////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TITLE: GCN/FERMI NOTICE NOTICE_DATE: Fri 05 Jul 24 19:52:43 UT NOTICE_TYPE: Fermi-GBM SubThreshold TRANS_NUM: 741891537 FULL_ID_NUM: 741891537.672000 TRANS_RA: 330.970d {+22h 03m 53s} (J2000), 331.277d {+22h 05m 06s} (current), 330.345d {+22h 01m 23s} (1950) TRANS_DEC: +6.430d {+06d 25' 48"} (J2000), +6.549d {+06d 32' 58"} (current), +6.187d {+06d 11' 14"} (1950) TRANS_ERROR: 18.94 [deg radius, stat+sys, 68% containment] TRANS_DURATION: 0.096 [sec] TRANS_DATE: 20496 TJD; 187 DOY; 24/07/05 TRANS_TIME: 61132.67 SOD {16:58:52.67} UT EARTH_ANGLE: 134.60 [deg] SPECTRAL_CLASS: 1 (0=soft, 1=hard) TYPE_CLASS: 0 (0=short, 1=long) RELIABILITY: 2 (2=low, 5=medium, 8=high) HEALPIX_URL: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/notices_gbm_sub/gbm_subthresh_741891537.672000_healpix.fits MAP_URL: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/notices_gbm_sub/gbm_subthresh_741891537.672000_map.png LC_URL: https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/notices_gbm_sub/gbm_subthresh_741891537.672000_lc.pdf SUN_POSTN: 105.49d {+07h 01m 58s} +22.67d {+22d 40' 17"} SUN_DIST: 126.53 [deg] Sun_angle= 8.9 [hr] (West of Sun) MOON_POSTN: 104.21d {+06h 56m 50s} +27.81d {+27d 48' 30"} MOON_DIST: 123.05 [deg] MOON_ILLUM: 0 [%] GAL_COORDS: 66.30,-37.40 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient) ECL_COORDS: 335.40, 17.13 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient) COMMENTS: Fermi-GBM Subthreshold. COMMENTS: This Notice was ground-generated -- not flight-generated.