////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/GECAM_FLT NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Sat 01 Jun 24 16:59:25 UT NOTICE_TYPE: GECAM_FLT MISSION: B TRIGGER_NUMBER: 383 SRC_RA: 203.9500d {+13h 35m 48s} (J2000), 204.2491d {+13h 37m 00s} (current), 203.3423d {+13h 33m 22s} (1950) SRC_DEC: +16.2500d {+16d 15' 00"} (J2000), +16.1249d {+16d 07' 30"} (current), +16.5050d {+16d 30' 18"} (1950) SRC_ERROR68: 2.60 [deg radius, stat-only, 68% containment] EVENT_DATE: 20462 TJD; 153 DOY; 24/06/01 (yy/mm/dd) EVENT_TIME: 61099.750 SOD {16:58:19.75} UT TRIGGER_SIGNIF: 5.2 [sigma] (Signif of the Trigger) TRIGGER_DUR: 2.000 [sec] (Duration of Trigger) TRIGGER_ERANGE: 1 - 5 [Chan] 30 - 1020 [keV] TRIGGER_DETS: 0x0405010 (Enable/Disable the 25 detectors involved) SRC_CLASS: GRB BURST_INTEN: 527 [counts/sec] BURST_DUR: 17.000 [sec] PHI: 175.31 [deg] THETA: 70.50 [deg] SC_LAT: -24.57 [deg] SC_LON: -104.01 [deg] COMMENTS: GECAM In-flight report.