////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/GECAM_FLT NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Tue 07 May 24 04:22:05 UT NOTICE_TYPE: GECAM_FLT MISSION: B TRIGGER_NUMBER: 345 SRC_RA: 49.4500d {+03h 17m 48s} (J2000), 49.7953d {+03h 19m 11s} (current), 48.7435d {+03h 14m 58s} (1950) SRC_DEC: +17.4900d {+17d 29' 24"} (J2000), +17.5780d {+17d 34' 41"} (current), +17.3077d {+17d 18' 28"} (1950) SRC_ERROR68: 2.97 [deg radius, stat-only, 68% containment] EVENT_DATE: 20437 TJD; 128 DOY; 24/05/07 (yy/mm/dd) EVENT_TIME: 15308.501 SOD {04:15:08.50} UT TRIGGER_SIGNIF: 6.0 [sigma] (Signif of the Trigger) TRIGGER_DUR: 4.000 [sec] (Duration of Trigger) TRIGGER_ERANGE: 1 - 2 [Chan] 30 - 140 [keV] TRIGGER_DETS: 0x0030001 (Enable/Disable the 25 detectors involved) SRC_CLASS: SFLARE BURST_INTEN: 409 [counts/sec] BURST_DUR: 4.000 [sec] PHI: 8.43 [deg] THETA: 52.31 [deg] SC_LAT: 21.03 [deg] SC_LON: 84.65 [deg] COMMENTS: GECAM In-flight report.