefixed with and "S" (for "Super events").

This page changes after each Notice, so hit your   <reload>   button NOW.

This table contains information about LVC Triggers and the potential Counterparts found in follow-up observations.
The most recent Notice is listed first (reverse time order).

The 4 left-most columns (EVENT) are the EventNumber and the date/time of the event.
These columns contain:
      the EventNumbers (assigned by LVC) (which is a link to all the original full-format email GCN/LVC Notices on that trigger, & a 2nd link to the VOEvent XML format),
      the Date (yy/mm/dd), and
      the Time ( of the start of the event or the follow-up observation,
      the Sequence Number is a serieal number indicating the sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) of Notices distributed for that EventNumber.

The next 14 columns (OBSERVATION) come from the results of the various observations and analyses by the LVC (or the Counterpart).
These columns contain:
      the NoticeType is Preliminary, Initial, Update, or Retracted; Tests are not listed,
      the FAR (False Alarm Rate) specifies how often a trigger of this intensity would happen from just noise fluctuations,
      then for the CBC Triggers, the values of ChirpMass, Eta (mass ratio), and Max detectable Distance are given,
      then for the Burst Triggers, the values of Fluence, Central Frequency, and Duration are given,
      then for the Counterparts, the link to the Counterpart Notices are given,
      then the URLs for the LPM (Location Probability Map) and the EVENT webpages are given (access requires login),
      then the Comments from the full-format email respective Notices.
The RA,Dec locations are in J2000 epoch. If a column's information is not available or is not applicable, then that entry is listed as "n/a" or left blank.
There are more fields of information than are shown in this Table;
please refer to the full notices in the links in the EventNum column.

For more information on the LVC operation: LVC.

Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to Scott Barthelmy.

    CBC Burst Cpart URLs  
EventNum Date Time UT S E Q # Notice Type Group Type Search Type Pipeline Type FAR NS REMN BNS NSBH BBH Mass Gap Terres Fluence Central Freq Duration   SKYMAP Event Comments
S250329cg XML 2025/03/29 07:26:48.823709 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.024e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329bu XML 2025/03/29 06:51:43.774900 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.288e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329bu XML 2025/03/29 06:51:43.774900 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.288e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329bb XML 2025/03/29 05:14:27.004953 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.797e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329bb XML 2025/03/29 05:14:27.004953 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.797e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329ah XML 2025/03/29 01:24:24.487304 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.165e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329ah XML 2025/03/29 01:24:24.487304 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.165e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329af XML 2025/03/29 01:18:59.769897 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.230e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329af XML 2025/03/29 01:18:59.774062 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.204e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329g XML 2025/03/29 00:17:50.387695 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.014e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250329g XML 2025/03/29 00:17:50.384276 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.014e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328de XML 2025/03/28 23:44:05.217773 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.745e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328dc XML 2025/03/28 23:43:08.873492 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.216e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.25 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328de XML 2025/03/28 23:44:05.217773 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.745e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328dc XML 2025/03/28 23:43:08.873492 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.216e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.25 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328cw XML 2025/03/28 23:19:09.110264 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.448e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328cw XML 2025/03/28 23:19:09.110264 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.448e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ct XML 2025/03/28 23:07:00.601369 2 Pre 2 1 7 9.667e-06                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ct XML 2025/03/28 23:07:00.601369 1 Pre 2 1 7 9.667e-06                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328cg XML 2025/03/28 22:04:20.962402 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.533e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.06 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328cg XML 2025/03/28 22:04:20.962402 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.533e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.06 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ay XML 2025/03/28 16:02:21.525600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.553e-06                 832.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ay XML 2025/03/28 16:02:21.525600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.553e-06                 832.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ax XML 2025/03/28 15:56:04.886802 2 Pre 2 1 7 4.962e-06                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ax XML 2025/03/28 15:56:04.886802 1 Pre 2 1 7 4.962e-06                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ae XML 2025/03/28 05:40:27.419433 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328am XML 2025/03/28 06:32:22.594360 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.229e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328am XML 2025/03/28 06:32:22.596374 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.572e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ae XML 2025/03/28 05:40:27.419433 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328aj XML 2025/03/28 05:57:32.690564 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.334e-06                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328aj XML 2025/03/28 05:57:32.690564 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.334e-06                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ae XML 2025/03/28 05:40:27.419433 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.85 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328ae XML 2025/03/28 05:40:27.378655 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.516e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.11 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328t XML 2025/03/28 04:14:26.633666 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.125e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328t XML 2025/03/28 04:14:26.656586 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.125e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328g XML 2025/03/28 01:05:59.727800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.493e-05                 667.52 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250328g XML 2025/03/28 01:05:59.727800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.493e-05                 667.52 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327au XML 2025/03/27 06:52:44.609569 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.555e-06 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327au XML 2025/03/27 06:52:44.609569 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.555e-06 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327an XML 2025/03/27 06:25:24.463378 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.552e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327an XML 2025/03/27 06:25:24.463378 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.552e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327ak XML 2025/03/27 05:55:06.050799 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.706e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327ak XML 2025/03/27 05:55:06.050799 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.706e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327af XML 2025/03/27 05:05:35.482559 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.802e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327af XML 2025/03/27 05:05:35.482559 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.802e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327aa XML 2025/03/27 04:16:03.000000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.998e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327aa XML 2025/03/27 04:16:03.000000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.998e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327u XML 2025/03/27 01:53:31.208496 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.215e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.01 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327p XML 2025/03/27 01:46:47.609400 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.027e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327u XML 2025/03/27 01:53:31.239447 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.609e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.14 0.16         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327p XML 2025/03/27 01:46:47.609400 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.027e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327d XML 2025/03/27 00:07:20.269300 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.960e-05                 707.11 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327c XML 2025/03/27 00:07:10.543983 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.386e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327d XML 2025/03/27 00:07:20.269300 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.960e-05                 707.11 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250327c XML 2025/03/27 00:07:10.543983 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.386e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326ed XML 2025/03/26 23:43:58.916992 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.936e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326ed XML 2025/03/26 23:43:58.930832 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.475e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326de XML 2025/03/26 21:27:08.645554 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.914e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326dc XML 2025/03/26 21:24:37.273400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.035e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326de XML 2025/03/26 21:27:08.645554 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.914e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326dc XML 2025/03/26 21:24:37.273400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.035e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326cp XML 2025/03/26 19:30:27.172972 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.063e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326cp XML 2025/03/26 19:30:27.172972 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.063e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bw XML 2025/03/26 14:41:38.375000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.835e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bw XML 2025/03/26 14:41:38.375000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.835e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326y XML 2025/03/26 01:54:06.153319 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.565e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bn XML 2025/03/26 12:13:14.097699 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.955e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bn XML 2025/03/26 12:13:14.097699 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.955e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bm XML 2025/03/26 12:06:53.068086 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.290e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.56 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bm XML 2025/03/26 12:06:53.068086 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.290e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.56 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bf XML 2025/03/26 08:28:16.945299 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.673e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326bf XML 2025/03/26 08:28:16.945299 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.673e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326y XML 2025/03/26 01:54:06.153319 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.565e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326y XML 2025/03/26 01:54:06.153319 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.565e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326y XML 2025/03/26 01:54:06.159728 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.565e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326t XML 2025/03/26 00:46:15.449199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.303e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326s XML 2025/03/26 00:45:44.764102 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.637e-06                 0x10 0x289CE03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326t XML 2025/03/26 00:46:15.449199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.303e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326s XML 2025/03/26 00:45:44.764102 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.637e-06                 0x10 0x189CC03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326e XML 2025/03/26 00:12:03.330912 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.096e-05 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250326e XML 2025/03/26 00:12:03.330912 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.096e-05 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250324aq XML 2025/03/24 19:21:19.132000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.918e-06                 1671.11 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250324aq XML 2025/03/24 19:21:19.132000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.918e-06                 1671.11 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250324a XML 2025/03/24 00:30:10.625977 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.879e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250324a XML 2025/03/24 00:30:10.625977 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.879e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250323ay XML 2025/03/23 23:26:24.837582 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.575e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250323ay XML 2025/03/23 23:26:24.837582 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.575e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250323s XML 2025/03/23 16:56:54.312834 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.164e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250323s XML 2025/03/23 16:56:54.312834 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.164e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250323b XML 2025/03/23 01:51:10.748117 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.503e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.02 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250323b XML 2025/03/23 01:51:10.748117 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.503e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.02 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322fl XML 2025/03/22 22:46:12.722699 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.016e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322fl XML 2025/03/22 22:46:12.722699 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.016e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322dt XML 2025/03/22 18:37:06.664100 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.259e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322dt XML 2025/03/22 18:37:06.664100 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.259e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322cv XML 2025/03/22 14:41:27.932500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.805e-05                 175.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322cv XML 2025/03/22 14:41:27.932500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.805e-05                 175.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322ch XML 2025/03/22 13:18:29.858646 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.957e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322ch XML 2025/03/22 13:18:29.858646 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.957e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322by XML 2025/03/22 12:41:18.226199 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.458e-06                 1683.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322by XML 2025/03/22 12:41:18.226199 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.458e-06                 1683.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322bs XML 2025/03/22 12:13:55.835675 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.031e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322bs XML 2025/03/22 12:13:55.835675 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.031e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322bn XML 2025/03/22 11:38:55.880899 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.105e-06                 53.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322bn XML 2025/03/22 11:38:55.880899 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.105e-06                 53.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322as XML 2025/03/22 09:34:07.974121 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.967e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322as XML 2025/03/22 09:34:07.982389 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.967e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322i XML 2025/03/22 01:09:22.803602 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.189e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322i XML 2025/03/22 01:09:22.803602 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.189e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322e XML 2025/03/22 00:40:50.480235 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.241e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250322e XML 2025/03/22 00:40:50.480235 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.241e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321bj XML 2025/03/21 07:17:10.104499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.404e-05                 1404.16 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321bj XML 2025/03/21 07:17:10.104499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.404e-05                 1404.16 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321ae XML 2025/03/21 04:49:24.874023 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.017e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321ae XML 2025/03/21 04:49:24.874023 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.017e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321x XML 2025/03/21 04:04:06.687744 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.185e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321x XML 2025/03/21 04:04:06.691456 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.185e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321l XML 2025/03/21 02:43:26.560721 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.728e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.03 0.28         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250321l XML 2025/03/21 02:43:26.560721 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.728e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.03 0.28         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250320m XML 2025/03/20 02:18:17.932494 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.252e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250320m XML 2025/03/20 02:18:17.943902 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.252e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.21 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319gh XML 2025/03/19 18:59:31.240967 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.935e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319gf XML 2025/03/19 18:55:21.305664 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.114e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319gh XML 2025/03/19 18:59:31.240967 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.935e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319gf XML 2025/03/19 18:55:21.296872 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.114e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319fs XML 2025/03/19 17:55:53.972555 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.660e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319fq XML 2025/03/19 17:52:22.042653 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.637e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319fs XML 2025/03/19 17:55:53.976838 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.535e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319fq XML 2025/03/19 17:52:22.042172 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.874e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319eu XML 2025/03/19 14:29:36.936140 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.017e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.09 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319eu XML 2025/03/19 14:29:36.935059 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.254e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.07 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319bu XML 2025/03/19 06:25:36.478847 5 Upd 1 1 4 4.686e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319ee XML 2025/03/19 12:58:14.897460 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.451e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.46         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319ee XML 2025/03/19 12:58:14.899273 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.451e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.46         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319eb XML 2025/03/19 12:35:10.843750 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.454e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319eb XML 2025/03/19 12:35:10.843750 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.454e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319dr XML 2025/03/19 11:57:37.210293 2 Pre 2 1 7 6.346e-06                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319dr XML 2025/03/19 11:57:37.210293 1 Pre 2 1 7 6.346e-06                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319dd XML 2025/03/19 11:02:58.746214 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.616e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319dd XML 2025/03/19 11:02:58.746214 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.616e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319bu XML 2025/03/19 06:25:36.478847 4 Ini 1 1 4 4.686e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319bu XML 2025/03/19 06:25:36.478847 3 Pre 1 1 4 4.686e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319bu XML 2025/03/19 06:25:36.476165 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.059e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250319bu XML 2025/03/19 06:25:36.476165 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.059e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.02 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318cz XML 2025/03/18 12:50:10.444945 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.231e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.01 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318cz XML 2025/03/18 12:50:10.445548 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.420e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.04 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318cf XML 2025/03/18 08:56:39.384742 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.351e-05 1.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318cf XML 2025/03/18 08:56:39.384742 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.351e-05 1.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318bl XML 2025/03/18 06:54:49.304178 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.406e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.63 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318bl XML 2025/03/18 06:54:49.304178 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.406e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.63 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318p XML 2025/03/18 01:27:46.639282 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.008e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318n XML 2025/03/18 01:23:25.287354 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.984e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318p XML 2025/03/18 01:27:46.640841 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.008e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.00 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250318n XML 2025/03/18 01:23:25.288475 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.984e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250317av XML 2025/03/17 05:58:33.739238 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.871e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.22 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250317av XML 2025/03/17 05:58:33.739238 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.871e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.22 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250317ai XML 2025/03/17 04:11:05.745988 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.798e-06                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250317ai XML 2025/03/17 04:11:05.745988 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.798e-06                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250316dh XML 2025/03/16 15:07:10.376113 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.185e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250316dh XML 2025/03/16 15:07:10.376113 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.185e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250316ct XML 2025/03/16 14:18:43.116025 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.169e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250316ct XML 2025/03/16 14:18:43.116025 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.169e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250316bl XML 2025/03/16 08:37:31.698242 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.951e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.11 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250316bl XML 2025/03/16 08:37:30.829565 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.951e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.09 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250315do XML 2025/03/15 13:10:07.270374 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.780e-06 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250315do XML 2025/03/15 13:10:07.270374 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.780e-06 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250315ab XML 2025/03/15 01:58:05.372753 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.202e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.04 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250315ab XML 2025/03/15 01:58:05.371288 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.719e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.04 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314ex XML 2025/03/14 23:56:48.317790 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.681e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314ex XML 2025/03/14 23:56:48.317790 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.681e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314ds XML 2025/03/14 10:37:46.392578 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.262e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.27 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314ds XML 2025/03/14 10:37:46.392578 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.262e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.27 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314da XML 2025/03/14 09:09:58.519500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.381e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314da XML 2025/03/14 09:09:58.519500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.381e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314ah XML 2025/03/14 02:11:09.564940 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.932e-06 1.00 0.72 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314ah XML 2025/03/14 02:11:09.564940 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.932e-06 1.00 0.72 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314m XML 2025/03/14 00:44:49.485928 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.723e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314m XML 2025/03/14 00:44:49.485928 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.723e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314l XML 2025/03/14 00:37:44.117199 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.128e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250314l XML 2025/03/14 00:37:44.117199 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.128e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313hs XML 2025/03/13 23:35:37.084595 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.639e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313hs XML 2025/03/13 23:35:37.090018 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.639e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313ga XML 2025/03/13 15:11:07.141112 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.283e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313ga XML 2025/03/13 15:11:07.141112 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.283e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313eq XML 2025/03/13 14:03:44.857177 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.136e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313eq XML 2025/03/13 14:03:44.858597 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.136e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313dv XML 2025/03/13 13:06:01.639669 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.522e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313dv XML 2025/03/13 13:06:01.639669 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.522e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313dd XML 2025/03/13 07:08:47.640599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.084e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313dd XML 2025/03/13 07:08:47.640599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.084e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313cb XML 2025/03/13 05:12:52.303345 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.105e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313cb XML 2025/03/13 05:12:52.303144 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.105e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313bw XML 2025/03/13 04:53:08.899167 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.844e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313bw XML 2025/03/13 04:53:08.899167 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.844e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313ba XML 2025/03/13 03:48:50.503900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.264e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313ba XML 2025/03/13 03:48:50.503900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.264e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313at XML 2025/03/13 03:01:37.869649 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.264e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313at XML 2025/03/13 03:01:37.869649 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.264e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313aj XML 2025/03/13 02:26:23.880005 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.601e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.14         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313aj XML 2025/03/13 02:26:23.881028 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.601e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.14         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313aa XML 2025/03/13 01:41:03.504100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.381e-05                 921.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313aa XML 2025/03/13 01:41:03.504100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.381e-05                 921.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313j XML 2025/03/13 00:35:32.882590 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.823e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.03 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250313j XML 2025/03/13 00:35:32.881901 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.071e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.03 0.23         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312kp XML 2025/03/12 23:27:29.145996 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.523e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312kp XML 2025/03/12 23:27:29.168728 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.523e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312jj XML 2025/03/12 22:14:19.046900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.283e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312jj XML 2025/03/12 22:14:19.046900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.283e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312iz XML 2025/03/12 21:29:01.781199 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.782e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312iz XML 2025/03/12 21:29:01.781199 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.782e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312hz XML 2025/03/12 20:36:19.870605 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.702e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312hz XML 2025/03/12 20:36:19.870605 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.702e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312gd XML 2025/03/12 18:59:52.592500 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.698e-06                 202.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312gd XML 2025/03/12 18:59:52.592500 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.698e-06                 202.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312er XML 2025/03/12 17:24:43.112549 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.341e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312er XML 2025/03/12 17:24:43.127645 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.341e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312df XML 2025/03/12 15:13:22.408812 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.975e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312df XML 2025/03/12 15:13:22.410423 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.975e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312cl XML 2025/03/12 14:26:46.728887 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.869e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250312cl XML 2025/03/12 14:26:46.728887 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.869e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311dk XML 2025/03/11 23:53:15.974081 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.912e-05 1.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311dk XML 2025/03/11 23:53:15.974081 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.912e-05 1.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311da XML 2025/03/11 22:39:13.132462 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.232e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311da XML 2025/03/11 22:39:13.132462 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.232e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311cc XML 2025/03/11 12:11:28.152300 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.018e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311cc XML 2025/03/11 12:11:28.152300 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.018e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bz XML 2025/03/11 11:43:20.634703 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.215e-05 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bz XML 2025/03/11 11:43:20.634703 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.215e-05 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bp XML 2025/03/11 08:00:07.415526 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.848e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.23 0.24 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bp XML 2025/03/11 08:00:07.415039 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.848e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.24 0.22 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bn XML 2025/03/11 07:52:51.464843 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bn XML 2025/03/11 07:52:51.472881 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bk XML 2025/03/11 07:41:34.139020 2 Pre 2 1 7 7.870e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bk XML 2025/03/11 07:41:34.139020 1 Pre 2 1 7 7.870e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bb XML 2025/03/11 06:31:11.134349 2 Pre 2 1 7 6.969e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250311bb XML 2025/03/11 06:31:11.134349 1 Pre 2 1 7 6.969e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310ec XML 2025/03/10 23:44:42.125000 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.451e-06                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310eb XML 2025/03/10 23:43:28.334838 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.264e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310ec XML 2025/03/10 23:44:42.125000 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.451e-06                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310eb XML 2025/03/10 23:43:28.669983 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.264e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310bl XML 2025/03/10 10:09:49.086914 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.041e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.26 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310bl XML 2025/03/10 10:09:49.086914 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.041e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.26 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310h XML 2025/03/10 00:45:27.224486 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.408e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250310h XML 2025/03/10 00:45:27.227796 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.296e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309db XML 2025/03/09 20:36:57.752009 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.137e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309db XML 2025/03/09 20:36:57.752009 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.137e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309co XML 2025/03/09 14:23:53.915526 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.798e-07 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.33         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309co XML 2025/03/09 14:23:53.230449 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.882e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309cn XML 2025/03/09 14:18:05.992431 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.431e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309cn XML 2025/03/09 14:18:05.996611 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.116e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.01 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309bo XML 2025/03/09 06:56:37.708739 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.101e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309bo XML 2025/03/09 06:56:37.708897 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.342e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.12 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309bd XML 2025/03/09 06:35:06.793944 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.786e-06 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309bd XML 2025/03/09 06:35:06.793944 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.786e-06 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309c XML 2025/03/09 00:23:04.182616 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.469e-06 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250309c XML 2025/03/09 00:23:04.182616 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.469e-06 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308ki XML 2025/03/08 23:53:36.544921 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.537e-05 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308ki XML 2025/03/08 23:53:36.545898 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.537e-05 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308kg XML 2025/03/08 23:37:54.434399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.273e-05                 312.43 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308kg XML 2025/03/08 23:37:54.434399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.273e-05                 312.43 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308ja XML 2025/03/08 21:32:06.061059 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.153e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.06 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308ja XML 2025/03/08 21:32:06.061059 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.153e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.06 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308iq XML 2025/03/08 19:16:29.933105 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.337e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308iq XML 2025/03/08 19:16:29.933105 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.337e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308id XML 2025/03/08 18:41:36.398682 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.152e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308id XML 2025/03/08 18:41:36.398718 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.152e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308hz XML 2025/03/08 18:33:56.681683 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.534e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308hz XML 2025/03/08 18:33:56.681683 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.534e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308gy XML 2025/03/08 17:17:26.237670 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.184e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308gy XML 2025/03/08 17:17:26.249224 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.184e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308fi XML 2025/03/08 13:23:32.175800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.708e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308fi XML 2025/03/08 13:23:32.175800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.708e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308fe XML 2025/03/08 13:01:21.057617 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.039e-05 0.70 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308fe XML 2025/03/08 13:01:21.059570 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.039e-05 0.92 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308em XML 2025/03/08 11:45:02.417660 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.912e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308em XML 2025/03/08 11:45:02.417660 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.912e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308dw XML 2025/03/08 10:58:37.724420 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.198e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.29 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308dw XML 2025/03/08 10:58:37.724420 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.198e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.29 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308dn XML 2025/03/08 10:30:30.643207 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.149e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308dn XML 2025/03/08 10:30:30.643207 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.149e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308cb XML 2025/03/08 06:36:12.628446 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.090e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308cb XML 2025/03/08 06:36:12.628446 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.090e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308bc XML 2025/03/08 05:19:33.420678 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.892e-07                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308bc XML 2025/03/08 05:19:33.420678 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.892e-07                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308t XML 2025/03/08 03:40:39.454818 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.676e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250308t XML 2025/03/08 03:40:39.454818 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.676e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307hy XML 2025/03/07 21:34:25.577435 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.528e-05                 0x10 0x289A203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307hy XML 2025/03/07 21:34:25.577435 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.528e-05                 0x10 0x189A003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307gc XML 2025/03/07 17:09:12.726542 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.435e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307gc XML 2025/03/07 17:09:12.726542 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.435e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307fm XML 2025/03/07 13:52:05.398399 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.059e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307fm XML 2025/03/07 13:52:05.398399 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.059e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307fh XML 2025/03/07 13:33:49.648437 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.723e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307fh XML 2025/03/07 13:33:49.648437 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.723e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307eu XML 2025/03/07 12:26:57.800089 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.494e-06 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307eu XML 2025/03/07 12:26:57.800089 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.494e-06 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307dc XML 2025/03/07 09:52:59.680176 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.808e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307dc XML 2025/03/07 09:52:59.673130 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.140e-07 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307bn XML 2025/03/07 05:30:57.409179 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.655e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307bn XML 2025/03/07 05:30:57.409179 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.655e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307ba XML 2025/03/07 04:58:21.717407 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.888e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307ba XML 2025/03/07 04:58:21.711826 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.888e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307an XML 2025/03/07 04:10:52.302900 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.793e-06                 639.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307an XML 2025/03/07 04:10:52.302900 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.793e-06                 639.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307i XML 2025/03/07 00:22:53.792948 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.831e-05 1.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250307i XML 2025/03/07 00:22:53.792948 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.831e-05 1.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306fg XML 2025/03/06 22:10:44.508769 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.201e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306fg XML 2025/03/06 22:10:44.509151 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.885e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bg XML 2025/02/07 11:56:45.258423 5 Upd 1 1 4 4.919e-36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ev XML 2025/03/06 15:32:56.895995 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.835e-05 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ev XML 2025/03/06 15:32:56.896484 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.835e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306em XML 2025/03/06 15:05:49.737062 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.680e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ej XML 2025/03/06 15:00:44.771383 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S250306em XML 2025/03/06 15:05:49.737062 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.680e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ej XML 2025/03/06 15:00:44.771383 1 Ear 1 0 1 9.273e-08 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306cr XML 2025/03/06 11:49:57.187500 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.917e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306cr XML 2025/03/06 11:49:57.187500 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.917e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306cc XML 2025/03/06 10:36:19.363499 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.443e-06                 52.63 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306cc XML 2025/03/06 10:36:19.363499 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.443e-06                 52.63 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bo XML 2025/03/06 08:08:51.392477 2 Pre 2 1 7 5.474e-07                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bo XML 2025/03/06 08:08:51.392477 1 Pre 2 1 7 5.474e-07                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bl XML 2025/03/06 07:43:21.230778 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.886e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.65 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bl XML 2025/03/06 07:43:21.230778 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.886e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.65 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bi XML 2025/03/06 07:36:43.675049 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.199e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.05 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bi XML 2025/03/06 07:36:43.667968 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.738e-06 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.24 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bg XML 2025/03/06 07:12:48.583252 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.659e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306bg XML 2025/03/06 07:12:48.603198 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.659e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ax XML 2025/03/06 06:24:57.037109 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.733e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306aw XML 2025/03/06 06:20:15.460900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.851e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ax XML 2025/03/06 06:24:57.036620 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.733e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306aw XML 2025/03/06 06:20:15.460900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.851e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ao XML 2025/03/06 05:35:13.449199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.004e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ao XML 2025/03/06 05:35:13.449199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.004e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ab XML 2025/03/06 04:06:38.039099 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.100e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250306ab XML 2025/03/06 04:06:38.039099 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.100e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250305c XML 2025/03/05 04:44:53.300673 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.436e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250305c XML 2025/03/05 04:44:53.300673 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.436e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250305b XML 2025/03/05 04:00:56.575195 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.150e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250305b XML 2025/03/05 04:00:56.575195 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.150e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304dj XML 2025/03/04 14:44:50.129049 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.205e-05 1.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304dj XML 2025/03/04 14:44:50.129049 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.205e-05 1.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304df XML 2025/03/04 09:36:02.102883 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.156e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.05 0.27         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304df XML 2025/03/04 09:36:02.102883 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.156e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.05 0.27         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304dc XML 2025/03/04 09:21:02.410766 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.557e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304dc XML 2025/03/04 09:21:02.412482 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.840e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304ck XML 2025/03/04 07:11:02.601074 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.375e-06 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.86 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304ck XML 2025/03/04 07:11:02.601561 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.375e-06 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.80 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304cb XML 2025/03/04 06:22:45.567993 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.622e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.02 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304cb XML 2025/03/04 06:22:45.567993 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.622e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.02 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304cb XML 2025/03/04 06:22:45.563147 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.622e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.01 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304t XML 2025/03/04 01:47:47.125000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.328e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304t XML 2025/03/04 01:47:47.125000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.328e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304s XML 2025/03/04 01:41:31.695923 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.270e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304s XML 2025/03/04 01:41:31.698851 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.026e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304j XML 2025/03/04 01:02:54.925834 2 Pre 2 1 7 3.284e-06                 0x10 0x289AA03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304j XML 2025/03/04 01:02:54.925834 1 Pre 2 1 7 3.284e-06                 0x10 0x189A803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304d XML 2025/03/04 00:30:07.341569 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.056e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304d XML 2025/03/04 00:30:07.341569 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.056e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304c XML 2025/03/04 00:23:43.665160 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.322e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250304c XML 2025/03/04 00:23:43.666947 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.182e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303fn XML 2025/03/03 22:53:35.951171 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.736e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303fn XML 2025/03/03 22:53:35.951171 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.736e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303fj XML 2025/03/03 22:47:22.948364 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.043e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303fg XML 2025/03/03 22:43:51.589799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.961e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303fj XML 2025/03/03 22:47:22.952456 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.043e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303fg XML 2025/03/03 22:43:51.589799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.961e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ec XML 2025/03/03 19:49:31.419650 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.062e-05 1.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ec XML 2025/03/03 19:49:31.419650 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.062e-05 1.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303co XML 2025/03/03 10:57:14.644500 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.644e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303co XML 2025/03/03 10:57:14.644500 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.644e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303bm XML 2025/03/03 07:34:29.151399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.729e-06                 416.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303bm XML 2025/03/03 07:34:29.151399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.729e-06                 416.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303bf XML 2025/03/03 06:49:16.316928 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.115e-07 1.00 0.84 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.41 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303bf XML 2025/03/03 06:49:16.316928 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.115e-07 1.00 0.84 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.41 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303at XML 2025/03/03 05:39:33.078125 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.703e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303at XML 2025/03/03 05:39:33.078125 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.703e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ao XML 2025/03/03 05:13:04.812500 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.338e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ao XML 2025/03/03 05:13:04.819994 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.338e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303al XML 2025/03/03 05:04:32.056640 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.916e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303al XML 2025/03/03 05:04:32.056640 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.916e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ac XML 2025/03/03 03:59:27.390599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.196e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ac XML 2025/03/03 03:59:27.390599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.196e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ab XML 2025/03/03 03:53:22.841308 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.936e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303ab XML 2025/03/03 03:53:22.802734 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.936e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303n XML 2025/03/03 02:24:17.018259 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.711e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303n XML 2025/03/03 02:24:17.018259 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.711e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303j XML 2025/03/03 02:09:41.225136 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.658e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.13 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250303j XML 2025/03/03 02:09:41.225136 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.658e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.13 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302ei XML 2025/03/02 23:16:15.545643 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.268e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302eh XML 2025/03/02 23:15:25.899604 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.855e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302ei XML 2025/03/02 23:16:15.545643 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.268e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302eh XML 2025/03/02 23:15:25.899604 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.855e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302db XML 2025/03/02 20:23:41.688600 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.962e-06                 59.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302db XML 2025/03/02 20:23:41.769500 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.217e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302ch XML 2025/03/02 17:40:49.334701 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.005e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.55 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302ch XML 2025/03/02 17:40:49.334701 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.005e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.55 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302bw XML 2025/03/02 16:25:14.638567 2 Pre 2 1 7 7.026e-07                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302bw XML 2025/03/02 16:25:14.638567 1 Pre 2 1 7 7.026e-07                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302av XML 2025/03/02 14:05:35.155762 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.106e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302av XML 2025/03/02 14:05:35.155762 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.106e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302v XML 2025/03/02 10:50:13.291016 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.145e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250302v XML 2025/03/02 10:50:13.290527 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.145e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301at XML 2025/03/01 12:15:04.828100 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.165e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301at XML 2025/03/01 12:15:04.828100 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.165e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301aq XML 2025/03/01 11:36:32.759276 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.260e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301aq XML 2025/03/01 11:36:32.759276 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.260e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301af XML 2025/03/01 05:40:47.137816 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.153e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301af XML 2025/03/01 05:40:47.144491 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.858e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301o XML 2025/03/01 01:21:29.934499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 334.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301o XML 2025/03/01 01:21:29.934499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 334.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301f XML 2025/03/01 00:37:41.249074 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.039e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301f XML 2025/03/01 00:37:41.249074 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.039e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301c XML 2025/03/01 00:24:19.384654 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.312e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250301c XML 2025/03/01 00:24:19.384654 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.312e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228eu XML 2025/02/28 23:07:15.770799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.389e-05                 295.33 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228eu XML 2025/02/28 23:07:15.770799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.389e-05                 295.33 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228ep XML 2025/02/28 22:20:31.195312 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.068e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228ep XML 2025/02/28 22:20:31.195312 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.068e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228dv XML 2025/02/28 18:18:02.753099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.568e-05                 351.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228dv XML 2025/02/28 18:18:02.753099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.568e-05                 351.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228cf XML 2025/02/28 12:19:12.516037 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.133e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228cf XML 2025/02/28 12:19:12.516037 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.133e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228p XML 2025/02/28 01:38:39.859985 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.125e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.05 0.20         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250228p XML 2025/02/28 01:38:39.854686 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.194e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227fb XML 2025/02/27 23:16:19.816400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.471e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227fb XML 2025/02/27 23:16:19.816400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.471e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227ee XML 2025/02/27 21:26:07.463013 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.015e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227ee XML 2025/02/27 21:26:07.465144 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.015e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227eb XML 2025/02/27 21:10:00.000000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.027e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227eb XML 2025/02/27 21:10:00.000000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.027e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227e XML 2025/02/27 00:12:45.473754 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.594e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.48         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dl XML 2025/02/26 22:48:38.699463 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.169e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227dj XML 2025/02/27 14:27:14.474242 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.414e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227dj XML 2025/02/27 14:27:14.500674 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.414e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227ci XML 2025/02/27 10:39:24.147500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.974e-05                 479.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227ci XML 2025/02/27 10:39:24.147500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.974e-05                 479.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227bz XML 2025/02/27 10:07:46.543256 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.114e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227bz XML 2025/02/27 10:07:46.543256 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.114e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227bn XML 2025/02/27 08:51:37.454099 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.264e-06                 237.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227bn XML 2025/02/27 08:51:37.454099 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.264e-06                 237.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227aq XML 2025/02/27 02:40:08.164329 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.434e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227aq XML 2025/02/27 02:40:08.164329 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.434e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227y XML 2025/02/27 01:02:25.738072 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S250227y XML 2025/02/27 01:02:25.738072 1 Ear 1 0 1 4.109e-08 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227q XML 2025/02/27 00:49:33.649901 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.328e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227q XML 2025/02/27 00:49:33.649901 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.328e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227e XML 2025/02/27 00:12:45.473754 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.594e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227e XML 2025/02/27 00:12:45.473754 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.594e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250227e XML 2025/02/27 00:12:45.483708 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.594e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dv XML 2025/02/26 23:44:59.972656 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.061e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.13 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226du XML 2025/02/26 23:42:46.767090 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.182e-06 0.89 0.11 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dv XML 2025/02/26 23:44:59.972656 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.061e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226du XML 2025/02/26 23:42:46.767090 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.182e-06 0.89 0.11 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dl XML 2025/02/26 22:48:38.699463 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.169e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dl XML 2025/02/26 22:48:38.699463 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.169e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dl XML 2025/02/26 22:48:38.696776 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dc XML 2025/02/26 22:08:33.540526 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.406e-05 0.72 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226dc XML 2025/02/26 22:08:33.539551 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.406e-05 0.97 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226cr XML 2025/02/26 20:31:49.007801 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.539e-05 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226cr XML 2025/02/26 20:31:49.007801 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.539e-05 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226bq XML 2025/02/26 18:49:18.453099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.499e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226bq XML 2025/02/26 18:49:18.453099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.499e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226bj XML 2025/02/26 18:45:19.926880 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.944e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226bj XML 2025/02/26 18:45:19.923204 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.944e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.360063 7 Upd 1 1 4 1.443e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226ay XML 2025/02/26 13:29:19.449899 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.224e-05                 339.96 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250226ay XML 2025/02/26 13:29:19.449899 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.224e-05                 339.96 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225ac XML 2025/02/25 03:50:05.669921 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.393e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225ac XML 2025/02/25 03:50:05.675664 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.393e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225w XML 2025/02/25 03:17:25.762394 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.372e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225w XML 2025/02/25 03:17:25.760881 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.264e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225n XML 2025/02/25 02:24:56.246099 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.543e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225n XML 2025/02/25 02:24:56.246099 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.543e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225f XML 2025/02/25 02:01:50.917479 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.793e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225f XML 2025/02/25 02:01:50.916992 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.793e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225b XML 2025/02/25 01:26:15.331542 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.319e-06 0.92 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.15 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250225b XML 2025/02/25 01:26:15.331542 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.319e-06 0.92 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.15 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224au XML 2025/02/24 20:12:04.886352 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.074e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224au XML 2025/02/24 20:12:04.886745 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.759e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224ao XML 2025/02/24 12:32:31.459960 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.339e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224ao XML 2025/02/24 12:32:31.459960 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.339e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224ak XML 2025/02/24 05:49:29.437377 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.120e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224ak XML 2025/02/24 05:49:29.439008 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.120e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224aj XML 2025/02/24 05:07:01.673635 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.993e-05 1.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224aj XML 2025/02/24 05:07:01.673635 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.993e-05 1.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.360063 6 Ini 1 1 4 1.443e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224ae XML 2025/02/24 02:19:52.398577 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.422e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.10 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250224ae XML 2025/02/24 02:19:52.398577 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.422e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.10 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.360063 5 Pre 1 1 4 1.443e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.360063 4 Pre 1 1 4 1.443e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.360063 3 Pre 1 1 4 1.443e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223gp XML 2025/02/23 23:17:24.434699 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.171e-05                 63.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223gp XML 2025/02/23 23:17:24.434699 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.171e-05                 63.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223gk XML 2025/02/23 23:01:24.765599 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.211e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223gk XML 2025/02/23 23:01:24.765599 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.211e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223fw XML 2025/02/23 18:18:00.304242 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.460e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223fw XML 2025/02/23 18:18:00.303590 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.530e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223ft XML 2025/02/23 18:05:12.738300 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.135e-06                 694.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223ft XML 2025/02/23 18:05:12.738300 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.135e-06                 694.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223fr XML 2025/02/23 18:01:08.724854 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.940e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223fr XML 2025/02/23 18:01:08.725531 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.336e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223ek XML 2025/02/23 15:03:50.495286 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.817e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223ek XML 2025/02/23 15:03:50.495286 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.817e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223eb XML 2025/02/23 14:11:44.355499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.673e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223eb XML 2025/02/23 14:11:44.355499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.673e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dq XML 2025/02/23 12:34:55.401102 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.059e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dq XML 2025/02/23 12:34:55.401102 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.059e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.360063 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.443e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223dk XML 2025/02/23 12:01:15.361185 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.313e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223de XML 2025/02/23 11:40:28.442399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.678e-05                 894.26 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223de XML 2025/02/23 11:40:28.442399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.678e-05                 894.26 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223cm XML 2025/02/23 10:13:36.651733 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.962e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223cm XML 2025/02/23 10:13:36.651854 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.895e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223bk XML 2025/02/23 07:41:48.229984 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.125e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223bk XML 2025/02/23 07:41:48.229984 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.125e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223bh XML 2025/02/23 07:26:59.597656 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.200e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223bh XML 2025/02/23 07:26:59.598145 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.200e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223be XML 2025/02/23 07:16:53.897460 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.410e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223be XML 2025/02/23 07:16:53.905462 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.410e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223ba XML 2025/02/23 06:55:54.465499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.483e-05                 1711.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223ba XML 2025/02/23 06:55:54.465499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.483e-05                 1711.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223as XML 2025/02/23 06:10:14.100899 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.149e-05                 677.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223as XML 2025/02/23 06:10:14.100899 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.149e-05                 677.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223x XML 2025/02/23 02:18:07.684569 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.835e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223x XML 2025/02/23 02:18:07.681151 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.835e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223t XML 2025/02/23 01:51:57.592162 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223s XML 2025/02/23 01:47:34.527526 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.063e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223t XML 2025/02/23 01:51:57.610680 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223s XML 2025/02/23 01:47:34.528506 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.231e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223c XML 2025/02/23 00:20:58.397058 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.103e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250223c XML 2025/02/23 00:20:58.397058 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.103e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222gn XML 2025/02/22 23:54:27.983841 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.157e-05 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222gn XML 2025/02/22 23:54:27.983841 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.157e-05 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222gf XML 2025/02/22 22:45:34.322800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.264e-05                 59.68 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222gf XML 2025/02/22 22:45:34.322800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.264e-05                 59.68 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222gd XML 2025/02/22 22:38:21.193236 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.563e-06 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.79 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222gd XML 2025/02/22 22:38:21.196104 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.563e-06 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.84 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222fs XML 2025/02/22 21:03:19.000976 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.839e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222fs XML 2025/02/22 21:03:19.000976 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.839e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222fk XML 2025/02/22 20:30:50.500000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.666e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222fk XML 2025/02/22 20:30:50.500000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.666e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222fd XML 2025/02/22 19:23:36.600499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.760e-05                 957.12 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222fd XML 2025/02/22 19:23:36.600499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.760e-05                 957.12 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222et XML 2025/02/22 18:23:47.480102 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.328e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.04 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222et XML 2025/02/22 18:23:47.495291 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.870e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222ej XML 2025/02/22 17:31:32.366186 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.741e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222ej XML 2025/02/22 17:31:32.366186 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.741e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222dy XML 2025/02/22 15:48:33.297851 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.044e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222dy XML 2025/02/22 15:48:33.297851 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.044e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222dh XML 2025/02/22 13:56:46.786620 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.786e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222dh XML 2025/02/22 13:56:46.786620 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.786e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222df XML 2025/02/22 13:49:43.038699 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.320e-06                 504.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222df XML 2025/02/22 13:49:43.038699 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.320e-06                 504.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222cu XML 2025/02/22 13:05:45.071776 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.858e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222cu XML 2025/02/22 13:05:45.075684 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.858e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222bx XML 2025/02/22 10:04:14.632811 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.218e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.09 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222bx XML 2025/02/22 10:04:14.634047 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.218e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222bm XML 2025/02/22 09:11:07.927648 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.292e-05 1.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222bm XML 2025/02/22 09:11:07.927648 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.292e-05 1.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222ai XML 2025/02/22 04:04:56.012099 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.045e-06                 1076.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222ai XML 2025/02/22 04:04:56.012099 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.045e-06                 1076.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222u XML 2025/02/22 02:37:29.228899 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.795e-06                 362.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250222u XML 2025/02/22 02:37:29.228899 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.795e-06                 362.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221gj XML 2025/02/21 23:18:10.183593 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.188e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221gj XML 2025/02/21 23:18:10.183593 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.188e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221gf XML 2025/02/21 18:34:14.851905 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.086e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221gf XML 2025/02/21 18:34:14.851905 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.086e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221gb XML 2025/02/21 17:53:53.805458 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S250221gb XML 2025/02/21 17:53:53.805458 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.814e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.10 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221gb XML 2025/02/21 17:53:53.805458 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.814e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.10 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221fx XML 2025/02/21 17:29:17.290126 2 Pre 2 1 7 8.738e-06                 0x10 0x2899A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221fx XML 2025/02/21 17:29:17.290126 1 Pre 2 1 7 8.738e-06                 0x10 0x1899803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221eb XML 2025/02/21 10:09:06.651140 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S250221eb XML 2025/02/21 10:09:06.651140 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.462e-08 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.07 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221eb XML 2025/02/21 10:09:06.651140 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.462e-08 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.07 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221dx XML 2025/02/21 10:00:55.901699 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.230e-06                 1273.57 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221dx XML 2025/02/21 10:00:55.901699 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.230e-06                 1273.57 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221bu XML 2025/02/21 06:56:10.786621 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.088e-05 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221bu XML 2025/02/21 06:56:10.786621 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.088e-05 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221bj XML 2025/02/21 05:48:25.286691 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.825e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221bj XML 2025/02/21 05:48:25.286691 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.825e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221bf XML 2025/02/21 05:20:38.699899 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.220e-06                 685.48 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221bf XML 2025/02/21 05:20:38.699899 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.220e-06                 685.48 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221ax XML 2025/02/21 04:38:03.774399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.033e-06                 299.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221ax XML 2025/02/21 04:38:03.774399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.033e-06                 299.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221aq XML 2025/02/21 03:39:06.101562 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.534e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221ap XML 2025/02/21 03:36:21.705304 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.038e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221aq XML 2025/02/21 03:39:06.101562 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.534e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221ap XML 2025/02/21 03:36:21.705304 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.038e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221an XML 2025/02/21 03:27:21.662438 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.152e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250221an XML 2025/02/21 03:27:21.662438 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.152e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250220e XML 2025/02/20 08:55:25.767943 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.398e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250220e XML 2025/02/20 08:55:25.772095 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.398e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250219d XML 2025/02/19 22:22:39.555694 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.666e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250219d XML 2025/02/19 22:22:39.555694 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.666e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250217k XML 2025/02/17 22:42:38.222900 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.515e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250217k XML 2025/02/17 22:42:38.230576 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.515e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250217j XML 2025/02/17 20:58:04.023437 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.468e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250217j XML 2025/02/17 20:58:04.023437 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.468e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250216c XML 2025/02/16 11:46:35.853811 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.735e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250216c XML 2025/02/16 11:46:35.853811 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.735e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215cj XML 2025/02/15 16:20:31.087901 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.196e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215cj XML 2025/02/15 16:20:31.087901 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.196e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215ah XML 2025/02/15 09:53:24.218384 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.284e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.02 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215ah XML 2025/02/15 09:53:24.199884 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.505e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215d XML 2025/02/15 00:16:37.657058 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.505e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215c XML 2025/02/15 00:12:16.905699 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.492e-05                 1255.86 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215d XML 2025/02/15 00:16:37.657058 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.505e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250215c XML 2025/02/15 00:12:16.905699 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.492e-05                 1255.86 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214eb XML 2025/02/14 20:25:24.097167 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.528e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214eb XML 2025/02/14 20:25:24.096679 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.528e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214ea XML 2025/02/14 20:19:37.024414 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.386e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.31 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214ea XML 2025/02/14 20:19:37.024414 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.386e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.31 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214dm XML 2025/02/14 18:44:41.591099 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.125e-06                 2006.24 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214dm XML 2025/02/14 18:44:41.591099 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.125e-06                 2006.24 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214ci XML 2025/02/14 14:10:20.496241 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.214e-06 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.50 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214ci XML 2025/02/14 14:10:20.496241 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.214e-06 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.50 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214cd XML 2025/02/14 13:50:18.505773 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.599e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214cd XML 2025/02/14 13:50:18.505773 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.599e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bz XML 2025/02/14 13:13:37.715454 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.832e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bz XML 2025/02/14 13:13:37.715384 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.894e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bv XML 2025/02/14 12:52:55.652343 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.517e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.36         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bv XML 2025/02/14 12:52:55.646914 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.951e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bu XML 2025/02/14 12:34:18.834099 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.107e-06                 1147.42 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bu XML 2025/02/14 12:34:18.834099 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.107e-06                 1147.42 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bp XML 2025/02/14 12:15:41.530155 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.472e-05 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bp XML 2025/02/14 12:15:41.530155 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.472e-05 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bm XML 2025/02/14 10:13:58.897300 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.171e-06                 64.35 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214bm XML 2025/02/14 10:13:58.897300 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.171e-06                 64.35 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214ak XML 2025/02/14 06:07:07.032062 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.646e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214ak XML 2025/02/14 06:07:07.031851 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.687e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214w XML 2025/02/14 05:05:47.095947 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.169e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214w XML 2025/02/14 05:05:47.108108 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.964e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214j XML 2025/02/14 03:30:08.792968 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.482e-06 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250214j XML 2025/02/14 03:30:08.791503 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.482e-06 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213dd XML 2025/02/13 23:42:33.297851 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.123e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213dd XML 2025/02/13 23:42:33.304309 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.106e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213cw XML 2025/02/13 23:01:17.138200 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.323e-07                 355.37 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213cw XML 2025/02/13 23:01:17.138200 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.323e-07                 355.37 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213ct XML 2025/02/13 22:38:40.276113 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.775e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213ct XML 2025/02/13 22:38:40.276113 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.775e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213ck XML 2025/02/13 22:07:47.852139 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.170e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213ck XML 2025/02/13 22:07:47.852139 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.170e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213bw XML 2025/02/13 16:10:52.764299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.924e-05                 282.64 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213bw XML 2025/02/13 16:10:52.764299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.924e-05                 282.64 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213bv XML 2025/02/13 13:56:55.044311 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213bv XML 2025/02/13 13:56:55.044311 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213bb XML 2025/02/13 09:10:02.539061 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.517e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213bb XML 2025/02/13 09:10:02.550781 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.517e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213az XML 2025/02/13 08:44:19.457000 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.561e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213az XML 2025/02/13 08:44:19.457000 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.561e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213ah XML 2025/02/13 05:22:10.380026 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.144e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213ah XML 2025/02/13 05:22:10.380281 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.015e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213k XML 2025/02/13 02:30:53.962890 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.723e-05 1.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250213k XML 2025/02/13 02:30:53.963867 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.723e-05 1.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250212k XML 2025/02/12 10:04:27.905000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.062e-05                 178.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250212k XML 2025/02/12 10:04:27.905000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.062e-05                 178.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211be XML 2025/02/11 04:35:43.152343 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.783e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211de XML 2025/02/11 09:53:29.678000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.630e-06                 158.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211dd XML 2025/02/11 09:54:55.683695 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.113e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211de XML 2025/02/11 09:53:29.678000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.630e-06                 158.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211dd XML 2025/02/11 09:54:55.683695 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.113e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211db XML 2025/02/11 09:45:29.160199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.652e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211db XML 2025/02/11 09:45:29.160199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.652e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211ch XML 2025/02/11 07:08:07.605900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.901e-05                 337.64 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211ch XML 2025/02/11 07:08:07.605900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.901e-05                 337.64 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211ca XML 2025/02/11 06:39:27.232421 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.841e-05 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211ca XML 2025/02/11 06:39:27.232421 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.841e-05 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211be XML 2025/02/11 04:35:43.152343 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.783e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211bh XML 2025/02/11 04:44:50.503371 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.240e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211bh XML 2025/02/11 04:44:50.503371 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.240e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211be XML 2025/02/11 04:35:43.152343 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.783e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211aa XML 2025/02/11 02:25:46.623046 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.675e-18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211be XML 2025/02/11 04:35:43.147311 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.133e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211aa XML 2025/02/11 02:25:46.623046 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.675e-18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211af XML 2025/02/11 02:35:16.584299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.410e-05                 972.76 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211af XML 2025/02/11 02:35:16.584299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.410e-05                 972.76 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211aa XML 2025/02/11 02:25:46.623046 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.675e-18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211aa XML 2025/02/11 02:25:46.629395 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211b XML 2025/02/11 00:09:02.221191 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.191e-05 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250211b XML 2025/02/11 00:09:02.192870 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.191e-05 0.96 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210cp XML 2025/02/10 12:31:37.988770 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.002e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210cp XML 2025/02/10 12:31:37.988770 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.002e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210bv XML 2025/02/10 07:36:33.179670 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.662e-06 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210bv XML 2025/02/10 07:36:33.179670 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.662e-06 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210bm XML 2025/02/10 06:53:10.501708 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.853e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.06 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210bl XML 2025/02/10 06:51:31.423486 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.909e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210bm XML 2025/02/10 06:53:10.504975 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.497e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210bl XML 2025/02/10 06:51:31.423486 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.909e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210am XML 2025/02/10 04:09:07.317290 2 Pre 2 1 7 6.966e-06                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210am XML 2025/02/10 04:09:07.317290 1 Pre 2 1 7 6.966e-06                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210m XML 2025/02/10 01:18:11.066300 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.753e-06                 616.06 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210m XML 2025/02/10 01:18:11.066300 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.753e-06                 616.06 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210g XML 2025/02/10 00:34:47.924438 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.869e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250210g XML 2025/02/10 00:34:47.930269 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.869e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209ee XML 2025/02/09 21:26:52.968800 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.824e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209ee XML 2025/02/09 21:26:52.968800 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.824e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209eb XML 2025/02/09 21:14:38.944580 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.225e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209ea XML 2025/02/09 21:08:28.767600 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.445e-06                 678.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209eb XML 2025/02/09 21:14:38.942422 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.804e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209ea XML 2025/02/09 21:08:28.767600 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.445e-06                 678.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209dk XML 2025/02/09 19:08:01.757300 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.838e-06                 1282.65 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209dk XML 2025/02/09 19:08:01.757300 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.838e-06                 1282.65 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209co XML 2025/02/09 16:58:57.581876 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.385e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.49 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209co XML 2025/02/09 16:58:57.581876 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.385e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.49 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209cj XML 2025/02/09 15:13:50.814208 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.234e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209cj XML 2025/02/09 15:13:50.817999 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.234e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209bu XML 2025/02/09 11:46:31.515999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.601e-05                 351.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209bu XML 2025/02/09 11:46:31.515999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.601e-05                 351.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209bf XML 2025/02/09 10:36:09.240736 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.737e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.59 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209bf XML 2025/02/09 10:36:09.240736 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.737e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.59 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209ag XML 2025/02/09 08:30:53.489600 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.666e-06                 867.07 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250209ag XML 2025/02/09 08:30:53.489600 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.666e-06                 867.07 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bg XML 2025/02/07 11:56:45.258423 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.919e-36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208fm XML 2025/02/08 19:05:27.007324 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.902e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.19 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208fm XML 2025/02/08 19:05:27.007812 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.902e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208fj XML 2025/02/08 18:52:13.144500 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.338e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208fj XML 2025/02/08 18:52:13.144500 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.338e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118az XML 2025/01/18 05:58:02.472290 4 Upd 1 1 4 9.770e-09 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.17 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208ad XML 2025/02/08 03:51:06.789429 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.751e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208dt XML 2025/02/08 15:35:30.275103 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.503e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208dt XML 2025/02/08 15:35:30.275103 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.503e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208cw XML 2025/02/08 13:51:34.332000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.597e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208cw XML 2025/02/08 13:51:34.332000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.597e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208cm XML 2025/02/08 12:35:04.615199 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.156e-06                 909.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208cm XML 2025/02/08 12:35:04.615199 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.156e-06                 909.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208bx XML 2025/02/08 11:27:02.196289 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.368e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.44         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208bx XML 2025/02/08 11:27:02.201356 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.959e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.438964 7 Upd 1 1 15 1.267e-09 1.00 0.13 0.37 0.55 0.00 0.35 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208bs XML 2025/02/08 10:57:46.855499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.388e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208bs XML 2025/02/08 10:57:46.855499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.388e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208ap XML 2025/02/08 05:15:38.087164 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.503e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208ap XML 2025/02/08 05:15:38.087164 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.503e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208ad XML 2025/02/08 03:51:06.789429 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.751e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208ad XML 2025/02/08 03:51:06.789429 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.751e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208ad XML 2025/02/08 03:51:06.791456 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.513e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208o XML 2025/02/08 01:21:31.866942 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.074e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208o XML 2025/02/08 01:21:31.870439 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.001e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208g XML 2025/02/08 00:44:16.461600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.146e-05                 333.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208g XML 2025/02/08 00:44:16.461600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.146e-05                 333.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208e XML 2025/02/08 00:31:09.150418 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.060e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250208e XML 2025/02/08 00:31:09.150418 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.060e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ep XML 2025/02/07 23:37:32.654783 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.535e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ep XML 2025/02/07 23:37:32.654783 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.535e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ef XML 2025/02/07 22:35:39.533974 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.916e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.01 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ef XML 2025/02/07 22:35:39.533974 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.916e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.01 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ec XML 2025/02/07 22:04:48.773221 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.782e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ec XML 2025/02/07 22:04:48.773221 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.782e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207da XML 2025/02/07 16:09:44.673340 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.741e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207da XML 2025/02/07 16:09:44.664281 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.622e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207cz XML 2025/02/07 16:04:30.954619 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.928e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.09 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207cz XML 2025/02/07 16:04:30.954619 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.928e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.09 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bv XML 2025/02/07 13:58:37.585900 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.199e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bu XML 2025/02/07 13:57:36.545034 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.621e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.63 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bv XML 2025/02/07 13:58:37.585900 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.199e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bu XML 2025/02/07 13:57:36.545034 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.621e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.63 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bs XML 2025/02/07 13:27:12.843951 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.299e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bs XML 2025/02/07 13:27:12.843951 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.299e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bp XML 2025/02/07 13:11:10.718799 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.508e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bp XML 2025/02/07 13:11:10.718799 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.508e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bg XML 2025/02/07 11:56:45.258423 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.919e-36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bg XML 2025/02/07 11:56:45.258423 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.919e-36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bg XML 2025/02/07 11:56:45.275879 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.587e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bd XML 2025/02/07 09:14:04.387694 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.939e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bd XML 2025/02/07 09:14:04.387694 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.939e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bb XML 2025/02/07 06:32:42.495120 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.618e-06 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207bb XML 2025/02/07 06:32:42.495120 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.618e-06 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207az XML 2025/02/07 05:35:05.900699 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.735e-05                 1387.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207az XML 2025/02/07 05:35:05.900699 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.735e-05                 1387.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ao XML 2025/02/07 04:24:09.163574 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.443e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207ao XML 2025/02/07 04:24:09.163574 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.443e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207aa XML 2025/02/07 02:39:22.265599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.685e-05                 779.46 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.438964 6 Upd 1 1 15 1.267e-09 1.00 0.15 0.37 0.55 0.00 0.59 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207aa XML 2025/02/07 02:39:22.265599 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.685e-05                 779.46 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207x XML 2025/02/07 02:22:59.257800 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.976e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207x XML 2025/02/07 02:22:59.257800 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.976e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207r XML 2025/02/07 01:48:19.048300 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.220e-05                 1123.75 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207r XML 2025/02/07 01:48:19.048300 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.220e-05                 1123.75 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207n XML 2025/02/07 01:27:30.506199 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 641.65 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250207n XML 2025/02/07 01:27:30.506199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 641.65 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.438964 5 Upd 1 1 15 1.267e-09 1.00 0.17 0.37 0.55 0.00 0.52 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.438964 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.267e-09 1.00 0.30 0.37 0.55 0.00 0.62 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206ea XML 2025/02/06 23:01:03.671899 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.008e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206ea XML 2025/02/06 23:01:03.671899 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.008e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.438964 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.267e-09 1.00 0.30 0.37 0.55 0.00 0.62 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.438964 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.267e-09 1.00 0.30 0.37 0.55 0.00 0.62 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dm XML 2025/02/06 21:25:30.435956 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.594e-08 1.00 0.29 0.22 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dg XML 2025/02/06 16:05:02.895099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.452e-05                 285.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206dg XML 2025/02/06 16:05:02.895099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.452e-05                 285.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206ct XML 2025/02/06 14:26:05.160301 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.319e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206ct XML 2025/02/06 14:26:05.160301 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.319e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206cg XML 2025/02/06 12:28:00.284179 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.613e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206cg XML 2025/02/06 12:28:00.287109 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.613e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205ee XML 2025/02/05 21:52:15.879149 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.835e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206bp XML 2025/02/06 07:35:06.534290 2 Pre 2 1 7 9.561e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206bp XML 2025/02/06 07:35:06.534290 1 Pre 2 1 7 9.561e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206ax XML 2025/02/06 04:54:51.068976 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.694e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206ax XML 2025/02/06 04:54:51.068840 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.380e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206aj XML 2025/02/06 03:22:19.237100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-05                 958.21 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206aj XML 2025/02/06 03:22:19.237100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-05                 958.21 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206z XML 2025/02/06 02:34:05.533599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.840e-05                 1023.47 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206z XML 2025/02/06 02:34:05.533599 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.840e-05                 1023.47 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206m XML 2025/02/06 00:52:33.888300 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.498e-05                 765.86 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206m XML 2025/02/06 00:52:33.888300 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.498e-05                 765.86 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206i XML 2025/02/06 00:43:16.504699 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.507e-05                 342.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250206i XML 2025/02/06 00:43:16.504699 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.507e-05                 342.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205eq XML 2025/02/05 23:50:49.863300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.501e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205eq XML 2025/02/05 23:50:49.863300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.501e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205ee XML 2025/02/05 21:52:15.879149 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.835e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205ee XML 2025/02/05 21:52:15.879149 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.835e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205ee XML 2025/02/05 21:52:15.880902 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.263e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205ca XML 2025/02/05 14:10:56.949584 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.236e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205ca XML 2025/02/05 14:10:56.949182 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.236e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bk XML 2025/02/05 10:35:41.575195 4 Upd 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bt XML 2025/02/05 11:43:11.215400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.408e-06                 274.11 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bt XML 2025/02/05 11:43:11.215400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.408e-06                 274.11 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bk XML 2025/02/05 10:35:41.575195 3 Ini 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bk XML 2025/02/05 10:35:41.575195 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bk XML 2025/02/05 10:35:41.546875 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.817e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.16 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bf XML 2025/02/05 09:54:16.163499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.741e-05                 1998.02 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205bf XML 2025/02/05 09:54:16.163499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.741e-05                 1998.02 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205as XML 2025/02/05 06:11:03.826299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.016e-05                 1180.49 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205as XML 2025/02/05 06:11:03.826299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.016e-05                 1180.49 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205z XML 2025/02/05 04:34:29.530989 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.068e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205z XML 2025/02/05 04:34:29.530989 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.068e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205w XML 2025/02/05 04:16:24.587402 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.067e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250205w XML 2025/02/05 04:16:24.567871 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.067e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ax XML 2025/02/04 05:52:59.004395 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ds XML 2025/02/04 14:03:43.993600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.747e-05                 797.16 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ds XML 2025/02/04 14:03:43.993600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.747e-05                 797.16 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204dp XML 2025/02/04 13:53:55.285156 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.181e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204dp XML 2025/02/04 13:53:55.286620 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.181e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204dk XML 2025/02/04 13:16:54.232055 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.710e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204dk XML 2025/02/04 13:16:54.232055 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.710e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204cy XML 2025/02/04 12:23:58.313222 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.260e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204cy XML 2025/02/04 12:23:58.313222 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.260e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204cj XML 2025/02/04 11:41:17.290048 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.226e-05 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204cj XML 2025/02/04 11:41:17.290048 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.226e-05 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204cb XML 2025/02/04 11:18:43.462890 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.069e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204cb XML 2025/02/04 11:18:43.462890 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.069e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204bx XML 2025/02/04 10:50:34.590899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.152e-05                 1986.55 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204bx XML 2025/02/04 10:50:34.590899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.152e-05                 1986.55 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ax XML 2025/02/04 05:52:59.004395 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ax XML 2025/02/04 05:52:59.004395 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ax XML 2025/02/04 05:52:59.003418 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ar XML 2025/02/04 05:22:40.767456 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.652e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.04 0.22         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204ar XML 2025/02/04 05:22:40.759968 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.940e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.04 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204aa XML 2025/02/04 03:11:31.147517 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.330e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204aa XML 2025/02/04 03:11:31.147517 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.330e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204m XML 2025/02/04 01:47:13.000099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.913e-05                 165.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250204m XML 2025/02/04 01:47:13.011699 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.095e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203eh XML 2025/02/03 22:58:48.265599 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.367e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203eh XML 2025/02/03 22:58:48.265599 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.367e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203dw XML 2025/02/03 22:25:29.539659 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.771e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203dw XML 2025/02/03 22:25:29.539659 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.771e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203dr XML 2025/02/03 22:15:30.319693 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.810e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.34 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203dr XML 2025/02/03 22:15:30.319693 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.810e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.34 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203dg XML 2025/02/03 21:50:44.476599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.602e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203dg XML 2025/02/03 21:50:44.476599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.602e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203cl XML 2025/02/03 12:40:05.577637 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.102e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203cl XML 2025/02/03 12:40:05.601250 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.102e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203cd XML 2025/02/03 11:39:04.913507 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.283e-05 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203cd XML 2025/02/03 11:39:04.913507 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.283e-05 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203bw XML 2025/02/03 11:29:13.503899 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.965e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203bw XML 2025/02/03 11:29:13.503899 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.965e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203bd XML 2025/02/03 07:30:26.262793 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.904e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203bd XML 2025/02/03 07:30:26.262793 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.904e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.05 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203ap XML 2025/02/03 04:31:04.528248 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.692e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203ap XML 2025/02/03 04:31:04.528248 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.692e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202cu XML 2025/02/02 18:49:02.510132 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.460e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203ag XML 2025/02/03 03:22:26.519400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.082e-05                 149.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203ag XML 2025/02/03 03:22:26.519400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.082e-05                 149.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203ab XML 2025/02/03 02:44:33.536000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.569e-05                 995.45 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250203ab XML 2025/02/03 02:44:33.536000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.569e-05                 995.45 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202dd XML 2025/02/02 21:20:01.831055 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.725e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202dd XML 2025/02/02 21:20:01.831055 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.725e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202cu XML 2025/02/02 18:49:02.510132 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.460e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202cu XML 2025/02/02 18:49:02.510132 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.460e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202cu XML 2025/02/02 18:49:02.516928 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.460e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202bl XML 2025/02/02 07:38:08.503899 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.731e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202bl XML 2025/02/02 07:38:08.503899 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.731e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202bc XML 2025/02/02 06:43:23.456960 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.901e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202bc XML 2025/02/02 06:43:23.456960 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.901e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202ad XML 2025/02/02 04:20:24.540634 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S250202ad XML 2025/02/02 04:20:24.540634 1 Ear 1 0 15 4.436e-09 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202t XML 2025/02/02 01:49:42.848168 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.660e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202t XML 2025/02/02 01:49:42.848168 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.660e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202c XML 2025/02/02 00:26:04.407226 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.268e-06 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.44 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250202c XML 2025/02/02 00:26:04.407226 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.268e-06 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.44 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201eq XML 2025/02/01 23:41:22.336800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.365e-05                 159.38 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201eq XML 2025/02/01 23:41:22.336800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.365e-05                 159.38 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201ed XML 2025/02/01 21:08:09.468799 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.564e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201ed XML 2025/02/01 21:08:09.468799 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.564e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201dg XML 2025/02/01 18:20:31.685546 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.948e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201dg XML 2025/02/01 18:20:31.685546 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.948e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201dd XML 2025/02/01 17:59:51.879052 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.731e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201dd XML 2025/02/01 17:59:51.879052 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.731e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201cw XML 2025/02/01 17:41:17.180371 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.080e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201cw XML 2025/02/01 17:41:17.180371 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.080e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201bv XML 2025/02/01 14:38:54.827148 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.613e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201bv XML 2025/02/01 14:38:54.827148 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.613e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201be XML 2025/02/01 12:45:47.522902 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.113e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201be XML 2025/02/01 12:45:47.522902 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.113e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201az XML 2025/02/01 12:10:06.093262 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.994e-05 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201az XML 2025/02/01 12:10:06.093262 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.994e-05 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201aq XML 2025/02/01 11:09:08.417479 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.816e-05 0.77 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201aq XML 2025/02/01 11:09:08.410645 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.816e-05 0.78 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201al XML 2025/02/01 10:52:38.521599 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.713e-06                 1066.76 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201al XML 2025/02/01 10:52:38.521599 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.713e-06                 1066.76 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201u XML 2025/02/01 07:45:59.265599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.431e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201u XML 2025/02/01 07:45:59.265599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.431e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201n XML 2025/02/01 02:57:47.054099 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.010e-05                 1061.55 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201m XML 2025/02/01 02:54:27.881199 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.277e-05                 1080.23 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201n XML 2025/02/01 02:57:47.054099 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.010e-05                 1061.55 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201m XML 2025/02/01 02:54:27.881199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.277e-05                 1080.23 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201i XML 2025/02/01 02:08:41.291504 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.740e-07 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.67 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201i XML 2025/02/01 02:08:41.293456 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.740e-07 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.80 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201a XML 2025/02/01 00:53:49.099609 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.478e-06 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.09 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250201a XML 2025/02/01 00:53:49.099609 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.478e-06 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.09 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131fd XML 2025/01/31 23:17:07.479396 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.647e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131fd XML 2025/01/31 23:17:07.479396 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.647e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131em XML 2025/01/31 21:32:19.351562 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.218e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131em XML 2025/01/31 21:32:19.351562 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.218e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131ek XML 2025/01/31 19:54:04.850780 2 Pre 2 1 7 6.371e-06                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131ek XML 2025/01/31 19:54:04.850780 1 Pre 2 1 7 6.371e-06                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131dx XML 2025/01/31 18:21:49.636699 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.383e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131dx XML 2025/01/31 18:21:49.636699 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.383e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131de XML 2025/01/31 15:24:03.391500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.770e-06                 347.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131de XML 2025/01/31 15:24:03.391099 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.372e-06                 316.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131cb XML 2025/01/31 12:05:16.035199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.992e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131cb XML 2025/01/31 12:05:16.035199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.992e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131x XML 2025/01/31 04:01:48.505800 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.060e-06                 305.29 0.13   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131x XML 2025/01/31 04:01:48.505800 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.060e-06                 305.29 0.13   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131q XML 2025/01/31 03:10:41.198729 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.236e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131q XML 2025/01/31 03:10:41.204064 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.236e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131l XML 2025/01/31 01:02:18.285644 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.123e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250131l XML 2025/01/31 01:02:18.262695 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.123e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130bj XML 2025/01/30 14:48:23.523029 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.425e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.11 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130bj XML 2025/01/30 14:48:23.523029 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.425e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.11 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130as XML 2025/01/30 11:13:52.335900 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.149e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130as XML 2025/01/30 11:13:52.335900 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.149e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130ae XML 2025/01/30 09:01:39.691400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.082e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130ae XML 2025/01/30 09:01:39.691400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.082e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130y XML 2025/01/30 07:57:05.165695 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.499e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130y XML 2025/01/30 07:57:05.165695 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.499e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130o XML 2025/01/30 04:19:18.421900 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.023e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130o XML 2025/01/30 04:19:18.421900 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.023e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130c XML 2025/01/30 02:54:03.806934 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.699e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250130c XML 2025/01/30 02:54:03.806934 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.699e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129do XML 2025/01/29 20:52:18.859863 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.135e-05 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129do XML 2025/01/29 20:52:18.859863 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.135e-05 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129cz XML 2025/01/29 17:08:03.870117 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.581e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.02 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129cz XML 2025/01/29 17:08:03.889823 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.528e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.02 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129cg XML 2025/01/29 14:50:37.515599 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.428e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129cf XML 2025/01/29 14:49:50.676619 2 Pre 2 1 7 9.139e-06                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129cg XML 2025/01/29 14:50:37.515599 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.428e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129cf XML 2025/01/29 14:49:50.676619 1 Pre 2 1 7 9.139e-06                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129bm XML 2025/01/29 12:10:10.130200 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.721e-06                 1854.65 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129bm XML 2025/01/29 12:10:10.130200 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.721e-06                 1854.65 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129as XML 2025/01/29 09:21:10.257799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.987e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129as XML 2025/01/29 09:21:10.257799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.987e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129ag XML 2025/01/29 07:39:46.710571 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.224e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129ag XML 2025/01/29 07:39:46.709963 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.224e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129x XML 2025/01/29 04:36:22.289100 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.069e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129x XML 2025/01/29 04:36:22.289100 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.069e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129p XML 2025/01/29 03:50:22.849364 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.077e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.04 0.20         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129p XML 2025/01/29 03:50:22.860041 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.077e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.04 0.20         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129e XML 2025/01/29 00:36:44.746099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.950e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129e XML 2025/01/29 00:36:44.746099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.950e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129a XML 2025/01/29 00:03:36.147925 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.068e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250129a XML 2025/01/29 00:03:36.147925 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.068e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128br XML 2025/01/28 14:44:47.519500 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.348e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128br XML 2025/01/28 14:44:47.519500 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.348e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128bp XML 2025/01/28 14:25:54.523800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.860e-05                 325.23 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128bp XML 2025/01/28 14:25:54.523800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.860e-05                 325.23 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128bl XML 2025/01/28 14:15:46.941400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.077e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128bl XML 2025/01/28 14:15:46.941400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.077e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128bg XML 2025/01/28 07:59:25.332868 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.808e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128bg XML 2025/01/28 07:59:25.332868 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.808e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128as XML 2025/01/28 06:01:19.044200 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.553e-06                 212.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128as XML 2025/01/28 06:01:19.044200 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.553e-06                 212.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128s XML 2025/01/28 02:53:28.085899 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.246e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128s XML 2025/01/28 02:53:28.085899 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.246e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128k XML 2025/01/28 01:54:45.265599 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.655e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128k XML 2025/01/28 01:54:45.265599 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.655e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128b XML 2025/01/28 00:28:29.237698 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.743e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250128b XML 2025/01/28 00:28:29.237698 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.743e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127eu XML 2025/01/27 23:47:46.949199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.099e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127eu XML 2025/01/27 23:47:46.949199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.099e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127eh XML 2025/01/27 21:47:17.268499 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.665e-06                 744.92 0.18   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127eg XML 2025/01/27 21:46:13.561161 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.328e-06 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.50 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127eh XML 2025/01/27 21:47:17.268499 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.665e-06                 744.92 0.18   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127eg XML 2025/01/27 21:46:13.561161 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.328e-06 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.50 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127ec XML 2025/01/27 16:29:47.944823 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.142e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127ec XML 2025/01/27 16:29:47.950533 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.142e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.01 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dw XML 2025/01/27 15:28:54.080443 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dv XML 2025/01/27 15:27:18.191990 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.519e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dw XML 2025/01/27 15:28:54.091963 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dv XML 2025/01/27 15:27:18.191990 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.519e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dp XML 2025/01/27 14:45:07.731652 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.124e-06 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127do XML 2025/01/27 14:41:17.549316 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.316e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dp XML 2025/01/27 14:45:07.731652 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.124e-06 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127do XML 2025/01/27 14:41:17.549316 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.316e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dh XML 2025/01/27 13:42:37.621099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.660e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127dh XML 2025/01/27 13:42:37.621099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.660e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127cy XML 2025/01/27 12:21:05.592007 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.249e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127cy XML 2025/01/27 12:21:05.592007 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.249e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127cb XML 2025/01/27 08:24:28.234400 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.478e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127cb XML 2025/01/27 08:24:28.234400 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.478e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127bs XML 2025/01/27 07:50:31.328099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.128e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127bs XML 2025/01/27 07:50:31.328099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.128e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127bc XML 2025/01/27 06:26:23.635400 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.013e-06                 191.51 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127bc XML 2025/01/27 06:26:23.635400 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.013e-06                 191.51 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127w XML 2025/01/27 02:49:09.637207 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.603e-06 1.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127w XML 2025/01/27 02:49:09.636718 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.603e-06 1.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127n XML 2025/01/27 02:01:36.812987 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.084e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.12 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127n XML 2025/01/27 02:01:36.866698 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.084e-05 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127k XML 2025/01/27 01:44:55.509799 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.781e-06                 255.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250127k XML 2025/01/27 01:44:55.509799 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.781e-06                 255.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dt XML 2025/01/26 21:51:07.758950 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.859e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dt XML 2025/01/26 21:51:07.758950 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.859e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dq XML 2025/01/26 21:22:19.767450 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.590e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dq XML 2025/01/26 21:22:19.767450 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.590e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dj XML 2025/01/26 20:23:43.734400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.241e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dj XML 2025/01/26 20:23:43.734400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.241e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dh XML 2025/01/26 20:08:41.320500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.631e-05                 53.29 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126dh XML 2025/01/26 20:08:41.320500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.631e-05                 53.29 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126de XML 2025/01/26 20:04:16.514327 2 Pre 2 1 7 6.847e-06                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126de XML 2025/01/26 20:04:16.514327 1 Pre 2 1 7 6.847e-06                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126bh XML 2025/01/26 11:22:35.526367 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.301e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126bh XML 2025/01/26 11:22:35.526367 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.301e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126aa XML 2025/01/26 04:18:34.150879 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.392e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126aa XML 2025/01/26 04:18:34.150879 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.392e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126i XML 2025/01/26 02:03:37.207275 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.998e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126i XML 2025/01/26 02:03:37.204118 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.998e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126h XML 2025/01/26 01:57:13.316233 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.104e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.51 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126g XML 2025/01/26 01:55:40.417459 2 Pre 2 1 7 2.987e-06                 0x10 0x2899E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126h XML 2025/01/26 01:57:13.316233 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.104e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.51 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250126g XML 2025/01/26 01:55:40.417459 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.987e-06                 0x10 0x1899C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125fl XML 2025/01/25 23:47:10.556445 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.466e-05 0.97 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125fl XML 2025/01/25 23:47:10.556445 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.466e-05 0.97 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125fa XML 2025/01/25 21:59:15.098100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.507e-05                 933.95 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125fa XML 2025/01/25 21:59:15.098100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.507e-05                 933.95 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125ew XML 2025/01/25 21:32:30.640599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.268e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125ew XML 2025/01/25 21:32:30.640599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.268e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125em XML 2025/01/25 20:33:49.402900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.592e-05                 138.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125em XML 2025/01/25 20:33:49.402900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.592e-05                 138.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125eh XML 2025/01/25 19:21:04.652499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.997e-05                 660.30 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125eh XML 2025/01/25 19:21:04.652499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.997e-05                 660.30 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125dm XML 2025/01/25 17:22:25.301797 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.549e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125dm XML 2025/01/25 17:22:25.301797 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.549e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125dl XML 2025/01/25 17:15:59.066400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.247e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125dl XML 2025/01/25 17:15:59.066400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.247e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125cb XML 2025/01/25 14:14:18.023399 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.105e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125cb XML 2025/01/25 14:14:18.023399 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.105e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125bp XML 2025/01/25 13:38:56.797463 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.076e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125bp XML 2025/01/25 13:38:56.796827 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.308e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125bm XML 2025/01/25 13:27:32.701999 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.244e-07                 203.23 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125bm XML 2025/01/25 13:27:32.700600 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.267e-06                 193.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125r XML 2025/01/25 03:34:00.322299 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.221e-05                 222.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125r XML 2025/01/25 03:34:00.322299 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.221e-05                 222.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125h XML 2025/01/25 01:54:33.042113 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.849e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125h XML 2025/01/25 01:54:33.045020 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.849e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125c XML 2025/01/25 01:03:26.067453 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.580e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125c XML 2025/01/25 01:03:26.067453 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.580e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125a XML 2025/01/25 00:15:00.452147 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.051e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250125a XML 2025/01/25 00:15:00.452147 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.051e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124bf XML 2025/01/24 14:44:10.737792 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.028e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124bf XML 2025/01/24 14:44:10.732421 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.028e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124ah XML 2025/01/24 06:39:25.513671 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.730e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124ah XML 2025/01/24 06:39:25.512207 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.730e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124ad XML 2025/01/24 06:12:02.872827 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.763e-06                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124ad XML 2025/01/24 06:12:02.872827 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.763e-06                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124z XML 2025/01/24 05:58:52.866500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.868e-05                 364.07 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250124z XML 2025/01/24 05:58:52.866500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.868e-05                 364.07 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123by XML 2025/01/23 14:00:34.372100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.330e-05                 312.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123by XML 2025/01/23 14:00:34.372100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.330e-05                 312.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123at XML 2025/01/23 05:35:52.142789 2 Pre 2 1 7 7.031e-06                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123at XML 2025/01/23 05:35:52.142789 1 Pre 2 1 7 7.031e-06                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123x XML 2025/01/23 03:30:47.473177 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.917e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123x XML 2025/01/23 03:30:47.473177 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.917e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123w XML 2025/01/23 03:18:49.531199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.074e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123w XML 2025/01/23 03:18:49.531199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.074e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123l XML 2025/01/23 01:40:16.273520 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.288e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.01 0.19         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250123l XML 2025/01/23 01:40:16.273520 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.288e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.01 0.19         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122af XML 2025/01/22 23:39:26.953700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.813e-05                 388.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122af XML 2025/01/22 23:39:26.953700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.813e-05                 388.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122ae XML 2025/01/22 23:32:15.784667 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.183e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122ae XML 2025/01/22 23:32:15.784667 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.183e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122x XML 2025/01/22 22:32:18.904662 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.760e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122w XML 2025/01/22 22:31:45.866697 2 Pre 2 1 7 4.421e-06                 0x10 0x289DE03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122x XML 2025/01/22 22:32:18.930834 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.760e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122w XML 2025/01/22 22:31:45.866697 1 Pre 2 1 7 4.421e-06                 0x10 0x189DC03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122c XML 2025/01/22 06:58:48.417113 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.977e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250122c XML 2025/01/22 06:58:48.439463 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.977e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121bw XML 2025/01/21 11:39:36.635730 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.020e-06 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121bw XML 2025/01/21 11:39:36.635730 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.020e-06 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121az XML 2025/01/21 05:44:53.363500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.079e-05                 310.16 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121az XML 2025/01/21 05:44:53.363500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.079e-05                 310.16 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121s XML 2025/01/21 02:47:44.685000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.375e-05                 42.15 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121r XML 2025/01/21 02:49:25.074992 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.066e-05                 0x10 0x289CA03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121s XML 2025/01/21 02:47:44.685000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.375e-05                 42.15 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121r XML 2025/01/21 02:49:25.074992 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.066e-05                 0x10 0x189C803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121n XML 2025/01/21 02:23:40.683104 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.765e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121n XML 2025/01/21 02:23:40.684570 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.765e-05 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121e XML 2025/01/21 01:34:16.858489 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.239e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250121e XML 2025/01/21 01:34:16.858489 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.239e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120dg XML 2025/01/20 23:08:55.312500 2 Pre 2 1 7 5.190e-06                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120df XML 2025/01/20 23:06:37.507800 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.048e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120dg XML 2025/01/20 23:08:55.312500 1 Pre 2 1 7 5.190e-06                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120df XML 2025/01/20 23:06:37.507800 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.048e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120cx XML 2025/01/20 22:06:52.516778 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.226e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120cx XML 2025/01/20 22:06:52.516778 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.226e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120cq XML 2025/01/20 21:44:37.664099 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.175e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120cq XML 2025/01/20 21:44:37.664099 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.175e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120cg XML 2025/01/20 17:23:11.356059 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.513e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120cg XML 2025/01/20 17:23:11.356059 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.513e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120bp XML 2025/01/20 15:33:18.212900 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.051e-05                 1164.51 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120bp XML 2025/01/20 15:33:18.212900 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.051e-05                 1164.51 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120be XML 2025/01/20 13:40:05.070891 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.956e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120be XML 2025/01/20 13:40:05.070891 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.956e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120bb XML 2025/01/20 12:02:25.303824 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.267e-05 1.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120bb XML 2025/01/20 12:02:25.303824 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.267e-05 1.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120am XML 2025/01/20 04:31:41.593800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.517e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120am XML 2025/01/20 04:31:41.593800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.517e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120ah XML 2025/01/20 04:24:14.063176 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.532e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.10         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120ah XML 2025/01/20 04:24:14.061168 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.591e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.01 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120aa XML 2025/01/20 03:34:11.560299 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.928e-06                 1034.50 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120aa XML 2025/01/20 03:34:11.560299 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.928e-06                 1034.50 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120x XML 2025/01/20 03:19:19.240722 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.236e-07 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120x XML 2025/01/20 03:19:19.240722 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.236e-07 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120q XML 2025/01/20 02:17:20.609100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.829e-05                 60.86 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120q XML 2025/01/20 02:17:20.609100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.829e-05                 60.86 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120n XML 2025/01/20 01:45:11.908799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.377e-05                 702.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120n XML 2025/01/20 01:45:11.908799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.377e-05                 702.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119cv XML 2025/01/19 19:02:38.316094 4 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120a XML 2025/01/20 00:06:32.760899 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.071e-06                 152.24 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250120a XML 2025/01/20 00:06:32.788955 1 Pre 2 1 7 2.178e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119dw XML 2025/01/19 23:00:36.564453 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.299e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119dw XML 2025/01/19 23:00:36.563476 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.299e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119cv XML 2025/01/19 19:02:38.316094 3 Ini 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119cv XML 2025/01/19 19:02:38.316094 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119cv XML 2025/01/19 19:02:38.315918 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.250e-27 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119ag XML 2025/01/19 02:51:38.775390 4 Upd 1 1 5 3.350e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119by XML 2025/01/19 12:08:23.031250 2 Pre 2 1 7 3.110e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119by XML 2025/01/19 12:08:23.031250 1 Pre 2 1 7 3.110e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119bq XML 2025/01/19 11:24:42.074827 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.681e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.09 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119bq XML 2025/01/19 11:24:42.074827 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.681e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.09 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118dp XML 2025/01/18 17:05:23.220580 4 Upd 1 1 4 5.558e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119bk XML 2025/01/19 07:37:13.839843 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.570e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119bk XML 2025/01/19 07:37:13.839843 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.570e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119as XML 2025/01/19 04:30:02.086669 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.313e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119as XML 2025/01/19 04:30:02.078591 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.313e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119al XML 2025/01/19 03:18:37.226500 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.204e-06                 364.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119al XML 2025/01/19 03:18:37.226500 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.204e-06                 364.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119ag XML 2025/01/19 02:51:38.775390 3 Ini 1 1 5 3.350e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119ag XML 2025/01/19 02:51:38.775390 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.350e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119ag XML 2025/01/19 02:51:38.771296 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.366e-09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119ae XML 2025/01/19 02:44:51.760131 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.648e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119ae XML 2025/01/19 02:44:51.788747 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.648e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119j XML 2025/01/19 01:11:48.453099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.124e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250119j XML 2025/01/19 01:11:48.453099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.124e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118fl XML 2025/01/18 23:32:42.028809 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.693e-05 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118fl XML 2025/01/18 23:32:42.028320 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.693e-05 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118fb XML 2025/01/18 21:40:43.968251 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.148e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118fb XML 2025/01/18 21:40:43.968251 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.148e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118ex XML 2025/01/18 21:11:33.487304 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.777e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.12 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118ex XML 2025/01/18 21:11:33.618004 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.777e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118er XML 2025/01/18 20:19:27.443359 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.494e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118eq XML 2025/01/18 20:18:47.594237 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.285e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.14 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118er XML 2025/01/18 20:19:27.443359 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.494e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118eq XML 2025/01/18 20:18:47.457538 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.285e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.16 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118dw XML 2025/01/18 17:37:10.511079 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.681e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118dw XML 2025/01/18 17:37:10.511079 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.681e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118dp XML 2025/01/18 17:05:23.220580 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.558e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118dp XML 2025/01/18 17:05:23.220580 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.558e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118dp XML 2025/01/18 17:05:23.216231 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.558e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118t XML 2025/01/18 02:32:25.940795 5 Upd 1 1 4 3.976e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118be XML 2025/01/18 07:10:22.835899 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.581e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118be XML 2025/01/18 07:10:22.835899 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.581e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118az XML 2025/01/18 05:58:02.472290 3 Ini 1 1 4 9.770e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.19 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118az XML 2025/01/18 05:58:02.472290 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.770e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.19 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118az XML 2025/01/18 05:58:02.473632 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.782e-09 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.17 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118x XML 2025/01/18 02:57:41.524399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.262e-05                 1119.69 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118t XML 2025/01/18 02:32:25.940795 4 Ini 1 1 4 3.976e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118x XML 2025/01/18 02:57:41.524399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.262e-05                 1119.69 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118t XML 2025/01/18 02:32:25.940795 3 Pre 1 1 4 3.976e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118t XML 2025/01/18 02:32:25.943117 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.297e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118t XML 2025/01/18 02:32:25.943117 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.297e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.06 0.45         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118r XML 2025/01/18 02:15:36.457000 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.027e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250118r XML 2025/01/18 02:15:36.457000 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.027e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fv XML 2025/01/17 22:52:31.222167 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.145e-05 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fv XML 2025/01/17 22:52:31.222167 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.145e-05 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fd XML 2025/01/17 20:22:44.500000 2 Pre 2 1 7 1.741e-05                 0x10 0x2899A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fc XML 2025/01/17 20:20:26.121099 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.286e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fb XML 2025/01/17 20:17:37.468499 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.456e-07                 1424.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fd XML 2025/01/17 20:22:44.500000 1 Pre 2 1 7 1.741e-05                 0x10 0x1899803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fc XML 2025/01/17 20:20:26.121099 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.286e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117fb XML 2025/01/17 20:17:37.468499 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.456e-07                 1424.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117eq XML 2025/01/17 18:54:39.925100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.298e-05                 1861.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117eq XML 2025/01/17 18:54:39.925100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.298e-05                 1861.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ds XML 2025/01/17 16:53:57.420596 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.209e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ds XML 2025/01/17 16:53:57.432149 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.055e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117do XML 2025/01/17 16:26:50.210937 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.217e-06 0.81 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117do XML 2025/01/17 16:26:50.210937 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.217e-06 0.81 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117df XML 2025/01/17 15:23:20.578099 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.560e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117df XML 2025/01/17 15:23:20.578099 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.560e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ci XML 2025/01/17 11:43:28.644897 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.125e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ci XML 2025/01/17 11:43:28.647625 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.125e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ce XML 2025/01/17 11:23:56.812500 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.200e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ce XML 2025/01/17 11:23:56.812500 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.200e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117bk XML 2025/01/17 09:52:41.754170 2 Pre 2 1 0 5.379e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117bk XML 2025/01/17 09:52:41.754170 1 Pre 2 1 0 5.379e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117at XML 2025/01/17 06:36:15.386900 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.590e-06                 736.21 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117at XML 2025/01/17 06:36:15.386900 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.590e-06                 736.21 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117an XML 2025/01/17 06:03:05.728632 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.195e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117an XML 2025/01/17 06:03:05.728632 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.195e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117al XML 2025/01/17 05:56:43.201099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.079e-06                 1687.89 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117al XML 2025/01/17 05:56:43.201099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.079e-06                 1687.89 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ac XML 2025/01/17 04:04:20.541499 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.056e-05                 512.33 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117ac XML 2025/01/17 04:04:20.541499 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.056e-05                 512.33 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117y XML 2025/01/17 03:39:44.483942 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.119e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117y XML 2025/01/17 03:39:44.483942 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.119e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117s XML 2025/01/17 02:31:55.870604 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.770e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117s XML 2025/01/17 02:31:55.870604 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.770e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117a XML 2025/01/17 00:08:04.206999 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.199e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250117a XML 2025/01/17 00:08:04.206999 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.199e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116eq XML 2025/01/16 23:30:17.497099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.316e-05                 704.63 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116eq XML 2025/01/16 23:30:17.497099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.316e-05                 704.63 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116ek XML 2025/01/16 22:28:48.715353 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.147e-05 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116ek XML 2025/01/16 22:28:48.715353 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.147e-05 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116ea XML 2025/01/16 16:23:46.789099 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.009e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116ea XML 2025/01/16 16:23:46.789099 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.009e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116cj XML 2025/01/16 09:28:37.203597 2 Pre 2 1 0 6.708e-06                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116cj XML 2025/01/16 09:28:37.203597 1 Pre 2 1 0 6.708e-06                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116cf XML 2025/01/16 08:52:16.070399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.390e-05                 436.44 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116cf XML 2025/01/16 08:52:16.070399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.390e-05                 436.44 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116ba XML 2025/01/16 05:14:26.950217 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.579e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116ba XML 2025/01/16 05:14:26.961141 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.181e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.04 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116n XML 2025/01/16 01:53:18.384520 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.044e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.01 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116n XML 2025/01/16 01:53:18.385614 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.572e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116g XML 2025/01/16 01:01:43.196899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.068e-05                 112.14 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116f XML 2025/01/16 00:58:53.169908 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.517e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116g XML 2025/01/16 01:01:43.196899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.068e-05                 112.14 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250116f XML 2025/01/16 00:58:53.169908 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.517e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115cm XML 2025/01/15 23:04:34.301616 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115cm XML 2025/01/15 23:04:34.301616 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115ce XML 2025/01/15 22:20:59.640599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.007e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115ce XML 2025/01/15 22:20:59.640599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.007e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115bo XML 2025/01/15 19:21:23.808745 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.819e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115bo XML 2025/01/15 19:21:23.808745 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.819e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114ax XML 2025/01/14 08:22:03.222656 4 Upd 1 1 5 4.112e-27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115t XML 2025/01/15 07:21:31.121099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.987e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115t XML 2025/01/15 07:21:31.121099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.987e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115i XML 2025/01/15 06:04:58.268999 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.050e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.64 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115i XML 2025/01/15 06:04:58.268999 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.050e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.64 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115e XML 2025/01/15 05:04:11.387207 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.248e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250115e XML 2025/01/15 05:04:11.387207 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.248e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114da XML 2025/01/14 21:30:27.493652 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.997e-06 1.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114da XML 2025/01/14 21:30:27.493652 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.997e-06 1.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114cn XML 2025/01/14 13:26:28.373646 2 Pre 2 1 0 3.197e-06                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114cn XML 2025/01/14 13:26:28.373646 1 Pre 2 1 0 3.197e-06                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114cb XML 2025/01/14 12:16:02.010742 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.030e-05 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114cb XML 2025/01/14 12:16:02.011229 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.030e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114bw XML 2025/01/14 11:52:11.886599 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.187e-05                 299.71 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114bw XML 2025/01/14 11:52:11.886599 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.187e-05                 299.71 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114ax XML 2025/01/14 08:22:03.222656 3 Ini 1 1 5 4.112e-27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114ax XML 2025/01/14 08:22:03.222656 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.112e-27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114ax XML 2025/01/14 08:22:03.222656 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.112e-27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114as XML 2025/01/14 07:14:23.183599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.581e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114as XML 2025/01/14 07:14:23.183599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.581e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114ai XML 2025/01/14 06:29:45.077815 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.663e-06 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114ai XML 2025/01/14 06:29:45.077815 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.663e-06 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114o XML 2025/01/14 01:57:03.101919 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.840e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.55 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114o XML 2025/01/14 01:57:03.101919 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.840e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.55 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114b XML 2025/01/14 00:29:40.270845 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.420e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250114b XML 2025/01/14 00:29:40.270845 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.420e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250113ah XML 2025/01/13 23:20:01.804300 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.748e-06                 1001.12 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250113ah XML 2025/01/13 23:20:01.804300 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.748e-06                 1001.12 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112bg XML 2025/01/12 06:14:08.105999 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.044e-06                 1275.40 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112bg XML 2025/01/12 06:14:08.105999 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.044e-06                 1275.40 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112aa XML 2025/01/12 02:34:54.582517 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.875e-05 1.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112aa XML 2025/01/12 02:34:54.582517 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.875e-05 1.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112u XML 2025/01/12 01:20:48.095581 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.897e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112u XML 2025/01/12 01:20:48.096702 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.159e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112r XML 2025/01/12 01:07:38.359862 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.568e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112r XML 2025/01/12 01:07:38.359862 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.568e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112l XML 2025/01/12 00:33:52.946289 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.721e-05 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250112l XML 2025/01/12 00:33:52.946289 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.721e-05 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111bh XML 2025/01/11 18:43:04.031250 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.989e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111bh XML 2025/01/11 18:43:04.031250 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.989e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111ba XML 2025/01/11 18:05:39.371093 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.761e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111ba XML 2025/01/11 18:05:39.369629 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.761e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111ap XML 2025/01/11 16:46:52.882812 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.788e-05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111ao XML 2025/01/11 16:42:42.257800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.967e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111ap XML 2025/01/11 16:46:52.882812 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.788e-05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250111ao XML 2025/01/11 16:42:42.257800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.967e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109bi XML 2025/01/09 07:45:52.379027 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.050e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109f XML 2025/01/09 01:05:41.481566 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.921e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108eo XML 2025/01/08 15:22:21.704223 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.763e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109bi XML 2025/01/09 07:45:52.379027 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.050e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109bi XML 2025/01/09 07:45:52.379027 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.050e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109bi XML 2025/01/09 07:45:52.379500 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.050e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109aw XML 2025/01/09 05:56:28.408841 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.591e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109aw XML 2025/01/09 05:56:28.408841 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.591e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109al XML 2025/01/09 05:00:55.398400 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.075e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109al XML 2025/01/09 05:00:55.398400 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.075e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109t XML 2025/01/09 03:11:35.808500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.081e-05                 694.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109t XML 2025/01/09 03:11:35.808500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.081e-05                 694.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109f XML 2025/01/09 01:05:41.481566 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.921e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109f XML 2025/01/09 01:05:41.481566 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.921e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250109f XML 2025/01/09 01:05:41.481445 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ha XML 2025/01/08 20:30:29.318847 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S250108ha XML 2025/01/08 20:30:29.318847 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.312e-04 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ha XML 2025/01/08 20:30:29.318847 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.312e-04 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108gk XML 2025/01/08 19:20:30.891500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.565e-05                 181.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108gk XML 2025/01/08 19:20:30.891500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.565e-05                 181.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108fw XML 2025/01/08 18:05:33.121099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.784e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108fw XML 2025/01/08 18:05:33.121099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.784e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108eo XML 2025/01/08 15:22:21.704223 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.763e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108et XML 2025/01/08 15:40:23.289699 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.832e-06                 60.83 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108et XML 2025/01/08 15:40:23.289699 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.832e-06                 60.83 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108eo XML 2025/01/08 15:22:21.704223 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.763e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108eo XML 2025/01/08 15:22:21.712402 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108dv XML 2025/01/08 13:56:49.652299 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.929e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108dv XML 2025/01/08 13:56:49.652299 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.929e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108dn XML 2025/01/08 13:17:02.186369 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.576e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108dn XML 2025/01/08 13:17:02.186369 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.576e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108by XML 2025/01/08 08:46:42.569600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.641e-05                 900.86 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108by XML 2025/01/08 08:46:42.569600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.641e-05                 900.86 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108bo XML 2025/01/08 08:07:39.859400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.079e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108bo XML 2025/01/08 08:07:39.859400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.079e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ar XML 2025/01/08 03:55:03.078348 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.670e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ar XML 2025/01/08 03:55:03.078348 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.670e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ah XML 2025/01/08 03:05:16.915250 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.180e-05 0.94 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ah XML 2025/01/08 03:05:16.915250 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.180e-05 0.94 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ag XML 2025/01/08 03:00:37.915770 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.102e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.04 0.44         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108ag XML 2025/01/08 03:00:37.915770 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.102e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.04 0.44         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108x XML 2025/01/08 02:19:01.731444 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.372e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250108x XML 2025/01/08 02:19:01.731444 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.372e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250107n XML 2025/01/07 22:55:46.755499 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.770e-06                 73.79 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250107n XML 2025/01/07 22:55:46.755499 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.770e-06                 73.79 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104v XML 2025/01/04 01:51:22.328856 4 Upd 1 1 4 9.528e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106q XML 2025/01/06 06:25:11.933837 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.949e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106q XML 2025/01/06 06:25:11.944724 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.949e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106k XML 2025/01/06 01:32:47.431528 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.906e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106k XML 2025/01/06 01:32:47.430849 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.834e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106i XML 2025/01/06 00:51:49.175199 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.226e-05                 838.42 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106i XML 2025/01/06 00:51:49.175199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.226e-05                 838.42 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106b XML 2025/01/06 00:27:37.388184 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.224e-06 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.42 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250106b XML 2025/01/06 00:27:37.388184 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.224e-06 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.42 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105dt XML 2025/01/05 14:26:49.773926 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.024e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105dt XML 2025/01/05 14:26:49.773437 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.024e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105dn XML 2025/01/05 13:40:47.651122 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.380e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.04 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105dn XML 2025/01/05 13:40:47.661855 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.519e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.04 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105dc XML 2025/01/05 12:39:18.637695 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.917e-06 0.64 0.38 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.47 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105dc XML 2025/01/05 12:39:18.675292 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.917e-06 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105cy XML 2025/01/05 12:21:53.510254 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.160e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105cy XML 2025/01/05 12:21:53.510254 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.160e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105cv XML 2025/01/05 11:54:17.793448 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.255e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105cv XML 2025/01/05 11:54:17.793448 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.255e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105br XML 2025/01/05 08:35:00.102004 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.327e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105br XML 2025/01/05 08:35:00.102004 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.327e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105bn XML 2025/01/05 08:15:49.840820 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.234e-07 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.95 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105bn XML 2025/01/05 08:15:49.836914 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.234e-07 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.98 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105ar XML 2025/01/05 05:40:45.406091 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.767e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105ar XML 2025/01/05 05:40:45.406091 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.767e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105w XML 2025/01/05 03:09:39.578099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.938e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105v XML 2025/01/05 03:09:21.031250 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.692e-05                 0x10 0x289DA03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105w XML 2025/01/05 03:09:39.578099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.938e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105v XML 2025/01/05 03:09:21.031250 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.692e-05                 0x10 0x189D803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105i XML 2025/01/05 01:36:18.575789 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.721e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105i XML 2025/01/05 01:36:18.575789 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.721e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105g XML 2025/01/05 01:26:59.814999 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.358e-06                 1672.19 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250105g XML 2025/01/05 01:26:59.814999 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.358e-06                 1672.19 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104fw XML 2025/01/04 21:29:41.939900 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.314e-06                 760.58 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104fw XML 2025/01/04 21:29:41.939900 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.314e-06                 760.58 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104ex XML 2025/01/04 18:30:14.551757 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.330e-05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.28 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104ex XML 2025/01/04 18:30:14.551757 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.330e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.38 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104eh XML 2025/01/04 16:16:26.786000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.343e-06                 533.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104eh XML 2025/01/04 16:16:26.786000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.343e-06                 533.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104ec XML 2025/01/04 15:10:50.870117 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.864e-05 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104ec XML 2025/01/04 15:10:50.870117 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.864e-05 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104cz XML 2025/01/04 12:00:55.417664 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.013e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104cz XML 2025/01/04 12:00:55.417664 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.013e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104bv XML 2025/01/04 09:07:36.613300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.691e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104bv XML 2025/01/04 09:07:36.613300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.691e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104bj XML 2025/01/04 07:19:25.925799 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.104e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104bj XML 2025/01/04 07:19:25.925799 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.104e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104ay XML 2025/01/04 06:29:59.372070 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.506e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104ay XML 2025/01/04 06:29:59.362304 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.506e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104aa XML 2025/01/04 04:26:16.736084 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.465e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104aa XML 2025/01/04 04:26:16.744317 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.827e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104v XML 2025/01/04 01:51:22.328856 3 Ini 1 1 4 9.528e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104y XML 2025/01/04 02:08:03.241706 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.236e-06 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104y XML 2025/01/04 02:08:03.241706 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.236e-06 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104v XML 2025/01/04 01:51:22.328856 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.528e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104v XML 2025/01/04 01:51:22.323169 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.207e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104u XML 2025/01/04 01:43:59.412573 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.638e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250104u XML 2025/01/04 01:43:59.412573 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.638e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103hh XML 2025/01/03 23:00:21.581054 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.775e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103hh XML 2025/01/03 23:00:21.580566 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.775e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103hc XML 2025/01/03 22:34:24.019500 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.125e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103gy XML 2025/01/03 22:25:43.801983 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.038e-05                 0x10 0x2899E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103hc XML 2025/01/03 22:34:24.019500 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.125e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103gy XML 2025/01/03 22:25:43.801983 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.038e-05                 0x10 0x1899C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103gs XML 2025/01/03 21:34:31.916626 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.942e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103gs XML 2025/01/03 21:34:31.917232 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.942e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103gg XML 2025/01/03 20:48:41.595962 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.341e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103gg XML 2025/01/03 20:48:41.595962 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.341e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103fq XML 2025/01/03 19:31:51.975499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.303e-05                 340.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103fq XML 2025/01/03 19:31:51.975499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.303e-05                 340.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ew XML 2025/01/03 17:04:15.691190 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.819e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ew XML 2025/01/03 17:04:15.691190 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.819e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ek XML 2025/01/03 15:38:21.606812 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.540e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.04 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ek XML 2025/01/03 15:38:21.614155 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.645e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.04 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ei XML 2025/01/03 15:15:51.711060 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.203e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.30         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ei XML 2025/01/03 15:15:51.723807 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.489e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.28         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ec XML 2025/01/03 14:45:07.530884 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.351e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ec XML 2025/01/03 14:45:07.534486 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.351e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103cz XML 2025/01/03 12:28:39.886974 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.563e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103cz XML 2025/01/03 12:28:39.886974 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.563e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103cj XML 2025/01/03 10:54:17.117242 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.747e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103cj XML 2025/01/03 10:54:17.117242 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.747e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103bk XML 2025/01/03 08:13:41.738300 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.827e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103bk XML 2025/01/03 08:13:41.738300 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.827e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103au XML 2025/01/03 05:15:27.372191 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.648e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103au XML 2025/01/03 05:15:27.392261 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.054e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103at XML 2025/01/03 05:02:52.884999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.852e-05                 268.55 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103at XML 2025/01/03 05:02:52.884999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.852e-05                 268.55 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ah XML 2025/01/03 04:22:39.276071 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.251e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103ah XML 2025/01/03 04:22:39.276071 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.251e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103k XML 2025/01/03 01:40:28.730957 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.110e-06 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250103k XML 2025/01/03 01:40:28.730957 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.110e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102dr XML 2025/01/02 20:06:09.463867 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.025e-05 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102dr XML 2025/01/02 20:06:09.462891 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.025e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102di XML 2025/01/02 15:54:13.091796 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.861e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102di XML 2025/01/02 15:54:13.096190 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.861e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102ct XML 2025/01/02 14:09:54.668436 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.518e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102ct XML 2025/01/02 14:09:54.668436 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.518e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102ca XML 2025/01/02 12:09:54.304699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.212e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102ca XML 2025/01/02 12:09:54.304699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.212e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bw XML 2025/01/02 11:40:17.635500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.390e-05                 1354.63 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bw XML 2025/01/02 11:40:17.635500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.390e-05                 1354.63 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bt XML 2025/01/02 11:23:58.769652 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.096e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bt XML 2025/01/02 11:23:58.785572 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.096e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bj XML 2025/01/02 10:16:33.183599 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.044e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bj XML 2025/01/02 10:16:33.183599 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.044e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bg XML 2025/01/02 09:44:48.612549 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.009e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102bg XML 2025/01/02 09:44:48.620716 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.108e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.06 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102ay XML 2025/01/02 08:50:15.976599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.486e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102ay XML 2025/01/02 08:50:15.976599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.486e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102y XML 2025/01/02 05:17:51.152299 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.279e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102y XML 2025/01/02 05:17:51.152299 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.279e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102u XML 2025/01/02 04:32:23.851700 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.141e-06                 1459.53 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102u XML 2025/01/02 04:32:23.851700 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.141e-06                 1459.53 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102t XML 2025/01/02 04:04:05.925799 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.073e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102t XML 2025/01/02 04:04:05.925799 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.073e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102i XML 2025/01/02 02:07:29.835899 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.219e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102i XML 2025/01/02 02:07:29.835899 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.219e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102g XML 2025/01/02 01:51:58.613770 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.079e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250102g XML 2025/01/02 01:51:58.613281 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.079e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101gb XML 2025/01/01 20:24:16.943170 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.219e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.15 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101gb XML 2025/01/01 20:24:16.943170 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.219e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.15 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101fe XML 2025/01/01 18:39:31.597699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.141e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101fe XML 2025/01/01 18:39:31.597699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.141e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101k XML 2025/01/01 01:12:05.046630 4 Upd 1 1 4 5.571e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.88 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101ec XML 2025/01/01 15:12:45.524386 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.521e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101eb XML 2025/01/01 15:07:33.446599 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.187e-06                 1016.37 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101ec XML 2025/01/01 15:12:45.524386 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.521e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101eb XML 2025/01/01 15:07:33.446599 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.187e-06                 1016.37 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101cs XML 2025/01/01 11:09:39.648015 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.732e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101cs XML 2025/01/01 11:09:39.648015 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.732e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101ce XML 2025/01/01 09:07:11.198601 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.959e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101ce XML 2025/01/01 09:07:11.198601 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.959e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101bu XML 2025/01/01 08:08:15.047786 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.475e-06 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101bu XML 2025/01/01 08:08:15.047786 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.475e-06 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101af XML 2025/01/01 03:30:27.985962 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.984e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101af XML 2025/01/01 03:30:27.998231 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.984e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101z XML 2025/01/01 02:38:49.500700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 297.11 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101z XML 2025/01/01 02:38:49.500700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 297.11 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101r XML 2025/01/01 02:03:07.166991 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.777e-06 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101r XML 2025/01/01 02:03:07.181151 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.777e-06 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101k XML 2025/01/01 01:12:05.046630 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.571e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.88 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101k XML 2025/01/01 01:12:05.046630 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.571e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S250101k XML 2025/01/01 01:12:05.041031 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.300e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231gu XML 2024/12/31 23:44:08.230088 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.049e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231gu XML 2024/12/31 23:44:08.230019 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.969e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231bg XML 2024/12/31 05:41:33.605956 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ev XML 2024/12/30 23:36:18.066662 5 Upd 1 1 4 2.197e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.97 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230bd XML 2024/12/30 08:45:04.540404 4 Upd 1 1 4 6.214e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231ei XML 2024/12/31 14:16:04.245040 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.042e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.04 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231ei XML 2024/12/31 14:16:04.245040 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.042e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.04 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231du XML 2024/12/31 13:16:46.193888 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.911e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231du XML 2024/12/31 13:16:46.193888 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.911e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231dr XML 2024/12/31 13:03:51.355499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.947e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231dr XML 2024/12/31 13:03:51.355499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.947e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231dd XML 2024/12/31 11:55:10.862754 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.230e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231dd XML 2024/12/31 11:55:10.862754 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.230e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231bg XML 2024/12/31 05:41:33.605956 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231bg XML 2024/12/31 05:41:33.605956 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.90 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231bg XML 2024/12/31 05:41:33.630867 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.594e-41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231ba XML 2024/12/31 05:02:57.768799 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.228e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231ba XML 2024/12/31 05:02:57.771428 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.228e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231k XML 2024/12/31 01:15:57.627197 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.604e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241231k XML 2024/12/31 01:15:57.625689 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.604e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ev XML 2024/12/30 23:36:18.066662 4 Ini 1 1 4 2.197e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ez XML 2024/12/30 23:57:32.512700 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.092e-05                 1257.64 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ez XML 2024/12/30 23:57:32.512700 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.092e-05                 1257.64 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ev XML 2024/12/30 23:36:18.066662 3 Pre 1 1 4 2.197e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ev XML 2024/12/30 23:36:18.066662 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.197e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ev XML 2024/12/30 23:36:18.066662 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.197e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.12         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230eq XML 2024/12/30 23:14:22.742200 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.303e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230eq XML 2024/12/30 23:14:22.742200 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.303e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230en XML 2024/12/30 22:28:52.059081 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.285e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230en XML 2024/12/30 22:28:52.059081 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.285e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230dr XML 2024/12/30 18:03:29.895019 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.049e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230dr XML 2024/12/30 18:03:29.895019 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.049e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230do XML 2024/12/30 17:22:20.808042 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.885e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230do XML 2024/12/30 17:22:20.808042 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.885e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230df XML 2024/12/30 16:02:28.107067 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.976e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230df XML 2024/12/30 16:02:28.107067 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.976e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230dd XML 2024/12/30 15:45:41.687012 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.227e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230dd XML 2024/12/30 15:45:41.687500 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.227e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230bd XML 2024/12/30 08:45:04.540404 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.214e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230bd XML 2024/12/30 08:45:04.540404 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.214e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230bd XML 2024/12/30 08:45:04.543422 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.837e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230at XML 2024/12/30 07:23:46.985840 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.614e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230as XML 2024/12/30 07:23:22.484863 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.104e-05 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230at XML 2024/12/30 07:23:46.994140 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.614e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230as XML 2024/12/30 07:23:22.484863 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.104e-05 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230aq XML 2024/12/30 06:56:51.374512 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.993e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230aq XML 2024/12/30 06:56:51.374572 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.993e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ag XML 2024/12/30 05:44:56.810254 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.294e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230ag XML 2024/12/30 05:44:56.810254 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.294e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225v XML 2024/12/25 08:28:15.652587 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.154e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225c XML 2024/12/25 04:25:53.245604 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.999e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230m XML 2024/12/30 03:45:53.607909 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.839e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.04 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230m XML 2024/12/30 03:45:53.607909 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.839e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.04 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230k XML 2024/12/30 01:52:35.250487 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.910e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241230k XML 2024/12/30 01:52:35.250487 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.910e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229cr XML 2024/12/29 17:07:40.040526 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.037e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229cr XML 2024/12/29 17:07:40.041015 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.037e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229ck XML 2024/12/29 16:15:14.670099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.359e-05                 1213.70 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229ck XML 2024/12/29 16:15:14.670099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.359e-05                 1213.70 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229ch XML 2024/12/29 15:58:44.760254 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.268e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229ch XML 2024/12/29 15:58:44.752642 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.649e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.04 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229v XML 2024/12/29 07:20:40.725464 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.956e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229v XML 2024/12/29 07:20:40.725464 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.956e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229q XML 2024/12/29 05:43:54.187961 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.222e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.72 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229q XML 2024/12/29 05:43:54.187961 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.222e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.72 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229m XML 2024/12/29 05:36:57.380544 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.061e-05                 0x10 0x289B603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229l XML 2024/12/29 05:36:43.646168 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.481e-05                 0x10 0x289B203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229m XML 2024/12/29 05:36:57.380544 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.061e-05                 0x10 0x189B403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229l XML 2024/12/29 05:36:43.646168 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.481e-05                 0x10 0x189B003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229j XML 2024/12/29 05:02:24.332031 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.592e-06 0.88 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.97 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229j XML 2024/12/29 05:02:24.332031 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.592e-06 0.88 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.97 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229h XML 2024/12/29 03:46:20.324950 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.153e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229h XML 2024/12/29 03:46:20.328437 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.153e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229e XML 2024/12/29 03:36:36.244602 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.167e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241229e XML 2024/12/29 03:36:36.244602 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.167e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228cg XML 2024/12/28 22:01:09.758786 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.978e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228cg XML 2024/12/28 22:01:09.758786 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.978e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228be XML 2024/12/28 08:23:21.132567 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.514e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228be XML 2024/12/28 08:23:21.133855 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.049e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.04 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228aw XML 2024/12/28 07:11:28.132799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.771e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228aw XML 2024/12/28 07:11:28.132799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.771e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228ak XML 2024/12/28 05:47:48.580123 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228ak XML 2024/12/28 05:47:48.580123 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228q XML 2024/12/28 03:34:08.190429 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.809e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228q XML 2024/12/28 03:34:08.155761 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.809e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228e XML 2024/12/28 01:04:53.586108 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.903e-05 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241228e XML 2024/12/28 01:04:53.586108 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.903e-05 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241227c XML 2024/12/27 03:21:20.027300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.223e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241227c XML 2024/12/27 03:21:20.027300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.223e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241227a XML 2024/12/27 00:43:39.536214 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.394e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241227a XML 2024/12/27 00:43:39.536214 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.394e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cy XML 2024/12/26 21:52:45.301800 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.144e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cy XML 2024/12/26 21:52:45.301800 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.144e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cg XML 2024/12/26 13:30:39.515599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.697e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cg XML 2024/12/26 13:30:39.515599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.697e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cc XML 2024/12/26 09:29:53.371948 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.632e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cc XML 2024/12/26 09:29:53.376145 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.632e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cb XML 2024/12/26 09:21:02.758500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.709e-05                 808.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226cb XML 2024/12/26 09:21:02.758500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.709e-05                 808.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226by XML 2024/12/26 09:09:50.175800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.208e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226by XML 2024/12/26 09:09:50.175800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.208e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bw XML 2024/12/26 08:46:16.701660 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.904e-06 0.67 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bu XML 2024/12/26 08:42:16.879288 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.605e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.36 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bw XML 2024/12/26 08:46:16.690917 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.904e-06 0.88 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bu XML 2024/12/26 08:42:16.879288 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.605e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.36 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bh XML 2024/12/26 07:08:21.398399 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.584e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bh XML 2024/12/26 07:08:21.398399 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.584e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bf XML 2024/12/26 06:55:52.804699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.367e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226bf XML 2024/12/26 06:55:52.804699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.367e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226az XML 2024/12/26 06:21:49.072020 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.831e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226az XML 2024/12/26 06:21:49.070405 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.831e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226aw XML 2024/12/26 06:04:28.809570 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.767e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226aw XML 2024/12/26 06:04:28.809570 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.767e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226ak XML 2024/12/26 04:21:25.783100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-06                 1630.25 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226ak XML 2024/12/26 04:21:25.783100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-06                 1630.25 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226p XML 2024/12/26 02:03:06.152300 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.681e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226n XML 2024/12/26 02:00:16.570729 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.398e-05                 0x10 0x289BA03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226p XML 2024/12/26 02:03:06.152300 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.681e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241226n XML 2024/12/26 02:00:16.570729 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.398e-05                 0x10 0x189B803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225bv XML 2024/12/25 23:05:57.787841 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.964e-06 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225bv XML 2024/12/25 23:05:57.787841 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.964e-06 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225ae XML 2024/12/25 10:18:53.470581 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.348e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225ae XML 2024/12/25 10:18:53.464795 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.786e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225v XML 2024/12/25 08:28:15.652587 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.154e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225w XML 2024/12/25 08:30:47.867199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.251e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225v XML 2024/12/25 08:28:15.652587 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.154e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225w XML 2024/12/25 08:30:47.867199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.251e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225v XML 2024/12/25 08:28:15.661561 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.154e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225e XML 2024/12/25 05:27:03.870699 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.098e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225e XML 2024/12/25 05:27:03.870699 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.098e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225c XML 2024/12/25 04:25:53.245604 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.999e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225c XML 2024/12/25 04:25:53.245604 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.999e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241225c XML 2024/12/25 04:25:53.245390 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.780e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241224g XML 2024/12/24 15:04:03.464399 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.084e-06 1.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241224g XML 2024/12/24 15:04:03.464399 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.084e-06 1.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223bl XML 2024/12/23 23:51:52.881470 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.816e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223bl XML 2024/12/23 23:51:52.911341 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.816e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223bd XML 2024/12/23 14:45:57.262383 2 Pre 2 1 0 4.401e-07                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223bd XML 2024/12/23 14:45:57.262383 1 Pre 2 1 0 4.401e-07                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223av XML 2024/12/23 13:50:51.551270 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.808e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223av XML 2024/12/23 13:50:51.552245 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.808e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT 0.00
S241223as XML 2024/12/23 13:35:40.752985 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.415e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241223as XML 2024/12/23 13:35:40.752985 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.415e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222dv XML 2024/12/22 19:55:28.569335 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.023e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222dv XML 2024/12/22 19:55:28.569824 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.023e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222do XML 2024/12/22 19:02:31.059246 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.314e-05 1.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222do XML 2024/12/22 19:02:31.059246 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.314e-05 1.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222cl XML 2024/12/22 14:36:46.167999 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.853e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222cl XML 2024/12/22 14:36:46.167999 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.853e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222ci XML 2024/12/22 14:25:45.273400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.201e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222ci XML 2024/12/22 14:25:45.273400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.201e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222bh XML 2024/12/22 08:40:07.864638 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.005e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222bh XML 2024/12/22 08:40:07.864638 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.005e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222bb XML 2024/12/22 08:20:43.394500 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.384e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222bb XML 2024/12/22 08:20:43.394500 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.384e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222aa XML 2024/12/22 02:27:58.404888 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.434e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222aa XML 2024/12/22 02:27:58.404888 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.434e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222z XML 2024/12/22 02:18:09.035199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.175e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241222z XML 2024/12/22 02:18:09.035199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.175e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221dc XML 2024/12/21 13:25:43.929699 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.818e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221dc XML 2024/12/21 13:25:43.929699 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.818e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221da XML 2024/12/21 13:07:00.514588 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.055e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221da XML 2024/12/21 13:07:00.514588 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.055e-06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221bf XML 2024/12/21 06:31:51.284599 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.146e-06                 1146.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221bf XML 2024/12/21 06:31:51.284599 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.146e-06                 1146.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221bd XML 2024/12/21 06:23:25.803657 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.675e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221bd XML 2024/12/21 06:23:25.803657 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.675e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221ao XML 2024/12/21 05:03:53.099600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.804e-06                 1051.54 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221ao XML 2024/12/21 05:03:53.099600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.804e-06                 1051.54 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221ac XML 2024/12/21 04:06:41.037748 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.714e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241221ac XML 2024/12/21 04:06:41.040430 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.184e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220fu XML 2024/12/20 20:55:55.575499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.508e-05                 1285.25 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220fu XML 2024/12/20 20:55:55.575499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.508e-05                 1285.25 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220fk XML 2024/12/20 19:54:02.316399 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.175e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220fk XML 2024/12/20 19:54:02.316399 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.175e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ey XML 2024/12/20 18:41:35.146610 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.470e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ey XML 2024/12/20 18:41:35.146610 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.470e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220es XML 2024/12/20 17:51:53.035400 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.158e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220es XML 2024/12/20 17:51:53.036979 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.158e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ek XML 2024/12/20 17:04:23.421900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.301e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ek XML 2024/12/20 17:04:23.421900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.301e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220eh XML 2024/12/20 16:53:00.628622 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.274e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220eh XML 2024/12/20 16:53:00.628622 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.274e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220dj XML 2024/12/20 14:39:00.068848 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.239e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220dj XML 2024/12/20 14:39:00.094407 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.239e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220cq XML 2024/12/20 12:23:57.997314 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.131e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220cq XML 2024/12/20 12:23:58.005172 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.827e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220cg XML 2024/12/20 11:39:29.643187 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.406e-06 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.05 0.46         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220cg XML 2024/12/20 11:39:29.684059 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.858e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220cc XML 2024/12/20 11:13:58.589714 2 Pre 2 1 0 4.346e-06                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220cc XML 2024/12/20 11:13:58.589714 1 Pre 2 1 0 4.346e-06                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220bu XML 2024/12/20 10:03:26.735296 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.219e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220bu XML 2024/12/20 10:03:26.735296 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.219e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220bi XML 2024/12/20 08:16:47.701659 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.071e-05 1.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220bi XML 2024/12/20 08:16:47.701659 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.071e-05 1.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220bb XML 2024/12/20 07:28:07.089122 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.760e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220bb XML 2024/12/20 07:28:07.089122 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.760e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ay XML 2024/12/20 07:16:24.460899 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.702e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ay XML 2024/12/20 07:16:24.460899 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.702e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ar XML 2024/12/20 06:12:25.533203 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.658e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220ar XML 2024/12/20 06:12:25.533691 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.658e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220y XML 2024/12/20 04:15:48.729247 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.132e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220y XML 2024/12/20 04:15:48.729534 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.132e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220x XML 2024/12/20 03:49:28.730468 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.457e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220x XML 2024/12/20 03:49:28.730468 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.457e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220r XML 2024/12/20 01:29:05.326100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.836e-05                 294.96 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220r XML 2024/12/20 01:29:05.326100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.836e-05                 294.96 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220j XML 2024/12/20 00:31:59.002236 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.366e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241220j XML 2024/12/20 00:31:59.002236 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.366e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219gz XML 2024/12/19 22:26:07.260863 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.621e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.04 0.23         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219gz XML 2024/12/19 22:26:07.261245 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.590e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.04 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219gr XML 2024/12/19 21:36:16.481566 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.433e-05                 0x10 0x2899E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219gr XML 2024/12/19 21:36:16.481566 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.433e-05                 0x10 0x1899C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219gj XML 2024/12/19 21:10:45.054861 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.061e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219gj XML 2024/12/19 21:10:45.054861 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.061e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219ga XML 2024/12/19 16:28:27.200562 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.933e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219ga XML 2024/12/19 16:28:27.206551 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.933e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219fi XML 2024/12/19 15:11:37.611693 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.203e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 0.43         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219fi XML 2024/12/19 15:11:37.616598 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.203e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 0.43         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219fc XML 2024/12/19 14:48:45.394123 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.763e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219fc XML 2024/12/19 14:48:45.394123 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.763e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.14 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219eg XML 2024/12/19 12:45:54.165039 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.340e-05 1.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219eg XML 2024/12/19 12:45:54.164551 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.340e-05 1.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219ed XML 2024/12/19 12:26:00.718063 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.417e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.64 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219ed XML 2024/12/19 12:26:00.718063 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.417e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.64 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219db XML 2024/12/19 10:06:09.957508 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.656e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.23 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219db XML 2024/12/19 10:06:09.957508 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.656e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.23 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219cl XML 2024/12/19 08:16:25.190917 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.344e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.13 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219cl XML 2024/12/19 08:16:25.190429 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.344e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219f XML 2024/12/19 00:18:41.189441 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.449e-06 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241219f XML 2024/12/19 00:18:41.189441 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.449e-06 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218do XML 2024/12/18 18:05:19.581330 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.013e-06 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218do XML 2024/12/18 18:05:19.581330 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.013e-06 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218dn XML 2024/12/18 17:50:02.828202 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.225e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218dn XML 2024/12/18 17:50:02.828202 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.225e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218cz XML 2024/12/18 14:28:03.908840 2 Pre 2 1 0 8.255e-07                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218cz XML 2024/12/18 14:28:03.908840 1 Pre 2 1 0 8.255e-07                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218cu XML 2024/12/18 13:55:59.483400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.103e-05                 1015.40 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218cu XML 2024/12/18 13:55:59.483400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.103e-05                 1015.40 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218at XML 2024/12/18 03:08:44.920994 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.426e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218at XML 2024/12/18 03:08:44.920994 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.426e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218as XML 2024/12/18 03:03:49.521056 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.545e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218as XML 2024/12/18 03:03:49.521056 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.545e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218p XML 2024/12/18 01:18:27.343800 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.519e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218p XML 2024/12/18 01:18:27.343800 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.519e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218g XML 2024/12/18 00:49:49.349609 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.012e-05 0.66 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241218g XML 2024/12/18 00:49:49.349609 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.012e-05 0.66 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241217as XML 2024/12/17 10:32:52.418945 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.808e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241217ar XML 2024/12/17 10:32:29.312922 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.045e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241217as XML 2024/12/17 10:32:52.422221 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.808e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241217ar XML 2024/12/17 10:32:29.312922 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.045e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241217t XML 2024/12/17 08:45:38.611206 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.373e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241217t XML 2024/12/17 08:45:38.605949 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.373e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216gg XML 2024/12/16 23:27:06.963040 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.225e-05                 0x10 0x2899E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216gg XML 2024/12/16 23:27:06.963040 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.225e-05                 0x10 0x1899C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216fi XML 2024/12/16 20:59:44.611659 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.289e-07 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.36 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216fi XML 2024/12/16 20:59:44.611659 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.289e-07 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.36 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216cy XML 2024/12/16 10:41:49.958007 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.308e-06 1.00 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216cy XML 2024/12/16 10:41:49.957520 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.308e-06 1.00 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216cn XML 2024/12/16 09:01:29.050799 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.162e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216cn XML 2024/12/16 09:01:29.050799 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.162e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216cj XML 2024/12/16 08:49:39.975126 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.130e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216ch XML 2024/12/16 08:46:35.363700 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.867e-06                 1000.94 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216cj XML 2024/12/16 08:49:39.975126 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.130e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216ch XML 2024/12/16 08:46:35.363700 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.867e-06                 1000.94 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216bp XML 2024/12/16 07:09:53.811523 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.238e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216bp XML 2024/12/16 07:09:53.811523 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.238e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216ba XML 2024/12/16 05:12:47.656199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.909e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241216ba XML 2024/12/16 05:12:47.656199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.909e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215fk XML 2024/12/15 23:10:06.727299 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.463e-06                 85.27 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215fk XML 2024/12/15 23:10:06.727299 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.463e-06                 85.27 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215em XML 2024/12/15 19:30:10.003771 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.265e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215em XML 2024/12/15 19:30:10.003771 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.265e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215df XML 2024/12/15 16:06:39.255597 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.403e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215df XML 2024/12/15 16:06:39.254511 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.264e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215cz XML 2024/12/15 15:20:17.257567 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.815e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215cz XML 2024/12/15 15:20:17.258796 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.815e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215cn XML 2024/12/15 14:02:07.549800 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.274e-06                 689.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215cn XML 2024/12/15 14:02:07.549800 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.274e-06                 689.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215bp XML 2024/12/15 10:58:47.900700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.897e-05                 1244.64 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215bp XML 2024/12/15 10:58:47.900700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.897e-05                 1244.64 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215bf XML 2024/12/15 10:17:45.234400 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.027e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215bf XML 2024/12/15 10:17:45.234400 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.027e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215aw XML 2024/12/15 07:01:37.890599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.223e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215aw XML 2024/12/15 07:01:37.890599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.223e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215ab XML 2024/12/15 04:19:04.027066 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.127e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215ab XML 2024/12/15 04:19:04.027066 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.127e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215v XML 2024/12/15 03:47:25.768233 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.706e-06                 0x10 0x289DA03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241215v XML 2024/12/15 03:47:25.768233 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.706e-06                 0x10 0x189D803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214da XML 2024/12/14 22:54:02.520507 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.307e-05 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214da XML 2024/12/14 22:54:02.520020 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.307e-05 1.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214bu XML 2024/12/14 14:33:29.295000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.609e-05                 955.01 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214bu XML 2024/12/14 14:33:29.295000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.609e-05                 955.01 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214u XML 2024/12/14 10:08:56.800800 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.186e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214u XML 2024/12/14 10:08:56.800800 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.186e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214b XML 2024/12/14 08:26:33.963915 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.164e-05 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241214b XML 2024/12/14 08:26:33.963915 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.164e-05 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241213o XML 2024/12/13 01:26:16.359863 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.957e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241213n XML 2024/12/13 01:22:24.412597 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.635e-05 1.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241213o XML 2024/12/13 01:26:16.359863 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.957e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241213n XML 2024/12/13 01:22:24.412597 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.635e-05 1.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212dz XML 2024/12/12 15:38:58.845581 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.560e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212dz XML 2024/12/12 15:38:58.845560 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.560e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212ce XML 2024/12/12 08:45:33.290525 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.190e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212ce XML 2024/12/12 08:45:33.290525 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.190e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212cb XML 2024/12/12 08:35:45.797246 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.235e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212cb XML 2024/12/12 08:35:45.797246 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.235e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212ca XML 2024/12/12 08:30:31.862569 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.750e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212ca XML 2024/12/12 08:30:31.862569 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.750e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212bq XML 2024/12/12 07:59:58.008544 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.147e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241212bq XML 2024/12/12 07:59:58.011231 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.147e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ka XML 2024/12/11 20:55:02.224687 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.294e-05 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ka XML 2024/12/11 20:55:02.224687 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.294e-05 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211jq XML 2024/12/11 19:44:48.607399 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.976e-07                 901.20 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211jq XML 2024/12/11 19:44:48.607399 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.976e-07                 901.20 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211jl XML 2024/12/11 19:05:46.692503 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.883e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.31 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211jl XML 2024/12/11 19:05:46.692503 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.883e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.31 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211jh XML 2024/12/11 18:21:52.258180 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.266e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211jh XML 2024/12/11 18:21:52.258180 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.266e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hy XML 2024/12/11 15:02:55.469726 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.165e-06 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hy XML 2024/12/11 15:02:55.469726 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.165e-06 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.70 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hi XML 2024/12/11 11:18:46.218524 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.851e-05                 0x10 0x289A203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hi XML 2024/12/11 11:18:46.218524 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.851e-05                 0x10 0x189A003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hh XML 2024/12/11 11:08:47.311430 2 Pre 2 1 0 5.479e-06                 0x10 0x289A203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hh XML 2024/12/11 11:08:47.311430 1 Pre 2 1 0 5.479e-06                 0x10 0x189A003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hc XML 2024/12/11 10:22:32.093000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.666e-06                 288.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210cw XML 2024/12/10 06:06:06.872558 4 Upd 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211hc XML 2024/12/11 10:22:32.093000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.666e-06                 288.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210d XML 2024/12/10 02:33:35.191040 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.391e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gy XML 2024/12/11 10:05:52.815500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.592e-05                 154.64 0.16   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gy XML 2024/12/11 10:05:52.815500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.592e-05                 154.64 0.16   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gv XML 2024/12/11 10:01:44.958495 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.770e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gv XML 2024/12/11 10:01:44.958495 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.770e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gl XML 2024/12/11 09:30:27.699600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.459e-05                 332.75 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gl XML 2024/12/11 09:30:27.699600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.459e-05                 332.75 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gb XML 2024/12/11 09:08:19.988600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.254e-05                 371.83 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211gb XML 2024/12/11 09:08:19.988600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.254e-05                 371.83 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fv XML 2024/12/11 08:56:23.141999 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.203e-05                 440.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fv XML 2024/12/11 08:56:23.141999 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.203e-05                 440.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fl XML 2024/12/11 08:47:37.828586 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.302e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.01 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fk XML 2024/12/11 08:44:35.686799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.435e-05                 185.16 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fi XML 2024/12/11 08:45:38.150393 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.978e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fl XML 2024/12/11 08:47:37.828586 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.302e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.01 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fk XML 2024/12/11 08:44:35.686799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.435e-05                 185.16 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211fi XML 2024/12/11 08:45:38.150393 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.978e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211en XML 2024/12/11 06:57:55.784545 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.314e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211en XML 2024/12/11 06:57:55.789647 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.314e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ds XML 2024/12/11 06:09:34.603900 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.088e-06                 312.42 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ds XML 2024/12/11 06:09:34.603900 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.088e-06                 312.42 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211do XML 2024/12/11 06:06:59.353515 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.752e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211do XML 2024/12/11 06:06:59.352051 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.752e-05 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211dl XML 2024/12/11 06:02:09.264160 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.801e-05 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.18 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211dl XML 2024/12/11 06:02:09.264160 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.801e-05 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.18 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ct XML 2024/12/11 05:06:34.460999 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.862e-07                 47.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ct XML 2024/12/11 05:06:34.460999 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.862e-07                 47.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211aq XML 2024/12/11 03:54:09.977199 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.561e-06                 305.80 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211aq XML 2024/12/11 03:54:09.977199 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.561e-06                 305.80 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211al XML 2024/12/11 03:39:13.178537 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.238e-05                 0x10 0x2898603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211al XML 2024/12/11 03:39:13.178537 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.238e-05                 0x10 0x1898403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ae XML 2024/12/11 02:53:03.965332 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.614e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211ae XML 2024/12/11 02:53:03.966661 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.614e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211y XML 2024/12/11 02:41:37.722534 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.080e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211x XML 2024/12/11 02:36:53.782485 2 Pre 2 1 0 3.641e-06                 0x10 0x289E203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211y XML 2024/12/11 02:41:37.215249 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.080e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211x XML 2024/12/11 02:36:53.782485 1 Pre 2 1 0 3.641e-06                 0x10 0x189E003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211t XML 2024/12/11 02:28:11.228605 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.850e-05                 0x10 0x289D203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211t XML 2024/12/11 02:28:11.228605 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.850e-05                 0x10 0x189D003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211o XML 2024/12/11 02:02:14.576135 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.616e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.46 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241211o XML 2024/12/11 02:02:14.576135 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.616e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.46 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210in XML 2024/12/10 22:43:17.947020 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.717e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210in XML 2024/12/10 22:43:17.958663 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.717e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210im XML 2024/12/10 14:50:15.767822 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.474e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ii XML 2024/12/10 14:45:25.940062 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.192e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ih XML 2024/12/10 14:45:48.037964 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.097e-06 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210im XML 2024/12/10 14:50:15.779292 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.474e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ii XML 2024/12/10 14:45:25.946000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.514e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.04 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ih XML 2024/12/10 14:45:48.544128 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.097e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.03 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ic XML 2024/12/10 14:39:04.449200 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.402e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210hy XML 2024/12/10 14:34:23.578099 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.683e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ic XML 2024/12/10 14:39:04.449200 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.402e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210hy XML 2024/12/10 14:34:23.578099 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.683e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ho XML 2024/12/10 14:21:59.676354 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.638e-05                 0x10 0x289A203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ho XML 2024/12/10 14:21:59.676354 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.638e-05                 0x10 0x189A003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210hf XML 2024/12/10 14:11:05.155395 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.130e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210hf XML 2024/12/10 14:11:05.170099 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.944e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gy XML 2024/12/10 14:02:23.767600 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.384e-07                 107.36 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gy XML 2024/12/10 14:02:23.767600 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.384e-07                 107.36 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gm XML 2024/12/10 13:25:54.089902 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.356e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gm XML 2024/12/10 13:25:54.089902 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.356e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gk XML 2024/12/10 13:17:42.589354 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.290e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gk XML 2024/12/10 13:17:42.587890 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.290e-05 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gc XML 2024/12/10 13:03:03.911262 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.853e-06                 0x10 0x2899E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ga XML 2024/12/10 12:58:52.968750 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.005e-05                 0x10 0x2899E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210gc XML 2024/12/10 13:03:03.911262 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.853e-06                 0x10 0x1899C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ga XML 2024/12/10 12:58:52.968750 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.005e-05                 0x10 0x1899C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210fu XML 2024/12/10 12:09:00.632202 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.725e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210fu XML 2024/12/10 12:09:00.632202 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.725e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210fu XML 2024/12/10 12:09:00.640136 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.271e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210fs XML 2024/12/10 11:54:15.106505 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.682e-05                 0x10 0x2899A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210fs XML 2024/12/10 11:54:15.106505 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.682e-05                 0x10 0x1899803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210er XML 2024/12/10 10:29:03.321899 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.093e-06                 1184.50 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210er XML 2024/12/10 10:29:03.321899 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.093e-06                 1184.50 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210en XML 2024/12/10 10:19:49.528384 2 Pre 2 1 0 6.540e-06                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210en XML 2024/12/10 10:19:49.528384 1 Pre 2 1 0 6.540e-06                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ee XML 2024/12/10 09:34:56.386000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.246e-05                 967.78 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ee XML 2024/12/10 09:34:56.386000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.246e-05                 967.78 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210du XML 2024/12/10 08:04:50.093083 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.871e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210du XML 2024/12/10 08:04:50.093083 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.871e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210dl XML 2024/12/10 07:09:51.200499 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.310e-06                 659.61 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210dk XML 2024/12/10 07:07:53.192985 2 Pre 2 1 0 5.022e-06                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210dl XML 2024/12/10 07:09:51.200499 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.310e-06                 659.61 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210di XML 2024/12/10 07:05:31.742634 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.067e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210dk XML 2024/12/10 07:07:53.192985 1 Pre 2 1 0 5.022e-06                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210di XML 2024/12/10 07:05:31.742634 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.067e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210de XML 2024/12/10 06:37:24.102820 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.763e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210de XML 2024/12/10 06:37:24.102820 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.763e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210cw XML 2024/12/10 06:06:06.872558 3 Ini 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210cw XML 2024/12/10 06:06:06.872558 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210cw XML 2024/12/10 06:06:06.848518 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.146e-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210co XML 2024/12/10 05:49:18.852268 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.330e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210co XML 2024/12/10 05:49:18.852268 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.330e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ck XML 2024/12/10 05:33:49.660200 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.730e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ck XML 2024/12/10 05:33:49.660200 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.730e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210cf XML 2024/12/10 05:14:05.713599 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.762e-06                 1313.49 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210cf XML 2024/12/10 05:14:05.713599 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.762e-06                 1313.49 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ca XML 2024/12/10 04:54:26.616199 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.257e-06                 221.96 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ca XML 2024/12/10 04:54:26.616199 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.257e-06                 221.96 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210bj XML 2024/12/10 04:27:45.443300 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.511e-05                 115.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210bf XML 2024/12/10 04:24:54.966918 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.268e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210bj XML 2024/12/10 04:27:45.443300 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.511e-05                 115.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210be XML 2024/12/10 04:23:14.480957 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.024e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210bf XML 2024/12/10 04:24:54.970179 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.425e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210bb XML 2024/12/10 04:20:47.030652 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.119e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.45         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ba XML 2024/12/10 04:20:15.320923 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.285e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210be XML 2024/12/10 04:23:14.486058 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.024e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210bb XML 2024/12/10 04:20:47.030652 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.119e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.45         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ba XML 2024/12/10 04:20:15.328882 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.285e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210an XML 2024/12/10 03:54:00.984899 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.602e-06                 200.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ak XML 2024/12/10 03:53:22.891899 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.076e-06                 133.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210an XML 2024/12/10 03:54:00.984899 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.602e-06                 200.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ag XML 2024/12/10 03:51:18.378499 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.302e-06                 266.87 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ak XML 2024/12/10 03:53:22.891899 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.076e-06                 133.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ad XML 2024/12/10 03:52:50.344115 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.727e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ag XML 2024/12/10 03:51:18.378499 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.302e-06                 266.87 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210z XML 2024/12/10 03:45:41.295299 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.873e-06                 268.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210ad XML 2024/12/10 03:52:50.345680 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.062e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210z XML 2024/12/10 03:45:41.295299 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.873e-06                 268.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210n XML 2024/12/10 03:31:52.460500 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.130e-05                 110.40 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210n XML 2024/12/10 03:31:52.460500 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.130e-05                 110.40 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210d XML 2024/12/10 02:33:35.191040 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.391e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210d XML 2024/12/10 02:33:35.191040 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.391e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241210d XML 2024/12/10 02:33:35.186324 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.391e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241209q XML 2024/12/09 22:52:48.182495 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.355e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241209q XML 2024/12/09 22:52:48.189762 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.355e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241209h XML 2024/12/09 21:39:36.835962 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.059e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241209h XML 2024/12/09 21:39:36.836928 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.759e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241208n XML 2024/12/08 18:37:37.954900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.712e-05                 898.53 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241208n XML 2024/12/08 18:37:37.954900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.712e-05                 898.53 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207fb XML 2024/12/07 20:25:43.065699 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.300e-05                 0x10 0x2899A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207fb XML 2024/12/07 20:25:43.065699 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.300e-05                 0x10 0x1899803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207es XML 2024/12/07 20:05:23.839200 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.059e-05                 781.86 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207es XML 2024/12/07 20:05:23.839200 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.059e-05                 781.86 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ek XML 2024/12/07 19:04:53.234999 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.393e-06                 792.42 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ek XML 2024/12/07 19:04:53.234999 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.393e-06                 792.42 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ef XML 2024/12/07 18:45:04.078500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.189e-05                 1067.21 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ef XML 2024/12/07 18:45:04.078500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.189e-05                 1067.21 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ed XML 2024/12/07 18:37:39.309899 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.876e-06                 907.28 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ed XML 2024/12/07 18:37:39.309899 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.876e-06                 907.28 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207du XML 2024/12/07 18:01:16.787534 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.292e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207du XML 2024/12/07 18:01:16.787534 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.292e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207do XML 2024/12/07 17:10:42.571776 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.113e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207do XML 2024/12/07 17:10:42.571776 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.113e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207cr XML 2024/12/07 15:03:57.877200 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.306e-05                 288.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207cr XML 2024/12/07 15:03:57.877200 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.306e-05                 288.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ca XML 2024/12/07 14:18:27.078099 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.550e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207ca XML 2024/12/07 14:18:27.078099 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.550e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207bx XML 2024/12/07 14:10:02.696899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.992e-05                 38.04 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207bx XML 2024/12/07 14:10:02.696899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.992e-05                 38.04 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207y XML 2024/12/07 02:32:46.441600 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.156e-06                 162.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207y XML 2024/12/07 02:32:46.441600 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.156e-06                 162.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207n XML 2024/12/07 01:34:19.625000 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.055e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207n XML 2024/12/07 01:34:19.625000 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.055e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207c XML 2024/12/07 00:16:57.879193 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.830e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.47 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241207c XML 2024/12/07 00:16:57.879193 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.830e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.47 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206di XML 2024/12/06 21:35:04.744936 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.797e-06                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206di XML 2024/12/06 21:35:04.744936 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.797e-06                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206dh XML 2024/12/06 21:25:00.972700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.643e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206dh XML 2024/12/06 21:25:00.972700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.643e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206ai XML 2024/12/06 06:49:37.702759 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.650e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206ai XML 2024/12/06 06:49:37.704428 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.650e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206ah XML 2024/12/06 06:33:06.375976 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.900e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.24 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206ah XML 2024/12/06 06:33:06.375976 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.900e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.24 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206ab XML 2024/12/06 05:30:03.299805 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.289e-05 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206ab XML 2024/12/06 05:30:03.299805 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.289e-05 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206i XML 2024/12/06 03:29:00.369649 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.849e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241206i XML 2024/12/06 03:29:00.369649 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.849e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205bx XML 2024/12/05 08:19:47.907341 2 Pre 2 1 0 9.799e-06                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205bx XML 2024/12/05 08:19:47.907341 1 Pre 2 1 0 9.799e-06                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205bs XML 2024/12/05 07:59:49.481265 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.078e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205bs XML 2024/12/05 07:59:49.481265 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.078e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205br XML 2024/12/05 07:37:50.137300 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.017e-05                 878.57 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205br XML 2024/12/05 07:37:50.137300 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.017e-05                 878.57 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205bc XML 2024/12/05 06:05:56.700465 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.188e-05                 0x10 0x2898A03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205bc XML 2024/12/05 06:05:56.700465 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.188e-05                 0x10 0x1898803       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205ap XML 2024/12/05 05:00:17.426147 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.098e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205ap XML 2024/12/05 05:00:17.431512 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.098e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205ab XML 2024/12/05 03:41:24.976600 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.572e-06                 934.70 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205ab XML 2024/12/05 03:41:24.976600 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.572e-06                 934.70 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205w XML 2024/12/05 03:14:54.750484 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.058e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205w XML 2024/12/05 03:14:54.750484 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.058e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205s XML 2024/12/05 02:41:23.954101 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.442e-05 0.87 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205s XML 2024/12/05 02:41:23.954101 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.442e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205c XML 2024/12/05 00:21:29.838582 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.151e-05                 0x10 0x2898E03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241205c XML 2024/12/05 00:21:29.838582 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.151e-05                 0x10 0x1898C03       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204gc XML 2024/12/04 20:54:27.613299 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.104e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204gc XML 2024/12/04 20:54:27.613299 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.104e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fr XML 2024/12/04 19:18:12.783203 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.539e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fr XML 2024/12/04 19:18:12.783690 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.539e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fp XML 2024/12/04 19:01:01.647005 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.727e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.02 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fo XML 2024/12/04 18:58:32.087890 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.181e-06 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fp XML 2024/12/04 19:01:01.647005 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.727e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.02 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fo XML 2024/12/04 18:58:32.088379 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.181e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.26 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fb XML 2024/12/04 17:23:55.724200 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.760e-06                 223.92 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204fb XML 2024/12/04 17:23:55.724200 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.760e-06                 223.92 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204et XML 2024/12/04 16:12:38.336139 2 Pre 2 1 0 1.581e-05                 0x10 0x2899603       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204et XML 2024/12/04 16:12:38.336139 1 Pre 2 1 0 1.581e-05                 0x10 0x1899403       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204eo XML 2024/12/04 15:51:40.237290 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.922e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204eo XML 2024/12/04 15:51:40.237290 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.922e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204en XML 2024/12/04 15:46:00.827080 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.399e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204en XML 2024/12/04 15:46:00.827080 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.399e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204eb XML 2024/12/04 14:39:18.112591 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.663e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.05 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204eb XML 2024/12/04 14:39:18.112591 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.663e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.05 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204dz XML 2024/12/04 14:34:17.936555 2 Pre 2 1 0 7.452e-06                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204dz XML 2024/12/04 14:34:17.936555 1 Pre 2 1 0 7.452e-06                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204dq XML 2024/12/04 12:10:39.899194 2 Pre 2 1 0 2.081e-05                 0x10 0x2899203       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204dq XML 2024/12/04 12:10:39.899194 1 Pre 2 1 0 2.081e-05                 0x10 0x1899003       LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204do XML 2024/12/04 13:32:35.399099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.112e-06                 107.85 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204do XML 2024/12/04 13:32:35.399099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.112e-06                 107.85 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204di XML 2024/12/04 12:27:40.403863 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.272e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204di XML 2024/12/04 12:27:40.403863 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.272e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204dd XML 2024/12/04 12:04:46.258729 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.587e-05 0.92 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204dd XML 2024/12/04 12:04:46.258729 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.587e-05 0.92 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.15 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204cv XML 2024/12/04 10:55:29.269500 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.365e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204cv XML 2024/12/04 10:55:29.269500 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.365e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204av XML 2024/12/04 05:48:06.735839 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.426e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204av XML 2024/12/04 05:48:06.735839 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.426e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204au XML 2024/12/04 05:36:46.320300 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.127e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204au XML 2024/12/04 05:36:46.320300 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.127e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204ab XML 2024/12/04 04:22:57.613300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.084e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241204ab XML 2024/12/04 04:22:57.613300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.084e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203ep XML 2024/12/03 14:42:06.406200 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.150e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203ep XML 2024/12/03 14:42:06.406200 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.150e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203ee XML 2024/12/03 13:19:32.503999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.472e-05                 1623.96 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203ee XML 2024/12/03 13:19:32.513199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.612e-05                 1623.87 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203dc XML 2024/12/03 09:12:27.829100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.655e-05                 1085.92 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203dc XML 2024/12/03 09:12:27.829100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.655e-05                 1085.92 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203cs XML 2024/12/03 08:22:16.186599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.818e-05                 1160.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203cs XML 2024/12/03 08:22:16.186599 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.818e-05                 1160.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203cg XML 2024/12/03 06:34:55.672663 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.352e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203cg XML 2024/12/03 06:34:55.672663 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.352e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203by XML 2024/12/03 05:50:31.199200 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.599e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203by XML 2024/12/03 05:50:31.199200 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.599e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203bi XML 2024/12/03 04:25:40.285200 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.596e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203bi XML 2024/12/03 04:25:40.285200 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.596e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203as XML 2024/12/03 03:16:58.200099 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.012e-06                 1051.61 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203as XML 2024/12/03 03:16:58.200099 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.012e-06                 1051.61 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203z XML 2024/12/03 01:34:02.884700 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.301e-05                 616.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203z XML 2024/12/03 01:34:02.884700 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.301e-05                 616.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203t XML 2024/12/03 01:20:28.054700 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.178e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203t XML 2024/12/03 01:20:28.054700 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.178e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203f XML 2024/12/03 00:42:12.948608 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.154e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203f XML 2024/12/03 00:42:12.976736 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.154e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203b XML 2024/12/03 00:17:43.895020 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.141e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241203b XML 2024/12/03 00:17:43.895507 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.141e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202fk XML 2024/12/02 23:30:02.804809 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.960e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.04 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202fk XML 2024/12/02 23:30:02.811697 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.960e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT 0.35
S241202es XML 2024/12/02 20:53:14.472699 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.741e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202es XML 2024/12/02 20:53:14.472699 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.741e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202el XML 2024/12/02 16:16:28.660679 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.195e-05 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.83 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202el XML 2024/12/02 16:16:28.660679 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.195e-05 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.83 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202cl XML 2024/12/02 08:24:00.882099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.187e-05                 46.79 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202ck XML 2024/12/02 08:23:16.582000 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.452e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202ci XML 2024/12/02 08:19:41.117199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.477e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202cl XML 2024/12/02 08:24:00.882099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.187e-05                 46.79 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202ck XML 2024/12/02 08:23:16.582000 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.452e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202ci XML 2024/12/02 08:19:41.117199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.477e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202cc XML 2024/12/02 08:08:13.601599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.437e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202cc XML 2024/12/02 08:08:13.601599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.437e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202cb XML 2024/12/02 08:04:07.770044 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.789e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202ca XML 2024/12/02 08:01:17.347045 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.760e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202cb XML 2024/12/02 08:04:07.770044 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.789e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202ca XML 2024/12/02 08:01:17.350943 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.760e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202bz XML 2024/12/02 07:53:52.250000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.066e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202by XML 2024/12/02 07:50:34.000000 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.310e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202bz XML 2024/12/02 07:53:52.250000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.066e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202by XML 2024/12/02 07:50:34.000000 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.310e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202bl XML 2024/12/02 07:12:29.142254 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.300e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202bl XML 2024/12/02 07:12:29.142254 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.300e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202bi XML 2024/12/02 06:58:50.793456 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.671e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202bi XML 2024/12/02 06:58:50.808770 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202at XML 2024/12/02 05:57:58.590331 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.480e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202at XML 2024/12/02 05:57:58.587890 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.480e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202as XML 2024/12/02 05:51:35.759067 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.030e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202as XML 2024/12/02 05:51:35.759067 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.030e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202s XML 2024/12/02 04:45:50.520299 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.596e-06                 63.70 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202s XML 2024/12/02 04:45:50.520299 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.596e-06                 63.70 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202e XML 2024/12/02 04:14:14.625977 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.697e-05 1.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241202e XML 2024/12/02 04:14:14.602370 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.102e-05 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ac XML 2024/12/01 05:57:58.627971 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.322e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ev XML 2024/12/01 20:32:54.937500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.928e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ev XML 2024/12/01 20:32:54.937500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.928e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201el XML 2024/12/01 19:17:20.968800 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.379e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201el XML 2024/12/01 19:17:20.968800 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.379e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201eh XML 2024/12/01 18:59:42.468887 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.228e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201eh XML 2024/12/01 18:59:42.468887 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.228e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ef XML 2024/12/01 18:32:52.417999 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.154e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ef XML 2024/12/01 18:32:52.417999 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.154e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201dq XML 2024/12/01 16:56:16.769500 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.964e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201dq XML 2024/12/01 16:56:16.769500 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.964e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201cq XML 2024/12/01 14:27:37.062865 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.118e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.01 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201cq XML 2024/12/01 14:27:37.065548 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.879e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.04 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ca XML 2024/12/01 12:26:31.634277 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.050e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ca XML 2024/12/01 12:26:31.634765 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.050e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ak XML 2024/12/01 08:02:17.633500 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.428e-06                 283.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ak XML 2024/12/01 08:02:17.633500 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.428e-06                 283.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ac XML 2024/12/01 05:57:58.627971 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.322e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130be XML 2024/11/30 11:04:22.113168 4 Upd 1 1 1 1.913e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ac XML 2024/12/01 05:57:58.627971 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.322e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201ac XML 2024/12/01 05:57:58.627971 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.322e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201n XML 2024/12/01 04:12:38.567138 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.282e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241201n XML 2024/12/01 04:12:38.570255 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.282e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130cf XML 2024/11/30 22:35:46.776854 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.616e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130cf XML 2024/11/30 22:35:46.775879 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.616e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130n XML 2024/11/30 03:49:08.602624 4 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130cc XML 2024/11/30 19:07:42.524535 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.136e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130cc XML 2024/11/30 19:07:42.521667 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.136e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127aj XML 2024/11/27 06:10:08.229858 5 Upd 1 1 4 6.500e-39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130by XML 2024/11/30 13:42:04.630004 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.206e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130by XML 2024/11/30 13:42:04.661856 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.206e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130br XML 2024/11/30 12:13:36.326360 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.209e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130br XML 2024/11/30 12:13:36.326360 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.209e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130be XML 2024/11/30 11:04:22.113168 3 Ini 1 1 1 1.913e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130be XML 2024/11/30 11:04:22.113168 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.913e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130be XML 2024/11/30 11:04:22.107990 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.367e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.12 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130z XML 2024/11/30 06:35:10.853785 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.970e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.68 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129aa XML 2024/11/29 02:18:32.610318 4 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130z XML 2024/11/30 06:35:10.853785 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.970e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.68 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130n XML 2024/11/30 03:49:08.602624 3 Ini 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130q XML 2024/11/30 04:38:10.084472 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.131e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.46 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130q XML 2024/11/30 04:38:10.084472 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.131e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.46 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130n XML 2024/11/30 03:49:08.602624 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130n XML 2024/11/30 03:49:08.606934 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130m XML 2024/11/30 02:56:59.267654 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.129e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130m XML 2024/11/30 02:56:59.267654 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.129e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130h XML 2024/11/30 02:14:52.963900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.924e-06                 1296.81 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130h XML 2024/11/30 02:14:52.963900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.924e-06                 1296.81 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130b XML 2024/11/30 01:51:29.886700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.586e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241130b XML 2024/11/30 01:51:29.886700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.586e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129ew XML 2024/11/29 21:55:44.031199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.009e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129ew XML 2024/11/29 21:55:44.031199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.009e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129er XML 2024/11/29 21:03:32.628900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.540e-05                 287.68 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129er XML 2024/11/29 21:03:32.628900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.540e-05                 287.68 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129cz XML 2024/11/29 13:34:47.911799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.961e-05                 574.25 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129cz XML 2024/11/29 13:34:47.911799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.961e-05                 574.25 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129co XML 2024/11/29 12:31:11.766602 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.179e-05 1.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129co XML 2024/11/29 12:31:11.766113 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.179e-05 1.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129cn XML 2024/11/29 12:26:22.982299 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.319e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129cn XML 2024/11/29 12:26:22.987519 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.319e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129ci XML 2024/11/29 12:07:09.167479 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.624e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.25 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129ci XML 2024/11/29 12:07:09.169434 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.624e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.13 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129cf XML 2024/11/29 11:54:43.788800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.401e-05                 58.68 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129cf XML 2024/11/29 11:54:43.788800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.401e-05                 58.68 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129aa XML 2024/11/29 02:18:32.610318 3 Ini 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129ac XML 2024/11/29 02:29:21.833007 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.014e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129ac XML 2024/11/29 02:29:21.832519 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.014e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129aa XML 2024/11/29 02:18:32.610318 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129aa XML 2024/11/29 02:18:32.588867 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129h XML 2024/11/29 00:33:22.802815 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.466e-06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.21 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241129h XML 2024/11/29 00:33:22.802815 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.466e-06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.21 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128eg XML 2024/11/28 22:17:38.535200 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.206e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128eg XML 2024/11/28 22:17:38.535200 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.206e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128dk XML 2024/11/28 19:34:03.978673 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.009e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128dk XML 2024/11/28 19:34:03.978673 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.009e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128dg XML 2024/11/28 18:19:35.681151 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.281e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128dg XML 2024/11/28 18:19:35.681151 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.281e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128dc XML 2024/11/28 18:05:52.473388 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.920e-06 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.17 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128dc XML 2024/11/28 18:05:52.317880 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.920e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128cf XML 2024/11/28 13:14:51.122070 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.370e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.04 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128cf XML 2024/11/28 13:14:51.114004 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.612e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.04 0.39         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128bo XML 2024/11/28 11:27:21.155761 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.342e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128bo XML 2024/11/28 11:27:21.155761 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.342e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128ay XML 2024/11/28 08:28:45.378900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.419e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128ay XML 2024/11/28 08:28:45.378900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.419e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128av XML 2024/11/28 08:00:14.647705 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.610e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128av XML 2024/11/28 08:00:14.767815 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128ar XML 2024/11/28 07:29:24.380859 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.791e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128ar XML 2024/11/28 07:29:24.418457 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.791e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128an XML 2024/11/28 07:06:08.415471 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.680e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128an XML 2024/11/28 07:06:08.415471 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.680e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128ab XML 2024/11/28 05:19:36.713867 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.867e-05 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128ab XML 2024/11/28 05:19:36.713379 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.867e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128aa XML 2024/11/28 05:14:15.963442 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.061e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127aj XML 2024/11/27 06:10:08.229858 4 Upd 1 1 4 6.500e-39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128aa XML 2024/11/28 05:14:15.963442 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.061e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128v XML 2024/11/28 04:25:01.383300 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.452e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128v XML 2024/11/28 04:25:01.365723 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.452e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128b XML 2024/11/28 00:51:04.155100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.598e-05                 257.69 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241128b XML 2024/11/28 00:51:04.155100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.598e-05                 257.69 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127eh XML 2024/11/27 23:25:53.349120 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.648e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127eh XML 2024/11/27 23:25:53.346411 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.648e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127ee XML 2024/11/27 23:09:41.251399 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.128e-05                 868.45 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127ee XML 2024/11/27 23:09:41.251399 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.128e-05                 868.45 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127dx XML 2024/11/27 22:55:51.914428 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.630e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127dx XML 2024/11/27 22:55:51.925837 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.089e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.06 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127dr XML 2024/11/27 22:13:30.785199 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.291e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127dr XML 2024/11/27 22:13:30.785199 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.291e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127df XML 2024/11/27 16:32:10.144795 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.777e-05 1.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127df XML 2024/11/27 16:32:10.144795 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.777e-05 1.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127de XML 2024/11/27 16:22:54.242575 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.190e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127de XML 2024/11/27 16:22:54.242575 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.190e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127bx XML 2024/11/27 12:28:28.433599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.560e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127bx XML 2024/11/27 12:28:28.433599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.560e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127az XML 2024/11/27 10:01:32.287816 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.955e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127az XML 2024/11/27 10:01:32.287816 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.955e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127ax XML 2024/11/27 09:49:38.790075 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.677e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.01 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127ax XML 2024/11/27 09:49:38.790075 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.677e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.01 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127aj XML 2024/11/27 06:10:08.229858 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.500e-39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127aj XML 2024/11/27 06:10:08.229858 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.500e-39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127aj XML 2024/11/27 06:10:08.228516 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.011e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127ah XML 2024/11/27 06:03:31.165039 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.722e-06 1.00 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127ah XML 2024/11/27 06:03:31.165527 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.722e-06 1.00 0.23 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.25 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127s XML 2024/11/27 04:41:15.777832 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.624e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127s XML 2024/11/27 04:41:15.777832 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.624e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127k XML 2024/11/27 00:50:59.078874 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.475e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127k XML 2024/11/27 00:50:59.078874 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.475e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127h XML 2024/11/27 00:37:59.914299 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.427e-06                 1473.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127h XML 2024/11/27 00:37:59.914299 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.427e-06                 1473.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127c XML 2024/11/27 00:07:12.622436 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.161e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241127c XML 2024/11/27 00:07:12.633433 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.161e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126dm XML 2024/11/26 22:53:01.740356 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S241126dp XML 2024/11/26 23:00:47.645020 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.112e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126dp XML 2024/11/26 23:00:47.645020 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.112e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126dm XML 2024/11/26 22:53:01.740356 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.276e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126dm XML 2024/11/26 22:53:01.778005 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.276e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126cm XML 2024/11/26 13:14:53.806519 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.261e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126cm XML 2024/11/26 13:14:53.808813 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.261e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126cg XML 2024/11/26 12:29:14.992554 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.999e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126cg XML 2024/11/26 12:29:14.995286 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.196e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126bz XML 2024/11/26 11:19:09.669399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.763e-05                 398.45 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126bz XML 2024/11/26 11:19:09.669399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.763e-05                 398.45 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126bv XML 2024/11/26 10:55:55.478900 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.284e-06                 828.78 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126bv XML 2024/11/26 10:55:55.478900 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.284e-06                 828.78 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126bi XML 2024/11/26 10:02:23.851058 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.154e-05 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.94 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126bi XML 2024/11/26 10:02:23.851058 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.154e-05 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.94 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126ax XML 2024/11/26 08:58:06.221799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.664e-05                 416.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126ax XML 2024/11/26 08:58:06.221799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.664e-05                 416.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126an XML 2024/11/26 06:51:00.388600 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.022e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126an XML 2024/11/26 06:51:00.388600 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.022e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126v XML 2024/11/26 04:36:10.518800 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.252e-06                 1688.70 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126v XML 2024/11/26 04:36:10.518800 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.252e-06                 1688.70 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126s XML 2024/11/26 03:59:46.952271 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.236e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126s XML 2024/11/26 03:59:47.001638 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.236e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126o XML 2024/11/26 02:39:55.507800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.873e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126o XML 2024/11/26 02:39:55.507800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.873e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126d XML 2024/11/26 01:40:11.234400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.269e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241126d XML 2024/11/26 01:40:11.234400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.269e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125ff XML 2024/11/25 22:16:40.746400 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.033e-05                 1036.56 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125ff XML 2024/11/25 22:16:40.746400 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.033e-05                 1036.56 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.780273 7 Upd 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125fb XML 2024/11/25 21:37:53.042847 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.023e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125fb XML 2024/11/25 21:37:53.050251 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.023e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.780273 6 Upd 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.780273 5 Upd 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125eh XML 2024/11/25 16:15:14.910156 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.258e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125eh XML 2024/11/25 16:15:14.909667 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.258e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125dy XML 2024/11/25 15:36:03.887207 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.686e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125dy XML 2024/11/25 15:36:03.887207 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.686e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125dq XML 2024/11/25 15:12:28.191900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.227e-05                 957.42 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125do XML 2024/11/25 15:10:13.351599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.946e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125dq XML 2024/11/25 15:12:28.191900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.227e-05                 957.42 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125do XML 2024/11/25 15:10:13.351599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.946e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125cj XML 2024/11/25 12:31:15.202075 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.111e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125cj XML 2024/11/25 12:31:15.202075 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.111e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125cb XML 2024/11/25 12:09:54.329101 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.750e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125cb XML 2024/11/25 12:09:54.334778 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.750e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125bz XML 2024/11/25 12:03:36.638944 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.688e-05 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125by XML 2024/11/25 12:01:21.667968 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.189e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125bz XML 2024/11/25 12:03:36.638944 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.688e-05 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125by XML 2024/11/25 12:01:21.708700 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.189e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.780273 4 Ini 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.780273 3 Pre 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.781738 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125n XML 2024/11/25 01:01:16.774134 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.098e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.06 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125j XML 2024/11/25 00:36:56.985999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.659e-05                 1119.28 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241125j XML 2024/11/25 00:36:56.985999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.659e-05                 1119.28 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124gj XML 2024/11/24 23:04:21.864481 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.278e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.40 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124gi XML 2024/11/24 22:58:55.628700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.296e-05                 384.74 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124gj XML 2024/11/24 23:04:21.864481 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.278e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.40 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124gi XML 2024/11/24 22:58:55.628700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.296e-05                 384.74 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124fi XML 2024/11/24 20:35:43.378036 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.457e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124fi XML 2024/11/24 20:35:43.378036 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.457e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124ez XML 2024/11/24 19:24:30.515499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.476e-05                 569.15 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124ez XML 2024/11/24 19:24:30.515499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.476e-05                 569.15 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124er XML 2024/11/24 18:56:37.039551 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.873e-05 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124er XML 2024/11/24 18:56:37.053223 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.873e-05 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124dl XML 2024/11/24 12:32:52.602155 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.878e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124dl XML 2024/11/24 12:32:52.602155 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.878e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124dk XML 2024/11/24 12:12:55.906005 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.275e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124dk XML 2024/11/24 12:12:55.929974 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.275e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124cy XML 2024/11/24 10:24:53.681274 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.061e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124cy XML 2024/11/24 10:24:53.700494 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.152e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124cx XML 2024/11/24 10:16:29.307379 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.192e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124cx XML 2024/11/24 10:16:29.307379 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.192e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124co XML 2024/11/24 09:30:54.899147 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.572e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124co XML 2024/11/24 09:30:54.899147 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.572e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124cj XML 2024/11/24 09:08:36.544400 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.043e-05                 1019.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124cj XML 2024/11/24 09:08:36.544400 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.043e-05                 1019.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124ci XML 2024/11/24 09:02:10.609187 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.519e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.64 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124ci XML 2024/11/24 09:02:10.609187 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.519e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.64 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124bn XML 2024/11/24 06:47:15.675800 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.106e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124bn XML 2024/11/24 06:47:15.675800 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.106e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124bb XML 2024/11/24 05:42:30.332200 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.198e-06                 1233.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124bb XML 2024/11/24 05:42:30.332200 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.198e-06                 1233.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124aj XML 2024/11/24 03:48:16.389700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.121e-05                 1427.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124aj XML 2024/11/24 03:48:16.389700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.121e-05                 1427.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124w XML 2024/11/24 02:49:14.353149 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.277e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124w XML 2024/11/24 02:49:14.351086 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.472e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.01 0.17         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124j XML 2024/11/24 00:52:39.902099 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.137e-05                 1641.39 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241124j XML 2024/11/24 00:52:39.902099 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.137e-05                 1641.39 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123cl XML 2024/11/23 23:40:43.561768 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.937e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123cl XML 2024/11/23 23:40:43.561210 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.162e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123ba XML 2024/11/23 16:57:44.694536 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.208e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123ba XML 2024/11/23 16:57:44.694536 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.208e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123av XML 2024/11/23 15:57:04.938610 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.022e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123av XML 2024/11/23 15:57:04.938610 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.022e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123as XML 2024/11/23 15:24:02.703899 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.035e-05                 1621.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123as XML 2024/11/23 15:24:02.703899 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.035e-05                 1621.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123y XML 2024/11/23 12:39:15.264158 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.101e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241123y XML 2024/11/23 12:39:15.264158 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.101e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241122a XML 2024/11/22 17:51:00.882323 4 Upd 1 1 4 6.394e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241122a XML 2024/11/22 17:51:00.882323 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.394e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241122b XML 2024/11/22 18:25:57.513885 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.702e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241122b XML 2024/11/22 18:25:57.513885 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.702e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241122a XML 2024/11/22 17:51:00.882323 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.394e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241122a XML 2024/11/22 17:51:00.912281 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.394e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119bz XML 2024/11/19 11:38:33.633910 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.293e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119by XML 2024/11/19 11:35:05.002930 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.471e-07 1.00 0.99 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.92 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119bz XML 2024/11/19 11:38:33.634799 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.293e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119by XML 2024/11/19 11:35:05.003417 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.471e-07 1.00 0.99 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.93 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119bt XML 2024/11/19 10:59:21.874600 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.850e-06                 672.03 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119bt XML 2024/11/19 10:59:21.874600 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.850e-06                 672.03 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119c XML 2024/11/19 00:39:47.886699 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.155e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241119c XML 2024/11/19 00:39:47.886699 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.155e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118ap XML 2024/11/18 22:34:38.201360 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.677e-06 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118ap XML 2024/11/18 22:34:38.201360 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.677e-06 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118al XML 2024/11/18 20:13:06.134818 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.209e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118al XML 2024/11/18 20:13:06.134818 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.209e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118w XML 2024/11/18 12:52:45.334209 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.999e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118w XML 2024/11/18 12:52:45.334209 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.999e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118l XML 2024/11/18 05:25:26.708984 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.120e-05 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.33 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118l XML 2024/11/18 05:25:26.708984 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.120e-05 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.33 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118f XML 2024/11/18 02:39:42.709960 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.510e-06 1.00 0.61 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118f XML 2024/11/18 02:39:42.709960 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.510e-06 1.00 0.61 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118d XML 2024/11/18 01:50:16.899414 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.027e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.12 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118d XML 2024/11/18 01:50:16.899414 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.027e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.12 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118c XML 2024/11/18 01:39:56.066625 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.274e-05 1.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241118c XML 2024/11/18 01:39:56.066625 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.274e-05 1.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117aj XML 2024/11/17 09:31:46.339900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.372e-05                 1223.01 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117aj XML 2024/11/17 09:31:46.339900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.372e-05                 1223.01 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117af XML 2024/11/17 09:01:21.469999 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.112e-05                 1001.41 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117af XML 2024/11/17 09:01:21.469999 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.112e-05                 1001.41 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117ae XML 2024/11/17 08:59:09.105957 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.677e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117ae XML 2024/11/17 08:59:09.105957 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.677e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114y XML 2024/11/14 02:47:11.779906 5 Upd 1 1 4 9.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114y XML 2024/11/14 02:47:11.779906 4 Upd 1 1 4 9.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cq XML 2024/11/16 15:17:53.683593 4 Upd 1 1 15 6.969e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117aa XML 2024/11/17 08:18:39.755370 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.979e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117aa XML 2024/11/17 08:18:39.755859 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.979e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117b XML 2024/11/17 00:10:23.608200 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.479e-05                 1211.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241117b XML 2024/11/17 00:10:23.608200 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.479e-05                 1211.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116dp XML 2024/11/16 17:54:43.674072 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.638e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116dp XML 2024/11/16 17:54:43.696460 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.638e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.01 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cz XML 2024/11/16 16:14:12.287597 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.266e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cw XML 2024/11/16 16:10:26.423096 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.032e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cz XML 2024/11/16 16:14:12.288574 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.266e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cw XML 2024/11/16 16:10:26.428255 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.032e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cq XML 2024/11/16 15:17:53.683593 3 Ini 1 1 15 6.969e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cq XML 2024/11/16 15:17:53.683593 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.969e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cq XML 2024/11/16 15:17:53.690918 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.969e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cb XML 2024/11/16 13:25:54.411999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.649e-05                 1744.34 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116cb XML 2024/11/16 13:25:54.411999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.649e-05                 1744.34 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116bs XML 2024/11/16 12:20:29.535001 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.639e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116bs XML 2024/11/16 12:20:29.535001 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.639e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116aq XML 2024/11/16 09:42:20.327263 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.098e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.06 0.40         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116aq XML 2024/11/16 09:42:20.327263 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.098e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.06 0.40         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116al XML 2024/11/16 09:01:09.206283 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.746e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.51 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116al XML 2024/11/16 09:01:09.206283 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.746e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.51 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116ac XML 2024/11/16 07:54:33.667999 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.147e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116ac XML 2024/11/16 07:54:33.667999 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.147e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116v XML 2024/11/16 06:22:23.761306 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.027e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241116v XML 2024/11/16 06:22:23.761306 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.027e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115di XML 2024/11/15 22:43:25.358398 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.901e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115di XML 2024/11/15 22:43:25.358398 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.901e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115cn XML 2024/11/15 20:55:40.990966 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.836e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.04 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115ck XML 2024/11/15 20:51:21.155400 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.057e-06                 427.64 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115cn XML 2024/11/15 20:55:40.995336 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.646e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.04 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115ck XML 2024/11/15 20:51:21.155400 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.057e-06                 427.64 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115cf XML 2024/11/15 20:32:10.924844 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.746e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115cf XML 2024/11/15 20:32:10.924844 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.746e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114bi XML 2024/11/14 23:52:58.147705 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.781e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.91 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115bx XML 2024/11/15 18:26:21.147164 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.112e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.41 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115bx XML 2024/11/15 18:26:21.147164 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.112e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.41 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113p XML 2024/11/13 16:35:07.498168 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.470e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115bh XML 2024/11/15 16:49:51.671900 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.420e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115bh XML 2024/11/15 16:49:51.671900 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.420e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115ae XML 2024/11/15 13:06:50.467162 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.890e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115ae XML 2024/11/15 13:06:50.475040 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.890e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115y XML 2024/11/15 12:43:57.695312 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.345e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.03 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115y XML 2024/11/15 12:43:57.706136 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.345e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115q XML 2024/11/15 05:43:21.283341 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.952e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115q XML 2024/11/15 05:43:21.283341 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.952e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115a XML 2024/11/15 00:14:18.743337 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.582e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241115a XML 2024/11/15 00:14:18.743337 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.582e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114bi XML 2024/11/14 23:52:58.147705 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.781e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.91 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114bi XML 2024/11/14 23:52:58.147705 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.781e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114bi XML 2024/11/14 23:52:58.148190 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.370e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114bb XML 2024/11/14 11:11:48.338689 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.219e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114bb XML 2024/11/14 11:11:48.338689 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.219e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114y XML 2024/11/14 02:47:11.779906 3 Ini 1 1 4 9.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114y XML 2024/11/14 02:47:11.779906 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114y XML 2024/11/14 02:47:11.780753 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114h XML 2024/11/14 00:30:12.978899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.534e-05                 275.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114h XML 2024/11/14 00:30:12.978899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.534e-05                 275.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114e XML 2024/11/14 00:13:57.054699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.515e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114c XML 2024/11/14 00:10:18.236699 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.295e-05                 443.72 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114e XML 2024/11/14 00:13:57.054699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.515e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114b XML 2024/11/14 00:10:16.423500 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.915e-06                 837.89 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114c XML 2024/11/14 00:10:18.236699 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.295e-05                 443.72 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241114b XML 2024/11/14 00:10:16.423500 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.915e-06                 837.89 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113u XML 2024/11/13 20:00:45.842773 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.909e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.30 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113u XML 2024/11/13 20:00:45.842773 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.909e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.30 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113p XML 2024/11/13 16:35:07.498168 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.470e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113p XML 2024/11/13 16:35:07.498168 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.470e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113p XML 2024/11/13 16:35:07.498929 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.470e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113o XML 2024/11/13 15:54:35.912598 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.262e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.60 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241113o XML 2024/11/13 15:54:35.912598 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.262e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.60 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111bn XML 2024/11/11 11:15:52.569823 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.112e-30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111cl XML 2024/11/11 23:31:42.135254 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.023e-05 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111cl XML 2024/11/11 23:31:42.135254 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.023e-05 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ck XML 2024/11/11 20:45:16.575683 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.417e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ck XML 2024/11/11 20:45:16.575683 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.417e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111bn XML 2024/11/11 11:15:52.569823 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.112e-30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111bn XML 2024/11/11 11:15:52.569823 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.112e-30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111bn XML 2024/11/11 11:15:52.571209 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.952e-31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111bj XML 2024/11/11 09:05:50.099944 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.633e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111bj XML 2024/11/11 09:05:50.099944 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.633e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ba XML 2024/11/11 07:09:58.210900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.358e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ba XML 2024/11/11 07:09:58.210900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.358e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ao XML 2024/11/11 03:30:37.272894 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.297e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111an XML 2024/11/11 03:26:14.679700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.561e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ao XML 2024/11/11 03:30:37.272894 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.297e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111am XML 2024/11/11 03:25:54.137329 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.988e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111an XML 2024/11/11 03:26:14.679700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.561e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111am XML 2024/11/11 03:25:54.136069 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.988e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ai XML 2024/11/11 02:51:10.062900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.277e-05                 1332.37 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111ai XML 2024/11/11 02:51:10.062900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.277e-05                 1332.37 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111u XML 2024/11/11 01:26:11.509154 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.449e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.30         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111u XML 2024/11/11 01:26:11.530931 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.449e-07 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.30         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111r XML 2024/11/11 01:17:42.621085 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.491e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111r XML 2024/11/11 01:17:42.618993 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.429e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111o XML 2024/11/11 01:09:34.300800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.131e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241111o XML 2024/11/11 01:09:34.300800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.131e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110cs XML 2024/11/10 21:55:54.534619 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.258e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110cs XML 2024/11/10 21:55:54.534619 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.258e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110br XML 2024/11/10 12:41:23.675049 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.687e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110br XML 2024/11/10 12:41:23.675049 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.687e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110br XML 2024/11/10 12:41:23.675049 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.687e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110br XML 2024/11/10 12:41:23.675428 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.294e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110bk XML 2024/11/10 12:01:22.352050 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.913e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110bk XML 2024/11/10 12:01:22.366210 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.913e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110bc XML 2024/11/10 11:24:17.017708 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.423e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.13 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110bc XML 2024/11/10 11:24:17.017708 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.423e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.13 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110ay XML 2024/11/10 11:14:09.106445 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.198e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110ay XML 2024/11/10 11:14:09.108796 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.198e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110ap XML 2024/11/10 07:30:06.135253 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.186e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110ap XML 2024/11/10 07:30:06.135253 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.186e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110am XML 2024/11/10 07:06:59.190713 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.647e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110am XML 2024/11/10 07:06:59.190713 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.647e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110v XML 2024/11/10 02:14:34.367199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.749e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110v XML 2024/11/10 02:14:34.367199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.749e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110g XML 2024/11/10 01:19:52.539099 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.710e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241110g XML 2024/11/10 01:19:52.539099 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.710e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109dd XML 2024/11/09 23:49:09.268065 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.768e-05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.82 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109dd XML 2024/11/09 23:49:09.268065 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.768e-05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.82 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109cw XML 2024/11/09 23:07:39.988790 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.288e-05 1.00 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109cw XML 2024/11/09 23:07:39.988790 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.288e-05 1.00 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109p XML 2024/11/09 03:33:17.997191 4 Upd 1 1 4 6.042e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bn XML 2024/11/09 11:59:24.899414 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.424e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.28 0.43 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bn XML 2024/11/09 11:59:24.899414 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.424e-11 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.38 0.83 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bo XML 2024/11/09 12:06:32.694823 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.862e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bo XML 2024/11/09 12:06:32.694335 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.862e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bn XML 2024/11/09 11:59:24.899414 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.424e-11 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.38 0.83 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bn XML 2024/11/09 11:59:24.903293 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.958e-10 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.07 0.71 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bg XML 2024/11/09 08:15:16.046386 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.259e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109bg XML 2024/11/09 08:15:16.046386 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.259e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109ay XML 2024/11/09 07:43:28.725585 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.682e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109ay XML 2024/11/09 07:43:28.725585 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.682e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109ap XML 2024/11/09 06:33:47.855499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.350e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109ap XML 2024/11/09 06:33:47.855499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.350e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109ah XML 2024/11/09 05:34:36.220700 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.253e-05                 570.54 0.17   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109ah XML 2024/11/09 05:34:36.220700 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.253e-05                 570.54 0.17   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109p XML 2024/11/09 03:33:17.997191 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.042e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109p XML 2024/11/09 03:33:17.997191 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.042e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109p XML 2024/11/09 03:33:17.999608 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.042e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109f XML 2024/11/09 01:47:04.236083 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.076e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241109f XML 2024/11/09 01:47:04.274104 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.076e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108co XML 2024/11/08 18:37:52.797699 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.617e-05                 312.54 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108co XML 2024/11/08 18:37:52.797699 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.617e-05                 312.54 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108ce XML 2024/11/08 10:26:20.796900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.557e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108ce XML 2024/11/08 10:26:20.796900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.557e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108bv XML 2024/11/08 09:08:33.455142 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.248e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108bv XML 2024/11/08 09:08:33.455874 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.140e-05 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108bu XML 2024/11/08 08:57:35.345998 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.703e-05 1.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108bu XML 2024/11/08 08:57:35.345998 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.703e-05 1.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108av XML 2024/11/08 05:17:04.613280 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.423e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108av XML 2024/11/08 05:17:04.621604 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.366e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108au XML 2024/11/08 05:09:14.349500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.932e-05                 67.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108au XML 2024/11/08 05:09:14.349500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.932e-05                 67.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108ad XML 2024/11/08 03:18:10.254982 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.723e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108ad XML 2024/11/08 03:18:10.254982 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.723e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108r XML 2024/11/08 02:15:06.368262 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.893e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108r XML 2024/11/08 02:15:06.368262 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.893e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108d XML 2024/11/08 00:25:59.131348 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.587e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241108d XML 2024/11/08 00:25:59.132812 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.587e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241107z XML 2024/11/07 22:23:33.144043 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.131e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241107z XML 2024/11/07 22:23:33.144043 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.131e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241107b XML 2024/11/07 03:27:55.172215 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.879e-05 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241107b XML 2024/11/07 03:27:55.172215 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.879e-05 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106ba XML 2024/11/06 15:31:45.856934 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.522e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106ba XML 2024/11/06 15:31:45.856934 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.522e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106ah XML 2024/11/06 11:20:52.969237 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.074e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106af XML 2024/11/06 11:16:28.936768 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.604e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106ah XML 2024/11/06 11:20:52.963867 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.074e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106af XML 2024/11/06 11:16:28.957536 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.604e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106ae XML 2024/11/06 11:09:32.055419 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.076e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106ae XML 2024/11/06 11:09:32.058782 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.127e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106x XML 2024/11/06 09:51:24.101206 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.938e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106x XML 2024/11/06 09:51:24.102115 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.485e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106w XML 2024/11/06 09:34:57.246093 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.135e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106w XML 2024/11/06 09:34:57.291992 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.135e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106j XML 2024/11/06 04:20:18.315753 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.116e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.12 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106j XML 2024/11/06 04:20:18.315753 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.116e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.12 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106e XML 2024/11/06 03:46:40.168444 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.665e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241106e XML 2024/11/06 03:46:40.168444 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.665e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105o XML 2024/11/05 11:46:25.734799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.655e-05                 863.79 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105o XML 2024/11/05 11:46:25.734799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.655e-05                 863.79 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105k XML 2024/11/05 11:36:26.835449 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.361e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105k XML 2024/11/05 11:36:26.835449 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.361e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105i XML 2024/11/05 06:11:00.093478 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.149e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105i XML 2024/11/05 06:11:00.093478 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.149e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105f XML 2024/11/05 04:50:14.523682 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.841e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105f XML 2024/11/05 04:50:14.523078 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.173e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.01 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105b XML 2024/11/05 03:19:04.885782 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.905e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241105b XML 2024/11/05 03:19:04.885782 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.905e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104r XML 2024/11/04 22:51:26.947012 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.722e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104r XML 2024/11/04 22:51:26.944061 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.720e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104h XML 2024/11/04 08:08:53.807129 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.307e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104h XML 2024/11/04 08:08:53.807129 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.307e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104d XML 2024/11/04 04:17:08.132934 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.819e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.02 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104d XML 2024/11/04 04:17:08.147627 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.819e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.02 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104a XML 2024/11/04 03:32:21.146484 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S241104a XML 2024/11/04 03:32:21.146484 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.548e-08 0.73 0.55 0.00 0.29 0.22 0.36 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241104a XML 2024/11/04 03:32:21.146484 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.548e-08 0.73 0.55 0.00 0.29 0.22 0.36 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cy XML 2024/11/02 14:47:29.727539 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.521e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102br XML 2024/11/02 12:40:58.788451 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.142e-41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241103c XML 2024/11/03 00:20:13.322266 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.865e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241103c XML 2024/11/03 00:20:13.329010 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.865e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102en XML 2024/11/02 23:23:39.482909 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.042e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102en XML 2024/11/02 23:23:39.482909 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.042e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102ek XML 2024/11/02 23:02:21.007799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.022e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102ek XML 2024/11/02 23:02:21.007799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.022e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101ee XML 2024/11/01 22:05:23.062743 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.375e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102df XML 2024/11/02 15:49:59.479492 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.916e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102df XML 2024/11/02 15:49:59.487433 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.916e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cy XML 2024/11/02 14:47:29.727539 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.521e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cy XML 2024/11/02 14:47:29.727539 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.521e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cy XML 2024/11/02 14:47:29.731982 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.897e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cu XML 2024/11/02 14:33:20.605499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.637e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cu XML 2024/11/02 14:33:20.605499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.637e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cb XML 2024/11/02 13:37:11.658690 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.245e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102cb XML 2024/11/02 13:37:11.660163 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.245e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102br XML 2024/11/02 12:40:58.788451 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.142e-41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99 0.14 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102br XML 2024/11/02 12:40:58.788451 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99 0.14 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102br XML 2024/11/02 12:40:58.799466 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.793e-11 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.98 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102be XML 2024/11/02 11:20:02.107969 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.801e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102be XML 2024/11/02 11:20:02.107969 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.801e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102av XML 2024/11/02 08:44:19.937011 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.339e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.26 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102av XML 2024/11/02 08:44:19.919433 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.339e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.10 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102ap XML 2024/11/02 07:31:35.641601 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.483e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102ap XML 2024/11/02 07:31:35.654082 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.483e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102an XML 2024/11/02 07:10:18.661293 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.661e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.03 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102an XML 2024/11/02 07:10:18.661293 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.661e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.03 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102o XML 2024/11/02 03:16:51.038085 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.584e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102o XML 2024/11/02 03:16:51.038085 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.584e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102n XML 2024/11/02 03:12:08.261229 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.046e-06 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102n XML 2024/11/02 03:12:08.260742 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.046e-06 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102d XML 2024/11/02 01:00:49.007567 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.289e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.01 0.44         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241102d XML 2024/11/02 01:00:49.038366 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.289e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.04 0.44         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101ee XML 2024/11/01 22:05:23.062743 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.375e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101ef XML 2024/11/01 22:15:21.145507 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.464e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101ef XML 2024/11/01 22:15:21.145507 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.464e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101ee XML 2024/11/01 22:05:23.062743 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.375e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101ee XML 2024/11/01 22:05:23.064965 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.507e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101dv XML 2024/11/01 15:49:55.832275 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.121e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101dv XML 2024/11/01 15:49:55.855963 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.121e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101du XML 2024/11/01 13:52:44.973145 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.006e-05 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101du XML 2024/11/01 13:52:44.973145 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.006e-05 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101s XML 2024/11/01 03:47:26.235473 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.191e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.20         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101s XML 2024/11/01 03:47:26.231560 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.118e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101n XML 2024/11/01 03:29:08.932556 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.648e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.65 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241101n XML 2024/11/01 03:29:08.932556 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.648e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.65 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031cn XML 2024/10/31 12:07:52.418562 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.447e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.07 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031cl XML 2024/10/31 12:04:01.992199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.755e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031cn XML 2024/10/31 12:07:52.418562 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.447e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.07 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031cj XML 2024/10/31 12:02:23.858000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.209e-05                 416.87 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031ci XML 2024/10/31 12:03:10.593871 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.204e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031cl XML 2024/10/31 12:04:01.992199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.755e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031cj XML 2024/10/31 12:02:23.858000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.209e-05                 416.87 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031ci XML 2024/10/31 12:03:10.615427 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.699e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031bj XML 2024/10/31 10:16:03.920288 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.918e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.01 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031bj XML 2024/10/31 10:16:03.918794 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.918e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.05 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031ai XML 2024/10/31 08:26:16.398499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.323e-05                 774.08 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031ai XML 2024/10/31 08:26:16.398499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.323e-05                 774.08 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031ae XML 2024/10/31 08:03:09.622099 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.209e-05                 983.09 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031ae XML 2024/10/31 08:03:09.622099 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.209e-05                 983.09 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031j XML 2024/10/31 02:36:48.108398 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.250e-05 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031j XML 2024/10/31 02:36:48.088867 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.250e-05 1.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031d XML 2024/10/31 01:56:53.230956 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.982e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241031d XML 2024/10/31 01:56:53.230956 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.982e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030cl XML 2024/10/30 11:43:12.884520 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.910e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030cl XML 2024/10/30 11:43:12.888790 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.910e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030bk XML 2024/10/30 07:46:51.453612 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.121e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.07 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030bk XML 2024/10/30 07:46:51.453612 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.121e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.07 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030ao XML 2024/10/30 05:50:34.492199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.151e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030ao XML 2024/10/30 05:50:34.492199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.151e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030al XML 2024/10/30 05:44:19.316088 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030al XML 2024/10/30 05:44:19.316088 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030v XML 2024/10/30 05:21:09.577147 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.964e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241030v XML 2024/10/30 05:21:09.577147 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.964e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241022a XML 2024/10/22 02:53:18.197265 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.901e-06 1.00 0.75 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241022a XML 2024/10/22 02:53:18.197265 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.901e-06 1.00 0.75 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241020k XML 2024/10/20 13:19:45.852598 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.665e-05 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241020k XML 2024/10/20 13:19:45.852598 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.665e-05 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241020d XML 2024/10/20 04:03:38.005370 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.101e-06 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.33 0.32 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241020d XML 2024/10/20 04:03:38.005370 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.101e-06 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.33 0.32 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241020b XML 2024/10/20 00:55:17.975097 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.226e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241020b XML 2024/10/20 00:55:17.975097 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.226e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241019k XML 2024/10/19 17:07:12.293212 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.845e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241019k XML 2024/10/19 17:07:12.297800 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.379e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241018f XML 2024/10/18 06:34:29.032226 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.775e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241018f XML 2024/10/18 06:34:29.032226 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.775e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241017j XML 2024/10/17 23:44:16.522826 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.320e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.03 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241017j XML 2024/10/17 23:44:16.535619 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.320e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.02 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241017b XML 2024/10/17 05:58:26.021972 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.048e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241017b XML 2024/10/17 05:58:26.021972 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.048e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241013c XML 2024/10/13 07:54:32.405273 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.130e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241013c XML 2024/10/13 07:54:32.405273 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.130e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241013a XML 2024/10/13 03:51:29.309570 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.056e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241013a XML 2024/10/13 03:51:29.309570 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.056e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009em XML 2024/10/09 22:04:55.520995 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.818e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241011k XML 2024/10/11 23:38:34.955443 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.531e-34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241011k XML 2024/10/11 23:38:34.955443 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.531e-34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241011k XML 2024/10/11 23:38:34.955443 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.531e-34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241011k XML 2024/10/11 23:38:34.955910 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.531e-34 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.13 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bw XML 2024/10/07 08:29:43.193237 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.642e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009an XML 2024/10/09 08:48:16.794799 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.932e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241010h XML 2024/10/10 14:33:42.765354 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.109e-05 1.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241010h XML 2024/10/10 14:33:42.765354 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.109e-05 1.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009l XML 2024/10/09 02:28:35.686646 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.311e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009em XML 2024/10/09 22:04:55.520995 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.818e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009em XML 2024/10/09 22:04:55.520995 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.818e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009em XML 2024/10/09 22:04:55.524926 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.540e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009du XML 2024/10/09 17:57:53.033203 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.185e-05 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009du XML 2024/10/09 17:57:53.033203 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.185e-05 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cq XML 2024/10/09 14:09:44.035156 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.312e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cq XML 2024/10/09 14:09:44.035645 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.312e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cp XML 2024/10/09 14:04:07.453857 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.742e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cn XML 2024/10/09 14:02:52.385669 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.128e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cp XML 2024/10/09 14:04:07.455974 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.274e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cl XML 2024/10/09 13:58:42.025390 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.423e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cn XML 2024/10/09 14:02:52.385669 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.128e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009cl XML 2024/10/09 13:58:42.082031 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.423e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009bk XML 2024/10/09 11:50:19.319335 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.071e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009bk XML 2024/10/09 11:50:19.319335 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.071e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009bb XML 2024/10/09 10:26:40.765200 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.216e-05                 609.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009bb XML 2024/10/09 10:26:40.765200 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.216e-05                 609.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009an XML 2024/10/09 08:48:16.794799 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.932e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009an XML 2024/10/09 08:48:16.794799 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.932e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009an XML 2024/10/09 08:48:16.795321 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.386e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009ak XML 2024/10/09 08:29:22.172599 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.434e-06                 1121.33 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009ak XML 2024/10/09 08:29:22.172599 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.434e-06                 1121.33 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009y XML 2024/10/09 03:50:51.369799 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.369e-07                 1601.82 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009y XML 2024/10/09 03:50:51.369799 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.369e-07                 1601.82 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009l XML 2024/10/09 02:28:35.686646 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.311e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009l XML 2024/10/09 02:28:35.686646 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.311e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241009l XML 2024/10/09 02:28:35.692301 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.536e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008cg XML 2024/10/08 14:09:42.373306 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.084e-06 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008cg XML 2024/10/08 14:09:42.373306 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.084e-06 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008bf XML 2024/10/08 10:24:09.730216 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.235e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008bf XML 2024/10/08 10:24:09.730216 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.235e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008bb XML 2024/10/08 10:07:50.583934 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.089e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008bb XML 2024/10/08 10:07:50.583925 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.066e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008aw XML 2024/10/08 09:46:27.750000 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.085e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008aw XML 2024/10/08 09:46:27.750000 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.085e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008at XML 2024/10/08 09:24:26.857020 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.610e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.48 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008at XML 2024/10/08 09:24:26.857020 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.610e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.48 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008as XML 2024/10/08 07:45:35.232056 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.775e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241008as XML 2024/10/08 07:45:35.627836 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.482e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007ei XML 2024/10/07 15:12:53.658568 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.609e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.04 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007ei XML 2024/10/07 15:12:53.692075 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.623e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.03 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007do XML 2024/10/07 13:24:36.968800 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.744e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007do XML 2024/10/07 13:24:36.968800 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.744e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007db XML 2024/10/07 12:20:54.768676 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.541e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007db XML 2024/10/07 12:20:54.774546 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.541e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007cg XML 2024/10/07 09:34:01.042999 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.129e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007cg XML 2024/10/07 09:34:01.042999 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.129e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bw XML 2024/10/07 08:29:43.193237 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.642e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bw XML 2024/10/07 08:29:43.193237 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.642e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bw XML 2024/10/07 08:29:43.194712 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.037e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007br XML 2024/10/07 06:16:53.951500 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.305e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007br XML 2024/10/07 06:16:53.951500 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.305e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bq XML 2024/10/07 06:08:14.132301 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.059e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bq XML 2024/10/07 06:08:14.129943 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.530e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bl XML 2024/10/07 05:58:13.134277 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.247e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bl XML 2024/10/07 05:58:13.137140 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.247e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bj XML 2024/10/07 05:48:59.880370 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.208e-05 0.81 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241007bj XML 2024/10/07 05:48:59.877929 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.208e-05 0.55 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006cn XML 2024/10/06 20:38:38.969726 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.644e-06 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.59 0.20 0.40         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006cn XML 2024/10/06 20:38:38.969726 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.644e-06 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.59 0.20 0.40         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006bx XML 2024/10/06 16:39:59.798828 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.243e-06 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006bx XML 2024/10/06 16:39:59.798340 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.243e-06 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006ai XML 2024/10/06 07:14:26.244099 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.445e-06                 1213.10 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006ai XML 2024/10/06 07:14:26.244099 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.445e-06                 1213.10 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006ac XML 2024/10/06 06:37:18.564900 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.412e-06                 574.65 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006ac XML 2024/10/06 06:37:18.564900 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.412e-06                 574.65 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006k XML 2024/10/06 01:53:33.500853 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.947e-42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006k XML 2024/10/06 01:53:33.500853 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.947e-42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241006k XML 2024/10/06 01:53:33.501742 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.947e-42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005eq XML 2024/10/05 22:01:43.771484 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.281e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005eq XML 2024/10/05 22:01:43.771484 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.281e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005en XML 2024/10/05 21:05:46.186523 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.210e-06 1.00 0.58 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005en XML 2024/10/05 21:05:46.186523 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.210e-06 1.00 0.58 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005ef XML 2024/10/05 20:25:29.996099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.305e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005ef XML 2024/10/05 20:25:29.996099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.305e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005du XML 2024/10/05 18:21:24.868652 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.200e-05 1.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005du XML 2024/10/05 18:21:24.872558 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.200e-05 1.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005dq XML 2024/10/05 18:05:54.005671 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.524e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005dq XML 2024/10/05 18:05:54.006677 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.024e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005dg XML 2024/10/05 16:48:45.949800 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.109e-06                 368.16 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005dg XML 2024/10/05 16:48:45.949800 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.109e-06                 368.16 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005cj XML 2024/10/05 14:45:17.557299 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.880e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.20 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005cj XML 2024/10/05 14:45:17.558006 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.300e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.26 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005ch XML 2024/10/05 14:23:48.915999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.510e-05                 58.06 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005cg XML 2024/10/05 14:23:48.945300 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.314e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005ch XML 2024/10/05 14:23:48.915999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.510e-05                 58.06 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005cg XML 2024/10/05 14:23:48.945300 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.314e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005cd XML 2024/10/05 12:34:27.711473 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.324e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.28 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005cd XML 2024/10/05 12:34:27.711473 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.324e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.28 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005bq XML 2024/10/05 11:40:48.645507 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.183e-05 0.83 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005bq XML 2024/10/05 11:40:48.650390 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.183e-05 0.99 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005bo XML 2024/10/05 11:27:31.536660 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S241005bo XML 2024/10/05 11:27:31.536660 1 Ear 1 0 4 8.572e-08 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005bd XML 2024/10/05 10:48:48.879395 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.269e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005bd XML 2024/10/05 10:48:48.879395 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.269e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005ay XML 2024/10/05 08:17:06.719726 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.904e-05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.33 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005ay XML 2024/10/05 08:17:06.719726 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.904e-05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.33 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005t XML 2024/10/05 03:31:47.935546 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.216e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005t XML 2024/10/05 03:31:47.935546 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.216e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005h XML 2024/10/05 01:32:46.078125 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.234e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005h XML 2024/10/05 01:32:46.078125 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.234e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005e XML 2024/10/05 01:04:24.051124 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.163e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241005e XML 2024/10/05 01:04:24.051124 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.163e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004cx XML 2024/10/04 23:40:22.207300 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.198e-06                 969.87 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004cx XML 2024/10/04 23:40:22.207300 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.198e-06                 969.87 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004bu XML 2024/10/04 10:28:57.485500 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.804e-06                 610.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004bu XML 2024/10/04 10:28:57.485500 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.804e-06                 610.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004bp XML 2024/10/04 09:01:15.049315 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.618e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004bp XML 2024/10/04 09:01:15.049315 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.618e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004bm XML 2024/10/04 07:49:21.091723 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.282e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004bm XML 2024/10/04 07:49:21.091723 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.282e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004ba XML 2024/10/04 06:56:15.392618 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.104e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004ba XML 2024/10/04 06:56:15.394465 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.691e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004as XML 2024/10/04 06:14:07.519530 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.721e-07 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004ap XML 2024/10/04 06:09:17.812500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.466e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004as XML 2024/10/04 06:14:07.519530 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.721e-07 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004ap XML 2024/10/04 06:09:17.812500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.466e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004ab XML 2024/10/04 04:25:52.282660 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.692e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004ab XML 2024/10/04 04:25:52.282660 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.692e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004e XML 2024/10/04 00:23:31.141356 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.648e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241004e XML 2024/10/04 00:23:31.140232 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.648e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003df XML 2024/10/03 21:46:44.845215 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.524e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003df XML 2024/10/03 21:46:44.845215 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.524e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003dc XML 2024/10/03 20:32:51.653809 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.166e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.14 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003dc XML 2024/10/03 20:32:51.653809 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.166e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.14 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003bz XML 2024/10/03 11:32:36.393799 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.310e-06                 123.13 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003bz XML 2024/10/03 11:32:36.393799 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.310e-06                 123.13 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003bx XML 2024/10/03 11:26:08.289061 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.305e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003bx XML 2024/10/03 11:26:08.288574 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.305e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003bg XML 2024/10/03 08:13:13.920531 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.779e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003bg XML 2024/10/03 08:13:13.922838 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.779e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003s XML 2024/10/03 03:27:55.047178 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.030e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241003s XML 2024/10/03 03:27:55.047178 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.030e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925n XML 2024/09/25 00:58:09.989558 5 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002dt XML 2024/10/02 20:44:51.021647 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.278e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002dt XML 2024/10/02 20:44:51.021647 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.278e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002cu XML 2024/10/02 17:39:35.226439 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.307e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002cu XML 2024/10/02 17:39:35.236007 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.307e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002e XML 2024/10/02 03:05:59.667358 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.403e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002bh XML 2024/10/02 11:08:15.878906 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.006e-06 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002bh XML 2024/10/02 11:08:15.878906 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.006e-06 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002av XML 2024/10/02 09:20:35.402830 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.154e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002av XML 2024/10/02 09:20:35.402830 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.154e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002as XML 2024/10/02 09:10:50.028799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 166.25 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002as XML 2024/10/02 09:10:50.028799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-05                 166.25 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002ad XML 2024/10/02 07:42:58.002299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.523e-05                 801.67 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002ad XML 2024/10/02 07:42:58.002299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.523e-05                 801.67 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002ac XML 2024/10/02 07:27:57.347700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.053e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002ac XML 2024/10/02 07:27:57.347700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.053e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002q XML 2024/10/02 06:33:40.604992 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.349e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002q XML 2024/10/02 06:33:40.604804 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.512e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002n XML 2024/10/02 05:50:44.615600 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.711e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002n XML 2024/10/02 05:50:44.617207 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.711e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002e XML 2024/10/02 03:05:59.667358 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.403e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002e XML 2024/10/02 03:05:59.667358 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.403e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241002e XML 2024/10/02 03:05:59.668945 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.403e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930du XML 2024/09/30 23:46:14.945299 4 Upd 1 8 2 1.281e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001cw XML 2024/10/01 12:03:12.761699 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.011e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001cw XML 2024/10/01 12:03:12.761699 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.011e-06                 SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001cu XML 2024/10/01 11:33:45.075195 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.291e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001cu XML 2024/10/01 11:33:45.076166 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.759e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001by XML 2024/10/01 07:42:03.749299 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.946e-06                 825.27 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001by XML 2024/10/01 07:42:03.749299 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.946e-06                 825.27 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001bb XML 2024/10/01 05:35:20.468121 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.952e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001bb XML 2024/10/01 05:35:20.468121 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.952e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001ax XML 2024/10/01 05:15:01.746582 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.321e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001ax XML 2024/10/01 05:15:01.763133 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.447e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001as XML 2024/10/01 04:58:42.672606 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001as XML 2024/10/01 04:58:42.676659 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001ao XML 2024/10/01 04:22:47.562500 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.241e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001ao XML 2024/10/01 04:22:47.562500 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.241e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001v XML 2024/10/01 02:33:50.675536 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.885e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001v XML 2024/10/01 02:33:50.684204 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.966e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930du XML 2024/09/30 23:46:14.945299 3 Ini 1 8 2 1.281e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001e XML 2024/10/01 00:37:04.160155 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.206e-05 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S241001e XML 2024/10/01 00:37:04.152832 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.206e-05 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930du XML 2024/09/30 23:46:14.945299 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.281e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930du XML 2024/09/30 23:46:14.945299 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.281e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930dk XML 2024/09/30 22:49:59.486199 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.100e-05                 152.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930dk XML 2024/09/30 22:49:59.486199 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.100e-05                 152.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930df XML 2024/09/30 22:20:49.273926 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.300e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930df XML 2024/09/30 22:20:49.273926 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.300e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930cv XML 2024/09/30 19:10:50.744385 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.557e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930cv XML 2024/09/30 19:10:50.755662 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.557e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930cj XML 2024/09/30 14:15:49.172390 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.069e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930cj XML 2024/09/30 14:15:49.172390 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.069e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930cc XML 2024/09/30 12:34:08.554932 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.966e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930cc XML 2024/09/30 12:34:08.555099 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.966e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930bb XML 2024/09/30 08:22:34.310546 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.321e-06 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930bb XML 2024/09/30 08:22:34.310546 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.321e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930ax XML 2024/09/30 08:08:29.658170 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.827e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930ax XML 2024/09/30 08:08:29.658170 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.827e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930ak XML 2024/09/30 06:43:50.107543 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.106e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.05 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930ak XML 2024/09/30 06:43:50.119528 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.285e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930aa XML 2024/09/30 03:59:59.963256 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.064e-19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930aa XML 2024/09/30 03:59:59.963256 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.064e-19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930aa XML 2024/09/30 03:59:59.963320 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.748e-27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930w XML 2024/09/30 03:38:52.373046 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.595e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240930w XML 2024/09/30 03:38:52.373046 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.595e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240929dr XML 2024/09/29 23:28:04.216800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.098e-05                 1097.78 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240929dr XML 2024/09/29 23:28:04.216800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.098e-05                 1097.78 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240929bp XML 2024/09/29 11:12:54.813099 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.288e-05                 1689.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240929bp XML 2024/09/29 11:12:54.813099 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.288e-05                 1689.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240928do XML 2024/09/28 16:58:51.976624 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.967e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240928do XML 2024/09/28 16:58:51.976624 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.967e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927bg XML 2024/09/27 14:52:12.340087 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.663e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927bg XML 2024/09/27 14:52:12.360120 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.663e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927ar XML 2024/09/27 13:33:28.259520 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.676e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927ar XML 2024/09/27 13:33:28.267032 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.283e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927aq XML 2024/09/27 11:45:59.371200 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.940e-06                 300.28 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927aq XML 2024/09/27 11:45:59.371200 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.940e-06                 300.28 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927ah XML 2024/09/27 10:56:53.478563 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.566e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240927ah XML 2024/09/27 10:56:53.478563 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.566e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240926b XML 2024/09/26 00:56:18.135253 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.916e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.13 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240926b XML 2024/09/26 00:56:18.135253 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.916e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.13 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925bn XML 2024/09/25 21:50:26.700282 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.504e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925bn XML 2024/09/25 21:50:26.700282 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.504e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925aw XML 2024/09/25 18:32:24.550781 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.405e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925aw XML 2024/09/25 18:32:24.550781 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.405e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925al XML 2024/09/25 16:41:58.179952 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.296e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925al XML 2024/09/25 16:41:58.179952 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.296e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925ab XML 2024/09/25 14:42:15.910866 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.618e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925ab XML 2024/09/25 14:42:15.910866 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.618e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925n XML 2024/09/25 00:58:09.989558 4 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925v XML 2024/09/25 05:22:38.138061 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.253e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925v XML 2024/09/25 05:22:38.157879 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.253e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925n XML 2024/09/25 00:58:09.989558 3 Ini 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.26 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925p XML 2024/09/25 01:08:39.062012 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.023e-06 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925p XML 2024/09/25 01:08:39.063965 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.023e-06 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925n XML 2024/09/25 00:58:09.989558 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.26 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925n XML 2024/09/25 00:58:09.979003 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.084e-21 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.74 0.20 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925b XML 2024/09/25 00:09:56.251561 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.384e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240925b XML 2024/09/25 00:09:56.251561 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.384e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924dc XML 2024/09/24 23:56:12.999022 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.962e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924dc XML 2024/09/24 23:56:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.962e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922df XML 2024/09/22 14:21:06.388183 5 Upd 1 1 4 1.394e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922df XML 2024/09/22 14:21:06.388183 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.394e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920dw XML 2024/09/20 12:40:24.878052 4 Upd 1 1 4 9.701e-52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921cw XML 2024/09/21 20:18:35.792236 4 Upd 1 1 4 8.020e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bz XML 2024/09/20 07:34:24.481933 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924a XML 2024/09/24 00:03:16.545898 4 Upd 1 1 15 2.463e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923ct XML 2024/09/23 20:40:06.105347 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.644e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924as XML 2024/09/24 06:58:16.484400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.840e-05                     SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924as XML 2024/09/24 06:58:16.484400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.840e-05                     SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924aq XML 2024/09/24 06:38:18.277300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.968e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924aq XML 2024/09/24 06:38:18.277300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.968e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924an XML 2024/09/24 06:32:36.923340 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.068e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924an XML 2024/09/24 06:32:36.923340 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.068e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924x XML 2024/09/24 03:47:00.952270 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924x XML 2024/09/24 03:47:00.953215 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924a XML 2024/09/24 00:03:16.545898 3 Ini 1 1 15 2.463e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924a XML 2024/09/24 00:03:16.545898 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.463e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240924a XML 2024/09/24 00:03:16.541083 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.692e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923ct XML 2024/09/23 20:40:06.105347 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.644e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923ct XML 2024/09/23 20:40:06.105347 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.644e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923ct XML 2024/09/23 20:40:06.099948 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.514e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923cj XML 2024/09/23 19:30:20.292138 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.687e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.56 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923cj XML 2024/09/23 19:30:20.292138 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.687e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.56 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923y XML 2024/09/23 05:54:02.929699 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.013e-06 0x10 0x289E603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240923y XML 2024/09/23 05:54:02.929699 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.013e-06 0x10 0x189E403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240923l XML 2024/09/23 03:07:18.091308 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.210e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923l XML 2024/09/23 03:07:18.091308 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.210e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923h XML 2024/09/23 01:55:23.660199 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.853e-07 0x10 0x289A203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240923h XML 2024/09/23 01:55:23.660199 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.853e-07 0x10 0x189A003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240923b XML 2024/09/23 00:07:15.292725 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.809e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240923b XML 2024/09/23 00:07:15.306813 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.931e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922fe XML 2024/09/22 22:36:01.248169 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.936e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922fe XML 2024/09/22 22:36:01.295163 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.936e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.06 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922fd XML 2024/09/22 21:16:11.080557 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.310e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922fd XML 2024/09/22 21:16:11.080557 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.310e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922fc XML 2024/09/22 21:08:29.089843 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.207e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.59 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922fc XML 2024/09/22 21:08:29.089843 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.207e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.59 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922ei XML 2024/09/22 19:20:42.724029 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.576e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922ei XML 2024/09/22 19:20:42.724155 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.338e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922ed XML 2024/09/22 18:49:49.042999 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.586e-06 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240922ed XML 2024/09/22 18:49:49.042999 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.586e-06 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240922ea XML 2024/09/22 18:42:11.620799 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.145e-06                 947.53 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922ea XML 2024/09/22 18:42:11.620799 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.145e-06                 947.53 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922du XML 2024/09/22 17:31:11.417600 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.676e-06                 1394.86 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922du XML 2024/09/22 17:31:11.417600 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.676e-06                 1394.86 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922df XML 2024/09/22 14:21:06.388183 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.394e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922df XML 2024/09/22 14:21:06.388183 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.394e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922dc XML 2024/09/22 14:14:21.859400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.415e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240922df XML 2024/09/22 14:21:06.392578 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.519e-22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922dc XML 2024/09/22 14:14:21.838899 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.876e-06                 113.65 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922ca XML 2024/09/22 10:16:00.126953 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.090e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922ca XML 2024/09/22 10:16:00.151359 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.090e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922aj XML 2024/09/22 02:55:09.163085 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.885e-05 0.77 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240922aj XML 2024/09/22 02:55:09.163085 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.885e-05 0.77 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921ds XML 2024/09/21 22:57:19.591799 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.892e-06                 143.04 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921dr XML 2024/09/21 22:57:47.109099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.165e-05                 1485.10 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921ds XML 2024/09/21 22:57:19.591799 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.892e-06                 143.04 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921dr XML 2024/09/21 22:57:47.109099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.165e-05                 1485.10 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921cw XML 2024/09/21 20:18:35.792236 3 Ini 1 1 4 8.020e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921cw XML 2024/09/21 20:18:35.792236 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.020e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921cw XML 2024/09/21 20:18:35.793649 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.020e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921cs XML 2024/09/21 12:17:06.034581 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.073e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.02 0.30         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921cs XML 2024/09/21 12:17:06.032331 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.093e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.03 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921ae XML 2024/09/21 03:42:27.733764 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.177e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921ae XML 2024/09/21 03:42:27.740247 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.670e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921s XML 2024/09/21 02:15:28.831231 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.834e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.04 0.26         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921s XML 2024/09/21 02:15:28.831231 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.834e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.04 0.26         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921o XML 2024/09/21 01:26:59.911987 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.390e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.04 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921o XML 2024/09/21 01:26:59.924517 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.390e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.04 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921l XML 2024/09/21 01:11:47.098145 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.116e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921l XML 2024/09/21 01:11:47.098145 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.116e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921b XML 2024/09/21 00:09:57.352051 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.776e-05 1.00 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240921b XML 2024/09/21 00:09:57.352051 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.776e-05 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ic XML 2024/09/20 23:20:19.005859 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.163e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ic XML 2024/09/20 23:20:19.005859 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.163e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920hr XML 2024/09/20 22:35:19.046099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.091e-05                 900.26 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920hr XML 2024/09/20 22:35:19.046099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.091e-05                 900.26 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920he XML 2024/09/20 21:13:30.772757 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.163e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920he XML 2024/09/20 21:13:30.772757 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.163e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920gt XML 2024/09/20 20:19:41.918174 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.248e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920gt XML 2024/09/20 20:19:41.918174 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.248e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920gl XML 2024/09/20 19:36:17.081586 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.359e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.27 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920gl XML 2024/09/20 19:36:17.081586 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.359e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.27 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920fm XML 2024/09/20 16:12:55.846313 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.609e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920fm XML 2024/09/20 16:12:55.847315 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.811e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920fg XML 2024/09/20 15:31:51.715355 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.498e-06 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920fg XML 2024/09/20 15:31:51.715355 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.498e-06 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920eh XML 2024/09/20 13:12:08.846190 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.449e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920eh XML 2024/09/20 13:12:08.858589 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.701e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920eg XML 2024/09/20 13:05:35.118285 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.081e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920eg XML 2024/09/20 13:05:35.119864 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.081e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920dw XML 2024/09/20 12:40:24.878052 3 Ini 1 1 4 9.701e-52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920dw XML 2024/09/20 12:40:24.878052 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.701e-52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920dw XML 2024/09/20 12:40:24.871659 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.723e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920dl XML 2024/09/20 11:46:45.705399 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.031e-05                 89.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920dl XML 2024/09/20 11:46:45.705399 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.031e-05                 89.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920db XML 2024/09/20 10:46:12.366656 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.598e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920db XML 2024/09/20 10:46:12.367105 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.374e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920cr XML 2024/09/20 09:27:32.659179 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.827e-06 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920cr XML 2024/09/20 09:27:32.661132 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.827e-06 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920cq XML 2024/09/20 09:15:49.722777 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.143e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.06 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920cq XML 2024/09/20 09:15:49.722726 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.588e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.06 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ck XML 2024/09/20 08:50:21.399599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.749e-05                 519.34 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ck XML 2024/09/20 08:50:21.399599 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.749e-05                 519.34 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ce XML 2024/09/20 08:02:33.260010 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.067e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ce XML 2024/09/20 08:02:33.265211 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.067e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bz XML 2024/09/20 07:34:24.481933 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bz XML 2024/09/20 07:34:24.481933 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bz XML 2024/09/20 07:34:24.470631 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.035e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bn XML 2024/09/20 06:28:24.864257 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.624e-06 1.00 0.91 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.44 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bn XML 2024/09/20 06:28:24.863769 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.624e-06 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.42 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bi XML 2024/09/20 05:58:22.998901 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.150e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920bi XML 2024/09/20 05:58:22.998888 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.150e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ae XML 2024/09/20 02:02:02.459200 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.716e-06                 115.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920ae XML 2024/09/20 02:02:02.459200 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.716e-06                 115.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920x XML 2024/09/20 01:47:48.323900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.451e-06                 237.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920v XML 2024/09/20 01:47:48.335900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.118e-05 0x10 0x289DA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240920x XML 2024/09/20 01:47:48.323900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.451e-06                 237.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920v XML 2024/09/20 01:47:48.335900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.118e-05 0x10 0x189D803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240920d XML 2024/09/20 00:42:23.022753 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.827e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240920d XML 2024/09/20 00:42:23.022753 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.827e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919dy XML 2024/09/19 19:26:44.075684 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.391e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.40 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919dy XML 2024/09/19 19:26:44.075684 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.391e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.40 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919bn XML 2024/09/19 06:15:59.193457 4 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919dj XML 2024/09/19 13:54:40.686799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.921e-05                 1101.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919dj XML 2024/09/19 13:54:40.686799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.921e-05                 1101.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cb XML 2024/09/17 13:02:37.724243 4 Upd 1 1 4 5.403e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916ar XML 2024/09/16 18:43:52.312584 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.653e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.02 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919bn XML 2024/09/19 06:15:59.193457 3 Ini 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919bn XML 2024/09/19 06:15:59.193457 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919bn XML 2024/09/19 06:15:59.192360 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.448e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919bk XML 2024/09/19 06:00:05.636700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.024e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240919bk XML 2024/09/19 06:00:05.636700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.024e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240919bi XML 2024/09/19 05:29:45.144500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.266e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240919bi XML 2024/09/19 05:29:45.144500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.266e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240919ao XML 2024/09/19 03:30:00.881835 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.453e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919ao XML 2024/09/19 03:30:00.888063 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.453e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240919t XML 2024/09/19 01:52:44.101599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.881e-05 0x10 0x289D203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240919t XML 2024/09/19 01:52:44.101599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.881e-05 0x10 0x189D003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240918fy XML 2024/09/18 22:52:27.688900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.604e-05                 91.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fy XML 2024/09/18 22:52:27.688900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.604e-05                 91.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fw XML 2024/09/18 22:40:38.634999 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.631e-06                 456.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fw XML 2024/09/18 22:40:38.634999 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.631e-06                 456.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fq XML 2024/09/18 21:08:27.047851 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.058e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fq XML 2024/09/18 21:08:27.047851 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.058e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fb XML 2024/09/18 19:51:33.542968 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.546e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.23 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918fb XML 2024/09/18 19:51:33.542968 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.546e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.23 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918eq XML 2024/09/18 19:08:28.653700 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.533e-06                 1045.65 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918eq XML 2024/09/18 19:08:28.653700 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.533e-06                 1045.65 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918eb XML 2024/09/18 18:17:37.846299 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.108e-05                 413.16 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918eb XML 2024/09/18 18:17:37.846299 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.108e-05                 413.16 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918dk XML 2024/09/18 16:38:13.232421 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.613e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918dk XML 2024/09/18 16:38:13.232421 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.613e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918cg XML 2024/09/18 08:01:05.871100 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.806e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240918cg XML 2024/09/18 08:01:05.783999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.648e-05                 96.79 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918ba XML 2024/09/18 05:01:55.904000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.100e-05                 758.85 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918ba XML 2024/09/18 05:01:55.904000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.100e-05                 758.85 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240918t XML 2024/09/18 01:43:27.714800 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.768e-06 0x10 0x289D203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240918t XML 2024/09/18 01:43:27.714800 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.768e-06 0x10 0x189D003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240917cx XML 2024/09/17 23:38:49.025227 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.345e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.48 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cx XML 2024/09/17 23:38:49.025227 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.345e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.48 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cb XML 2024/09/17 13:02:37.724243 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.403e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.06 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cb XML 2024/09/17 13:02:37.724120 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.403e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.06 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cb XML 2024/09/17 13:02:37.724243 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.403e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.06 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cs XML 2024/09/17 13:52:24.495605 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.377e-07 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.26 0.13 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917cs XML 2024/09/17 13:52:24.495605 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.377e-07 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.26 0.13 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bs XML 2024/09/17 12:02:58.929810 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.193e-05 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.80 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bs XML 2024/09/17 12:02:58.923670 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.193e-05 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.41 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bq XML 2024/09/17 11:53:58.148099 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.778e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bq XML 2024/09/17 11:53:58.148099 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.778e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bk XML 2024/09/17 11:01:39.927734 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.684e-05 0.91 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bk XML 2024/09/17 11:01:39.926270 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.684e-05 1.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bb XML 2024/09/17 09:57:19.890990 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.402e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.13 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917bb XML 2024/09/17 09:57:19.925062 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.402e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917ai XML 2024/09/17 05:30:38.919434 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.243e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917ai XML 2024/09/17 05:30:38.961914 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.243e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917z XML 2024/09/17 04:39:43.442399 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.396e-06 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917z XML 2024/09/17 04:39:43.442399 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.396e-06 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240917e XML 2024/09/17 00:40:25.828099 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.827e-06 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240917e XML 2024/09/17 00:40:25.828099 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.827e-06 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916co XML 2024/09/16 23:31:08.964800 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.136e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916co XML 2024/09/16 23:31:08.964800 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.136e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916cn XML 2024/09/16 23:25:55.839799 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.622e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916cn XML 2024/09/16 23:25:55.839799 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.622e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916cl XML 2024/09/16 23:19:08.503899 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.694e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916cl XML 2024/09/16 23:19:08.503899 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.694e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916ch XML 2024/09/16 23:05:35.195300 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.305e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916ch XML 2024/09/16 23:05:35.195300 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.305e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916bt XML 2024/09/16 22:03:03.117373 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.093e-06 1.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916bt XML 2024/09/16 22:03:03.117373 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.093e-06 1.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916bh XML 2024/09/16 21:08:20.871099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.158e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916bh XML 2024/09/16 21:08:20.871099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.158e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240916ar XML 2024/09/16 18:43:52.312584 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.653e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916ar XML 2024/09/16 18:43:52.312584 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.653e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916ar XML 2024/09/16 18:43:52.312584 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.653e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916d XML 2024/09/16 05:08:53.852400 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.033e-05                 1148.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240916d XML 2024/09/16 05:08:53.852400 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.033e-05                 1148.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915da XML 2024/09/15 21:52:23.883300 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.878e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915da XML 2024/09/15 21:52:23.883300 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.878e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915cg XML 2024/09/15 18:58:58.718395 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.753e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915cg XML 2024/09/15 18:58:58.718395 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.753e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915bd XML 2024/09/15 10:51:51.058715 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.295e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.10 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915bd XML 2024/09/15 10:51:51.058715 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.295e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.10 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915bd XML 2024/09/15 10:51:51.058715 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.295e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.10 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915bd XML 2024/09/15 10:51:51.059078 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.295e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915aw XML 2024/09/15 04:55:10.690908 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.165e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.05 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915aw XML 2024/09/15 04:55:10.690908 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.165e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.05 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915ao XML 2024/09/15 04:00:22.458739 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.871e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915ao XML 2024/09/15 04:00:22.457936 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.871e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915b XML 2024/09/15 00:13:57.714843 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915ac XML 2024/09/15 02:48:24.792999 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.846e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240915ac XML 2024/09/15 02:48:24.792999 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.846e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240915aa XML 2024/09/15 02:27:45.697667 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.056e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915aa XML 2024/09/15 02:27:45.697667 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.056e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915b XML 2024/09/15 00:13:57.714843 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.13 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915b XML 2024/09/15 00:13:57.714843 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.13 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240915b XML 2024/09/15 00:13:57.714843 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914fr XML 2024/09/14 23:39:16.170410 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.299e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914fr XML 2024/09/14 23:39:16.170410 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.299e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914ey XML 2024/09/14 21:34:52.460900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.266e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240914ey XML 2024/09/14 21:34:52.460900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.266e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240914es XML 2024/09/14 21:16:44.771399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.239e-06                 242.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914es XML 2024/09/14 21:16:44.771599 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.464e-06                 254.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914el XML 2024/09/14 20:51:21.844770 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.957e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.19 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914el XML 2024/09/14 20:51:21.844770 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.957e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.19 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914eh XML 2024/09/14 20:16:33.289200 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.421e-06                 132.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914eh XML 2024/09/14 20:16:33.289200 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.421e-06                 132.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914dr XML 2024/09/14 17:43:01.384900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.877e-07                 1052.29 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914dr XML 2024/09/14 17:43:01.384900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.877e-07                 1052.29 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914db XML 2024/09/14 15:02:37.405963 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.226e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.39         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914db XML 2024/09/14 15:02:37.405963 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.226e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.39         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914cy XML 2024/09/14 14:43:55.937500 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.391e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240914cy XML 2024/09/14 14:43:55.937500 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.391e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240914cr XML 2024/09/14 14:06:18.431152 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.099e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914cr XML 2024/09/14 14:06:18.444335 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.099e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914bz XML 2024/09/14 12:24:24.833905 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.589e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914bz XML 2024/09/14 12:24:24.833905 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.589e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914bp XML 2024/09/14 10:29:31.340503 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.800e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914bp XML 2024/09/14 10:29:31.340503 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.800e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914bc XML 2024/09/14 08:15:21.085000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.205e-06                 736.22 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914bc XML 2024/09/14 08:15:21.085000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.205e-06                 736.22 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914q XML 2024/09/14 03:41:40.023682 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.995e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240914q XML 2024/09/14 03:41:40.043263 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.995e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913ds XML 2024/09/13 20:07:49.921264 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.700e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913ds XML 2024/09/13 20:07:49.927967 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.700e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913cn XML 2024/09/13 13:44:24.915400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.800e-05                 255.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913cn XML 2024/09/13 13:44:24.915400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.800e-05                 255.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913bw XML 2024/09/13 11:37:54.551299 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.458e-06                 224.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913bw XML 2024/09/13 11:37:54.551299 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.458e-06                 224.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913bs XML 2024/09/13 11:12:16.891846 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.125e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.04 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240913bs XML 2024/09/13 11:12:16.911383 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.125e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.03 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240912d XML 2024/09/12 22:28:47.177979 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.246e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240912d XML 2024/09/12 22:28:47.179034 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.246e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240911c XML 2024/09/11 01:33:40.385320 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.056e-05 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240911c XML 2024/09/11 01:33:40.385320 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.056e-05 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910ci XML 2024/09/10 10:35:35.494629 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.69 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910ci XML 2024/09/10 10:35:35.494629 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.69 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910ci XML 2024/09/10 10:35:35.494629 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.69 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910ci XML 2024/09/10 10:35:35.499031 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.679e-40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910bx XML 2024/09/10 08:10:29.877993 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.266e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910bx XML 2024/09/10 08:10:29.877993 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.266e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910bq XML 2024/09/10 07:13:47.023479 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.176e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910bq XML 2024/09/10 07:13:47.023479 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.176e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910bh XML 2024/09/10 06:26:45.063578 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.831e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910bh XML 2024/09/10 06:26:45.063578 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.831e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910at XML 2024/09/10 05:03:52.187378 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.056e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910at XML 2024/09/10 05:03:52.185279 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.056e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910w XML 2024/09/10 03:22:13.702636 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.883e-05 0.89 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910w XML 2024/09/10 03:22:13.702636 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.883e-05 0.89 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910l XML 2024/09/10 01:41:44.183838 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.014e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240910l XML 2024/09/10 01:41:44.179909 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.451e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909dg XML 2024/09/09 18:37:55.587401 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.500e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909dg XML 2024/09/09 18:37:55.594831 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.500e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909cx XML 2024/09/09 14:37:57.264524 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.026e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.12 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909cx XML 2024/09/09 14:37:57.264524 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.026e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.12 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909cm XML 2024/09/09 13:17:26.148399 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.098e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240909cm XML 2024/09/09 13:17:26.148399 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.098e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240909ca XML 2024/09/09 10:48:27.339233 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.709e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909ca XML 2024/09/09 10:48:27.335619 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.709e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909bk XML 2024/09/09 08:11:21.035522 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.497e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909bk XML 2024/09/09 08:11:21.031314 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.497e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909al XML 2024/09/09 04:50:40.152299 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.841e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240909al XML 2024/09/09 04:50:40.152299 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.841e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240909n XML 2024/09/09 01:26:06.279799 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.654e-06                 668.61 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909n XML 2024/09/09 01:26:06.279799 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.654e-06                 668.61 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909a XML 2024/09/09 00:00:25.438500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.458e-05                 79.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240909a XML 2024/09/09 00:00:25.438500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.458e-05                 79.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908fe XML 2024/09/08 21:58:39.504882 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.784e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908fe XML 2024/09/08 21:58:39.522641 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.784e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908eo XML 2024/09/08 19:57:41.906759 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.882e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908eo XML 2024/09/08 19:57:41.906759 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.882e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908dg XML 2024/09/08 12:51:34.272216 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.186e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908ej XML 2024/09/08 17:41:32.838867 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.011e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908ej XML 2024/09/08 17:41:32.838867 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.011e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908bs XML 2024/09/08 08:26:28.412597 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908dg XML 2024/09/08 12:51:34.272216 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.186e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908dg XML 2024/09/08 12:51:34.272216 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.186e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908dg XML 2024/09/08 12:51:34.278112 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.186e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908dc XML 2024/09/08 12:41:01.928900 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.273e-06                 586.77 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908dc XML 2024/09/08 12:41:01.928900 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.273e-06                 586.77 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908cw XML 2024/09/08 12:03:25.492675 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.013e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908cw XML 2024/09/08 12:03:25.496393 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.818e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908cs XML 2024/09/08 11:19:28.824218 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.570e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908cs XML 2024/09/08 11:19:28.831980 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.570e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908bs XML 2024/09/08 08:26:28.412597 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908cj XML 2024/09/08 09:43:58.314818 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.561e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908cj XML 2024/09/08 09:43:58.316215 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.561e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908ca XML 2024/09/08 08:58:15.344359 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908ca XML 2024/09/08 08:58:15.376215 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908bs XML 2024/09/08 08:26:28.412597 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908bs XML 2024/09/08 08:26:28.413574 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907cg XML 2024/09/07 15:38:33.769652 4 Upd 1 1 4 9.145e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240908z XML 2024/09/08 03:10:32.679699 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.763e-06 0x10 0x289EA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240908z XML 2024/09/08 03:10:32.679699 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.763e-06 0x10 0x189E803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907dm XML 2024/09/07 21:35:54.974460 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.957e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907dm XML 2024/09/07 21:35:54.974460 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.957e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907di XML 2024/09/07 19:21:20.066400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.922e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907di XML 2024/09/07 19:21:20.066400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.922e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907da XML 2024/09/07 17:37:58.714799 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.458e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907da XML 2024/09/07 17:37:58.714799 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.458e-06 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907cg XML 2024/09/07 15:38:33.769652 3 Ini 1 1 4 9.145e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907cg XML 2024/09/07 15:38:33.769652 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.145e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907cg XML 2024/09/07 15:38:33.772367 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.145e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907bz XML 2024/09/07 14:45:55.992199 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.593e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907bz XML 2024/09/07 14:45:55.992199 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.593e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907br XML 2024/09/07 13:39:00.426397 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.381e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907bq XML 2024/09/07 13:35:43.403266 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.928e-05 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.32 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907br XML 2024/09/07 13:39:00.426397 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.381e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907bq XML 2024/09/07 13:35:43.403266 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.928e-05 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.32 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907bl XML 2024/09/07 13:05:21.559376 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.348e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.42 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907bl XML 2024/09/07 13:05:21.559376 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.348e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.42 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907au XML 2024/09/07 11:24:25.227835 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.550e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907au XML 2024/09/07 11:24:25.226952 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.256e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ap XML 2024/09/07 11:00:29.249511 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.904e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ap XML 2024/09/07 11:00:29.251844 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.904e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ak XML 2024/09/07 10:01:01.079900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.864e-05                 1135.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ak XML 2024/09/07 10:01:01.079900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.864e-05                 1135.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ah XML 2024/09/07 09:25:21.412181 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.421e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ah XML 2024/09/07 09:25:21.405771 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.146e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ad XML 2024/09/07 09:15:52.440918 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907ad XML 2024/09/07 09:15:52.441499 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907x XML 2024/09/07 08:37:21.839800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.356e-05 0x10 0x289E203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907x XML 2024/09/07 08:37:21.839800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.356e-05 0x10 0x189E003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907r XML 2024/09/07 06:59:47.449199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.922e-05 0x10 0x289CA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907r XML 2024/09/07 06:59:47.449199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.922e-05 0x10 0x189C803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907o XML 2024/09/07 04:22:44.742199 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.424e-06 0x10 0x289BE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907o XML 2024/09/07 04:22:44.742199 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.424e-06 0x10 0x189BC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240907k XML 2024/09/07 01:16:55.142546 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.049e-05 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240907k XML 2024/09/07 01:16:55.142546 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.049e-05 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906es XML 2024/09/06 18:23:14.408203 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.598e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906es XML 2024/09/06 18:23:14.406684 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.598e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906ef XML 2024/09/06 15:28:10.546900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.605e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240906ef XML 2024/09/06 15:28:10.546900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.605e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240906dc XML 2024/09/06 11:31:46.706054 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.726e-05 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906dc XML 2024/09/06 11:31:46.706054 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.726e-05 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906cs XML 2024/09/06 10:43:42.834837 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.001e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906cs XML 2024/09/06 10:43:42.834837 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.001e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906ci XML 2024/09/06 09:50:08.407099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.397e-05                 1178.51 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906ci XML 2024/09/06 09:50:08.407099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.397e-05                 1178.51 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906ao XML 2024/09/06 05:17:08.808600 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.516e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240906am XML 2024/09/06 05:16:25.220507 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.301e-05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240906ao XML 2024/09/06 05:17:08.808600 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.516e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240906am XML 2024/09/06 05:16:25.220507 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.301e-05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240905ej XML 2024/09/05 15:13:05.527800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.524e-05                 1284.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240905ej XML 2024/09/05 15:13:05.527800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.524e-05                 1284.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240905cz XML 2024/09/05 12:38:20.257799 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.308e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240905cz XML 2024/09/05 12:38:20.257799 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.308e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240905v XML 2024/09/05 06:28:26.640599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.572e-05 0x10 0x289DA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240905v XML 2024/09/05 06:28:26.640599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.572e-05 0x10 0x189D803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240904dh XML 2024/09/04 22:23:38.444091 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.626e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904dh XML 2024/09/04 22:23:38.444091 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.626e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904db XML 2024/09/04 22:10:45.203246 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.775e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904db XML 2024/09/04 22:10:45.202607 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.775e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904ce XML 2024/09/04 14:48:46.470215 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.949e-06 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.10 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904ce XML 2024/09/04 14:48:46.491210 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.949e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904bv XML 2024/09/04 13:36:03.176200 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.902e-06                 1209.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904bv XML 2024/09/04 13:36:03.176200 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.902e-06                 1209.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904bl XML 2024/09/04 09:08:31.996099 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.030e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240904bk XML 2024/09/04 09:08:16.941971 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.880e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904bl XML 2024/09/04 09:08:31.996099 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.030e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240904bk XML 2024/09/04 09:08:16.941971 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.880e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240904o XML 2024/09/04 02:55:31.539100 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.585e-05 0x10 0x289BE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240904o XML 2024/09/04 02:55:31.539100 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.585e-05 0x10 0x189BC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240903cz XML 2024/09/03 23:04:27.485147 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.682e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903cz XML 2024/09/03 23:04:27.485147 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.682e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903cm XML 2024/09/03 21:40:26.791992 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.654e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903cm XML 2024/09/03 21:40:26.791599 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.001e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902bq XML 2024/09/02 14:33:06.762207 4 Upd 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903aq XML 2024/09/03 06:08:41.947265 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.351e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903aq XML 2024/09/03 06:08:41.946776 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.351e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903x XML 2024/09/03 01:59:08.574707 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.837e-05 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240903x XML 2024/09/03 01:59:08.575195 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.837e-05 0.59 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902dz XML 2024/09/02 20:28:23.165427 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.301e-05 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902dz XML 2024/09/02 20:28:23.164812 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.123e-05 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902cy XML 2024/09/02 16:52:10.155518 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.968e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902cy XML 2024/09/02 16:52:10.166282 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.968e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902cl XML 2024/09/02 16:10:51.216000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.959e-05                 400.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902cl XML 2024/09/02 16:10:51.216000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.959e-05                 400.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902ch XML 2024/09/02 15:50:43.008093 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.802e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902ch XML 2024/09/02 15:50:43.008177 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.295e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902bq XML 2024/09/02 14:33:06.762207 3 Ini 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902bq XML 2024/09/02 14:33:06.762207 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902bq XML 2024/09/02 14:33:06.761230 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240902aa XML 2024/09/02 04:28:33.988300 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.150e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240902aa XML 2024/09/02 04:28:33.988300 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.150e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240902g XML 2024/09/02 01:02:54.593800 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.197e-06 0x10 0x2899E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240902g XML 2024/09/02 01:02:54.593800 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.197e-06 0x10 0x1899C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240901ew XML 2024/09/01 19:53:32.167724 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.059e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.02 0.12         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901ew XML 2024/09/01 19:53:32.184891 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.575e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.03 0.48         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901el XML 2024/09/01 19:03:38.752440 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.497e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901el XML 2024/09/01 19:03:38.752440 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.497e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901ed XML 2024/09/01 18:23:52.368000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.294e-05                 845.84 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901ed XML 2024/09/01 18:23:52.368000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.294e-05                 845.84 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901ds XML 2024/09/01 17:26:28.991210 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.814e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901ds XML 2024/09/01 17:26:28.992675 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.814e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901dl XML 2024/09/01 17:05:51.540526 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.627e-05 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901dl XML 2024/09/01 17:05:51.517578 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.627e-05 1.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901dd XML 2024/09/01 16:02:23.933700 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.108e-05                 1853.34 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901dd XML 2024/09/01 16:02:23.933700 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.108e-05                 1853.34 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901cm XML 2024/09/01 13:03:10.828125 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.013e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901cm XML 2024/09/01 13:03:10.828125 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.013e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901bi XML 2024/09/01 10:22:14.057128 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.133e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901bi XML 2024/09/01 10:22:14.059570 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.133e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901aw XML 2024/09/01 04:31:12.643903 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.399e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901aw XML 2024/09/01 04:31:12.643903 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.399e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240901q XML 2024/09/01 01:05:07.882799 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.682e-07 0x10 0x289C603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240901q XML 2024/09/01 01:05:07.882799 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.682e-07 0x10 0x189C403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240831fr XML 2024/08/31 20:18:53.266846 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.860e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831fr XML 2024/08/31 20:18:53.271388 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.930e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.06 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831cr XML 2024/08/31 10:16:40.378900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.182e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240831cr XML 2024/08/31 10:16:40.378900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.182e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240831bl XML 2024/08/31 06:13:46.615023 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.933e-05 1.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831bl XML 2024/08/31 06:13:46.615023 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.933e-05 1.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831as XML 2024/08/31 03:58:44.647948 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.522e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831as XML 2024/08/31 03:58:44.634276 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.522e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831w XML 2024/08/31 01:29:45.238399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.387e-05                 377.85 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240831w XML 2024/08/31 01:29:45.238399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.387e-05                 377.85 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830gn XML 2024/08/30 21:11:20.391601 4 Upd 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.89 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830he XML 2024/08/30 22:48:25.486473 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.297e-05 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830he XML 2024/08/30 22:48:25.486473 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.297e-05 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830gn XML 2024/08/30 21:11:20.391601 3 Ini 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.89 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830gn XML 2024/08/30 21:11:20.391601 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.89 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830gn XML 2024/08/30 21:11:20.369968 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.989e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830fr XML 2024/08/30 20:02:25.076474 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830fr XML 2024/08/30 20:02:25.076474 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830ev XML 2024/08/30 19:01:31.938964 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.516e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830ev XML 2024/08/30 19:01:31.939453 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.516e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830ej XML 2024/08/30 18:01:08.924400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.072e-05                 1014.43 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830ej XML 2024/08/30 18:01:08.924400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.072e-05                 1014.43 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830ea XML 2024/08/30 17:32:01.167999 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.043e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240830ea XML 2024/08/30 17:32:01.167999 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.043e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240830dp XML 2024/08/30 16:52:42.475707 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.330e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830dp XML 2024/08/30 16:52:42.493841 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.947e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830bx XML 2024/08/30 12:41:42.207388 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.366e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830bx XML 2024/08/30 12:41:42.254071 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.128e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830bv XML 2024/08/30 12:28:27.037327 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.637e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830bv XML 2024/08/30 12:28:27.037327 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.637e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830bj XML 2024/08/30 09:50:40.589799 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.219e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240830bj XML 2024/08/30 09:50:40.589799 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.219e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240830au XML 2024/08/30 08:06:35.288696 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.867e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830au XML 2024/08/30 08:06:35.281812 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.867e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830at XML 2024/08/30 07:55:15.960444 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.050e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830at XML 2024/08/30 07:55:15.959478 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.560e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830i XML 2024/08/30 01:05:35.959600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.103e-05                 1958.53 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240830i XML 2024/08/30 01:05:35.959600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.103e-05                 1958.53 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829ev XML 2024/08/29 21:40:53.222700 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.236e-06 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829ev XML 2024/08/29 21:40:53.222700 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.236e-06 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829ep XML 2024/08/29 21:33:43.479940 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.677e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.01 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829ep XML 2024/08/29 21:33:43.479940 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.677e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.01 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829dj XML 2024/08/29 15:23:00.364066 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.432e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.27 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829dj XML 2024/08/29 15:23:00.364066 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.432e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.27 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829br XML 2024/08/29 10:10:02.113300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.904e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829br XML 2024/08/29 10:10:02.113300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.904e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829bl XML 2024/08/29 08:59:00.993817 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.874e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829bl XML 2024/08/29 08:59:00.993815 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.108e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829bc XML 2024/08/29 08:11:41.115234 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.322e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829bc XML 2024/08/29 08:11:41.114257 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.322e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829s XML 2024/08/29 03:35:14.815899 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.823e-06                 1763.97 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829s XML 2024/08/29 03:35:14.815899 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.823e-06                 1763.97 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829k XML 2024/08/29 03:16:06.746100 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.207e-06 0x10 0x289AE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829k XML 2024/08/29 03:16:06.746100 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.207e-06 0x10 0x189AC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829h XML 2024/08/29 02:29:20.637084 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.037e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829h XML 2024/08/29 02:29:20.642489 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.871e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240829f XML 2024/08/29 01:44:54.449199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.555e-05 0x10 0x2899A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240829f XML 2024/08/29 01:44:54.449199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.555e-05 0x10 0x1899803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828hl XML 2024/08/28 21:45:05.877349 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.983e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.05 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828hl XML 2024/08/28 21:45:05.877349 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.983e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.05 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828gs XML 2024/08/28 15:39:31.472699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.846e-05 0x10 0x2899E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828gs XML 2024/08/28 15:39:31.472699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.846e-05 0x10 0x1899C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828gl XML 2024/08/28 15:18:38.859400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.196e-05 0x10 0x2899E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828gl XML 2024/08/28 15:18:38.859400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.196e-05 0x10 0x1899C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828ga XML 2024/08/28 14:56:00.782104 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.555e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ga XML 2024/08/28 14:56:00.784766 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.555e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828fw XML 2024/08/28 14:48:08.020300 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.055e-06                 766.58 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828fw XML 2024/08/28 14:48:08.020300 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.055e-06                 766.58 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ft XML 2024/08/28 14:41:56.812480 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.092e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ft XML 2024/08/28 14:41:56.812480 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.092e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828fl XML 2024/08/28 13:37:30.701799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.107e-05                 194.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828fl XML 2024/08/28 13:37:30.701799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.107e-05                 194.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828fh XML 2024/08/28 13:21:15.131299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.132e-06                 487.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828fh XML 2024/08/28 13:21:15.131299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.132e-06                 487.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828er XML 2024/08/28 11:58:17.578918 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.552e-05 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828er XML 2024/08/28 11:58:17.578918 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.552e-05 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ef XML 2024/08/28 11:08:31.410199 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.296e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828ef XML 2024/08/28 11:08:31.410199 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.296e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828ds XML 2024/08/28 10:41:57.347599 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.001e-06                 1005.37 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ds XML 2024/08/28 10:41:57.347599 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.001e-06                 1005.37 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828dh XML 2024/08/28 10:23:40.473145 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.884e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828dh XML 2024/08/28 10:23:40.475834 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.884e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828da XML 2024/08/28 10:11:07.806600 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.891e-06                 859.44 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828da XML 2024/08/28 10:11:07.806600 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.891e-06                 859.44 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828cu XML 2024/08/28 09:58:43.726599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.226e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828cu XML 2024/08/28 09:58:43.726599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.226e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828cp XML 2024/08/28 09:49:23.622299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.342e-05                 183.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828cp XML 2024/08/28 09:49:23.622299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.342e-05                 183.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828cl XML 2024/08/28 09:45:52.429000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.026e-06                 204.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828cl XML 2024/08/28 09:45:52.429000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.026e-06                 204.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ca XML 2024/08/28 09:28:39.463299 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.689e-06                 593.34 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ca XML 2024/08/28 09:28:39.463299 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.689e-06                 593.34 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bw XML 2024/08/28 09:21:09.417999 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.542e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828bw XML 2024/08/28 09:21:09.417999 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.542e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240828br XML 2024/08/28 09:09:54.090400 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.205e-05 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bp XML 2024/08/28 09:03:50.104300 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.861e-07                 263.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828br XML 2024/08/28 09:09:54.090400 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.205e-05 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bp XML 2024/08/28 09:03:50.104300 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.861e-07                 263.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bm XML 2024/08/28 08:55:22.355660 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.385e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bl XML 2024/08/28 08:53:03.881348 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.508e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bm XML 2024/08/28 08:55:22.337700 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.647e-06                 84.20 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bl XML 2024/08/28 08:53:03.882713 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.508e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bg XML 2024/08/28 08:44:14.600400 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.848e-06                 292.50 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828bg XML 2024/08/28 08:44:14.600400 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.848e-06                 292.50 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828al XML 2024/08/28 08:01:07.297900 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.778e-06                 587.37 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828al XML 2024/08/28 08:01:07.297900 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.778e-06                 587.37 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ae XML 2024/08/28 07:38:24.448299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.467e-05                 149.18 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828ae XML 2024/08/28 07:38:24.448299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.467e-05                 149.18 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828x XML 2024/08/28 07:25:27.615899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.454e-05                 299.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828x XML 2024/08/28 07:25:27.615899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.454e-05                 299.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828m XML 2024/08/28 06:52:59.697311 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.822e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828k XML 2024/08/28 06:49:43.777621 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.292e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 0.43         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828m XML 2024/08/28 06:52:59.696131 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.165e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240828k XML 2024/08/28 06:49:43.777310 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.840e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827ct XML 2024/08/27 22:18:12.713910 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.011e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827ct XML 2024/08/27 22:18:12.713910 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.011e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827cm XML 2024/08/27 13:31:13.599121 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.675e-05 0.50 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827cm XML 2024/08/27 13:31:13.605468 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.675e-05 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827bf XML 2024/08/27 07:34:39.075639 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.983e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.05 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827bf XML 2024/08/27 07:34:39.075639 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.983e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.05 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827af XML 2024/08/27 05:17:07.016479 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.539e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.19 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827af XML 2024/08/27 05:17:08.323717 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.169e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827u XML 2024/08/27 03:18:42.200335 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.152e-05 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240827u XML 2024/08/27 03:18:42.200335 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.152e-05 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825ar XML 2024/08/25 05:51:46.979004 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.97 0.07 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240826aq XML 2024/08/26 08:04:33.203867 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.007e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240826aq XML 2024/08/26 08:04:33.203867 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.007e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240826o XML 2024/08/26 04:48:32.521484 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.802e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240826o XML 2024/08/26 04:48:32.521973 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.802e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825cu XML 2024/08/25 20:56:53.408203 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.263e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825cu XML 2024/08/25 20:56:53.401367 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.263e-05 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825bn XML 2024/08/25 12:29:27.519042 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.519e-05 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825bn XML 2024/08/25 12:29:27.519042 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.519e-05 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825ar XML 2024/08/25 05:51:46.979004 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.97 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825ar XML 2024/08/25 05:51:46.979004 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.97 0.04 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825ar XML 2024/08/25 05:51:46.963928 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.352e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825ac XML 2024/08/25 03:49:50.666173 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.263e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240825ac XML 2024/08/25 03:49:50.666173 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.263e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824y XML 2024/08/24 21:18:22.715454 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.187e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824y XML 2024/08/24 21:18:22.736073 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.187e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824w XML 2024/08/24 20:56:09.291290 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.042e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824w XML 2024/08/24 20:56:09.303575 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.551e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824s XML 2024/08/24 18:13:58.189490 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824s XML 2024/08/24 18:13:58.188606 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.845e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824k XML 2024/08/24 12:49:04.047607 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.135e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.02 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824k XML 2024/08/24 12:49:04.036757 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.139e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824g XML 2024/08/24 10:00:08.459649 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.927e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824g XML 2024/08/24 10:00:08.459649 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.927e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824f XML 2024/08/24 09:40:27.247146 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.247e-05 1.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824f XML 2024/08/24 09:40:27.247146 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.247e-05 1.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824c XML 2024/08/24 06:57:08.113901 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.924e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824c XML 2024/08/24 06:57:08.113901 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.924e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824b XML 2024/08/24 06:32:36.714450 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.832e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.02 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240824b XML 2024/08/24 06:32:36.716251 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.274e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240823c XML 2024/08/23 03:09:14.222136 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.685e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240823c XML 2024/08/23 03:09:14.222136 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.685e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240820c XML 2024/08/20 08:44:46.075352 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.277e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240820c XML 2024/08/20 08:44:46.075352 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.277e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240819f XML 2024/08/19 14:38:38.426501 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.497e-05 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240819f XML 2024/08/19 14:38:38.426501 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.497e-05 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240818c XML 2024/08/18 04:10:07.685546 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.183e-06 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240818c XML 2024/08/18 04:10:07.679198 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.183e-06 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240818b XML 2024/08/18 03:54:34.071167 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.222e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240818b XML 2024/08/18 03:54:35.258035 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.222e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240816g XML 2024/08/16 11:21:32.600220 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.019e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240816g XML 2024/08/16 11:21:32.611127 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.953e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814l XML 2024/08/14 14:50:43.880614 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.391e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.40 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814l XML 2024/08/14 14:50:43.881880 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.391e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.18 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814h XML 2024/08/14 11:16:28.241210 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.819e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814h XML 2024/08/14 11:16:28.245574 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.819e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814f XML 2024/08/14 10:07:41.580997 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.793e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814f XML 2024/08/14 10:07:41.580997 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.793e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814b XML 2024/08/14 05:26:56.169445 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.385e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240814b XML 2024/08/14 05:26:56.169445 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.385e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813d XML 2024/08/13 04:39:13.348876 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.806e-18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813e XML 2024/08/13 08:03:13.607177 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.589e-06 1.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813e XML 2024/08/13 08:03:13.607177 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.589e-06 1.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813c XML 2024/08/13 03:45:48.325073 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.615e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813d XML 2024/08/13 04:39:13.348876 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.806e-18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813d XML 2024/08/13 04:39:13.348876 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.806e-18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813d XML 2024/08/13 04:39:13.359574 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.335e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813c XML 2024/08/13 03:45:48.325073 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.615e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813c XML 2024/08/13 03:45:48.325073 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.615e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813c XML 2024/08/13 03:45:48.325364 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.615e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813b XML 2024/08/13 03:09:52.723388 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.859e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240813b XML 2024/08/13 03:09:52.526662 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.859e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240812e XML 2024/08/12 10:09:14.204700 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.884e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240812e XML 2024/08/12 10:09:14.204700 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.884e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240811f XML 2024/08/11 12:46:01.058936 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.525e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240811f XML 2024/08/11 12:46:01.058936 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.525e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810u XML 2024/08/10 16:58:40.343139 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.372e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810u XML 2024/08/10 16:58:40.355570 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.439e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810r XML 2024/08/10 15:59:37.704101 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.642e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810r XML 2024/08/10 15:59:37.713385 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.642e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810l XML 2024/08/10 14:15:17.773604 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.223e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810l XML 2024/08/10 14:15:17.773604 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.223e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810f XML 2024/08/10 11:39:32.230956 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.509e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240810f XML 2024/08/10 11:39:32.235118 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.049e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240807h XML 2024/08/07 21:45:59.196654 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.012e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.28 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240807h XML 2024/08/07 21:45:59.196654 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.012e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240807h XML 2024/08/07 21:45:59.196654 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.012e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240807h XML 2024/08/07 21:45:59.198104 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.012e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240807b XML 2024/08/07 03:46:43.218438 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.898e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240807b XML 2024/08/07 03:46:43.218438 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.898e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240802e XML 2024/08/02 16:13:13.185083 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.449e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240802e XML 2024/08/02 16:13:13.185083 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.449e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240802d XML 2024/08/02 14:41:55.933053 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.107e-05 1.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240802d XML 2024/08/02 14:41:55.933053 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.107e-05 1.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240725a XML 2024/07/25 06:43:22.470929 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.989e-05 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240725a XML 2024/07/25 06:43:22.470929 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.989e-05 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240723b XML 2024/07/23 03:32:22.290313 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.377e-05 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240723b XML 2024/07/23 03:32:22.290313 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.377e-05 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240722i XML 2024/07/22 12:29:35.784424 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.713e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.02 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240722i XML 2024/07/22 12:29:35.804374 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.713e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.03 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240722f XML 2024/07/22 09:50:17.562622 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.986e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240722f XML 2024/07/22 09:50:17.563749 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.986e-05 0.90 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240721w XML 2024/07/21 13:26:23.173462 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.551e-07 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240721w XML 2024/07/21 13:26:23.171375 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.551e-07 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240718m XML 2024/07/18 03:26:45.385620 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.217e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240718m XML 2024/07/18 03:26:45.385679 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.250e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240718j XML 2024/07/18 03:02:48.718628 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.436e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240718j XML 2024/07/18 03:02:48.690001 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.436e-06 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240717t XML 2024/07/17 13:01:08.981797 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.428e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240717t XML 2024/07/17 13:01:08.981797 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.428e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240716b XML 2024/07/16 03:49:00.508403 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.863e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240716b XML 2024/07/16 03:49:00.508403 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.863e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240716b XML 2024/07/16 03:49:00.508403 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.863e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240716b XML 2024/07/16 03:49:00.508283 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.034e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240714d XML 2024/07/14 14:53:18.214711 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.451e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240714d XML 2024/07/14 14:53:18.214711 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.451e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240713e XML 2024/07/13 09:53:36.194173 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.143e-05 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240713e XML 2024/07/13 09:53:36.194173 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.143e-05 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240713d XML 2024/07/13 09:15:51.231568 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.072e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240713d XML 2024/07/13 09:15:51.231568 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.072e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240712ac XML 2024/07/12 06:27:42.350299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.043e-05                 388.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240712ac XML 2024/07/12 06:27:42.350299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.043e-05                 388.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711cm XML 2024/07/11 20:11:09.984199 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.297e-07                 522.41 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711cm XML 2024/07/11 20:11:09.984199 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.297e-07                 522.41 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627by XML 2024/06/27 13:16:22.201782 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.208e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711ba XML 2024/07/11 11:23:45.830899 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.642e-06                 965.68 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711ba XML 2024/07/11 11:23:45.830899 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.642e-06                 965.68 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711aa XML 2024/07/11 07:52:27.334472 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.292e-05 0.91 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711aa XML 2024/07/11 07:52:27.335937 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.292e-05 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711r XML 2024/07/11 06:27:18.070800 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.784e-06 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.18 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240711r XML 2024/07/11 06:27:18.062500 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.784e-06 0.81 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.16 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710do XML 2024/07/10 21:00:35.649712 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.941e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710dn XML 2024/07/10 21:00:20.118880 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.006e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.03 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710do XML 2024/07/10 21:00:35.649712 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.941e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710dn XML 2024/07/10 21:00:20.118880 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.006e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.03 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710cj XML 2024/07/10 16:33:31.752929 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.834e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710cj XML 2024/07/10 16:33:31.752929 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.834e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710bu XML 2024/07/10 15:26:12.262181 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.386e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710bu XML 2024/07/10 15:26:12.262181 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.386e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710bl XML 2024/07/10 13:57:11.026730 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.474e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710bl XML 2024/07/10 13:57:11.026730 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.474e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710be XML 2024/07/10 12:07:10.750000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.603e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240710be XML 2024/07/10 12:07:10.750000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.603e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240710au XML 2024/07/10 11:06:04.165061 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.673e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710au XML 2024/07/10 11:06:04.165061 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.673e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710ap XML 2024/07/10 10:33:05.315070 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.199e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710ap XML 2024/07/10 10:33:05.315731 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.199e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710d XML 2024/07/10 00:07:08.926700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.804e-05                 803.93 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240710d XML 2024/07/10 00:07:08.926700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.804e-05                 803.93 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240709bm XML 2024/07/09 23:45:30.165039 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.240e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240709bm XML 2024/07/09 23:45:30.165039 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.240e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240709e XML 2024/07/09 00:48:20.841999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.439e-05                 288.94 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240709e XML 2024/07/09 00:48:20.841999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.439e-05                 288.94 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708ex XML 2024/07/08 23:15:48.216287 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.501e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708ex XML 2024/07/08 23:15:48.221452 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.501e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708dl XML 2024/07/08 14:56:00.900391 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.535e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708dl XML 2024/07/08 14:56:00.900391 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.535e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708dh XML 2024/07/08 14:24:15.132799 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.959e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240708dh XML 2024/07/08 14:24:15.132799 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.959e-06 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240708cn XML 2024/07/08 12:08:19.642578 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.188e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708cn XML 2024/07/08 12:08:19.643554 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.188e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708ce XML 2024/07/08 11:40:52.434573 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.225e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708ce XML 2024/07/08 11:40:52.434573 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.225e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708by XML 2024/07/08 10:02:47.521070 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.294e-05 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708by XML 2024/07/08 10:02:47.518050 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.294e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708bf XML 2024/07/08 08:10:52.845770 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.086e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.12 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708bf XML 2024/07/08 08:10:52.860078 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.934e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.05 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708be XML 2024/07/08 07:56:44.203040 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.197e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708be XML 2024/07/08 07:56:44.200203 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.615e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708ae XML 2024/07/08 03:04:25.717057 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.867e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.50 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708ae XML 2024/07/08 03:04:25.717057 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.867e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.50 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708r XML 2024/07/08 01:44:42.850081 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.695e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240708r XML 2024/07/08 01:44:42.879089 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.790e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.03 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240707ce XML 2024/07/07 17:51:39.334000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.634e-06                 966.53 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240707ce XML 2024/07/07 17:51:39.334000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.634e-06                 966.53 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240707cb XML 2024/07/07 17:31:00.458077 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.273e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240707cb XML 2024/07/07 17:31:00.460314 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.248e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240707bh XML 2024/07/07 12:04:05.831999 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.412e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240707bh XML 2024/07/07 12:04:05.831999 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.412e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240707ar XML 2024/07/07 09:00:28.382380 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.678e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.02 0.45         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240707ar XML 2024/07/07 09:00:28.377829 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.528e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706au XML 2024/07/06 16:38:06.586500 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-05                 953.47 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706au XML 2024/07/06 16:38:06.586500 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-05                 953.47 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706at XML 2024/07/06 16:15:47.523600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.006e-05                 627.31 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706at XML 2024/07/06 16:15:47.523600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.006e-05                 627.31 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706ad XML 2024/07/06 13:06:38.763671 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.575e-05 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706z XML 2024/07/06 13:02:10.569777 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.238e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706ad XML 2024/07/06 13:06:38.763671 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.575e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706z XML 2024/07/06 13:02:10.569777 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.238e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240706g XML 2024/07/06 00:20:30.921900 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.890e-06 0x10 0x2899E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240706g XML 2024/07/06 00:20:30.921900 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.890e-06 0x10 0x1899C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240705cw XML 2024/07/05 14:18:03.980957 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.742e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705cw XML 2024/07/05 14:18:03.980957 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.742e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705at XML 2024/07/05 05:32:15.917066 4 Upd 1 1 1 7.081e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705be XML 2024/07/05 06:23:11.901199 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.901e-05                 112.80 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705be XML 2024/07/05 06:23:11.901199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.901e-05                 112.80 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705at XML 2024/07/05 05:32:15.917066 3 Ini 1 1 1 7.081e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705at XML 2024/07/05 05:32:15.917066 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.081e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240705at XML 2024/07/05 05:32:15.925423 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.425e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240704bo XML 2024/07/04 11:16:50.425800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.920e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240704bo XML 2024/07/04 11:16:50.425800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.920e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240704bl XML 2024/07/04 11:11:25.087700 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.879e-05                 434.83 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240704bl XML 2024/07/04 11:11:25.087700 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.879e-05                 434.83 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240704aj XML 2024/07/04 08:24:33.796900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.244e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240704aj XML 2024/07/04 08:24:33.796900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.244e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240704i XML 2024/07/04 06:10:14.960200 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.685e-06                 1392.57 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240704i XML 2024/07/04 06:10:14.960200 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.685e-06                 1392.57 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240703ad XML 2024/07/03 19:13:55.283223 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.185e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240703ad XML 2024/07/03 19:13:55.283223 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.185e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240703ad XML 2024/07/03 19:13:55.283223 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.185e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240703ad XML 2024/07/03 19:13:55.280921 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.082e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240703s XML 2024/07/03 02:46:57.250000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.098e-05 0x10 0x289CE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240703s XML 2024/07/03 02:46:57.250000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.098e-05 0x10 0x189CC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240701ce XML 2024/07/01 22:15:13.834472 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.370e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701ce XML 2024/07/01 22:15:13.828487 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.370e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701bx XML 2024/07/01 21:52:45.199199 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.734e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240701bx XML 2024/07/01 21:52:45.199199 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.734e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240701bn XML 2024/07/01 20:38:07.212401 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.355e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.03 0.18         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701bn XML 2024/07/01 20:38:07.218499 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.355e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.03 0.18         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701bl XML 2024/07/01 20:25:05.377699 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.216e-05                 936.47 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701bl XML 2024/07/01 20:25:05.377699 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.216e-05                 936.47 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701bg XML 2024/07/01 19:33:11.503218 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.281e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701bg XML 2024/07/01 19:33:11.503218 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.281e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701aq XML 2024/07/01 12:45:00.226200 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.166e-06                 395.23 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701aq XML 2024/07/01 12:45:00.226200 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.166e-06                 395.23 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701ah XML 2024/07/01 08:01:01.594400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.426e-05                 239.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240701ah XML 2024/07/01 08:01:01.594400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.426e-05                 239.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630cu XML 2024/06/30 23:25:27.437500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.035e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630cu XML 2024/06/30 23:25:27.437500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.035e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630cn XML 2024/06/30 21:29:37.435616 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.294e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630cn XML 2024/06/30 21:29:37.440064 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.442e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630bt XML 2024/06/30 18:06:54.228515 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.598e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630bt XML 2024/06/30 18:06:54.224120 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.598e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630bn XML 2024/06/30 17:01:10.718261 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.286e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630t XML 2024/06/30 10:17:03.372437 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.894e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630bn XML 2024/06/30 17:01:10.723312 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.541e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629by XML 2024/06/29 14:52:56.859375 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.91 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630az XML 2024/06/30 14:20:06.934814 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.037e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630ay XML 2024/06/30 14:19:32.852539 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.273e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630az XML 2024/06/30 14:20:06.936365 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.968e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630ay XML 2024/06/30 14:19:32.852539 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.273e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630aq XML 2024/06/30 13:33:07.320299 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.886e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630aq XML 2024/06/30 13:33:07.320299 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.886e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630ai XML 2024/06/30 11:53:48.756143 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.051e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.34         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630ai XML 2024/06/30 11:53:48.756019 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.292e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630aa XML 2024/06/30 11:04:44.273400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.904e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630aa XML 2024/06/30 11:04:44.273400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.904e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630t XML 2024/06/30 10:17:03.372437 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.894e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630t XML 2024/06/30 10:17:03.372437 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.894e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630t XML 2024/06/30 10:17:03.373724 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.472e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630p XML 2024/06/30 09:39:41.288573 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.132e-06 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630p XML 2024/06/30 09:39:41.288573 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.132e-06 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240630o XML 2024/06/30 09:26:11.132799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.217e-05 0x10 0x289BE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630o XML 2024/06/30 09:26:11.132799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.217e-05 0x10 0x189BC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630d XML 2024/06/30 04:07:54.652299 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.067e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240630d XML 2024/06/30 04:07:54.652299 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.067e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629dd XML 2024/06/29 21:52:30.004394 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.465e-06 0.92 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629dd XML 2024/06/29 21:52:30.004394 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.465e-06 0.92 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629cz XML 2024/06/29 20:15:52.724854 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.843e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.01 0.47         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629cz XML 2024/06/29 20:15:52.723506 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.843e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.47         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629cs XML 2024/06/29 19:33:58.722700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.073e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629cs XML 2024/06/29 19:33:58.722700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.073e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629cn XML 2024/06/29 19:03:02.324199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.789e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629cn XML 2024/06/29 19:03:02.324199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.789e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629cj XML 2024/06/29 18:27:09.388671 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.355e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629cj XML 2024/06/29 18:27:09.388184 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.355e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629by XML 2024/06/29 14:52:56.859375 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.91 0.13 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629by XML 2024/06/29 14:52:56.859375 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.91 0.13 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629by XML 2024/06/29 14:52:56.836545 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.680e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.13 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629bt XML 2024/06/29 14:08:24.927918 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.300e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629bt XML 2024/06/29 14:08:24.931730 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.300e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629bq XML 2024/06/29 13:57:27.873726 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.723e-05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629bq XML 2024/06/29 13:57:27.873726 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.723e-05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629bc XML 2024/06/29 11:21:37.258301 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.690e-06 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629ba XML 2024/06/29 11:17:42.707000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.850e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629bc XML 2024/06/29 11:21:37.258301 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.690e-06 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629ba XML 2024/06/29 11:17:42.707000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.850e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240629ao XML 2024/06/29 06:41:24.304818 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.811e-05 1.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629ao XML 2024/06/29 06:41:24.304818 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.811e-05 1.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629ad XML 2024/06/29 02:51:13.595216 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.143e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240629ad XML 2024/06/29 02:51:13.595216 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.143e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628cl XML 2024/06/28 21:35:52.707000 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.832e-07 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240628cl XML 2024/06/28 21:35:52.707000 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.832e-07 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240628bz XML 2024/06/28 20:29:18.811035 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.040e-05 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628bz XML 2024/06/28 20:29:18.810546 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.040e-05 0.98 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628bo XML 2024/06/28 19:30:09.702500 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.251e-05                 750.45 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628bo XML 2024/06/28 19:30:09.702500 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.251e-05                 750.45 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628ar XML 2024/06/28 12:04:27.460024 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.012e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628ar XML 2024/06/28 12:04:27.460024 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.012e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628am XML 2024/06/28 05:04:06.350799 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.348e-06                 253.58 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628am XML 2024/06/28 05:04:06.350799 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.348e-06                 253.58 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628w XML 2024/06/28 02:30:31.464800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.554e-05                 130.08 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240628w XML 2024/06/28 02:30:31.464800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.554e-05                 130.08 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627cv XML 2024/06/27 23:19:28.282000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.701e-05                 295.22 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627cv XML 2024/06/27 23:19:28.282000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.701e-05                 295.22 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627co XML 2024/06/27 21:05:21.507446 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.269e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.04 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627co XML 2024/06/27 21:05:21.536843 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.155e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.03 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627by XML 2024/06/27 13:16:22.201782 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.208e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.08 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627by XML 2024/06/27 13:16:22.201782 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.208e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.08 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627by XML 2024/06/27 13:16:22.202597 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.208e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.09 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627ax XML 2024/06/27 10:07:26.139431 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.410e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627ax XML 2024/06/27 10:07:26.139431 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.410e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627ag XML 2024/06/27 07:10:09.513346 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.628e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.35 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240627ag XML 2024/06/27 07:10:09.513346 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.628e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.35 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626cn XML 2024/06/26 21:32:57.779296 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.053e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626cn XML 2024/06/26 21:32:57.820801 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.053e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626bz XML 2024/06/26 20:21:56.250000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.196e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626bz XML 2024/06/26 20:21:56.250000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.196e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626bt XML 2024/06/26 19:08:01.891968 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.040e-05 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626bt XML 2024/06/26 19:08:01.944919 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.040e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626z XML 2024/06/26 05:21:31.957000 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.129e-06 0x10 0x289EA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240626z XML 2024/06/26 05:21:31.957000 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.129e-06 0x10 0x189E803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240626r XML 2024/06/26 01:20:47.094622 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.457e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626r XML 2024/06/26 01:20:47.089376 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.754e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.48         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626j XML 2024/06/26 00:45:57.701659 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.524e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240626j XML 2024/06/26 00:45:57.701659 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.524e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625bg XML 2024/06/25 23:53:50.661620 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.910e-07 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625bg XML 2024/06/25 23:53:50.656737 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.910e-07 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625ae XML 2024/06/25 05:46:34.012934 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.828e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625ae XML 2024/06/25 05:46:34.012934 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.828e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625v XML 2024/06/25 04:17:53.000469 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.145e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625v XML 2024/06/25 04:17:53.000469 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.145e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625n XML 2024/06/25 03:15:01.859399 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.424e-06 0x10 0x289BA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240625n XML 2024/06/25 03:15:01.859399 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.424e-06 0x10 0x189B803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240625d XML 2024/06/25 00:41:03.825899 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.165e-05                 211.18 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240625d XML 2024/06/25 00:41:03.825899 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.165e-05                 211.18 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624dd XML 2024/06/24 23:15:09.812200 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.165e-05                 216.11 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624dd XML 2024/06/24 23:15:09.812200 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.165e-05                 216.11 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624cd XML 2024/06/24 21:37:16.158300 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S240624cd XML 2024/06/24 21:37:16.158300 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.043e-09                 927.12 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624cc XML 2024/06/24 21:38:42.657729 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624cd XML 2024/06/24 21:37:16.158300 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.043e-09                 927.12 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624cc XML 2024/06/24 21:38:42.650975 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bu XML 2024/06/24 21:06:40.554661 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.453e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bu XML 2024/06/24 21:06:40.554661 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.453e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bq XML 2024/06/24 15:10:29.017099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.542e-05                 601.89 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bp XML 2024/06/24 15:09:58.824199 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.219e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240624bq XML 2024/06/24 15:10:29.017099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.542e-05                 601.89 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bp XML 2024/06/24 15:09:58.824199 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.219e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240624bf XML 2024/06/24 14:06:49.263184 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.295e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bf XML 2024/06/24 14:06:49.262206 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.295e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bb XML 2024/06/24 13:43:26.136652 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.018e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624bb XML 2024/06/24 13:43:26.136652 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.018e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624aw XML 2024/06/24 13:28:46.487900 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.139e-05                 548.04 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624aw XML 2024/06/24 13:28:46.487900 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.139e-05                 548.04 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624an XML 2024/06/24 11:35:29.568981 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.242e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624an XML 2024/06/24 11:35:29.568981 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.242e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240624j XML 2024/06/24 00:38:23.937500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.543e-05 0x10 0x289AA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240624j XML 2024/06/24 00:38:23.937500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.543e-05 0x10 0x189A803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240623dg XML 2024/06/23 23:18:47.235782 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S240623dg XML 2024/06/23 23:18:47.235782 1 Ear 1 0 1 9.515e-08 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623cw XML 2024/06/23 21:12:04.447265 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.230e-06 1.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623cw XML 2024/06/23 21:12:04.447753 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.230e-06 1.00 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623ak XML 2024/06/23 09:11:43.883789 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.358e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623ak XML 2024/06/23 09:11:43.884276 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.358e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623ae XML 2024/06/23 08:20:19.777300 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.217e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240623ae XML 2024/06/23 08:20:19.777300 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.217e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240623n XML 2024/06/23 02:37:45.479000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.297e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623n XML 2024/06/23 02:37:45.479000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.297e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240623d XML 2024/06/23 01:22:45.808599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.848e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240623d XML 2024/06/23 01:22:45.808599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.848e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240622h XML 2024/06/22 00:40:08.415039 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.204e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622cf XML 2024/06/22 14:24:09.581068 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.137e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.15 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622cf XML 2024/06/22 14:24:09.581068 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.137e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.15 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621em XML 2024/06/21 21:40:41.720604 4 Upd 1 1 4 6.753e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622bs XML 2024/06/22 12:56:56.108521 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.808e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.04 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622bs XML 2024/06/22 12:56:56.130544 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.120e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622be XML 2024/06/22 11:22:54.653424 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.959e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622be XML 2024/06/22 11:22:54.648381 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.174e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621eb XML 2024/06/21 20:09:35.532226 4 Upd 1 1 15 4.308e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621dy XML 2024/06/21 19:50:59.425153 4 Upd 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622ba XML 2024/06/22 10:51:05.833618 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.968e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622ba XML 2024/06/22 10:51:05.831325 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.968e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622am XML 2024/06/22 09:33:03.646900 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.071e-06                 1720.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622am XML 2024/06/22 09:33:03.646900 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.071e-06                 1720.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622aj XML 2024/06/22 09:08:50.043456 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.587e-05 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622aj XML 2024/06/22 09:08:50.043456 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.587e-05 0.83 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622af XML 2024/06/22 08:26:16.641736 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.281e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622af XML 2024/06/22 08:26:16.641249 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.354e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622h XML 2024/06/22 00:40:08.415039 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.204e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622h XML 2024/06/22 00:40:08.415039 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.204e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240622h XML 2024/06/22 00:40:08.405832 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.070e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621em XML 2024/06/21 21:40:41.720604 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.753e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621em XML 2024/06/21 21:40:41.720604 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.753e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621em XML 2024/06/21 21:40:41.722158 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.753e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621eb XML 2024/06/21 20:09:35.532226 3 Ini 1 1 15 4.308e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621dy XML 2024/06/21 19:50:59.425153 3 Ini 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621eb XML 2024/06/21 20:09:35.532226 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.308e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621eb XML 2024/06/21 20:09:35.554924 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.631e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621dy XML 2024/06/21 19:50:59.425153 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.004e-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621dy XML 2024/06/21 19:50:59.431179 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.911e-47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621di XML 2024/06/21 16:53:00.360088 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.962e-05 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621di XML 2024/06/21 16:53:00.360088 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.962e-05 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621de XML 2024/06/21 14:54:38.177619 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.915e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621de XML 2024/06/21 14:54:38.177619 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.915e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621cw XML 2024/06/21 12:09:29.484899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.968e-05                 1186.82 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621cw XML 2024/06/21 12:09:29.484899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.968e-05                 1186.82 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ch XML 2024/06/21 10:34:57.503784 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.288e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.04 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ch XML 2024/06/21 10:34:57.508071 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.298e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.04 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621cf XML 2024/06/21 10:12:43.118651 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.673e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621cf XML 2024/06/21 10:12:43.121093 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.673e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ca XML 2024/06/21 07:34:11.041016 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.419e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ca XML 2024/06/21 07:34:11.041016 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.419e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ay XML 2024/06/21 04:47:24.977785 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.282e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ay XML 2024/06/21 04:47:24.977785 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.282e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621ao XML 2024/06/21 03:42:13.289099 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.414e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240621ao XML 2024/06/21 03:42:13.289099 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.414e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240621ai XML 2024/06/21 03:12:36.875000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.852e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240621ai XML 2024/06/21 03:12:36.875000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.852e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240621y XML 2024/06/21 02:22:54.243499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.789e-05                 895.91 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621w XML 2024/06/21 02:23:57.349364 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.677e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621y XML 2024/06/21 02:22:54.243499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.789e-05                 895.91 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621w XML 2024/06/21 02:23:57.355549 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.677e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240621a XML 2024/06/21 00:05:13.105499 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.154e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240621a XML 2024/06/21 00:05:13.105499 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.154e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240620dc XML 2024/06/20 21:01:03.410200 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.197e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240620dc XML 2024/06/20 21:01:03.410200 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.197e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240620bu XML 2024/06/20 11:49:50.718778 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.577e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bu XML 2024/06/20 11:49:50.718778 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.577e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bh XML 2024/06/20 09:57:04.268555 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.643e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bh XML 2024/06/20 09:57:04.267089 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.643e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bf XML 2024/06/20 09:46:31.692796 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.186e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bf XML 2024/06/20 09:46:31.696471 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.806e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bd XML 2024/06/20 09:21:16.211535 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.918e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620bd XML 2024/06/20 09:21:16.211535 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.918e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620am XML 2024/06/20 05:02:44.790599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.068e-05                 42.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620am XML 2024/06/20 05:02:44.790599 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.068e-05                 42.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620y XML 2024/06/20 03:16:32.090820 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.086e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620y XML 2024/06/20 03:16:32.090820 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.086e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620o XML 2024/06/20 02:26:58.686034 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.043e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240620o XML 2024/06/20 02:26:58.687978 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.043e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619do XML 2024/06/19 22:35:58.096679 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.797e-05 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619do XML 2024/06/19 22:35:58.093750 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.797e-05 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615dg XML 2024/06/15 11:36:20.723632 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619dd XML 2024/06/19 21:23:57.606811 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.726e-06 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618ah XML 2024/06/18 07:16:27.151098 5 Upd 1 1 4 6.507e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619dd XML 2024/06/19 21:23:57.402861 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.726e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619cy XML 2024/06/19 20:18:51.378900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.380e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240619cy XML 2024/06/19 20:18:51.378900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.380e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240619ch XML 2024/06/19 12:12:26.725902 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.560e-05 0.73 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.95 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619ch XML 2024/06/19 12:12:26.723098 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.722e-05 0.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619ar XML 2024/06/19 06:28:56.236815 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.813e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619ar XML 2024/06/19 06:28:56.236815 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.813e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619ab XML 2024/06/19 04:47:07.378417 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.443e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619z XML 2024/06/19 04:45:35.500591 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.891e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.26         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619ab XML 2024/06/19 04:47:07.378417 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.443e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240619z XML 2024/06/19 04:45:35.508871 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.422e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618ah XML 2024/06/18 07:16:27.151098 4 Ini 1 1 4 6.507e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618ah XML 2024/06/18 07:16:27.151098 3 Pre 1 1 4 6.507e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618ah XML 2024/06/18 07:16:27.151098 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.507e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618ah XML 2024/06/18 07:16:27.138750 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.266e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.04 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618af XML 2024/06/18 06:46:48.171900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.331e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240618af XML 2024/06/18 06:46:48.171900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.331e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240618ae XML 2024/06/18 06:43:42.265599 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.784e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240618ae XML 2024/06/18 06:43:42.265599 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.784e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240618d XML 2024/06/18 00:12:00.289428 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.010e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240618d XML 2024/06/18 00:12:00.287173 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.010e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617ct XML 2024/06/17 20:23:35.145966 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.252e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617ct XML 2024/06/17 20:23:35.145966 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.252e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615ea XML 2024/06/15 16:07:35.333007 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.521e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617bq XML 2024/06/17 13:51:20.775999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.760e-05                 219.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617bq XML 2024/06/17 13:51:20.775999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.760e-05                 219.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617as XML 2024/06/17 09:01:11.384800 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.135e-06                 1491.23 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617as XML 2024/06/17 09:01:11.384800 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.135e-06                 1491.23 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617ao XML 2024/06/17 08:34:35.339843 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.530e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617ao XML 2024/06/17 08:34:35.339843 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.530e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617am XML 2024/06/17 08:25:37.179699 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.617e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240617am XML 2024/06/17 08:25:37.179699 1 Pre 1 8 2 3.617e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240617o XML 2024/06/17 03:55:37.585937 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.164e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240617o XML 2024/06/17 03:55:37.586426 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.164e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616en XML 2024/06/16 22:34:41.346342 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.710e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616en XML 2024/06/16 22:34:41.346342 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.710e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616dm XML 2024/06/16 19:11:40.432412 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.116e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616dm XML 2024/06/16 19:11:40.424345 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.258e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616cw XML 2024/06/16 18:03:27.414100 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.658e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240616cw XML 2024/06/16 18:03:27.414100 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.658e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240616cs XML 2024/06/16 17:39:55.289062 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.270e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616cs XML 2024/06/16 17:39:55.287731 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.270e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616cn XML 2024/06/16 14:48:06.884643 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.978e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616cn XML 2024/06/16 14:48:06.884309 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.150e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616cm XML 2024/06/16 14:37:00.237426 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.217e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616cm XML 2024/06/16 14:37:01.330646 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.070e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.06 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616br XML 2024/06/16 12:13:30.427299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.806e-05                 152.99 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616br XML 2024/06/16 12:13:30.427299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.806e-05                 152.99 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616bd XML 2024/06/16 08:43:23.517578 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.151e-06 1.00 0.98 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616bd XML 2024/06/16 08:43:23.553634 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.482e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616al XML 2024/06/16 07:44:37.911000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.313e-06                 104.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616al XML 2024/06/16 07:44:37.911000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.313e-06                 104.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616p XML 2024/06/16 04:39:41.695300 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.182e-05 0x10 0x289C203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240616p XML 2024/06/16 04:39:41.695300 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.182e-05 0x10 0x189C003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240616c XML 2024/06/16 02:32:54.287799 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.016e-06                 1664.55 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240616c XML 2024/06/16 02:32:54.287799 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.016e-06                 1664.55 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615eg XML 2024/06/15 16:47:14.618164 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.485e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615ea XML 2024/06/15 16:07:35.333007 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.521e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615eg XML 2024/06/15 16:47:14.617675 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.485e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615ea XML 2024/06/15 16:07:35.333007 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.521e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615ea XML 2024/06/15 16:07:35.352541 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.846e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615dg XML 2024/06/15 11:36:20.723632 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615dg XML 2024/06/15 11:36:20.723632 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615dg XML 2024/06/15 11:36:20.715312 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.406e-47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615cu XML 2024/06/15 09:41:51.567870 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.222e-05 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615cu XML 2024/06/15 09:41:51.567870 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.222e-05 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615be XML 2024/06/15 05:03:42.461060 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.340e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615bd XML 2024/06/15 05:02:32.359155 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.393e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615be XML 2024/06/15 05:03:42.456026 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.165e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615bd XML 2024/06/15 05:02:32.359155 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.393e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615aj XML 2024/06/15 02:38:49.945016 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.295e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.15 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615aj XML 2024/06/15 02:38:49.942318 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.295e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.15 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615l XML 2024/06/15 00:27:36.179600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.143e-06                 49.58 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615k XML 2024/06/15 00:26:24.053634 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.775e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615l XML 2024/06/15 00:27:36.179600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.143e-06                 49.58 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240615k XML 2024/06/15 00:26:24.047767 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.220e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614cy XML 2024/06/14 21:43:30.804217 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.023e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614cy XML 2024/06/14 21:43:30.804217 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.023e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614bq XML 2024/06/14 13:39:41.068184 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.876e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614bq XML 2024/06/14 13:39:41.068184 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.876e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614bd XML 2024/06/14 11:45:04.128651 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.655e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614bd XML 2024/06/14 11:45:04.128651 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.655e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614au XML 2024/06/14 10:24:14.111594 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.139e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614au XML 2024/06/14 10:24:14.111594 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.139e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614ai XML 2024/06/14 03:49:19.447503 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.010e-06 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240614ai XML 2024/06/14 03:49:19.447503 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.010e-06 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613eg XML 2024/06/13 21:16:05.867150 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.150e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613eg XML 2024/06/13 21:16:05.867150 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.150e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ed XML 2024/06/13 15:21:06.261199 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.028e-06                 151.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ed XML 2024/06/13 15:21:06.261199 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.028e-06                 151.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ec XML 2024/06/13 15:16:05.193848 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.451e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ec XML 2024/06/13 15:16:05.193848 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.451e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.13 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613dv XML 2024/06/13 13:38:25.283114 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.654e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613dv XML 2024/06/13 13:38:25.283114 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.654e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613dd XML 2024/06/13 11:10:37.555757 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.526e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613dd XML 2024/06/13 11:10:37.555757 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.526e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613cx XML 2024/06/13 09:23:29.646000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.210e-05                 1157.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613cx XML 2024/06/13 09:23:29.646000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.210e-05                 1157.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613cv XML 2024/06/13 09:14:59.955199 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.120e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.08 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613cv XML 2024/06/13 09:14:59.960990 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.332e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.14 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613cc XML 2024/06/13 06:47:50.182099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.646e-05                 76.42 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613cc XML 2024/06/13 06:47:50.182099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.646e-05                 76.42 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613bx XML 2024/06/13 06:23:31.902221 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.139e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613bx XML 2024/06/13 06:23:31.903221 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.867e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.33         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613bd XML 2024/06/13 04:07:02.578100 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.613e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240613bd XML 2024/06/13 04:07:02.563800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.467e-05                 153.97 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ay XML 2024/06/13 03:52:56.273437 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.542e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ax XML 2024/06/13 03:51:35.820300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.139e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240613ay XML 2024/06/13 03:52:56.276854 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.542e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613ax XML 2024/06/13 03:51:35.820300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.139e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240613as XML 2024/06/13 03:22:30.716499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.696e-06                 420.71 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613as XML 2024/06/13 03:22:30.716499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.696e-06                 420.71 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613z XML 2024/06/13 01:15:03.459888 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.525e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613z XML 2024/06/13 01:15:03.448909 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.655e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.01 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613t XML 2024/06/13 01:04:24.883911 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.617e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613t XML 2024/06/13 01:04:24.891127 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.617e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240613k XML 2024/06/13 00:31:26.992200 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.624e-05 0x10 0x289AE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240613k XML 2024/06/13 00:31:26.992200 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.624e-05 0x10 0x189AC03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240612el XML 2024/06/12 20:49:30.960599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.151e-05                 285.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612el XML 2024/06/12 20:49:30.960599 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.151e-05                 285.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612eg XML 2024/06/12 20:16:14.708771 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.151e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612eg XML 2024/06/12 20:16:14.708771 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.151e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612dy XML 2024/06/12 19:33:38.085937 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.173e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612dy XML 2024/06/12 19:33:38.085937 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.173e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612do XML 2024/06/12 18:09:38.292968 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.560e-06 1.00 0.94 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612do XML 2024/06/12 18:09:38.292968 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.560e-06 1.00 0.92 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612dj XML 2024/06/12 17:50:21.306143 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.884e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612dj XML 2024/06/12 17:50:21.306143 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.884e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612cy XML 2024/06/12 17:01:18.202636 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.208e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612cy XML 2024/06/12 17:01:18.201171 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.208e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612ch XML 2024/06/12 14:55:08.001988 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.231e-05 1.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612ch XML 2024/06/12 14:55:08.001988 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.231e-05 1.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612ax XML 2024/06/12 08:15:40.671768 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.747e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240612ax XML 2024/06/12 08:15:40.671768 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.747e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611es XML 2024/06/11 13:00:22.927053 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.604e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.03 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611es XML 2024/06/11 13:00:22.927053 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.604e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.03 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611ek XML 2024/06/11 12:05:03.331542 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.050e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611ek XML 2024/06/11 12:05:03.331542 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.050e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611dw XML 2024/06/11 10:08:28.241499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.964e-05                 993.63 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611dw XML 2024/06/11 10:08:28.241499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.964e-05                 993.63 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611dc XML 2024/06/11 07:40:56.107500 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.987e-06                 289.03 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611dc XML 2024/06/11 07:40:56.107500 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.987e-06                 289.03 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611cq XML 2024/06/11 06:56:14.847699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.367e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240611cq XML 2024/06/11 06:56:14.847699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.367e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240611ce XML 2024/06/11 06:32:47.289099 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.634e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240611ce XML 2024/06/11 06:32:47.289099 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.634e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240611cd XML 2024/06/11 06:28:51.281199 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.485e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240611cd XML 2024/06/11 06:28:51.281199 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.485e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240611p XML 2024/06/11 00:55:21.387299 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.268e-05                 138.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240611p XML 2024/06/11 00:55:21.387299 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.268e-05                 138.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610bw XML 2024/06/10 23:13:37.601900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.115e-05                 39.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610bw XML 2024/06/10 23:13:37.601900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.115e-05                 39.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610bs XML 2024/06/10 22:46:31.977544 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.644e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610bs XML 2024/06/10 22:46:31.970925 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.644e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610bp XML 2024/06/10 22:39:44.932161 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.511e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610bp XML 2024/06/10 22:39:44.932299 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.951e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610aq XML 2024/06/10 15:49:21.905884 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.344e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610aq XML 2024/06/10 15:49:21.909711 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.344e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610e XML 2024/06/10 10:45:15.901367 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.093e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240610e XML 2024/06/10 10:45:15.605078 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.093e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240609c XML 2024/06/09 02:44:55.768627 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.632e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240609c XML 2024/06/09 02:44:55.768627 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.632e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240606m XML 2024/06/06 09:52:21.419399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.361e-05                 750.21 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240606m XML 2024/06/06 09:52:21.419399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.361e-05                 750.21 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240606l XML 2024/06/06 09:48:42.485351 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.846e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240606l XML 2024/06/06 09:48:42.484862 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.846e-06 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601co XML 2024/06/01 23:10:04.027881 4 Upd 1 1 1 6.006e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.11 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240605a XML 2024/06/05 07:40:16.383863 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.489e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240605a XML 2024/06/05 07:40:16.383863 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.489e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240604bw XML 2024/06/04 12:55:19.662597 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.198e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240604bw XML 2024/06/04 12:55:19.664047 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.198e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240604bm XML 2024/06/04 11:11:24.158999 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.225e-06                 1015.41 0.17   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240604bm XML 2024/06/04 11:11:24.158999 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.225e-06                 1015.41 0.17   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240604x XML 2024/06/04 06:37:50.613720 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.082e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240604x XML 2024/06/04 06:37:50.613720 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.082e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603cm XML 2024/06/03 14:08:38.550781 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.701e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603cm XML 2024/06/03 14:08:38.554850 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.701e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603au XML 2024/06/03 06:10:07.818141 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.027e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603au XML 2024/06/03 06:10:07.818411 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.224e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603ar XML 2024/06/03 05:59:37.381348 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.027e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603ar XML 2024/06/03 05:59:37.384641 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.027e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240603n XML 2024/06/03 02:46:28.554700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.469e-05 0x10 0x289BA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240603n XML 2024/06/03 02:46:28.554700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.469e-05 0x10 0x189B803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240602ed XML 2024/06/02 17:01:51.521484 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.027e-05 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602ed XML 2024/06/02 17:01:51.521484 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.027e-05 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.28 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602ea XML 2024/06/02 16:10:40.534799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.213e-05                 489.37 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602ea XML 2024/06/02 16:10:40.534799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.213e-05                 489.37 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602dd XML 2024/06/02 12:44:12.866702 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.911e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602dd XML 2024/06/02 12:44:12.874321 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.911e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601aj XML 2024/06/01 06:12:00.359399 5 Upd 1 8 2 3.069e-08 0x10 0x5898603,0 LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240602at XML 2024/06/02 04:35:18.907752 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.453e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602at XML 2024/06/02 04:35:18.907752 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.453e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240602d XML 2024/06/02 00:13:17.226600 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.328e-07 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240602d XML 2024/06/02 00:13:17.226600 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.328e-07 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601co XML 2024/06/01 23:10:04.027881 3 Ini 1 1 1 6.006e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601co XML 2024/06/01 23:10:04.027881 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.006e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.07 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601co XML 2024/06/01 23:10:04.034804 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.989e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601ck XML 2024/06/01 17:34:41.346623 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601ck XML 2024/06/01 17:34:41.346623 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601cf XML 2024/06/01 16:29:07.449200 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.160e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601cf XML 2024/06/01 16:29:07.449200 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.160e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601bm XML 2024/06/01 11:19:44.398400 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.373e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601bm XML 2024/06/01 11:19:44.398400 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.373e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240530a XML 2024/05/30 01:24:17.950195 4 Upd 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527en XML 2024/05/27 18:34:29.055175 4 Upd 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601aj XML 2024/06/01 06:12:00.359399 4 Ini 1 8 2 3.069e-08 0x10 0x4898603,1 LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601ao XML 2024/06/01 07:08:54.710500 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.368e-06                 471.06 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601ao XML 2024/06/01 07:08:54.710500 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.368e-06                 471.06 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601ak XML 2024/06/01 06:27:07.831298 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.178e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601ak XML 2024/06/01 06:27:07.838892 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.165e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601aj XML 2024/06/01 06:12:00.359399 3 Pre 1 8 2 3.069e-08 0x10 0x3898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601aj XML 2024/06/01 06:12:00.359399 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.069e-08 0x10 0x2898603,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240601aj XML 2024/06/01 06:12:00.350470 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.307e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.04 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601v XML 2024/06/01 04:19:31.915700 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.804e-06                 104.77 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240601v XML 2024/06/01 04:19:31.915700 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.804e-06                 104.77 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531et XML 2024/05/31 21:28:30.699200 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.908e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240531et XML 2024/05/31 21:28:30.699200 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.908e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240531dv XML 2024/05/31 14:51:49.040278 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.456e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531dt XML 2024/05/31 14:47:28.344100 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.813e-06                 653.08 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531dv XML 2024/05/31 14:51:49.040278 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.456e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531dt XML 2024/05/31 14:47:28.344100 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.813e-06                 653.08 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bp XML 2024/05/31 07:52:48.462890 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.745e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531dg XML 2024/05/31 12:42:11.306787 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531dg XML 2024/05/31 12:42:11.306787 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531df XML 2024/05/31 12:27:31.355499 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.066e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240531df XML 2024/05/31 12:27:31.355499 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.066e-06 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240531cq XML 2024/05/31 11:16:28.311350 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.087e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531cq XML 2024/05/31 11:16:28.311350 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.087e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531cp XML 2024/05/31 11:09:39.859400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.695e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240531cp XML 2024/05/31 11:09:39.859400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.695e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240531cg XML 2024/05/31 09:45:05.150661 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.517e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.50 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531cg XML 2024/05/31 09:45:05.150661 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.517e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.50 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531cc XML 2024/05/31 09:13:02.557878 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.820e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531cc XML 2024/05/31 09:13:02.557878 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.820e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bw XML 2024/05/31 08:26:24.662109 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.023e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bw XML 2024/05/31 08:26:24.661621 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.023e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bp XML 2024/05/31 07:52:48.462890 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.745e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bp XML 2024/05/31 07:52:48.462890 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.745e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bp XML 2024/05/31 07:52:48.460526 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.745e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bh XML 2024/05/31 06:48:50.930100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.128e-05                 298.70 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bh XML 2024/05/31 06:48:50.930100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.128e-05                 298.70 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bb XML 2024/05/31 06:32:56.866332 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.015e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531ba XML 2024/05/31 06:31:14.535773 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.212e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531bb XML 2024/05/31 06:32:56.866855 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.506e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.01 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531ba XML 2024/05/31 06:31:14.535773 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.212e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531ae XML 2024/05/31 04:41:41.667951 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.104e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.64 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531ae XML 2024/05/31 04:41:41.667951 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.104e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.64 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531aa XML 2024/05/31 04:03:26.553467 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.825e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.10         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240531aa XML 2024/05/31 04:03:26.554089 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.726e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.16         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530cu XML 2024/05/30 23:46:54.138005 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.424e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530cu XML 2024/05/30 23:46:54.138005 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.424e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530cm XML 2024/05/30 14:00:45.401600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.602e-05                 314.16 0.22   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530cm XML 2024/05/30 14:00:45.401600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.602e-05                 314.16 0.22   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530cl XML 2024/05/30 13:44:54.980499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.004e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240530cl XML 2024/05/30 13:44:54.980499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.004e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240530cg XML 2024/05/30 13:26:40.426270 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.709e-05 0.89 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530cg XML 2024/05/30 13:26:40.426270 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.709e-05 0.89 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530t XML 2024/05/30 03:00:47.639299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.385e-05                 820.40 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530t XML 2024/05/30 03:00:47.639299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.385e-05                 820.40 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530d XML 2024/05/30 01:47:55.408324 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.181e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530a XML 2024/05/30 01:24:17.950195 3 Ini 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530d XML 2024/05/30 01:47:55.414741 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.181e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530a XML 2024/05/30 01:24:17.950195 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.09 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240530a XML 2024/05/30 01:24:17.976897 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.040e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240529bd XML 2024/05/29 21:38:37.087890 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.915e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240529bd XML 2024/05/29 21:38:37.097656 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.915e-05 0.92 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240529aj XML 2024/05/29 11:03:56.378900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.461e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240529aj XML 2024/05/29 11:03:56.378900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.461e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240527fv XML 2024/05/27 23:09:10.380371 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.426e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528bu XML 2024/05/28 09:19:42.339799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.407e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240528bu XML 2024/05/28 09:19:42.339799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.407e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240528am XML 2024/05/28 04:31:22.865800 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.272e-05                 46.72 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528am XML 2024/05/28 04:31:22.865800 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.272e-05                 46.72 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528y XML 2024/05/28 02:40:05.359375 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.536e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528y XML 2024/05/28 02:40:05.361816 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.536e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528h XML 2024/05/28 00:50:40.117863 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.860e-05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.20 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528h XML 2024/05/28 00:50:40.117863 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.860e-05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.20 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528a XML 2024/05/28 00:10:44.445199 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.758e-06                 785.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240528a XML 2024/05/28 00:10:44.445199 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.758e-06                 785.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527fv XML 2024/05/27 23:09:10.380371 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.426e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527fv XML 2024/05/27 23:09:10.380371 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.426e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527fv XML 2024/05/27 23:09:10.365690 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.351e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527fn XML 2024/05/27 22:34:47.799599 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.238e-06                 1928.43 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527fn XML 2024/05/27 22:34:47.799599 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.238e-06                 1928.43 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527fh XML 2024/05/27 22:03:41.031199 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.427e-05 0x10 0x2899A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240527fh XML 2024/05/27 22:03:41.031199 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.427e-05 0x10 0x1899803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240527ey XML 2024/05/27 20:35:04.683600 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.381e-06 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240527ey XML 2024/05/27 20:35:04.683600 1 Pre 1 8 2 5.381e-06 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240527en XML 2024/05/27 18:34:29.055175 3 Ini 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527en XML 2024/05/27 18:34:29.055175 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.535e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527en XML 2024/05/27 18:34:29.064197 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.137e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527ei XML 2024/05/27 18:16:36.735930 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.310e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527ei XML 2024/05/27 18:16:36.732655 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.310e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527ed XML 2024/05/27 17:33:32.026854 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.490e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527ed XML 2024/05/27 17:33:32.026854 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.490e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527dh XML 2024/05/27 15:09:07.442550 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.613e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527dh XML 2024/05/27 15:09:07.437180 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.613e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.04 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527cc XML 2024/05/27 10:40:59.092498 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.666e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527cb XML 2024/05/27 10:39:09.423683 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.135e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527cc XML 2024/05/27 10:40:59.092498 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.666e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527cb XML 2024/05/27 10:39:09.423683 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.135e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527bj XML 2024/05/27 08:17:15.901683 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.021e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.19 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527bj XML 2024/05/27 08:17:15.901683 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.021e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.19 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527as XML 2024/05/27 06:13:54.036999 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.161e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240527as XML 2024/05/27 06:13:54.031326 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.161e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.04 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240526aw XML 2024/05/26 11:41:48.297905 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.972e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240526aw XML 2024/05/26 11:41:48.297905 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.972e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240526ap XML 2024/05/26 10:16:44.598776 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.395e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240526ap XML 2024/05/26 10:16:44.596854 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.395e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240526ak XML 2024/05/26 09:39:44.672066 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.482e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240526ak XML 2024/05/26 09:39:44.672066 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.482e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525dy XML 2024/05/25 20:16:44.116332 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.209e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.12         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525dy XML 2024/05/25 20:16:44.119816 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.617e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.01 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525dp XML 2024/05/25 18:02:58.554160 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.567e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525dp XML 2024/05/25 18:02:58.554146 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.738e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525p XML 2024/05/25 03:12:10.635303 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.678e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525ca XML 2024/05/25 11:41:44.637000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.169e-06                 200.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525ca XML 2024/05/25 11:41:44.637000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.169e-06                 200.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525at XML 2024/05/25 06:58:29.456542 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.166e-05 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525as XML 2024/05/25 06:57:21.745605 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.644e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525at XML 2024/05/25 06:58:29.456542 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.166e-05 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525as XML 2024/05/25 06:57:21.744523 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.644e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525am XML 2024/05/25 05:53:14.257250 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.518e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.03 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525am XML 2024/05/25 05:53:14.255309 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.518e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 0.03 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525af XML 2024/05/25 04:35:09.056074 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.566e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525af XML 2024/05/25 04:35:09.056074 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.566e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525p XML 2024/05/25 03:12:10.635303 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.678e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.09 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525p XML 2024/05/25 03:12:10.635303 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.678e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.09 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240525p XML 2024/05/25 03:12:10.639091 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.678e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240524ba XML 2024/05/24 13:44:46.996099 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.792e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240524ba XML 2024/05/24 13:44:46.996099 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.792e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240524ao XML 2024/05/24 10:41:22.920899 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.272e-06                 1101.86 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240524ao XML 2024/05/24 10:41:22.920899 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.272e-06                 1101.86 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240524k XML 2024/05/24 06:52:25.979492 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.572e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240524k XML 2024/05/24 06:52:25.979492 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.572e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240524b XML 2024/05/24 06:07:06.179599 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.401e-05                 36.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240524b XML 2024/05/24 06:07:06.176199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.487e-05                 37.96 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523cm XML 2024/05/23 15:06:39.223999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.175e-05                 225.82 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523cm XML 2024/05/23 15:06:39.223999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.175e-05                 225.82 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523cb XML 2024/05/23 14:13:07.827073 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.046e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523cb XML 2024/05/23 14:13:07.827073 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.046e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523bw XML 2024/05/23 13:42:17.906895 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.631e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.01 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523bw XML 2024/05/23 13:42:17.906895 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.631e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.01 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523bp XML 2024/05/23 08:28:25.007324 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.644e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523bp XML 2024/05/23 08:28:25.007324 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.644e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523aq XML 2024/05/23 05:32:42.999408 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.035e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523aq XML 2024/05/23 05:32:42.999408 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.035e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523ah XML 2024/05/23 04:14:58.888601 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.435e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523ah XML 2024/05/23 04:14:58.883850 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.435e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523af XML 2024/05/23 04:01:42.851599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.022e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240523af XML 2024/05/23 04:01:42.851599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.022e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240523ae XML 2024/05/23 03:56:59.542479 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.865e-06 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523ae XML 2024/05/23 03:56:59.541992 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.865e-06 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523x XML 2024/05/23 03:37:18.001342 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.784e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523x XML 2024/05/23 03:37:18.007940 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.784e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523t XML 2024/05/23 02:47:04.145751 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.071e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523t XML 2024/05/23 02:47:04.150984 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.071e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523d XML 2024/05/23 00:35:16.639378 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.701e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.16 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240523d XML 2024/05/23 00:35:16.639378 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.701e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.16 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522es XML 2024/05/22 23:56:34.284179 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.032e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522es XML 2024/05/22 23:56:34.273437 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.032e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522en XML 2024/05/22 22:54:13.600400 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.374e-06                 710.10 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522en XML 2024/05/22 22:54:13.600400 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.374e-06                 710.10 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522eg XML 2024/05/22 21:50:05.886241 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.181e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522eg XML 2024/05/22 21:50:05.886241 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.181e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522di XML 2024/05/22 13:37:15.640599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.797e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240522di XML 2024/05/22 13:37:15.640599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.797e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240522ci XML 2024/05/22 10:21:16.907848 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.115e-05 1.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522ci XML 2024/05/22 10:21:16.907848 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.115e-05 1.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522bv XML 2024/05/22 07:24:21.947900 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.786e-06                 797.77 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522bv XML 2024/05/22 07:24:21.947900 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.786e-06                 797.77 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522bh XML 2024/05/22 05:22:22.329025 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.059e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.81 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522bh XML 2024/05/22 05:22:22.329025 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.059e-05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.82 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522av XML 2024/05/22 04:19:34.781319 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.964e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240522av XML 2024/05/22 04:19:34.781319 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.964e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521bq XML 2024/05/21 09:46:59.692261 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.189e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521bq XML 2024/05/21 09:46:59.712657 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.189e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521bi XML 2024/05/21 09:15:47.464799 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.810e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240521bi XML 2024/05/21 09:15:47.464799 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.810e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240521bd XML 2024/05/21 08:59:44.625000 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.078e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240521bd XML 2024/05/21 08:59:44.625000 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.078e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240521ax XML 2024/05/21 08:41:57.528212 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.065e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521ax XML 2024/05/21 08:41:57.528212 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.065e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521ac XML 2024/05/21 07:14:17.180907 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.590e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521ac XML 2024/05/21 07:14:17.185746 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.590e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521t XML 2024/05/21 01:37:59.294434 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.310e-05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521t XML 2024/05/21 01:37:59.256835 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.310e-05 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.42 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521q XML 2024/05/21 01:32:33.365347 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.650e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240521q XML 2024/05/21 01:32:33.365347 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.650e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520dg XML 2024/05/20 23:14:28.533203 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.462e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520df XML 2024/05/20 23:10:43.966954 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.094e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520dg XML 2024/05/20 23:14:28.532714 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.462e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520df XML 2024/05/20 23:10:43.966954 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.094e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520cv XML 2024/05/20 21:36:16.965332 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.97 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520cv XML 2024/05/20 21:36:16.965332 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.97 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520cv XML 2024/05/20 21:36:16.965820 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.97 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ca XML 2024/05/20 13:10:00.872558 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.476e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ca XML 2024/05/20 13:10:00.872558 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.476e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520bf XML 2024/05/20 11:14:55.573974 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.167e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520bf XML 2024/05/20 11:14:55.574539 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.167e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ar XML 2024/05/20 09:26:02.832520 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.642e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ar XML 2024/05/20 09:26:02.798827 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.642e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ac XML 2024/05/20 06:56:54.608400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.618e-05                 291.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ad XML 2024/05/20 07:00:03.788818 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.550e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.04 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ac XML 2024/05/20 06:56:54.608400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.618e-05                 291.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520ad XML 2024/05/20 07:00:04.215545 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.550e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.01 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520w XML 2024/05/20 05:17:24.630199 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.635e-05                 199.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520w XML 2024/05/20 05:17:24.630199 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.635e-05                 199.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520s XML 2024/05/20 04:34:33.435642 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.782e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240520s XML 2024/05/20 04:34:33.435642 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.782e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240519l XML 2024/05/19 02:34:43.176696 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.954e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240519l XML 2024/05/19 02:34:43.176696 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.954e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240519a XML 2024/05/19 00:36:20.241703 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.612e-06 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240519a XML 2024/05/19 00:36:20.241703 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.612e-06 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518cj XML 2024/05/18 22:15:38.839799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.567e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240518cj XML 2024/05/18 22:15:38.839799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.567e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240518ca XML 2024/05/18 17:06:11.031919 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.916e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518ca XML 2024/05/18 17:06:11.031919 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.916e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514c XML 2024/05/14 08:03:21.047813 5 Upd 1 1 4 9.621e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518bb XML 2024/05/18 11:20:38.041463 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.536e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.10 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518bb XML 2024/05/18 11:20:38.041463 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.536e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.10 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518am XML 2024/05/18 07:59:20.131835 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.039e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518am XML 2024/05/18 07:59:20.138308 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.039e-05 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.11 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518x XML 2024/05/18 06:03:37.059395 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.856e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518w XML 2024/05/18 05:58:18.941400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.391e-06 0x10 0x289DE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240518x XML 2024/05/18 06:03:37.059395 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.856e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240518w XML 2024/05/18 05:58:18.941400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.391e-06 0x10 0x189DC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240516eb XML 2024/05/16 13:39:08.004882 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.857e-05 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516eb XML 2024/05/16 13:39:08.004882 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.857e-05 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516dg XML 2024/05/16 11:56:04.400878 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.023e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516dg XML 2024/05/16 11:56:04.403319 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.023e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516co XML 2024/05/16 09:28:25.819337 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.613e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516co XML 2024/05/16 09:28:25.819337 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.613e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516cn XML 2024/05/16 09:20:24.471900 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.641e-05                 549.90 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516cn XML 2024/05/16 09:20:24.471900 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.641e-05                 549.90 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ci XML 2024/05/16 08:58:52.126600 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.371e-06                 462.81 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ci XML 2024/05/16 08:58:52.126600 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.371e-06                 462.81 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ca XML 2024/05/16 08:16:36.529296 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.900e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ca XML 2024/05/16 08:16:36.529784 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.900e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516by XML 2024/05/16 08:07:05.363299 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.668e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240516by XML 2024/05/16 08:07:05.363299 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.668e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240516ak XML 2024/05/16 04:19:39.069338 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.962e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.16 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ah XML 2024/05/16 04:15:32.260497 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.359e-06 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ak XML 2024/05/16 04:19:39.069338 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.962e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.16 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240516ah XML 2024/05/16 04:15:33.084209 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.417e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.01 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515bt XML 2024/05/15 08:17:08.878899 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.072e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240515bt XML 2024/05/15 08:17:08.878899 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.072e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240515bo XML 2024/05/15 07:43:06.325700 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.393e-06                 1187.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515bo XML 2024/05/15 07:43:06.325700 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.393e-06                 1187.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514x XML 2024/05/14 12:17:13.721190 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515ak XML 2024/05/15 03:03:49.181762 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.712e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515aj XML 2024/05/15 03:00:23.929700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.878e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240515ak XML 2024/05/15 03:03:49.183334 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.225e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515aj XML 2024/05/15 03:00:23.929700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.878e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240515m XML 2024/05/15 00:53:01.113644 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.272e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515s XML 2024/05/15 01:11:28.759100 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.584e-06                 996.91 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515s XML 2024/05/15 01:11:28.759100 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.584e-06                 996.91 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515m XML 2024/05/15 00:53:01.113644 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.272e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240515m XML 2024/05/15 00:53:01.124511 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.642e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514at XML 2024/05/14 22:33:33.718232 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.200e-06 1.00 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514at XML 2024/05/14 22:33:33.718232 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.200e-06 1.00 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514as XML 2024/05/14 20:23:41.734200 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.731e-07                 883.46 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514ar XML 2024/05/14 20:23:34.737600 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.253e-08                 818.24 0.19   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514aq XML 2024/05/14 20:23:37.165100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.112e-05                 1155.66 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514as XML 2024/05/14 20:23:41.734200 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.731e-07                 883.46 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514ar XML 2024/05/14 20:23:34.737600 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.253e-08                 818.24 0.19   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514aq XML 2024/05/14 20:23:37.165100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.112e-05                 1155.66 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ei XML 2024/05/13 18:33:02.898438 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514x XML 2024/05/14 12:17:13.721190 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514x XML 2024/05/14 12:17:13.721190 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514x XML 2024/05/14 12:17:13.728365 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.126e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514c XML 2024/05/14 08:03:21.047813 4 Ini 1 1 4 9.621e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514c XML 2024/05/14 08:03:21.047813 3 Pre 1 1 4 9.621e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514c XML 2024/05/14 08:03:21.047813 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.621e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240514c XML 2024/05/14 08:03:21.048403 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.772e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.01 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513fc XML 2024/05/13 21:03:50.512672 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.685e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513fc XML 2024/05/13 21:03:50.512672 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.685e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ep XML 2024/05/13 19:22:44.145597 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.680e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.13 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ep XML 2024/05/13 19:22:44.142144 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.680e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.13 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ei XML 2024/05/13 18:33:02.898438 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ei XML 2024/05/13 18:33:02.898438 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ei XML 2024/05/13 18:33:02.887985 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.411e-26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ef XML 2024/05/13 18:13:54.128779 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.382e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ef XML 2024/05/13 18:13:54.137591 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.425e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513dw XML 2024/05/13 17:13:38.355376 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.556e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513dw XML 2024/05/13 17:13:38.359627 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.902e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513cx XML 2024/05/13 12:14:18.836914 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.330e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.64 0.28 0.26         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513cx XML 2024/05/13 12:14:18.836914 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.330e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.64 0.28 0.26         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ck XML 2024/05/13 09:41:14.999829 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.050e-06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513ck XML 2024/05/13 09:41:14.999829 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.050e-06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.35 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513bj XML 2024/05/13 06:31:48.560059 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.764e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513bj XML 2024/05/13 06:31:48.560059 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.764e-05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513an XML 2024/05/13 04:23:01.400395 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.454e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513an XML 2024/05/13 04:23:01.400395 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.454e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513af XML 2024/05/13 03:38:23.391601 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.302e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240513af XML 2024/05/13 03:38:23.391601 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.302e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512bo XML 2024/05/12 16:10:22.729492 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.573e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512bo XML 2024/05/12 16:10:22.723144 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.573e-06 1.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512av XML 2024/05/12 09:22:25.967145 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.717e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512av XML 2024/05/12 09:22:25.966874 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.626e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512r XML 2024/05/12 02:41:39.150879 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.98 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512r XML 2024/05/12 02:41:39.150879 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.98 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512r XML 2024/05/12 02:41:39.150879 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.98 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240512r XML 2024/05/12 02:41:39.146030 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.696e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511cj XML 2024/05/11 20:39:30.888306 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.049e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511cj XML 2024/05/11 20:39:30.891042 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.049e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511i XML 2024/05/11 03:15:07.998535 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511bf XML 2024/05/11 09:46:54.904296 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.999e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511bf XML 2024/05/11 09:46:54.917315 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.290e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511bc XML 2024/05/11 09:14:49.222700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.700e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240511bc XML 2024/05/11 09:14:49.222700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.700e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240511an XML 2024/05/11 08:07:57.121822 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.528e-06 1.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511an XML 2024/05/11 08:07:57.121822 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.528e-06 1.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511ad XML 2024/05/11 06:54:46.085900 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.185e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240511ad XML 2024/05/11 06:54:46.085900 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.185e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240511y XML 2024/05/11 06:13:48.474120 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.452e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511y XML 2024/05/11 06:13:48.471190 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.452e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511i XML 2024/05/11 03:15:07.998535 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511i XML 2024/05/11 03:15:07.998535 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511i XML 2024/05/11 03:15:07.970312 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.308e-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511d XML 2024/05/11 00:47:53.332493 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.447e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.22 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240511d XML 2024/05/11 00:47:53.332493 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.447e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.22 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240509ao XML 2024/05/09 10:45:34.155501 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.164e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240509ao XML 2024/05/09 10:45:34.155501 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.164e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508al XML 2024/05/08 13:04:43.608521 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.364e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508al XML 2024/05/08 13:04:43.616028 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.464e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508aj XML 2024/05/08 08:42:33.176800 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.219e-06                 627.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508aj XML 2024/05/08 08:42:33.176800 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.219e-06                 627.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508aa XML 2024/05/08 07:50:24.392299 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.696e-05                 287.25 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508aa XML 2024/05/08 07:50:24.392299 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.696e-05                 287.25 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508u XML 2024/05/08 07:35:56.595703 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.211e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240508u XML 2024/05/08 07:35:56.595703 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.211e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507p XML 2024/05/07 04:16:32.352051 4 Upd 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507bv XML 2024/05/07 11:05:13.064325 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.201e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507bt XML 2024/05/07 11:02:14.410156 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.091e-05 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507bv XML 2024/05/07 11:05:13.064325 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.201e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507bt XML 2024/05/07 11:02:14.410156 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.091e-05 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507p XML 2024/05/07 04:16:32.352051 3 Ini 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507p XML 2024/05/07 04:16:32.352051 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507p XML 2024/05/07 04:16:32.361998 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.065e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240507n XML 2024/05/07 04:03:42.035200 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.878e-06 0x10 0x289BA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240507n XML 2024/05/07 04:03:42.035200 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.878e-06 0x10 0x189B803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240506cu XML 2024/05/06 19:13:20.354980 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.265e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506cu XML 2024/05/06 19:13:20.354980 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.265e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506cb XML 2024/05/06 10:20:29.883500 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.468e-06                 769.75 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506cb XML 2024/05/06 10:20:29.883500 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.468e-06                 769.75 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506br XML 2024/05/06 09:32:57.730468 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.033e-05 0.85 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506br XML 2024/05/06 09:32:57.727051 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.033e-05 0.64 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505av XML 2024/05/05 13:35:52.584595 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.285e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506w XML 2024/05/06 03:08:28.600473 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.036e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506w XML 2024/05/06 03:08:28.606217 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.036e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506n XML 2024/05/06 01:44:59.168456 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.211e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240506n XML 2024/05/06 01:44:59.168719 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.211e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505bl XML 2024/05/05 22:42:52.561034 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.659e-05 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505bl XML 2024/05/05 22:42:52.559570 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.659e-05 1.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505av XML 2024/05/05 13:35:52.584595 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.285e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505av XML 2024/05/05 13:35:52.584595 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.285e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505av XML 2024/05/05 13:35:52.582078 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.285e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240505t XML 2024/05/05 07:54:47.464799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.846e-05 0x10 0x289D203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240505t XML 2024/05/05 07:54:47.464799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.846e-05 0x10 0x189D003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240504ec XML 2024/05/04 21:45:32.434081 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.111e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504ec XML 2024/05/04 21:45:32.434570 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.111e-06 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504dm XML 2024/05/04 18:23:57.577002 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.797e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.25 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504dm XML 2024/05/04 18:23:57.577002 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.797e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.25 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504dd XML 2024/05/04 17:03:15.144500 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.435e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240504dd XML 2024/05/04 17:03:15.144500 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.435e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240504cu XML 2024/05/04 16:19:06.494600 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.852e-06                 1577.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504cu XML 2024/05/04 16:19:06.494600 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.852e-06                 1577.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504ca XML 2024/05/04 13:31:47.235999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.034e-05                 753.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504ca XML 2024/05/04 13:31:47.235999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.034e-05                 753.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504by XML 2024/05/04 13:02:07.514400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.481e-05                 1232.21 0.13   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504by XML 2024/05/04 13:02:07.514400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.481e-05                 1232.21 0.13   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504bv XML 2024/05/04 12:06:08.995983 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.858e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504bv XML 2024/05/04 12:06:08.995983 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.858e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240504bt XML 2024/05/04 11:55:43.773400 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.302e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240504bt XML 2024/05/04 11:55:43.773400 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.302e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240503ff XML 2024/05/03 23:43:08.681763 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.277e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503ff XML 2024/05/03 23:43:08.673999 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.369e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503cz XML 2024/05/03 14:24:55.097700 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.196e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240503cx XML 2024/05/03 14:25:19.560546 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.399e-05 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503cz XML 2024/05/03 14:24:55.097700 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.196e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240503cx XML 2024/05/03 14:25:19.560546 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.399e-05 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503bp XML 2024/05/03 11:47:24.456542 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.739e-05 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503bp XML 2024/05/03 11:47:24.456542 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.739e-05 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503bk XML 2024/05/03 10:20:16.975999 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.598e-05                 195.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503bk XML 2024/05/03 10:20:16.975999 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.598e-05                 195.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501an XML 2024/05/01 03:35:34.924804 4 Upd 1 1 15 4.216e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.380005 7 Upd 1 1 4 7.452e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503j XML 2024/05/03 00:52:18.528600 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.426e-06                 996.38 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240503j XML 2024/05/03 00:52:18.528600 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.426e-06                 996.38 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240502ck XML 2024/05/02 19:42:04.628899 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.641e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240502ck XML 2024/05/02 19:42:04.628899 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.641e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240502bf XML 2024/05/02 12:43:03.780899 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.152e-06                 754.35 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240502bf XML 2024/05/02 12:43:03.780899 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.152e-06                 754.35 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240502bb XML 2024/05/02 12:21:19.833130 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.007e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240502bb XML 2024/05/02 12:21:19.837299 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.007e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501dr XML 2024/05/01 15:10:40.304198 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.123e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501dr XML 2024/05/01 15:10:40.304687 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.123e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501dc XML 2024/05/01 12:03:12.964354 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.986e-06 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501dc XML 2024/05/01 12:03:12.964354 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.986e-06 1.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501an XML 2024/05/01 03:35:34.924804 3 Ini 1 1 15 4.216e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501ap XML 2024/05/01 03:49:58.386699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.828e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240501ap XML 2024/05/01 03:49:58.386699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.828e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240501an XML 2024/05/01 03:35:34.924804 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.216e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501an XML 2024/05/01 03:35:34.933933 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.571e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501af XML 2024/05/01 02:54:59.435636 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.644e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501af XML 2024/05/01 02:54:59.436821 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.396e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501v XML 2024/05/01 01:51:00.603800 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.191e-05                 862.95 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501v XML 2024/05/01 01:51:00.603800 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.191e-05                 862.95 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240501k XML 2024/05/01 00:51:08.949199 2 Pre 1 8 2 7.951e-06 0x10 0x289AE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240501k XML 2024/05/01 00:51:08.949199 1 Pre 1 8 2 7.951e-06 0x10 0x189AC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240430di XML 2024/04/30 13:59:12.765599 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.955e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240430di XML 2024/04/30 13:59:12.765599 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.955e-06 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240430cu XML 2024/04/30 12:30:13.707031 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.724e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430cu XML 2024/04/30 12:30:13.732421 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.724e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.380005 6 Upd 1 1 4 7.452e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430co XML 2024/04/30 12:00:15.894042 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.294e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.380005 5 Upd 1 1 4 7.452e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430co XML 2024/04/30 12:00:15.894042 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.294e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ci XML 2024/04/30 11:16:34.101599 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.433e-06 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240430ci XML 2024/04/30 11:16:34.101599 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.433e-06 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.380005 4 Ini 1 1 4 7.452e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.380005 3 Pre 1 1 4 7.452e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.387907 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.452e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.04 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430ca XML 2024/04/30 09:35:17.372731 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.640e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430g XML 2024/04/30 01:30:31.373469 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.242e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240430g XML 2024/04/30 01:30:31.383686 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.242e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ik XML 2024/04/29 23:59:59.793159 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.13 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ik XML 2024/04/29 23:59:59.793159 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.13 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ih XML 2024/04/29 23:49:50.311300 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.313e-06                 777.93 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ih XML 2024/04/29 23:49:50.311300 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.313e-06                 777.93 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429hq XML 2024/04/29 22:10:14.613300 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.772e-06 0x10 0x289A203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429hq XML 2024/04/29 22:10:14.613300 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.772e-06 0x10 0x189A003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429hg XML 2024/04/29 18:50:17.074200 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.897e-05 0x10 0x289A203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429hg XML 2024/04/29 18:50:17.074200 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.897e-05 0x10 0x189A003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240426s XML 2024/04/26 03:14:51.975098 4 Upd 1 1 15 7.603e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426dl XML 2024/04/26 15:18:03.773400 5 Upd 1 8 2 5.153e-08 0x10 0x5899203,0 LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429gk XML 2024/04/29 16:19:25.111816 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.784e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429gk XML 2024/04/29 16:19:26.114560 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.784e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429gc XML 2024/04/29 15:55:40.483226 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.959e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429gc XML 2024/04/29 15:55:40.492043 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.959e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429fv XML 2024/04/29 15:17:51.309800 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.370e-05                 198.61 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429fu XML 2024/04/29 15:14:26.277300 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.245e-05 0x10 0x2899A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ft XML 2024/04/29 15:15:16.966899 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.386e-05                 72.05 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429fv XML 2024/04/29 15:17:51.309800 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.370e-05                 198.61 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429fu XML 2024/04/29 15:14:26.277300 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.245e-05 0x10 0x1899803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ft XML 2024/04/29 15:15:16.966899 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.386e-05                 72.05 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428dr XML 2024/04/28 22:54:40.076903 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.110e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ei XML 2024/04/29 12:04:43.273400 2 Pre 1 8 2 9.150e-06 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ei XML 2024/04/29 12:04:43.273400 1 Pre 1 8 2 9.150e-06 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ef XML 2024/04/29 11:50:31.339800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.878e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ef XML 2024/04/29 11:50:31.339800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.878e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ea XML 2024/04/29 11:41:04.955199 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.275e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ea XML 2024/04/29 11:41:04.957733 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.981e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429dh XML 2024/04/29 09:32:21.189650 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.037e-05 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429dh XML 2024/04/29 09:32:21.189650 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.037e-05 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429db XML 2024/04/29 08:59:23.203099 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.539e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429db XML 2024/04/29 08:59:23.203099 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.539e-06 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429ch XML 2024/04/29 07:06:26.083496 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.585e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ch XML 2024/04/29 07:06:26.083984 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.585e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429an XML 2024/04/29 05:23:03.633325 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S240429ai XML 2024/04/29 05:15:20.726500 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.915e-06                 102.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429an XML 2024/04/29 05:23:03.633325 1 Ear 1 0 1 2.868e-09 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429ai XML 2024/04/29 05:15:20.727799 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.579e-06                 93.96 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429af XML 2024/04/29 05:12:56.030617 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.704e-05 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.31 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429af XML 2024/04/29 05:12:56.030617 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.704e-05 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.31 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429m XML 2024/04/29 01:50:59.059199 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.039e-06                 516.60 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429m XML 2024/04/29 01:50:59.056499 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.147e-06                 516.60 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429i XML 2024/04/29 01:39:15.699299 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.478e-07                 239.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429i XML 2024/04/29 01:39:15.730499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.723e-05 0x10 0x189A403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240429a XML 2024/04/29 00:59:52.898192 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.897e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240429a XML 2024/04/29 00:59:52.913446 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.861e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428dr XML 2024/04/28 22:54:40.076903 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.110e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428dr XML 2024/04/28 22:54:40.076903 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.110e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428dr XML 2024/04/28 22:54:40.077444 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.326e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428ct XML 2024/04/28 14:12:53.719115 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.026e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.04 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428ct XML 2024/04/28 14:12:53.720933 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.562e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.04 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428cm XML 2024/04/28 13:49:38.328099 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.302e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240428cm XML 2024/04/28 13:49:38.328099 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.302e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240428bm XML 2024/04/28 10:48:32.037602 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.922e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.35 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428bm XML 2024/04/28 10:48:32.037602 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.922e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.35 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428ao XML 2024/04/28 07:02:44.362699 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.525e-06                 158.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428ao XML 2024/04/28 07:02:44.362699 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.525e-06                 158.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428aj XML 2024/04/28 06:17:37.707000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.945e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240428aj XML 2024/04/28 06:17:37.707000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.945e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240428t XML 2024/04/28 04:08:17.315300 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.051e-06                 54.87 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240428t XML 2024/04/28 04:08:17.315300 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.051e-06                 54.87 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240427am XML 2024/04/27 06:33:04.694137 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.995e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.01 0.36         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240427am XML 2024/04/27 06:33:04.694137 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.995e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.01 0.36         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240427ad XML 2024/04/27 05:53:05.520500 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.098e-05                 763.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240427ad XML 2024/04/27 05:53:05.520500 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.098e-05                 763.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240427l XML 2024/04/27 04:01:05.125200 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.054e-05                 722.78 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240427l XML 2024/04/27 04:01:05.125200 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.054e-05                 722.78 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426ea XML 2024/04/26 21:42:00.882800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.782e-05 0x10 0x2899603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240426ea XML 2024/04/26 21:42:00.882800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.782e-05 0x10 0x1899403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240426dl XML 2024/04/26 15:18:03.773400 4 Ini 1 8 2 5.153e-08 0x10 0x4899203,1 LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240426dl XML 2024/04/26 15:18:03.773400 3 Pre 1 8 2 5.153e-08 0x10 0x3899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240426dl XML 2024/04/26 15:18:03.773400 2 Pre 1 8 2 5.153e-08 0x10 0x2899203,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240426dl XML 2024/04/26 15:18:03.762185 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.170e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.06 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426cx XML 2024/04/26 13:52:54.899330 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.012e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426cx XML 2024/04/26 13:52:54.919038 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.603e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426co XML 2024/04/26 12:12:41.669759 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.032e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426co XML 2024/04/26 12:12:41.669759 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.032e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426ci XML 2024/04/26 11:43:06.077637 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.367e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426ci XML 2024/04/26 11:43:06.077148 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.367e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426bz XML 2024/04/26 10:07:22.582702 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.931e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.06 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426bz XML 2024/04/26 10:07:22.585746 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.389e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.04 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426bs XML 2024/04/26 08:58:02.902099 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.871e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426bs XML 2024/04/26 08:58:02.904539 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.690e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426bd XML 2024/04/26 06:42:11.903600 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.440e-05                 1600.53 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426bd XML 2024/04/26 06:42:11.903600 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.440e-05                 1600.53 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426s XML 2024/04/26 03:14:51.975098 3 Ini 1 1 15 7.603e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.03 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426s XML 2024/04/26 03:14:51.975098 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.603e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.03 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426s XML 2024/04/26 03:14:51.982188 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.223e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426a XML 2024/04/26 00:07:23.489746 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.468e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240426a XML 2024/04/26 00:07:23.489746 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.468e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425cg XML 2024/04/25 22:25:02.910200 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.826e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425cg XML 2024/04/25 22:25:02.910200 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.826e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425cb XML 2024/04/25 21:35:37.616399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.703e-05                 215.56 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425cb XML 2024/04/25 21:35:37.616399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.703e-05                 215.56 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425ca XML 2024/04/25 21:34:20.569245 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.240e-05 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.81 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425ca XML 2024/04/25 21:34:20.569245 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.240e-05 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.81 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425bp XML 2024/04/25 08:11:10.207000 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.417e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425bp XML 2024/04/25 08:11:10.207000 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.417e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425be XML 2024/04/25 07:36:11.281200 2 Pre 1 8 2 8.065e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425be XML 2024/04/25 07:36:11.281200 1 Pre 1 8 2 8.065e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425ai XML 2024/04/25 06:06:23.999900 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.358e-06                 1746.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425ai XML 2024/04/25 06:06:23.999900 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.358e-06                 1746.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240425y XML 2024/04/25 05:00:13.507799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.126e-05 0x10 0x289E603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240425y XML 2024/04/25 05:00:13.507799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.126e-05 0x10 0x189E403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240421ar XML 2024/04/21 05:29:35.734400 5 Upd 1 8 2 3.597e-08 0x10 0x5898603,0 LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423br XML 2024/04/23 10:43:04.422754 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S240423br XML 2024/04/23 10:43:04.422754 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.733e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240423br XML 2024/04/23 10:43:04.422754 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.733e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240423bq XML 2024/04/23 10:36:44.175800 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.087e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423bq XML 2024/04/23 10:36:44.175800 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.087e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423ah XML 2024/04/23 06:02:14.148400 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.674e-05 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423ah XML 2024/04/23 06:02:14.148400 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.674e-05 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423t XML 2024/04/23 04:19:39.976599 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.145e-05 0x10 0x289D203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423t XML 2024/04/23 04:19:39.976599 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.145e-05 0x10 0x189D003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240423h XML 2024/04/23 02:44:57.970855 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.068e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422ed XML 2024/04/22 21:35:13.417260 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.095e-13 1.00 0.99 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.34 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240423h XML 2024/04/23 02:44:57.970855 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.068e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422eq XML 2024/04/22 23:16:17.882812 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.347e-05 0.91 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422eq XML 2024/04/22 23:16:17.880859 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.347e-05 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422el XML 2024/04/22 22:42:06.558227 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.694e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422el XML 2024/04/22 22:42:06.556797 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.694e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422ed XML 2024/04/22 21:35:13.417260 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.095e-13 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.46 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422ed XML 2024/04/22 21:35:13.417260 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.095e-13 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.46 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422ed XML 2024/04/22 21:35:13.407320 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.095e-13 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.46 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422ds XML 2024/04/22 17:39:54.228515 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.689e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422ds XML 2024/04/22 17:39:54.228515 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.689e-05 0.66 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422dm XML 2024/04/22 15:10:13.927246 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.548e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422dm XML 2024/04/22 15:10:13.926757 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.548e-06 1.00 0.90 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422bw XML 2024/04/22 10:46:00.515395 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.597e-05 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422bw XML 2024/04/22 10:46:00.515395 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.597e-05 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422bn XML 2024/04/22 09:17:53.261718 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.766e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240422bn XML 2024/04/22 09:17:53.260742 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.766e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ei XML 2024/04/21 23:52:47.386718 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.801e-06 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.49 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ei XML 2024/04/21 23:52:47.386718 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.801e-06 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.49 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ef XML 2024/04/21 23:39:37.018000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.087e-06                 305.38 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ef XML 2024/04/21 23:39:37.018000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.087e-06                 305.38 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421dr XML 2024/04/21 21:46:03.727799 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.133e-05                 1097.89 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421dr XML 2024/04/21 21:46:03.727799 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.133e-05                 1097.89 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421dm XML 2024/04/21 21:12:44.510254 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.097e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421dm XML 2024/04/21 21:12:44.510254 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.097e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421dd XML 2024/04/21 17:41:59.304699 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.767e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240421dd XML 2024/04/21 17:41:59.304699 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.767e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240421co XML 2024/04/21 14:44:01.381256 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.844e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421co XML 2024/04/21 14:44:01.389996 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.703e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421bv XML 2024/04/21 12:54:10.778100 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.102e-05                 410.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421bv XML 2024/04/21 12:54:10.778100 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.102e-05                 410.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421bi XML 2024/04/21 10:55:27.961425 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.379e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421bi XML 2024/04/21 10:55:27.961425 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.379e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ar XML 2024/04/21 05:29:35.734400 4 Ini 1 8 2 3.597e-08 0x10 0x4898603,1 LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240421ar XML 2024/04/21 05:29:35.734400 3 Pre 1 8 2 3.597e-08 0x10 0x3898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240421ar XML 2024/04/21 05:29:35.734400 2 Pre 1 8 2 3.597e-08 0x10 0x2898603,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240421ar XML 2024/04/21 05:29:35.716047 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.226e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.04 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ae XML 2024/04/21 03:30:10.289573 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.891e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.05 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421ae XML 2024/04/21 03:30:10.289573 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.891e-06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.05 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421r XML 2024/04/21 01:47:35.198729 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.923e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421r XML 2024/04/21 01:47:35.198729 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.923e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421p XML 2024/04/21 01:40:08.614000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.645e-05                 1151.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421p XML 2024/04/21 01:40:08.614000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.645e-05                 1151.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421k XML 2024/04/21 01:16:42.440446 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.607e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421k XML 2024/04/21 01:16:42.440446 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.607e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421c XML 2024/04/21 00:38:52.614800 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.317e-06                 895.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240421c XML 2024/04/21 00:38:52.614800 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.317e-06                 895.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420dt XML 2024/04/20 21:01:20.622299 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.324e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420dt XML 2024/04/20 21:01:20.634575 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.223e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420do XML 2024/04/20 20:17:31.659667 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.233e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420do XML 2024/04/20 20:17:31.659667 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.233e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420dj XML 2024/04/20 19:24:20.007799 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.657e-06 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240420dj XML 2024/04/20 19:24:20.007799 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.657e-06 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240420dc XML 2024/04/20 17:56:25.521484 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.361e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420dc XML 2024/04/20 17:56:25.521330 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.361e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420bp XML 2024/04/20 07:43:00.234399 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.173e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240420bp XML 2024/04/20 07:43:00.234399 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.173e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240420aw XML 2024/04/20 04:22:45.509470 4 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S240420ax XML 2024/04/20 04:21:16.252700 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.665e-08                 219.21 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ax XML 2024/04/20 04:21:16.252700 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.665e-08                 219.21 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420aw XML 2024/04/20 04:22:45.509470 3 Pre 1 1 4 7.142e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420av XML 2024/04/20 04:22:40.612183 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.157e-06 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420at XML 2024/04/20 04:22:18.292833 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.106e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420aw XML 2024/04/20 04:22:45.509470 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.142e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420aw XML 2024/04/20 04:22:45.508485 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.054e-05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420av XML 2024/04/20 04:22:40.626638 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.157e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.02 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ap XML 2024/04/20 04:21:37.439793 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.402e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420an XML 2024/04/20 04:21:35.335858 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.005e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420am XML 2024/04/20 04:19:20.687300 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.726e-07                 494.20 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420al XML 2024/04/20 04:20:55.877766 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.975e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.03 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420at XML 2024/04/20 04:22:18.292833 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.106e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.02 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ak XML 2024/04/20 04:20:34.944701 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.01 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420aj XML 2024/04/20 04:19:12.870900 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.022e-06                 674.22 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ai XML 2024/04/20 04:20:24.101196 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.548e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.40         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ad XML 2024/04/20 04:19:35.260137 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.469e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.12 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ap XML 2024/04/20 04:21:37.439793 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.402e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420an XML 2024/04/20 04:21:35.335858 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.005e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420am XML 2024/04/20 04:19:20.687300 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.726e-07                 494.20 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420al XML 2024/04/20 04:20:55.877766 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.975e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.03 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ak XML 2024/04/20 04:20:34.944701 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.01 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420aj XML 2024/04/20 04:19:12.870900 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.022e-06                 674.22 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ai XML 2024/04/20 04:20:24.110319 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.207e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.02 0.36         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420ad XML 2024/04/20 04:19:35.260137 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.469e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.12 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420u XML 2024/04/20 03:14:29.760072 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.115e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420u XML 2024/04/20 03:14:29.760072 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.115e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420p XML 2024/04/20 02:36:05.598410 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.597e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420p XML 2024/04/20 02:36:05.598410 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.597e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420o XML 2024/04/20 02:18:57.003900 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.844e-06 0x10 0x289BE03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240420o XML 2024/04/20 02:18:57.003900 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.844e-06 0x10 0x189BC03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240420c XML 2024/04/20 00:34:04.365897 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.185e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.04 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240420c XML 2024/04/20 00:34:04.361041 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.740e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.04 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419cz XML 2024/04/19 18:58:57.400390 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.190e-05 0.94 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419cz XML 2024/04/19 18:58:57.400390 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.190e-05 0.59 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419cs XML 2024/04/19 18:23:53.100400 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.776e-05                 457.32 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419cs XML 2024/04/19 18:23:53.100400 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.776e-05                 457.32 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419co XML 2024/04/19 17:59:02.679904 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.652e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419co XML 2024/04/19 17:59:02.679904 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.652e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419cb XML 2024/04/19 15:58:28.105499 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.346e-05 0x10 0x2898E03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240419cb XML 2024/04/19 15:58:28.105499 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.346e-05 0x10 0x1898C03,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240419bz XML 2024/04/19 15:55:13.819335 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.202e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419bz XML 2024/04/19 15:55:13.818358 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.202e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419bs XML 2024/04/19 15:12:15.394500 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.227e-06 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240419bs XML 2024/04/19 15:12:15.394500 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.227e-06 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240419z XML 2024/04/19 06:42:47.174315 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.759e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419z XML 2024/04/19 06:42:47.174315 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.759e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419n XML 2024/04/19 04:12:06.503899 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.418e-07 0x10 0x289BA03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240419n XML 2024/04/19 04:12:06.503899 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.418e-07 0x10 0x189B803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240419k XML 2024/04/19 03:47:28.848313 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.092e-05 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240419k XML 2024/04/19 03:47:28.848313 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.092e-05 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418es XML 2024/04/18 23:42:40.574205 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.685e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.60 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418es XML 2024/04/18 23:42:40.574205 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.685e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.60 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418de XML 2024/04/18 13:49:52.287109 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.177e-07 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.41 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418de XML 2024/04/18 13:49:52.287109 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.177e-07 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.48 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418ao XML 2024/04/18 05:00:41.046900 2 Pre 1 8 2 4.498e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240418ao XML 2024/04/18 05:00:41.046900 1 Pre 1 8 2 4.498e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240418w XML 2024/04/18 03:10:12.648547 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.200e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.43 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418w XML 2024/04/18 03:10:12.648547 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.200e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.43 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418s XML 2024/04/18 02:38:18.040900 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.121e-05                 198.85 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418s XML 2024/04/18 02:38:18.040900 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.121e-05                 198.85 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240418q XML 2024/04/18 02:22:52.785200 2 Pre 1 8 2 2.837e-06 0x10 0x289C603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240418q XML 2024/04/18 02:22:52.785200 1 Pre 1 8 2 2.837e-06 0x10 0x189C403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240417bd XML 2024/04/17 11:24:47.872500 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.892e-06                 217.72 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240417bd XML 2024/04/17 11:24:47.872500 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.892e-06                 217.72 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240417ar XML 2024/04/17 09:31:21.233375 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.965e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.35 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240417ar XML 2024/04/17 09:31:21.233375 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.965e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.35 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416x XML 2024/04/16 11:39:37.165270 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.353e-05 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.21 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416x XML 2024/04/16 11:39:37.165270 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.353e-05 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.21 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416v XML 2024/04/16 11:15:30.544433 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.620e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416v XML 2024/04/16 11:15:30.544433 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.620e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416n XML 2024/04/16 06:48:01.726563 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.876e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416n XML 2024/04/16 06:48:01.726563 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.876e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416f XML 2024/04/16 05:00:23.174399 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.130e-05                 116.29 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416f XML 2024/04/16 05:00:23.174399 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.130e-05                 116.29 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416c XML 2024/04/16 01:58:29.025878 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.688e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240416c XML 2024/04/16 01:58:29.026367 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.688e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240415cg XML 2024/04/15 22:29:27.836914 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.308e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240415cg XML 2024/04/15 22:29:27.838378 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.308e-06 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414bw XML 2024/04/14 13:23:07.679622 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.887e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414bv XML 2024/04/14 13:21:22.368680 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.167e-05 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414bw XML 2024/04/14 13:23:07.679622 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.887e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414bv XML 2024/04/14 13:21:22.368680 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.167e-05 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414bu XML 2024/04/14 13:16:38.842388 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.157e-05 0.92 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414bu XML 2024/04/14 13:16:38.842388 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.157e-05 0.92 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414ar XML 2024/04/14 09:16:13.116516 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.838e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414ar XML 2024/04/14 09:16:13.116516 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.838e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414h XML 2024/04/14 02:33:09.772629 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.382e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.50 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240414h XML 2024/04/14 02:33:09.772629 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.382e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.50 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413dv XML 2024/04/13 21:44:12.847568 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.295e-06 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.04 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413dv XML 2024/04/13 21:44:12.847568 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.295e-06 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.04 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413p XML 2024/04/13 02:20:19.851562 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.29 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413dl XML 2024/04/13 19:48:13.078099 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.905e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240413dl XML 2024/04/13 19:48:13.078099 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.905e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240413dj XML 2024/04/13 19:22:19.804700 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.601e-05 0x10 0x2899203,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240413dj XML 2024/04/13 19:22:19.804700 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.601e-05 0x10 0x1899003,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240413bt XML 2024/04/13 11:28:22.426269 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.253e-06 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.43 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413bt XML 2024/04/13 11:28:22.425781 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.253e-06 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.22 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413bk XML 2024/04/13 10:05:11.214800 2 Pre 1 8 2 1.386e-05 0x10 0x2898A03,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240413bk XML 2024/04/13 10:05:11.214800 1 Pre 1 8 2 1.386e-05 0x10 0x1898803,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240413bh XML 2024/04/13 09:24:44.716884 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.357e-06 1.00 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413bh XML 2024/04/13 09:24:44.716884 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.357e-06 1.00 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413aw XML 2024/04/13 08:08:27.480000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.621e-05                 1261.33 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413aw XML 2024/04/13 08:08:27.480000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.621e-05                 1261.33 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413aa XML 2024/04/13 05:15:07.389160 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.267e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413aa XML 2024/04/13 05:15:07.390137 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.267e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413p XML 2024/04/13 02:20:19.851562 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.40 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413p XML 2024/04/13 02:20:19.851562 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.44 0.40 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413p XML 2024/04/13 02:20:19.835522 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.315e-34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.24 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413m XML 2024/04/13 01:49:20.596191 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.239e-05 0.64 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413m XML 2024/04/13 01:49:20.595703 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.239e-05 0.67 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413h XML 2024/04/13 01:17:23.632500 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.487e-06                 1104.34 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413h XML 2024/04/13 01:17:23.632500 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.487e-06                 1104.34 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413d XML 2024/04/13 00:52:09.420654 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.077e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240413d XML 2024/04/13 00:52:09.421087 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.295e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412dk XML 2024/04/12 19:49:56.709099 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.182e-05                 810.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412dk XML 2024/04/12 19:49:56.709099 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.182e-05                 810.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412dc XML 2024/04/12 18:58:05.065478 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.695e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412dc XML 2024/04/12 18:58:05.065478 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.695e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412cp XML 2024/04/12 16:04:25.453791 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.744e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412cp XML 2024/04/12 16:04:25.453791 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.744e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412cl XML 2024/04/12 14:25:05.597972 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.012e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412cl XML 2024/04/12 14:25:05.597972 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.012e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412ce XML 2024/04/12 13:41:13.521972 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.804e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412ce XML 2024/04/12 13:41:13.521972 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.804e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412cb XML 2024/04/12 13:14:34.087401 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.907e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412cb XML 2024/04/12 13:14:34.086426 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.907e-06 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412bq XML 2024/04/12 11:15:40.380859 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.771e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412bq XML 2024/04/12 11:15:40.688977 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.771e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412bi XML 2024/04/12 10:03:38.281802 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.606e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412bi XML 2024/04/12 10:03:38.281802 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.606e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412ap XML 2024/04/12 06:48:20.968800 2 Pre 1 8 2 6.705e-06 0x10 0x2898603,1 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240412ap XML 2024/04/12 06:48:20.968800 1 Pre 1 8 2 6.705e-06 0x10 0x1898403,0 LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.            
S240412ah XML 2024/04/12 05:36:26.567382 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.889e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.78 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412ah XML 2024/04/12 05:36:26.570312 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.889e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.80 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412ad XML 2024/04/12 03:31:44.998722 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.865e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412ad XML 2024/04/12 03:31:44.998722 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.865e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412r XML 2024/04/12 02:08:31.248290 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.778e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240412r XML 2024/04/12 02:08:31.247019 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.498e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411ap XML 2024/04/11 07:41:40.604613 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.515e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411ao XML 2024/04/11 07:38:31.512699 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.173e-05                 115.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411ap XML 2024/04/11 07:41:40.610542 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.515e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411ao XML 2024/04/11 07:38:31.512699 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.173e-05                 115.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411ad XML 2024/04/11 05:25:51.362110 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.123e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411ad XML 2024/04/11 05:25:51.362110 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.123e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411t XML 2024/04/11 04:10:35.886414 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.117e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.05 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411t XML 2024/04/11 04:10:35.888420 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.863e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411j XML 2024/04/11 02:45:44.567884 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.503e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411j XML 2024/04/11 02:45:44.567884 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.503e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411g XML 2024/04/11 02:33:21.560838 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.750e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.56 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240411g XML 2024/04/11 02:33:21.560838 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.750e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.56 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410ax XML 2024/04/10 21:00:00.937988 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.563e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410ax XML 2024/04/10 21:00:00.938477 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.563e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410as XML 2024/04/10 18:59:10.474000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.366e-05                 70.88 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410as XML 2024/04/10 18:59:10.474000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.366e-05                 70.88 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410al XML 2024/04/10 11:51:07.730500 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.443e-06                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410al XML 2024/04/10 11:51:07.730500 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.443e-06                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410z XML 2024/04/10 06:13:46.011941 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.100e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410z XML 2024/04/10 06:13:46.011941 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.100e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410c XML 2024/04/10 02:30:48.291870 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.781e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.01 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240410c XML 2024/04/10 02:30:48.294350 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.781e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.01 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409bd XML 2024/04/09 09:25:16.161000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.889e-06                 1160.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409bd XML 2024/04/09 09:25:16.161000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.889e-06                 1160.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409aa XML 2024/04/09 05:09:16.197265 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.845e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409aa XML 2024/04/09 05:09:16.216308 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.845e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409h XML 2024/04/09 00:49:22.650600 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.176e-05                 124.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409h XML 2024/04/09 00:49:22.650600 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.176e-05                 124.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409f XML 2024/04/09 00:39:07.555176 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.125e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.04 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240409f XML 2024/04/09 00:39:07.554915 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.453e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.04 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408bi XML 2024/04/08 14:10:33.751953 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.216e-05 0.61 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408bi XML 2024/04/08 14:10:33.752440 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.216e-05 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408at XML 2024/04/08 11:27:50.811523 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.476e-06 0.87 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408at XML 2024/04/08 11:27:50.811034 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.476e-06 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.10 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408r XML 2024/04/08 04:41:59.598511 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.012e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408r XML 2024/04/08 04:41:59.613025 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.868e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.02 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408q XML 2024/04/08 04:31:29.060099 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.598e-06                 646.19 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408q XML 2024/04/08 04:31:29.060099 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.598e-06                 646.19 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408o XML 2024/04/08 04:23:15.762207 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.944e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240408o XML 2024/04/08 04:23:15.757811 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.944e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407ch XML 2024/04/07 19:35:03.572265 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.462e-06 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407ch XML 2024/04/07 19:35:03.571776 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.462e-06 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407bq XML 2024/04/07 15:10:57.441214 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.996e-06 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407bq XML 2024/04/07 15:10:57.441214 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.996e-06 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407as XML 2024/04/07 09:55:33.178415 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.139e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407as XML 2024/04/07 09:55:33.178415 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.139e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407aq XML 2024/04/07 09:41:56.807498 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.692e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407aq XML 2024/04/07 09:41:56.807498 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.692e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407ag XML 2024/04/07 07:53:42.080078 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.290e-05 0.68 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407ag XML 2024/04/07 07:53:42.077148 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.290e-05 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407v XML 2024/04/07 06:14:16.000854 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.705e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.12         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407v XML 2024/04/07 06:14:16.000409 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.572e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407q XML 2024/04/07 04:46:51.230455 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.234e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407q XML 2024/04/07 04:46:51.230455 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.234e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407m XML 2024/04/07 04:09:38.385254 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.151e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240407m XML 2024/04/07 04:09:38.411037 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.673e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406bx XML 2024/04/06 16:29:09.563964 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.823e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.44 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406bw XML 2024/04/06 16:29:04.690106 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.999e-05 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406bx XML 2024/04/06 16:29:09.563964 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.823e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.53 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406bw XML 2024/04/06 16:29:04.690106 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.999e-05 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406bu XML 2024/04/06 15:44:26.977340 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.321e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406bu XML 2024/04/06 15:44:26.968393 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.321e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406ay XML 2024/04/06 08:57:40.334499 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.019e-05                 1172.64 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406ay XML 2024/04/06 08:57:40.334499 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.019e-05                 1172.64 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406ax XML 2024/04/06 08:27:58.193359 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.042e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406ax XML 2024/04/06 08:27:58.193359 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.042e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406ao XML 2024/04/06 06:52:01.887599 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.045e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406ao XML 2024/04/06 06:52:01.887599 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.045e-05 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406aj XML 2024/04/06 06:28:47.896816 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.562e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406aj XML 2024/04/06 06:28:47.896034 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.992e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406o XML 2024/04/06 02:43:11.732946 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.620e-06 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406o XML 2024/04/06 02:43:11.732946 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.620e-06 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406g XML 2024/04/06 01:15:46.838299 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.633e-06                 93.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406g XML 2024/04/06 01:15:46.838299 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.633e-06                 93.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406c XML 2024/04/06 00:57:09.296777 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.666e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240406c XML 2024/04/06 00:57:09.296962 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.771e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240405x XML 2024/04/05 05:47:12.065943 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.077e-05 1.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240405x XML 2024/04/05 05:47:12.065943 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.077e-05 1.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240405w XML 2024/04/05 05:27:52.709473 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.110e-06 1.00 0.70 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.96 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240405w XML 2024/04/05 05:27:52.708984 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.110e-06 1.00 0.83 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.91 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240405k XML 2024/04/05 03:33:04.820299 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.095e-06                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240405k XML 2024/04/05 03:33:04.820299 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.095e-06                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404aw XML 2024/04/04 23:51:02.069275 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.130e-06 1.00 0.72 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404aw XML 2024/04/04 23:51:02.069275 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.130e-06 1.00 0.72 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404as XML 2024/04/04 23:30:48.962345 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.115e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404as XML 2024/04/04 23:30:48.962345 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.115e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404al XML 2024/04/04 13:42:33.280473 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.486e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404al XML 2024/04/04 13:42:33.280473 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.486e-05 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404ah XML 2024/04/04 13:12:55.160200 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.112e-05                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404ah XML 2024/04/04 13:12:55.160200 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.112e-05                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404t XML 2024/04/04 12:02:12.916145 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.565e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.13 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404t XML 2024/04/04 12:02:12.916145 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.565e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.13 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404q XML 2024/04/04 11:23:41.460900 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.230e-05                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404q XML 2024/04/04 11:23:41.460900 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.230e-05                 -1.00 -1.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404g XML 2024/04/04 03:30:04.378845 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.206e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404g XML 2024/04/04 03:30:04.378308 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.206e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404b XML 2024/04/04 02:19:42.093206 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.263e-06 1.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240404b XML 2024/04/04 02:19:42.093206 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.263e-06 1.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116ac XML 2024/01/16 08:18:20.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.843e-05                 31.14 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116ac XML 2024/01/16 08:18:20.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.843e-05                 31.14 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116aa XML 2024/01/16 07:01:41.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.705e-06                 30.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116z XML 2024/01/16 07:01:14.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.928e-06                 31.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116aa XML 2024/01/16 07:01:41.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.705e-06                 30.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116z XML 2024/01/16 07:01:14.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.928e-06                 31.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116p XML 2024/01/16 04:23:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.366e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.11 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116o XML 2024/01/16 04:22:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.098e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116p XML 2024/01/16 04:23:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.350e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116o XML 2024/01/16 04:22:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.098e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116g XML 2024/01/16 02:15:07.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.742e-06                 35.99 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240116g XML 2024/01/16 02:15:07.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.742e-06                 35.99 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115ao XML 2024/01/15 21:08:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.365e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115ao XML 2024/01/15 21:08:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.365e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115ak XML 2024/01/15 20:08:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.287e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115ak XML 2024/01/15 20:08:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.287e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115x XML 2024/01/15 14:21:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.058e-06 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.28 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115x XML 2024/01/15 14:21:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.058e-06 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.28 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115q XML 2024/01/15 11:29:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.006e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115q XML 2024/01/15 11:29:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.006e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115n XML 2024/01/15 09:59:33.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.146e-05                 24.80 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115n XML 2024/01/15 09:59:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.146e-05                 24.80 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115k XML 2024/01/15 09:26:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.652e-06                 1165.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115k XML 2024/01/15 09:26:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.652e-06                 1165.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115f XML 2024/01/15 08:48:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.829e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240115f XML 2024/01/15 08:48:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114aj XML 2024/01/14 22:59:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.832e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114aj XML 2024/01/14 22:59:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.061e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114t XML 2024/01/14 17:31:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.339e-05 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114t XML 2024/01/14 17:31:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.339e-05 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114n XML 2024/01/14 15:32:18.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.203e-05                 1236.64 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114n XML 2024/01/14 15:32:18.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.203e-05                 1236.64 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114l XML 2024/01/14 13:56:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.660e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114l XML 2024/01/14 13:56:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.660e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114b XML 2024/01/14 09:53:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.397e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240114b XML 2024/01/14 09:53:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.397e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240112y XML 2024/01/12 13:02:33.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.804e-06                 234.48 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240112y XML 2024/01/12 13:02:33.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.804e-06                 234.48 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240112w XML 2024/01/12 12:59:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.364e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240112w XML 2024/01/12 12:59:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.364e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240112e XML 2024/01/12 01:05:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.578e-05                 38.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240112e XML 2024/01/12 01:05:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.578e-05                 38.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111bp XML 2024/01/11 23:44:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.952e-06                 22.45 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111bp XML 2024/01/11 23:44:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.952e-06                 22.45 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111bd XML 2024/01/11 21:31:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.957e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.14 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111bc XML 2024/01/11 21:27:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.310e-06 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.60 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111bd XML 2024/01/11 21:31:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.957e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.14 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111bc XML 2024/01/11 21:27:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.310e-06 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.60 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111ag XML 2024/01/11 16:09:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.323e-05                 332.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111ag XML 2024/01/11 16:09:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.323e-05                 332.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111l XML 2024/01/11 08:18:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.674e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.12 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111l XML 2024/01/11 08:18:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.674e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.12 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111k XML 2024/01/11 08:10:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.858e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240111k XML 2024/01/11 08:10:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.170e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240109a XML 2024/01/09 05:04:31.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.347e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240109a XML 2024/01/09 05:04:31.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.347e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240109a XML 2024/01/09 05:04:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.347e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240109a XML 2024/01/09 05:04:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.599e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240107b XML 2024/01/07 01:32:15.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 5.834e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240107g XML 2024/01/07 06:59:14.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.896e-05                 32.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240107g XML 2024/01/07 06:59:14.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.896e-05                 32.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240107b XML 2024/01/07 01:32:15.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.834e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240107b XML 2024/01/07 01:32:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.834e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240107b XML 2024/01/07 01:32:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.834e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104bl XML 2024/01/04 16:49:32.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.555e-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104bl XML 2024/01/04 16:49:32.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.555e-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104bl XML 2024/01/04 16:49:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.555e-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104bl XML 2024/01/04 16:49:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.811e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ao XML 2024/01/04 11:05:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.087e-06 0.70 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.24 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ao XML 2024/01/04 11:05:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.087e-06 0.70 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.24 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ah XML 2024/01/04 07:31:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.297e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ah XML 2024/01/04 07:31:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.297e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ae XML 2024/01/04 06:58:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.551e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ae XML 2024/01/04 06:58:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.551e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ab XML 2024/01/04 06:39:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.435e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.04 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240104ab XML 2024/01/04 06:39:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.435e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.04 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240103aa XML 2024/01/03 10:46:46.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.084e-05                 29.78 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240103aa XML 2024/01/03 10:46:46.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.084e-05                 29.78 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240102w XML 2024/01/02 22:49:07.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.078e-07                 1626.06 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240102w XML 2024/01/02 22:49:07.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.270e-06                 1602.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240101s XML 2024/01/01 06:13:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.770e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240101s XML 2024/01/01 06:13:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.574e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.03 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240101l XML 2024/01/01 03:58:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.008e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S240101l XML 2024/01/01 03:58:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.008e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231bh XML 2023/12/31 23:45:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.316e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231bh XML 2023/12/31 23:45:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.756e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231bg XML 2023/12/31 23:10:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.068e-06                 938.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231bg XML 2023/12/31 23:10:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.068e-06                 938.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ag XML 2023/12/31 15:40:16.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 8.354e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ba XML 2023/12/31 21:29:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.182e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ba XML 2023/12/31 21:29:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.182e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231aq XML 2023/12/31 18:18:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.687e-07                 101.10 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231aq XML 2023/12/31 18:18:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.687e-07                 101.10 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ah XML 2023/12/31 16:42:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.999e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ah XML 2023/12/31 16:42:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.988e-07 1.00 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.62 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ag XML 2023/12/31 15:40:16.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 8.354e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ag XML 2023/12/31 15:40:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.354e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231ag XML 2023/12/31 15:40:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.354e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231af XML 2023/12/31 12:01:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.990e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231af XML 2023/12/31 12:01:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.519e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231z XML 2023/12/31 10:55:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.294e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231z XML 2023/12/31 10:55:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.525e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231b XML 2023/12/31 00:23:08.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.071e-05                 1334.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231231b XML 2023/12/31 00:23:08.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.071e-05                 1334.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230bj XML 2023/12/30 23:20:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.461e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230bj XML 2023/12/30 23:20:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.461e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230az XML 2023/12/30 21:52:38.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.277e-05                 167.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230az XML 2023/12/30 21:52:38.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.277e-05                 167.56 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ax XML 2023/12/30 17:20:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.582e-05                 154.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ax XML 2023/12/30 17:20:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.582e-05                 154.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230as XML 2023/12/30 17:02:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.316e-06 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ar XML 2023/12/30 17:01:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.654e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230as XML 2023/12/30 17:02:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.316e-06 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ar XML 2023/12/30 17:01:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.475e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230aj XML 2023/12/30 15:55:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.840e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230aj XML 2023/12/30 15:55:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.840e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230af XML 2023/12/30 07:01:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.134e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230af XML 2023/12/30 07:01:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.134e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ae XML 2023/12/30 06:46:36.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.012e-06                 291.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ae XML 2023/12/30 06:46:36.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.012e-06                 291.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ab XML 2023/12/30 06:14:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.937e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230ab XML 2023/12/30 06:14:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.937e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230u XML 2023/12/30 04:22:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.297e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231230u XML 2023/12/30 04:22:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.297e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229cb XML 2023/12/29 23:59:45.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.118e-06                 29.29 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229cb XML 2023/12/29 23:59:45.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.118e-06                 29.29 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229bz XML 2023/12/29 23:34:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.205e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229bz XML 2023/12/29 23:34:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.205e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229bm XML 2023/12/29 20:47:49.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.193e-05                 325.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229bm XML 2023/12/29 20:47:49.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.193e-05                 325.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229bf XML 2023/12/29 19:33:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.666e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229bf XML 2023/12/29 19:33:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.666e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229am XML 2023/12/29 13:37:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.041e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229am XML 2023/12/29 13:37:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.041e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229ak XML 2023/12/29 12:57:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.288e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229ak XML 2023/12/29 12:57:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.288e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229w XML 2023/12/29 09:30:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.770e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229w XML 2023/12/29 09:30:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.770e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229k XML 2023/12/29 06:26:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.495e-06 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229k XML 2023/12/29 06:26:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.495e-06 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229c XML 2023/12/29 05:25:14.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.102e-05                 23.83 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229c XML 2023/12/29 05:25:14.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.102e-05                 23.83 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229b XML 2023/12/29 05:14:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.004e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231229b XML 2023/12/29 05:14:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.995e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231228a XML 2023/12/28 04:50:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.222e-05                 43.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231228a XML 2023/12/28 04:50:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.222e-05                 43.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227ba XML 2023/12/27 11:10:30.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.522e-05                 685.40 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227ba XML 2023/12/27 11:10:30.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.522e-05                 685.40 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227ay XML 2023/12/27 10:48:41.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.202e-05                 1088.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227ay XML 2023/12/27 10:48:41.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.202e-05                 1088.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227ao XML 2023/12/27 09:11:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.284e-05                 1640.39 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227ao XML 2023/12/27 09:11:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.284e-05                 1640.39 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227am XML 2023/12/27 08:49:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.535e-06                 616.49 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227am XML 2023/12/27 08:49:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.535e-06                 616.49 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227x XML 2023/12/27 06:03:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.347e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227x XML 2023/12/27 06:03:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.347e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227t XML 2023/12/27 05:28:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.087e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.43 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227t XML 2023/12/27 05:28:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.087e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.43 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227p XML 2023/12/27 03:34:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.571e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227p XML 2023/12/27 03:34:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.571e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227i XML 2023/12/27 02:03:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.831e-05 1.00 0.82 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227i XML 2023/12/27 02:03:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.831e-05 1.00 0.82 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227e XML 2023/12/27 01:11:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.277e-06 0.91 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227e XML 2023/12/27 01:11:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.277e-06 0.91 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227b XML 2023/12/27 00:26:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.838e-05                 86.63 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231227b XML 2023/12/27 00:26:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.838e-05                 86.63 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226cm XML 2023/12/26 22:42:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.349e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226cm XML 2023/12/26 22:42:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.349e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226ce XML 2023/12/26 19:23:18.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.948e-06                 1344.92 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226ce XML 2023/12/26 19:23:18.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.948e-06                 1344.92 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226bs XML 2023/12/26 17:58:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.067e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226bs XML 2023/12/26 17:58:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.067e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226av XML 2023/12/26 10:15:20.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.114e-50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226bm XML 2023/12/26 13:34:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.446e-05                 204.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226bm XML 2023/12/26 13:34:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.446e-05                 204.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226av XML 2023/12/26 10:15:20.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.114e-50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226av XML 2023/12/26 10:15:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.114e-50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226av XML 2023/12/26 10:15:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.114e-50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226z XML 2023/12/26 04:52:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.430e-05                 1607.05 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226z XML 2023/12/26 04:52:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.430e-05                 1607.05 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226r XML 2023/12/26 03:32:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.518e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226r XML 2023/12/26 03:32:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.796e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226f XML 2023/12/26 00:52:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.094e-05                 23.77 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231226f XML 2023/12/26 00:52:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.094e-05                 23.77 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231225c XML 2023/12/25 18:06:59.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.771e-06                 28.02 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231225c XML 2023/12/25 18:06:59.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.771e-06                 28.02 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231225a XML 2023/12/25 17:36:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.809e-05                 85.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231225a XML 2023/12/25 17:36:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.809e-05                 85.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224s XML 2023/12/24 07:55:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.764e-06 1.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224s XML 2023/12/24 07:55:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.764e-06 1.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224k XML 2023/12/24 05:58:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.607e-05 1.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224k XML 2023/12/24 05:58:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.607e-05 1.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224e XML 2023/12/24 02:43:21.000000 4 Upd 1 1 1 1.528e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224e XML 2023/12/24 02:43:21.000000 3 Ini 1 1 1 1.528e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224e XML 2023/12/24 02:43:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.528e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231224e XML 2023/12/24 02:43:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.456e-26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223j XML 2023/12/23 03:28:36.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.111e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bm XML 2023/12/23 22:15:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.559e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bm XML 2023/12/23 22:15:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.559e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bl XML 2023/12/23 21:56:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.919e-05                 1064.90 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bl XML 2023/12/23 21:56:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.919e-05                 1064.90 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bj XML 2023/12/23 21:30:44.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.027e-05                 20.81 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bj XML 2023/12/23 21:30:44.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.027e-05                 20.81 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bg XML 2023/12/23 20:26:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.623e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.01 0.31         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223bg XML 2023/12/23 20:26:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.623e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.03 0.31         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223ay XML 2023/12/23 13:07:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.960e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223ay XML 2023/12/23 13:07:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.960e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223ax XML 2023/12/23 12:54:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.078e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223ax XML 2023/12/23 12:54:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.078e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223as XML 2023/12/23 11:39:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.692e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.21 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223as XML 2023/12/23 11:39:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.692e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.21 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223ak XML 2023/12/23 09:24:21.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.097e-05                 46.71 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223ak XML 2023/12/23 09:24:21.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.097e-05                 46.71 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223aa XML 2023/12/23 07:50:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.011e-06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.16 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223aa XML 2023/12/23 07:50:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.164e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.23 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223y XML 2023/12/23 07:37:16.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.649e-05                 24.83 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223y XML 2023/12/23 07:37:16.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.649e-05                 24.83 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223j XML 2023/12/23 03:28:36.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.111e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223o XML 2023/12/23 04:25:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.134e-06                 45.10 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223o XML 2023/12/23 04:25:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.134e-06                 45.10 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223k XML 2023/12/23 03:43:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.760e-06                 1302.39 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223k XML 2023/12/23 03:43:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.760e-06                 1302.39 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223j XML 2023/12/23 03:28:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.111e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223j XML 2023/12/23 03:28:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.573e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223a XML 2023/12/23 00:35:33.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.949e-05                 229.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231223a XML 2023/12/23 00:35:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.949e-05                 229.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222bk XML 2023/12/22 23:41:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.737e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.05 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222bk XML 2023/12/22 23:41:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.164e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222bc XML 2023/12/22 17:59:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.257e-05 1.00 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222bb XML 2023/12/22 17:55:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.144e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222bc XML 2023/12/22 17:59:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.257e-05 1.00 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222bb XML 2023/12/22 17:55:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.144e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222ar XML 2023/12/22 16:03:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.245e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222ar XML 2023/12/22 16:03:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.245e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222aq XML 2023/12/22 15:48:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.036e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222aq XML 2023/12/22 15:48:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.036e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222ai XML 2023/12/22 14:35:33.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.483e-06                 122.94 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222ai XML 2023/12/22 14:35:33.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.483e-06                 122.94 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222ab XML 2023/12/22 13:26:31.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.685e-05                 55.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222ab XML 2023/12/22 13:26:31.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.685e-05                 55.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222i XML 2023/12/22 06:19:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.226e-05 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.06 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222i XML 2023/12/22 06:19:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.226e-05 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.06 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222a XML 2023/12/22 04:01:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.263e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231222a XML 2023/12/22 04:01:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.263e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221bj XML 2023/12/21 21:07:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.874e-05                 27.45 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221bj XML 2023/12/21 21:07:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.874e-05                 27.45 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ax XML 2023/12/21 13:50:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.643e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ax XML 2023/12/21 13:50:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.412e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ag XML 2023/12/21 07:36:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.703e-05                 810.46 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ag XML 2023/12/21 07:36:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.703e-05                 810.46 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ad XML 2023/12/21 07:20:02.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.057e-06                 82.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ae XML 2023/12/21 07:20:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.417e-06                 80.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ad XML 2023/12/21 07:20:02.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.057e-06                 82.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ae XML 2023/12/21 07:20:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.417e-06                 80.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ac XML 2023/12/21 07:09:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.397e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221ac XML 2023/12/21 07:09:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.397e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221s XML 2023/12/21 05:53:44.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.492e-05                 298.99 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221q XML 2023/12/21 05:51:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.972e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221s XML 2023/12/21 05:53:44.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.492e-05                 298.99 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221q XML 2023/12/21 05:51:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.972e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221k XML 2023/12/21 03:49:02.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.933e-06                 31.74 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221k XML 2023/12/21 03:49:02.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.933e-06                 31.74 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221e XML 2023/12/21 02:49:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.355e-05                 71.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231221e XML 2023/12/21 02:49:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.355e-05                 71.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ba XML 2023/12/20 17:55:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.132e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ba XML 2023/12/20 17:55:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.132e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ay XML 2023/12/20 17:34:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.433e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ay XML 2023/12/20 17:34:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.159e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220av XML 2023/12/20 17:07:56.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.046e-05                 27.43 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220au XML 2023/12/20 17:06:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.520e-06                 1224.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220av XML 2023/12/20 17:07:56.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.046e-05                 27.43 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220au XML 2023/12/20 17:06:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.520e-06                 1224.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ah XML 2023/12/20 10:35:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.222e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ah XML 2023/12/20 10:35:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.222e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ae XML 2023/12/20 08:52:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.653e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.06 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220ae XML 2023/12/20 08:52:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.653e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.06 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220aa XML 2023/12/20 07:24:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.550e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220aa XML 2023/12/20 07:24:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.550e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220z XML 2023/12/20 07:11:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.386e-05                 1190.05 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231220z XML 2023/12/20 07:11:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.386e-05                 1190.05 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217l XML 2023/12/17 19:29:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.192e-05                 115.63 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217l XML 2023/12/17 19:29:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.192e-05                 115.63 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217g XML 2023/12/17 06:09:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.115e-05                 43.40 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217g XML 2023/12/17 06:09:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.115e-05                 43.40 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217f XML 2023/12/17 01:19:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.700e-05 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217f XML 2023/12/17 01:19:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.700e-05 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217c XML 2023/12/17 00:37:04.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.688e-05                 55.06 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231217c XML 2023/12/17 00:37:04.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.688e-05                 55.06 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216ch XML 2023/12/16 21:33:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.526e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216ch XML 2023/12/16 21:33:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.526e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216cc XML 2023/12/16 16:46:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.643e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216cc XML 2023/12/16 16:46:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.643e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216by XML 2023/12/16 16:00:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.237e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216by XML 2023/12/16 16:00:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.237e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216bn XML 2023/12/16 13:48:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.751e-05                 26.26 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216bn XML 2023/12/16 13:48:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.751e-05                 26.26 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216bh XML 2023/12/16 12:52:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.463e-05                 1171.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216bh XML 2023/12/16 12:52:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.463e-05                 1171.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216aj XML 2023/12/16 06:31:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.45 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216aj XML 2023/12/16 06:31:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.45 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216ae XML 2023/12/16 05:17:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-05                 22.33 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216ae XML 2023/12/16 05:17:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.541e-05                 22.33 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216l XML 2023/12/16 02:03:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.123e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231216l XML 2023/12/16 02:03:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.123e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215ai XML 2023/12/15 18:42:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.214e-05 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215ah XML 2023/12/15 18:39:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.406e-05                 29.01 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215ai XML 2023/12/15 18:42:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.214e-05 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215ah XML 2023/12/15 18:39:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.406e-05                 29.01 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215i XML 2023/12/15 02:30:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.488e-05 1.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215i XML 2023/12/15 02:30:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.488e-05 1.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215b XML 2023/12/15 00:37:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.526e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.23 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231215b XML 2023/12/15 00:37:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.526e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.23 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231214ar XML 2023/12/14 17:59:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.000e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231214ar XML 2023/12/14 17:59:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.000e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231214aq XML 2023/12/14 17:31:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.754e-06 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231214aq XML 2023/12/14 17:31:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.754e-06 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231214am XML 2023/12/14 16:59:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.789e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231214am XML 2023/12/14 16:59:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.789e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231213ap XML 2023/12/13 11:14:17.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231213ap XML 2023/12/13 11:14:17.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231213av XML 2023/12/13 12:46:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.584e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231213av XML 2023/12/13 12:46:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.584e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231213ap XML 2023/12/13 11:14:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231213ap XML 2023/12/13 11:14:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.336e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231212f XML 2023/12/12 07:11:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.618e-06 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.03 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231212f XML 2023/12/12 07:11:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.618e-06 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.03 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206ca XML 2023/12/06 23:31:34.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206cc XML 2023/12/06 23:39:01.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.932e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207ag XML 2023/12/07 08:56:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.311e-05 0.91 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.94 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207ag XML 2023/12/07 08:56:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.311e-05 0.91 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.94 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207w XML 2023/12/07 06:14:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.305e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207w XML 2023/12/07 06:14:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.305e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207m XML 2023/12/07 02:22:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.474e-05                 187.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207m XML 2023/12/07 02:22:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.474e-05                 187.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207l XML 2023/12/07 02:03:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.185e-05                 144.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207l XML 2023/12/07 02:03:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.185e-05                 144.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207j XML 2023/12/07 02:01:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.530e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207j XML 2023/12/07 02:01:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.530e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207f XML 2023/12/07 01:18:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.215e-05 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207f XML 2023/12/07 01:18:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.215e-05 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206cc XML 2023/12/06 23:39:01.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.932e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207a XML 2023/12/07 00:07:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.281e-07                 331.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231207a XML 2023/12/07 00:07:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.281e-07                 331.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206ca XML 2023/12/06 23:31:34.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206cc XML 2023/12/06 23:39:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.932e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206cc XML 2023/12/06 23:39:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.932e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206ca XML 2023/12/06 23:31:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206ca XML 2023/12/06 23:31:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.286e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206bf XML 2023/12/06 13:52:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.479e-06                 22.55 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206bf XML 2023/12/06 13:52:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.479e-06                 22.55 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206aa XML 2023/12/06 07:16:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.437e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206aa XML 2023/12/06 07:16:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.437e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206y XML 2023/12/06 06:41:29.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.766e-06                 1192.84 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206y XML 2023/12/06 06:41:29.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.766e-06                 1192.84 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206c XML 2023/12/06 01:06:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.667e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231206c XML 2023/12/06 01:06:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.667e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205ah XML 2023/12/05 11:52:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.204e-05 1.00 0.58 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205ah XML 2023/12/05 11:52:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.204e-05 1.00 0.58 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205ac XML 2023/12/05 10:39:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.166e-06 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205ac XML 2023/12/05 10:39:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.166e-06 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205x XML 2023/12/05 06:58:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.894e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205x XML 2023/12/05 06:58:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.894e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205v XML 2023/12/05 06:36:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.117e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205v XML 2023/12/05 06:36:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.117e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205h XML 2023/12/05 04:00:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.182e-05                 1413.36 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205h XML 2023/12/05 04:00:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.182e-05                 1413.36 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205c XML 2023/12/05 00:57:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.287e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231205c XML 2023/12/05 00:57:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.287e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204cd XML 2023/12/04 17:25:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.577e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.03 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204cc XML 2023/12/04 17:22:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.219e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204cd XML 2023/12/04 17:25:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.388e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.04 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204cc XML 2023/12/04 17:22:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.219e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204cb XML 2023/12/04 17:11:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.910e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204cb XML 2023/12/04 17:11:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.910e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204bz XML 2023/12/04 16:24:21.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.374e-07                 58.24 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204bz XML 2023/12/04 16:24:21.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.272e-07                 57.67 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204be XML 2023/12/04 12:30:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.383e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204be XML 2023/12/04 12:30:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.383e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204az XML 2023/12/04 10:04:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.833e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204az XML 2023/12/04 10:04:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.833e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204at XML 2023/12/04 09:06:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.234e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.04 0.36         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204at XML 2023/12/04 09:06:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.788e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.04 0.10         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204an XML 2023/12/04 08:15:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.804e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.56 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204an XML 2023/12/04 08:15:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.804e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.56 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204ak XML 2023/12/04 07:49:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.178e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204ak XML 2023/12/04 07:49:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.178e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204p XML 2023/12/04 03:31:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.836e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.04 0.45         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204p XML 2023/12/04 03:31:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.439e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.04 0.31         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204n XML 2023/12/04 03:15:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.662e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204n XML 2023/12/04 03:15:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.662e-05 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204k XML 2023/12/04 03:09:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.889e-06                 56.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204k XML 2023/12/04 03:09:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.889e-06                 56.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204d XML 2023/12/04 02:21:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.512e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231204d XML 2023/12/04 02:21:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.512e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129ac XML 2023/11/29 08:17:45.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.765e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129ac XML 2023/11/29 08:17:45.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.765e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129ac XML 2023/11/29 08:17:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.765e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129ac XML 2023/11/29 08:17:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.539e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.01 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129u XML 2023/11/29 07:02:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.109e-05                 37.26 0.24   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129u XML 2023/11/29 07:02:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.109e-05                 37.26 0.24   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129o XML 2023/11/29 04:15:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.424e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129o XML 2023/11/29 04:15:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.424e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129k XML 2023/11/29 03:16:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.502e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129k XML 2023/11/29 03:16:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.502e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129e XML 2023/11/29 01:00:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.503e-06 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.02 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129d XML 2023/11/29 00:57:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.648e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129e XML 2023/11/29 01:00:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.503e-06 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.02 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231129d XML 2023/11/29 00:57:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.648e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127cg XML 2023/11/27 16:53:00.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 5.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128al XML 2023/11/28 14:31:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.531e-07                 125.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128al XML 2023/11/28 14:31:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.531e-07                 125.05 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128ab XML 2023/11/28 12:59:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.125e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128ab XML 2023/11/28 12:59:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.125e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128z XML 2023/11/28 12:33:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.815e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128z XML 2023/11/28 12:33:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.815e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128j XML 2023/11/28 04:10:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.239e-05                 304.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128j XML 2023/11/28 04:10:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.239e-05                 304.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128i XML 2023/11/28 03:48:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.272e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128h XML 2023/11/28 03:48:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.637e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128i XML 2023/11/28 03:48:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.272e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128h XML 2023/11/28 03:48:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.637e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128a XML 2023/11/28 02:26:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.349e-06 0.69 0.16 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.40 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231128a XML 2023/11/28 02:26:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.349e-06 0.69 0.16 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.40 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127dc XML 2023/11/27 21:56:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.084e-05                 302.12 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127dc XML 2023/11/27 21:56:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.084e-05                 302.12 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127cp XML 2023/11/27 18:42:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.094e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127cp XML 2023/11/27 18:42:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.094e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127cg XML 2023/11/27 16:53:00.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127cg XML 2023/11/27 16:53:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127cg XML 2023/11/27 16:53:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.110e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127br XML 2023/11/27 14:59:51.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.173e-06                 606.79 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127br XML 2023/11/27 14:59:51.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.173e-06                 606.79 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127bo XML 2023/11/27 14:25:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.002e-05                 35.50 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127bo XML 2023/11/27 14:25:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.002e-05                 35.50 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127ax XML 2023/11/27 11:03:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.362e-06 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127ax XML 2023/11/27 11:03:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.362e-06 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127aj XML 2023/11/27 06:36:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.226e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127aj XML 2023/11/27 06:36:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.226e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127ag XML 2023/11/27 06:15:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.060e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.04 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127ag XML 2023/11/27 06:15:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.060e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.04 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127a XML 2023/11/27 00:04:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.295e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231127a XML 2023/11/27 00:04:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.295e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126cp XML 2023/11/26 23:28:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.293e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.08 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126cp XML 2023/11/26 23:28:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.293e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.08 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126ce XML 2023/11/26 20:23:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.245e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126ce XML 2023/11/26 20:23:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.245e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126av XML 2023/11/26 11:28:40.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.226e-05                 157.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126av XML 2023/11/26 11:28:40.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.226e-05                 157.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126ab XML 2023/11/26 07:23:59.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.672e-05                 441.25 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126ab XML 2023/11/26 07:23:59.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.672e-05                 441.25 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126aa XML 2023/11/26 06:44:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.226e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126aa XML 2023/11/26 06:44:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.226e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126x XML 2023/11/26 06:19:42.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.198e-06                 1143.66 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126x XML 2023/11/26 06:19:42.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.198e-06                 1143.66 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126p XML 2023/11/26 03:47:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.075e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126p XML 2023/11/26 03:47:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.075e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126c XML 2023/11/26 01:09:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.250e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231126c XML 2023/11/26 01:09:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.196e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125bo XML 2023/11/25 16:06:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.776e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.38 0.33         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125bo XML 2023/11/25 16:06:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.776e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.38 0.33         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125bm XML 2023/11/25 15:22:33.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.161e-05                 24.84 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125bm XML 2023/11/25 15:22:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.161e-05                 24.84 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125bf XML 2023/11/25 12:59:48.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.899e-06                 57.23 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125be XML 2023/11/25 12:59:48.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.090e-06                 57.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125bf XML 2023/11/25 12:59:48.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.899e-06                 57.23 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231125be XML 2023/11/25 12:59:48.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.090e-06                 57.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118an XML 2023/11/18 09:06:02.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 7.477e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.21 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124am XML 2023/11/24 05:43:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.859e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124am XML 2023/11/24 05:43:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.859e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124z XML 2023/11/24 02:49:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.008e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.03 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124z XML 2023/11/24 02:49:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.143e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.03 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124u XML 2023/11/24 02:26:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.127e-05 0.91 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124u XML 2023/11/24 02:26:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.127e-05 0.91 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124r XML 2023/11/24 02:01:31.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.445e-05                 55.96 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124r XML 2023/11/24 02:01:31.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.445e-05                 55.96 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124m XML 2023/11/24 01:07:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.158e-05 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.11 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124m XML 2023/11/24 01:07:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.158e-05 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.11 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124l XML 2023/11/24 01:02:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.553e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124l XML 2023/11/24 01:02:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.553e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124h XML 2023/11/24 00:43:52.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.419e-06                 181.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231124h XML 2023/11/24 00:43:52.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.419e-06                 181.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123fc XML 2023/11/23 23:47:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.270e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123fc XML 2023/11/23 23:47:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.270e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ew XML 2023/11/23 22:37:40.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.119e-05                 48.96 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ew XML 2023/11/23 22:37:40.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.119e-05                 48.96 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ej XML 2023/11/23 20:05:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.035e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.04 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ej XML 2023/11/23 20:05:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.670e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123dz XML 2023/11/23 19:14:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.833e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123dz XML 2023/11/23 19:14:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.833e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123dp XML 2023/11/23 17:45:49.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.653e-06                 84.85 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123dp XML 2023/11/23 17:45:49.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.653e-06                 84.85 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123dh XML 2023/11/23 16:20:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.393e-05                 71.09 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123dh XML 2023/11/23 16:20:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.393e-05                 71.09 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cg XML 2023/11/23 13:54:30.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cu XML 2023/11/23 14:46:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.717e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cu XML 2023/11/23 14:46:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.717e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cm XML 2023/11/23 14:30:56.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.117e-05                 95.30 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cm XML 2023/11/23 14:30:56.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.117e-05                 95.30 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ch XML 2023/11/23 14:09:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.662e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ch XML 2023/11/23 14:09:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.662e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cg XML 2023/11/23 13:54:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cf XML 2023/11/23 13:54:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.814e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cg XML 2023/11/23 13:54:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cf XML 2023/11/23 13:54:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.814e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cb XML 2023/11/23 13:26:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.634e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ca XML 2023/11/23 13:21:59.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.136e-06                 56.61 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bz XML 2023/11/23 13:21:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.262e-05                 56.15 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123cb XML 2023/11/23 13:26:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.634e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ca XML 2023/11/23 13:21:59.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.136e-06                 56.61 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bz XML 2023/11/23 13:21:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.262e-05                 56.15 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123by XML 2023/11/23 13:15:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.054e-05                 92.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123by XML 2023/11/23 13:15:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.054e-05                 92.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bs XML 2023/11/23 13:04:08.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.406e-06                 48.83 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bs XML 2023/11/23 13:04:08.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.406e-06                 48.83 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bj XML 2023/11/23 12:39:48.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.126e-06                 101.19 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bj XML 2023/11/23 12:39:48.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.126e-06                 101.19 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bg XML 2023/11/23 12:19:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.927e-06                 159.71 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bg XML 2023/11/23 12:19:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.927e-06                 159.71 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bd XML 2023/11/23 11:53:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.123e-05                 20.71 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123bd XML 2023/11/23 11:53:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.123e-05                 20.71 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ba XML 2023/11/23 11:29:09.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.014e-06                 150.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123az XML 2023/11/23 11:25:40.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.870e-05                 81.32 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ba XML 2023/11/23 11:29:09.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.014e-06                 150.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123az XML 2023/11/23 11:25:40.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.870e-05                 81.32 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ar XML 2023/11/23 09:41:41.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.331e-06                 83.55 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123aq XML 2023/11/23 09:41:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.110e-06                 78.43 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ar XML 2023/11/23 09:41:41.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.432e-05                 80.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123aq XML 2023/11/23 09:41:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.110e-06                 78.43 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ae XML 2023/11/23 08:23:08.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.912e-05                 109.03 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ae XML 2023/11/23 08:23:08.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.912e-05                 109.03 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ab XML 2023/11/23 07:43:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.046e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123ab XML 2023/11/23 07:43:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.046e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123x XML 2023/11/23 07:31:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.117e-05                 53.37 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123x XML 2023/11/23 07:31:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.117e-05                 53.37 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123t XML 2023/11/23 07:24:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.032e-05                 68.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123t XML 2023/11/23 07:24:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.032e-05                 68.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123k XML 2023/11/23 06:09:56.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.139e-05                 1288.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123k XML 2023/11/23 06:09:56.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.139e-05                 1288.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123a XML 2023/11/23 02:16:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.399e-05                 21.55 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231123a XML 2023/11/23 02:16:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.399e-05                 21.55 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231121s XML 2023/11/21 03:36:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.638e-06 1.00 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231121s XML 2023/11/21 03:36:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.638e-06 1.00 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231121p XML 2023/11/21 03:14:00.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.037e-05                 23.85 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231121p XML 2023/11/21 03:14:00.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.037e-05                 23.85 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231121h XML 2023/11/21 01:06:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.888e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231121h XML 2023/11/21 01:06:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.888e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120bg XML 2023/11/20 23:38:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.247e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.06 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120bg XML 2023/11/20 23:38:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.247e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.06 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120bf XML 2023/11/20 23:19:53.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.553e-06                 100.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120bf XML 2023/11/20 23:19:53.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.553e-06                 100.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120aw XML 2023/11/20 22:00:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.768e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120aw XML 2023/11/20 22:00:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.956e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119u XML 2023/11/19 07:52:48.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.432e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118ab XML 2023/11/18 07:14:02.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 1.895e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118d XML 2023/11/18 00:56:26.000000 5 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118d XML 2023/11/18 00:56:26.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ao XML 2023/11/20 11:09:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.097e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ao XML 2023/11/20 11:09:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.097e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ak XML 2023/11/20 10:28:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.750e-05                 650.06 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ak XML 2023/11/20 10:28:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.750e-05                 650.06 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ac XML 2023/11/20 08:56:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.024e-06                 26.02 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ac XML 2023/11/20 08:56:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.024e-06                 26.02 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ab XML 2023/11/20 08:29:38.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.372e-06                 46.05 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120ab XML 2023/11/20 08:29:38.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.372e-06                 46.05 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120y XML 2023/11/20 05:45:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.589e-05                 277.47 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120y XML 2023/11/20 05:45:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.589e-05                 277.47 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120l XML 2023/11/20 03:40:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.314e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120l XML 2023/11/20 03:40:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.314e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120h XML 2023/11/20 03:13:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.101e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120h XML 2023/11/20 03:13:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.101e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120e XML 2023/11/20 02:21:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.356e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120e XML 2023/11/20 02:21:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.356e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120d XML 2023/11/20 02:12:48.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.466e-05                 296.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231120d XML 2023/11/20 02:12:48.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.927e-05                 298.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119as XML 2023/11/19 13:38:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.812e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119as XML 2023/11/19 13:38:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.812e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119ao XML 2023/11/19 13:29:54.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.254e-05                 1552.63 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119ao XML 2023/11/19 13:29:54.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.254e-05                 1552.63 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119ab XML 2023/11/19 09:38:50.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.909e-07                 1301.37 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119ab XML 2023/11/19 09:38:50.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.909e-07                 1301.37 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119u XML 2023/11/19 07:52:48.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.432e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119u XML 2023/11/19 07:52:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.432e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119u XML 2023/11/19 07:52:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.432e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119p XML 2023/11/19 06:52:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.429e-05                 933.47 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231119p XML 2023/11/19 06:52:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.429e-05                 933.47 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118au XML 2023/11/18 18:51:10.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.854e-07                 1302.37 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118au XML 2023/11/18 18:51:10.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.854e-07                 1302.37 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118at XML 2023/11/18 18:36:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.299e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118at XML 2023/11/18 18:36:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.299e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118an XML 2023/11/18 09:06:02.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 7.477e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.02 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118ao XML 2023/11/18 09:05:53.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.054e-05                 771.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118an XML 2023/11/18 09:06:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.477e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.02 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118ao XML 2023/11/18 09:05:53.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.054e-05                 771.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118an XML 2023/11/18 09:06:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.477e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.02 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118ab XML 2023/11/18 07:14:02.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 1.895e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118ab XML 2023/11/18 07:14:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.895e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118ab XML 2023/11/18 07:14:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.895e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118y XML 2023/11/18 06:39:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.552e-05                 228.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118y XML 2023/11/18 06:39:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.552e-05                 228.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118i XML 2023/11/18 02:15:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.278e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118i XML 2023/11/18 02:15:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.278e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118h XML 2023/11/18 01:31:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.423e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118g XML 2023/11/18 01:27:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.836e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118h XML 2023/11/18 01:31:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.423e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118g XML 2023/11/18 01:27:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.836e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118d XML 2023/11/18 00:56:26.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118d XML 2023/11/18 00:56:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118d XML 2023/11/18 00:56:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.317e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118b XML 2023/11/18 00:12:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.142e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231118b XML 2023/11/18 00:12:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.142e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ba XML 2023/11/17 17:42:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.936e-06 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.78 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ba XML 2023/11/17 17:42:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.936e-06 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.78 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ax XML 2023/11/17 16:54:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.052e-06 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.56 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ax XML 2023/11/17 16:54:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.052e-06 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.56 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ao XML 2023/11/17 14:22:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.089e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ao XML 2023/11/17 14:22:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.089e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ad XML 2023/11/17 12:34:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.057e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117ad XML 2023/11/17 12:34:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.954e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117y XML 2023/11/17 07:48:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.884e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117y XML 2023/11/17 07:48:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.884e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117o XML 2023/11/17 05:54:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.296e-06 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231117o XML 2023/11/17 05:54:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.296e-06 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bw XML 2023/11/13 20:04:17.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.362e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.02 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114n XML 2023/11/14 04:32:11.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114aq XML 2023/11/14 11:45:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.580e-06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.29 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114aq XML 2023/11/14 11:45:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.580e-06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.29 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114y XML 2023/11/14 06:14:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.159e-05                 96.06 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114y XML 2023/11/14 06:14:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.159e-05                 96.06 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114u XML 2023/11/14 05:34:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.096e-05                 157.43 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114u XML 2023/11/14 05:34:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.096e-05                 157.43 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114n XML 2023/11/14 04:32:11.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114n XML 2023/11/14 04:32:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114n XML 2023/11/14 04:32:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.058e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114i XML 2023/11/14 03:12:34.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.065e-05                 562.91 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114i XML 2023/11/14 03:12:34.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.065e-05                 562.91 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114e XML 2023/11/14 01:44:53.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.073e-06                 51.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231114e XML 2023/11/14 01:44:53.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.073e-06                 51.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113cf XML 2023/11/13 23:53:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.269e-05                 46.10 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113cf XML 2023/11/13 23:53:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.269e-05                 46.10 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113ce XML 2023/11/13 23:30:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.258e-06 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.29 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113ce XML 2023/11/13 23:30:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.258e-06 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.29 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bb XML 2023/11/13 12:26:23.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 5.598e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113cd XML 2023/11/13 22:12:17.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.666e-07                 1012.70 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113cd XML 2023/11/13 22:12:17.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.666e-07                 1012.70 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bz XML 2023/11/13 20:48:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.232e-06                 152.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bz XML 2023/11/13 20:48:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.232e-06                 152.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bw XML 2023/11/13 20:04:17.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.362e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.79 0.06 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bw XML 2023/11/13 20:04:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.362e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.79 0.06 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bw XML 2023/11/13 20:04:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.362e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.79 0.06 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bs XML 2023/11/13 18:56:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.586e-07 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bs XML 2023/11/13 18:56:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.586e-07 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bo XML 2023/11/13 15:33:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.046e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bo XML 2023/11/13 15:33:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.046e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bm XML 2023/11/13 15:00:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.374e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.04 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bm XML 2023/11/13 15:00:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.203e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.04 0.15         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bb XML 2023/11/13 12:26:23.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 5.598e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bi XML 2023/11/13 14:15:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.232e-05                 28.22 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bi XML 2023/11/13 14:15:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.232e-05                 28.22 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bb XML 2023/11/13 12:26:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.598e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113bb XML 2023/11/13 12:26:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.598e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113az XML 2023/11/13 11:28:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.571e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.03 0.43         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113az XML 2023/11/13 11:28:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.140e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.04 0.38         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113at XML 2023/11/13 10:47:28.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.206e-05                 26.68 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113at XML 2023/11/13 10:47:28.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.206e-05                 26.68 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113ao XML 2023/11/13 09:42:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.921e-05                 23.07 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113ao XML 2023/11/13 09:42:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.921e-05                 23.07 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113af XML 2023/11/13 07:32:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.358e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113af XML 2023/11/13 07:32:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.358e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113ac XML 2023/11/13 06:48:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.441e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113ac XML 2023/11/13 06:48:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.441e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113aa XML 2023/11/13 06:20:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.617e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113z XML 2023/11/13 06:15:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.235e-05                 1163.17 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113aa XML 2023/11/13 06:20:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.605e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113z XML 2023/11/13 06:15:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.235e-05                 1163.17 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113y XML 2023/11/13 05:47:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.046e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113y XML 2023/11/13 05:47:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.199e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.04 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113v XML 2023/11/13 05:08:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.262e-05                 26.68 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113v XML 2023/11/13 05:08:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.262e-05                 26.68 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113o XML 2023/11/13 02:39:34.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.892e-06                 52.34 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113o XML 2023/11/13 02:39:34.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.892e-06                 52.34 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113n XML 2023/11/13 02:30:25.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.739e-06                 58.24 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113m XML 2023/11/13 02:30:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.356e-06                 55.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113n XML 2023/11/13 02:30:25.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.739e-06                 58.24 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113m XML 2023/11/13 02:30:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.356e-06                 55.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113h XML 2023/11/13 01:45:34.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.308e-05                 26.98 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113h XML 2023/11/13 01:45:34.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.308e-05                 26.98 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113e XML 2023/11/13 00:56:07.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.473e-06                 32.22 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113e XML 2023/11/13 00:56:07.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.473e-06                 32.22 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113c XML 2023/11/13 00:38:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.121e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231113c XML 2023/11/13 00:38:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.121e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112bi XML 2023/11/12 21:46:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.675e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112bh XML 2023/11/12 21:43:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.880e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112bi XML 2023/11/12 21:46:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.675e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112bh XML 2023/11/12 21:43:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.880e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112ba XML 2023/11/12 19:42:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.418e-05                 406.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112ba XML 2023/11/12 19:42:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.418e-05                 406.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112aw XML 2023/11/12 18:05:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.452e-06 0.99 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112aw XML 2023/11/12 18:05:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.452e-06 0.99 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112as XML 2023/11/12 16:03:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.750e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.10 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112as XML 2023/11/12 16:03:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.750e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.10 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112am XML 2023/11/12 13:32:25.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.203e-05                 27.94 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112am XML 2023/11/12 13:32:25.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.203e-05                 27.94 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112ag XML 2023/11/12 11:02:03.000000 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S231112al XML 2023/11/12 12:56:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.366e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112al XML 2023/11/12 12:56:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.366e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112ag XML 2023/11/12 11:02:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112ag XML 2023/11/12 11:02:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.061e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112z XML 2023/11/12 09:01:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.145e-07 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.66 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112z XML 2023/11/12 09:01:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.145e-07 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.66 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112v XML 2023/11/12 08:24:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.285e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112v XML 2023/11/12 08:24:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.285e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112j XML 2023/11/12 05:14:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.660e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112j XML 2023/11/12 05:14:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.660e-06 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112i XML 2023/11/12 05:06:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.228e-06                 69.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112i XML 2023/11/12 05:06:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.228e-06                 69.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112d XML 2023/11/12 04:35:21.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.474e-06                 39.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231112d XML 2023/11/12 04:35:21.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.474e-06                 39.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111bm XML 2023/11/11 23:30:03.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.237e-05                 624.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111bm XML 2023/11/11 23:30:03.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.237e-05                 624.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111ay XML 2023/11/11 20:05:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.618e-06 0.88 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111ay XML 2023/11/11 20:05:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.618e-06 0.88 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111av XML 2023/11/11 19:30:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.336e-05                 57.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111av XML 2023/11/11 19:30:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.336e-05                 57.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111as XML 2023/11/11 19:00:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.704e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111as XML 2023/11/11 19:00:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.704e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111aq XML 2023/11/11 18:45:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.136e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111aq XML 2023/11/11 18:45:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.136e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111am XML 2023/11/11 17:09:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.761e-06 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111am XML 2023/11/11 17:09:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.761e-06 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111ak XML 2023/11/11 16:08:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.934e-06 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111ak XML 2023/11/11 16:08:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.934e-06 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111aj XML 2023/11/11 15:59:22.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.302e-05                 121.41 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111aj XML 2023/11/11 15:59:22.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.302e-05                 121.41 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111ae XML 2023/11/11 10:50:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.051e-05                 84.71 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111af XML 2023/11/11 10:50:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.013e-05                 1207.46 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111ae XML 2023/11/11 10:50:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.051e-05                 84.71 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111af XML 2023/11/11 10:50:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.013e-05                 1207.46 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111z XML 2023/11/11 10:03:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.566e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.33 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231111z XML 2023/11/11 10:03:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.566e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.33 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110bc XML 2023/11/10 19:47:47.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.523e-06                 177.30 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110bb XML 2023/11/10 19:47:47.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.017e-05                 99.08 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110bc XML 2023/11/10 19:47:47.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.523e-06                 177.30 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110bb XML 2023/11/10 19:47:47.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.017e-05                 99.08 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110az XML 2023/11/10 17:17:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.874e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.04 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110az XML 2023/11/10 17:17:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.874e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.04 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110g XML 2023/11/10 04:03:20.000000 5 Upd 1 1 5 1.929e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110au XML 2023/11/10 15:43:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.311e-05 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110au XML 2023/11/10 15:43:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.311e-05 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110g XML 2023/11/10 04:03:20.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 1.929e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110am XML 2023/11/10 12:37:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.996e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110am XML 2023/11/10 12:37:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.295e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110al XML 2023/11/10 12:29:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.789e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.01 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110al XML 2023/11/10 12:29:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.789e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.01 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110g XML 2023/11/10 04:03:20.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 1.929e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110g XML 2023/11/10 04:03:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.929e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110g XML 2023/11/10 04:03:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.929e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110b XML 2023/11/10 00:12:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.549e-06                 22.48 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110b XML 2023/11/10 00:12:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.549e-06                 22.48 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110a XML 2023/11/10 00:03:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.167e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231110a XML 2023/11/10 00:03:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.167e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ci XML 2023/11/09 23:54:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.308e-07 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ch XML 2023/11/09 23:54:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.099e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.17 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ci XML 2023/11/09 23:54:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.308e-07 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ch XML 2023/11/09 23:54:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.510e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109cb XML 2023/11/09 21:55:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.318e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109cb XML 2023/11/09 21:55:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.318e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109br XML 2023/11/09 20:28:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.584e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109br XML 2023/11/09 20:28:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.584e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bp XML 2023/11/09 19:33:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.627e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bp XML 2023/11/09 19:33:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.935e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bo XML 2023/11/09 19:19:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.256e-06 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.05 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bo XML 2023/11/09 19:19:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.256e-06 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.05 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bj XML 2023/11/09 18:12:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.046e-05 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.37 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bj XML 2023/11/09 18:12:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.046e-05 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.37 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bh XML 2023/11/09 17:54:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.153e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.04 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109bh XML 2023/11/09 17:54:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.153e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.04 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108u XML 2023/11/08 12:51:42.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ba XML 2023/11/09 15:52:02.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.832e-05                 31.60 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ba XML 2023/11/09 15:52:02.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.832e-05                 31.60 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109av XML 2023/11/09 14:54:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.775e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109av XML 2023/11/09 14:54:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.775e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109as XML 2023/11/09 14:25:46.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.390e-05                 976.13 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109as XML 2023/11/09 14:25:46.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.390e-05                 976.13 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ap XML 2023/11/09 14:09:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.890e-06 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ap XML 2023/11/09 14:09:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.890e-06 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ab XML 2023/11/09 09:45:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.053e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109ab XML 2023/11/09 09:45:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.053e-05 1.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109y XML 2023/11/09 08:38:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.221e-05 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.46 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109y XML 2023/11/09 08:38:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.221e-05 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.46 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109p XML 2023/11/09 05:29:01.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.791e-06                 25.36 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109p XML 2023/11/09 05:29:01.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.791e-06                 25.36 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109o XML 2023/11/09 05:00:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.381e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109o XML 2023/11/09 05:00:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.381e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109b XML 2023/11/09 01:35:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.771e-05                 59.92 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231109b XML 2023/11/09 01:35:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.771e-05                 59.92 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108ab XML 2023/11/08 19:57:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.320e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108aa XML 2023/11/08 19:56:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.266e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108ab XML 2023/11/08 19:57:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.320e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108aa XML 2023/11/08 19:56:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.266e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108x XML 2023/11/08 18:08:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.498e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108x XML 2023/11/08 18:08:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.549e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108u XML 2023/11/08 12:51:42.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108u XML 2023/11/08 12:51:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108u XML 2023/11/08 12:51:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.031e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108p XML 2023/11/08 05:02:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.861e-07                 38.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108p XML 2023/11/08 05:02:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.861e-07                 38.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108l XML 2023/11/08 03:52:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.447e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108l XML 2023/11/08 03:52:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.447e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108e XML 2023/11/08 01:11:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.662e-06                 607.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231108e XML 2023/11/08 01:11:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.662e-06                 607.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107v XML 2023/11/07 05:30:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.642e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107v XML 2023/11/07 05:30:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.642e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107q XML 2023/11/07 04:18:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.885e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107q XML 2023/11/07 04:18:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.885e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107i XML 2023/11/07 02:28:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.052e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.03 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107i XML 2023/11/07 02:28:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.052e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.03 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107g XML 2023/11/07 01:28:53.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.138e-05                 152.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107g XML 2023/11/07 01:28:53.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.138e-05                 152.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107d XML 2023/11/07 00:55:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.537e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107d XML 2023/11/07 00:55:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.537e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107a XML 2023/11/07 00:14:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.302e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231107a XML 2023/11/07 00:14:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.302e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106bu XML 2023/11/06 19:30:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.244e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106bu XML 2023/11/06 19:30:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.244e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106ak XML 2023/11/06 10:27:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.887e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106ak XML 2023/11/06 10:27:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.887e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106y XML 2023/11/06 06:56:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.382e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106y XML 2023/11/06 06:56:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.382e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106s XML 2023/11/06 04:22:08.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.669e-06                 59.38 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106r XML 2023/11/06 04:21:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.189e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.11 0.47 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106s XML 2023/11/06 04:22:08.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.669e-06                 59.38 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106r XML 2023/11/06 04:21:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.189e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.11 0.47 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106k XML 2023/11/06 02:35:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.696e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106k XML 2023/11/06 02:35:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.982e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106f XML 2023/11/06 01:32:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.132e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106f XML 2023/11/06 01:32:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.132e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106d XML 2023/11/06 01:22:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.931e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231106d XML 2023/11/06 01:22:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.931e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231105n XML 2023/11/05 03:35:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.849e-06                 44.98 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231105n XML 2023/11/05 03:35:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.849e-06                 44.98 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231105b XML 2023/11/05 01:54:09.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.498e-05                 1151.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231105b XML 2023/11/05 01:54:09.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.498e-05                 1151.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104az XML 2023/11/04 21:10:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.744e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.31 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104az XML 2023/11/04 21:10:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.744e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.31 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104ac XML 2023/11/04 13:34:18.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104aq XML 2023/11/04 17:48:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.777e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104aq XML 2023/11/04 17:48:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.777e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104ac XML 2023/11/04 13:34:18.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104ac XML 2023/11/04 13:34:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104ac XML 2023/11/04 13:34:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.335e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.90 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104s XML 2023/11/04 10:03:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.145e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.09 0.06 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104q XML 2023/11/04 09:59:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.961e-05                 1327.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104s XML 2023/11/04 10:03:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.145e-06 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.09 0.06 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104q XML 2023/11/04 09:59:16.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.961e-05                 1327.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104o XML 2023/11/04 09:06:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.252e-06 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.48 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104o XML 2023/11/04 09:06:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.252e-06 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.48 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104m XML 2023/11/04 07:55:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.276e-05                 25.62 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104m XML 2023/11/04 07:55:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.276e-05                 25.62 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104l XML 2023/11/04 07:36:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.908e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104l XML 2023/11/04 07:36:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.178e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104j XML 2023/11/04 07:15:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.270e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231104j XML 2023/11/04 07:15:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.270e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231103aa XML 2023/11/03 18:52:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.563e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231103aa XML 2023/11/03 18:52:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.563e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231103y XML 2023/11/03 18:31:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.695e-06 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.28 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231103y XML 2023/11/03 18:31:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.695e-06 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.28 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231103n XML 2023/11/03 14:33:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.654e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231103n XML 2023/11/03 14:33:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.654e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102w XML 2023/11/02 07:17:36.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 5.838e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102ci XML 2023/11/02 23:24:33.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.583e-07                 66.32 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102ci XML 2023/11/02 23:24:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.583e-07                 66.32 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102ce XML 2023/11/02 22:11:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.299e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.08 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102ce XML 2023/11/02 22:11:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.559e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.01 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102bo XML 2023/11/02 18:58:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.091e-06                 24.50 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102bo XML 2023/11/02 18:58:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.091e-06                 24.50 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102bh XML 2023/11/02 16:40:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.215e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102bh XML 2023/11/02 16:40:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.215e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102av XML 2023/11/02 14:41:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.180e-06 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102av XML 2023/11/02 14:41:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.180e-06 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102aq XML 2023/11/02 12:58:34.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.646e-06                 139.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102aq XML 2023/11/02 12:58:34.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.646e-06                 139.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102aj XML 2023/11/02 11:47:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.829e-05                 40.64 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102aj XML 2023/11/02 11:47:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.829e-05                 40.64 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102ac XML 2023/11/02 08:49:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.280e-05                 220.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102ac XML 2023/11/02 08:49:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.280e-05                 220.68 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102w XML 2023/11/02 07:17:36.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 5.838e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102w XML 2023/11/02 07:17:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.838e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102w XML 2023/11/02 07:17:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.838e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102m XML 2023/11/02 05:22:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.585e-06                 76.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102m XML 2023/11/02 05:22:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.585e-06                 76.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102i XML 2023/11/02 04:01:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.874e-06 1.00 0.98 0.29 0.16 0.00 0.03 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231102i XML 2023/11/02 04:01:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.874e-06 1.00 0.98 0.29 0.16 0.00 0.03 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030bi XML 2023/10/30 15:42:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.994e-05                 32.19 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030bi XML 2023/10/30 15:42:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.994e-05                 32.19 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030be XML 2023/10/30 15:05:30.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.487e-05                 23.85 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030bd XML 2023/10/30 15:05:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.226e-06                 23.71 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030be XML 2023/10/30 15:05:30.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.487e-05                 23.85 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030bd XML 2023/10/30 15:05:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.226e-06                 23.71 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030aw XML 2023/10/30 13:11:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.886e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030aw XML 2023/10/30 13:11:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.886e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030av XML 2023/10/30 12:51:11.000000 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S231030av XML 2023/10/30 12:51:11.000000 1 Ear 1 0 5 4.215e-08 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.06 0.00 0.52 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030ad XML 2023/10/30 06:25:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.080e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030ad XML 2023/10/30 06:25:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.080e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030v XML 2023/10/30 02:51:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.115e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030v XML 2023/10/30 02:51:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.115e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030t XML 2023/10/30 02:26:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.243e-05 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030t XML 2023/10/30 02:26:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.243e-05 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030r XML 2023/10/30 02:12:04.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.542e-05                 26.55 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231030r XML 2023/10/30 02:12:04.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.542e-05                 26.55 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029bh XML 2023/10/29 23:18:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.412e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029bh XML 2023/10/29 23:18:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.412e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029bd XML 2023/10/29 22:13:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.927e-06 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029bc XML 2023/10/29 22:10:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.780e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029bd XML 2023/10/29 22:13:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.927e-06 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029bc XML 2023/10/29 22:10:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.780e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ba XML 2023/10/29 21:58:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.775e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ba XML 2023/10/29 21:58:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.775e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029at XML 2023/10/29 19:48:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.127e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029at XML 2023/10/29 19:48:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.127e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ao XML 2023/10/29 19:21:33.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.617e-05                 83.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ao XML 2023/10/29 19:21:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.617e-05                 83.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ai XML 2023/10/29 14:51:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.096e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.04 0.00 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ai XML 2023/10/29 14:51:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.096e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.04 0.00 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ah XML 2023/10/29 14:19:37.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.627e-05                 177.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029ah XML 2023/10/29 14:19:37.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.627e-05                 177.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029y XML 2023/10/29 11:15:08.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.164e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029y XML 2023/10/29 11:15:08.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.164e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029aa XML 2023/10/29 13:07:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.499e-05 0.69 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029aa XML 2023/10/29 13:07:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.499e-05 0.69 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029y XML 2023/10/29 11:15:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.164e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029y XML 2023/10/29 11:15:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.878e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029n XML 2023/10/29 07:44:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.160e-05 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029n XML 2023/10/29 07:44:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.160e-05 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029k XML 2023/10/29 05:23:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.965e-06 1.00 1.00 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029k XML 2023/10/29 05:23:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.965e-06 1.00 1.00 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029e XML 2023/10/29 00:54:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.411e-05 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231029e XML 2023/10/29 00:54:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.411e-05 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028bg XML 2023/10/28 15:30:06.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.635e-31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028br XML 2023/10/28 17:34:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.096e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.35 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028br XML 2023/10/28 17:34:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.096e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.35 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028bg XML 2023/10/28 15:30:06.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.635e-31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028bg XML 2023/10/28 15:30:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.635e-31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028bg XML 2023/10/28 15:30:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.635e-31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028bd XML 2023/10/28 14:46:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.112e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028bd XML 2023/10/28 14:46:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.112e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028az XML 2023/10/28 14:18:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.451e-05                 113.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028ay XML 2023/10/28 14:18:01.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.101e-05                 113.85 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028az XML 2023/10/28 14:18:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.451e-05                 113.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028ay XML 2023/10/28 14:18:01.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.101e-05                 113.85 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028aw XML 2023/10/28 14:00:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.719e-06 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028aw XML 2023/10/28 14:00:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.719e-06 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028ai XML 2023/10/28 10:00:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.690e-06 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028ai XML 2023/10/28 10:00:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.690e-06 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028ah XML 2023/10/28 09:48:50.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.759e-06                 572.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028ah XML 2023/10/28 09:48:50.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.759e-06                 572.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028r XML 2023/10/28 06:59:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.156e-05 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231028r XML 2023/10/28 06:59:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.156e-05 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027bk XML 2023/10/27 20:01:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.582e-05 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027bk XML 2023/10/27 20:01:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.582e-05 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027ax XML 2023/10/27 16:25:20.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.035e-05                 816.83 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027ax XML 2023/10/27 16:25:20.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.035e-05                 816.83 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027am XML 2023/10/27 11:11:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.119e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027am XML 2023/10/27 11:11:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.119e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027ac XML 2023/10/27 08:56:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.357e-05                 1141.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027ac XML 2023/10/27 08:56:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.357e-05                 1141.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027r XML 2023/10/27 03:51:15.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.001e-05                 1050.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027r XML 2023/10/27 03:51:15.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.001e-05                 1050.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027m XML 2023/10/27 02:15:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.286e-05                 22.11 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027m XML 2023/10/27 02:15:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.286e-05                 22.11 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027k XML 2023/10/27 02:05:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.931e-05 1.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231027k XML 2023/10/27 02:05:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.931e-05 1.00 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026bc XML 2023/10/26 23:57:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.403e-05                 106.53 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026bc XML 2023/10/26 23:57:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.403e-05                 106.53 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026ay XML 2023/10/26 23:13:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.360e-06                 37.22 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026ay XML 2023/10/26 23:13:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.360e-06                 37.22 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026an XML 2023/10/26 15:01:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.967e-05                 279.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026an XML 2023/10/26 15:01:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.967e-05                 279.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026ag XML 2023/10/26 14:07:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.105e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.21 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026ag XML 2023/10/26 14:07:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.105e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.21 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026ab XML 2023/10/26 13:07:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.903e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026ab XML 2023/10/26 13:07:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.998e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.48         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026z XML 2023/10/26 12:54:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.147e-05 1.00 0.85 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026z XML 2023/10/26 12:54:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.147e-05 1.00 0.85 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026x XML 2023/10/26 09:57:56.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.328e-06                 113.36 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026x XML 2023/10/26 09:57:56.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.328e-06                 113.36 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026p XML 2023/10/26 08:02:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.153e-05 0.97 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026p XML 2023/10/26 08:02:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.153e-05 0.97 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026n XML 2023/10/26 07:11:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.319e-05 1.00 0.30 0.15 0.06 0.00 0.62 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026n XML 2023/10/26 07:11:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.319e-05 1.00 0.30 0.15 0.06 0.00 0.62 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026f XML 2023/10/26 05:44:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.190e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.01 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231026f XML 2023/10/26 05:44:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.190e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.01 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025be XML 2023/10/25 18:47:42.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.652e-06                 767.17 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025be XML 2023/10/25 18:47:42.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.652e-06                 767.17 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025az XML 2023/10/25 16:03:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.749e-05 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025az XML 2023/10/25 16:03:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.749e-05 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025ay XML 2023/10/25 15:25:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.438e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.47 0.04 0.47         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025ay XML 2023/10/25 15:25:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.438e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.47 0.04 0.47         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025aw XML 2023/10/25 15:07:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.309e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.08 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025aw XML 2023/10/25 15:07:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.309e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.08 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025ap XML 2023/10/25 14:23:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.688e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.04 0.17         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025ap XML 2023/10/25 14:23:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.688e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.04 0.17         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025al XML 2023/10/25 13:57:42.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.302e-05                 219.10 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025al XML 2023/10/25 13:57:42.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.302e-05                 219.10 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025ag XML 2023/10/25 13:02:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.294e-06 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025ag XML 2023/10/25 13:02:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.294e-06 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025aa XML 2023/10/25 12:02:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.182e-06                 57.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025aa XML 2023/10/25 12:02:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.182e-06                 57.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025t XML 2023/10/25 06:16:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.654e-06 1.00 0.00 0.16 0.33 0.00 0.35 0.51         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025t XML 2023/10/25 06:16:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.654e-06 1.00 0.00 0.16 0.33 0.00 0.35 0.51         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025r XML 2023/10/25 06:03:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.580e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025r XML 2023/10/25 06:03:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.580e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025p XML 2023/10/25 05:38:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.892e-06                 183.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025p XML 2023/10/25 05:38:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.892e-06                 183.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025k XML 2023/10/25 04:56:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.863e-05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025k XML 2023/10/25 04:56:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.863e-05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025j XML 2023/10/25 04:50:20.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.461e-06                 93.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025j XML 2023/10/25 04:50:20.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.461e-06                 93.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025e XML 2023/10/25 04:06:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.028e-05 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.36 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025e XML 2023/10/25 04:06:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.028e-05 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.36 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025c XML 2023/10/25 03:29:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.835e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.09 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025c XML 2023/10/25 03:29:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.835e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.09 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025a XML 2023/10/25 03:11:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.330e-07 1.00 1.00 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231025a XML 2023/10/25 03:11:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.330e-07 1.00 1.00 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231024m XML 2023/10/24 04:30:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.689e-05                 31.18 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231024m XML 2023/10/24 04:30:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.689e-05                 31.18 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231024g XML 2023/10/24 03:03:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.274e-05                 109.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231024g XML 2023/10/24 03:03:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.274e-05                 109.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231024d XML 2023/10/24 02:36:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.065e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.02 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231024d XML 2023/10/24 02:36:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.038e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.02 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231023o XML 2023/10/23 22:13:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.343e-05                 30.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231023o XML 2023/10/23 22:13:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.343e-05                 30.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231023c XML 2023/10/23 19:18:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.956e-07                 23.92 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231023c XML 2023/10/23 19:18:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.956e-07                 23.92 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022br XML 2023/10/22 17:55:36.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.315e-05                 22.23 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022br XML 2023/10/22 17:55:36.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.315e-05                 22.23 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022bl XML 2023/10/22 15:18:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.184e-05 1.00 0.00 0.06 0.11 0.00 0.72 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022bk XML 2023/10/22 15:16:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.485e-05 1.00 1.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022bl XML 2023/10/22 15:18:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.184e-05 1.00 0.00 0.06 0.11 0.00 0.72 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022bk XML 2023/10/22 15:16:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.485e-05 1.00 1.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022bd XML 2023/10/22 13:22:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.326e-05 1.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022bd XML 2023/10/22 13:22:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.326e-05 1.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022al XML 2023/10/22 10:17:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.117e-05 0.74 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022al XML 2023/10/22 10:17:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.117e-05 0.74 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bw XML 2023/10/20 18:05:09.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.453e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022j XML 2023/10/22 01:43:51.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.063e-06                 47.61 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022j XML 2023/10/22 01:43:51.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.063e-06                 47.61 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022c XML 2023/10/22 00:36:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.173e-06                 23.30 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022c XML 2023/10/22 00:36:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.173e-06                 23.30 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022a XML 2023/10/22 00:12:22.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.296e-05                 33.05 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231022a XML 2023/10/22 00:12:22.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.296e-05                 33.05 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021az XML 2023/10/21 23:37:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.339e-07 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.01 0.02 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021az XML 2023/10/21 23:37:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.339e-07 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.01 0.02 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021ar XML 2023/10/21 06:55:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.206e-06                 25.56 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021ar XML 2023/10/21 06:55:16.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.779e-05                 27.04 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021ag XML 2023/10/21 04:56:57.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.879e-05                 179.61 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021ag XML 2023/10/21 04:56:57.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.879e-05                 179.61 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021x XML 2023/10/21 02:46:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.167e-05                 94.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021x XML 2023/10/21 02:46:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.167e-05                 94.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021w XML 2023/10/21 02:40:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.211e-05 1.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021w XML 2023/10/21 02:40:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.211e-05 1.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ba XML 2023/10/20 14:29:47.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.267e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.91 0.16 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021n XML 2023/10/21 01:25:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.273e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021n XML 2023/10/21 01:25:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.273e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021k XML 2023/10/21 01:15:50.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.460e-06                 22.18 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021k XML 2023/10/21 01:15:50.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.460e-06                 22.18 0.14   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021h XML 2023/10/21 00:43:26.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.374e-06                 33.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231021h XML 2023/10/21 00:43:26.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.374e-06                 33.60 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bw XML 2023/10/20 18:05:09.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.453e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ca XML 2023/10/20 18:30:17.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.425e-06                 892.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ca XML 2023/10/20 18:30:17.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.425e-06                 892.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bw XML 2023/10/20 18:05:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.453e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bw XML 2023/10/20 18:05:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.453e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020br XML 2023/10/20 16:56:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.646e-05 1.00 0.72 0.13 0.05 0.00 0.53 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020br XML 2023/10/20 16:56:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.646e-05 1.00 0.72 0.13 0.05 0.00 0.53 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bk XML 2023/10/20 15:46:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.733e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bk XML 2023/10/20 15:46:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.751e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ba XML 2023/10/20 14:29:47.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.267e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.91 0.07 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bg XML 2023/10/20 15:03:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.781e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bf XML 2023/10/20 14:59:49.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.834e-06                 21.21 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bg XML 2023/10/20 15:03:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.781e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020bf XML 2023/10/20 14:59:49.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.834e-06                 21.21 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ba XML 2023/10/20 14:29:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.267e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.91 0.07 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ba XML 2023/10/20 14:29:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.586e-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ar XML 2023/10/20 11:31:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.987e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ar XML 2023/10/20 11:31:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.987e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020am XML 2023/10/20 10:13:49.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.264e-05                 92.87 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020am XML 2023/10/20 10:13:49.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.264e-05                 92.87 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020aj XML 2023/10/20 08:24:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.229e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020aj XML 2023/10/20 08:24:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.229e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ab XML 2023/10/20 05:59:37.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.611e-05                 876.38 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020ab XML 2023/10/20 05:59:37.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.611e-05                 876.38 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020z XML 2023/10/20 05:48:28.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.372e-05                 46.15 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020z XML 2023/10/20 05:48:28.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.372e-05                 46.15 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020t XML 2023/10/20 04:22:08.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.564e-06                 168.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020t XML 2023/10/20 04:22:08.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.564e-06                 168.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020q XML 2023/10/20 04:02:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.893e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.53 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020q XML 2023/10/20 04:02:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.893e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.53 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020n XML 2023/10/20 02:53:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.190e-05                 96.82 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020n XML 2023/10/20 02:53:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.190e-05                 96.82 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020h XML 2023/10/20 01:22:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.588e-05                 32.29 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020h XML 2023/10/20 01:22:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.588e-05                 32.29 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020c XML 2023/10/20 00:31:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.994e-05                 30.68 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020c XML 2023/10/20 00:31:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.994e-05                 30.68 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020a XML 2023/10/20 00:04:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.692e-06 1.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231020a XML 2023/10/20 00:04:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.692e-06 1.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cq XML 2023/10/19 23:52:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.207e-06                 24.71 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cp XML 2023/10/19 23:51:39.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.294e-06                 162.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cq XML 2023/10/19 23:52:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.207e-06                 24.71 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cp XML 2023/10/19 23:51:39.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.294e-06                 162.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cm XML 2023/10/19 22:15:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.564e-06                 30.83 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cm XML 2023/10/19 22:15:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.564e-06                 30.83 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cd XML 2023/10/19 20:58:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.952e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.18 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019cd XML 2023/10/19 20:58:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.952e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.18 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019bz XML 2023/10/19 20:24:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.142e-06                 82.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019bz XML 2023/10/19 20:24:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.142e-06                 82.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019bj XML 2023/10/19 15:42:48.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.080e-05                 600.44 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019bj XML 2023/10/19 15:42:48.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.080e-05                 600.44 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019ba XML 2023/10/19 12:38:25.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.061e-06                 1625.48 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019ba XML 2023/10/19 12:38:25.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.061e-06                 1625.48 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019an XML 2023/10/19 09:19:56.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.058e-06                 644.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019an XML 2023/10/19 09:19:56.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.058e-06                 644.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019ak XML 2023/10/19 08:47:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.248e-06 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.41 0.02 0.00 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019ak XML 2023/10/19 08:47:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.248e-06 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.41 0.02 0.00 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019ac XML 2023/10/19 07:18:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.468e-05                 142.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019ac XML 2023/10/19 07:18:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.468e-05                 142.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019aa XML 2023/10/19 07:10:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.760e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019aa XML 2023/10/19 07:10:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.294e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019d XML 2023/10/19 01:27:27.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.281e-06                 32.82 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231019d XML 2023/10/19 01:27:27.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.281e-06                 32.82 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018cc XML 2023/10/18 23:53:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.387e-06                 191.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018cc XML 2023/10/18 23:53:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.387e-06                 191.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018cb XML 2023/10/18 23:48:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.095e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018cb XML 2023/10/18 23:48:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.095e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018by XML 2023/10/18 23:30:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.122e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018by XML 2023/10/18 23:30:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.122e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018br XML 2023/10/18 16:43:52.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.069e-07                 328.18 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018br XML 2023/10/18 16:43:52.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.069e-07                 328.18 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018bi XML 2023/10/18 15:43:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.162e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018bi XML 2023/10/18 15:43:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.162e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018bh XML 2023/10/18 15:37:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.875e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018bh XML 2023/10/18 15:37:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.875e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018ax XML 2023/10/18 13:24:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.761e-06 1.00 1.00 0.36 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018ax XML 2023/10/18 13:24:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.761e-06 1.00 1.00 0.36 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018at XML 2023/10/18 12:26:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.174e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.26 0.19 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018at XML 2023/10/18 12:26:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.174e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.26 0.19 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018v XML 2023/10/18 07:04:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.460e-06 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231018v XML 2023/10/18 07:04:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.460e-06 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017bs XML 2023/10/17 22:56:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.816e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017bs XML 2023/10/17 22:56:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.816e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017bq XML 2023/10/17 22:00:33.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.573e-05                 25.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017bq XML 2023/10/17 22:00:33.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.573e-05                 25.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017bj XML 2023/10/17 13:28:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.270e-06 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.24 0.04 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017bj XML 2023/10/17 13:28:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.270e-06 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.24 0.04 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017ar XML 2023/10/17 11:27:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.590e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017ar XML 2023/10/17 11:27:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.590e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017z XML 2023/10/17 04:52:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.238e-06 1.00 1.00 0.27 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017z XML 2023/10/17 04:52:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.238e-06 1.00 1.00 0.27 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017x XML 2023/10/17 04:38:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.716e-05 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017x XML 2023/10/17 04:38:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.716e-05 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017v XML 2023/10/17 03:55:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.935e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017v XML 2023/10/17 03:55:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.935e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017t XML 2023/10/17 03:29:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.361e-06 1.00 0.00 0.14 0.07 0.00 0.55 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017t XML 2023/10/17 03:29:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.361e-06 1.00 0.00 0.14 0.07 0.00 0.55 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017s XML 2023/10/17 03:06:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.823e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017s XML 2023/10/17 03:06:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.823e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017h XML 2023/10/17 01:26:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.151e-05 0.44 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017h XML 2023/10/17 01:26:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.151e-05 0.44 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017e XML 2023/10/17 00:59:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.189e-07                 31.90 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231017e XML 2023/10/17 00:59:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.189e-07                 31.90 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016bs XML 2023/10/16 22:44:22.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.473e-06                 40.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016bs XML 2023/10/16 22:44:22.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.473e-06                 40.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016br XML 2023/10/16 22:39:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.990e-06 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.06 0.01 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016br XML 2023/10/16 22:39:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.990e-06 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.06 0.01 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016bm XML 2023/10/16 21:51:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.238e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016bm XML 2023/10/16 21:51:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.238e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016bj XML 2023/10/16 21:45:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.153e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016bj XML 2023/10/16 21:45:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.153e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016az XML 2023/10/16 15:10:39.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.204e-06                 65.18 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016az XML 2023/10/16 15:10:39.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.204e-06                 65.18 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016aw XML 2023/10/16 14:45:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.627e-05 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.84 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016aw XML 2023/10/16 14:45:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.627e-05 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.84 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016an XML 2023/10/16 10:24:09.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.313e-05                 70.91 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016am XML 2023/10/16 10:24:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.527e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016an XML 2023/10/16 10:24:09.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.313e-05                 70.91 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016am XML 2023/10/16 10:24:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.527e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016q XML 2023/10/16 02:56:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.498e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016q XML 2023/10/16 02:56:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.498e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016h XML 2023/10/16 01:44:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.627e-06                 166.32 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016h XML 2023/10/16 01:44:16.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.627e-06                 166.32 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016e XML 2023/10/16 01:26:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.880e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.04 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016e XML 2023/10/16 01:26:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.162e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016c XML 2023/10/16 01:08:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.771e-06                 22.17 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231016c XML 2023/10/16 01:08:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.771e-06                 22.17 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015by XML 2023/10/15 23:45:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.707e-06 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015by XML 2023/10/15 23:45:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.707e-06 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015bc XML 2023/10/15 20:45:54.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.933e-06                 37.39 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015bb XML 2023/10/15 20:48:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.772e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015bc XML 2023/10/15 20:45:54.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.933e-06                 37.39 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015bb XML 2023/10/15 20:48:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.022e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.03 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015au XML 2023/10/15 18:11:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.763e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015au XML 2023/10/15 18:11:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.763e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015ab XML 2023/10/15 13:34:10.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.955e-06                 26.65 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015ab XML 2023/10/15 13:34:10.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.955e-06                 26.65 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015m XML 2023/10/15 03:55:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.020e-05                 1588.63 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015m XML 2023/10/15 03:55:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.020e-05                 1588.63 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015g XML 2023/10/15 02:54:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.204e-06 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231015g XML 2023/10/15 02:54:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.204e-06 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014cs XML 2023/10/14 22:14:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.951e-05                 26.82 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014cs XML 2023/10/14 22:14:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.951e-05                 26.82 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014cq XML 2023/10/14 21:31:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.843e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014cq XML 2023/10/14 21:31:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.843e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014cp XML 2023/10/14 20:58:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.479e-05 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014cp XML 2023/10/14 20:58:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.479e-05 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014bn XML 2023/10/14 15:02:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.645e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014bn XML 2023/10/14 15:02:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.645e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014be XML 2023/10/14 12:53:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.176e-06 1.00 0.01 0.10 0.19 0.00 0.85 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014be XML 2023/10/14 12:53:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.176e-06 1.00 0.01 0.10 0.19 0.00 0.85 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014ao XML 2023/10/14 09:01:12.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.460e-05                 487.19 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014ao XML 2023/10/14 09:01:12.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.460e-05                 487.19 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014ac XML 2023/10/14 07:16:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.195e-05                 185.25 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014ac XML 2023/10/14 07:16:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.195e-05                 185.25 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014w XML 2023/10/14 05:40:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.187e-05 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014w XML 2023/10/14 05:40:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.187e-05 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014r XML 2023/10/14 04:05:32.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.033e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014r XML 2023/10/14 04:05:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.033e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014r XML 2023/10/14 04:05:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.087e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.03 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014q XML 2023/10/14 02:51:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.738e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014q XML 2023/10/14 02:51:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.738e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014l XML 2023/10/14 02:19:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.568e-07 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.29 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014l XML 2023/10/14 02:19:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.568e-07 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.29 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014g XML 2023/10/14 01:20:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.187e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014g XML 2023/10/14 01:20:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.187e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014e XML 2023/10/14 01:09:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.945e-05 1.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014e XML 2023/10/14 01:09:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.945e-05 1.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014d XML 2023/10/14 00:56:00.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.306e-06                 575.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231014d XML 2023/10/14 00:56:00.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.306e-06                 575.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013cx XML 2023/10/13 22:02:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.974e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013cx XML 2023/10/13 22:02:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.974e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013cw XML 2023/10/13 21:54:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.696e-05                 21.47 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013cw XML 2023/10/13 21:54:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.696e-05                 21.47 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ce XML 2023/10/13 18:43:54.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.048e-06                 268.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ce XML 2023/10/13 18:43:54.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.244e-05                 275.18 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bw XML 2023/10/13 15:35:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.669e-05                 27.75 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bw XML 2023/10/13 15:35:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.669e-05                 27.75 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013br XML 2023/10/13 13:57:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.076e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bq XML 2023/10/13 13:55:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.689e-06 0.63 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.18 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013br XML 2023/10/13 13:57:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.076e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bq XML 2023/10/13 13:55:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.689e-06 0.63 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.18 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bo XML 2023/10/13 13:37:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.594e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bo XML 2023/10/13 13:37:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.594e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bh XML 2023/10/13 12:55:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.171e-05                 27.69 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013bh XML 2023/10/13 12:55:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.171e-05                 27.69 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ba XML 2023/10/13 11:56:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.434e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ba XML 2023/10/13 11:56:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.434e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013au XML 2023/10/13 10:12:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.348e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013au XML 2023/10/13 10:12:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.009e-06 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013am XML 2023/10/13 09:10:20.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.114e-05                 81.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013am XML 2023/10/13 09:10:20.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.114e-05                 81.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ai XML 2023/10/13 09:03:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.629e-06 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.42 0.00 0.05 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ai XML 2023/10/13 09:03:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.629e-06 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.42 0.00 0.05 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ag XML 2023/10/13 08:50:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.445e-06                 27.20 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ag XML 2023/10/13 08:50:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.445e-06                 27.20 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ac XML 2023/10/13 08:31:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.375e-06                 59.27 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013ac XML 2023/10/13 08:31:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.375e-06                 59.27 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013aa XML 2023/10/13 07:59:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.225e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231013aa XML 2023/10/13 07:59:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.225e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011bq XML 2023/10/11 18:39:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.076e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011bq XML 2023/10/11 18:39:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.076e-05 1.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011bg XML 2023/10/11 17:55:05.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.040e-05                 19.36 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011bg XML 2023/10/11 17:55:05.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.040e-05                 19.36 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011bc XML 2023/10/11 17:28:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.618e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011bc XML 2023/10/11 17:28:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.618e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011ba XML 2023/10/11 17:00:17.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.824e-05                 413.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011ba XML 2023/10/11 17:00:17.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.824e-05                 413.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011ax XML 2023/10/11 16:40:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.793e-06                 19.33 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011ax XML 2023/10/11 16:40:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.793e-06                 19.33 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011ap XML 2023/10/11 14:02:28.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.163e-05                 54.00 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011ap XML 2023/10/11 14:02:28.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.163e-05                 54.00 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011z XML 2023/10/11 10:11:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.329e-05                 26.80 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011z XML 2023/10/11 10:11:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.329e-05                 26.80 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001aq XML 2023/10/01 14:02:20.000000 5 Upd 1 1 4 4.966e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011t XML 2023/10/11 07:14:30.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.412e-06                 332.77 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011t XML 2023/10/11 07:14:30.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.412e-06                 332.77 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011m XML 2023/10/11 06:13:18.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.748e-05                 281.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011m XML 2023/10/11 06:13:18.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.748e-05                 281.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011j XML 2023/10/11 06:00:42.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.552e-06                 396.97 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231011j XML 2023/10/11 06:00:42.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.552e-06                 396.97 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010bh XML 2023/10/10 21:32:54.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.226e-05                 760.11 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010bh XML 2023/10/10 21:32:54.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.226e-05                 760.11 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010bd XML 2023/10/10 13:39:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.468e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.17 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010bb XML 2023/10/10 13:36:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.604e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010bd XML 2023/10/10 13:39:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.468e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.17 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010bb XML 2023/10/10 13:36:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.604e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010ax XML 2023/10/10 13:29:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.651e-05 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010ax XML 2023/10/10 13:29:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.651e-05 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010as XML 2023/10/10 13:01:12.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.041e-05                 120.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010as XML 2023/10/10 13:01:12.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.041e-05                 120.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010ak XML 2023/10/10 12:14:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.155e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010ak XML 2023/10/10 12:14:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.155e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010y XML 2023/10/10 09:21:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.907e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010y XML 2023/10/10 09:21:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.907e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010r XML 2023/10/10 06:20:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.255e-05 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.46 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231010r XML 2023/10/10 06:20:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.255e-05 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.46 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009ai XML 2023/10/09 21:58:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.958e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009ai XML 2023/10/09 21:58:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.958e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009v XML 2023/10/09 08:38:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.840e-06                 63.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009v XML 2023/10/09 08:38:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.840e-06                 63.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009r XML 2023/10/09 08:13:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.576e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009r XML 2023/10/09 08:13:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.527e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.44         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009p XML 2023/10/09 07:33:53.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.608e-06                 44.44 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009p XML 2023/10/09 07:33:53.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.608e-06                 44.44 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009k XML 2023/10/09 06:31:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.997e-06                 156.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009k XML 2023/10/09 06:31:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.997e-06                 156.30 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009j XML 2023/10/09 05:03:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.993e-05                 69.99 0.18   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009j XML 2023/10/09 05:03:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.993e-05                 69.99 0.18   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009h XML 2023/10/09 03:57:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.697e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231009h XML 2023/10/09 03:57:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.697e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ap XML 2023/10/08 14:25:21.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.530e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008bp XML 2023/10/08 21:45:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.583e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008bp XML 2023/10/08 21:45:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.176e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008bj XML 2023/10/08 19:09:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.224e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008bj XML 2023/10/08 19:09:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.224e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008bh XML 2023/10/08 18:57:12.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.098e-05                 53.01 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008bh XML 2023/10/08 18:57:12.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.098e-05                 53.01 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ay XML 2023/10/08 16:42:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.333e-06                 140.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ay XML 2023/10/08 16:42:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.333e-06                 140.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008aw XML 2023/10/08 16:31:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.503e-06                 491.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008aw XML 2023/10/08 16:31:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.503e-06                 491.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008at XML 2023/10/08 15:03:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.621e-05                 121.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008at XML 2023/10/08 15:03:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.621e-05                 121.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ap XML 2023/10/08 14:25:21.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.530e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ap XML 2023/10/08 14:25:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.530e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ap XML 2023/10/08 14:25:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.530e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ad XML 2023/10/08 11:08:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.369e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008ad XML 2023/10/08 11:08:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.369e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008s XML 2023/10/08 06:34:49.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.746e-05                 27.10 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008s XML 2023/10/08 06:34:49.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.746e-05                 27.10 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008r XML 2023/10/08 06:26:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.363e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008r XML 2023/10/08 06:26:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.363e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008k XML 2023/10/08 04:50:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.083e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008k XML 2023/10/08 04:50:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.083e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008g XML 2023/10/08 01:19:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.576e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231008g XML 2023/10/08 01:19:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.591e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007ap XML 2023/10/07 18:04:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.872e-05 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007ap XML 2023/10/07 18:04:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.872e-05 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007am XML 2023/10/07 17:13:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 2.183e-07                 502.51 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007am XML 2023/10/07 17:13:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 2.183e-07                 502.51 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007al XML 2023/10/07 16:47:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.897e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007al XML 2023/10/07 16:47:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.897e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007ae XML 2023/10/07 14:34:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.995e-06                 84.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007ae XML 2023/10/07 14:34:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.995e-06                 84.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007z XML 2023/10/07 13:55:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.331e-06                 56.84 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007y XML 2023/10/07 13:55:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.670e-05                 53.90 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007z XML 2023/10/07 13:55:40.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.898e-06                 55.93 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007y XML 2023/10/07 13:55:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.670e-05                 53.90 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007w XML 2023/10/07 13:47:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.052e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007w XML 2023/10/07 13:47:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.052e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007h XML 2023/10/07 01:08:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.526e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007h XML 2023/10/07 01:08:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.526e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007a XML 2023/10/07 00:01:36.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.935e-05                 28.78 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231007a XML 2023/10/07 00:01:36.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.935e-05                 28.78 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ci XML 2023/10/06 21:19:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.678e-05                 1156.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ci XML 2023/10/06 21:19:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.678e-05                 1156.19 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006bj XML 2023/10/06 14:51:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.096e-05                 164.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006bj XML 2023/10/06 14:51:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.096e-05                 164.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006bh XML 2023/10/06 14:41:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.042e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.46 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006bh XML 2023/10/06 14:41:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.042e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.46 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ay XML 2023/10/06 12:07:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.269e-05                 89.26 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ay XML 2023/10/06 12:07:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.269e-05                 89.26 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006al XML 2023/10/06 09:38:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.407e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006al XML 2023/10/06 09:38:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.407e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ae XML 2023/10/06 08:36:00.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.133e-05                 111.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ae XML 2023/10/06 08:36:00.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.133e-05                 111.45 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ac XML 2023/10/06 08:30:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.083e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.15 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006ac XML 2023/10/06 08:30:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.083e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.15 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006q XML 2023/10/06 06:23:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.090e-06 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006q XML 2023/10/06 06:23:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.090e-06 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006c XML 2023/10/06 00:56:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.582e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.07 0.10 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006c XML 2023/10/06 00:56:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.582e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.07 0.10 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006b XML 2023/10/06 00:51:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.134e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231006b XML 2023/10/06 00:51:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.134e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cx XML 2023/10/05 23:49:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.820e-05 0.69 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cx XML 2023/10/05 23:49:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.820e-05 0.69 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cu XML 2023/10/05 23:30:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.586e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cu XML 2023/10/05 23:30:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.586e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cj XML 2023/10/05 19:56:17.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.400e-06                 26.24 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cj XML 2023/10/05 19:56:17.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.400e-06                 26.24 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ch XML 2023/10/05 19:06:37.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.641e-05                 26.38 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ch XML 2023/10/05 19:06:37.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.641e-05                 26.38 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cf XML 2023/10/05 18:48:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.950e-06                 88.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005cf XML 2023/10/05 18:48:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.950e-06                 88.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ce XML 2023/10/05 18:08:56.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.392e-05                 989.31 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ce XML 2023/10/05 18:08:56.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.392e-05                 989.31 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005bx XML 2023/10/05 16:19:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.967e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005bx XML 2023/10/05 16:19:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.229e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005bt XML 2023/10/05 15:27:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.229e-05 1.00 1.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005bt XML 2023/10/05 15:27:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.229e-05 1.00 1.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ah XML 2023/10/05 09:15:49.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.046e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ay XML 2023/10/05 13:29:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.521e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ay XML 2023/10/05 13:29:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.521e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ah XML 2023/10/05 09:15:49.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.046e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005as XML 2023/10/05 12:01:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.112e-05                 293.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005as XML 2023/10/05 12:01:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.112e-05                 293.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005j XML 2023/10/05 02:10:30.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.216e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ah XML 2023/10/05 09:15:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.046e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ah XML 2023/10/05 09:15:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.046e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005af XML 2023/10/05 08:37:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.769e-05                 68.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005af XML 2023/10/05 08:37:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.769e-05                 68.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ad XML 2023/10/05 08:20:15.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.128e-05                 68.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ad XML 2023/10/05 08:20:15.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.128e-05                 68.86 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ac XML 2023/10/05 07:59:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.126e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005ac XML 2023/10/05 07:59:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.126e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005z XML 2023/10/05 07:45:36.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.831e-05                 179.11 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005z XML 2023/10/05 07:45:36.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.831e-05                 179.11 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005w XML 2023/10/05 06:45:07.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.126e-05                 195.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005w XML 2023/10/05 06:45:07.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.126e-05                 195.62 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005t XML 2023/10/05 06:02:52.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.150e-05                 71.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005t XML 2023/10/05 06:02:52.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.150e-05                 71.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005r XML 2023/10/05 05:51:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.632e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005r XML 2023/10/05 05:51:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.645e-06 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005n XML 2023/10/05 05:21:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.475e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.44 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005n XML 2023/10/05 05:21:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.475e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.44 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005j XML 2023/10/05 02:10:30.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.216e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005j XML 2023/10/05 02:10:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.216e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231005j XML 2023/10/05 02:10:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.303e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004bq XML 2023/10/04 23:23:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.619e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.04 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004bq XML 2023/10/04 23:23:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.619e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.04 0.29         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004bj XML 2023/10/04 18:35:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.384e-06                 48.33 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004bj XML 2023/10/04 18:35:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.384e-06                 48.33 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004bh XML 2023/10/04 18:04:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.056e-05                 103.17 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004bh XML 2023/10/04 18:04:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.056e-05                 103.17 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004as XML 2023/10/04 16:03:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.844e-05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.35 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004as XML 2023/10/04 16:03:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.844e-05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.35 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004ap XML 2023/10/04 15:16:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.993e-05                 867.52 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004ap XML 2023/10/04 15:16:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.993e-05                 867.52 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004aa XML 2023/10/04 09:51:30.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.749e-06                 237.78 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004aa XML 2023/10/04 09:51:30.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.749e-06                 237.78 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004t XML 2023/10/04 05:29:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.082e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004t XML 2023/10/04 05:29:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.317e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.04 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004r XML 2023/10/04 05:08:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.038e-06                 106.03 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004q XML 2023/10/04 05:04:20.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.376e-05                 22.41 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004r XML 2023/10/04 05:08:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.038e-06                 106.03 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004q XML 2023/10/04 05:04:20.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.376e-05                 22.41 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004f XML 2023/10/04 01:56:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.936e-06 1.00 1.00 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004f XML 2023/10/04 01:56:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.936e-06 1.00 1.00 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004d XML 2023/10/04 01:16:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.760e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231004d XML 2023/10/04 01:16:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.760e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003bl XML 2023/10/03 22:28:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.291e-06                 133.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003bl XML 2023/10/03 22:28:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.291e-06                 133.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003bi XML 2023/10/03 12:11:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.893e-06 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.39 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003bg XML 2023/10/03 12:09:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.089e-06 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.12 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003bi XML 2023/10/03 12:11:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.893e-06 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.39 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003bg XML 2023/10/03 12:09:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.089e-06 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.12 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003be XML 2023/10/03 11:58:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.289e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003ba XML 2023/10/03 11:55:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.748e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003be XML 2023/10/03 11:58:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.289e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003ar XML 2023/10/03 11:51:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.708e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003ba XML 2023/10/03 11:55:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.748e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003ar XML 2023/10/03 11:51:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.708e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003al XML 2023/10/03 10:16:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.123e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003al XML 2023/10/03 10:16:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.123e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003aj XML 2023/10/03 09:43:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.252e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003aj XML 2023/10/03 09:43:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.252e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003ab XML 2023/10/03 07:34:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.822e-05 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.07 0.06 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003ab XML 2023/10/03 07:34:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.822e-05 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.07 0.06 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003w XML 2023/10/03 07:10:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.247e-05 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003w XML 2023/10/03 07:10:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.247e-05 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003s XML 2023/10/03 06:30:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.818e-06                 216.64 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003s XML 2023/10/03 06:30:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.818e-06                 216.64 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003o XML 2023/10/03 05:15:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.923e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003o XML 2023/10/03 05:15:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.923e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003l XML 2023/10/03 04:11:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.913e-05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.19 0.52 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231003l XML 2023/10/03 04:11:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.913e-05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.19 0.52 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bz XML 2023/10/02 22:02:00.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.121e-05                 26.51 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bz XML 2023/10/02 22:02:00.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.121e-05                 26.51 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bv XML 2023/10/02 20:54:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.669e-05                 633.32 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bv XML 2023/10/02 20:54:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.669e-05                 633.32 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bt XML 2023/10/02 20:21:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.039e-06                 1713.26 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bt XML 2023/10/02 20:21:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.039e-06                 1713.26 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bl XML 2023/10/02 17:46:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.392e-06                 36.43 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bl XML 2023/10/02 17:46:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.392e-06                 36.43 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bi XML 2023/10/02 15:50:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.944e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bi XML 2023/10/02 15:50:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.944e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.04 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002be XML 2023/10/02 14:41:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.397e-06                 415.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002be XML 2023/10/02 14:41:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.397e-06                 415.58 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bb XML 2023/10/02 14:39:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.353e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002bb XML 2023/10/02 14:39:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.327e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002ba XML 2023/10/02 13:51:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.118e-05 0.67 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002ay XML 2023/10/02 13:46:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.840e-05                 25.85 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002ba XML 2023/10/02 13:51:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.118e-05 0.67 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002ay XML 2023/10/02 13:46:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.840e-05                 25.85 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002z XML 2023/10/02 08:57:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.794e-05                 1916.66 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231002z XML 2023/10/02 08:57:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.794e-05                 1916.66 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001aq XML 2023/10/01 14:02:20.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.966e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930al XML 2023/09/30 11:07:30.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.381e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928cb XML 2023/09/28 21:58:27.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001aq XML 2023/10/01 14:02:20.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.966e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001aq XML 2023/10/01 14:02:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.966e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001aq XML 2023/10/01 14:02:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.966e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001ae XML 2023/10/01 09:36:16.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.259e-06                 74.62 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001ae XML 2023/10/01 09:36:16.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.259e-06                 74.62 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001y XML 2023/10/01 07:01:33.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.171e-05                 153.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001y XML 2023/10/01 07:01:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.171e-05                 153.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001v XML 2023/10/01 05:36:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.130e-06                 783.65 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001v XML 2023/10/01 05:36:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.130e-06                 783.65 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001j XML 2023/10/01 02:56:47.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.573e-06                 568.96 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001j XML 2023/10/01 02:56:47.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.225e-05                 560.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001b XML 2023/10/01 00:48:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.370e-05                 300.56 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S231001b XML 2023/10/01 00:48:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.370e-05                 300.56 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930cp XML 2023/09/30 23:32:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.245e-05                 91.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930cp XML 2023/09/30 23:32:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.245e-05                 91.21 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930cj XML 2023/09/30 21:29:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.678e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.43 0.42 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930cj XML 2023/09/30 21:29:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.678e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.43 0.42 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930ce XML 2023/09/30 19:42:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.981e-05                 1311.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930ce XML 2023/09/30 19:42:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.981e-05                 1311.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930cd XML 2023/09/30 18:58:06.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.202e-05                 21.53 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930cd XML 2023/09/30 18:58:06.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.202e-05                 21.53 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bz XML 2023/09/30 18:19:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.734e-05 0.62 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bz XML 2023/09/30 18:19:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.734e-05 0.62 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bt XML 2023/09/30 17:05:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.703e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bt XML 2023/09/30 17:05:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.703e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bp XML 2023/09/30 16:18:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.579e-05 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.36 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bp XML 2023/09/30 16:18:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.579e-05 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.36 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930al XML 2023/09/30 11:07:30.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.381e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bd XML 2023/09/30 14:03:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.502e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bc XML 2023/09/30 14:00:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.282e-05                 85.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bd XML 2023/09/30 14:03:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.502e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930bc XML 2023/09/30 14:00:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.282e-05                 85.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930ba XML 2023/09/30 13:33:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.252e-05                 753.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930ba XML 2023/09/30 13:33:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.252e-05                 753.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930ao XML 2023/09/30 12:03:18.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.951e-05                 336.14 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930ao XML 2023/09/30 12:03:18.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.951e-05                 336.14 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930al XML 2023/09/30 11:07:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.381e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930al XML 2023/09/30 11:07:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.577e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930t XML 2023/09/30 05:54:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.946e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930t XML 2023/09/30 05:54:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.946e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930n XML 2023/09/30 05:10:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.018e-05 1.00 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.38 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930n XML 2023/09/30 05:10:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.018e-05 1.00 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.38 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930b XML 2023/09/30 01:40:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.153e-06                 470.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230930b XML 2023/09/30 01:40:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.153e-06                 470.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929aw XML 2023/09/29 23:15:33.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.257e-05                 691.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929aw XML 2023/09/29 23:15:33.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.257e-05                 691.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929au XML 2023/09/29 23:06:21.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.705e-05                 1106.20 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929au XML 2023/09/29 23:06:21.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.705e-05                 1106.20 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929aq XML 2023/09/29 18:53:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.572e-06 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929aq XML 2023/09/29 18:53:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.572e-06 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929ac XML 2023/09/29 16:27:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.223e-05                 73.91 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929ac XML 2023/09/29 16:27:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.223e-05                 73.91 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929u XML 2023/09/29 14:37:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.708e-05                 33.05 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929u XML 2023/09/29 14:37:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.708e-05                 33.05 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929o XML 2023/09/29 12:35:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.116e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929o XML 2023/09/29 12:35:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.116e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929m XML 2023/09/29 11:32:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.449e-06                 1307.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929m XML 2023/09/29 11:32:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.449e-06                 1307.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929g XML 2023/09/29 10:34:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.534e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230929g XML 2023/09/29 10:34:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.534e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928cb XML 2023/09/28 21:58:27.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928cc XML 2023/09/28 22:04:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.588e-06 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.09 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928cc XML 2023/09/28 22:04:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.588e-06 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.03 0.09 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928cb XML 2023/09/28 21:58:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.504e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928cb XML 2023/09/28 21:58:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.245e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928be XML 2023/09/28 15:11:07.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.394e-05                 1329.76 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928bc XML 2023/09/28 15:09:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.006e-06                 22.69 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928be XML 2023/09/28 15:11:07.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.394e-05                 1329.76 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928bc XML 2023/09/28 15:09:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.006e-06                 22.69 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928as XML 2023/09/28 13:40:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.660e-06                 55.09 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928ar XML 2023/09/28 13:40:01.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.722e-06                 51.56 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928as XML 2023/09/28 13:40:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.660e-06                 55.09 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928ar XML 2023/09/28 13:40:01.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.722e-06                 51.56 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928ap XML 2023/09/28 12:22:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.756e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928ao XML 2023/09/28 12:22:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.222e-05 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928ap XML 2023/09/28 12:22:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.756e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928ao XML 2023/09/28 12:22:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.222e-05 1.00 0.55 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928am XML 2023/09/28 11:43:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.910e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 0.03 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928am XML 2023/09/28 11:43:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.910e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.06 0.03 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928aj XML 2023/09/28 10:51:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.416e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928aj XML 2023/09/28 10:51:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.745e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928af XML 2023/09/28 10:10:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.543e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928af XML 2023/09/28 10:10:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.543e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928q XML 2023/09/28 07:19:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.269e-05 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.20 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928r XML 2023/09/28 07:18:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.840e-05                 179.48 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928q XML 2023/09/28 07:19:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.269e-05 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.20 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928r XML 2023/09/28 07:18:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.840e-05                 179.48 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928h XML 2023/09/28 05:41:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.662e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.05 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230928h XML 2023/09/28 05:41:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.662e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.05 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927be XML 2023/09/27 15:38:32.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927l XML 2023/09/27 04:37:29.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 1.075e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927bp XML 2023/09/27 23:12:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.180e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927bp XML 2023/09/27 23:12:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.180e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927bh XML 2023/09/27 16:02:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.888e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927be XML 2023/09/27 15:38:32.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927bh XML 2023/09/27 16:02:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.888e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927be XML 2023/09/27 15:38:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927be XML 2023/09/27 15:38:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.565e-43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ba XML 2023/09/27 15:05:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.095e-05 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ba XML 2023/09/27 15:05:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.095e-05 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ax XML 2023/09/27 14:48:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.682e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ax XML 2023/09/27 14:48:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.682e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927aq XML 2023/09/27 13:49:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.659e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.27 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927aq XML 2023/09/27 13:49:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.659e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.27 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927an XML 2023/09/27 13:44:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.146e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927an XML 2023/09/27 13:44:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.146e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ah XML 2023/09/27 10:11:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.817e-06                 56.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ah XML 2023/09/27 10:11:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.817e-06                 56.39 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ae XML 2023/09/27 08:30:12.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.051e-05                 229.89 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927ae XML 2023/09/27 08:30:12.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.051e-05                 229.89 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927l XML 2023/09/27 04:37:29.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 1.075e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927l XML 2023/09/27 04:37:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.075e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927l XML 2023/09/27 04:37:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.120e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927g XML 2023/09/27 02:49:41.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 7.194e-07                 493.42 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230927g XML 2023/09/27 02:49:41.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 7.194e-07                 493.42 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926at XML 2023/09/26 22:45:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.187e-06                 50.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926at XML 2023/09/26 22:45:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.187e-06                 50.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922q XML 2023/09/22 04:06:58.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.608e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926af XML 2023/09/26 11:43:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.482e-05 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926ae XML 2023/09/26 11:41:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.447e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926af XML 2023/09/26 11:43:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.482e-05 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926ae XML 2023/09/26 11:41:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.217e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926ac XML 2023/09/26 11:17:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.121e-05                 193.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926ac XML 2023/09/26 11:17:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.121e-05                 193.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926o XML 2023/09/26 08:45:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.591e-06                 55.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926o XML 2023/09/26 08:45:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.591e-06                 55.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926l XML 2023/09/26 07:30:27.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.113e-05                 122.71 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926l XML 2023/09/26 07:30:27.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.113e-05                 122.71 0.12   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926j XML 2023/09/26 07:27:50.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.910e-05                 186.87 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230926j XML 2023/09/26 07:27:50.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.910e-05                 186.87 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925cj XML 2023/09/25 23:58:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.076e-07                 23.93 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925cj XML 2023/09/25 23:58:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.076e-07                 23.93 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ch XML 2023/09/25 23:34:34.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.662e-05                 265.63 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ch XML 2023/09/25 23:34:34.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.662e-05                 265.63 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925bx XML 2023/09/25 21:16:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.060e-06 1.00 1.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925bx XML 2023/09/25 21:16:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.060e-06 1.00 1.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925bw XML 2023/09/25 20:52:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.106e-05                 122.25 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925bw XML 2023/09/25 20:52:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.106e-05                 122.25 0.09   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925bf XML 2023/09/25 14:39:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.120e-06                 51.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925bf XML 2023/09/25 14:39:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.120e-06                 51.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925be XML 2023/09/25 14:23:53.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.356e-06                 900.08 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925be XML 2023/09/25 14:23:53.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.356e-06                 900.08 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925au XML 2023/09/25 11:33:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.827e-06 1.00 0.20 0.23 0.19 0.00 0.53 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925au XML 2023/09/25 11:33:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.827e-06 1.00 0.20 0.23 0.19 0.00 0.53 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925at XML 2023/09/25 10:58:45.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.874e-05                 91.37 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925at XML 2023/09/25 10:58:45.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.874e-05                 91.37 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ao XML 2023/09/25 10:22:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.250e-05                 121.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ao XML 2023/09/25 10:22:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.250e-05                 121.55 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ae XML 2023/09/25 09:03:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.402e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ae XML 2023/09/25 09:03:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.402e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ac XML 2023/09/25 08:03:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.543e-06 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925ac XML 2023/09/25 08:03:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.543e-06 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925k XML 2023/09/25 02:26:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.610e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.69 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230925k XML 2023/09/25 02:26:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.610e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.69 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924bl XML 2023/09/24 23:29:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.241e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924bl XML 2023/09/24 23:29:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.241e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924an XML 2023/09/24 12:44:53.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924an XML 2023/09/24 12:44:53.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924ao XML 2023/09/24 13:04:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.679e-06 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.05 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924ao XML 2023/09/24 13:04:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.679e-06 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.05 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924an XML 2023/09/24 12:44:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924an XML 2023/09/24 12:44:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.817e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924ai XML 2023/09/24 10:11:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.304e-05 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924ai XML 2023/09/24 10:11:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.304e-05 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924ah XML 2023/09/24 09:44:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.539e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924ah XML 2023/09/24 09:44:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.539e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924w XML 2023/09/24 05:13:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.058e-06                 188.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924v XML 2023/09/24 05:13:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.314e-06 1.00 0.05 0.24 0.20 0.00 0.62 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924w XML 2023/09/24 05:13:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.058e-06                 188.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924v XML 2023/09/24 05:13:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.314e-06 1.00 0.05 0.24 0.20 0.00 0.62 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924k XML 2023/09/24 02:44:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.102e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.03 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924k XML 2023/09/24 02:44:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.102e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.03 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924i XML 2023/09/24 01:46:23.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.313e-05                 950.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230924i XML 2023/09/24 01:46:23.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.313e-05                 950.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bt XML 2023/09/23 22:07:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.017e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bt XML 2023/09/23 22:07:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.017e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bq XML 2023/09/23 21:50:29.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.133e-05                 20.43 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bq XML 2023/09/23 21:50:29.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.133e-05                 20.43 0.10   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bn XML 2023/09/23 21:38:25.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.352e-05                 543.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bn XML 2023/09/23 21:38:25.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.352e-05                 543.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bk XML 2023/09/23 19:00:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.859e-06                 44.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923bk XML 2023/09/23 19:00:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.859e-06                 44.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923ap XML 2023/09/23 13:28:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.373e-05                 23.63 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923ap XML 2023/09/23 13:28:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.373e-05                 23.63 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923n XML 2023/09/23 04:11:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.962e-06                 112.23 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923n XML 2023/09/23 04:11:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.962e-06                 112.23 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923f XML 2023/09/23 01:52:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.797e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230923f XML 2023/09/23 01:52:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.797e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922bo XML 2023/09/22 23:13:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.357e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922bo XML 2023/09/22 23:13:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.357e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922be XML 2023/09/22 19:12:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.432e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922be XML 2023/09/22 19:12:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.432e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922g XML 2023/09/22 02:03:44.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.929e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922ag XML 2023/09/22 08:41:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.598e-05                 22.32 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922ae XML 2023/09/22 08:40:04.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.510e-05                 84.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922ag XML 2023/09/22 08:41:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.598e-05                 22.32 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922ae XML 2023/09/22 08:40:04.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.510e-05                 84.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922ac XML 2023/09/22 08:20:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.850e-05                 55.47 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922ac XML 2023/09/22 08:20:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.850e-05                 55.47 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922q XML 2023/09/22 04:06:58.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.608e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922q XML 2023/09/22 04:06:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.608e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922q XML 2023/09/22 04:06:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.718e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922g XML 2023/09/22 02:03:44.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.929e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922g XML 2023/09/22 02:03:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.929e-24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922g XML 2023/09/22 02:03:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.539e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922a XML 2023/09/22 01:23:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.486e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230922a XML 2023/09/22 01:23:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.486e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230921t XML 2023/09/21 07:28:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.169e-05                 145.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230921t XML 2023/09/21 07:28:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.169e-05                 145.70 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920al XML 2023/09/20 07:11:24.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bj XML 2023/09/19 21:57:12.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920bc XML 2023/09/20 11:45:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.725e-06 1.00 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920bc XML 2023/09/20 11:45:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.725e-06 1.00 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920al XML 2023/09/20 07:11:24.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920av XML 2023/09/20 09:54:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.243e-06 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920av XML 2023/09/20 09:54:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.243e-06 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920ap XML 2023/09/20 08:48:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.550e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.26 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920ap XML 2023/09/20 08:48:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.550e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.26 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920al XML 2023/09/20 07:11:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920al XML 2023/09/20 07:11:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.187e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920aj XML 2023/09/20 06:47:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.112e-05 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.41 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920aj XML 2023/09/20 06:47:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.036e-06 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.27 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920z XML 2023/09/20 04:43:53.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.354e-06                 925.79 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920x XML 2023/09/20 04:41:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.954e-05                 127.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920z XML 2023/09/20 04:43:53.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.356e-05                 932.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920x XML 2023/09/20 04:41:16.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.954e-05                 127.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920r XML 2023/09/20 03:14:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.525e-05                 29.54 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920r XML 2023/09/20 03:14:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.525e-05                 29.54 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920p XML 2023/09/20 03:05:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.196e-05 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920p XML 2023/09/20 03:05:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.196e-05 1.00 1.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920e XML 2023/09/20 00:38:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.204e-06                 44.86 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230920e XML 2023/09/20 00:38:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.204e-06                 44.86 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bj XML 2023/09/19 21:57:12.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bl XML 2023/09/19 22:16:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.431e-05 0.55 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.63 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bl XML 2023/09/19 22:16:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.431e-05 0.55 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.63 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bj XML 2023/09/19 21:57:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bj XML 2023/09/19 21:57:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.668e-42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bd XML 2023/09/19 07:09:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.101e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919bd XML 2023/09/19 07:09:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.101e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919az XML 2023/09/19 06:59:03.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.117e-05                 301.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919ay XML 2023/09/19 06:59:03.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.599e-05                 537.70 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919az XML 2023/09/19 06:59:03.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.117e-05                 301.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919ay XML 2023/09/19 06:59:03.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.599e-05                 537.70 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919aq XML 2023/09/19 02:38:09.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.423e-05                 96.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919aq XML 2023/09/19 02:38:09.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.423e-05                 96.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919m XML 2023/09/19 00:17:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.981e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919j XML 2023/09/19 00:13:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.199e-06 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919m XML 2023/09/19 00:17:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.981e-06 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919j XML 2023/09/19 00:13:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.199e-06 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919d XML 2023/09/19 00:00:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.068e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.48 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230919d XML 2023/09/19 00:00:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.068e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.48 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ce XML 2023/09/18 23:53:06.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.358e-05                 96.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ce XML 2023/09/18 23:53:06.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.358e-05                 96.78 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ca XML 2023/09/18 23:48:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.758e-06 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ca XML 2023/09/18 23:48:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.758e-06 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918bu XML 2023/09/18 23:24:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.396e-06 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918bu XML 2023/09/18 23:24:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.396e-06 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918bs XML 2023/09/18 22:57:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.270e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918bs XML 2023/09/18 22:57:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.270e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918bq XML 2023/09/18 22:21:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.026e-06 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.09 0.06 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918bq XML 2023/09/18 22:21:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.026e-06 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.09 0.06 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918aq XML 2023/09/18 11:19:41.000000 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230918aq XML 2023/09/18 11:19:41.000000 1 Ear 1 0 15 5.419e-08 1.00 1.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ah XML 2023/09/18 09:22:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.065e-05                 113.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ah XML 2023/09/18 09:22:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.065e-05                 113.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ae XML 2023/09/18 08:56:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.683e-06 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918ae XML 2023/09/18 08:56:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.683e-06 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918c XML 2023/09/18 01:38:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.303e-05                 51.24 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230918c XML 2023/09/18 01:38:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.303e-05                 51.24 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917aw XML 2023/09/17 18:28:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.181e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917aw XML 2023/09/17 18:28:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.181e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917af XML 2023/09/17 10:04:17.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.605e-07                 1053.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917af XML 2023/09/17 10:04:17.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.605e-07                 1053.07 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917ad XML 2023/09/17 07:44:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.192e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917ad XML 2023/09/17 07:44:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.192e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917y XML 2023/09/17 07:10:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.278e-05 1.00 0.80 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.23 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917y XML 2023/09/17 07:10:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.278e-05 1.00 0.80 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.23 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917w XML 2023/09/17 06:40:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.243e-06                 22.13 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917w XML 2023/09/17 06:40:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.243e-06                 22.13 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917v XML 2023/09/17 06:23:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.773e-05 1.00 0.21 0.08 0.07 0.00 0.52 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230917v XML 2023/09/17 06:23:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.773e-05 1.00 0.21 0.08 0.07 0.00 0.52 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916by XML 2023/09/16 22:58:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.876e-05 1.00 0.85 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.85 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916by XML 2023/09/16 22:58:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.876e-05 1.00 0.85 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.85 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bq XML 2023/09/16 20:28:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.388e-05                 242.83 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bq XML 2023/09/16 20:28:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.388e-05                 242.83 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bn XML 2023/09/16 19:22:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.976e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bn XML 2023/09/16 19:22:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.976e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bm XML 2023/09/16 19:03:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.754e-07                 51.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bm XML 2023/09/16 19:03:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.754e-07                 51.31 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bd XML 2023/09/16 13:23:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.716e-05                 63.02 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916bd XML 2023/09/16 13:23:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.716e-05                 63.02 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916aq XML 2023/09/16 10:47:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.404e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.03 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916aq XML 2023/09/16 10:47:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.404e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.03 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916ak XML 2023/09/16 08:52:37.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.357e-06                 140.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916ak XML 2023/09/16 08:52:37.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.357e-06                 140.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916ad XML 2023/09/16 07:40:06.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.437e-05                 42.77 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916ad XML 2023/09/16 07:40:06.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.437e-05                 42.77 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916v XML 2023/09/16 05:51:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.245e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.01 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916v XML 2023/09/16 05:51:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.400e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916t XML 2023/09/16 05:03:07.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.087e-05                 263.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916t XML 2023/09/16 05:03:07.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.087e-05                 263.76 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916l XML 2023/09/16 03:47:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.032e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916l XML 2023/09/16 03:47:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.032e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916f XML 2023/09/16 01:48:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.798e-05 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230916f XML 2023/09/16 01:48:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.798e-05 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bv XML 2023/09/15 18:24:03.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.265e-05                 661.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bv XML 2023/09/15 18:24:03.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.265e-05                 661.76 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bt XML 2023/09/15 18:02:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.721e-06                 41.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bt XML 2023/09/15 18:02:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.721e-06                 41.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bq XML 2023/09/15 17:44:35.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.879e-05                 43.44 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bq XML 2023/09/15 17:44:35.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.879e-05                 43.44 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bf XML 2023/09/15 14:23:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.556e-05                 1143.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915bf XML 2023/09/15 14:23:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.556e-05                 1143.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915ba XML 2023/09/15 13:35:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.634e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915ba XML 2023/09/15 13:35:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.119e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915aw XML 2023/09/15 13:09:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.361e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915aw XML 2023/09/15 13:09:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.361e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915aq XML 2023/09/15 11:07:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.959e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915aq XML 2023/09/15 11:07:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.959e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915af XML 2023/09/15 08:06:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.225e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.04 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915af XML 2023/09/15 08:06:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.225e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.04 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915ad XML 2023/09/15 07:09:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.270e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915ad XML 2023/09/15 07:09:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.270e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915x XML 2023/09/15 06:06:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.305e-05                 103.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915x XML 2023/09/15 06:06:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.305e-05                 103.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915b XML 2023/09/15 00:23:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.856e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230915b XML 2023/09/15 00:23:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.856e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914bw XML 2023/09/14 18:09:52.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.199e-05                 312.77 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914bw XML 2023/09/14 18:09:52.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.199e-05                 312.77 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914bq XML 2023/09/14 17:18:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.803e-05                 1502.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914bq XML 2023/09/14 17:18:16.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.803e-05                 1502.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914bi XML 2023/09/14 15:39:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.194e-05                 150.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914bi XML 2023/09/14 15:39:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.194e-05                 150.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914ak XML 2023/09/14 11:14:01.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 9.003e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914ak XML 2023/09/14 11:14:01.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 9.003e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914am XML 2023/09/14 11:15:59.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.534e-05                 1075.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914ak XML 2023/09/14 11:14:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.003e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914am XML 2023/09/14 11:15:59.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.534e-05                 1075.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914ak XML 2023/09/14 11:14:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914af XML 2023/09/14 09:27:09.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.038e-05                 50.36 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914af XML 2023/09/14 09:27:09.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.038e-05                 50.36 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914w XML 2023/09/14 07:11:57.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.711e-06                 714.67 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230914w XML 2023/09/14 07:11:57.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.711e-06                 714.67 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913bf XML 2023/09/13 18:28:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.985e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913bf XML 2023/09/13 18:28:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.985e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913bb XML 2023/09/13 17:39:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.283e-05                 44.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913bb XML 2023/09/13 17:39:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.283e-05                 44.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913ao XML 2023/09/13 15:11:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.672e-06 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.19 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913ao XML 2023/09/13 15:11:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.672e-06 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.19 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913ac XML 2023/09/13 11:48:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.115e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913ac XML 2023/09/13 11:48:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.115e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913v XML 2023/09/13 10:15:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.266e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913v XML 2023/09/13 10:15:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.266e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913j XML 2023/09/13 05:01:35.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.499e-06                 806.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230913j XML 2023/09/13 05:01:35.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.285e-05                 807.27 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912ai XML 2023/09/12 22:07:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.978e-05                 168.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912ah XML 2023/09/12 22:07:06.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.205e-05                 158.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912ai XML 2023/09/12 22:07:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.978e-05                 168.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912ah XML 2023/09/12 22:07:06.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.205e-05                 158.04 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912y XML 2023/09/12 11:42:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.864e-06 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912y XML 2023/09/12 11:42:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.864e-06 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912t XML 2023/09/12 10:37:32.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.245e-05                 94.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912t XML 2023/09/12 10:37:32.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.245e-05                 94.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ar XML 2023/09/11 23:51:36.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 3.842e-07                 731.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ar XML 2023/09/11 23:51:36.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 3.842e-07                 731.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912m XML 2023/09/12 05:03:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.103e-06 1.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912m XML 2023/09/12 05:03:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.103e-06 1.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912g XML 2023/09/12 02:39:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.236e-06 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230912g XML 2023/09/12 02:39:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.236e-06 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ae XML 2023/09/11 19:53:24.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.890e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911am XML 2023/09/11 20:53:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.155e-06 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911am XML 2023/09/11 20:53:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.155e-06 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ae XML 2023/09/11 19:53:24.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.890e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ae XML 2023/09/11 19:53:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.890e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ae XML 2023/09/11 19:53:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.890e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ab XML 2023/09/11 19:30:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.595e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911ab XML 2023/09/11 19:30:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.595e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911v XML 2023/09/11 17:26:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.045e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911v XML 2023/09/11 17:26:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.045e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911p XML 2023/09/11 13:47:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.995e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.01 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911p XML 2023/09/11 13:47:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.995e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.01 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911e XML 2023/09/11 04:13:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.886e-06 0.89 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911e XML 2023/09/11 04:13:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.886e-06 0.89 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911d XML 2023/09/11 03:44:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.741e-05 0.83 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230911d XML 2023/09/11 03:44:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.741e-05 0.83 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910bp XML 2023/09/10 23:21:21.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.910e-06                 62.33 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910bp XML 2023/09/10 23:21:21.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.910e-06                 62.33 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910be XML 2023/09/10 19:42:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.683e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910be XML 2023/09/10 19:42:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.683e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910ba XML 2023/09/10 19:18:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.703e-06 0.35 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.12 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910ba XML 2023/09/10 19:18:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.703e-06 0.35 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.12 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910ay XML 2023/09/10 17:57:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.901e-06 1.00 0.06 0.03 0.29 0.00 0.04 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910ay XML 2023/09/10 17:57:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.901e-06 1.00 0.06 0.03 0.29 0.00 0.04 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910av XML 2023/09/10 17:19:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.230e-05                 305.08 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910av XML 2023/09/10 17:19:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.230e-05                 305.08 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910ap XML 2023/09/10 14:35:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910ap XML 2023/09/10 14:35:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.377e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910y XML 2023/09/10 10:25:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.181e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910y XML 2023/09/10 10:25:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.181e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910p XML 2023/09/10 08:37:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.200e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.01 0.00 0.46 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230910p XML 2023/09/10 08:37:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.200e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.01 0.00 0.46 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909bf XML 2023/09/09 23:46:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.566e-05                 175.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909bf XML 2023/09/09 23:46:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.566e-05                 175.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909ax XML 2023/09/09 20:54:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.075e-06                 160.81 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909ax XML 2023/09/09 20:54:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.075e-06                 160.81 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909av XML 2023/09/09 20:24:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.047e-06                 1622.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909av XML 2023/09/09 20:24:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.047e-06                 1622.26 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909as XML 2023/09/09 19:50:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.164e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.26 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909as XML 2023/09/09 19:50:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.164e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.26 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909an XML 2023/09/09 17:53:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.786e-06 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909an XML 2023/09/09 17:53:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.786e-06 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909aj XML 2023/09/09 15:39:23.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.047e-05                 402.88 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909aj XML 2023/09/09 15:39:23.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.047e-05                 402.88 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909ai XML 2023/09/09 15:24:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.375e-05 1.00 0.14 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.58 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909ai XML 2023/09/09 15:24:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.375e-05 1.00 0.14 0.09 0.05 0.00 0.58 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909af XML 2023/09/09 13:51:21.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.072e-05                 731.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909af XML 2023/09/09 13:51:21.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.072e-05                 731.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909ab XML 2023/09/09 13:26:44.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.507e-06                 814.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909ab XML 2023/09/09 13:26:44.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.507e-06                 814.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909o XML 2023/09/09 10:13:05.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.643e-06                 39.07 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909o XML 2023/09/09 10:13:05.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.643e-06                 39.07 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909g XML 2023/09/09 08:11:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.089e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909g XML 2023/09/09 08:11:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.089e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909c XML 2023/09/09 07:32:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.372e-05                 110.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230909c XML 2023/09/09 07:32:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.372e-05                 110.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908al XML 2023/09/08 13:22:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.734e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908al XML 2023/09/08 13:22:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.734e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908ad XML 2023/09/08 12:50:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.808e-06                 153.87 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908ad XML 2023/09/08 12:50:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.808e-06                 153.87 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908aa XML 2023/09/08 09:24:37.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.904e-07                 1424.78 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908aa XML 2023/09/08 09:24:37.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.904e-07                 1424.78 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908b XML 2023/09/08 03:50:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.371e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230908b XML 2023/09/08 03:50:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.371e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bv XML 2023/09/07 21:46:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.660e-06                 995.95 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bv XML 2023/09/07 21:46:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.660e-06                 995.95 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bs XML 2023/09/07 21:11:50.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.409e-05                 147.21 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bs XML 2023/09/07 21:11:50.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.409e-05                 147.21 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bi XML 2023/09/07 19:48:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.877e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bi XML 2023/09/07 19:48:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.877e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bf XML 2023/09/07 19:26:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.376e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907bf XML 2023/09/07 19:26:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.376e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907be XML 2023/09/07 19:01:43.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.964e-05                 755.33 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907be XML 2023/09/07 19:01:43.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.964e-05                 755.33 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907az XML 2023/09/07 18:10:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.309e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907az XML 2023/09/07 18:10:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.309e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907ay XML 2023/09/07 16:52:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.741e-05 0.77 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907ay XML 2023/09/07 16:52:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.741e-05 0.77 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907ap XML 2023/09/07 14:22:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.627e-05 0.97 0.14 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907ap XML 2023/09/07 14:22:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.627e-05 0.97 0.14 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907ah XML 2023/09/07 12:40:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.999e-05 1.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907ah XML 2023/09/07 12:40:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.999e-05 1.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907x XML 2023/09/07 08:49:39.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.117e-05                 133.03 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907x XML 2023/09/07 08:49:39.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.117e-05                 133.03 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907o XML 2023/09/07 06:41:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.892e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230907o XML 2023/09/07 06:41:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.892e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906al XML 2023/09/06 12:07:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.409e-06 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.09 0.35 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906al XML 2023/09/06 12:07:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.409e-06 0.79 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.09 0.35 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906ae XML 2023/09/06 10:36:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.521e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906ae XML 2023/09/06 10:36:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.521e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.04 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906ad XML 2023/09/06 10:01:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.234e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.03 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906ad XML 2023/09/06 10:01:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.007e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.04 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906aa XML 2023/09/06 09:41:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.942e-05 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906aa XML 2023/09/06 09:41:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.942e-05 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906m XML 2023/09/06 03:01:14.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.013e-05                 1028.80 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906m XML 2023/09/06 03:01:14.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.013e-05                 1028.80 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906b XML 2023/09/06 00:38:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.331e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.02 0.42         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230906b XML 2023/09/06 00:38:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.789e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.03 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904n XML 2023/09/04 05:10:13.000000 4 Upd 1 1 1 2.250e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.05 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ax XML 2023/08/19 17:19:10.000000 5 Upd 1 1 4 8.843e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230905r XML 2023/09/05 07:41:45.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.677e-05                 151.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230905r XML 2023/09/05 07:41:45.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.677e-05                 151.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230905k XML 2023/09/05 06:04:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.908e-06                 864.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230905k XML 2023/09/05 06:04:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.908e-06                 864.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904bt XML 2023/09/04 23:56:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.295e-05                 1558.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904bt XML 2023/09/04 23:56:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.295e-05                 1558.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904bq XML 2023/09/04 23:14:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.885e-05                 70.42 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904bq XML 2023/09/04 23:14:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.885e-05                 70.42 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904bg XML 2023/09/04 19:45:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.982e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.01 0.31         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904bg XML 2023/09/04 19:45:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.554e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904av XML 2023/09/04 18:01:56.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.651e-05                 1739.66 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904av XML 2023/09/04 18:01:56.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.651e-05                 1739.66 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904at XML 2023/09/04 17:43:26.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.241e-06                 236.15 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904at XML 2023/09/04 17:43:26.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.241e-06                 236.15 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904ao XML 2023/09/04 15:25:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.051e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.28 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904ao XML 2023/09/04 15:25:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.252e-07 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.17 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904ak XML 2023/09/04 14:13:02.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.286e-05                 78.03 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904ak XML 2023/09/04 14:13:02.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.286e-05                 78.03 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904x XML 2023/09/04 08:07:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.636e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904x XML 2023/09/04 08:07:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.543e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904n XML 2023/09/04 05:10:13.000000 3 Ini 1 1 1 2.250e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.06 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904n XML 2023/09/04 05:10:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.250e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.06 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904n XML 2023/09/04 05:10:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.166e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.08 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904j XML 2023/09/04 04:12:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904j XML 2023/09/04 04:12:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904i XML 2023/09/04 03:45:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.395e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.01 0.00 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230904i XML 2023/09/04 03:45:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.395e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.01 0.00 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903bk XML 2023/09/03 21:05:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.419e-06 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.21 0.03 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903bk XML 2023/09/03 21:05:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.419e-06 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.21 0.03 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903bf XML 2023/09/03 20:16:56.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.213e-05                 125.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903bf XML 2023/09/03 20:16:56.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.213e-05                 125.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903aw XML 2023/09/03 18:20:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.122e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903aw XML 2023/09/03 18:20:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.122e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903al XML 2023/09/03 16:05:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.172e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903al XML 2023/09/03 16:05:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.172e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903ai XML 2023/09/03 15:53:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.594e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903ai XML 2023/09/03 15:53:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.594e-06 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903x XML 2023/09/03 11:45:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.351e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903x XML 2023/09/03 11:45:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.351e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903k XML 2023/09/03 04:51:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.494e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230903k XML 2023/09/03 04:51:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.494e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902bk XML 2023/09/02 22:45:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.883e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.04 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902bk XML 2023/09/02 22:45:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.883e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.04 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902av XML 2023/09/02 17:37:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.065e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902av XML 2023/09/02 17:37:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.065e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902au XML 2023/09/02 17:24:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.328e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902au XML 2023/09/02 17:24:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.122e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.11 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902as XML 2023/09/02 17:15:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.403e-05 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.57 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902as XML 2023/09/02 17:15:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.403e-05 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.57 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902ap XML 2023/09/02 16:33:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.384e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.23 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902ap XML 2023/09/02 16:33:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.384e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.23 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902al XML 2023/09/02 15:48:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.559e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.09 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902ak XML 2023/09/02 15:43:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.870e-05 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.13 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902al XML 2023/09/02 15:48:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.559e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.09 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902ak XML 2023/09/02 15:43:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.870e-05 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.13 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902af XML 2023/09/02 15:03:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.973e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.04 0.20         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902af XML 2023/09/02 15:03:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.973e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.04 0.20         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902t XML 2023/09/02 12:16:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.287e-05 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902t XML 2023/09/02 12:16:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.287e-05 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902o XML 2023/09/02 09:02:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.866e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902o XML 2023/09/02 09:02:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.866e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902m XML 2023/09/02 08:30:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.175e-05 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902m XML 2023/09/02 08:30:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.175e-05 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902l XML 2023/09/02 07:54:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.823e-05                 665.22 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230902l XML 2023/09/02 07:54:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.823e-05                 665.22 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901bf XML 2023/09/01 16:32:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.236e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901bf XML 2023/09/01 16:32:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.236e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901be XML 2023/09/01 16:09:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.256e-05                 61.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901be XML 2023/09/01 16:09:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.256e-05                 61.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901ae XML 2023/09/01 09:53:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.448e-06 0.83 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901ae XML 2023/09/01 09:53:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.448e-06 0.83 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901u XML 2023/09/01 06:15:29.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.190e-06                 956.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901u XML 2023/09/01 06:15:29.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.190e-06                 956.01 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901h XML 2023/09/01 01:07:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.022e-05 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230901h XML 2023/09/01 01:07:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.022e-05 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831cn XML 2023/08/31 20:48:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.404e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.18 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831cn XML 2023/08/31 20:48:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.404e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.18 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831ce XML 2023/08/31 17:40:53.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.491e-06                 24.55 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831ce XML 2023/08/31 17:40:53.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.491e-06                 24.55 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831bn XML 2023/08/31 13:46:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.687e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.29 0.08 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831bn XML 2023/08/31 13:46:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.119e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.19 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831bm XML 2023/08/31 13:29:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.694e-06 0.82 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831bm XML 2023/08/31 13:29:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.694e-06 0.82 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831bk XML 2023/08/31 13:07:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.909e-06                 22.88 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831bk XML 2023/08/31 13:07:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.909e-06                 22.88 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831e XML 2023/08/31 01:54:14.000000 5 Upd 1 1 4 1.980e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831ar XML 2023/08/31 08:23:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.994e-05 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831ar XML 2023/08/31 08:23:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.994e-05 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831ai XML 2023/08/31 07:30:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.521e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831ai XML 2023/08/31 07:30:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.521e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831aa XML 2023/08/31 05:47:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.500e-05 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831aa XML 2023/08/31 05:47:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.500e-05 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831p XML 2023/08/31 03:50:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.794e-06 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831p XML 2023/08/31 03:50:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.794e-06 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831k XML 2023/08/31 02:34:44.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.001e-05                 1325.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831k XML 2023/08/31 02:34:44.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.001e-05                 1325.50 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831e XML 2023/08/31 01:54:14.000000 4 Ini 1 1 4 1.980e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.01 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831e XML 2023/08/31 01:54:14.000000 3 Pre 1 1 4 1.980e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.01 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831e XML 2023/08/31 01:54:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.980e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.01 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230831e XML 2023/08/31 01:54:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.848e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.04 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830an XML 2023/08/30 13:07:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.172e-06 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.77 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830an XML 2023/08/30 13:07:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.172e-06 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.77 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830ab XML 2023/08/30 09:43:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.301e-06 1.00 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830ab XML 2023/08/30 09:43:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.301e-06 1.00 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830q XML 2023/08/30 06:47:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.335e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830q XML 2023/08/30 06:47:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.335e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830n XML 2023/08/30 05:54:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.093e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830n XML 2023/08/30 05:54:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.093e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bw XML 2023/07/15 19:05:37.000000 4 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230830b XML 2023/08/30 04:21:58.000000 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230830k XML 2023/08/30 05:19:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.308e-05                 1659.53 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830k XML 2023/08/30 05:19:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.308e-05                 1659.53 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830g XML 2023/08/30 04:49:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.351e-06 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.08 0.41 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830g XML 2023/08/30 04:49:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.351e-06 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.08 0.41 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830d XML 2023/08/30 04:32:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.765e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830d XML 2023/08/30 04:32:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.279e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830c XML 2023/08/30 04:22:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.236e-05 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830b XML 2023/08/30 04:21:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.148e-10 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.20 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830c XML 2023/08/30 04:22:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.236e-05 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230830b XML 2023/08/30 04:21:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.148e-10 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.20 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bq XML 2023/08/20 21:25:15.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 4.232e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814ah XML 2023/08/14 23:09:01.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.847e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230829ah XML 2023/08/29 10:18:20.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.315e-05                 59.79 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230829ah XML 2023/08/29 10:18:20.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.315e-05                 59.79 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230829af XML 2023/08/29 09:45:59.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.428e-06                 124.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230829af XML 2023/08/29 09:45:59.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.428e-06                 124.93 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230829d XML 2023/08/29 02:54:28.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.314e-05                 45.29 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230829d XML 2023/08/29 02:54:28.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.314e-05                 45.29 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828aq XML 2023/08/28 16:07:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 5.219e-07                 808.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828aq XML 2023/08/28 16:07:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 5.219e-07                 808.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828ap XML 2023/08/28 16:00:49.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.863e-06                 705.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828ap XML 2023/08/28 16:00:49.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.863e-06                 705.31 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828ah XML 2023/08/28 11:35:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.369e-06 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.05 0.02 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828ah XML 2023/08/28 11:35:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.369e-06 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.05 0.02 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828o XML 2023/08/28 06:35:07.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.099e-05                 169.20 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828n XML 2023/08/28 06:33:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.143e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.08 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828o XML 2023/08/28 06:35:07.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.099e-05                 169.20 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828n XML 2023/08/28 06:33:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.985e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.04 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828d XML 2023/08/28 01:02:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.442e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.03 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828d XML 2023/08/28 01:02:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.442e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.03 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828b XML 2023/08/28 00:21:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.446e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230828b XML 2023/08/28 00:21:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.446e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827cc XML 2023/08/27 21:38:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.506e-05                 130.92 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827cc XML 2023/08/27 21:38:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.506e-05                 130.92 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bo XML 2023/08/27 17:55:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.484e-05                 49.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bo XML 2023/08/27 17:55:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.484e-05                 49.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bl XML 2023/08/27 17:24:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.662e-05 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.40 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bl XML 2023/08/27 17:24:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.662e-05 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.40 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bj XML 2023/08/27 17:11:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.400e-06 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.11 0.00 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bj XML 2023/08/27 17:11:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.400e-06 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.11 0.00 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bh XML 2023/08/27 16:55:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.034e-05 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bh XML 2023/08/27 16:55:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.034e-05 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bf XML 2023/08/27 14:38:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.080e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bf XML 2023/08/27 14:38:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.080e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bc XML 2023/08/27 13:08:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.899e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.09 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827bc XML 2023/08/27 13:08:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.899e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.09 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827az XML 2023/08/27 12:34:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.940e-06                 132.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827az XML 2023/08/27 12:34:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.940e-06                 132.95 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827au XML 2023/08/27 10:17:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.825e-06 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.28 0.04 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827at XML 2023/08/27 10:13:56.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-06                 41.60 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827au XML 2023/08/27 10:17:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.825e-06 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.28 0.04 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827at XML 2023/08/27 10:13:56.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.999e-06                 41.60 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827z XML 2023/08/27 07:38:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.235e-05                 62.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827z XML 2023/08/27 07:38:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.235e-05                 62.50 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827x XML 2023/08/27 07:20:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.439e-06                 98.21 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827x XML 2023/08/27 07:20:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.439e-06                 98.21 0.11   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827w XML 2023/08/27 07:15:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.208e-05                 690.24 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827v XML 2023/08/27 07:14:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.971e-05                 122.74 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827u XML 2023/08/27 07:12:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.465e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827w XML 2023/08/27 07:15:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.208e-05                 690.24 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827v XML 2023/08/27 07:14:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.971e-05                 122.74 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827u XML 2023/08/27 07:12:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.465e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827s XML 2023/08/27 06:50:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.538e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827s XML 2023/08/27 06:50:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.538e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827o XML 2023/08/27 04:21:45.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.046e-05                 78.37 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230827o XML 2023/08/27 04:21:45.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.046e-05                 78.37 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826bi XML 2023/08/26 19:50:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.668e-05                 237.39 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826bi XML 2023/08/26 19:50:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.668e-05                 237.39 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826bf XML 2023/08/26 18:28:06.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.343e-06                 63.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826bf XML 2023/08/26 18:28:06.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.343e-06                 63.12 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826be XML 2023/08/26 18:09:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.334e-05 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826be XML 2023/08/26 18:09:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.334e-05 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826ba XML 2023/08/26 17:28:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.953e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826ba XML 2023/08/26 17:28:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.953e-05 1.00 1.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826ar XML 2023/08/26 15:27:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.652e-05                 487.66 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826ar XML 2023/08/26 15:27:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.652e-05                 487.66 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826al XML 2023/08/26 13:39:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.962e-06 1.00 1.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826al XML 2023/08/26 13:39:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.962e-06 1.00 1.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826ac XML 2023/08/26 11:57:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.004e-06 1.00 0.11 0.13 0.04 0.00 0.60 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826ac XML 2023/08/26 11:57:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.004e-06 1.00 0.11 0.13 0.04 0.00 0.60 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826y XML 2023/08/26 05:08:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.913e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826y XML 2023/08/26 05:08:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.913e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826n XML 2023/08/26 03:15:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.151e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826n XML 2023/08/26 03:15:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.805e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.01 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826l XML 2023/08/26 03:10:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.836e-05 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.30 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230826l XML 2023/08/26 03:10:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.836e-05 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.30 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825co XML 2023/08/25 22:21:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.633e-06 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.36 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825co XML 2023/08/25 22:21:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.296e-06 1.00 0.53 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.42 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825ce XML 2023/08/25 18:25:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.921e-05 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.23 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825ce XML 2023/08/25 18:25:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.921e-05 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.23 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825cd XML 2023/08/25 18:07:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.809e-05                 55.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825cc XML 2023/08/25 18:07:28.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.828e-06                 55.93 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825cb XML 2023/08/25 18:05:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.103e-05 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825cd XML 2023/08/25 18:07:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.809e-05                 55.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825cc XML 2023/08/25 18:07:28.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.828e-06                 55.93 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825cb XML 2023/08/25 18:05:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.103e-05 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825bz XML 2023/08/25 17:40:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.914e-06 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.18 0.11 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825bz XML 2023/08/25 17:40:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.914e-06 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.18 0.11 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825bf XML 2023/08/25 13:34:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.491e-06 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825bf XML 2023/08/25 13:34:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.491e-06 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825k XML 2023/08/25 04:13:34.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.388e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825aq XML 2023/08/25 11:31:24.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.507e-07                 116.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825aq XML 2023/08/25 11:31:24.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.507e-07                 116.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825v XML 2023/08/25 06:57:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.058e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.22 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825v XML 2023/08/25 06:57:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.058e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.22 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825k XML 2023/08/25 04:13:34.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.388e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825k XML 2023/08/25 04:13:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.388e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825k XML 2023/08/25 04:13:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.388e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825i XML 2023/08/25 03:45:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.147e-05                 301.25 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230825i XML 2023/08/25 03:45:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.147e-05                 301.25 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824co XML 2023/08/24 18:20:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.231e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824co XML 2023/08/24 18:20:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.231e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824cl XML 2023/08/24 18:11:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.299e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824cl XML 2023/08/24 18:11:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.299e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824cg XML 2023/08/24 17:32:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.818e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824cg XML 2023/08/24 17:32:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.702e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.04 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824cd XML 2023/08/24 16:57:30.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.103e-05                 29.98 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824cd XML 2023/08/24 16:57:30.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.103e-05                 29.98 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bp XML 2023/08/24 13:53:31.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.030e-07                 29.64 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bp XML 2023/08/24 13:53:31.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.030e-07                 29.64 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bo XML 2023/08/24 13:45:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.707e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bo XML 2023/08/24 13:45:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.964e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bl XML 2023/08/24 13:35:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.125e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.03 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bl XML 2023/08/24 13:35:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.125e-06 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.03 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bi XML 2023/08/24 12:32:47.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.551e-06                 708.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bi XML 2023/08/24 12:32:47.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.551e-06                 708.33 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bb XML 2023/08/24 11:32:21.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.848e-05                 60.65 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824bb XML 2023/08/24 11:32:21.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.848e-05                 60.65 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824ay XML 2023/08/24 10:47:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.927e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824ay XML 2023/08/24 10:47:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.927e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824av XML 2023/08/24 10:24:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.629e-05 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824av XML 2023/08/24 10:24:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.629e-05 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824r XML 2023/08/24 03:30:47.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 1.640e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824ag XML 2023/08/24 06:43:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.295e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.26 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824ag XML 2023/08/24 06:43:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.295e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.26 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824y XML 2023/08/24 05:03:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.698e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824y XML 2023/08/24 05:03:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.698e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824r XML 2023/08/24 03:30:47.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 1.640e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824w XML 2023/08/24 04:13:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.642e-05                 903.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824w XML 2023/08/24 04:13:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.642e-05                 903.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824u XML 2023/08/24 04:02:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.924e-05                 206.55 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824u XML 2023/08/24 04:02:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.924e-05                 206.55 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824r XML 2023/08/24 03:30:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.640e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824p XML 2023/08/24 03:24:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.672e-06                 43.97 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824r XML 2023/08/24 03:30:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.640e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824p XML 2023/08/24 03:24:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.672e-06                 43.97 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824n XML 2023/08/24 03:03:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.129e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824n XML 2023/08/24 03:03:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.129e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824e XML 2023/08/24 00:15:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.844e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824e XML 2023/08/24 00:15:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.844e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824a XML 2023/08/24 00:01:20.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.876e-06                 48.82 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230824a XML 2023/08/24 00:01:20.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.876e-06                 48.82 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bu XML 2023/08/23 23:43:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.106e-05 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.41 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bu XML 2023/08/23 23:43:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.106e-05 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.41 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bm XML 2023/08/23 14:31:42.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.777e-06                 321.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bm XML 2023/08/23 14:31:42.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.777e-06                 321.73 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bl XML 2023/08/23 14:25:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bl XML 2023/08/23 14:25:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bk XML 2023/08/23 14:08:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.114e-06                 41.07 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bk XML 2023/08/23 14:08:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.114e-06                 41.07 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bh XML 2023/08/23 13:42:21.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.856e-05                 100.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823bh XML 2023/08/23 13:42:21.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.856e-05                 100.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823ay XML 2023/08/23 11:26:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.041e-06 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.31 0.03 0.00 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823ay XML 2023/08/23 11:26:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.041e-06 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.31 0.03 0.00 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823ah XML 2023/08/23 08:16:41.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.366e-06                 1752.94 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823ah XML 2023/08/23 08:16:41.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.366e-06                 1752.94 0.08   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823ac XML 2023/08/23 06:44:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.231e-05 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.17 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823ac XML 2023/08/23 06:44:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.231e-05 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.17 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823x XML 2023/08/23 05:52:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.254e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.09 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823x XML 2023/08/23 05:52:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.254e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.09 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823n XML 2023/08/23 03:34:52.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.410e-05                 43.20 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823n XML 2023/08/23 03:34:52.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.410e-05                 43.20 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823i XML 2023/08/23 02:19:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.374e-06 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823i XML 2023/08/23 02:19:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.374e-06 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822bm XML 2023/08/22 23:03:37.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.585e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823d XML 2023/08/23 00:55:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.000e-06                 38.78 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230823d XML 2023/08/23 00:55:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.000e-06                 38.78 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822bm XML 2023/08/22 23:03:37.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.585e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.04 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822bl XML 2023/08/22 22:56:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.196e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822bm XML 2023/08/22 23:03:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.585e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.04 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822bl XML 2023/08/22 22:56:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.196e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822bm XML 2023/08/22 23:03:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.055e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.05 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822ao XML 2023/08/22 10:20:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.101e-05 1.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822ao XML 2023/08/22 10:20:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.101e-05 1.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822al XML 2023/08/22 09:56:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.005e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822al XML 2023/08/22 09:56:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.005e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822ah XML 2023/08/22 09:05:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.996e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.45 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822ah XML 2023/08/22 09:05:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.996e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.45 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822ac XML 2023/08/22 06:26:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.587e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.04 0.19         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822ac XML 2023/08/22 06:26:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.587e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.04 0.19         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822n XML 2023/08/22 03:27:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.105e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822n XML 2023/08/22 03:27:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.105e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822e XML 2023/08/22 00:39:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.701e-06                 34.23 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822e XML 2023/08/22 00:39:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.701e-06                 34.23 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822d XML 2023/08/22 00:29:09.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.596e-05                 1671.68 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230822d XML 2023/08/22 00:29:09.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.596e-05                 1671.68 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ck XML 2023/08/21 21:48:54.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.309e-06                 21.09 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ck XML 2023/08/21 21:48:54.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.309e-06                 21.09 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ca XML 2023/08/21 18:08:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.084e-05                 829.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ca XML 2023/08/21 18:08:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.084e-05                 829.32 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821bx XML 2023/08/21 17:51:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.667e-05                 24.45 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821bx XML 2023/08/21 17:51:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.667e-05                 24.45 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821bp XML 2023/08/21 16:44:49.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.289e-05                 1012.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821bp XML 2023/08/21 16:44:49.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.289e-05                 1012.81 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821bh XML 2023/08/21 14:56:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.537e-05 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821bh XML 2023/08/21 14:56:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.537e-05 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821aw XML 2023/08/21 11:25:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.474e-05                 633.90 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821aw XML 2023/08/21 11:25:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.474e-05                 633.90 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ar XML 2023/08/21 09:27:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.798e-06 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ar XML 2023/08/21 09:27:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.798e-06 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821am XML 2023/08/21 07:45:17.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.928e-05                 1212.58 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821am XML 2023/08/21 07:45:17.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.928e-05                 1212.58 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ak XML 2023/08/21 07:38:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.853e-06                 65.87 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821ak XML 2023/08/21 07:38:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.853e-06                 65.87 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821e XML 2023/08/21 01:49:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.313e-05 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.00 0.15 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821e XML 2023/08/21 01:49:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.313e-05 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.00 0.15 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821d XML 2023/08/21 01:37:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.303e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.28 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230821d XML 2023/08/21 01:37:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.303e-05 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.28 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bq XML 2023/08/20 21:25:15.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 4.232e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bq XML 2023/08/20 21:25:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.232e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bq XML 2023/08/20 21:25:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.689e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bn XML 2023/08/20 20:38:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.201e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.16 0.06 0.43         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bn XML 2023/08/20 20:38:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.201e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.16 0.06 0.43         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bj XML 2023/08/20 19:55:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.162e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bj XML 2023/08/20 19:55:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.162e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bi XML 2023/08/20 19:40:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.314e-05                 54.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820bi XML 2023/08/20 19:40:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.314e-05                 54.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820at XML 2023/08/20 17:02:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.787e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820at XML 2023/08/20 17:02:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.787e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820am XML 2023/08/20 16:22:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.659e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820am XML 2023/08/20 16:22:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.659e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820ac XML 2023/08/20 14:04:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.701e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820ac XML 2023/08/20 14:04:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.701e-05 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820y XML 2023/08/20 13:47:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.119e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820y XML 2023/08/20 13:47:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.119e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820u XML 2023/08/20 12:54:31.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.649e-05                 26.33 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820u XML 2023/08/20 12:54:31.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.649e-05                 26.33 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820n XML 2023/08/20 12:08:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.944e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820n XML 2023/08/20 12:08:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.944e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820l XML 2023/08/20 11:42:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.181e-06                 82.54 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820l XML 2023/08/20 11:42:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.181e-06                 82.54 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820g XML 2023/08/20 05:21:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.051e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.13 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230820g XML 2023/08/20 05:21:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.051e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.13 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ax XML 2023/08/19 17:19:10.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 8.843e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ax XML 2023/08/19 17:19:10.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 8.843e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ax XML 2023/08/19 17:19:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.843e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ax XML 2023/08/19 17:19:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.305e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819av XML 2023/08/19 14:51:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.149e-06                 46.08 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819av XML 2023/08/19 14:51:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.149e-06                 46.08 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819at XML 2023/08/19 14:19:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.059e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.29 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819at XML 2023/08/19 14:19:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.059e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.29 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ad XML 2023/08/19 10:17:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.268e-05                 30.57 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819ad XML 2023/08/19 10:17:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.268e-05                 30.57 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819q XML 2023/08/19 06:35:17.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.695e-06                 25.17 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819q XML 2023/08/19 06:35:17.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.695e-06                 25.17 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819m XML 2023/08/19 05:05:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.085e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.54 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819m XML 2023/08/19 05:05:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.085e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.54 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819h XML 2023/08/19 03:58:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.830e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819h XML 2023/08/19 03:58:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.830e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819f XML 2023/08/19 03:08:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.572e-05 1.00 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.40 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819f XML 2023/08/19 03:08:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.572e-05 1.00 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.40 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819e XML 2023/08/19 02:56:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.107e-06                 30.64 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230819e XML 2023/08/19 02:56:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.107e-06                 30.64 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bv XML 2023/08/18 23:49:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.517e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.04 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bv XML 2023/08/18 23:49:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.517e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.04 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bt XML 2023/08/18 23:31:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.010e-05 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.44 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bt XML 2023/08/18 23:31:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.010e-05 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.44 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bo XML 2023/08/18 19:25:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.463e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bo XML 2023/08/18 19:25:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.463e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bn XML 2023/08/18 19:04:40.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.620e-06                 441.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bn XML 2023/08/18 19:04:40.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.620e-06                 441.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bc XML 2023/08/18 15:09:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.946e-06                 23.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818bc XML 2023/08/18 15:09:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.946e-06                 23.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818az XML 2023/08/18 14:49:07.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.528e-05                 171.53 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818az XML 2023/08/18 14:49:07.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.528e-05                 171.53 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818ay XML 2023/08/18 14:29:45.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.117e-06                 133.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818ay XML 2023/08/18 14:29:45.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.117e-06                 133.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818an XML 2023/08/18 11:08:01.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.813e-05                 28.16 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818an XML 2023/08/18 11:08:01.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.813e-05                 28.16 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818ad XML 2023/08/18 08:46:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.833e-06                 253.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818ad XML 2023/08/18 08:46:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.833e-06                 253.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818v XML 2023/08/18 06:18:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.793e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818v XML 2023/08/18 06:18:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.793e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818p XML 2023/08/18 05:07:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.623e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230818p XML 2023/08/18 05:07:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.623e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.03 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817aq XML 2023/08/17 23:13:59.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.959e-06                 109.54 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817aq XML 2023/08/17 23:13:59.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.959e-06                 109.54 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817ap XML 2023/08/17 21:23:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.976e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.01 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817ao XML 2023/08/17 21:20:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.754e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817ap XML 2023/08/17 21:23:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.818e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817ao XML 2023/08/17 21:20:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.754e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817ag XML 2023/08/17 16:16:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.126e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817ag XML 2023/08/17 16:16:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.126e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817z XML 2023/08/17 13:47:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.724e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817z XML 2023/08/17 13:47:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.724e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817n XML 2023/08/17 08:29:39.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.266e-06                 50.70 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817n XML 2023/08/17 08:29:39.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.266e-06                 50.70 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817j XML 2023/08/17 07:59:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.225e-05                 57.80 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817j XML 2023/08/17 07:59:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.225e-05                 57.80 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817d XML 2023/08/17 06:33:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.713e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817d XML 2023/08/17 06:33:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.713e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817a XML 2023/08/17 01:51:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.814e-05                 1055.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230817a XML 2023/08/17 01:51:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.814e-05                 1055.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816an XML 2023/08/16 18:01:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.638e-05                 1135.16 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816an XML 2023/08/16 18:01:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.638e-05                 1135.16 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816aj XML 2023/08/16 17:30:51.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.179e-05                 330.66 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816aj XML 2023/08/16 17:30:51.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.179e-05                 330.66 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816af XML 2023/08/16 15:10:40.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.637e-05                 20.38 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816af XML 2023/08/16 15:10:40.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.637e-05                 20.38 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816ac XML 2023/08/16 12:09:34.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.222e-05                 111.54 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816ac XML 2023/08/16 12:09:34.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.222e-05                 111.54 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816v XML 2023/08/16 09:56:48.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.057e-06                 43.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816v XML 2023/08/16 09:56:48.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.057e-06                 43.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816t XML 2023/08/16 08:54:40.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.021e-05                 24.25 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816t XML 2023/08/16 08:54:40.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.021e-05                 24.25 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816r XML 2023/08/16 08:25:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.119e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.05 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816r XML 2023/08/16 08:25:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.119e-05 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.05 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816j XML 2023/08/16 06:45:33.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.552e-06                 80.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816j XML 2023/08/16 06:45:33.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.276e-05                 80.98 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816h XML 2023/08/16 06:27:06.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.087e-05                 20.54 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230816h XML 2023/08/16 06:27:06.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.087e-05                 20.54 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815r XML 2023/08/15 09:59:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.825e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.04 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815r XML 2023/08/15 09:59:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.825e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.04 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815p XML 2023/08/15 08:56:18.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 2.644e-06                 467.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815p XML 2023/08/15 08:56:18.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 2.644e-06                 467.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815n XML 2023/08/15 08:37:03.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.938e-05                 149.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815n XML 2023/08/15 08:37:03.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.938e-05                 149.00 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815g XML 2023/08/15 05:45:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.418e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230815g XML 2023/08/15 05:45:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.418e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.04 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814ah XML 2023/08/14 23:09:01.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.847e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814ah XML 2023/08/14 23:09:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.847e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814ah XML 2023/08/14 23:09:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.847e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814r XML 2023/08/14 06:19:20.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 4.811e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814r XML 2023/08/14 06:19:20.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 4.811e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814r XML 2023/08/14 06:19:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.811e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814r XML 2023/08/14 06:19:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.811e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814j XML 2023/08/14 03:18:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.501e-06 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.27 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814j XML 2023/08/14 03:18:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.501e-06 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.27 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814g XML 2023/08/14 01:52:37.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.974e-06                 41.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230814g XML 2023/08/14 01:52:37.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.974e-06                 41.59 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813bo XML 2023/08/13 20:37:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.738e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813bo XML 2023/08/13 20:37:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.738e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813az XML 2023/08/13 15:22:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.143e-06 0.79 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813az XML 2023/08/13 15:22:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.143e-06 0.79 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ax XML 2023/08/13 14:49:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.851e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.58         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ax XML 2023/08/13 14:49:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.108e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813au XML 2023/08/13 13:44:51.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.081e-05                 81.37 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813au XML 2023/08/13 13:44:51.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.081e-05                 81.37 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ar XML 2023/08/13 11:30:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.018e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ar XML 2023/08/13 11:30:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.018e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ak XML 2023/08/13 10:14:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.602e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ak XML 2023/08/13 10:14:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.602e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ae XML 2023/08/13 09:24:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.321e-06                 110.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813ae XML 2023/08/13 09:24:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.321e-06                 110.74 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813e XML 2023/08/13 01:15:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.923e-06 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.21 0.05 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230813e XML 2023/08/13 01:15:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.923e-06 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.21 0.05 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812cd XML 2023/08/12 21:55:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.590e-05 1.00 0.86 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812cd XML 2023/08/12 21:55:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.590e-05 1.00 0.86 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812bu XML 2023/08/12 20:11:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.224e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.06 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812bu XML 2023/08/12 20:11:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.224e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.06 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812bo XML 2023/08/12 18:13:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.487e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812bo XML 2023/08/12 18:13:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.487e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812be XML 2023/08/12 16:14:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.952e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812be XML 2023/08/12 16:14:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.952e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812aq XML 2023/08/12 13:22:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.815e-05 0.97 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812aq XML 2023/08/12 13:22:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.815e-05 0.97 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812ao XML 2023/08/12 13:09:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.710e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.18 0.39 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812ao XML 2023/08/12 13:09:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.710e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.18 0.39 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812am XML 2023/08/12 12:21:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.459e-05                 1780.73 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812am XML 2023/08/12 12:21:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.459e-05                 1780.73 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812ak XML 2023/08/12 12:09:09.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.322e-05                 49.97 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812ak XML 2023/08/12 12:09:09.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.322e-05                 49.97 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812aj XML 2023/08/12 12:04:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.264e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812aj XML 2023/08/12 12:04:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.264e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812x XML 2023/08/12 05:44:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.334e-05                 1219.86 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812x XML 2023/08/12 05:44:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.334e-05                 1219.86 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811n XML 2023/08/11 03:21:16.000000 5 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811n XML 2023/08/11 03:21:16.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812e XML 2023/08/12 01:14:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.071e-06 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812e XML 2023/08/12 01:14:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.071e-06 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812b XML 2023/08/12 00:19:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.037e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.06 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230812b XML 2023/08/12 00:19:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.955e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.01 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811z XML 2023/08/11 22:47:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.405e-06                 318.18 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811y XML 2023/08/11 22:46:20.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.932e-05                 532.85 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811z XML 2023/08/11 22:47:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 6.405e-06                 318.18 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811y XML 2023/08/11 22:46:20.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.932e-05                 532.85 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811n XML 2023/08/11 03:21:16.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811n XML 2023/08/11 03:21:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811n XML 2023/08/11 03:21:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.628e-21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811f XML 2023/08/11 01:06:03.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.993e-05                 326.25 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230811f XML 2023/08/11 01:06:03.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.993e-05                 326.25 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810al XML 2023/08/10 23:40:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.220e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810ak XML 2023/08/10 23:37:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.080e-06 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.30 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810al XML 2023/08/10 23:40:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.220e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810ak XML 2023/08/10 23:37:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.080e-06 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.30 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810af XML 2023/08/10 10:01:07.000000 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230810af XML 2023/08/10 10:01:07.000000 1 Ear 1 0 5 2.905e-08 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810y XML 2023/08/10 09:26:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.182e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810y XML 2023/08/10 09:26:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.182e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810r XML 2023/08/10 04:33:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.318e-06 1.00 1.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810r XML 2023/08/10 04:33:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.318e-06 1.00 1.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810g XML 2023/08/10 02:39:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.821e-05                 49.15 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810g XML 2023/08/10 02:39:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.821e-05                 49.15 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810d XML 2023/08/10 02:16:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.064e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810d XML 2023/08/10 02:16:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.064e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810b XML 2023/08/10 01:25:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.604e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230810b XML 2023/08/10 01:25:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.604e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809fx XML 2023/08/09 08:28:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.258e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809fx XML 2023/08/09 08:28:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.258e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809aj XML 2023/08/09 04:54:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.738e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809aj XML 2023/08/09 04:54:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.738e-05 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809z XML 2023/08/09 04:49:00.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.075e-05                 1517.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809z XML 2023/08/09 04:49:00.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.075e-05                 1517.47 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809j XML 2023/08/09 02:42:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.389e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809j XML 2023/08/09 02:42:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.389e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809g XML 2023/08/09 01:14:47.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.779e-06                 1590.34 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809g XML 2023/08/09 01:14:47.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.779e-06                 1590.34 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809b XML 2023/08/09 00:18:31.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.596e-05                 60.84 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230809b XML 2023/08/09 00:18:31.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.596e-05                 60.84 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808af XML 2023/08/08 22:51:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.209e-06 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808af XML 2023/08/08 22:51:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.209e-06 1.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808ae XML 2023/08/08 22:43:15.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.839e-05                 270.66 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808ae XML 2023/08/08 22:43:15.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.839e-05                 270.66 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808i XML 2023/08/08 04:03:46.000000 4 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230808r XML 2023/08/08 06:30:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.126e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808r XML 2023/08/08 06:30:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.126e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808i XML 2023/08/08 04:03:46.000000 3 Ini 2 8 2 6.852e-11                 53.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808i XML 2023/08/08 04:03:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.852e-11                 53.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808h XML 2023/08/08 04:03:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.137e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808i XML 2023/08/08 04:03:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.852e-11                 53.46 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808h XML 2023/08/08 04:03:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.137e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808e XML 2023/08/08 03:57:07.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.274e-05                 239.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808e XML 2023/08/08 03:57:07.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.274e-05                 239.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230807f XML 2023/08/07 20:50:45.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.143e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808b XML 2023/08/08 01:07:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.461e-06 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230808b XML 2023/08/08 01:07:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.461e-06 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230807k XML 2023/08/07 21:16:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.309e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230807k XML 2023/08/07 21:16:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.309e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230807f XML 2023/08/07 20:50:45.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.143e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.04 0.14         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230807f XML 2023/08/07 20:50:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.143e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230807f XML 2023/08/07 20:50:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.143e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806ak XML 2023/08/06 20:40:41.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.959e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806ak XML 2023/08/06 20:40:41.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.959e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.03 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806ak XML 2023/08/06 20:40:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.959e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806ak XML 2023/08/06 20:40:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.917e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.03 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806u XML 2023/08/06 11:35:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.725e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806u XML 2023/08/06 11:35:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.725e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806t XML 2023/08/06 11:21:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.315e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.80 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806t XML 2023/08/06 11:21:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.315e-05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.80 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806h XML 2023/08/06 04:44:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.735e-05                 433.65 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806h XML 2023/08/06 04:44:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.735e-05                 433.65 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806f XML 2023/08/06 04:06:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.149e-06 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230806f XML 2023/08/06 04:06:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.149e-06 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805cj XML 2023/08/05 22:08:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.214e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.12 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805cj XML 2023/08/05 22:08:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.214e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.12 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805bo XML 2023/08/05 13:38:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.804e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805bo XML 2023/08/05 13:38:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.804e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805x XML 2023/08/05 03:42:49.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805bm XML 2023/08/05 11:59:27.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.731e-07                 1369.03 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805bm XML 2023/08/05 11:59:27.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.337e-05                 1369.16 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805bg XML 2023/08/05 10:49:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.232e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.43 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805bg XML 2023/08/05 10:49:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.232e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.43 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805ax XML 2023/08/05 07:59:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.560e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.08 0.00 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805av XML 2023/08/05 07:58:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.506e-06 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805ax XML 2023/08/05 07:59:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.560e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.08 0.00 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805av XML 2023/08/05 07:58:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.506e-06 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805at XML 2023/08/05 07:36:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.632e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.80 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805at XML 2023/08/05 07:36:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.632e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.02 0.80 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805as XML 2023/08/05 07:13:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.296e-06                 520.54 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805as XML 2023/08/05 07:13:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.296e-06                 520.54 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805ak XML 2023/08/05 06:04:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 7.096e-06 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805ak XML 2023/08/05 06:04:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 7.096e-06 1.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805ae XML 2023/08/05 04:40:32.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.671e-05                 44.04 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805ae XML 2023/08/05 04:40:32.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.671e-05                 44.04 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805x XML 2023/08/05 03:42:49.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805z XML 2023/08/05 04:10:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.855e-06                 279.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805z XML 2023/08/05 04:10:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.855e-06                 279.88 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805x XML 2023/08/05 03:42:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805x XML 2023/08/05 03:42:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.530e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805w XML 2023/08/05 03:31:20.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.751e-05                 23.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805w XML 2023/08/05 03:31:20.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.751e-05                 23.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805s XML 2023/08/05 03:11:51.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.178e-05                 37.83 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805s XML 2023/08/05 03:11:51.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.178e-05                 37.83 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805k XML 2023/08/05 01:48:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.886e-05 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805k XML 2023/08/05 01:48:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.886e-05 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805c XML 2023/08/05 00:03:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.100e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230805c XML 2023/08/05 00:03:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.100e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802aq XML 2023/08/02 11:33:59.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.228e-08 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.90 0.62 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804av XML 2023/08/04 22:44:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.916e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804av XML 2023/08/04 22:44:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.916e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804ao XML 2023/08/04 10:53:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.708e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.06 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804ao XML 2023/08/04 10:53:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.708e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.06 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804al XML 2023/08/04 10:02:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.004e-05                 180.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804al XML 2023/08/04 10:02:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.004e-05                 180.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804ai XML 2023/08/04 09:49:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.522e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804ai XML 2023/08/04 09:49:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.522e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804b XML 2023/08/04 02:58:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.132e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.25 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230804b XML 2023/08/04 02:58:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.132e-05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.25 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230803d XML 2023/08/03 03:34:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.316e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230803d XML 2023/08/03 03:34:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.142e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.04 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802ar XML 2023/08/02 12:50:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.983e-06 1.00 0.91 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.46 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802ar XML 2023/08/02 12:50:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.983e-06 1.00 0.91 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.46 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802aq XML 2023/08/02 11:33:59.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.228e-08 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.90 0.68 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802aq XML 2023/08/02 11:33:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.228e-08 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.90 0.68 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802aq XML 2023/08/02 11:33:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.228e-08 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.90 0.68 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802aj XML 2023/08/02 09:36:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.574e-05                 49.89 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802aj XML 2023/08/02 09:36:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.574e-05                 49.89 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802ag XML 2023/08/02 08:43:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.862e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802ag XML 2023/08/02 08:43:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.862e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802ac XML 2023/08/02 05:43:10.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.713e-05                 28.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802ac XML 2023/08/02 05:43:10.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.713e-05                 28.73 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802x XML 2023/08/02 05:05:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.193e-06 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.48 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802x XML 2023/08/02 05:05:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.193e-06 1.00 0.56 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.48 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802r XML 2023/08/02 04:17:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.817e-06 1.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802r XML 2023/08/02 04:17:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.817e-06 1.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802o XML 2023/08/02 03:35:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.053e-05                 40.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230802o XML 2023/08/02 03:35:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.053e-05                 40.06 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801at XML 2023/08/01 23:58:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.384e-06                 101.77 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801at XML 2023/08/01 23:58:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.384e-06                 101.77 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801am XML 2023/08/01 23:08:12.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.443e-05                 55.49 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801am XML 2023/08/01 23:08:12.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.443e-05                 55.49 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ah XML 2023/08/01 10:30:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.442e-05                 40.21 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ah XML 2023/08/01 10:30:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.442e-05                 40.21 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ag XML 2023/08/01 10:22:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.831e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.40 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ag XML 2023/08/01 10:22:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.831e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.40 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ad XML 2023/08/01 09:35:46.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.287e-05                 1580.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ad XML 2023/08/01 09:35:46.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.287e-05                 1580.07 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ab XML 2023/08/01 09:20:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.141e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801ab XML 2023/08/01 09:20:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.141e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801x XML 2023/08/01 06:39:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.638e-05                 30.50 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801x XML 2023/08/01 06:39:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.638e-05                 30.50 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801i XML 2023/08/01 01:41:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.957e-06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.20 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801h XML 2023/08/01 01:41:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.155e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.11 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801i XML 2023/08/01 01:41:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.957e-06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.20 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230801h XML 2023/08/01 01:41:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.746e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731an XML 2023/07/31 21:53:07.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.81 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731at XML 2023/07/31 22:49:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.507e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731at XML 2023/07/31 22:49:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.507e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731an XML 2023/07/31 21:53:07.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.81 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731an XML 2023/07/31 21:53:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.81 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731an XML 2023/07/31 21:53:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.572e-27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731al XML 2023/07/31 21:43:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.160e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731al XML 2023/07/31 21:43:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 9.160e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729z XML 2023/07/29 08:23:17.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.393e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731ak XML 2023/07/31 10:41:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.378e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.04 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731ak XML 2023/07/31 10:41:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.378e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.04 0.53         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731ai XML 2023/07/31 10:27:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.168e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731ai XML 2023/07/31 10:27:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.168e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731ag XML 2023/07/31 10:16:01.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.278e-05                 560.50 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731ag XML 2023/07/31 10:16:01.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.278e-05                 560.50 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731z XML 2023/07/31 04:41:15.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 8.636e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731z XML 2023/07/31 04:41:15.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 8.636e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731s XML 2023/07/31 03:39:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.540e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731s XML 2023/07/31 03:39:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.540e-05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731i XML 2023/07/31 01:51:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.172e-05                 68.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731i XML 2023/07/31 01:51:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.172e-05                 68.98 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731h XML 2023/07/31 01:44:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.629e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230731h XML 2023/07/31 01:44:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.629e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730cd XML 2023/07/30 23:58:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.239e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730cd XML 2023/07/30 23:58:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.239e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730bt XML 2023/07/30 17:58:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.218e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730bt XML 2023/07/30 17:58:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.218e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730br XML 2023/07/30 17:38:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.970e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730br XML 2023/07/30 17:38:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.970e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730bq XML 2023/07/30 17:30:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.157e-05 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.30 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730bq XML 2023/07/30 17:30:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.157e-05 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.30 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730av XML 2023/07/30 12:33:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.205e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.09 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730av XML 2023/07/30 12:33:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.205e-05 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.09 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730au XML 2023/07/30 12:06:21.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.598e-06                 165.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730au XML 2023/07/30 12:06:21.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.598e-06                 165.57 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730ap XML 2023/07/30 11:44:13.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.208e-05                 48.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730ap XML 2023/07/30 11:44:13.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.208e-05                 48.94 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730r XML 2023/07/30 05:06:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.889e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730r XML 2023/07/30 05:06:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.889e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730a XML 2023/07/30 00:04:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.141e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230730a XML 2023/07/30 00:04:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.141e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729cj XML 2023/07/29 23:13:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.212e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.86 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729cj XML 2023/07/29 23:13:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.212e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.86 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729cf XML 2023/07/29 22:39:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.393e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.17 0.00 0.38 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729cf XML 2023/07/29 22:39:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.393e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.17 0.00 0.38 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ce XML 2023/07/29 22:02:45.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.704e-05                 39.81 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ce XML 2023/07/29 22:02:45.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.704e-05                 39.81 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729bv XML 2023/07/29 20:06:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.223e-05 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729bv XML 2023/07/29 20:06:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.223e-05 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729bl XML 2023/07/29 17:53:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.281e-05 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.17 0.00 0.06 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729bl XML 2023/07/29 17:53:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.281e-05 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.17 0.00 0.06 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729be XML 2023/07/29 17:13:36.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.037e-06                 426.24 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729be XML 2023/07/29 17:13:36.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.037e-06                 426.24 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729bc XML 2023/07/29 17:11:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.150e-06 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729bc XML 2023/07/29 17:11:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.150e-06 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ax XML 2023/07/29 16:26:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.900e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ax XML 2023/07/29 16:26:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.900e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729au XML 2023/07/29 15:13:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.837e-05 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.78 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729au XML 2023/07/29 15:13:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.837e-05 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.78 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ap XML 2023/07/29 13:46:20.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.249e-06                 31.87 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ap XML 2023/07/29 13:46:20.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.249e-06                 31.87 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ak XML 2023/07/29 11:54:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.314e-06                 61.73 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ak XML 2023/07/29 11:54:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.314e-06                 61.73 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729z XML 2023/07/29 08:23:17.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.393e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ae XML 2023/07/29 10:26:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.536e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729ae XML 2023/07/29 10:26:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.536e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729z XML 2023/07/29 08:23:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.393e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729y XML 2023/07/29 08:23:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.798e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729z XML 2023/07/29 08:23:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.393e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.06 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729y XML 2023/07/29 08:23:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.798e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729w XML 2023/07/29 07:53:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.218e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729w XML 2023/07/29 07:53:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.218e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729t XML 2023/07/29 06:54:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.190e-06                 30.69 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729t XML 2023/07/29 06:54:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.190e-06                 30.69 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729q XML 2023/07/29 05:28:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.798e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.02 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729q XML 2023/07/29 05:28:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.798e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.02 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729p XML 2023/07/29 05:12:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.122e-06 1.00 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729p XML 2023/07/29 05:12:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.122e-06 1.00 1.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729c XML 2023/07/29 02:57:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.009e-06 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.45 0.70 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729c XML 2023/07/29 02:57:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.795e-07 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.77 0.28         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729a XML 2023/07/29 02:49:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.050e-05                 56.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230729a XML 2023/07/29 02:49:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.050e-05                 56.57 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ax XML 2023/07/28 20:29:31.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.976e-06                 20.55 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ax XML 2023/07/28 20:29:31.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.976e-06                 20.55 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ap XML 2023/07/28 08:36:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.026e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ap XML 2023/07/28 08:36:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.026e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ak XML 2023/07/28 06:34:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.166e-05 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.99 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ak XML 2023/07/28 06:34:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.166e-05 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.99 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ac XML 2023/07/28 05:36:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.881e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728ac XML 2023/07/28 05:36:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.881e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728d XML 2023/07/28 00:24:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.743e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728d XML 2023/07/28 00:24:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.743e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.03 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728b XML 2023/07/28 00:16:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.270e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230728b XML 2023/07/28 00:16:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.270e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230727aq XML 2023/07/27 10:10:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.629e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230727aq XML 2023/07/27 10:10:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.629e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230727am XML 2023/07/27 09:22:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.378e-05 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230727am XML 2023/07/27 09:22:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.378e-05 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230727v XML 2023/07/27 05:32:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.107e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230727v XML 2023/07/27 05:32:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.107e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726a XML 2023/07/26 00:29:40.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.833e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726at XML 2023/07/26 09:31:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.314e-05                 157.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726at XML 2023/07/26 09:31:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.314e-05                 157.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726ar XML 2023/07/26 08:40:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.612e-05 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.93 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726ar XML 2023/07/26 08:40:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.612e-05 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.93 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726al XML 2023/07/26 08:16:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.127e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.09 0.02 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726al XML 2023/07/26 08:16:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.127e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.09 0.02 0.76         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726ag XML 2023/07/26 07:08:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.313e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.50 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726ag XML 2023/07/26 07:08:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.313e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.50 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726q XML 2023/07/26 04:06:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.920e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726q XML 2023/07/26 04:06:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.920e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726o XML 2023/07/26 03:52:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.530e-05                 35.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726o XML 2023/07/26 03:52:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.530e-05                 35.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726k XML 2023/07/26 02:28:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.790e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.45 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726k XML 2023/07/26 02:28:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.790e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.45 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726f XML 2023/07/26 01:53:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726f XML 2023/07/26 01:53:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.038e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726a XML 2023/07/26 00:29:40.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.833e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726b XML 2023/07/26 01:15:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.875e-06 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.29 0.25 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726b XML 2023/07/26 01:15:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.875e-06 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.29 0.25 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726a XML 2023/07/26 00:29:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.833e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230726a XML 2023/07/26 00:29:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.833e-14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725an XML 2023/07/25 13:25:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.550e-06                 28.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725an XML 2023/07/25 13:25:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.550e-06                 28.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725am XML 2023/07/25 13:16:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.975e-07 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.09 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725am XML 2023/07/25 13:16:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.975e-07 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.09 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725ad XML 2023/07/25 11:00:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.226e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725ad XML 2023/07/25 11:00:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.867e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725ab XML 2023/07/25 10:53:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.142e-05 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725aa XML 2023/07/25 10:52:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.510e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725ab XML 2023/07/25 10:53:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.142e-05 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725aa XML 2023/07/25 10:52:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.510e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725d XML 2023/07/25 04:24:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.469e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.03 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725d XML 2023/07/25 04:24:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.469e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.03 0.72         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725b XML 2023/07/25 04:15:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.057e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230725b XML 2023/07/25 04:15:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.057e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724al XML 2023/07/24 22:12:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.075e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724al XML 2023/07/24 22:12:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.075e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724ak XML 2023/07/24 22:02:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.916e-05 1.00 0.89 0.07 0.03 0.00 0.09 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724ak XML 2023/07/24 22:02:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.916e-05 1.00 0.89 0.07 0.03 0.00 0.09 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724ah XML 2023/07/24 21:29:35.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.434e-06                 142.02 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724ah XML 2023/07/24 21:29:35.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.434e-06                 142.02 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724ad XML 2023/07/24 10:09:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.215e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724ad XML 2023/07/24 10:09:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.215e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724v XML 2023/07/24 08:24:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.108e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724v XML 2023/07/24 08:24:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.108e-05 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724j XML 2023/07/24 05:56:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.541e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724j XML 2023/07/24 05:56:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.541e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724h XML 2023/07/24 05:20:33.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.315e-05                 36.80 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724h XML 2023/07/24 05:20:33.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.315e-05                 36.80 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724d XML 2023/07/24 03:25:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.239e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230724d XML 2023/07/24 03:25:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.239e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723ac XML 2023/07/23 10:18:34.000000 4 Upd 1 1 1 5.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723bm XML 2023/07/23 21:18:22.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.395e-05                 31.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723bm XML 2023/07/23 21:18:22.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.395e-05                 31.52 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723bl XML 2023/07/23 21:00:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.053e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723bl XML 2023/07/23 21:00:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.053e-05 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723au XML 2023/07/23 16:48:54.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.520e-06                 62.25 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723at XML 2023/07/23 16:46:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.386e-06                 1863.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723au XML 2023/07/23 16:48:54.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.520e-06                 62.25 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723at XML 2023/07/23 16:46:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.386e-06                 1863.90 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723ar XML 2023/07/23 16:08:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.800e-05 1.00 0.96 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.59 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723ar XML 2023/07/23 16:08:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.800e-05 1.00 0.96 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.59 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723an XML 2023/07/23 12:55:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.047e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723an XML 2023/07/23 12:55:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.094e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723ac XML 2023/07/23 10:18:34.000000 3 Ini 1 1 1 5.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723ac XML 2023/07/23 10:18:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 5.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723ac XML 2023/07/23 10:18:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.612e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723z XML 2023/07/23 08:48:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.290e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.03 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723z XML 2023/07/23 08:48:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.290e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.03 0.49         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723y XML 2023/07/23 08:27:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.225e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.20 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723y XML 2023/07/23 08:27:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.225e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.20 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723k XML 2023/07/23 05:10:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.008e-05                 21.07 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723k XML 2023/07/23 05:10:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.008e-05                 21.07 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723i XML 2023/07/23 04:04:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 2.009e-06                 795.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723i XML 2023/07/23 04:04:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 2.009e-06                 795.72 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723g XML 2023/07/23 03:21:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.987e-05 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230723g XML 2023/07/23 03:21:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.987e-05 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722bv XML 2023/07/22 21:10:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.097e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722bv XML 2023/07/22 21:10:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.097e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722bn XML 2023/07/22 14:29:37.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.906e-06                 30.54 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722bn XML 2023/07/22 14:29:37.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.906e-06                 30.54 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722ap XML 2023/07/22 10:49:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.311e-05                 21.31 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722ap XML 2023/07/22 10:49:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.311e-05                 21.31 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722ao XML 2023/07/22 10:15:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.390e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722ao XML 2023/07/22 10:15:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.390e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722ac XML 2023/07/22 06:57:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.154e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722ac XML 2023/07/22 06:57:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.154e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722w XML 2023/07/22 05:04:58.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.233e-05                 1204.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722w XML 2023/07/22 05:04:58.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.233e-05                 1204.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722h XML 2023/07/22 01:14:00.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.218e-05                 164.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722h XML 2023/07/22 01:14:00.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.218e-05                 164.34 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722g XML 2023/07/22 00:55:41.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.767e-05                 50.64 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722g XML 2023/07/22 00:55:41.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.767e-05                 50.64 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722c XML 2023/07/22 00:44:08.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.638e-05                 101.27 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230722c XML 2023/07/22 00:44:08.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.638e-05                 101.27 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721ak XML 2023/07/21 22:36:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.760e-06                 131.69 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721ak XML 2023/07/21 22:36:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.760e-06                 131.69 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721aj XML 2023/07/21 22:26:34.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.942e-05                 55.01 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721aj XML 2023/07/21 22:26:34.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.942e-05                 55.01 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721x XML 2023/07/21 08:55:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.537e-05 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721x XML 2023/07/21 08:55:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.537e-05 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721w XML 2023/07/21 08:25:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 9.300e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721w XML 2023/07/21 08:25:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.858e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.03 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721v XML 2023/07/21 08:18:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.288e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.49 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721v XML 2023/07/21 08:18:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.288e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.49 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721u XML 2023/07/21 07:53:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.338e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721u XML 2023/07/21 07:53:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.338e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721s XML 2023/07/21 07:01:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.095e-05                 136.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721s XML 2023/07/21 07:01:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.095e-05                 136.40 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721p XML 2023/07/21 06:06:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.000e-06 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721p XML 2023/07/21 06:06:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.000e-06 1.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721g XML 2023/07/21 04:39:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.836e-05 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230721g XML 2023/07/21 04:39:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.836e-05 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720aq XML 2023/07/20 10:44:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.480e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720aq XML 2023/07/20 10:44:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.480e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720aj XML 2023/07/20 09:30:04.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.051e-06                 58.78 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720aj XML 2023/07/20 09:30:04.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.051e-06                 58.78 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720ah XML 2023/07/20 09:08:44.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.572e-06                 35.16 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720ah XML 2023/07/20 09:08:44.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.011e-06                 39.84 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720af XML 2023/07/20 08:35:01.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.690e-06                 106.49 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720af XML 2023/07/20 08:35:01.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.690e-06                 106.49 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720ae XML 2023/07/20 08:24:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.157e-05 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720ae XML 2023/07/20 08:24:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.157e-05 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720p XML 2023/07/20 05:55:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.018e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720p XML 2023/07/20 05:55:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.965e-06 1.00 1.00 0.13 0.03 0.00 0.46 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720n XML 2023/07/20 05:08:08.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.282e-05                 68.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720n XML 2023/07/20 05:08:08.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.282e-05                 68.75 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720i XML 2023/07/20 04:04:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.175e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720i XML 2023/07/20 04:04:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.175e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720a XML 2023/07/20 00:12:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.275e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.00 0.67 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230720a XML 2023/07/20 00:12:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.275e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.00 0.67 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719bp XML 2023/07/19 18:48:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.396e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719bp XML 2023/07/19 18:48:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.396e-05 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719bb XML 2023/07/19 15:48:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.033e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.12 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719bb XML 2023/07/19 15:48:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.033e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.12 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719an XML 2023/07/19 12:52:06.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.924e-05                 31.01 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719an XML 2023/07/19 12:52:06.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.924e-05                 31.01 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719q XML 2023/07/19 10:46:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.507e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719q XML 2023/07/19 10:46:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.507e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719k XML 2023/07/19 07:09:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.349e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.01 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719k XML 2023/07/19 07:09:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.876e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719j XML 2023/07/19 06:37:10.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.040e-05                 916.52 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230719j XML 2023/07/19 06:37:10.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.040e-05                 916.52 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718ar XML 2023/07/18 09:53:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.422e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718ar XML 2023/07/18 09:53:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.422e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718am XML 2023/07/18 09:07:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.071e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718am XML 2023/07/18 09:07:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.071e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718x XML 2023/07/18 05:34:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.686e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718x XML 2023/07/18 05:34:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.686e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718q XML 2023/07/18 03:52:21.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.179e-05                 230.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718q XML 2023/07/18 03:52:21.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.179e-05                 230.44 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718h XML 2023/07/18 01:05:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.213e-05 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718h XML 2023/07/18 01:05:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.213e-05 1.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718d XML 2023/07/18 00:37:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 1 1.657e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230718d XML 2023/07/18 00:37:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.657e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717bu XML 2023/07/17 21:01:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717bu XML 2023/07/17 21:01:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.109e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717bt XML 2023/07/17 20:42:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.260e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717bt XML 2023/07/17 20:42:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.260e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717bo XML 2023/07/17 19:53:22.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.393e-05                 46.08 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717bo XML 2023/07/17 19:53:22.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.393e-05                 46.08 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708z XML 2023/07/08 07:18:59.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.027e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717az XML 2023/07/17 13:34:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.474e-06 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717az XML 2023/07/17 13:34:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.474e-06 1.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717av XML 2023/07/17 12:50:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.301e-05                 44.63 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717av XML 2023/07/17 12:50:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.301e-05                 44.63 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717ar XML 2023/07/17 11:21:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.621e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717ar XML 2023/07/17 11:21:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 2.621e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717am XML 2023/07/17 10:21:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.624e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717am XML 2023/07/17 10:21:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.240e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717ac XML 2023/07/17 09:04:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.422e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717ac XML 2023/07/17 09:04:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.422e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717h XML 2023/07/17 01:40:30.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.985e-06                 306.69 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230717h XML 2023/07/17 01:40:30.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.985e-06                 306.69 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716ah XML 2023/07/16 16:47:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.967e-05                 171.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716ah XML 2023/07/16 16:47:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.967e-05                 171.66 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716ae XML 2023/07/16 15:29:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.472e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.04 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716ae XML 2023/07/16 15:29:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.472e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.04 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716o XML 2023/07/16 03:01:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.999e-07 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.23 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716o XML 2023/07/16 03:01:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.999e-07 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.74 0.23 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716j XML 2023/07/16 01:13:00.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 6.625e-07                 816.38 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230716j XML 2023/07/16 01:13:00.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 6.625e-07                 816.38 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ce XML 2023/07/15 23:19:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.710e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ce XML 2023/07/15 23:19:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.710e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bw XML 2023/07/15 19:05:37.000000 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230715bx XML 2023/07/15 19:05:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.033e-06 0.92 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.10 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bw XML 2023/07/15 19:05:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.845e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.09 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bx XML 2023/07/15 19:05:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.033e-06 0.92 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.10 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bw XML 2023/07/15 19:05:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.845e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.09 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bp XML 2023/07/15 15:51:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.847e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715bp XML 2023/07/15 15:51:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.847e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ax XML 2023/07/15 12:04:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.352e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ax XML 2023/07/15 12:04:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.352e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715as XML 2023/07/15 11:08:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 5.600e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715as XML 2023/07/15 11:08:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 5.600e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ai XML 2023/07/15 09:05:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ai XML 2023/07/15 09:05:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.157e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.02 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ag XML 2023/07/15 09:00:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.808e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715ag XML 2023/07/15 09:00:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.808e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715z XML 2023/07/15 08:21:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.461e-06 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715z XML 2023/07/15 08:21:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.461e-06 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715w XML 2023/07/15 07:59:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.596e-05                 146.19 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715w XML 2023/07/15 07:59:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.596e-05                 146.19 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715m XML 2023/07/15 04:35:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.238e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715m XML 2023/07/15 04:35:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 2.238e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715f XML 2023/07/15 02:36:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.303e-05 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715f XML 2023/07/15 02:36:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.303e-05 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715e XML 2023/07/15 02:21:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.500e-05                 57.98 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230715e XML 2023/07/15 02:21:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.500e-05                 57.98 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714bk XML 2023/07/14 15:53:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.157e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714bk XML 2023/07/14 15:53:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.157e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714bf XML 2023/07/14 15:34:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.776e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714bf XML 2023/07/14 15:34:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.776e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714bb XML 2023/07/14 14:30:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 6.219e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714bb XML 2023/07/14 14:30:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 6.219e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714az XML 2023/07/14 14:06:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.365e-06                 38.04 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714az XML 2023/07/14 14:06:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.365e-06                 38.04 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714ap XML 2023/07/14 08:19:10.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.169e-05                 55.24 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714ap XML 2023/07/14 08:19:10.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.169e-05                 55.24 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714am XML 2023/07/14 07:57:23.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.285e-05                 677.35 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714am XML 2023/07/14 07:57:23.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.285e-05                 677.35 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714aa XML 2023/07/14 06:15:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.096e-06 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714aa XML 2023/07/14 06:15:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.096e-06 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714i XML 2023/07/14 01:26:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.847e-06 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.39 0.00 0.31 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230714i XML 2023/07/14 01:26:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.847e-06 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.39 0.00 0.31 0.41         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709bi XML 2023/07/09 12:27:27.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.061e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708t XML 2023/07/08 05:37:05.000000 5 Upd 1 1 4 4.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713bd XML 2023/07/13 15:45:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.115e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713bd XML 2023/07/13 15:45:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.115e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ar XML 2023/07/13 10:22:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 6.337e-07                 393.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ar XML 2023/07/13 10:22:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 6.337e-07                 393.15 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ak XML 2023/07/13 07:20:10.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.888e-05                 26.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ak XML 2023/07/13 07:20:10.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.888e-05                 26.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ag XML 2023/07/13 06:28:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.154e-05                 76.97 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ag XML 2023/07/13 06:28:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.154e-05                 76.97 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ae XML 2023/07/13 06:10:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.712e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.03 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ae XML 2023/07/13 06:10:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.049e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.03 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ab XML 2023/07/13 05:48:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.668e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713ab XML 2023/07/13 05:48:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.668e-05 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713x XML 2023/07/13 05:16:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.528e-06 1.00 0.97 0.35 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713x XML 2023/07/13 05:16:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.528e-06 1.00 0.97 0.35 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713s XML 2023/07/13 04:08:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.140e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713s XML 2023/07/13 04:08:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.140e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713p XML 2023/07/13 03:39:26.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.053e-06                 552.83 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713p XML 2023/07/13 03:39:26.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.053e-06                 552.83 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713l XML 2023/07/13 02:55:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.383e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713l XML 2023/07/13 02:55:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.383e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713e XML 2023/07/13 02:07:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.251e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713e XML 2023/07/13 02:07:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.251e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713b XML 2023/07/13 01:10:50.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.113e-05                 20.04 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230713b XML 2023/07/13 01:10:50.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.113e-05                 20.04 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712at XML 2023/07/12 13:09:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.310e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712at XML 2023/07/12 13:09:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.310e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712as XML 2023/07/12 13:00:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.041e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712as XML 2023/07/12 13:00:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 2.041e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ap XML 2023/07/12 12:06:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.836e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.16 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ap XML 2023/07/12 12:06:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.836e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.16 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712am XML 2023/07/12 11:35:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.176e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712am XML 2023/07/12 11:35:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.176e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ak XML 2023/07/12 08:55:17.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 4.427e-07                 39.42 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712aj XML 2023/07/12 09:04:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.024e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ak XML 2023/07/12 08:55:17.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 4.427e-07                 39.42 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712aj XML 2023/07/12 09:04:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.868e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ag XML 2023/07/12 08:52:01.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.809e-06                 21.37 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ag XML 2023/07/12 08:52:01.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.809e-06                 21.37 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ab XML 2023/07/12 07:55:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.730e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.53 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712ab XML 2023/07/12 07:55:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.730e-05 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.53 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712y XML 2023/07/12 07:22:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.638e-05                 40.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712y XML 2023/07/12 07:22:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.638e-05                 40.29 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712k XML 2023/07/12 02:46:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.738e-06 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712k XML 2023/07/12 02:46:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.738e-06 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712a XML 2023/07/12 00:53:57.000000 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230712d XML 2023/07/12 01:33:43.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.777e-07                 557.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712d XML 2023/07/12 01:33:43.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.777e-07                 557.29 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712a XML 2023/07/12 00:53:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.270e-15 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.81 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230712a XML 2023/07/12 00:53:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.270e-15 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.81 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711bb XML 2023/07/11 20:53:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.973e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711bb XML 2023/07/11 20:53:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.973e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711ao XML 2023/07/11 10:44:10.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.019e-06                 36.05 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711ao XML 2023/07/11 10:44:10.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.019e-06                 36.05 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711aj XML 2023/07/11 09:06:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.189e-05 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711aj XML 2023/07/11 09:06:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.189e-05 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.01 0.00 0.52 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711ae XML 2023/07/11 08:23:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.261e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.03 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711ae XML 2023/07/11 08:23:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.261e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.03 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711aa XML 2023/07/11 06:44:56.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.212e-05                 35.23 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711aa XML 2023/07/11 06:44:56.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.212e-05                 35.23 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711j XML 2023/07/11 04:09:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.108e-05 1.00 0.88 0.17 0.05 0.00 0.47 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711j XML 2023/07/11 04:09:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.108e-05 1.00 0.88 0.17 0.05 0.00 0.47 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711b XML 2023/07/11 02:07:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.811e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.04 0.21         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230711b XML 2023/07/11 02:07:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.811e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.04 0.21         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ar XML 2023/07/10 20:29:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.920e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ar XML 2023/07/10 20:29:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.920e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710aq XML 2023/07/10 20:19:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.945e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ap XML 2023/07/10 20:17:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.029e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710aq XML 2023/07/10 20:19:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.945e-05 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ap XML 2023/07/10 20:17:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.029e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ah XML 2023/07/10 18:53:43.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.762e-06                 39.55 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ah XML 2023/07/10 18:53:43.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.762e-06                 39.55 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ad XML 2023/07/10 18:32:51.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.269e-06                 30.56 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ad XML 2023/07/10 18:32:51.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.269e-06                 30.56 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ac XML 2023/07/10 18:17:56.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.373e-05                 607.87 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ab XML 2023/07/10 18:17:57.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.808e-06                 23.35 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ac XML 2023/07/10 18:17:56.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.373e-05                 607.87 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710ab XML 2023/07/10 18:17:57.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.808e-06                 23.35 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708z XML 2023/07/08 07:18:59.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.027e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708t XML 2023/07/08 05:37:05.000000 4 Ini 1 1 4 4.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710v XML 2023/07/10 15:04:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.291e-05 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710v XML 2023/07/10 15:04:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.291e-05 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710p XML 2023/07/10 13:54:09.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.414e-05                 24.44 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710p XML 2023/07/10 13:54:09.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.414e-05                 24.44 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710h XML 2023/07/10 11:32:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.896e-05 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230710h XML 2023/07/10 11:32:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.896e-05 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708cf XML 2023/07/08 23:09:35.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.551e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ai XML 2023/07/07 12:40:47.000000 4 Upd 1 1 0 1.377e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630am XML 2023/06/30 12:58:06.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.413e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709bi XML 2023/07/09 12:27:27.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.061e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709bj XML 2023/07/09 12:38:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.136e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.13 0.06 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709bi XML 2023/07/09 12:27:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.061e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709bj XML 2023/07/09 12:38:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.136e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.13 0.06 0.64         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709bi XML 2023/07/09 12:27:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.061e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709aq XML 2023/07/09 08:26:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.056e-06 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.23 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709aq XML 2023/07/09 08:26:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.056e-06 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.23 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709ao XML 2023/07/09 08:10:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.645e-05                 72.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709an XML 2023/07/09 08:06:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.641e-06                 59.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709ao XML 2023/07/09 08:10:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.645e-05                 72.52 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709an XML 2023/07/09 08:06:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.641e-06                 59.59 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709ac XML 2023/07/09 06:34:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.159e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709ac XML 2023/07/09 06:34:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.516e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709u XML 2023/07/09 05:00:38.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.198e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709u XML 2023/07/09 05:00:38.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.198e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709n XML 2023/07/09 03:48:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.063e-05 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.18 0.03 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709n XML 2023/07/09 03:48:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.063e-05 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.18 0.03 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709m XML 2023/07/09 03:42:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.231e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709m XML 2023/07/09 03:42:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.231e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709i XML 2023/07/09 02:25:02.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.214e-07                 246.89 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230709i XML 2023/07/09 02:25:02.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.214e-07                 246.89 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708cf XML 2023/07/08 23:09:35.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.551e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708cf XML 2023/07/08 23:09:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.551e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708cf XML 2023/07/08 23:09:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.688e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bv XML 2023/07/08 19:20:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.299e-06 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.05 0.12 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bv XML 2023/07/08 19:20:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.299e-06 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.05 0.12 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708br XML 2023/07/08 19:00:12.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.012e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.04 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708br XML 2023/07/08 19:00:12.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.012e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.04 0.66         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bn XML 2023/07/08 18:33:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.200e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bn XML 2023/07/08 18:33:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.200e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bm XML 2023/07/08 18:17:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.893e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bm XML 2023/07/08 18:17:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.893e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.03 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bi XML 2023/07/08 17:17:37.000000 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230708bi XML 2023/07/08 17:17:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.113e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bi XML 2023/07/08 17:17:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.228e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bf XML 2023/07/08 15:51:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.959e-06 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.56 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bf XML 2023/07/08 15:51:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.959e-06 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 0.56 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bc XML 2023/07/08 15:23:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.668e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bb XML 2023/07/08 15:22:28.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.476e-05                 25.83 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bc XML 2023/07/08 15:23:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.668e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708bb XML 2023/07/08 15:22:28.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.476e-05                 25.83 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708ay XML 2023/07/08 14:24:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.204e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708ay XML 2023/07/08 14:24:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.204e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708as XML 2023/07/08 13:40:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.178e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708as XML 2023/07/08 13:40:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.178e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708ar XML 2023/07/08 12:36:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.977e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708ar XML 2023/07/08 12:36:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.977e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708ah XML 2023/07/08 10:39:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.279e-05 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708ah XML 2023/07/08 10:39:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.279e-05 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708z XML 2023/07/08 07:18:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.027e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708z XML 2023/07/08 07:18:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.027e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.05         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708y XML 2023/07/08 07:06:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.007e-05 1.00 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708y XML 2023/07/08 07:06:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.007e-05 1.00 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.82         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708t XML 2023/07/08 05:37:05.000000 3 Pre 1 1 4 4.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708t XML 2023/07/08 05:37:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.331e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708t XML 2023/07/08 05:37:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.030e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.34         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708p XML 2023/07/08 04:34:19.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.266e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708p XML 2023/07/08 04:34:19.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.266e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708n XML 2023/07/08 04:05:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.618e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230708n XML 2023/07/08 04:05:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.618e-05 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bu XML 2023/07/07 12:31:34.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.048e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bu XML 2023/07/07 12:31:34.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.048e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bs XML 2023/07/07 20:47:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.169e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.43 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bs XML 2023/07/07 20:47:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.169e-05 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.43 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bo XML 2023/07/07 20:17:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.434e-05                 98.46 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bo XML 2023/07/07 20:17:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.434e-05                 98.46 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bl XML 2023/07/07 19:12:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.072e-05                 22.89 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bl XML 2023/07/07 19:12:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.072e-05                 22.89 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bh XML 2023/07/07 18:17:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.214e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.03 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707bh XML 2023/07/07 18:17:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.214e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.03 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ay XML 2023/07/07 15:53:23.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.493e-05                 28.69 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ay XML 2023/07/07 15:53:23.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.493e-05                 28.69 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ai XML 2023/07/07 12:40:47.000000 3 Ini 1 1 0 1.377e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707aj XML 2023/07/07 13:13:09.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.984e-06                 39.84 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707aj XML 2023/07/07 13:13:09.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.984e-06                 39.84 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ai XML 2023/07/07 12:40:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.377e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ai XML 2023/07/07 12:40:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.028e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ac XML 2023/07/07 11:16:16.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.616e-05                 121.53 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ac XML 2023/07/07 11:16:16.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.616e-05                 121.53 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ab XML 2023/07/07 10:25:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.757e-06 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.40 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707ab XML 2023/07/07 10:25:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.757e-06 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.40 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707v XML 2023/07/07 08:51:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.166e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707v XML 2023/07/07 08:51:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.166e-06 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707o XML 2023/07/07 06:49:08.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.929e-05                 43.27 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230707o XML 2023/07/07 06:49:08.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.929e-05                 43.27 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ah XML 2023/07/06 10:43:33.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 4.262e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706bv XML 2023/07/06 21:40:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.129e-05 1.00 0.70 0.10 0.04 0.00 0.53 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706bv XML 2023/07/06 21:40:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.129e-05 1.00 0.70 0.10 0.04 0.00 0.53 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704f XML 2023/07/04 02:12:11.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bq XML 2023/06/30 23:45:32.000000 4 Upd 1 1 0 7.734e-09                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702an XML 2023/07/02 18:54:53.000000 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.534e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529ay XML 2023/05/29 18:15:00.000000 5 Upd 1 1 15 1.975e-10 0.98 0.07 0.31 0.62 0.00 0.73 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706an XML 2023/07/06 12:06:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.989e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706an XML 2023/07/06 12:06:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.989e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706al XML 2023/07/06 11:38:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.939e-06 1.00 0.01 0.07 0.20 0.00 0.63 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706al XML 2023/07/06 11:38:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.939e-06 1.00 0.01 0.07 0.20 0.00 0.63 0.73         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ah XML 2023/07/06 10:43:33.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 4.262e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ah XML 2023/07/06 10:43:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.262e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ah XML 2023/07/06 10:43:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.262e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.04 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ag XML 2023/07/06 10:36:35.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.369e-05                 1709.84 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ag XML 2023/07/06 10:36:35.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.369e-05                 1709.84 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ac XML 2023/07/06 09:41:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.578e-05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.28 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706ac XML 2023/07/06 09:41:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.578e-05 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.28 0.79         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706i XML 2023/07/06 03:10:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.083e-05                 1284.43 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230706i XML 2023/07/06 03:10:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.083e-05                 1284.43 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705cb XML 2023/07/05 23:33:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.238e-05                 28.01 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705cb XML 2023/07/05 23:33:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.238e-05                 28.01 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bx XML 2023/07/05 17:52:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.313e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bx XML 2023/07/05 17:52:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.313e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bs XML 2023/07/05 16:11:02.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.628e-06                 45.48 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bs XML 2023/07/05 16:11:02.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.628e-06                 45.48 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bm XML 2023/07/05 14:38:46.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.167e-05 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bm XML 2023/07/05 14:38:46.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.167e-05 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bd XML 2023/07/05 12:58:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.675e-05 1.00 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705bd XML 2023/07/05 12:58:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.675e-05 1.00 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705az XML 2023/07/05 11:50:35.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.059e-05                 31.51 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705az XML 2023/07/05 11:50:35.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.059e-05                 31.51 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705aw XML 2023/07/05 11:09:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.470e-06 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.27 0.18 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705aw XML 2023/07/05 11:09:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.470e-06 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.27 0.18 0.69         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705au XML 2023/07/05 10:38:55.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 7.514e-06                 1385.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705au XML 2023/07/05 10:38:55.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 7.514e-06                 1385.12 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705ab XML 2023/07/05 07:44:28.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.234e-05 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705ab XML 2023/07/05 07:44:28.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.234e-05 0.78 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705k XML 2023/07/05 02:07:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.006e-05                 92.13 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705k XML 2023/07/05 02:07:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.006e-05                 92.13 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705g XML 2023/07/05 01:17:03.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.966e-05                 53.22 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705g XML 2023/07/05 01:17:03.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.966e-05                 53.22 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705e XML 2023/07/05 00:39:39.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.223e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230705e XML 2023/07/05 00:39:39.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.223e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704bf XML 2023/07/04 21:57:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 9.922e-06 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704bf XML 2023/07/04 21:57:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 9.922e-06 1.00 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704bd XML 2023/07/04 21:26:16.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.937e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.03 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704bd XML 2023/07/04 21:26:16.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.937e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.03 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704at XML 2023/07/04 15:54:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.853e-05 1.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704at XML 2023/07/04 15:54:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.853e-05 1.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.94         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704as XML 2023/07/04 15:40:47.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.464e-06                 46.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704as XML 2023/07/04 15:40:47.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.464e-06                 46.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704am XML 2023/07/04 14:17:31.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.537e-06                 38.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704am XML 2023/07/04 14:17:31.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.537e-06                 38.30 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704ai XML 2023/07/04 12:51:05.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.292e-05                 33.65 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704ai XML 2023/07/04 12:51:05.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.292e-05                 33.65 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704ah XML 2023/07/04 12:46:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.114e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704ah XML 2023/07/04 12:46:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.114e-05 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704ag XML 2023/07/04 12:39:30.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.288e-05                 64.96 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704ag XML 2023/07/04 12:39:30.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.288e-05                 64.96 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704y XML 2023/07/04 08:08:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.793e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.03 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704y XML 2023/07/04 08:08:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.793e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.03 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704v XML 2023/07/04 07:02:34.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.047e-05                 254.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704v XML 2023/07/04 07:02:34.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.047e-05                 254.28 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704f XML 2023/07/04 02:12:11.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704f XML 2023/07/04 02:12:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230704f XML 2023/07/04 02:12:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.816e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703aq XML 2023/07/03 15:24:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.890e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703aq XML 2023/07/03 15:24:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.890e-05 1.00 1.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703aj XML 2023/07/03 13:36:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 6.108e-06                 34.22 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703aj XML 2023/07/03 13:36:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 6.108e-06                 34.22 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ai XML 2023/07/03 12:18:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.187e-05                 30.78 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ai XML 2023/07/03 12:18:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.187e-05                 30.78 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ah XML 2023/07/03 12:10:10.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.804e-05                 24.42 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ah XML 2023/07/03 12:10:10.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.804e-05                 24.42 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ad XML 2023/07/03 11:41:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 5.391e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.04 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ad XML 2023/07/03 11:41:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.391e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.04 0.71         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ac XML 2023/07/03 11:24:32.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.248e-06                 -1.00 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703ac XML 2023/07/03 11:24:32.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.248e-06                 -1.00 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703p XML 2023/07/03 08:48:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.281e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.16 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703p XML 2023/07/03 08:48:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.281e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.16 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703o XML 2023/07/03 08:29:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.905e-05                 406.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703o XML 2023/07/03 08:29:16.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.905e-05                 406.59 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703g XML 2023/07/03 05:42:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.972e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230703g XML 2023/07/03 05:42:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.972e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702bb XML 2023/07/02 22:43:14.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 6.982e-06                 71.28 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702bb XML 2023/07/02 22:43:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.899e-05                 68.99 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702an XML 2023/07/02 18:54:53.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.534e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702as XML 2023/07/02 19:15:04.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.596e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702aq XML 2023/07/02 19:12:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.888e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702as XML 2023/07/02 19:15:04.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.596e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702aq XML 2023/07/02 19:12:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.888e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702an XML 2023/07/02 18:54:53.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.534e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702an XML 2023/07/02 18:54:53.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.857e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702ad XML 2023/07/02 09:21:49.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.418e-06                 41.57 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702ad XML 2023/07/02 09:21:49.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.416e-05                 47.03 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702ab XML 2023/07/02 09:03:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.678e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702ab XML 2023/07/02 09:03:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.678e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702q XML 2023/07/02 06:40:24.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.484e-05                 36.14 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702q XML 2023/07/02 06:40:24.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.484e-05                 36.14 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702j XML 2023/07/02 01:53:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.420e-05                 1532.18 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230702j XML 2023/07/02 01:53:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.013e-05                 1534.67 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701ac XML 2023/07/01 07:04:40.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.059e-05 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701ac XML 2023/07/01 07:04:40.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.059e-05 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701z XML 2023/07/01 06:36:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.617e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.13 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701z XML 2023/07/01 06:36:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.617e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 0.13 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701w XML 2023/07/01 05:58:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.086e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701w XML 2023/07/01 05:58:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.086e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701t XML 2023/07/01 05:09:03.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.666e-05                 143.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701t XML 2023/07/01 05:09:03.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.666e-05                 143.41 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701k XML 2023/07/01 03:48:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.700e-05 1.00 0.71 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.29 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230701k XML 2023/07/01 03:48:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.700e-05 1.00 0.71 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.29 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bq XML 2023/06/30 23:45:32.000000 3 Ini 1 1 0 7.734e-09                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bq XML 2023/06/30 23:45:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 7.734e-09                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bq XML 2023/06/30 23:45:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.661e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.14 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bo XML 2023/06/30 23:33:05.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.498e-05                 619.55 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bo XML 2023/06/30 23:33:05.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.498e-05                 619.55 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bd XML 2023/06/30 18:45:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.741e-06 0.92 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bd XML 2023/06/30 18:45:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.741e-06 0.92 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bb XML 2023/06/30 18:23:09.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 8.792e-06                 727.51 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630bb XML 2023/06/30 18:23:09.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 8.792e-06                 727.51 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630am XML 2023/06/30 12:58:06.000000 3 Ini 1 1 4 2.413e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.04 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630am XML 2023/06/30 12:58:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.413e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.04 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630am XML 2023/06/30 12:58:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.413e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.04 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630ak XML 2023/06/30 12:38:44.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.291e-05                 770.62 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630ak XML 2023/06/30 12:38:44.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.291e-05                 770.62 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630ac XML 2023/06/30 09:46:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.837e-05                 154.89 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630ab XML 2023/06/30 09:46:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.365e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.04 0.55         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630ac XML 2023/06/30 09:46:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.837e-05                 154.89 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630ab XML 2023/06/30 09:46:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.956e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.04 0.59         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630q XML 2023/06/30 06:29:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.227e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.18 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630q XML 2023/06/30 06:29:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.227e-05 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.18 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630n XML 2023/06/30 05:42:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.675e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230630n XML 2023/06/30 05:42:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.675e-05 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629ah XML 2023/06/29 10:16:18.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.303e-05 0.91 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.97 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629ah XML 2023/06/29 10:16:18.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.303e-05 0.91 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.97 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629ad XML 2023/06/29 08:57:04.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.315e-05                 47.20 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629ad XML 2023/06/29 08:57:04.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.315e-05                 47.20 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629y XML 2023/06/29 07:09:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.603e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.09 0.36 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629y XML 2023/06/29 07:09:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.603e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.09 0.36 0.68         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629q XML 2023/06/29 05:49:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.906e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.51 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629q XML 2023/06/29 05:49:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.906e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.51 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629p XML 2023/06/29 05:36:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.686e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629p XML 2023/06/29 05:36:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.686e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629h XML 2023/06/29 01:10:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.316e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629h XML 2023/06/29 01:10:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.316e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.04 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629e XML 2023/06/29 01:00:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.870e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230629e XML 2023/06/29 01:00:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.870e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628ax XML 2023/06/28 23:12:00.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628aj XML 2023/06/28 16:42:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.102e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628aj XML 2023/06/28 16:42:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 2.102e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628ac XML 2023/06/28 14:02:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.601e-05 0.31 0.12 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.21 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628ac XML 2023/06/28 14:02:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.601e-05 0.31 0.12 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.21 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628e XML 2023/06/28 04:58:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.817e-05 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.58 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230628e XML 2023/06/28 04:58:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.817e-05 1.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.58 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627bj XML 2023/06/27 23:45:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.793e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627bj XML 2023/06/27 23:45:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.793e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.00 0.84         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627bc XML 2023/06/27 13:01:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.291e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627bc XML 2023/06/27 13:01:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.291e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627ay XML 2023/06/27 12:09:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.776e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.03 0.58 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627ay XML 2023/06/27 12:09:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.776e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.03 0.58 0.75         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627ax XML 2023/06/27 11:41:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.209e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627ax XML 2023/06/27 11:41:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.209e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.74         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627am XML 2023/06/27 08:53:42.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.679e-05                 76.04 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627am XML 2023/06/27 08:53:42.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.679e-05                 76.04 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627ac XML 2023/06/27 07:40:17.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.684e-05                 52.02 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627ac XML 2023/06/27 07:40:17.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.684e-05                 52.02 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627aa XML 2023/06/27 06:47:04.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 4.712e-06                 39.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627aa XML 2023/06/27 06:47:04.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 4.712e-06                 39.81 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627v XML 2023/06/27 05:42:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.078e-05 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627v XML 2023/06/27 05:42:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.078e-05 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627o XML 2023/06/27 05:20:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.490e-05                 131.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627o XML 2023/06/27 05:20:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.490e-05                 131.80 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627m XML 2023/06/27 04:54:07.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.555e-06                 39.56 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627m XML 2023/06/27 04:54:07.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.555e-06                 39.56 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627c XML 2023/06/27 01:53:37.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.48 0.14 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627c XML 2023/06/27 01:53:37.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.48 0.26 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627c XML 2023/06/27 01:53:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.48 0.26 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230627c XML 2023/06/27 01:53:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.978e-16 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.99 0.19 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626bq XML 2023/06/26 18:46:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.004e-05 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626bq XML 2023/06/26 18:46:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.004e-05 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624av XML 2023/06/24 11:31:03.000000 4 Upd 1 1 0 1.300e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626bb XML 2023/06/26 14:12:43.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.216e-06                 292.93 0.07   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626bb XML 2023/06/26 14:12:43.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.201e-05                 162.54 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626at XML 2023/06/26 10:56:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.186e-05 1.00 0.79 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626at XML 2023/06/26 10:56:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.186e-05 1.00 0.79 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626ad XML 2023/06/26 06:07:13.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 9.410e-07                 -1.00 0.16   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626ad XML 2023/06/26 06:07:13.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 9.410e-07                 -1.00 0.16   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626t XML 2023/06/26 05:02:48.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.840e-05 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.49 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626t XML 2023/06/26 05:02:48.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.840e-05 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.49 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626c XML 2023/06/26 00:32:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.215e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230626c XML 2023/06/26 00:32:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.215e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bm XML 2023/06/25 21:16:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.263e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bl XML 2023/06/25 21:15:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.433e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bm XML 2023/06/25 21:16:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.263e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.52         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bl XML 2023/06/25 21:15:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.433e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bk XML 2023/06/25 20:33:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.684e-05 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bk XML 2023/06/25 20:33:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.684e-05 1.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bi XML 2023/06/25 20:14:18.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.213e-05                 48.09 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625bi XML 2023/06/25 20:14:18.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.213e-05                 48.09 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625ay XML 2023/06/25 18:16:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.524e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625ay XML 2023/06/25 18:16:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.524e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625au XML 2023/06/25 17:53:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.989e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625au XML 2023/06/25 17:53:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.989e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625ao XML 2023/06/25 15:48:36.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.458e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625ao XML 2023/06/25 15:48:36.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.458e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625y XML 2023/06/25 11:59:32.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.274e-05 1.00 0.13 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.92 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625y XML 2023/06/25 11:59:32.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.274e-05 1.00 0.13 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.92 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625o XML 2023/06/25 06:25:35.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.257e-05 1.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625o XML 2023/06/25 06:25:35.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.257e-05 1.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625h XML 2023/06/25 05:25:41.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 7.560e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230625h XML 2023/06/25 05:25:41.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 7.560e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624cm XML 2023/06/24 22:53:10.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 9.908e-06                 263.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624cm XML 2023/06/24 22:53:10.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 9.908e-06                 263.24 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ck XML 2023/06/24 22:30:11.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.087e-05                 1317.23 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ck XML 2023/06/24 22:30:11.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.087e-05                 1317.23 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ch XML 2023/06/24 22:13:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.037e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ch XML 2023/06/24 22:13:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.037e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ce XML 2023/06/24 21:49:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.274e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ce XML 2023/06/24 21:49:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.274e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624bt XML 2023/06/24 17:32:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.054e-05                 67.28 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624bv XML 2023/06/24 18:19:56.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.653e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624bt XML 2023/06/24 17:32:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.054e-05                 67.28 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624bv XML 2023/06/24 18:19:56.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.653e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624bd XML 2023/06/24 13:15:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.489e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624bd XML 2023/06/24 13:15:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.489e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ax XML 2023/06/24 12:14:46.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 3.058e-06                 31.82 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ax XML 2023/06/24 12:14:46.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 3.058e-06                 31.82 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624av XML 2023/06/24 11:31:03.000000 3 Ini 1 1 0 1.300e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624av XML 2023/06/24 11:31:03.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.300e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624av XML 2023/06/24 11:31:03.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.899e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ae XML 2023/06/24 07:29:02.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.963e-06 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.91 0.61         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624ae XML 2023/06/24 07:29:02.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.264e-05 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.95 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624s XML 2023/06/24 04:52:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.882e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624s XML 2023/06/24 04:52:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.882e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.00 0.88         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624j XML 2023/06/24 03:29:58.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.121e-05                 45.94 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624j XML 2023/06/24 03:29:58.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.121e-05                 45.94 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624e XML 2023/06/24 02:05:08.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.554e-05                 29.78 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624e XML 2023/06/24 02:05:08.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.043e-05                 31.97 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624a XML 2023/06/24 00:35:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.665e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230624a XML 2023/06/24 00:35:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.665e-05 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623be XML 2023/06/23 21:04:07.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.913e-07                 66.05 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623be XML 2023/06/23 21:04:07.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.826e-06                 66.95 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623av XML 2023/06/23 17:47:25.000000 3 Pre 2 1 2 1.843e-05                 2042.25 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623av XML 2023/06/23 17:47:25.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.843e-05                 2042.25 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623av XML 2023/06/23 17:47:25.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.843e-05                 2042.25 0.15   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623au XML 2023/06/23 17:28:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.011e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623au XML 2023/06/23 17:28:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.011e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623at XML 2023/06/23 17:18:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.957e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623as XML 2023/06/23 17:18:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 4.352e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623at XML 2023/06/23 17:18:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.957e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623as XML 2023/06/23 17:18:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 4.352e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623ai XML 2023/06/23 15:42:26.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.182e-05                 21.56 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623ah XML 2023/06/23 15:42:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 8.385e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623ai XML 2023/06/23 15:42:26.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.182e-05                 21.56 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623ah XML 2023/06/23 15:42:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 8.385e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623ad XML 2023/06/23 15:21:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.540e-06 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623ad XML 2023/06/23 15:21:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.540e-06 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623m XML 2023/06/23 04:26:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 8.533e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230623m XML 2023/06/23 04:26:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 8.533e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.91         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622br XML 2023/06/22 21:36:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.233e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.10 0.06 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622br XML 2023/06/22 21:36:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.233e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.10 0.06 0.54         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bn XML 2023/06/22 17:01:55.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 4.160e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bn XML 2023/06/22 17:01:55.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 4.160e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.83         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bk XML 2023/06/22 16:46:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.660e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bk XML 2023/06/22 16:46:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.660e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bj XML 2023/06/22 16:38:40.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.166e-05                 310.21 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bj XML 2023/06/22 16:38:40.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.166e-05                 310.21 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622be XML 2023/06/22 16:00:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.098e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622be XML 2023/06/22 16:00:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.136e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bd XML 2023/06/22 15:47:24.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.288e-05                 44.20 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bd XML 2023/06/22 15:47:24.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.288e-05                 44.20 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622bb XML 2023/06/22 14:44:21.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.472e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622ba XML 2023/06/22 14:35:36.000000 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230622bb XML 2023/06/22 14:44:21.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 2.472e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622ba XML 2023/06/22 14:35:36.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 5.180e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622ba XML 2023/06/22 14:35:36.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 5.180e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622ah XML 2023/06/22 08:58:25.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.318e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622ah XML 2023/06/22 08:58:25.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.318e-06 1.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622u XML 2023/06/22 06:14:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.465e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622u XML 2023/06/22 06:14:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.465e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622i XML 2023/06/22 02:45:39.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.420e-05 0.78 0.11 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.06 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622i XML 2023/06/22 02:45:39.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.420e-05 0.78 0.11 0.00 0.09 0.02 0.06 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621bq XML 2023/06/21 23:47:43.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 9.285e-07                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622e XML 2023/06/22 00:19:02.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 1.217e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230622e XML 2023/06/22 00:19:02.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 1.217e-06                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621bq XML 2023/06/21 23:47:43.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 9.285e-07                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621bn XML 2023/06/21 23:35:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.376e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621bn XML 2023/06/21 23:35:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.376e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621ap XML 2023/06/21 09:41:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.578e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621ap XML 2023/06/21 09:41:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.578e-05 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621ad XML 2023/06/21 06:22:22.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.700e-05                 62.97 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621ad XML 2023/06/21 06:22:22.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.700e-05                 62.97 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621n XML 2023/06/21 03:48:37.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 3.963e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230621n XML 2023/06/21 03:48:37.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.963e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620au XML 2023/06/20 11:57:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.429e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 -1 0.67         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620au XML 2023/06/20 11:57:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.014e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 -1 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620al XML 2023/06/20 05:54:55.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.401e-06                 29.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620al XML 2023/06/20 05:54:55.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.401e-06                 29.43 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620af XML 2023/06/20 04:30:42.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.686e-05                 1086.73 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620af XML 2023/06/20 04:30:42.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.686e-05                 1086.73 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620ad XML 2023/06/20 03:50:54.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.256e-06 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 -1 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620ad XML 2023/06/20 03:50:54.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.256e-06 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.02 -1 0.85         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620z XML 2023/06/20 03:19:49.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.428e-06                 879.40 0.02   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620w XML 2023/06/20 03:14:44.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 9.745e-06                 24.91 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620z XML 2023/06/20 03:19:49.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.228e-05                 974.89 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620w XML 2023/06/20 03:14:44.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 9.745e-06                 24.91 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620g XML 2023/06/20 01:12:17.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.668e-05                 21.49 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230620g XML 2023/06/20 01:12:17.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.668e-05                 21.49 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619bg XML 2023/06/19 23:41:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.775e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619bg XML 2023/06/19 23:41:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.775e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619bd XML 2023/06/19 19:25:06.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.931e-05 1.00 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 -1 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619bd XML 2023/06/19 19:25:06.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.931e-05 1.00 1.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 -1 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619bb XML 2023/06/19 19:07:24.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 8.300e-06                 101.70 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619bb XML 2023/06/19 19:07:24.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 8.300e-06                 101.70 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619ay XML 2023/06/19 18:54:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.991e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 -1 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619ay XML 2023/06/19 18:54:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.991e-05 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 -1 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619as XML 2023/06/19 11:56:19.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.867e-05                 26.90 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619as XML 2023/06/19 11:56:19.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.867e-05                 26.90 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619ap XML 2023/06/19 11:48:57.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 4.951e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619ap XML 2023/06/19 11:48:57.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 4.951e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619aa XML 2023/06/19 06:10:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.880e-06 1.00 0.82 0.35 0.02 0.00 -1 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619aa XML 2023/06/19 06:10:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.880e-06 1.00 0.82 0.35 0.02 0.00 -1 0.62         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619x XML 2023/06/19 05:39:00.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 3.930e-06                 1146.18 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619x XML 2023/06/19 05:39:00.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 3.930e-06                 1146.18 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619i XML 2023/06/19 03:33:01.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.144e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619i XML 2023/06/19 03:33:01.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.144e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619e XML 2023/06/19 02:43:17.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.035e-05                 29.61 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230619e XML 2023/06/19 02:43:17.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.035e-05                 29.61 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618ba XML 2023/06/18 19:30:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.572e-06 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.14 -1 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618ba XML 2023/06/18 19:30:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.572e-06 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.14 -1 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618az XML 2023/06/18 19:08:59.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.424e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618az XML 2023/06/18 19:08:59.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.424e-05 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618at XML 2023/06/18 17:57:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 8.455e-06 0.91 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618at XML 2023/06/18 17:57:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 8.455e-06 0.91 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618aq XML 2023/06/18 13:20:48.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.626e-05                 77.35 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618aq XML 2023/06/18 13:20:48.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.626e-05                 77.35 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618ae XML 2023/06/18 11:23:30.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 9.484e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618ae XML 2023/06/18 11:23:30.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 9.484e-06                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618y XML 2023/06/18 10:25:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.474e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 -1 0.87         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618y XML 2023/06/18 10:25:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.739e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 -1 0.63         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618s XML 2023/06/18 09:35:16.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.378e-06                 109.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618s XML 2023/06/18 09:35:16.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.378e-06                 109.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618r XML 2023/06/18 09:07:27.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.555e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618r XML 2023/06/18 09:07:27.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.555e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618k XML 2023/06/18 04:57:47.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 7.454e-06 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 -1 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618k XML 2023/06/18 04:57:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 7.454e-06 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 -1 0.78         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618d XML 2023/06/18 02:42:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.875e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230618d XML 2023/06/18 02:42:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.875e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617bc XML 2023/06/17 22:16:07.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.758e-06 1.00 1.00 0.26 0.07 0.00 -1 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617ba XML 2023/06/17 22:15:49.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 5.855e-06 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.11 -1 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617bc XML 2023/06/17 22:16:07.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.758e-06 1.00 1.00 0.26 0.07 0.00 -1 0.65         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617ba XML 2023/06/17 22:15:49.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 5.855e-06 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.11 -1 0.86         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617aq XML 2023/06/17 16:17:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.062e-06 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617aq XML 2023/06/17 16:17:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.062e-06 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617aj XML 2023/06/17 12:23:09.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.381e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 -1 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617aj XML 2023/06/17 12:23:09.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.381e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 -1 0.89         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617ab XML 2023/06/17 10:50:50.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.160e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230617ab XML 2023/06/17 10:50:50.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.160e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230616aa XML 2023/06/16 13:37:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 2.296e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230616aa XML 2023/06/16 13:37:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 2.296e-05                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230616s XML 2023/06/16 07:17:29.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.460e-05                 101.02 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230616s XML 2023/06/16 07:17:29.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.460e-05                 101.02 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230616j XML 2023/06/16 04:24:14.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 7.300e-06                 131.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230616j XML 2023/06/16 04:24:14.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 7.300e-06                 131.61 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615be XML 2023/06/15 18:00:26.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.170e-05                 180.52 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615be XML 2023/06/15 18:00:26.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.170e-05                 180.52 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615az XML 2023/06/15 17:50:08.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.492e-07 1.00 1.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 -1 0.15         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615az XML 2023/06/15 17:50:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.492e-07 1.00 1.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 -1 0.15         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615ax XML 2023/06/15 16:30:04.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 5.091e-07                 249.43 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615ax XML 2023/06/15 16:30:04.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 5.091e-07                 249.43 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615av XML 2023/06/15 16:08:26.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.447e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 -1 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615av XML 2023/06/15 16:08:26.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.447e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 -1 0.08         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615an XML 2023/06/15 13:35:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.773e-05 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615an XML 2023/06/15 13:35:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.773e-05 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615ak XML 2023/06/15 13:25:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 4.851e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 -1 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615ak XML 2023/06/15 13:25:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 4.851e-06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 -1 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615af XML 2023/06/15 12:54:10.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 5.372e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615af XML 2023/06/15 12:54:10.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 5.372e-06 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615t XML 2023/06/15 10:21:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.238e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 -1 0.81         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615t XML 2023/06/15 10:21:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.507e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 -1 0.80         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615k XML 2023/06/15 07:37:11.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 6.595e-06 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 -1 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615k XML 2023/06/15 07:37:11.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 6.595e-06 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.02 -1 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615i XML 2023/06/15 07:26:52.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.306e-05 1.00 0.00 0.02 0.20 0.00 -1 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230615i XML 2023/06/15 07:26:52.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.306e-05 1.00 0.00 0.02 0.20 0.00 -1 0.77         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230614ac XML 2023/06/14 15:57:51.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.235e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 -1 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230614ac XML 2023/06/14 15:57:51.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.235e-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 -1 0.93         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230614t XML 2023/06/14 14:16:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.769e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 -1 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230614t XML 2023/06/14 14:16:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.769e-05 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 -1 0.90         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230614o XML 2023/06/14 13:36:25.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.301e-05                 21.78 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230614o XML 2023/06/14 13:36:25.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.301e-05                 21.78 0.06   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230613aw XML 2023/06/13 22:16:19.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 4.822e-06                 45.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230613aw XML 2023/06/13 22:16:19.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 4.822e-06                 45.10 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230613at XML 2023/06/13 21:53:38.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 5.330e-06                 52.21 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230613at XML 2023/06/13 21:53:38.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 5.330e-06                 52.21 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608as XML 2023/06/08 20:50:47.000000 3 Upd 1 1 4 1.369e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606d XML 2023/06/06 00:43:05.000000 5 Upd 1 1 15 1.141e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230612m XML 2023/06/12 08:52:11.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 1.965e-06                 173.74 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230612m XML 2023/06/12 08:52:11.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 1.965e-06                 173.74 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230611be XML 2023/06/11 20:54:23.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.769e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 -1 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230611be XML 2023/06/11 20:54:23.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.769e-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 -1 0.56         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609u XML 2023/06/09 06:49:58.000000 5 Upd 1 1 0 1.004e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609u XML 2023/06/09 06:49:58.000000 4 Upd 1 1 0 1.004e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230611l XML 2023/06/11 06:21:13.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 2.157e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 -1 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230611l XML 2023/06/11 06:21:13.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.157e-06 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 -1 0.98         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609u XML 2023/06/09 06:49:58.000000 3 Ini 1 1 0 1.004e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609u XML 2023/06/09 06:49:58.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 1.004e-08                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609u XML 2023/06/09 06:49:58.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.600e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 -1 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609a XML 2023/06/09 01:08:24.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.993e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 -1 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230609a XML 2023/06/09 01:08:24.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.234e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 -1 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608aw XML 2023/06/08 23:47:27.000000 2 Pre 2 8 2 2.444e-06                 117.34 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608aw XML 2023/06/08 23:47:27.000000 1 Pre 2 8 2 2.444e-06                 117.34 0.04   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608as XML 2023/06/08 20:50:47.000000 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.369e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608as XML 2023/06/08 20:50:47.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.369e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608ah XML 2023/06/08 19:06:22.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 4.917e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608ah XML 2023/06/08 19:06:22.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 4.917e-07                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608aa XML 2023/06/08 18:04:38.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.877e-07 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 -1 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608aa XML 2023/06/08 18:04:38.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.877e-07 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 -1 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608q XML 2023/06/08 09:22:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.582e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230608q XML 2023/06/08 09:22:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.582e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606z XML 2023/06/06 06:53:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 4.155e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 -1 0.16         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606z XML 2023/06/06 06:53:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.155e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 -1 0.16         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606d XML 2023/06/06 00:43:05.000000 4 Ini 1 1 15 1.141e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606d XML 2023/06/06 00:43:05.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.141e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606d XML 2023/06/06 00:43:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.141e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230606d XML 2023/06/06 00:43:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.532e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 -1 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230605o XML 2023/06/05 06:53:43.000000 4 Upd 1 1 0 4.522e-09                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230601bf XML 2023/06/01 22:41:34.000000 4 Upd 1 1 5 1.714e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230605o XML 2023/06/05 06:53:43.000000 3 Ini 1 1 0 4.522e-09                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230605o XML 2023/06/05 06:53:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 4.522e-09                       SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230605o XML 2023/06/05 06:53:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.706e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230604z XML 2023/06/04 09:20:31.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.694e-07 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.70 -1 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230604z XML 2023/06/04 09:20:31.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.694e-07 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.70 -1 0.25         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230603aa XML 2023/06/03 07:34:45.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.155e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 -1 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230603aa XML 2023/06/03 07:34:45.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.155e-06 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 -1 0.96         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230602ap XML 2023/06/02 18:40:16.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 1.481e-06                 305.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230602ap XML 2023/06/02 18:40:16.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 1.481e-06                 305.91 0.03   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230601bf XML 2023/06/01 22:41:34.000000 3 Ini 1 1 5 1.714e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230601bf XML 2023/06/01 22:41:34.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 1.714e-15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230601bf XML 2023/06/01 22:41:34.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.823e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230531f XML 2023/05/31 00:21:25.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 8.541e-07                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230531f XML 2023/05/31 00:21:25.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 8.541e-07                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529ay XML 2023/05/29 18:15:00.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.975e-10 0.98 0.01 0.30 0.62 0.00 -1 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529ay XML 2023/05/29 18:15:00.000000 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.975e-10 1.00 0.12 0.30 0.62 0.00 -1 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529ay XML 2023/05/29 18:15:00.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.975e-10 1.00 0.12 0.30 0.62 0.00 -1 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529ay XML 2023/05/29 18:15:00.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.975e-10 1.00 0.12 0.30 0.62 0.00 -1 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529p XML 2023/05/29 10:27:44.000000 2 Pre 1 1 15 6.288e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 -1 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230529p XML 2023/05/29 10:27:44.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 6.288e-07 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 -1 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230528bt XML 2023/05/28 14:51:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.873e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 -1 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230528bt XML 2023/05/28 14:51:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.873e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 -1 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230528ay XML 2023/05/28 11:10:53.000000 2 Pre 2 1 11 7.034e-07                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230528ay XML 2023/05/28 11:10:53.000000 1 Pre 2 1 11 7.034e-07                 -1.00 0.00   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230528a XML 2023/05/28 02:27:14.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 3.039e-07 1.00 0.01 0.20 0.44 0.00 -1 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230528a XML 2023/05/28 02:27:14.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.039e-07 1.00 0.01 0.20 0.44 0.00 -1 0.35         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230527ch XML 2023/05/27 18:10:28.000000 2 Pre 2 1 2 2.537e-06                 1074.69 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230527ch XML 2023/05/27 18:10:28.000000 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.537e-06                 1074.69 0.05   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230527bv XML 2023/05/27 17:25:29.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.072e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 -1 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230527bv XML 2023/05/27 17:25:29.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.072e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 -1 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230518h XML 2023/05/18 12:59:08.000000 4 Upd 1 1 15 3.219e-10 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.03 -1 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230520ae XML 2023/05/20 22:48:42.000000 4 Upd 1 1 0 3.061e-09             SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230525a XML 2023/05/25 02:38:17.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.514e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 -1 0.27         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230525a XML 2023/05/25 02:38:17.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.514e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 -1 0.27         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230524x XML 2023/05/24 20:22:41.000000 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S230524x XML 2023/05/24 20:22:41.000000 1 Ear 1 0 15 7.226e-08 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 -1 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Early_Warning Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230524b XML 2023/05/24 06:13:20.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.257e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 -1 0.27         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230524b XML 2023/05/24 06:13:20.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.257e-07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 -1 0.27         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230522n XML 2023/05/22 15:30:33.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.480e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230522n XML 2023/05/22 15:30:33.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.480e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230522a XML 2023/05/22 09:38:05.000000 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.035e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230522a XML 2023/05/22 09:38:05.000000 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.035e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 -1 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230521k XML 2023/05/21 05:30:43.000000 2 Pre 1 1 5 2.421e-06 1.00 0.90 0.25 0.14 0.00 -1 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230521k XML 2023/05/21 05:30:43.000000 1 Pre 1 1 5 2.421e-06 1.00 0.90 0.25 0.14 0.00 -1 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230520ae XML 2023/05/20 22:48:42.000000 3 Ini 1 1 0 3.061e-09                   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230520ae XML 2023/05/20 22:48:42.000000 2 Pre 1 1 0 3.061e-09                 SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230520ae XML 2023/05/20 22:48:42.000000 1 Pre 1 1 0 3.061e-09                 SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230518h XML 2023/05/18 12:59:08.000000 3 Upd 1 1 15 3.219e-10 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.03 -1 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230518h XML 2023/05/18 12:59:08.000000 2 Ini 1 1 15 3.219e-10 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.03 -1 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S230518h XML 2023/05/18 12:59:08.000000 1 Pre 1 1 15 3.219e-10 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.03 -1 0.09         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200316bj XML 2020/03/16 21:57:56.157221 4 Upd 1 1 4 7.099e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200316bj XML 2020/03/16 21:57:56.157221 3 Ini 1 1 4 7.099e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200316bj XML 2020/03/16 21:57:56.157221 2 Pre 1 1 4 7.099e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200316bj XML 2020/03/16 21:57:56.157221 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.099e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200311bg XML 2020/03/11 11:58:53.397788 4 Upd 1 1 4 8.941e-26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200311bg XML 2020/03/11 11:58:53.397788 3 Ini 1 1 4 8.941e-26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200311bg XML 2020/03/11 11:58:53.397788 2 Pre 1 1 4 8.941e-26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200311bg XML 2020/03/11 11:58:53.397788 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.941e-26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200308e XML 2020/03/08 01:19:27.595546 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S200308e XML 2020/03/08 01:19:27.595546 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.619e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.17         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200308e XML 2020/03/08 01:19:27.595546 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.619e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.17         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200303ba XML 2020/03/03 12:15:48.710855 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S200302c XML 2020/03/02 01:58:11.519119 4 Upd 1 1 4 9.350e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200302c XML 2020/03/02 01:58:11.519119 3 Ini 1 1 4 9.350e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200302c XML 2020/03/02 01:58:11.519119 2 Pre 1 1 4 9.350e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200302c XML 2020/03/02 01:58:11.519119 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.350e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.11         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200224ca XML 2020/02/24 22:22:34.405762 4 Upd 1 1 15 1.605e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200225q XML 2020/02/25 06:04:21.396973 4 Upd 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200219ac XML 2020/02/19 09:44:15.195312 3 Upd 1 1 15 1.330e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200225q XML 2020/02/25 06:04:21.396973 3 Ini 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200225q XML 2020/02/25 06:04:21.396973 2 Pre 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200225q XML 2020/02/25 06:04:21.396484 1 Pre 1 1 15 9.188e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200224ca XML 2020/02/24 22:22:34.405762 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.605e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200224ca XML 2020/02/24 22:22:34.405762 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.605e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200224ca XML 2020/02/24 22:22:34.378418 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.605e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200219ac XML 2020/02/19 09:44:15.195312 2 Ini 1 1 15 1.330e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200219ac XML 2020/02/19 09:44:15.195312 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.330e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200213t XML 2020/02/13 04:10:40.327981 5 Upd 1 1 4 1.767e-08 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200213t XML 2020/02/13 04:10:40.327981 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.767e-08 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200213t XML 2020/02/13 04:10:40.327981 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.767e-08 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200213t XML 2020/02/13 04:10:40.327981 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.767e-08 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200213t XML 2020/02/13 04:10:40.327981 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.767e-08 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200208q XML 2020/02/08 13:01:17.991118 4 Upd 1 1 1 2.518e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200208q XML 2020/02/08 13:01:17.991118 3 Ini 1 1 1 2.518e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200208q XML 2020/02/08 13:01:17.991118 2 Pre 1 1 1 2.518e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200208q XML 2020/02/08 13:01:17.991118 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.518e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200129m XML 2020/01/29 06:54:58.435104 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.699e-32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200129m XML 2020/01/29 06:54:58.435104 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.699e-32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200129m XML 2020/01/29 06:54:58.435104 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.699e-32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200128d XML 2020/01/28 02:20:11.903320 3 Ini 1 1 15 1.647e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200128d XML 2020/01/28 02:20:11.903320 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.647e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200128d XML 2020/01/28 02:20:11.903320 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.647e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200115j XML 2020/01/15 04:23:09.742047 5 Upd 1 1 4 2.095e-11 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200116ah XML 2020/01/16 11:56:42.170712 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S200116ah XML 2020/01/16 11:56:42.170712 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.029e-12 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200116ah XML 2020/01/16 11:56:42.170712 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.029e-12 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200115j XML 2020/01/15 04:23:09.742047 4 Ini 1 1 4 2.095e-11 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200115j XML 2020/01/15 04:23:09.742047 3 Pre 1 1 4 2.095e-11 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200115j XML 2020/01/15 04:23:09.752869 2 Pre 1 1 1 4.987e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200115j XML 2020/01/15 04:23:09.752869 1 Pre 1 1 1 4.987e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200114f XML 2020/01/14 02:08:18.239300 3 Ini 2 0 2 1.227e-09                 64.69 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200114f XML 2020/01/14 02:08:18.239300 2 Pre 2 0 2 1.227e-09                 64.69 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200114f XML 2020/01/14 02:08:18.239300 1 Pre 2 0 2 1.227e-09                 64.69 0.01   SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200112r XML 2020/01/12 15:58:38.093931 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.283e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200112r XML 2020/01/12 15:58:38.093931 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.283e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200112r XML 2020/01/12 15:58:38.093931 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.283e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200105ae XML 2020/01/05 16:24:26.057208 3 Upd 1 1 4 7.672e-07 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200108v XML 2020/01/08 10:00:38.558755 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S200108v XML 2020/01/08 10:00:38.558755 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.669e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200108v XML 2020/01/08 10:00:38.558755 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.669e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200105ae XML 2020/01/05 16:24:26.057208 2 Ini 1 1 4 7.672e-07 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200105ae XML 2020/01/05 16:24:26.057208 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.672e-07 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.97         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200106av XML 2020/01/06 18:34:23.578613 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S200106au XML 2020/01/06 18:34:29.292480 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S200106av XML 2020/01/06 18:34:23.578613 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.128e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S200106au XML 2020/01/06 18:34:29.292480 1 Pre 1 1 5 3.661e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.92         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191225aq XML 2019/12/25 21:57:15.856445 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191225aq XML 2019/12/25 21:57:15.856445 2 Pre 1 1 15 1.267e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.60         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191225aq XML 2019/12/25 21:57:15.870117 1 Pre 1 1 15 1.267e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.15         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191222n XML 2019/12/22 03:35:37.119478 4 Upd 1 1 4 6.460e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191216ap XML 2019/12/16 21:33:38.472999 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.131e-23 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191222n XML 2019/12/22 03:35:37.119478 3 Ini 1 1 4 6.460e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191222n XML 2019/12/22 03:35:37.119478 2 Pre 1 1 4 6.460e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191222n XML 2019/12/22 03:35:37.119478 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.460e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191215w XML 2019/12/15 22:30:52.333152 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.006e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191220af XML 2019/12/20 12:24:14.690032 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191220af XML 2019/12/20 12:24:14.690032 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.964e-10 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191220af XML 2019/12/20 12:24:14.690032 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.964e-10 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191216ap XML 2019/12/16 21:33:38.472999 3 Upd 1 1 4 1.131e-23 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191216ap XML 2019/12/16 21:33:38.472999 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.131e-23 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191216ap XML 2019/12/16 21:33:38.472999 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.131e-23 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191215w XML 2019/12/15 22:30:52.333152 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.006e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191215w XML 2019/12/15 22:30:52.333152 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.006e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191215w XML 2019/12/15 22:30:52.333152 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.006e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191213g XML 2019/12/13 04:34:08.142224 4 Upd 1 1 4 3.549e-08 1.00 1.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191213ai XML 2019/12/13 15:59:05.899585 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191213ai XML 2019/12/13 15:59:05.899585 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.004e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.15         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191213ai XML 2019/12/13 15:59:05.899585 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.004e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.15         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191213g XML 2019/12/13 04:34:08.142224 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.549e-08 1.00 1.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191213g XML 2019/12/13 04:34:08.142224 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.549e-08 1.00 1.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191213g XML 2019/12/13 04:34:08.142224 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.549e-08 1.00 1.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191212q XML 2019/12/12 08:27:28.641861 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191212q XML 2019/12/12 08:27:28.641861 2 Pre 1 1 1 3.369e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.51         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191212q XML 2019/12/12 08:27:28.641861 1 Pre 1 1 1 3.369e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.51         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191129u XML 2019/11/29 13:40:29.197372 3 Upd 1 1 4 2.650e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191205ah XML 2019/12/05 21:52:08.568738 3 Ini 1 1 4 1.249e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191205ah XML 2019/12/05 21:52:08.568738 2 Pre 1 1 4 1.249e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191205ah XML 2019/12/05 21:52:08.568738 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.249e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191204r XML 2019/12/04 17:15:26.091822 4 Ini 1 1 4 3.070e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191204r XML 2019/12/04 17:15:26.091822 3 Pre 1 1 4 3.070e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191204r XML 2019/12/04 17:15:26.091822 2 Pre 1 1 4 2.642e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191204r XML 2019/12/04 17:15:26.091822 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.642e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191129u XML 2019/11/29 13:40:29.197372 2 Ini 1 1 4 2.650e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191129u XML 2019/11/29 13:40:29.197372 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.650e-35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191124be XML 2019/11/24 09:59:18.099619 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191124be XML 2019/11/24 09:59:18.099619 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.678e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.07         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191120at XML 2019/11/20 20:08:37.323325 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191120at XML 2019/11/20 20:08:37.323325 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.109e-09 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 0.17         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191120aj XML 2019/11/20 16:23:34.438461 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191120aj XML 2019/11/20 16:23:34.438461 1 Pre 1 1 1 2.860e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.39         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191117j XML 2019/11/17 06:08:22.454868 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191117j XML 2019/11/17 06:08:22.454868 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.115e-18 0.66 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191110af XML 2019/11/10 23:06:44.183200 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191105e XML 2019/11/05 14:35:21.933105 3 Upd 1 1 15 2.283e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191110af XML 2019/11/10 23:06:44.183200 2 Ini 2 1 2 2.499e-09                 1781.72 0.10 Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191110af XML 2019/11/10 23:06:44.183200 1 Pre 2 1 2 2.499e-09                 1781.72 0.10 Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191110x XML 2019/11/10 18:08:42.210120 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S191110x XML 2019/11/10 18:08:42.210120 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.930e-11 1.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191109d XML 2019/11/09 01:07:17.220703 2 Ini 1 1 5 1.537e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191109d XML 2019/11/09 01:07:17.220703 1 Pre 1 1 5 1.537e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191105e XML 2019/11/05 14:35:21.933105 2 Ini 1 1 15 2.283e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S191105e XML 2019/11/05 14:35:21.933105 1 Pre 1 1 15 2.283e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190930s XML 2019/09/30 13:35:41.246810 3 Upd 1 1 4 3.009e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190924h XML 2019/09/24 02:18:46.846654 3 Upd 1 1 4 8.929e-19 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190930t XML 2019/09/30 14:34:07.685342 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.543e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.25       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190930t XML 2019/09/30 14:34:07.685342 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.543e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.25       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190930s XML 2019/09/30 13:35:41.246810 2 Ini 1 1 4 3.009e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190930s XML 2019/09/30 13:35:41.246810 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.009e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828j XML 2019/08/28 06:34:05.756472 4 Upd 1 1 4 8.474e-22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190924h XML 2019/09/24 02:18:46.846654 2 Ini 1 1 4 8.929e-19 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event. The probabilty fields are unassigned for this event notice.
S190924h XML 2019/09/24 02:18:46.846654 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.929e-19 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event. The probabilty fields are unassigned for this event notice.
S190923y XML 2019/09/23 12:55:59.645508 2 Ini 1 1 0 4.783e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190923y XML 2019/09/23 12:55:59.645508 1 Pre 1 1 0 4.783e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.32         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828l XML 2019/08/28 06:55:09.886557 3 Upd 1 1 4 4.629e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190910h XML 2019/09/10 08:29:58.544448 3 Upd 1 1 4 3.585e-08 1.00 1.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190915ak XML 2019/09/15 23:57:02.690891 3 Upd 1 1 4 9.736e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190915ak XML 2019/09/15 23:57:02.690891 2 Ini 1 1 4 9.736e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190915ak XML 2019/09/15 23:57:02.690891 1 Pre 1 1 4 9.736e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190910d XML 2019/09/10 01:26:19.242676 3 Upd 1 3 0 3.718e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190910h XML 2019/09/10 08:29:58.544448 2 Ini 1 1 4 3.585e-08 1.00 1.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190910h XML 2019/09/10 08:29:58.544448 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.585e-08 1.00 1.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190910d XML 2019/09/10 01:26:19.242676 2 Ini 1 3 0 3.718e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190910d XML 2019/09/10 01:26:19.242676 1 Pre 1 3 0 3.718e-09 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.02         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190901ap XML 2019/09/01 23:31:01.837767 3 Upd 1 1 4 7.027e-09 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190901ap XML 2019/09/01 23:31:01.837767 2 Ini 1 1 4 7.027e-09 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190901ap XML 2019/09/01 23:31:01.837767 1 Pre 1 1 4 7.027e-09 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190829u XML 2019/08/29 21:05:56.283940 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190829u XML 2019/08/29 21:05:56.283940 1 Pre 1 1 4 5.151e-09 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.10         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828j XML 2019/08/28 06:34:05.756472 3 Upd 1 1 4 8.474e-22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828l XML 2019/08/28 06:55:09.886557 2 Ini 1 1 4 4.629e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828l XML 2019/08/28 06:55:09.886557 1 Pre 1 1 4 4.629e-11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828j XML 2019/08/28 06:34:05.756472 2 Ini 1 1 4 8.474e-22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190828j XML 2019/08/28 06:34:05.756472 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.474e-22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190822c XML 2019/08/22 01:29:59.589203 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190822c XML 2019/08/22 01:29:59.589203 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.146e-18 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190816i XML 2019/08/16 13:04:31.757789 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190816i XML 2019/08/16 13:04:31.757789 1 Pre 1 1 1 1.436e-08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.16         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190814bv XML 2019/08/14 21:10:39.012957 5 Upd 1 1 4 2.033e-33 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190814bv XML 2019/08/14 21:10:39.012957 4 Upd 1 1 4 2.033e-33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event. The probabilty fields are unassigned for this event notice.
S190814bv XML 2019/08/14 21:10:39.012957 3 Pre 1 1 4 2.033e-33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event. The probabilty fields are unassigned for this event notice.
S190814bv XML 2019/08/14 21:10:39.013334 2 Ini 1 1 4 3.255e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event. The probabilty fields are unassigned for this event notice.
S190814bv XML 2019/08/14 21:10:39.013334 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.255e-25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event. The probabilty fields are unassigned for this event notice.
S190808ae XML 2019/08/08 22:21:21.496141 3 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190808ae XML 2019/08/08 22:21:21.496141 2 Ini 1 1 4 3.366e-08 1.00 1.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190808ae XML 2019/08/08 22:21:21.496141 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.366e-08 1.00 1.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190727h XML 2019/07/27 06:03:33.985887 3 Upd 1 1 4 1.378e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.02 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190728q XML 2019/07/28 06:45:10.529205 5 Upd 1 1 4 2.527e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.04 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190728q XML 2019/07/28 06:45:10.529205 4 Ini 1 1 4 2.527e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.33 0.51 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190728q XML 2019/07/28 06:45:10.529205 3 Pre 1 1 4 2.527e-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.33 0.51 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190728q XML 2019/07/28 06:45:10.546797 2 Pre 1 1 1 6.528e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190728q XML 2019/07/28 06:45:10.546797 1 Pre 1 1 1 6.528e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190727h XML 2019/07/27 06:03:33.985887 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.378e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.02 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190727h XML 2019/07/27 06:03:33.985887 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.378e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190720a XML 2019/07/20 00:08:36.704102 3 Upd 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190720a XML 2019/07/20 00:08:36.704102 2 Ini 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190720a XML 2019/07/20 00:08:36.747070 1 Pre 1 3 0 2.248e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190630ag XML 2019/06/30 18:52:05.179550 3 Upd 1 1 4 1.435e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190718y XML 2019/07/18 14:35:12.067865 3 Ini 1 1 4 3.649e-08 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190718y XML 2019/07/18 14:35:12.067865 2 Pre 1 1 4 3.649e-08 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190718y XML 2019/07/18 14:35:12.067865 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.649e-08 1.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190706ai XML 2019/07/06 22:26:41.344727 3 Upd 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190707q XML 2019/07/07 09:33:26.181226 3 Upd 1 1 1 5.265e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190707q XML 2019/07/07 09:33:26.181226 2 Ini 1 1 1 5.265e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190707q XML 2019/07/07 09:33:26.181226 1 Pre 1 1 1 5.265e-12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190706ai XML 2019/07/06 22:26:41.344727 2 Ini 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190706ai XML 2019/07/06 22:26:41.344727 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190701ah XML 2019/07/01 20:33:06.577637 3 Upd 1 1 0 1.916e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190701ah XML 2019/07/01 20:33:06.577637 2 Ini 1 1 0 1.916e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190701ah XML 2019/07/01 20:33:06.577637 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.916e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.06         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190630ag XML 2019/06/30 18:52:05.179550 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.435e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190630ag XML 2019/06/30 18:52:05.179550 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.435e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190602aq XML 2019/06/02 17:59:27.089355 2 Ini 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190602aq XML 2019/06/02 17:59:27.089355 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190524q XML 2019/05/24 04:52:06.678669 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190524q XML 2019/05/24 04:52:06.678669 1 Pre 1 1 4 6.971e-09 1.00 1.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521g XML 2019/05/21 03:02:29.447266 3 Upd 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521g XML 2019/05/21 03:02:29.447266 2 Ini 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521g XML 2019/05/21 03:02:29.447266 1 Pre 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521r XML 2019/05/21 07:43:59.463379 2 Ini 1 1 0 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521r XML 2019/05/21 07:43:59.463379 1 Pre 1 1 0 3.168e-10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521g XML 2019/05/21 03:02:29.447266 2 Ini 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190521g XML 2019/05/21 03:02:29.447266 1 Pre 1 1 0 3.802e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190519bj XML 2019/05/19 15:35:44.397949 2 Ini 1 1 0 5.702e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.04         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190518bb XML 2019/05/18 19:19:21.922655 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190518bb XML 2019/05/18 19:19:21.922655 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.004e-08 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190512at XML 2019/05/12 18:07:14.422363 3 Upd 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190517h XML 2019/05/17 05:51:01.830582 2 Ini 1 1 4 2.373e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190517h XML 2019/05/17 05:51:01.830582 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.373e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.01 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190513bm XML 2019/05/13 20:54:28.747089 2 Ini 1 1 4 3.734e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190513bm XML 2019/05/13 20:54:28.747089 1 Pre 1 1 4 3.734e-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.05 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190512at XML 2019/05/12 18:07:14.422363 2 Ini 1 1 0 1.901e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.01         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190510g XML 2019/05/10 02:59:39.291636 5 Upd 1 1 4 8.835e-09 1.00 1.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190510g XML 2019/05/10 02:59:39.291636 4 Upd 1 1 4 8.429e-10 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190510g XML 2019/05/10 02:59:39.291636 3 Upd 1 1 4 8.429e-10 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190510g XML 2019/05/10 02:59:39.291636 2 Ini 1 1 4 8.429e-10 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190510g XML 2019/05/10 02:59:39.291636 1 Pre 1 1 4 8.429e-10 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190503bf XML 2019/05/03 18:54:04.294490 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.636e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190503bf XML 2019/05/03 18:54:04.294490 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.636e-09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.03 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190421ar XML 2019/04/21 21:38:56.250977 3 Upd 1 1 0 1.489e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.03         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190426c XML 2019/04/26 15:21:55.336540 5 Upd 1 1 4 1.947e-08 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.12 0.00 0.23 0.14       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190426c XML 2019/04/26 15:21:55.336540 4 Upd 1 1 4 1.947e-08 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.12 0.00 0.23 0.14       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190426c XML 2019/04/26 15:21:55.336540 3 Upd 1 1 4 1.947e-08 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.12 0.00 0.23 0.14       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190426c XML 2019/04/26 15:21:55.336540 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.947e-08 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.12 0.00 0.23 0.14       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190426c XML 2019/04/26 15:21:55.336540 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.947e-08 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.12 0.00 0.23 0.14       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190425z XML 2019/04/25 08:18:05.017147 2 Upd 1 1 4 4.538e-13 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190425z XML 2019/04/25 08:18:05.017147 1 Ini 1 1 4 4.538e-13 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190421ar XML 2019/04/21 21:38:56.250977 2 Ini 1 1 0 1.489e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190421ar XML 2019/04/21 21:38:56.250977 1 Pre 1 1 0 1.489e-08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.95         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190405ar XML 2019/04/05 16:01:30.863646 2 Ret                                   LVC Retraction of a previous Alert. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin. This event is an OpenAlert.
S190405ar XML 2019/04/05 16:01:30.863646 1 Upd 1 1 4 2.141e-04 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190412m XML 2019/04/12 05:30:44.165622 2 Ini 1 1 4 1.683e-27 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190412m XML 2019/04/12 05:30:44.165622 1 Pre 1 1 4 1.683e-27 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00       Cpart SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190408an XML 2019/04/08 18:18:02.288180 2 Ini 1 1 4 2.811e-18 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Super Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
S190408an XML 2019/04/08 18:18:02.288180 1 Pre 1 1 4 2.811e-18 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00         SKYMAP EVENT LVC Preliminary Trigger Alert. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.

LVC EVENTS (from the Private Phase O1 & O2 Era)
    CBC Burst Counterpart URLs  
EventNum Date Time UT SEQ# NoticeType FAR ChirpMass Eta MaxDist Fluence CentralFreq Duration RA DEC Intens LPM Event Comments
G298936 2017/08/23 13:13:58.517903 6 Update 1.739e-11                   LPM EVENT LVC Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G298048 2017/08/17 12:41:04.445710 2 Update 3.478e-12                   LPM EVENT LVC Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G298048 2017/08/17 12:41:04.445710 1 Initial 3.478e-12                   LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G297595 2017/08/14 10:30:43.526780 10 Update 3.831e-13                   LPM EVENT LVC Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G297595 2017/08/14 10:30:43.526780 9 Update 3.831e-13                   LPM EVENT LVC Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G297595 2017/08/14 10:30:43.526780 8 Update 3.831e-13                   LPM EVENT LVC Updated Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G297595 2017/08/14 10:30:43.526780 1 Initial 3.831e-13                   LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. VIRGO Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G296853 2017/08/09 08:28:21.746663 3 Initial 7.514e-09                   LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Initial 6.104e-08                   LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Initial 6.104e-08                   LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Initial 6.104e-08                 LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Initial 6.104e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Initial 6.104e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. This is for Team_Internal use/distribution. This event has been vetted by a human. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Preliminary 6.104e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00                 LVC Trigger Alert. This is for Team_Internal use/distribution. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G268556 2017/01/04 10:11:59.599121   Preliminary 6.104e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00                 LVC Trigger Alert. This is for Team_Internal use/distribution. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G211117 2015/12/27 03:38:53.647758   Preliminary 3.170e-10 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00                 LVC Trigger Alert. This is for Team_Internal use/distribution. This event is an OpenAlert. LIGO-Hanford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event. NOTE: This is a RETRACTION. The trigger is no longer considered to be astrophysical in origin.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Preliminary 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00                 LVC Trigger Alert. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Preliminary 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00                 LVC Trigger Alert. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Initial 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00             LPM EVENT LVC Initial Skymap -- a location probability map. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.
G194575 2015/10/22 13:33:19.942353   Preliminary 9.656e-08 -1.0000 -1.000 -1.00                 LVC Trigger Alert. LIGO-Handford Observatory contributed to this candidate event. LIGO-Livingston Observatory contributed to this candidate event.

Return to GCN/TAN homepage.
This file is continuously modified by the gcn program; see the timestamp of the most recent trigger entry in the table.

This file was last modified by a human on 01-Oct-24