This page changes one or more times after each Trigger, so hit your button NOW.
A) The most recent is listed first in the table (reverse time order).
B) The 4 left-most columns (group heading: "TRIGGERS") are:
the Trigger_Number, the Date (yy/mm/dd), the Trigger_Time (, and
the Source of the BAT Trigger (eg GRB, known source, noise, CRS, ST LoL, etc).
C) The next 4 columns (group heading: "LIGHT CURVES and SPECTRA") are
the 3 instrument-based lightcurves and sometimes spectra.
For "BAT", there are 4 subcolumns: the real-time TDRSS Lightcurve ("TLC"),
the output of the BA_script (lightcurves and spectra) ("BA"),
a text-file version of the 64-msec binned mask-weighted lightcurve (see details below) ("TXT"), and
GIF version of that lightcurve ("GIF").
For "XRT", there are 3+2 subcolumns: the text file of the x-ray afterglow lightcurve ("TXT"),
a postscript version of the plot of those afterglow lightcurve points ("PS"),
a link to the U.Leicester main webpage on that trigger (plots, images, hardness ratios, etc) ("MainPage"),
a postscript version of the plot of specrtum ("PS"), and
a tarfile of all the data ("Tarfile").
For UVOT, there are 6+2 subcolumns:
the text file of the afterglow lightcurve ("TXT"),
a gif version of the plot for the visible filters ("vis_GIF"),
a gif version of the plot for the UV filters ("uv_GIF"),
the corresponding qdp files used to create these plots ("vis_QDP" and "uv_QDP"), and
a FITS file with the lightcurve data ("FITS").
There are also postage stamp images of the UVOT finding chart ("FC") and
the corresponding region of the Digital Sky Suvery ("DSS").
D) The content of the links therein can/will be periodically updated
for a short time after each trigger:
For BAT, the updating will occur for up to 8 telemetry downlinks after the trigger (~1-20 hrs).
For XRT, the updating will occur for as many days as the GRB continues to be follow-up observed.
U. of Leicester will not post anything to the page if it is not a GRB.
For UVOT, data will only be posted for GRBs with accurately known positions.
The plots will include data from the Segment 0 observations, which typically cover
the first 24 hours after the trigger.
Normally the data will be posted once after Segment 0 is finished.
E) The Source column is filled in by a human 1-4 weeks after the trigger_time.
The choices are: GRB YYMMDD[a], SGR HHMM+DD, XYZ J123+456,
Transient (a previously unknown hard x-ray trans), ST LoL (Star Tracker Loss-of-Lock),
CRS (Cosmic Ray Shower), Noise, Chance Coincidence noise with a known source, and other misc things.
F) For triggers that are non-astrophysical (noise, CRS, ST LoL, etc), the link entries in that row
will likely point to nothing (in the case of BAT) or to "Invalid Trigger ID" or "Non burst" pages
(in the case of XRT).
G) The content and format of the "txt" versions of the files are listed at the bottom of this web page,
and inside the "txt" files themselves. The "GIF" and "PS" links are just pre-plotted versions
of the "txt" files for your viewing convenience. The XRT "MainPage" lists more information for that trigger.
H) Please note that for BAT, the links are hosted on the local GCN web machine. But for XRT,
the links are hosted at the U. of Leicester. For UVOT, tbd.
These are the official data products of the respective BAT, XRT, and UVOT instrument teams.
Please acknowledge Taka Sakamoto and Scott D. Barthelmy if you use BAT data in a publication.
Please cite Evans et al., (A&A, 469, 379E, 2007) and Evans et al. (2009, MNRAS, 2009, 397, 1177) papers
if you use the XRT data in a publication.
For UVOT, tbd.
For more information on the 3 Swift instruments:
For more information on the XRT columns, see University of Leicester.
For more information on the UVOT columns, see UVOT Products.
Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to
Scott Barthelmy.