1. Introduction
  2. Notice types, Content, and Purpose
  3. Instruments, Positions, and Time_delays
  4. Sequence of Events
  5. Formats
  6. Filtering
  7. Error Boxes
  8. Test Notices
  9. Observing Strategy
  10. Recognition
  11. Further Help
  12. E-mail Examples
  13. Pager Examples
  14. Short-form Pager Examples
  15. Subject-only Pager Examples
  16. Test Notice Examples


The GCN system has been modified to incorporate the distribution
of locations of GRBs detected by the INTEGRAL spacecraft;
both the localizations by ISGRI and the unlocalized detections
by the SPI Anti-Coincidence Shield (ACS).

About 1 times a month, there will be a GRB in the FOV
of the ISGRI instrument that is bright enough to be localized.
The telemetry from INTEGRAL is transmitted to the ground continuously.
On the ground, automated processing looks for "bursts" in the data stream
and calculates images. If a peak is found in an image
(with a high enough significance),
then that position is transmitted to the GCN system and then on to those
sites that have requested that type of Notice (and if the burst detection
meets the site's other filtering criteria).

Like all the other sources of GRB locations within the GCN system,
users can elect to receive (or not) these INTEGRAL Notices.

The GCN/INTEGRAL (Wakeup, Refined, Offline, Weak) Notices are archived within the GCN website
in the Table of INTEGRAL GRBs.

Notice Types, Content, and Purpose

There are 6 GCN/INTEGRAL Notice types. They are:

1) POINTDIR packets contain the RA,Dec look-direction of the s/c
after the next slew. The date and time of that upcoming slew
are also given. This serves as a heads-up to those sites
who want to track the INTEGRAL FOV to minimize the delay
until their first observation.

2) SPIACS packets notifies that SPI Anti-Coincidence Shield has detected a burst.
The date, time, and intensity are given. There can be no position information
from this type of burst detection. The SPIACS notices are archived at SPI-ACS Triggers, Lightcurves.

3) WAKEUP packets contain an RA,Dec location for the burst.
They are issued only once per burst, but may not be present for all bursts.
This type of Notice comes first in the sequence of Notices on the burst.
Since it is based on the least amount of data in the processing,
it has the lowest significant in the localization and lowest confidence
in the burst-vs-nonburst identification. (The threshold is 8 sigma.)
These WAKEUP Notices come from automated pipeline ground processing.

4) REFINED packets are issued only if there is more data
with an increased significance that improves the detection and localization
of the burst. There can be 0 to N of these Notces for each burst.
These REFINED Notices come from automated pipeline ground processing.

5) OFFLINE packets are generated manually by ground personnel.
Typically, only one Notice will be issued for each burst,
but the possibility for more than one is allowed for exceptional cases.
The OFFLINE Notice represents the final confirmation (or rejection)
of a GRB and contains the most accurate GRB properties distributed by IBAS.
The typical time delay for these Notices is 1 to a few hours.

6) WEAK packets are subthreshold event triggers (ie sigma is in the range 6.5 to 8.)).
This is below the normal threshold level for the ALERTs, REFINEDs, and OFFLINE.
These may or may not be followed by ALERTs, REFINEDs, and OFFLINE;
it depends on the later portions of the lightcurve.
Many (fraction is TBD) of these WEAKs are false positives.
This notice type is intended for automated/robotic telescopes
that do not incur human reasources to follow-up these low-probability triggers.

Positions and Time_delays

The automated ground-based analysis of the INTEGRAL telemetry
will generate GRB notifications and positions in real time.
In addition, human-involved analyses of the data may result
in a revised position within a few hours after the burst.
The timescales and localization precisions at the various Notice types are as follows:

Subtype  Time since burst  Loc precision  Comments
=======  ================  =============  ========
WEAK      ~?min             <4'           Low-significance events
WAKEUP    ~1min             <4'           First Notice with a position
REFINED   1-2min            <4'           Uses more data (if a long burst)
OFFLINE   1-3 hr            <4'           Human-involved post-processing
SPI_ACS   ~1min             n/a           Timestamp only; no position information

Sequence of Events

The sequence of activities for a typical burst follows:
1) The ISGRI instrument detects a rate increase (a "trigger").
2) The data is transmitted to the ground and processed at the ISDC.
This trigger detection is within ~1 min of the actual onset of the burst.
3) A "wakeup" message is generated by the IBAS automated processing s/w (few sec).
It is forwarded to the GCN computer, where it is received, reformated, and distributed to those sites wishing that Notice type.

Like the other missions that contribute GRB positions, GCN receives those
positions messages from the respective mission operations teams, reformats
them into the standard GCN formats, and distributes them to the sites
using the usual distribution methods and filtering. INTEGRAL is no different.


Samples of the E-mail, Pager, Short-form Pager, & Subject-only
distribution methods of the five GCN/INTEGRAL Notice types are included below.
The format is very similar to the other spacecraft-instrument sources of GRB locations.

The socket packet contents and format are similar to the other mission-specific packet types
and are described in detail in the socket packet definition document.
This document also has explanations of the various fields in the packet (their content, values, and
implications for use), and those same fields are manifested in the various email and pager formats.
The POINTDIR Notice is type=51;
the SPIACS Notice is type=52;
the WAKEUP Notice is type=53;
the REFINED Notice is type=54;
the OFFLINE Notice is type=55; and
the WEAK Notice is type=56.


Sites can elect to receive each of the 6 INTEGRAL Notice types on a Notice by Notice basis.
There is a separate dis/enable bit for each type.
See filtering to see which filter functions are applicable.
This filtering applies to all the existing distribution methods/media.

Error Boxes

The uncertainty in the location will depend on (a) the burst intensity,
(b) its position relative to ISGRI's FOV, and
(c) the relative locations and intensities of other sources in the FOV.
The typical error for the WAKEUP Notice is ultimately 6-8 arcmin (diameter),
and ~6 arcmin (diameter) for the REFINED and OFFLINE Notices.
The WEAK Notices will have a ~8 arcmin (diameter) error circle.
The systematic uncertainty depends on the satellite attitude knowledge
and varies from 0 arcmin to ? deg (diameter) in the worst situations.
The errors quoted in the Position Notices includes only the statistical contribution.

Test Notices

To allow sites to "practice" on INTEGRAL Notices, there are INTEGRAL Test Notices.
There is a flag (in the socket pkts) which indicates if the current packet
is a "real" Notice or a Test Notice. Each of the 6 types uses this 'test' flag bit.
Sites can elect to receive these INTEGRAL Test Notices. There is only
one controlling parameter in the "sites.cfg" file for each site.
This controls all 6 "test" versions of the 6 INTEGRAL Notices. If this flag is on
then the site will receive 'test' version of each of the 6 basic types.

Currently, these 'test' Notices come from the INTEGRAL operations center, and are issued every 6 hours.
(If there is a desire from the user community, GCN will implement its own version
of Test Notices for INTEGRAL (much like the Test Notices for the BATSE and HETE missions).)

Observing Strategy

The INTEGRAL spacecraft pointing direction (ie FOV) is always known via the POINTDIR Notices.
It is therfore possible to minimize the slewing time of a ground-based telescope
by having it looking at the RA,Dec listed in the POINTDIR Notices.
Further, the telescope can continuously tile the FOV in a "patrol" mode
all night long thereby obtaining images just prior to the burst.
This is most suitable for automated systems.


Sites are encouraged to acknowledge INTEGRAL and GCN in their publications
based on follow-up observations using these GCN/INTEGRAL locations.

Further Help

For further information on this, please contact
Scott Barthelmy (for GCN issues),
or see the
INTEGRAL (IBAS at Milano), Then click "IBAS Alerts Page Updated in REAL TIME!" to get the Alerts Tables, and
INTEGRAL (ISDC) web page,
INTEGRAL (ESA) web page,
these GCN web pages, and

E-mail Examples

Examples of the 6 Notice types of the e-mail formats are shown below.
The "/////" divider bars are NOT part of the messages.

Do not take the actual values shown in these examples as real GRBs.
While based on trial & real data from the mission,
they have been adjusted to provide a broader representation
of the various combinations of fields and value ranges.

For those sites/people that use demons and/or incoming e-mail filters,
the "Subject" lines for the all notice types are fixed,
and the strings are:
for the 4 burst-position-based Notices (Weak, Wakeup, Refined, & Offline):
for the Pointing_Direction Notice:
for the SPI ACS burst timestamp Notice:

/////////////////////////Wakeup e-mail format///////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Thu 27 Feb 03 08:43:48 UT
TRIGGER_NUM:    214,   Sub_Num: 0
GRB_RA:          74.3243d {+04h 57m 18s} (J2000),
                 74.3711d {+04h 57m 29s} (current),
                 73.5841d {+04h 54m 20s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        +20.4849d {+20d 29' 05"} (J2000),
                +20.4896d {+20d 29' 23"} (current),
                +20.4079d {+20d 24' 28"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      5.00 [arcmin, radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      15.82 [sigma]
GRB_TIME:       31336.25 SOD {08:42:16.25} UT
GRB_DATE:       12697 TJD;    58 DOY;   03/02/27
SC_RA:           82.22 [deg] (J2000)
SC_DEC:          15.98 [deg] (J2000)
SUN_POSTN:      339.98d {+22h 39m 55s}   -8.44d {-08d 26' 31"}
SUN_DIST:        97.03 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     296.68d {+19h 46m 42s}  -25.14d {-25d 08' 36"}
MOON_DIST:      140.88 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     180.87,-13.81 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      75.33, -2.16 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       INTEGRAL GRB Coordinates. 
/////////////////////////Refined e-mail format//////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Thu 27 Feb 03 08:43:59 UT
TRIGGER_NUM:    214,   Sub_Num: 1
GRB_RA:          74.3243d {+04h 57m 18s} (J2000),
                 74.3711d {+04h 57m 29s} (current),
                 73.5841d {+04h 54m 20s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        +20.4849d {+20d 29' 05"} (J2000),
                +20.4896d {+20d 29' 23"} (current),
                +20.4079d {+20d 24' 28"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      5.00 [arcmin, radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      15.82 [sigma]
GRB_TIME:       31336.25 SOD {08:42:16.25} UT
GRB_DATE:       12697 TJD;    58 DOY;   03/02/27
SC_RA:           82.22 [deg] (J2000)
SC_DEC:          15.98 [deg] (J2000)
SUN_POSTN:      339.98d {+22h 39m 55s}   -8.44d {-08d 26' 31"}
SUN_DIST:        97.03 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     296.68d {+19h 46m 42s}  -25.14d {-25d 08' 36"}
MOON_DIST:      140.88 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     180.87,-13.81 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      75.33, -2.16 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       INTEGRAL GRB Coordinates. 
/////////////////////////Offline e-mail format//////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Thu 27 Feb 03 09:29:48 UT
TRIGGER_NUM:    214,   Sub_Num: 2
GRB_RA:          74.3243d {+04h 57m 18s} (J2000),
                 74.3711d {+04h 57m 29s} (current),
                 73.5841d {+04h 54m 20s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        +20.4849d {+20d 29' 05"} (J2000),
                +20.4896d {+20d 29' 23"} (current),
                +20.4079d {+20d 24' 28"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      5.00 [arcmin, radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      15.82 [sigma]
GRB_TIME:       31336.25 SOD {08:42:16.25} UT
GRB_DATE:       12697 TJD;    58 DOY;   03/02/27
SC_RA:           82.22 [deg] (J2000)
SC_DEC:          15.98 [deg] (J2000)
SUN_POSTN:      339.98d {+22h 39m 55s}   -8.44d {-08d 26' 31"}
SUN_DIST:        97.03 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     296.68d {+19h 46m 42s}  -25.14d {-25d 08' 36"}
MOON_DIST:      140.88 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     180.87,-13.81 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      75.33, -2.16 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       INTEGRAL GRB Coordinates. 
/////////////////////////Point_Dir e-mail format////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Sun 02 Mar 03 01:08:36 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    INTEGRAL Pointing Direction
NEXT_POINT_RA:  264.6968d {+17h 38m 47s} (J2000)
NEXT_POINT_DEC: -31.6639d {-31d 39' 49"} (J2000)
SLEW_TIME:      74518.00 SOD {20:41:58.00} UT
SLEW_DATE:      12699 TJD;    60 DOY;   03/03/01
SUN_POSTN:      342.33d {+22h 49m 19s}   -7.50d {-07d 29' 49"}
SUN_DIST:        75.52 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     330.31d {+22h 01m 14s}  -17.42d {-17d 25' 08"}
MOON_DIST:       60.45 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     356.90, -0.19 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the pointing direction
ECL_COORDS:     265.44, -8.31 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the pointing direction
COMMENTS:       INTEGRAL Slew Notice.
/////////////////////////SPIACS e-mail format///////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Sat 31 Aug 02 21:08:02 UT
GRB_INTEN:      1134 [sigma]
GRB_TIME:       43403.68 SOD {12:03:23.68} UT
GRB_DATE:       12417 TJD;   143 DOY;   02/05/23
/////////////////////////Weak e-mail format///////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Thu 27 Feb 03 08:43:38 UT
TRIGGER_NUM:    214,   Sub_Num: 0
GRB_RA:          74.3245d {+04h 57m 18s} (J2000),
                 74.3713d {+04h 57m 29s} (current),
                 73.5843d {+04h 54m 20s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        +20.4848d {+20d 29' 05"} (J2000),
                +20.4895d {+20d 29' 23"} (current),
                +20.4078d {+20d 24' 28"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      5.00 [arcmin, radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      6.82 [sigma]
GRB_TIME:       31326.25 SOD {08:42:06.25} UT
GRB_DATE:       12697 TJD;    58 DOY;   03/02/27
SC_RA:           82.22 [deg] (J2000)
SC_DEC:          15.98 [deg] (J2000)
SUN_POSTN:      339.98d {+22h 39m 55s}   -8.44d {-08d 26' 31"}
SUN_DIST:        97.03 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     296.68d {+19h 46m 42s}  -25.14d {-25d 08' 36"}
MOON_DIST:      140.88 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     180.87,-13.81 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      75.33, -2.16 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       INTEGRAL GRB Coordinates. 

Pager Examples

Examples of the 6 types of the (regular) pager formats are shown below. There are no "Subject" lines for these e-mails sent to the pager companies because the Subject line would use up valuable character counts from the maximum displayable for the body of the message.

/////////////////////////Wakeup Pager format//////////////////////////////////
RA=186.698d  DEC=-62.789d
TIME: 12:38:52.33 UT
I=12.74 sigma
/////////////////////////Refined Pager format/////////////////////////////////
RA=186.798d  DEC=-62.879d
TIME: 12:38:52.33 UT
I=13.33 sigma
/////////////////////////Offline Pager format/////////////////////////////////
RA=186.789d  DEC=-62.883d
TIME: 12:38:52.33 UT
I=13.14 sigma
/////////////////////////Point_Dir Pager format///////////////////////////////
NEXT_RA=234.190d  DEC=-45.340d
SLEW_DATE_TIME: 03/03/02 16:31:46.00 UT
/////////////////////////SPIACS Pager format//////////////////////////////////
SPI_ACS Trigger
TIME: 12:03:23.68 UT
I=11.34 sigma
/////////////////////////Weak Pager format//////////////////////////////////
RA=186.698d  DEC=-62.897d
TIME: 12:38:40.15 UT
I=6.14 sigma

Short-form Pager Examples

Examples of the 6 types of the short-form pager format are shown below. There are no "Subject" lines for these e-mails sent to the pager companies, because the Subject-line would use up valuable character counts from the maximum displayable for the body of the message. And it was the very limited display character count of some companies that motivated the short-form pager method in the first place.

/////////////////////////Weak Short-Pager format////////////////////////////
RA=0.536 DEC=+2.045d
/////////////////////////Wakeup Short-Pager format////////////////////////////
RA=0.563 DEC=+2.054d
/////////////////////////Refined Short-Pager format///////////////////////////
RA=0.573 DEC=+2.044d
/////////////////////////Offline Short-Pager format///////////////////////////
RA=0.463 DEC=+2.044d
/////////////////////////Point_Dir Short-Pager format/////////////////////////
Pointing Dir
RA=-0.671 DEC=-0.292d
/////////////////////////SPIACS Short-Pager format////////////////////////////
SPI_ACS Trigger
T=12:03:23.68 Inten=11.34

Subject-only Examples

There are two variations of the Subject-only format: decimal degrees and RA=hh:mm:ss Dec=DDdMMmSSs format. The two variations are shown below:

/////////////////////////Weak Subject-only format////////////////////////////
Subject: INTEGRAL Weak RA=186.689 DEC=-62.798d
Subject: INTEGRAL Weak RA=+12:26:73 DEC=-62:46:61 E=4.0arcmin T=12:38:40.33 I=6.14
/////////////////////////Wakeup Subject-only format////////////////////////////
Subject: INTEGRAL Wakeup RA=186.698 DEC=-62.789d
Subject: INTEGRAL Wakeup RA=+12:26:37 DEC=-62:46:16 E=4.2arcmin T=12:38:52.33 I=12.74
/////////////////////////Refined Subject-only format///////////////////////////
Subject: INTEGRAL Refined RA=186.698 DEC=-62.789d
Subject: INTEGRAL Refined RA=+12:26:37 DEC=-62:46:16 E=4.2arcmin T=12:38:52.33 I=12.74
/////////////////////////Offline Subject-only format///////////////////////////
Subject: INTEGRAL Offline RA=186.698 DEC=-62.789d
Subject: INTEGRAL Offline RA=+12:26:37 DEC=-62:46:16 E=4.2arcmin T=12:38:52.33 I=12.74
/////////////////////////Point_Dir Subject-only format/////////////////////////
Subject: INTEGRAL PointDir RA=86.998 DEC=-33.149d
Subject: INTEGRAL PointDir RA=+04:26:37 DEC=-33:46:16
/////////////////////////SPIACS Subject-only format////////////////////////////
Subject: INTEGRAL SPI_ACS Time=12:38:52.33 Inten=12.74
Subject: INTEGRAL SPI_ACS T=12:38:52.33 I=12.74

Test Notice Example

Here is an example of the INTEGRAL Test Notice (e_mail format).

NOTICE_DATE:    Wed 04 Sep 02 19:08:09 UT
TRIGGER_NUM:    234,   Sub_Num: 0
GRB_RA:           1.2037d {+00h 04m 49s} (J2000),
                  1.2343d {+00h 04m 56s} (current),
                  0.5630d {+00h 02m 15s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         +2.3323d {+02d 19' 56"} (J2000),
                 +2.3456d {+02d 20' 44"} (current),
                 +2.0539d {+02d 03' 14"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      1.02 [arcmin, radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      11.34 [sigma]
GRB_TIME:       43403.68 SOD {12:03:23.68} UT
GRB_DATE:       12417 TJD;   143 DOY;   02/05/23
SC_RA:            1.46 [deg] (J2000)
SC_DEC:           2.48 [deg] (J2000)
SUN_POSTN:       60.11d {+04h 00m 27s}  +20.60d {+20d 35' 60"}
SUN_DIST:        60.14 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     201.73d {+13h 26m 56s}   -4.51d {-04d 30' 47"}
MOON_DIST:      159.43 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     100.23,-58.47 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:       2.03,  1.66 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       INTEGRAL GRB TEST Coordinates.  

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This file was last modified on 17-Dec-15.