COUNTERPART Notice Information

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The LVC_COUNTERPART notices earlier than 31 Dec 2018 have not been added yet.

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This table contains information about GRB and LIGO-Virgo Event Counterparts detected by the various intruments and telescopes. The most recent Notice is listed first (reverse time order).

The 2 left-most columns (Notice) are the Date and Time the notice was created/distributed.

The next 3 columns (Instrument) are the Waveband (Optical, Radio, Other (for nearly all occurances, Other is the X-ray band)), Instrument name, and their ID_Number (mission-dependant).

The next 7 columns (Observation) come from the results of the various follow-up observations by the follow-up-instrument.
These columns contain: the Date (yy/mm/dd) and the Time ( of the start of the Observation of the GRB/Transient location,
the RA,Dec (J2000) location of the Counterpart, the Error (arcsec) uncertainty in that location, the Intensity of the Counterpart (band-dependant units), and Comments.
If a column's information is not available or is not applicable, then that entry is listed as "n/a" (or just empty).
This table contains only a subset of the information about the Counterparts (plain/GRB and LIGO-Virgo).
The full information is contained in the original COUNTERPART and LVC_COUNTERPART Notices
which can be found in the link within the "ID_#" column.

For more information on the Counterpart Notice: (GRB/plain) COUNTERPART and LVC_COUNTERPART.

Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to Scott Barthelmy.

Notice Instrument Observation
Date Time UT Wave band Instrument ID_# Date Time UT RA Dec Error Intensity Comments
11Mar25 22:26:23 Other Swift-XRT 21818 25/03/11 11:37:52.00 224.4381 -2.7812 8.6 5.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
11Mar25 13:55:51 Other Swift-XRT 21818 25/03/11 11:37:52.00 224.4476 -2.7858 9.7 5.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Mar25 12:29:40 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.9239 -8.3909 7.6 6.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Mar25 05:37:36 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.9623 -8.5109 6.1 1.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Mar25 04:17:41 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.7957 -8.6761 6.5 2.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Mar25 03:20:34 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.9005 -8.4659 6.1 2.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 22:59:34 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.9098 -8.4027 7.9 1.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 22:58:32 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.8013 -8.5030 2.9 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
10Mar25 22:57:12 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.8178 -8.3231 5.4 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 22:55:32 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.6212 -8.4664 5.0 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 14:32:13 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 12:44:19.00 210.3897 -11.1191 7.6 1.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2E 1358.9-1053
10Mar25 14:31:13 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 12:44:19.00 210.3979 -11.1329 6.1 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J1401.5-1107
10Mar25 13:33:27 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.8704 -8.6730 2.9 1.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL3 J140328.8-084034
10Mar25 09:30:46 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.6906 -8.3560 5.8 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 09:29:06 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.8195 -8.3892 5.4 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 09:27:56 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 20:26:10.00 210.7546 -8.5643 6.1 8.20e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 09:03:38 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/10 02:40:12.00 210.8112 -9.3641 6.5 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 06:34:47 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 17:22:16.00 210.9621 -9.6725 6.1 9.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 06:33:33 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/10 01:11:13.00 210.8779 -9.4482 6.8 4.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 06:32:03 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 11:18:35.00 210.6524 -9.6615 7.9 6.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 06:31:05 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/10 01:11:13.00 210.8607 -9.4132 5.8 8.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 06:28:53 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/10 01:11:13.00 210.8583 -9.6801 5.8 5.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar25 04:42:04 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 11:18:35.00 210.6800 -9.6937 6.1 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Mar25 22:19:33 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 16:02:54.00 211.1457 -10.2180 5.4 2.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Mar25 16:08:33 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 12:51:58.00 211.7168 -10.4695 10.8 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Mar25 15:08:51 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 12:44:19.00 210.2564 -11.2064 6.1 2.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Mar25 14:13:24 Other Swift-XRT 21786 25/03/09 11:11:18.00 210.7391 -10.8641 6.8 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Feb25 22:45:30 Other Swift-XRT 21785 25/02/19 17:17:17.00 173.3706 +22.7056 5.0 2.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Feb25 02:52:58 Other Swift-XRT 21778 25/02/18 22:40:21.00 122.2042 +45.4849 7.2 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J080850.0+452851
19Feb25 02:51:18 Other Swift-XRT 21778 25/02/19 00:17:27.00 121.6053 +45.1160 9.0 5.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J080624.7+450656
18Feb25 23:46:42 Other Swift-XRT 21778 25/02/18 19:39:32.00 122.3469 +45.0126 7.6 5.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J080918.1+450029
14Feb25 16:23:24 Other Swift-XRT 21777 25/02/14 07:02:43.00 112.2781 -20.0888 6.1 5.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb25 14:37:18 Other Swift-XRT 21777 25/02/14 07:02:43.00 112.5390 -20.1093 6.1 9.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb25 11:16:23 Other Swift-XRT 21777 25/02/14 07:02:48.00 112.6442 -20.1537 4.7 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J073034.8-200905
14Feb25 11:15:23 Other Swift-XRT 21777 25/02/14 07:02:48.00 112.5576 -19.9490 6.8 6.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Feb25 06:36:28 Other Swift-XRT 21776 25/02/12 01:53:35.00 117.0544 -52.2919 6.8 5.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Feb25 08:28:29 Other Swift-XRT 21766 25/02/08 20:23:23.00 225.7331 -62.5031 8.6 3.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Feb25 22:26:00 Other Swift-XRT 21766 25/02/08 19:59:36.00 225.3622 -62.3209 14.0 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Feb25 20:35:35 Other Swift-XRT 21766 25/02/08 18:32:43.00 225.9808 -62.0746 6.1 5.10e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J150354.7-620408
08Feb25 20:34:33 Other Swift-XRT 21766 25/02/08 18:40:47.00 224.6222 -62.7144 10.8 8.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jan25 14:16:19 Other Swift-XRT 21757 25/01/27 10:14:34.00 169.4675 +3.3941 6.8 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jan25 12:35:40 Other Swift-XRT 21757 25/01/27 10:14:34.00 169.6281 +3.3517 8.3 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Jan25 09:28:44 Other Swift-XRT 21756 25/01/14 16:25:43.00 48.8980 -2.3180 6.1 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J031535.3-021908
14Jan25 19:24:29 Other Swift-XRT 21756 25/01/14 16:25:51.00 48.8581 -2.2939 7.6 5.10e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Jan25 10:34:39 Other Swift-XRT 21755 25/01/08 09:04:45.00 207.9209 +26.2169 5.0 1.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
07Jan25 23:20:14 Other Swift-XRT 21754 25/01/07 15:54:25.00 302.6155 +45.4769 5.4 6.10e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
06Jan25 11:54:05 Other Swift-XRT 21753 25/01/06 08:06:23.00 117.2096 +63.8217 6.8 7.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jan25 11:53:15 Other Swift-XRT 21753 25/01/06 08:06:23.00 116.9048 +63.9115 6.5 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jan25 10:30:35 Other Swift-XRT 21753 25/01/06 08:06:23.00 117.2387 +63.8125 3.2 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jan25 10:29:35 Other Swift-XRT 21753 25/01/06 08:06:23.00 117.3686 +63.7079 5.8 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Jan25 11:38:03 Other Swift-XRT 21752 25/01/03 16:41:13.00 22.1654 -5.0235 6.5 6.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J0128.6-0501
04Jan25 11:11:59 Other Swift-XRT 21752 25/01/03 18:14:50.00 22.1386 -5.1131 6.1 8.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Jan25 22:36:24 Other Swift-XRT 21752 25/01/03 18:14:50.00 22.0647 -5.0516 4.0 3.40e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Dec24 23:29:53 Other Swift-XRT 21751 24/12/29 18:20:46.00 192.8716 +31.7469 5.0 4.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Dec24 17:50:17 Other Swift-XRT 21750 24/12/28 15:19:40.00 127.7727 +6.8486 4.0 2.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Dec24 10:51:23 Other Swift-XRT 21741 24/12/14 04:16:35.00 331.7177 +4.0971 9.0 1.20e-09 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Dec24 00:20:58 Other Swift-XRT 21739 24/12/09 18:02:46.00 194.6318 +76.1763 4.3 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Dec24 04:29:51 Other Swift-XRT 21732 24/12/08 02:18:17.00 306.4693 -23.5204 6.5 6.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Nov24 18:47:58 Other Swift-XRT 1267921 24/11/15 13:20:23.00 86.7705 -0.6735 3.6 9.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The object is fading at the 3-sigma level.
12Nov24 18:47:49 Other Swift-XRT 21730 24/11/12 14:00:25.00 29.0184 +9.2245 6.1 9.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Nov24 18:45:59 Other Swift-XRT 21730 24/11/12 14:00:25.00 29.0385 +9.1080 4.0 6.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
08Nov24 23:15:45 Other Swift-XRT 21729 24/11/08 19:22:20.00 123.6378 -7.0861 4.7 2.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Nov24 08:32:23 Other Swift-XRT 21728 24/11/06 02:45:08.00 66.2461 -49.7528 6.5 5.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Nov24 08:30:43 Other Swift-XRT 21728 24/11/06 02:45:08.00 66.1169 -49.7799 4.7 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Oct24 14:48:12 Other Swift-XRT 21726 24/10/29 10:21:57.00 325.3343 +5.0813 3.2 2.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Oct24 14:47:02 Other Swift-XRT 21726 24/10/29 10:21:57.00 325.2595 +5.0201 4.0 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
19Oct24 10:11:29 Other Swift-XRT 21724 24/10/18 17:01:39.00 68.0267 +43.0795 7.2 2.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct24 21:22:33 Other Swift-XRT 21724 24/10/18 17:01:39.00 67.9828 +43.1232 6.1 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct24 21:20:53 Other Swift-XRT 21724 24/10/18 17:01:39.00 67.9962 +43.0200 5.0 4.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
17Oct24 20:32:16 Other Swift-XRT 21723 24/10/17 13:58:15.00 356.1750 +15.6574 6.1 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Oct24 02:48:24 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/11 00:32:24.00 325.0759 -35.4179 12.6 3.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Oct24 02:32:36 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/09 23:22:12.00 325.1582 -35.5112 6.5 7.50e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Oct24 02:31:32 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/09 23:22:12.00 325.3271 -35.5851 5.0 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
11Oct24 02:29:59 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/09 23:22:12.00 325.1888 -35.6669 5.8 7.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Oct24 02:28:28 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/09 23:22:12.00 325.0390 -35.7038 5.8 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Oct24 02:27:18 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/10 22:57:06.00 324.8867 -35.5296 14.8 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Oct24 15:35:45 Other Swift-XRT 21722 24/10/09 23:22:12.00 325.0086 -35.6594 4.0 1.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Oct24 01:50:22 Other Swift-XRT 21721 24/10/03 19:36:36.00 328.3189 -58.9469 4.0 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Oct24 00:31:49 Other Swift-XRT 21720 24/10/03 16:44:45.00 62.3348 -7.9291 4.7 8.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
03Oct24 18:56:47 Other Swift-XRT 21720 24/10/03 16:45:00.00 62.4211 -7.8921 3.2 3.70e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J040940.8-075332 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01Oct24 23:01:10 Other Swift-XRT 21719 24/10/01 18:57:04.00 20.5066 -43.4923 7.6 9.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Oct24 21:31:55 Other Swift-XRT 21719 24/10/01 18:57:07.00 20.5528 -43.4751 4.3 9.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Oct24 21:30:45 Other Swift-XRT 21719 24/10/01 18:57:07.00 20.4335 -43.4616 7.6 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Oct24 21:29:45 Other Swift-XRT 21719 24/10/01 18:57:07.00 20.4876 -43.3780 6.5 2.60e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Oct24 21:28:38 Other Swift-XRT 21719 24/10/01 18:57:07.00 20.6017 -43.6015 5.0 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
17Sep24 05:37:57 Other Swift-XRT 21717 24/09/16 18:20:06.00 235.9135 -7.7650 2.9 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Sep24 14:48:25 Other Swift-XRT 21716 24/09/14 11:45:39.00 54.1108 -34.9773 9.4 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: CXO J033626.2-345837
14Sep24 14:12:47 Other Swift-XRT 21716 24/09/14 11:45:39.00 54.4044 -35.0164 8.3 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: CXO J033738.8-350054
14Sep24 14:11:15 Other Swift-XRT 21716 24/09/14 11:45:39.00 54.3092 -35.1013 5.0 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: CXO J033714.2-350606
13Sep24 01:11:30 Other Swift-XRT 21713 24/09/12 18:27:18.00 351.5267 +21.2943 7.9 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Sep24 01:10:20 Other Swift-XRT 21713 24/09/12 16:58:05.00 351.4579 +21.3759 13.3 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Sep24 19:35:33 Other Swift-XRT 21712 24/09/11 15:43:40.00 24.0971 -0.2047 4.0 7.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep24 09:38:29 Other Swift-XRT 21711 24/09/07 02:32:56.00 267.9614 +14.2308 7.2 3.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep24 09:37:29 Other Swift-XRT 21711 24/09/07 02:32:56.00 268.0531 +14.1172 6.1 4.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep24 09:35:59 Other Swift-XRT 21711 24/09/07 02:32:56.00 268.1019 +14.0361 6.5 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep24 09:34:49 Other Swift-XRT 21711 24/09/07 02:32:56.00 268.0523 +14.2531 5.8 4.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep24 08:11:53 Other Swift-XRT 21711 24/09/07 02:32:56.00 267.8714 +14.1723 5.8 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep24 06:40:23 Other Swift-XRT 21711 24/09/07 02:32:56.00 267.9655 +14.3316 5.0 2.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug24 11:57:38 Other Swift-XRT 21707 24/08/29 02:37:12.00 225.5150 +36.6373 5.8 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug24 11:50:02 Other Swift-XRT 21707 24/08/29 07:17:21.00 225.5084 +36.5208 6.1 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
29Aug24 08:53:04 Other Swift-XRT 21707 24/08/29 07:17:21.00 225.5128 +36.5278 5.8 3.20e-09 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug24 08:52:04 Other Swift-XRT 21707 24/08/29 00:56:37.00 225.2012 +36.7533 7.9 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug24 08:51:14 Other Swift-XRT 21707 24/08/29 00:56:37.00 225.1886 +36.5051 7.2 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug24 08:50:04 Other Swift-XRT 21707 24/08/29 07:17:21.00 225.3668 +36.2812 5.0 7.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug24 03:02:13 Other Swift-XRT 21706 24/08/28 16:55:47.00 63.5475 +16.6103 6.1 5.90e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Aug24 21:49:22 Other Swift-XRT 21706 24/08/28 18:01:46.00 63.4592 +16.7161 4.0 2.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Aug24 03:11:57 Other Swift-XRT 21705 24/08/24 20:53:10.00 17.8429 +2.6861 6.5 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Aug24 23:50:03 Other Swift-XRT 21705 24/08/24 20:53:10.00 17.8368 +2.6098 4.7 7.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Aug24 10:56:55 Other Swift-XRT 1250282 24/08/24 01:05:56.00 213.2937 +63.7831 6.1 1.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Aug24 10:41:58 Other Swift-XRT 1250282 24/08/24 01:05:56.00 213.1710 +63.7282 5.4 4.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Aug24 15:40:19 Other Swift-XRT 21704 24/08/22 20:02:31.00 354.2699 -10.1882 10.1 6.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Aug24 15:38:49 Other Swift-XRT 21704 24/08/22 20:02:31.00 354.1714 -10.1776 5.8 2.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Aug24 22:46:30 Other Swift-XRT 21704 24/08/22 20:02:31.00 354.2899 -10.0536 6.8 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Aug24 22:44:50 Other Swift-XRT 21704 24/08/22 20:02:31.00 354.1726 -10.0497 10.4 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Aug24 14:12:02 Other Swift-XRT 21702 24/08/19 08:06:31.00 310.9465 +49.5136 6.1 4.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Aug24 14:10:22 Other Swift-XRT 21702 24/08/19 08:06:31.00 311.0530 +49.6820 6.5 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Jul24 01:33:46 Other Swift-XRT 21699 24/07/15 15:48:00.00 5.3549 -36.6383 7.6 3.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Jul24 01:32:06 Other Swift-XRT 21699 24/07/15 15:48:00.00 5.1461 -36.3897 5.4 6.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Jul24 01:30:35 Other Swift-XRT 21699 24/07/15 15:48:00.00 5.2341 -36.5444 6.5 6.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Jul24 18:50:57 Other Swift-XRT 21698 24/07/14 17:45:31.00 352.7279 +1.9401 6.5 6.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Jul24 18:49:17 Other Swift-XRT 21698 24/07/14 17:45:31.00 352.7403 +1.8868 5.8 6.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Jul24 18:47:57 Other Swift-XRT 21698 24/07/14 17:45:31.00 352.7218 +1.7664 7.2 7.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21Jun24 08:01:53 Other Swift-XRT 21697 24/06/21 04:03:41.00 162.3944 +17.2829 4.0 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
17Jun24 01:35:10 Other Swift-XRT 21696 24/06/16 15:51:00.00 326.0967 +38.5680 8.6 1.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jun24 00:43:49 Other Swift-XRT 21695 24/06/06 19:54:53.00 40.4057 -60.7282 7.9 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jun24 00:43:49 Other Swift-XRT 21695 24/06/06 19:54:53.00 40.4057 -60.7282 7.9 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun24 23:04:02 Other Swift-XRT 21695 24/06/06 19:54:53.00 40.2952 -60.6121 2.5 2.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun24 23:03:01 Other Swift-XRT 21695 24/06/06 19:54:53.00 40.5055 -60.6280 6.5 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May24 04:20:39 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 128.0407 -14.4604 5.8 8.80e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May24 04:19:10 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 128.2091 -14.5084 5.8 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May24 01:22:35 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 128.1537 -14.4374 2.2 2.10e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May24 01:21:23 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 128.1339 -14.5680 3.6 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May24 01:19:49 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 128.2816 -14.5201 6.5 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May24 01:18:45 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 127.9927 -14.6452 6.5 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J083159.1-143828
28May24 01:16:49 Other Swift-XRT 21694 24/05/27 21:38:36.00 128.2194 -14.3494 6.8 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May24 08:17:37 Other Swift-XRT 21685 24/05/13 21:36:58.00 163.4221 -27.6752 5.8 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J105338.6-274002
14May24 08:16:37 Other Swift-XRT 21685 24/05/14 02:29:22.00 163.4543 -27.4115 5.0 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May24 02:24:11 Other Swift-XRT 21687 24/05/13 22:55:23.00 163.9337 -27.5933 7.6 3.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May24 00:35:42 Other Swift-XRT 21687 24/05/13 21:49:06.00 163.0049 -27.5727 5.8 5.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14May24 00:34:42 Other Swift-XRT 21687 24/05/13 22:55:23.00 163.8237 -27.6224 9.4 4.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May24 22:58:48 Other Swift-XRT 21687 24/05/13 21:49:06.00 163.2136 -27.4560 7.6 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J105251.7-272709
26Apr24 19:23:31 Other Swift-XRT S240422ed 24/04/26 12:22:55.00 121.8573 -29.4592 5.0 5.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
23Apr24 20:27:19 Other Swift-XRT S240422ed 24/04/23 13:13:17.00 126.2283 -23.1542 8.6 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
23Apr24 14:39:31 Other Swift-XRT S240422ed 24/04/23 10:17:11.00 120.3245 -28.1765 5.0 3.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
18Apr24 12:33:09 Other Swift-XRT 21684 24/04/16 04:11:00.00 132.2001 -27.0714 6.1 4.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Apr24 12:31:59 Other Swift-XRT 21684 24/04/16 04:11:00.00 132.3018 -27.1241 5.4 4.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Apr24 12:30:59 Other Swift-XRT 21684 24/04/16 04:11:00.00 132.3176 -27.1552 6.5 1.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Apr24 12:29:59 Other Swift-XRT 21684 24/04/16 04:11:00.00 132.4110 -27.0674 5.4 8.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Mar24 20:19:30 Other Swift-XRT 1207446 24/03/01 04:05:05.00 301.4024 +16.6021 6.5 7.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Mar24 20:19:30 Other Swift-XRT 1207446 24/03/01 04:05:05.00 301.4024 +16.6021 6.5 7.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Feb24 08:04:24 Other Swift-XRT 21675 24/02/26 04:16:31.00 128.0765 +27.5454 6.5 5.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Feb24 07:15:04 Other Swift-XRT 21675 24/02/26 04:21:41.00 128.3629 +27.0745 4.3 7.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Feb24 07:14:03 Other Swift-XRT 21675 24/02/26 04:16:03.00 128.2644 +27.3770 11.5 5.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J083303.3+272240
16Feb24 17:47:35 Other Swift-XRT 21670 24/02/16 07:02:53.00 132.1211 -6.8232 8.3 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Feb24 13:25:45 Other Swift-XRT 21670 24/02/16 05:29:28.00 132.2900 -6.5903 7.2 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Feb24 13:21:26 Other Swift-XRT 21670 24/02/16 03:55:14.00 132.0096 -6.5097 6.1 2.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Feb24 09:29:50 Other Swift-XRT 21670 24/02/16 07:05:53.00 132.1775 -6.7548 8.3 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Feb24 00:36:46 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:38:06.00 73.4457 -56.0415 6.5 7.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb24 19:00:06 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:38:06.00 73.4128 -56.0798 10.1 5.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb24 15:42:52 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:22:59.00 73.1643 -55.7250 6.5 4.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Feb24 15:39:58 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 08:58:03.00 73.3765 -55.8597 2.5 1.30e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J045330.4-555133 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Feb24 15:39:00 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:38:34.00 73.3761 -56.0992 9.0 2.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb24 15:37:00 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:43:24.00 72.9041 -55.9559 9.4 4.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2E 0450.6-5602
14Feb24 15:36:17 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:38:06.00 73.4269 -56.0576 7.2 8.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb24 15:25:35 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:22:59.00 73.1674 -55.7353 8.3 1.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb24 15:21:55 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:22:32.00 73.2263 -55.6367 12.6 7.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Feb24 15:18:43 Other Swift-XRT 21663 24/02/14 07:22:59.00 73.0959 -55.7640 8.6 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Jan24 02:37:31 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 16:52:17.00 92.5882 -18.9567 6.5 9.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J061020.0-185748
23Jan24 02:34:01 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 16:52:45.00 92.5848 -18.9700 6.8 5.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J061020.0-185748 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
23Jan24 02:32:51 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 18:40:45.00 93.0487 -19.1388 7.6 1.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
23Jan24 02:14:36 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 18:48:04.00 92.5739 -18.9577 9.4 7.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J061020.0-185748 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
23Jan24 01:31:50 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 18:40:45.00 93.0539 -19.1441 2.9 4.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Jan24 01:26:29 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 18:40:17.00 92.8218 -19.3837 3.6 3.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J061117.2-192301
23Jan24 01:22:49 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 20:13:58.00 93.1877 -19.0224 8.3 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J061245.1-190110
23Jan24 00:58:27 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 18:48:09.00 92.5758 -18.9696 6.8 4.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J061020.0-185748 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
23Jan24 00:57:26 Other Swift-XRT 21645 24/01/22 18:48:09.00 92.5840 -18.9702 18.7 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J061020.9-185757 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
19Jan24 10:41:06 Other Swift-XRT 21644 24/01/19 04:31:16.00 18.5356 +29.7978 2.5 1.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Jan24 10:33:15 Other Swift-XRT 21644 24/01/19 04:31:16.00 18.6023 +29.8621 4.0 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Dec23 06:40:17 Other Swift-XRT 21639 23/12/22 20:43:11.00 251.1294 +19.6898 20.2 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Dec23 02:53:14 Other Swift-XRT 21639 23/12/22 19:26:07.00 251.2481 +19.6216 4.0 1.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Dec23 02:47:34 Other Swift-XRT 21639 23/12/22 19:25:39.00 251.1480 +19.5543 7.6 2.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21Dec23 08:49:20 Other Swift-XRT 21638 23/12/20 23:39:38.00 26.9614 +77.9142 3.6 7.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
04Dec23 16:56:24 Other Swift-XRT 21626 23/11/29 17:39:23.00 285.7730 +39.9546 8.3 7.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Nov23 07:17:56 Other Swift-XRT 21633 23/11/30 04:49:36.00 11.1768 -81.9936 9.4 8.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
30Nov23 07:16:06 Other Swift-XRT 21633 23/11/30 04:56:16.00 11.8297 -81.1969 15.5 1.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J004718.5-811139
16Nov23 08:45:25 Other Swift-XRT 21625 23/11/15 18:10:03.00 148.9691 +69.6614 5.0 1.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J095553.9+693936 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
16Nov23 03:17:35 Other Swift-XRT 21625 23/11/15 18:10:03.00 149.2373 +69.6479 9.4 6.30e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J095658.8+693853
16Nov23 03:05:33 Other Swift-XRT 21625 23/11/16 00:28:21.00 148.8579 +69.5156 27.7 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J095522.4+693038
15Nov23 22:35:59 Other Swift-XRT 21625 23/11/15 18:17:09.00 148.9570 +69.6800 3.2 7.80e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J095550.8+694044
15Nov23 22:32:19 Other Swift-XRT 21625 23/11/15 18:17:09.00 148.9832 +69.6552 7.2 8.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J095555.3+693925 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
15Nov23 22:31:19 Other Swift-XRT 21625 23/11/15 18:17:09.00 149.0126 +69.6541 9.4 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J095603.5+693906 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
18Oct23 20:28:47 Other Swift-XRT 21623 23/10/17 17:13:45.00 86.2818 +56.5752 7.9 2.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct23 20:21:57 Other Swift-XRT 21623 23/10/17 17:13:45.00 86.3038 +56.6038 5.4 2.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct23 20:16:17 Other Swift-XRT 21623 23/10/17 17:13:45.00 86.3593 +56.7145 6.8 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct23 13:22:25 Other Swift-XRT 21623 23/10/17 17:13:45.00 86.2892 +56.5011 5.4 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct23 13:18:15 Other Swift-XRT 21623 23/10/17 17:13:45.00 86.1666 +56.7486 8.3 3.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Oct23 10:37:49 Other Swift-XRT 21623 23/10/18 04:33:39.00 85.8149 +56.5659 8.3 3.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Sep23 19:33:42 Other Swift-XRT 21622 23/09/13 15:01:09.00 57.5011 -29.8256 5.4 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Sep23 23:13:19 Other Swift-XRT 21621 23/09/07 14:49:32.00 79.7532 -47.8930 6.1 7.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
30Aug23 04:42:03 Other Swift-XRT 21620 23/08/29 22:23:01.00 299.6393 +54.4632 2.5 4.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
17Aug23 15:51:16 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/12 21:13:21.00 249.8968 +46.3539 11.2 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Aug23 09:15:05 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/13 02:01:45.00 249.1319 +47.8589 1.8 8.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Aug23 08:53:33 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/13 02:01:45.00 248.8904 +47.6794 7.2 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Aug23 08:48:23 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/13 02:01:45.00 249.2295 +47.8742 4.0 8.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Aug23 05:27:42 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/12 21:49:45.00 250.0976 +46.7240 18.0 2.40e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Aug23 05:16:12 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/12 21:49:45.00 250.1115 +46.7060 7.2 3.40e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J164021.0+464226 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
13Aug23 05:15:02 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/12 21:49:45.00 250.0964 +46.7067 7.9 2.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J164021.0+464226 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
13Aug23 05:13:32 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/12 21:49:45.00 250.0596 +46.7244 7.9 2.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J164014.6+464322
13Aug23 05:12:32 Other Swift-XRT 21589 23/08/12 21:49:45.00 250.0764 +46.6994 7.2 3.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J164021.0+464226
18Jun23 22:48:58 Other Swift-XRT 21576 23/06/18 08:47:40.00 192.2299 +6.0935 5.0 4.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun23 22:47:47 Other Swift-XRT 21576 23/06/18 10:26:05.00 191.8030 +5.5135 5.8 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun23 22:46:17 Other Swift-XRT 21576 23/06/18 10:26:05.00 192.1004 +5.4364 7.9 6.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19May23 08:26:10 Other Swift-XRT S230518h 23/05/18 21:56:55.00 334.7948 -84.8188 5.8 3.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
13May23 06:23:16 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 21:06:08.00 295.2124 +38.0868 4.3 3.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 05:51:29 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 19:08:36.00 295.1588 +38.4684 5.8 4.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:51:42 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 21:07:33.00 295.2484 +38.1015 7.6 2.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:32:17 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 19:08:36.00 295.2059 +38.4686 6.1 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:31:07 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 19:08:36.00 295.0895 +38.4348 6.5 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:29:57 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 19:28:08.00 295.7602 +38.3642 5.0 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:28:57 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 19:08:36.00 295.3129 +38.4564 7.6 3.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:26:27 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 20:44:32.00 295.1948 +38.5229 6.8 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J194049.3+383137 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
13May23 02:25:17 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 20:44:32.00 295.5436 +38.7509 9.0 3.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:24:17 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 20:44:32.00 295.4803 +38.6634 5.8 5.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May23 02:23:15 Other Swift-XRT 21571 23/05/12 20:44:32.00 295.2022 +38.5189 6.8 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J194049.3+383137 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
22Feb23 01:25:48 Other Swift-XRT 1154967 23/02/18 10:38:04.00 280.8088 -28.8711 5.4 1.10e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Feb23 01:24:48 Other Swift-XRT 1154967 23/02/18 10:38:04.00 280.7573 -28.9407 7.9 1.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Feb23 00:18:42 Other Swift-XRT 1154967 23/02/18 10:38:04.00 280.7762 -28.7796 6.1 6.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Feb23 13:57:30 Other Swift-XRT 1154967 23/02/18 10:38:04.00 280.7685 -28.8372 5.8 9.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Feb23 07:39:43 Other Swift-XRT 21535 23/02/05 20:08:08.00 197.6441 -21.7163 7.2 3.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Jan23 03:03:37 Other Swift-XRT 1149250 23/01/18 11:55:10.00 223.4390 -16.8308 8.6 2.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Jan23 17:36:03 Other Swift-XRT 1149250 23/01/18 11:55:10.00 223.4108 -16.9155 11.5 4.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Jan23 16:05:19 Other Swift-XRT 1149250 23/01/18 11:55:10.00 223.4601 -16.8419 6.1 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jan23 21:47:43 Other Swift-XRT 1149250 23/01/18 11:55:10.00 223.4516 -16.9157 6.5 7.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jan23 17:13:52 Other Swift-XRT 1149250 23/01/18 11:55:10.00 223.4728 -16.8864 6.1 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jan23 16:34:20 Other Swift-XRT 1149250 23/01/18 11:55:18.00 223.4720 -16.9170 5.0 8.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 11:27:38 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.0515 +25.1670 7.6 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 11:26:48 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.0641 +25.1966 6.8 4.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 11:25:36 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.4156 +25.1018 5.8 5.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 07:27:12 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.4038 +25.1755 7.9 3.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 06:27:47 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.1689 +25.2285 5.4 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 06:26:47 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.0820 +25.2354 5.4 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 06:25:47 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.0711 +25.1554 8.3 7.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan23 06:24:47 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.0930 +25.1360 10.1 5.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jan23 13:31:44 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.2559 +25.1297 2.9 5.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jan23 13:30:44 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.2145 +25.2635 8.6 2.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jan23 13:29:44 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.2019 +25.0298 5.4 7.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jan23 13:28:44 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.2451 +25.1872 5.4 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jan23 13:27:44 Other Swift-XRT 21534 23/01/01 06:50:54.00 336.3457 +25.1723 6.5 3.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Oct22 04:22:08 Other Swift-XRT 21530 22/10/24 20:39:43.00 118.3077 -5.2740 6.5 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Oct22 04:21:10 Other Swift-XRT 21530 22/10/24 20:39:43.00 118.4348 -5.2164 7.6 5.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Oct22 04:20:10 Other Swift-XRT 21530 22/10/24 20:39:43.00 118.3556 -5.2799 5.8 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Oct22 04:19:20 Other Swift-XRT 21530 22/10/24 20:39:43.00 118.2368 -5.2703 5.8 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Oct22 04:18:10 Other Swift-XRT 21530 22/10/24 19:06:50.00 118.4803 -5.1252 6.8 7.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Oct22 04:17:09 Other Swift-XRT 21530 22/10/24 20:39:43.00 118.1851 -5.2593 5.4 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Oct22 19:44:12 Other Swift-XRT 21525 22/10/08 14:55:16.00 29.7991 -18.9446 6.8 8.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J015910.7-185706
06Oct22 15:19:57 Other Swift-XRT 21521 22/10/06 11:27:39.00 337.2455 +15.7135 4.3 1.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Oct22 15:18:57 Other Swift-XRT 21521 22/10/06 11:27:39.00 337.3399 +15.6943 22.3 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Oct22 15:17:57 Other Swift-XRT 21521 22/10/06 11:50:41.00 337.3524 +15.6341 11.9 4.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Sep22 10:32:15 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 22:13:40.00 66.3380 -40.4389 6.8 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J042522.2-402626
22Sep22 05:10:53 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 22:01:28.00 67.1599 -40.4086 12.6 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Sep22 05:09:53 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 20:11:02.00 67.1678 -39.8207 8.3 4.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Sep22 00:42:12 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 22:01:28.00 67.1171 -40.7331 7.9 4.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Sep22 00:41:15 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 22:13:40.00 66.5157 -40.1732 5.8 7.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Sep22 00:40:21 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 22:01:28.00 67.2120 -40.5900 7.9 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J042852.5-403509
21Sep22 23:06:47 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 20:11:02.00 67.1525 -39.8072 2.9 5.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J042836.3-394812
21Sep22 22:54:45 Other Swift-XRT 21514 22/09/21 20:23:08.00 66.4712 -40.4040 4.0 4.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Sep22 02:17:43 Other Swift-XRT 21513 22/09/11 19:04:00.00 216.0406 -8.8438 7.2 4.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug22 04:34:09 Other Swift-XRT 1118357 22/07/30 15:50:54.00 225.1225 -69.5178 5.8 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug22 03:33:59 Other Swift-XRT 1118357 22/07/30 15:50:54.00 225.2279 -69.4734 6.1 1.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31Jul22 08:55:44 Other Swift-XRT 1118357 22/07/30 15:50:54.00 224.9654 -69.5389 7.2 3.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31Jul22 08:54:44 Other Swift-XRT 1118357 22/07/30 15:50:54.00 225.0749 -69.4907 7.2 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31Jul22 02:52:19 Other Swift-XRT 1118357 22/07/30 15:50:54.00 224.9152 -69.5540 6.1 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31Jul22 02:51:19 Other Swift-XRT 1118357 22/07/30 15:50:54.00 225.0142 -69.4959 6.5 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Jul22 09:13:33 Other Swift-XRT 21509 22/07/12 22:51:02.00 221.5667 +20.6575 8.3 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
08Jul22 14:20:23 Other Swift-XRT 21508 22/07/08 11:51:14.00 248.5790 +36.3477 4.0 1.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Jul22 14:19:23 Other Swift-XRT 21508 22/07/08 11:51:14.00 248.7115 +36.4544 5.8 8.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J163450.4+362718
08Jul22 14:18:23 Other Swift-XRT 21508 22/07/08 11:51:14.00 248.8060 +36.4504 5.8 7.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J163513.3+362706
28Jun22 20:20:03 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.0755 -32.3752 5.8 7.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 20:19:03 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.0075 -32.3447 6.1 9.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 20:17:23 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 12:58:16.00 201.2055 -32.6872 6.8 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 19:51:17 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.3219 -32.6251 7.6 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:17:38 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.1030 -32.3556 5.4 4.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:16:41 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.0723 -32.6410 18.0 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:15:38 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.3647 -32.5479 7.6 3.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:14:38 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.2414 -32.6740 8.3 6.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:13:38 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.2477 -32.5720 6.8 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:12:38 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.2447 -32.4138 5.4 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 16:11:36 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.3463 -32.3820 7.2 2.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 11:49:18 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.3688 -32.4263 2.9 6.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Jun22 11:48:18 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.2793 -32.6367 2.5 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J132507.2-323813
28Jun22 11:45:28 Other Swift-XRT 21506 22/06/28 09:38:57.00 201.0495 -32.5933 5.8 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun22 07:54:46 Other Swift-XRT 21505 22/06/18 01:13:19.00 156.9298 +15.4058 6.1 6.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun22 07:53:46 Other Swift-XRT 21505 22/06/18 01:13:19.00 157.0399 +15.4886 6.1 7.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun22 07:52:46 Other Swift-XRT 21505 22/06/18 01:13:19.00 156.9895 +15.4453 5.4 7.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun22 07:51:46 Other Swift-XRT 21505 22/06/18 01:13:19.00 157.1530 +15.4493 6.1 5.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun22 07:50:36 Other Swift-XRT 21505 22/06/18 02:47:07.00 156.8566 +15.3577 6.1 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 22:45:12 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.2205 -54.6402 7.2 4.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 22:30:19 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.0484 -54.6842 4.3 7.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 22:17:09 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.5449 -54.6732 5.8 4.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:28:10 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.0543 -54.7405 6.8 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:24:50 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.3138 -54.9200 6.1 6.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:23:39 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.1149 -54.8372 6.5 6.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
06Jun22 19:22:37 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.0639 -54.7687 6.8 9.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:21:57 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.1010 -54.8291 9.7 7.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
06Jun22 19:20:37 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.1316 -54.8317 10.8 8.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
06Jun22 19:19:37 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.3510 -54.9147 19.1 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:18:37 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.0842 -54.8159 42.5 6.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:17:37 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.1439 -54.8484 13.0 9.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun22 19:16:37 Other Swift-XRT 21504 22/06/06 13:35:01.00 28.0666 -54.7529 8.3 6.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May22 00:55:46 Other Swift-XRT 21503 22/05/27 17:39:14.00 323.5280 -14.9718 2.5 1.30e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28May22 00:53:45 Other Swift-XRT 21503 22/05/27 17:39:14.00 323.4917 -15.0591 3.6 3.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May22 20:39:45 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.4227 +17.8027 6.8 3.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May22 20:38:45 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.6263 +17.8486 6.1 8.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May22 20:37:45 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.4873 +17.6342 6.8 2.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May22 20:36:45 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.6365 +17.6819 5.8 1.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14May22 02:05:20 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.3894 +17.7287 6.1 6.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May22 23:24:53 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.4379 +17.8830 6.5 2.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May22 17:13:54 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.5285 +17.8082 6.1 2.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May22 10:20:54 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.4967 +17.9118 6.1 3.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12May22 04:27:11 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.5310 +17.8277 2.5 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J191007.6+174934
12May22 04:25:21 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.4318 +17.7317 7.6 2.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12May22 04:22:31 Other Swift-XRT 21498 22/05/12 00:07:10.00 287.5097 +17.7392 6.8 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06May22 21:18:40 Other Swift-XRT 21490 22/05/06 17:05:18.00 239.7257 -26.4185 7.2 4.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Apr22 11:17:03 Other Swift-XRT 21487 22/04/28 05:34:22.00 338.1430 -22.9502 3.6 4.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Apr22 11:16:03 Other Swift-XRT 21487 22/04/28 05:34:22.00 337.9855 -22.9764 10.8 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Apr22 11:15:03 Other Swift-XRT 21487 22/04/28 05:34:22.00 338.0466 -23.0920 7.9 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Apr22 11:14:03 Other Swift-XRT 21487 22/04/28 04:00:03.00 338.5812 -23.1489 8.3 4.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
20Apr22 15:31:50 Other Swift-XRT 21486 22/04/20 00:57:34.00 224.3464 -17.5957 5.0 6.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
20Apr22 15:24:39 Other Swift-XRT 21486 22/04/20 00:57:34.00 224.2112 -17.3499 24.8 3.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Apr22 23:11:52 Other Swift-XRT 21485 22/04/18 14:32:03.00 17.5545 -56.2347 4.3 7.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Apr22 23:09:25 Other Swift-XRT 21485 22/04/18 14:32:03.00 17.9073 -56.1774 9.4 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
17Apr22 02:26:08 Other Swift-XRT 1102329 22/04/12 18:26:03.00 320.7918 -0.2553 8.6 7.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Apr22 20:34:48 Other Swift-XRT 1102329 22/04/12 18:26:03.00 320.7980 -0.2792 8.3 3.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr22 16:12:05 Other Swift-XRT 21484 22/04/09 04:27:24.00 19.7188 -56.2878 6.5 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr22 16:11:05 Other Swift-XRT 21484 22/04/09 04:27:24.00 19.9526 -56.2604 6.5 9.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr22 15:39:37 Other Swift-XRT 21484 22/04/09 08:07:18.00 19.7142 -56.2603 6.5 2.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr22 14:35:59 Other Swift-XRT 21484 22/04/09 09:34:07.00 19.6293 -56.3726 8.3 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr22 14:34:59 Other Swift-XRT 21484 22/04/09 09:34:07.00 19.7465 -56.4577 9.0 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr22 14:33:59 Other Swift-XRT 21484 22/04/09 09:34:07.00 19.7119 -56.4530 11.2 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Mar22 08:47:28 Other Swift-XRT 21483 22/03/12 03:00:33.00 290.1543 +40.2064 6.1 4.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Mar22 08:46:28 Other Swift-XRT 21483 22/03/12 03:00:33.00 289.8727 +40.2572 6.1 6.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Mar22 06:58:14 Other Swift-XRT 21483 22/03/12 03:00:33.00 290.2354 +40.3333 7.6 4.40e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Mar22 05:43:26 Other Swift-XRT 21483 22/03/12 03:00:33.00 289.9585 +40.2090 5.8 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar22 16:29:49 Other Swift-XRT 21482 22/03/10 08:39:45.00 168.5223 +23.6888 5.0 6.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar22 16:28:49 Other Swift-XRT 21482 22/03/10 10:15:21.00 168.3736 +23.5665 4.3 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Mar22 16:27:49 Other Swift-XRT 21482 22/03/10 08:39:45.00 168.5981 +23.5004 6.1 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
05Mar22 15:57:09 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.7979 +32.0583 7.9 3.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Mar22 20:52:32 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.8632 +32.0271 5.8 1.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Mar22 22:45:46 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.8162 +31.9284 7.2 3.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Mar22 22:44:50 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.8194 +31.9118 7.6 5.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Mar22 21:46:35 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.8173 +31.9665 7.2 2.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
23Feb22 22:31:05 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.8519 +31.9932 6.8 5.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Feb22 22:30:05 Other Swift-XRT 1093860 22/02/23 00:45:55.00 133.8151 +31.9789 6.1 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Feb22 14:47:06 Other Swift-XRT 21481 22/02/23 03:02:56.00 240.9142 +31.2340 2.9 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Jan22 19:02:01 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 06:37:39.00 216.5553 +19.9236 2.5 1.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J142612.8+195522
08Jan22 19:01:01 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 06:37:39.00 216.8542 +19.8313 2.5 7.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J142725.1+194952
08Jan22 18:59:01 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 06:37:39.00 216.7409 +19.9326 7.2 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J142658.1+195556
08Jan22 18:58:01 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 05:05:36.00 216.3621 +19.7872 6.5 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Jan22 16:29:22 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 04:37:27.00 216.4719 +20.1688 7.2 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Jan22 07:12:12 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 05:05:33.00 216.2360 +20.0087 5.8 5.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2E 1422.6+2014
08Jan22 07:10:42 Other Swift-XRT 21477 22/01/08 04:56:03.00 216.4065 +20.1706 3.2 6.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
08Jan22 06:13:12 Other Swift-XRT 21476 22/01/07 22:10:41.00 169.8064 +34.1701 2.2 3.40e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Dec21 22:48:16 Other Swift-XRT 21475 21/12/29 15:37:52.00 295.0737 +23.1573 6.5 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Dec21 22:47:15 Other Swift-XRT 21475 21/12/29 15:37:52.00 295.1187 +23.1638 5.0 4.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Dec21 21:22:48 Other Swift-XRT 21475 21/12/29 15:37:52.00 295.1316 +23.1982 6.1 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Dec21 21:21:47 Other Swift-XRT 21475 21/12/29 15:37:52.00 295.0615 +23.2616 9.4 7.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Dec21 22:45:36 Other Swift-XRT 1086826 21/12/03 09:04:04.00 170.1436 +16.2582 6.8 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Nov21 16:26:47 Other Swift-XRT 21468 21/11/24 05:38:03.00 34.3803 -8.4302 6.1 4.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Nov21 07:24:41 Other Swift-XRT 21468 21/11/24 05:38:03.00 34.3168 -8.4717 3.6 9.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J021716.1-082817
24Nov21 07:23:31 Other Swift-XRT 21468 21/11/24 05:38:03.00 34.2349 -8.4327 4.3 5.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J021656.3-082603
24Nov21 07:22:31 Other Swift-XRT 21468 21/11/24 05:38:03.00 34.2612 -8.3471 3.6 6.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J021702.5-082053
24Nov21 04:17:13 Other Swift-XRT 21468 21/11/24 02:33:46.00 34.1880 -7.6951 6.8 6.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Nov21 03:09:02 Other Swift-XRT 21468 21/11/23 23:32:55.00 33.8206 -7.7980 8.3 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Nov21 10:01:22 Other Swift-XRT 21467 21/11/09 02:59:05.00 65.8080 -27.5606 3.2 6.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Nov21 08:38:33 Other Swift-XRT 21466 21/11/06 15:32:14.00 343.4979 -53.2703 5.4 5.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Nov21 08:37:33 Other Swift-XRT 21466 21/11/06 15:32:14.00 343.6256 -53.3237 8.3 3.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Nov21 08:36:33 Other Swift-XRT 21466 21/11/06 15:32:14.00 343.6505 -53.3664 7.2 1.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Nov21 08:35:33 Other Swift-XRT 21466 21/11/06 15:32:14.00 343.8018 -53.3947 6.5 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Nov21 08:33:43 Other Swift-XRT 21466 21/11/06 17:12:30.00 343.2834 -53.2665 7.2 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Sep21 02:53:53 Other Swift-XRT 21462 21/09/03 23:23:19.00 250.2136 +17.5305 3.2 3.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug21 05:25:11 Other Swift-XRT 21461 21/08/27 22:24:16.00 174.8539 +55.7174 8.3 5.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
29Aug21 02:01:15 Other Swift-XRT 21461 21/08/27 22:24:16.00 174.8504 +55.7551 8.3 5.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Aug21 02:03:28 Other Swift-XRT 21461 21/08/27 22:24:16.00 174.9002 +55.7239 3.6 4.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Aug21 07:01:12 Other Swift-XRT 21460 21/08/26 18:45:26.00 45.5588 -71.9031 9.7 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
03Aug21 15:34:21 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7773 +29.5458 8.3 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:33:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.6599 +29.5152 8.3 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:32:51 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 08:59:59.00 231.0191 +29.8806 16.6 5.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J152407.9+295253
03Aug21 15:31:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.6977 +29.4954 12.6 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:30:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7208 +29.4301 9.0 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:29:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.8079 +29.3832 10.1 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:28:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7912 +29.6806 9.4 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:27:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 07:43:48.00 230.7228 +29.9018 3.2 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
03Aug21 15:26:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 08:59:59.00 231.0701 +29.8691 9.7 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
03Aug21 15:25:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.6720 +29.5057 9.0 2.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:24:41 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 08:59:59.00 230.9091 +29.9734 10.4 3.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J152338.0+295825
03Aug21 15:07:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 08:59:59.00 231.0802 +29.8364 6.1 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:06:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 08:59:59.00 231.0290 +29.8258 3.2 9.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J152406.9+294935
03Aug21 15:05:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.6943 +29.5326 8.6 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:04:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 07:43:48.00 230.8255 +29.7743 3.6 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J152317.9+294629
03Aug21 15:03:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7857 +29.3972 10.4 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
03Aug21 15:02:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.8076 +29.4419 9.0 4.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:01:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.9331 +29.4309 41.4 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 15:00:15 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 08:59:59.00 231.1078 +29.9972 15.1 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J152424.7+295930
03Aug21 14:58:17 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7713 +29.3891 8.6 3.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 14:57:19 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.8752 +29.3869 7.9 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 14:56:19 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.6977 +29.4758 9.4 3.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 14:55:17 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7233 +29.4751 8.3 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug21 14:54:27 Other Swift-XRT 21456 21/08/03 09:21:09.00 230.7937 +29.3958 10.4 3.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jul21 00:27:16 Other Swift-XRT 21455 21/07/06 20:20:12.00 311.9947 +13.3169 2.9 7.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
05Jul21 15:23:55 Other Swift-XRT 21454 21/07/05 10:24:20.00 159.0221 +57.2163 2.9 7.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
27Jun21 23:17:24 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.6610 -1.1277 10.4 5.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jun21 23:16:24 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.5700 -1.2540 7.9 6.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jun21 19:36:28 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.6491 -1.0114 8.3 5.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jun21 19:35:18 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.6583 -1.1492 9.4 4.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
27Jun21 19:33:38 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.5453 -1.0656 8.3 2.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jun21 19:29:36 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.8281 -1.1073 10.1 2.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Jun21 00:41:21 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 18:06:21.00 221.4033 -1.1769 11.2 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J144536.4-011031
27Jun21 00:40:21 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.6820 -1.1860 8.6 5.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 23:19:16 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.7131 -1.0510 11.9 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 23:18:16 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.6685 -1.1566 8.3 1.80e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 23:17:16 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.7344 -1.1248 7.9 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 23:16:15 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.6659 -1.0873 8.6 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 23:15:15 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.4985 -1.2217 8.6 9.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 23:14:15 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.7096 -1.2723 8.6 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun21 19:42:35 Other Swift-XRT 21453 21/06/26 16:31:57.00 221.5242 -1.1562 5.4 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
18Jun21 06:45:06 Other Swift-XRT 1056426 21/06/18 02:45:49.00 235.7183 +46.0336 8.6 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun21 05:21:53 Other Swift-XRT 1056426 21/06/18 02:45:49.00 235.7712 +46.0692 9.7 8.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
18Jun21 05:20:53 Other Swift-XRT 1056426 21/06/18 02:45:49.00 235.8875 +46.0250 10.1 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jun21 19:59:07 Other Swift-XRT 21451 21/06/06 21:15:08.00 170.8199 +0.7332 7.2 6.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jun21 11:39:35 Other Swift-XRT 21451 21/06/06 21:15:08.00 170.9836 +0.7520 6.1 4.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jun21 11:38:35 Other Swift-XRT 21451 21/06/06 21:15:08.00 170.9222 +0.6617 6.8 6.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Jun21 00:58:03 Other Swift-XRT 21451 21/06/06 21:15:08.00 170.9414 +0.8129 2.5 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun21 20:20:36 Other Swift-XRT 21450 21/06/06 11:33:37.00 15.8631 -6.5318 7.9 6.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 4XMM J010327.1-063157
06Jun21 20:19:26 Other Swift-XRT 21450 21/06/06 11:33:37.00 15.5855 -6.5583 6.1 7.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Jun21 19:36:50 Other Swift-XRT 21450 21/06/06 11:33:37.00 15.7456 -6.4289 5.4 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21May21 14:55:07 Other Swift-XRT 21431 21/05/21 07:10:53.00 124.0540 -69.6223 10.8 6.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21May21 10:44:36 Other Swift-XRT 21431 21/05/21 08:25:17.00 124.4719 -69.2966 7.9 1.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21May21 09:13:59 Other Swift-XRT 21431 21/05/21 07:05:26.00 122.1208 -69.7661 9.7 8.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21May21 09:08:29 Other Swift-XRT 21431 21/05/21 07:05:26.00 122.1578 -69.7866 6.1 2.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J080836.9-694717
06May21 16:16:04 Other Swift-XRT 21430 21/05/06 08:45:23.00 132.8470 +4.6631 7.2 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06May21 16:15:04 Other Swift-XRT 21430 21/05/06 08:45:23.00 132.7917 +4.6042 7.6 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06May21 13:21:51 Other Swift-XRT 21430 21/05/06 08:45:23.00 132.9074 +4.5998 6.1 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Apr21 05:55:48 Other Swift-XRT 21428 21/04/16 03:13:05.00 182.5319 +56.0507 9.0 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Apr21 16:21:16 Other Swift-XRT 21427 21/04/08 16:18:39.00 132.4988 +76.5288 6.1 4.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:58:16 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.5385 +15.6024 3.2 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:57:16 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.8456 +15.6215 5.0 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:56:16 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.6866 +15.6339 4.3 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:55:16 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.5575 +15.6528 4.0 4.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:54:16 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.5378 +15.5884 4.3 7.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:53:15 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.8111 +15.6555 4.7 5.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:52:15 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.7947 +15.6196 5.4 4.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Mar21 07:51:23 Other Swift-XRT 21426 21/03/24 16:50:31.00 259.8306 +15.7590 5.8 5.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Feb21 08:06:04 Other Swift-XRT 1033328 21/02/20 12:47:41.00 47.3236 +35.3240 4.7 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Feb21 15:24:57 Other Swift-XRT 14055 21/02/06 03:11:02.00 117.0807 +11.4095 1.4 3.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jan21 21:40:53 Other Swift-XRT 21414 21/01/02 14:36:03.00 353.8172 -21.0821 5.4 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Dec20 14:19:21 Other Swift-XRT 21410 20/12/28 05:57:00.00 169.8507 -73.5866 5.4 4.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
28Dec20 14:17:31 Other Swift-XRT 21410 20/12/28 05:42:41.00 171.2952 -73.6326 4.3 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
28Dec20 12:25:12 Other Swift-XRT 21410 20/12/28 05:35:16.00 170.6083 -73.4880 7.2 8.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
28Dec20 12:24:12 Other Swift-XRT 21410 20/12/28 05:35:16.00 170.6190 -73.4797 4.7 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
22Dec20 18:15:54 Other Swift-XRT 21408 20/12/17 01:01:48.00 201.5140 +36.2797 4.7 2.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
22Dec20 13:22:10 Other Swift-XRT 1014012 20/12/21 18:43:55.00 278.1775 +34.4109 4.7 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 09:03:14 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 187.9054 +8.9888 4.7 3.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 09:02:12 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 188.0944 +9.1633 4.7 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2RXP J123223.2+090948
15Dec20 09:01:12 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 187.9206 +9.0086 5.0 3.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 08:28:29 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 188.1337 +9.1147 5.8 3.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 08:27:29 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 188.0147 +8.9309 5.0 7.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 08:26:29 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 187.9923 +9.0741 4.3 8.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 08:25:29 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 187.8466 +9.1051 4.3 8.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 08:24:29 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 188.1013 +9.1072 5.8 6.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Dec20 07:46:52 Other Swift-XRT 21407 20/12/14 23:43:40.00 187.8292 +9.0457 4.7 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Dec20 13:27:11 Other Swift-XRT 21406 20/12/14 07:47:21.00 170.9226 +33.8701 4.0 5.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Dec20 16:28:58 Other Swift-XRT 21405 20/12/09 01:36:39.00 158.1803 -28.6213 5.8 6.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
09Dec20 13:36:08 Other Swift-XRT 21405 20/12/09 01:36:39.00 158.1398 -28.6250 5.0 9.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Dec20 08:34:11 Other Swift-XRT 21405 20/12/09 01:36:39.00 158.3235 -28.7198 2.9 6.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The object is fading at the 3-sigma level. The source is above catalogued limits.
09Dec20 08:33:11 Other Swift-XRT 21405 20/12/09 01:36:39.00 158.1848 -28.6109 5.8 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J103244.6-283637
09Dec20 08:31:30 Other Swift-XRT 21405 20/12/09 01:36:39.00 158.2312 -28.8676 5.0 7.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Dec20 14:51:11 Other Swift-XRT 1010946 20/12/03 08:10:39.00 38.0552 -26.5182 3.2 3.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Dec20 14:49:30 Other Swift-XRT 1010946 20/12/03 08:10:39.00 38.1430 -26.5976 5.8 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Dec20 12:44:45 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.5187 -49.1801 6.8 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Dec20 12:43:47 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.5043 -49.3083 5.0 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 20:30:16 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.2755 -49.1265 5.0 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01Dec20 19:59:57 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.2767 -49.1391 4.7 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 19:58:57 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 15:55:43.00 339.2904 -49.3857 5.0 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 19:57:57 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.4267 -49.1172 5.0 9.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 19:56:57 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.2887 -49.1960 7.2 9.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 19:55:57 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.5647 -49.2141 7.6 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 19:16:03 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.1034 -49.3275 5.4 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J223623.1-491947
01Dec20 19:14:43 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.0249 -49.1318 5.0 2.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Dec20 16:54:14 Other Swift-XRT 21044 20/12/01 14:17:15.00 339.4168 -49.2696 5.4 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Nov20 20:16:53 Other Swift-XRT 21040 20/11/16 13:44:58.00 149.4334 +0.3115 5.8 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
16Nov20 20:14:13 Other Swift-XRT 21040 20/11/16 13:44:58.00 149.3247 +0.2758 2.5 2.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Nov20 20:13:15 Other Swift-XRT 21040 20/11/16 13:44:58.00 149.2561 +0.4055 3.6 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
16Nov20 20:10:51 Other Swift-XRT 21040 20/11/16 15:23:52.00 149.0870 +0.1012 6.8 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Nov20 08:10:59 Other Swift-XRT 21039 20/11/06 01:32:02.00 42.1842 +12.1382 5.0 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
05Nov20 01:07:37 Other Swift-XRT 21036 20/11/04 19:16:50.00 80.6902 -71.0247 6.1 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
04Nov20 21:17:42 Other Swift-XRT 21036 20/11/04 18:50:14.00 81.0076 -71.1597 2.5 6.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J052359.8-710935
04Nov20 21:16:42 Other Swift-XRT 21036 20/11/04 19:16:50.00 80.9042 -71.0097 4.7 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Nov20 21:15:21 Other Swift-XRT 21036 20/11/04 19:16:50.00 80.5267 -70.8251 19.4 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21Oct20 21:57:45 Other Swift-XRT 21035 20/10/21 13:35:34.00 75.4668 +77.0682 1.8 5.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Oct20 11:38:50 Other Swift-XRT 21034 20/10/08 23:41:24.00 161.6750 +46.1719 4.3 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Oct20 11:36:50 Other Swift-XRT 21034 20/10/08 23:41:24.00 161.8432 +45.9512 5.4 5.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Oct20 11:35:50 Other Swift-XRT 21034 20/10/08 23:41:24.00 161.8263 +45.9869 5.4 6.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Oct20 11:34:50 Other Swift-XRT 21034 20/10/08 23:41:24.00 161.8629 +45.9963 4.7 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Oct20 07:15:21 Other Swift-XRT 21034 20/10/08 23:41:24.00 161.7542 +46.1475 5.0 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Oct20 07:14:22 Other Swift-XRT 21034 20/10/08 23:41:24.00 161.8587 +46.1019 4.7 1.60e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Sep20 07:49:39 Other Swift-XRT 21033 20/09/14 15:18:34.00 254.5201 -36.2782 6.5 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Sep20 04:56:34 Other Swift-XRT 994143 20/09/01 04:38:31.00 61.7358 -59.8733 4.7 4.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Sep20 11:36:51 Other Swift-XRT 994143 20/09/01 04:38:31.00 61.7823 -59.8909 2.9 3.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The object is fading at the 3-sigma level.
27Aug20 04:54:18 Other Swift-XRT 21027 20/08/26 21:08:52.00 6.8123 +34.0421 4.7 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Aug20 04:50:26 Other Swift-XRT 21027 20/08/26 20:46:14.00 6.9269 +34.2991 4.7 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Aug20 04:43:23 Other Swift-XRT 21027 20/08/26 21:19:45.00 6.6229 +34.1126 5.0 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Aug20 03:50:12 Other Swift-XRT 21028 20/08/26 20:46:14.00 6.6706 +34.1839 2.5 6.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
27Aug20 03:47:23 Other Swift-XRT 21028 20/08/26 20:46:14.00 6.9099 +34.1455 5.0 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J002736.3+340836
27Aug20 03:43:52 Other Swift-XRT 21028 20/08/26 21:08:52.00 6.7855 +34.0267 2.9 5.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Aug20 03:42:32 Other Swift-XRT 21028 20/08/26 21:08:52.00 6.7076 +33.9621 5.4 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Aug20 04:04:48 Other Swift-XRT 21026 20/08/09 19:35:21.00 15.8295 -73.8455 4.3 6.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
10Aug20 04:02:36 Other Swift-XRT 21026 20/08/09 20:55:34.00 16.3984 -74.0014 5.0 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug20 21:12:56 Other Swift-XRT 21021 20/08/03 13:39:16.00 311.4169 -62.9101 4.3 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J204540.1-625438
03Aug20 21:11:56 Other Swift-XRT 21021 20/08/03 13:56:10.00 310.8164 -62.9323 4.3 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J204316.1-625603
03Aug20 19:21:48 Other Swift-XRT 21021 20/08/03 13:45:02.00 311.3311 -63.1156 4.7 5.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug20 19:19:48 Other Swift-XRT 21021 20/08/03 13:45:02.00 312.0151 -63.0329 10.1 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
03Aug20 17:33:24 Other Swift-XRT 21021 20/08/03 13:56:10.00 311.0933 -62.9418 5.0 1.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
16Jul20 05:24:57 Other Swift-XRT 21018 20/07/16 01:58:00.00 248.5376 -51.8355 3.6 3.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source is above catalogued limits.
15Jul20 15:25:15 Other Swift-XRT 21017 20/07/15 04:58:36.00 196.6959 -51.7370 5.8 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
15Jul20 06:55:14 Other Swift-XRT 21017 20/07/15 04:58:36.00 196.8237 -51.6399 4.0 9.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Jul20 20:19:29 Other Swift-XRT 21009 20/07/09 06:00:27.00 252.1847 +15.2287 4.7 5.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Jul20 11:02:03 Other Swift-XRT 21009 20/07/09 06:28:58.00 252.3302 +15.4203 5.8 2.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Jul20 09:58:05 Other Swift-XRT 21009 20/07/09 06:17:47.00 252.0910 +14.9527 4.0 6.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J164821.6+145717
09Jul20 09:53:45 Other Swift-XRT 21009 20/07/09 06:23:28.00 252.0753 +15.0920 5.4 8.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun20 14:53:39 Other Swift-XRT 21006 20/06/26 03:42:27.00 172.7807 -14.8593 5.0 5.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun20 14:52:37 Other Swift-XRT 21006 20/06/26 03:42:27.00 172.7053 -14.9185 4.3 5.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
26Jun20 11:32:29 Other Swift-XRT 21006 20/06/26 03:42:27.00 172.7398 -14.7887 4.3 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J113057.5-144717
23Jun20 18:07:31 Other Swift-XRT 21005 20/06/23 13:49:45.00 241.9965 +53.4785 4.7 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Jun20 18:06:30 Other Swift-XRT 21005 20/06/23 13:49:45.00 242.1106 +53.3466 5.0 5.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Jun20 16:17:45 Other Swift-XRT 21005 20/06/23 13:49:45.00 242.2871 +53.5322 4.0 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Jun20 04:13:47 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 153.0566 +45.8434 4.7 4.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Jun20 01:37:33 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 152.8863 +45.9348 7.2 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Jun20 00:14:49 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 152.9311 +45.8304 4.3 7.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Jun20 00:13:54 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 153.1341 +45.9584 4.3 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Jun20 00:12:54 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 152.8387 +45.9405 5.4 8.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Jun20 22:47:11 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 153.0408 +45.7541 4.0 1.50e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Jun20 22:44:18 Other Swift-XRT 21003 20/06/13 17:37:04.00 153.0566 +45.9782 5.4 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24May20 23:03:22 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.7741 +60.9161 4.3 7.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24May20 21:00:19 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.5975 +61.0626 4.7 5.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J141022.3+610349
24May20 20:59:19 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 213.0447 +60.9053 4.3 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24May20 20:58:19 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.7516 +60.8776 5.4 5.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24May20 20:57:20 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.5878 +61.1088 5.0 9.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24May20 19:28:06 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.6288 +61.0035 1.8 2.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J141030.7+610012
24May20 19:27:06 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.9631 +60.9331 3.2 1.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J141151.4+605556
24May20 19:26:06 Other Swift-XRT 21001 20/05/24 15:10:01.00 212.6918 +60.9332 4.7 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2SXPS J141045.6+605559
17May20 23:19:53 Other Swift-XRT 20993 20/05/17 13:39:38.00 17.6981 -50.9224 3.6 3.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
25Apr20 00:25:37 Other Swift-XRT 20989 20/04/24 16:51:59.00 307.4831 -39.7299 4.3 7.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
24Apr20 21:18:46 Other Swift-XRT 20989 20/04/24 16:51:59.00 307.5056 -39.6998 5.4 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Apr20 03:52:02 Other Swift-XRT 20981 20/04/12 14:49:17.00 277.7793 +62.2427 9.0 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J183109.8+621450 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Apr20 20:16:27 Other Swift-XRT 20981 20/04/12 14:37:06.00 277.6217 +62.6849 5.4 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Apr20 20:12:17 Other Swift-XRT 20981 20/04/12 14:49:17.00 277.7758 +62.2359 6.5 3.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J183108.6+621414
12Apr20 19:31:00 Other Swift-XRT 20981 20/04/12 14:43:14.00 278.3134 +62.5326 2.5 7.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
12Apr20 19:18:50 Other Swift-XRT 20981 20/04/12 15:01:17.00 276.3849 +62.5692 5.0 1.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J182532.1+623418
06Apr20 08:10:44 Other Swift-XRT 20979 20/04/05 22:25:55.00 62.6145 -51.5328 4.0 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Apr20 08:09:44 Other Swift-XRT 20979 20/04/05 22:25:55.00 62.8248 -51.5687 6.5 4.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Apr20 08:08:44 Other Swift-XRT 20979 20/04/05 22:25:55.00 62.6008 -51.4434 5.4 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Apr20 08:07:44 Other Swift-XRT 20979 20/04/05 22:25:55.00 62.5136 -51.4509 4.3 8.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Mar20 02:11:14 Other Swift-XRT 20978 20/03/26 19:19:37.00 167.5554 +27.8175 5.4 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
27Feb20 11:49:43 Other Swift-XRT S200224ca 20/02/26 12:57:04.00 174.3295 -4.7332 6.1 3.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'REASONABLE' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Feb20 21:29:58 Other Swift-XRT S200224ca 20/02/26 12:35:41.00 172.5798 -3.0081 10.8 3.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'REASONABLE' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
26Feb20 18:09:52 Other Swift-XRT S200224ca 20/02/26 15:56:24.00 173.8795 -12.7027 6.1 3.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Feb20 14:10:18 Other Swift-XRT 20973 20/02/20 11:53:20.00 262.5097 +10.5396 2.9 3.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
20Feb20 14:09:17 Other Swift-XRT 20973 20/02/20 12:02:10.00 262.7451 +10.3275 6.8 4.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13Feb20 21:43:22 Other Swift-XRT S200213t 20/02/13 10:21:49.00 45.0670 +31.9801 4.7 2.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
13Feb20 15:51:07 Other Swift-XRT S200213t 20/02/13 10:11:26.00 44.9936 +31.4713 6.8 2.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
13Feb20 15:15:38 Other Swift-XRT S200213t 20/02/13 09:54:35.00 45.3485 +31.7006 5.8 6.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
13Feb20 15:14:38 Other Swift-XRT S200213t 20/02/13 10:21:49.00 44.9399 +32.0831 10.1 5.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Detection flag was 'GOOD' Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 17:05:12 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:22:08.00 44.8995 +3.3666 6.5 2.70e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 1 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 17:04:12 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.6362 +3.2787 6.1 2.10e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 17:03:10 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:22:08.00 44.8811 +3.4470 6.1 1.90e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 1 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 17:01:47 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.5268 +3.4117 7.2 3.60e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 16:59:15 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.7351 +3.2528 5.8 1.60e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 16:58:13 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.7008 +3.2713 5.4 6.30e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 16:56:09 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.7346 +3.2736 6.1 5.10e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 16:54:11 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.5315 +3.5251 5.8 2.30e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 16:53:11 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 06:36:27.00 44.5401 +3.4479 6.1 4.60e-09 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 16:27:50 Other Swift-XRT S200115j 20/01/15 07:02:41.00 60.2912 +34.8873 5.4 3.30e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 13:23:17 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 05:19:00.00 110.9600 +16.3547 6.5 1.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 13:18:45 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 05:19:00.00 110.7154 +16.2638 6.1 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:57:33 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.4981 -25.4940 14.0 1.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:56:33 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.4521 -25.5206 12.6 4.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:55:33 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.1552 -25.5720 7.2 4.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:54:30 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.2500 -25.6513 6.1 5.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:53:43 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.3995 -25.6286 27.0 9.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:53:15 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.4821 -25.5610 9.0 3.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:52:32 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.4643 -25.5493 22.0 3.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:50:32 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.4313 -25.4065 7.2 3.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
15Jan20 09:49:30 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.4316 -25.5989 10.8 5.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:47:32 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.5065 -25.4497 30.2 6.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:44:26 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.5127 -25.5121 11.9 9.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:41:28 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.3813 -25.5888 7.6 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 09:39:28 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/15 03:08:06.00 55.3616 -25.4969 6.5 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
15Jan20 07:12:42 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/14 23:14:42.00 108.3385 +16.1618 6.1 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
15Jan20 04:33:01 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/14 16:29:47.00 110.3641 +17.0359 5.8 4.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.71 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
14Jan20 09:23:06 Other Swift-XRT S200114f 20/01/14 05:28:25.00 108.4504 +23.0807 7.2 7.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 19:13:30 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 09:07:11.00 322.9354 +5.3868 6.1 1.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.37 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 19:12:26 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/18 09:15:21.00 322.7878 +5.5795 4.3 2.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
18Dec19 19:11:24 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/18 07:33:53.00 322.8833 +4.9008 4.7 3.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 19:10:24 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/18 07:33:53.00 322.9900 +4.7272 7.2 1.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 10:10:48 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/18 05:55:18.00 322.9323 +5.4210 5.8 1.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 09:22:57 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 20:05:02.00 322.9866 +5.1896 7.9 2.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 08:53:12 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 23:37:38.00 323.1114 +4.3587 5.0 2.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 08:25:19 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/18 01:15:22.00 322.9440 +5.7457 6.8 1.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 08:23:47 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 23:37:38.00 323.1841 +4.3349 5.8 1.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 08:15:53 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 23:37:38.00 323.1995 +4.4645 5.4 2.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
18Dec19 08:08:23 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 23:37:38.00 323.0271 +4.3105 6.8 1.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
17Dec19 22:34:11 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 18:20:47.00 323.7216 +5.3197 6.5 7.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
17Dec19 21:38:46 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 18:30:01.00 323.4551 +4.9553 7.9 9.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
17Dec19 10:08:46 Other Swift-XRT S191216ap 19/12/17 07:29:54.00 322.1299 +4.8310 5.8 3.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
11Dec19 04:49:19 Other Swift-XRT 20952 19/12/10 17:01:48.00 210.6743 -1.9321 6.8 4.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Dec19 04:38:28 Other Swift-XRT 20952 19/12/10 17:15:57.00 211.3249 -1.9738 5.8 5.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Dec19 04:29:26 Other Swift-XRT 20952 19/12/10 17:25:10.00 210.2184 -1.7528 5.8 7.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J140052.5-014511
11Dec19 03:36:38 Other Swift-XRT 20952 19/12/10 18:35:57.00 210.1246 -1.3004 10.8 8.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
11Dec19 01:45:35 Other Swift-XRT 20952 19/12/10 17:31:47.00 210.3973 -0.7502 10.1 2.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Dec19 15:29:05 Other Swift-XRT 20950 19/12/04 03:11:07.00 133.0923 +4.9954 6.8 4.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Nov19 05:41:53 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1245 +34.7445 6.5 7.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 05:40:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 298.9800 +34.8654 7.9 8.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 05:38:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 298.9898 +34.8487 9.0 1.50e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 05:35:34 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 298.9784 +34.8744 8.6 6.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 05:34:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.0892 +34.7623 6.5 1.00e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 05:33:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 298.9732 +34.8821 7.2 8.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 05:23:34 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1240 +34.6974 7.2 4.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
14Nov19 00:24:07 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 15:22:51.00 305.5713 +40.2503 6.8 3.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
12Nov19 14:44:33 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1139 +34.7346 6.1 7.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:43:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1037 +34.8325 12.6 1.90e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:42:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 298.9705 +34.9024 6.1 6.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:41:32 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.0914 +34.7477 7.9 6.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:39:32 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.0631 +34.8637 5.8 1.70e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:38:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1272 +34.8164 7.6 1.30e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:37:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1302 +34.7316 6.8 1.00e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 14:36:30 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1147 +34.6989 12.6 6.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 05:17:52 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 20:12:45.00 299.9168 +36.0283 5.8 1.10e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 05:01:36 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 17:56:51.00 158.8851 -57.5576 41.4 2.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 05:00:36 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.0953 +34.7368 6.5 7.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 05:00:28 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.0489 +34.8787 6.8 8.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:58:38 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1711 +34.7445 7.2 1.50e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:57:38 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 298.9508 +34.8770 6.8 1.00e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:53:34 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.1709 +34.7344 7.2 1.00e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:52:35 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:44:38.00 299.0548 +34.7569 7.6 7.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:45:19 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:46:21.00 298.7332 +34.6128 5.4 1.70e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:44:15 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:46:21.00 298.7423 +34.5968 6.1 1.90e-11 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:43:17 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:46:21.00 298.6338 +34.5979 14.4 5.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12Nov19 04:40:15 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 18:46:21.00 298.9488 +34.4412 6.8 5.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
11Nov19 21:10:32 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 16:29:35.00 131.4496 -47.8083 7.9 2.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
11Nov19 21:08:34 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 16:22:24.00 133.9276 -45.2150 10.4 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
11Nov19 19:59:56 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 14:33:04.00 127.7785 -46.2942 10.1 2.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
11Nov19 18:42:48 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 11:48:06.00 142.0798 -52.9498 7.9 2.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
11Nov19 16:19:32 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 06:55:52.00 125.9204 -44.0120 14.4 7.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
11Nov19 06:22:41 Other Swift-XRT S191110af 19/11/11 03:59:15.00 134.6107 -46.0929 6.8 4.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
17Oct19 07:48:45 Other Swift-XRT 929744 19/10/16 16:39:19.00 30.2928 +24.4439 2.2 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J020110.1+242636 Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
17Oct19 07:46:45 Other Swift-XRT 929744 19/10/16 16:39:19.00 30.2468 +24.5313 5.4 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J020059.3+243149
07Oct19 07:47:30 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/09/30 22:41:47.00 258.0910 -23.3426 6.8 6.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.77 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
07Oct19 07:45:30 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 00:04:58.00 258.0289 -23.3764 7.2 1.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
04Oct19 09:20:13 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 07:19:18.00 341.8279 -58.2451 5.8 5.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03Oct19 14:24:26 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 17:30:37.00 117.1042 +28.6994 9.0 7.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03Oct19 14:22:23 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 17:30:37.00 117.1307 +28.7419 8.6 4.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03Oct19 14:17:58 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 00:08:12.00 258.1646 -23.3281 7.2 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03Oct19 14:16:58 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 00:04:58.00 258.1313 -23.3673 7.2 3.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
03Oct19 14:10:00 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/09/30 23:56:32.00 116.9955 +43.3055 7.9 1.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03Oct19 14:00:10 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 17:28:36.00 106.6865 +25.3648 6.5 8.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03Oct19 13:47:29 Other Swift-XRT S190930t 19/10/01 16:30:24.00 342.3181 +11.7484 6.5 3.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Sep19 09:48:11 Other Swift-XRT 20948 19/09/20 07:42:20.00 311.8777 -44.6956 2.2 6.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
21Aug19 23:43:58 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:23:31.00 13.7247 -24.1235 6.8 3.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 23:43:00 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 08:22:33.00 13.6491 -24.1854 5.4 9.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 23:41:56 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:30:38.00 13.2048 -24.3969 8.3 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 23:41:00 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 08:22:33.00 13.5893 -23.8976 7.6 3.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.27 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 22:04:42 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 06:35:31.00 11.4863 -24.6248 6.1 8.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.24 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 21:49:28 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:30:38.00 13.2728 -24.4303 7.2 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 11:35:17 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:24:00.00 13.3214 -24.8490 5.8 5.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 11:34:19 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:31:43.00 13.4559 -24.7652 7.2 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 04:58:34 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 19:19:30.00 11.6518 -25.4909 7.9 3.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.05 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 03:09:24 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:24:00.00 13.2302 -24.8871 6.5 2.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
21Aug19 03:07:07 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:32:49.00 13.3817 -25.0644 8.3 7.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.75 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 23:34:45 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 10:06:30.00 13.3600 -25.9632 12.2 5.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 21:00:19 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 11:32:53.00 13.2399 -23.1052 6.8 3.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 17:09:08 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 08:38:36.00 11.2399 -23.9159 6.8 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 17:08:08 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:14:29.00 12.1585 -23.7266 5.4 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 16:14:14 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 21:05:04.00 11.2605 -25.9018 43.9 9.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.72 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 16:04:50 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 21:08:34.00 11.1202 -25.7243 6.5 6.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 16:01:44 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 10:18:51.00 11.3177 -25.7405 6.5 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 15:56:36 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 21:05:04.00 11.3993 -25.8551 11.2 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 15:54:46 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 05:28:18.00 13.7118 -26.2413 7.6 5.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 15:53:46 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 05:30:01.00 14.0449 -26.3779 7.2 2.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.65 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 15:52:46 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 05:30:01.00 13.8953 -26.4554 6.8 8.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.85 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 15:35:07 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 06:40:57.00 12.5219 -23.0782 11.2 3.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 05:17:12 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 13:03:58.00 10.7690 -23.9061 6.1 4.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 05:15:38 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 07:07:39.00 11.1519 -23.2219 6.5 4.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 01:03:52 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 11:22:34.00 11.3089 -22.8159 8.3 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 00:35:14 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 11:34:38.00 12.8985 -22.9102 14.0 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 00:34:14 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 06:40:57.00 12.7640 -23.0533 6.8 8.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.08 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 00:31:48 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 18:06:50.00 11.5076 -23.8490 9.4 3.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 00:24:21 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:19:46.00 12.5327 -23.7545 10.1 9.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.99 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
20Aug19 00:16:35 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:16:15.00 12.1074 -23.3854 8.6 7.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 23:57:45 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 13:03:58.00 10.8106 -23.9829 6.5 1.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.80 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 23:56:07 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 07:07:39.00 11.3816 -23.1586 7.9 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 14:47:09 Other Swift-XRT 920783 19/08/18 06:04:01.00 341.2686 -29.7556 6.5 5.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Aug19 14:37:18 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:27:17.00 12.2964 -24.6985 7.2 9.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.03 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 14:36:04 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 08:27:57.00 12.0265 -24.3252 46.8 2.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 14:34:00 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:02:32.00 11.6158 -24.2735 8.3 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 14:32:58 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 09:46:33.00 11.3658 -25.4595 15.1 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.13 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 14:30:26 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 08:27:57.00 12.1098 -24.4722 6.5 4.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 14:29:04 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:38:17.00 11.9326 -24.8959 12.6 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.36 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:20:52 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 10:06:30.00 13.3504 -26.1502 7.9 2.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.27 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:18:53 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:24:00.00 13.0710 -24.9143 7.6 2.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:16:51 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:32:49.00 13.2836 -25.1891 12.6 5.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:15:51 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 07:11:39.00 23.5040 -31.6448 11.5 2.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:14:49 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:14:29.00 12.2187 -23.9366 7.6 5.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:13:49 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:32:49.00 13.2939 -25.1508 6.8 4.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:11:51 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:02:32.00 11.7134 -24.3414 7.2 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:09:52 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:02:32.00 11.8172 -24.3176 6.5 7.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.73 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:08:50 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 02:02:32.00 11.8318 -24.2548 6.1 6.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:04:16 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 18:14:09.00 23.8664 -33.2344 7.2 3.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:03:17 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 18:14:09.00 24.0078 -33.2293 7.2 6.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:02:09 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 00:37:12.00 12.1455 -24.9749 7.2 2.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 10:00:43 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 18:10:43.00 23.9231 -32.7723 6.8 4.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 0.45 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 09:59:23 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 08:18:58.00 23.4688 -32.5129 9.0 2.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.93 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
19Aug19 08:08:24 Other Swift-XRT 920783 19/08/18 06:04:01.00 341.1897 -29.7577 4.7 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
19Aug19 02:46:02 Other Swift-XRT S190814bv 19/08/15 10:20:39.00 11.8719 -25.6271 8.3 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. Significance of fading: 1.33 sigma This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
09Aug19 13:22:28 Other Swift-XRT 11505 19/08/06 21:00:22.00 77.7590 +6.6676 8.3 4.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Aug19 08:04:32 Other Swift-XRT 11505 19/08/06 20:27:52.00 78.0232 +6.7577 12.6 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Aug19 08:03:31 Other Swift-XRT 11505 19/08/06 21:00:22.00 77.8910 +6.7469 5.8 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Aug19 08:02:31 Other Swift-XRT 11505 19/08/06 20:49:36.00 78.0709 +6.4736 5.4 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
09Aug19 08:01:31 Other Swift-XRT 11505 19/08/06 20:49:36.00 78.0613 +6.2531 10.4 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Aug19 20:31:21 Other Swift-XRT 20916 19/08/04 18:17:04.00 240.0250 -44.7816 3.6 4.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Aug19 20:25:49 Other Swift-XRT 20916 19/08/04 18:17:04.00 239.7599 -44.6360 7.2 3.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:44:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.8983 -76.7782 13.0 6.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:43:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.9474 -76.6839 15.5 4.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:42:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 340.1621 -76.6288 12.6 8.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:41:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.9585 -76.6350 10.4 9.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:40:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.5691 -76.7118 12.2 4.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:39:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 340.1327 -76.7079 14.0 5.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:38:53 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.1159 -76.5474 11.9 8.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 20:37:34 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.2636 -76.4794 14.4 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 15:29:57 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.3105 -76.6220 12.6 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Aug19 09:30:25 Other Swift-XRT 20914 19/08/01 07:54:27.00 339.7136 -76.5778 7.6 2.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
23Jul19 16:45:42 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:52:04.00 309.6908 +29.5559 14.4 3.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.77 sigma
22Jul19 21:35:14 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/22 18:17:25.00 307.2799 +28.4693 10.4 5.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 16:02:20 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 07:29:44.00 307.1360 +31.5812 10.4 6.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 1.19 sigma
22Jul19 15:47:22 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:52:04.00 309.7948 +29.5296 7.6 5.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 15:46:23 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 20:48:57.00 326.6385 -57.3198 9.4 8.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 1.42 sigma
22Jul19 15:45:23 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 20:48:57.00 326.5489 -57.2614 9.4 1.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 15:44:21 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:52:04.00 309.6831 +29.6480 14.0 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.76 sigma
22Jul19 15:43:25 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 20:48:57.00 326.6874 -57.2961 13.0 2.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 15:42:22 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:26:00.00 306.1469 +28.7850 9.7 4.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.90 sigma
22Jul19 15:41:22 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:26:00.00 306.1422 +28.8121 9.0 9.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 15:40:24 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:26:00.00 306.1451 +28.6398 10.1 5.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 15:39:24 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 09:09:36.00 307.3480 +28.0380 9.4 2.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 15:38:24 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 09:07:04.00 311.8582 +36.4900 6.8 1.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 13:17:39 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 21:50:37.00 307.9393 +32.5202 4.0 2.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 13:16:39 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 07:14:24.00 306.0147 +28.4051 6.8 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.17 sigma
22Jul19 13:15:39 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 23:15:08.00 305.8177 +28.2727 9.0 3.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 13:07:07 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 12:00:31.00 305.8856 +28.4844 14.0 2.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 13:06:07 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 12:00:31.00 305.8525 +28.4856 6.8 2.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 12:57:00 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.6671 -57.8355 9.4 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 07:39:36 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 20:48:57.00 326.5706 -57.2631 11.9 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.30 sigma
22Jul19 07:38:40 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 20:48:57.00 326.6225 -57.2678 9.0 5.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 04:43:26 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:52:04.00 309.8797 +29.3796 7.2 7.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 04:29:08 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.6086 -57.8513 11.5 2.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.22 sigma
22Jul19 04:24:04 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5353 -57.8935 16.9 6.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
22Jul19 01:10:40 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.3777 -57.8412 22.7 3.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.46 sigma
22Jul19 00:53:56 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 21:26:00.00 306.2703 +28.6088 8.3 4.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 21:55:04 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.6695 -57.7670 8.6 1.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 21:39:36 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 07:22:28.00 311.3985 +36.3952 9.0 7.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 17:32:03 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.6668 -57.8353 17.3 5.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 1.45 sigma
21Jul19 17:31:01 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5529 -57.8614 7.6 6.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 17:30:01 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:17:00.00 328.7882 -57.5381 7.2 8.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.51 sigma
21Jul19 17:20:51 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 06:11:11.00 307.3065 +24.9272 11.9 6.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.29 sigma
21Jul19 17:01:37 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:00:50.00 308.5307 +31.3719 7.2 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 16:51:49 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 20:48:57.00 326.5794 -57.3173 15.5 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 16:46:29 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 00:26:38.00 140.1639 -29.9472 10.4 4.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma MAY match a known transient, will be checked manually.
21Jul19 16:12:45 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 00:23:08.00 140.3263 -30.5436 9.4 4.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 08:00:57 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/19 20:03:26.00 306.0144 +25.8872 6.1 4.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 07:59:58 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 05:29:04.00 306.0667 +25.7174 6.5 6.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 07:54:13 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 05:47:11.00 306.3088 +26.7423 8.3 7.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 07:22:00 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.6643 -57.8337 10.8 3.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.70 sigma
21Jul19 07:21:02 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.6476 -57.8006 9.0 3.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.25 sigma
21Jul19 07:20:02 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5794 -57.8374 14.8 3.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.51 sigma
21Jul19 07:18:58 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5120 -57.9153 13.0 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 07:17:58 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5593 -57.8714 10.1 7.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 07:17:00 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.3591 -57.9108 11.5 2.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.16 sigma
21Jul19 07:16:00 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.3779 -57.8121 11.2 3.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 06:59:01 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/21 03:53:51.00 304.9755 +27.5176 7.9 5.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 05:25:33 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.4605 -57.9318 28.4 8.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.79 sigma
21Jul19 05:24:33 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.4388 -57.8693 22.0 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 05:23:37 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.4916 -57.8761 9.0 1.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 05:22:33 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5330 -57.8644 10.1 8.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 05:21:35 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.4535 -57.8798 9.0 5.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 05:20:35 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.4012 -57.8667 21.6 3.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 0.06 sigma
21Jul19 05:19:35 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.4357 -57.9057 18.4 7.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Significance of fading: 1.00 sigma
21Jul19 05:18:33 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5400 -57.8763 12.2 5.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
21Jul19 05:17:33 Other Swift-XRT S190718y 19/07/18 19:13:51.00 328.5493 -57.8699 18.0 5.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection. Significance of fading: 0 sigma
14Jul19 19:56:07 Other Swift-XRT 20907 19/07/14 15:33:01.00 246.7261 +14.9632 2.2 4.00e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2E 1624.6+1504
14Jul19 19:54:07 Other Swift-XRT 20907 19/07/14 15:33:01.00 246.7299 +14.9771 5.8 1.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2E 1624.6+1504
09Jul19 22:21:45 Other Swift-XRT 20898 19/07/09 12:07:16.00 326.4680 +7.3242 2.2 4.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J214552.9+071922
09Jul19 14:58:42 Other Swift-XRT 20898 19/07/09 12:03:56.00 326.4867 +7.8820 7.6 6.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
14Jun19 02:30:28 Other Swift-XRT 20896 19/06/13 20:39:03.00 46.2206 -7.6827 7.9 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jun19 09:45:26 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4970 -41.9285 8.3 2.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jun19 09:44:25 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4637 -42.0596 7.6 4.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jun19 08:58:25 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.2351 -41.9286 7.2 4.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jun19 08:57:25 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4692 -42.1417 9.4 8.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jun19 08:56:26 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.3058 -41.8177 7.2 5.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
02Jun19 08:53:55 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4447 -42.1342 7.2 6.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01Jun19 07:39:58 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4128 -42.1515 7.9 6.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jun19 06:45:59 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.3818 -41.7617 5.8 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jun19 06:43:58 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.2961 -41.9584 1.4 2.50e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jun19 06:40:58 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4327 -42.1422 5.8 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J013741.9-420820
01Jun19 06:38:58 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.4011 -42.1345 5.8 7.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jun19 06:37:58 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.5057 -42.0187 7.9 4.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Jun19 06:36:58 Other Swift-XRT 20895 19/06/01 01:13:02.00 24.3299 -42.0857 5.4 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31May19 03:28:20 Other Swift-XRT 20893 19/05/30 19:42:33.00 120.5876 +35.5382 1.8 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J080221.8+353231
31May19 03:27:20 Other Swift-XRT 20893 19/05/30 19:42:33.00 120.7639 +35.3509 7.6 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31May19 03:26:20 Other Swift-XRT 20893 19/05/30 19:42:33.00 120.5324 +35.4794 1.1 2.70e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31May19 03:25:21 Other Swift-XRT 20893 19/05/30 19:42:33.00 120.8870 +35.6488 6.1 9.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
31May19 03:24:20 Other Swift-XRT 20893 19/05/30 19:42:33.00 120.5778 +35.5287 6.8 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
13May19 17:03:10 Other Swift-XRT S190510 19/05/10 09:42:23.00 23.7162 -32.7430 10.1 6.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
13May19 13:28:14 Other Swift-XRT S190510 19/05/11 10:17:47.00 93.1214 -36.5645 7.6 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
13May19 13:17:41 Other Swift-XRT S190510 19/05/12 04:58:47.00 87.5212 -28.9710 9.0 1.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
12May19 12:20:31 Other Swift-XRT S190510 19/05/12 02:17:03.00 90.7862 -36.8727 6.5 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
12May19 12:11:23 Other Swift-XRT S190510 19/05/10 20:00:35.00 94.6902 -35.3051 7.9 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
10May19 21:09:28 Other Swift-XRT S190510 19/05/10 13:22:15.00 86.9218 -31.8961 8.6 3.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
03May19 02:48:37 Other Swift-XRT 20892 19/05/02 22:07:50.00 172.5973 +64.0227 9.7 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J1130.4+6401
03May19 00:57:33 Other Swift-XRT 20892 19/05/02 22:07:50.00 172.4071 +63.9529 4.0 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2RXP J112937.5+635714
02May19 23:45:17 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 21:31:31.00 340.4465 +87.4004 79.2 5.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 23:02:46 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 02:09:20.00 335.4603 +86.8361 81.0 6.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 23:01:48 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 02:09:20.00 337.6539 +86.7819 106.9 4.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 22:51:16 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 17:40:29.00 37.6794 +86.7887 44.3 4.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 22:40:18 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8956 +40.5745 12.2 2.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
02May19 22:38:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 02:19:35.00 300.4893 +40.5658 9.4 3.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 22:25:29 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 23:33:11.00 307.5199 +54.1101 7.6 1.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 22:24:20 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:28:01.00 307.1055 +53.8573 24.8 1.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 21:51:19 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 17:16:19.00 301.6474 +41.0623 26.6 8.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 21:49:47 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 17:37:25.00 14.5863 +83.5121 50.4 4.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 21:37:33 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 16:48:39.00 305.6254 +53.4003 10.4 6.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 21:35:39 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 17:59:26.00 13.7628 +84.8354 50.0 4.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 21:21:01 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 13:07:31.00 358.1788 +88.1821 84.6 1.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 13:49:29 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 05:04:14.00 358.0993 +85.5562 40.7 6.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 13:32:48 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 08:17:08.00 13.7125 +83.7100 25.2 3.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
02May19 10:26:28 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 18:16:56.00 8.8157 +84.6641 68.8 2.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 04:18:26 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9839 +40.7265 10.1 3.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
02May19 01:32:18 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:26:13.00 303.7479 +56.1321 18.0 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 01:27:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 17:35:42.00 17.0390 +83.5204 29.5 8.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
02May19 01:07:20 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:46:31.00 2.7797 +82.8457 36.7 2.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 22:53:12 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 05:05:59.00 1.0839 +86.0293 59.4 7.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 22:32:49 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 21:59:30.00 299.5629 +44.0403 10.8 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 21:48:10 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 15:36:25.00 300.4911 +51.3800 9.7 3.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 21:44:28 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 04:30:43.00 302.7939 +41.0461 9.0 8.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 21:43:30 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 04:30:43.00 302.7787 +41.0035 8.3 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 21:42:30 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 04:30:43.00 302.6155 +40.9583 7.2 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 21:22:17 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 18:07:13.00 298.9855 +41.4176 9.4 2.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 21:14:11 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 02:53:51.00 300.3066 +40.6231 7.6 5.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 20:58:33 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 11:13:44.00 23.6646 +83.9060 62.6 1.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 16:01:17 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 18:02:43.00 17.0329 +85.6980 55.8 1.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 15:54:32 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 10:15:05.00 322.9590 +86.7647 31.7 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 14:02:32 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 01:13:22.00 305.9993 +52.9966 11.2 3.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 11:32:18 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 03:22:38.00 12.2364 +83.2660 36.0 6.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 11:31:19 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 03:22:38.00 12.7354 +83.3897 71.3 7.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 11:29:35 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 05:20:23.00 5.7736 +84.3251 75.6 5.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 11:25:59 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 08:13:25.00 3.6341 +84.1533 58.0 4.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 09:33:48 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 23:33:11.00 307.3895 +54.1833 7.6 5.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 09:11:28 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 01:47:40.00 5.2573 +84.5228 40.0 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 09:07:30 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 16:06:51.00 358.7638 +84.0726 71.6 5.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 08:55:51 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/05/01 06:00:09.00 29.8504 +83.6954 27.4 7.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 08:53:53 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 00:08:27.00 7.2817 +81.3772 44.3 3.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 08:54:51 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 00:08:27.00 6.3465 +81.2790 26.6 6.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 03:38:50 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 16:42:49.00 301.7321 +16.4605 9.7 2.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 03:27:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:26:13.00 303.8240 +56.1525 11.5 4.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J201516.9+560854 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01May19 03:26:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 12:02:36.00 303.3740 +56.2492 21.6 4.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 03:18:08 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:26:13.00 303.8543 +56.1514 12.6 4.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 03:02:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:55:47.00 261.5491 +86.6796 50.8 3.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 02:59:57 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:26:13.00 303.8326 +56.1627 10.8 9.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J201518.9+560922 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01May19 02:58:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:55:47.00 262.4246 +86.7788 66.2 2.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J172928.8+864651 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01May19 02:57:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:55:47.00 262.2558 +86.7830 56.9 4.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J172928.8+864651 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
01May19 02:50:31 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 02:14:18.00 297.4232 +42.3111 9.0 3.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 02:48:57 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/30 22:50:04.00 298.4209 +17.7166 7.6 4.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 02:46:52 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 08:01:01.00 33.2000 +83.5108 28.8 4.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J021257.9+833045 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 02:44:59 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 15:01:01.00 297.3113 +42.3652 6.1 4.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J194914.8+422210 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 01:38:04 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 01:49:28.00 0.8437 +83.8589 25.6 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 01:35:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 09:58:28.00 358.7216 +84.6102 36.4 4.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J235449.7+843657 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 01:33:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/30 20:04:30.00 299.5908 +13.9643 9.4 3.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
01May19 01:25:12 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/30 20:04:30.00 299.7074 +13.8330 5.8 3.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 21:21:40 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:44:39.00 6.9618 +84.2763 41.0 3.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 21:18:20 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 17:49:34.00 14.8556 +85.1584 115.6 2.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J0059.6+8509 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 21:16:40 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:44:39.00 6.0175 +84.2313 33.5 7.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J002401.1+841347 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 18:29:13 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 16:40:44.00 296.4585 +8.6280 6.8 2.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 18:28:11 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/30 14:51:03.00 297.8381 +12.9229 11.9 4.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 18:27:11 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 12:47:05.00 27.2943 +82.6942 25.6 3.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 18:23:38 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/28 17:34:05.00 21.7449 +83.0768 29.2 8.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 18:21:28 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/30 14:59:55.00 297.9657 +13.8096 5.8 4.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 13:43:59 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 17:51:52.00 20.5483 +85.4124 31.7 4.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 13:35:03 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:34:12.00 299.5636 +19.6914 5.8 2.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 12:49:43 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:39:12.00 2.6528 +85.1449 92.5 4.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 12:44:23 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 17:49:34.00 15.3056 +85.0464 68.4 3.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 12:34:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:37:26.00 0.1129 +85.2399 35.3 1.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J000034.4+851406 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 08:02:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8944 +40.7458 7.6 5.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 08:01:03 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8192 +40.7239 9.7 4.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 08:00:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8903 +40.6961 14.8 7.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 08:00:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8297 +40.7269 9.4 8.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:59:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8562 +40.7368 6.8 6.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2RXP J195928.3+404402 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:58:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8337 +40.7004 29.2 6.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195921.1+404227 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 07:57:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8672 +40.7105 9.4 9.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:56:46 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.7024 +40.8209 13.0 8.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195846.6+404906 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 07:55:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8000 +40.7408 10.1 6.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 07:56:10 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8553 +40.7229 11.2 3.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195925.9+404315 This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. MAY match a known transient, will be checked manually.
30Apr19 07:56:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8210 +40.7631 10.4 8.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195916.6+404604 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:54:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8727 +40.6972 10.1 7.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 07:53:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8322 +40.7969 10.1 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195919.3+404729 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 07:51:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8408 +40.7304 8.3 2.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195921.2+404400 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:50:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8410 +40.7430 13.7 4.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195923.0+404423 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:49:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8831 +40.7286 5.4 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195932.9+404345 This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:49:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8426 +40.6683 9.4 1.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 07:48:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8709 +40.7483 10.4 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195929.3+404458 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. MAY match a known transient, will be checked manually.
30Apr19 07:47:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8188 +40.7839 8.3 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195916.3+404648 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:46:02 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8786 +40.7103 12.6 8.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195932.3+404243 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 07:19:49 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/30 04:35:46.00 15.5800 +81.8769 10.8 3.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J010227.0+815233 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 05:06:27 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 14:54:13.00 355.1847 +85.4394 52.2 5.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 05:05:27 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 05:04:14.00 355.3399 +85.5635 40.7 1.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 05:04:25 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 14:54:13.00 355.5124 +85.4706 80.3 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 05:03:25 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:28:01.00 306.5774 +53.7385 12.2 3.80e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 05:02:25 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 14:54:13.00 354.9193 +85.3349 52.9 1.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 04:55:27 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:35:37.00 3.0752 +85.8735 42.5 7.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 04:46:50 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 23:00:31.00 222.3871 -40.2002 9.7 4.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J144932.6-401204 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:17:26 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8763 +40.8074 10.1 6.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:16:26 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8659 +40.8001 9.7 1.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:15:26 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8867 +40.6822 9.0 7.50e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:14:40 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8602 +40.8316 8.6 1.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:14:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9879 +40.8091 13.7 9.20e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:13:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.7826 +40.6184 11.2 7.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195907.9+403706 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:12:50 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8978 +40.5412 10.4 3.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:12:26 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8996 +40.5683 11.2 3.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:11:22 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8097 +40.7742 9.4 6.70e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:10:22 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9309 +40.6790 6.8 3.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:09:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8774 +40.7687 7.9 7.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:09:32 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8485 +40.7518 7.2 1.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195922.0+404510 This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:09:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9716 +40.8049 9.7 7.00e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195952.8+404820 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:08:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9232 +40.6953 14.0 6.10e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:07:25 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9882 +40.7289 9.7 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:06:25 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8283 +40.7991 22.7 1.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195919.3+404729 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:05:22 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.7819 +40.7725 9.4 1.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:04:22 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9234 +40.6694 14.4 2.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
30Apr19 03:03:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8883 +40.7817 10.1 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J1959.5+4047 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:02:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8575 +40.7841 7.2 7.40e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:01:24 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 300.0059 +40.7235 6.8 1.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J200002.0+404323 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
30Apr19 03:00:22 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8245 +40.7509 11.5 7.90e-13 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195917.2+404514 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 20:44:06 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 16:55:50.00 310.8439 +52.8470 10.8 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 13:55:07 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 01:51:15.00 0.6687 +82.9727 23.0 2.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
28Apr19 12:47:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.6972 +40.8440 11.5 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 12:46:56 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 23:37:10.00 299.7142 +40.9117 8.6 2.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 12:46:00 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8867 +40.7398 4.0 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195932.1+404414 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
28Apr19 12:33:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 18:19:23.00 9.7636 +85.5241 35.6 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J003910.7+853128 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 09:19:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9422 +40.6784 9.4 4.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 09:18:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8519 +40.8528 18.4 1.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 06:30:51 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 21:22:59.00 220.9468 -39.4142 10.1 5.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J144347.2-392449 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 06:11:33 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 21:09:01.00 201.9739 -31.5061 8.6 3.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 06:06:13 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9863 +40.6993 16.2 1.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 06:05:13 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8373 +40.7612 7.6 2.10e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 05:54:52 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8605 +40.7691 7.2 2.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 05:53:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8992 +40.7278 9.4 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
28Apr19 05:52:54 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8679 +40.7331 6.1 1.30e-11 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195928.5+404401 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
28Apr19 03:40:42 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 21:48:31.00 305.8272 +53.6433 7.6 1.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J202319.2+533829 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 00:38:46 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 02:39:04.00 310.9943 +53.2424 8.3 4.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J204359.6+531428 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
28Apr19 00:11:10 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 15:17:26.00 222.4796 -40.5362 8.3 3.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 23:10:18 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 22:33:56.00 2.6985 +85.7724 139.3 7.30e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 15:44:17 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 11:26:05.00 333.3288 +84.7605 40.3 6.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J221323.5+844535 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 15:02:26 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 17:52:58.00 24.4109 +85.4040 40.3 3.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J013738.5+852414 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 14:54:04 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 11:26:05.00 335.1834 +84.6030 27.0 3.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J222044.5+843609 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 14:23:36 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 10:22:32.00 311.3267 +61.8494 19.8 3.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J204514.9+615035 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 12:34:46 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 05:31:45.00 220.5615 -38.7257 6.8 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 12:18:11 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 07:11:46.00 218.5160 -37.1101 5.0 1.10e-11 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J143404.0-370640 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 09:38:58 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 18:02:43.00 13.4077 +85.7766 40.0 4.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J005332.3+854630 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 05:17:11 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8741 +40.7299 9.7 5.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195928.7+404350 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
27Apr19 05:13:47 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9243 +40.6402 7.9 4.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
27Apr19 05:12:47 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9089 +40.5784 9.0 8.40e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 05:11:47 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9288 +40.6537 7.2 6.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 05:10:52 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9146 +40.6051 9.4 5.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 05:09:49 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.9164 +40.6302 8.6 5.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195939.4+403741 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
27Apr19 03:58:25 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/27 00:55:55.00 220.9883 -39.1432 5.4 8.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J144357.1-390839 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
27Apr19 03:23:33 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 23:00:31.00 222.2116 -40.1460 11.2 6.90e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J144850.8-400845 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. MAY match a known transient, will be checked manually.
27Apr19 02:19:06 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 21:15:15.00 341.8813 +83.1595 35.3 2.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
27Apr19 02:14:01 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 21:26:00.00 346.9402 +83.1619 24.8 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J230740.9+830945 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 23:59:58 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 16:40:32.00 244.0348 +22.6856 5.4 3.30e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J161609.7+224102 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 23:49:50 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/26 18:52:55.00 258.0366 -23.1630 8.6 4.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J171208.7-230949 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 23:14:36 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8648 +40.7336 6.5 5.20e-11 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J195928.5+404401 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. MAY match a known transient, will be checked manually.
26Apr19 23:13:39 Other Swift-XRT S190426 19/04/26 20:24:08.00 299.8851 +40.7310 7.6 1.00e-11 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J195932.6+404351 This source has been given a rank of 2 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. MAY match a known transient, will be checked manually.
26Apr19 22:16:50 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 23:02:02.00 231.4200 +48.5230 10.1 8.60e-13 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 22:15:54 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 23:02:02.00 231.3934 +48.6092 16.9 1.80e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 16:47:53 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 19:57:59.00 200.0571 +33.1437 8.6 1.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J132014.6+330835 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 16:36:12 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/26 10:10:54.00 229.1888 +7.0252 10.1 8.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J151646.3+070138 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
26Apr19 16:35:12 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/26 10:10:54.00 229.1850 +7.0152 9.4 8.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 3XMM J151643.5+070102 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
26Apr19 16:14:26 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 15:10:19.00 252.7455 +4.4600 9.4 3.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J1650.9+0428 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 15:53:47 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 22:17:29.00 14.4710 -52.8198 22.0 1.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J005752.1-524851 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
26Apr19 05:29:10 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/26 03:36:52.00 184.0842 +23.9482 7.2 5.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
26Apr19 04:13:21 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 21:55:21.00 256.2508 -1.5420 5.4 6.70e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J170500.2-013229 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
25Apr19 20:24:17 Other Swift-XRT S190425 19/04/25 15:31:03.00 246.0380 +26.0752 6.8 5.60e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J162409.3+260433 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
13Apr19 02:48:49 Other Swift-XRT S190412 19/04/12 21:33:27.00 214.9576 +31.3139 7.2 3.50e-12 LVC Counterpart. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J141947.5+311838 This source has been given a rank of 4 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
12Apr19 20:39:44 Other Swift-XRT S190412 19/04/12 17:49:55.00 192.3074 +15.3910 9.0 2.20e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
12Apr19 20:35:19 Other Swift-XRT S190412 19/04/12 18:01:16.00 214.9745 +33.3909 8.3 2.00e-12 LVC Counterpart. This source has been given a rank of 3 Ranks indicate how likely the object is to be the GW counterpart. Ranks go from 1-4 with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least. See for details.
10Apr19 07:12:15 Other Swift-XRT 897653 19/04/09 13:50:36.00 325.0326 -46.6063 7.6 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Apr19 22:25:36 Other Swift-XRT 20887 19/04/04 15:27:47.00 220.8424 -22.6639 3.2 7.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
04Apr19 22:23:36 Other Swift-XRT 20887 19/04/04 15:27:47.00 221.0109 -22.5139 13.3 5.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
01Apr19 03:47:08 Other Swift-XRT 20885 19/04/01 00:20:12.00 326.2235 -54.4716 3.6 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
07Mar19 15:14:11 Other Swift-XRT 20878 19/03/07 03:55:25.00 222.7894 +31.1108 7.2 1.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J145110.3+310648
06Mar19 12:28:05 Other Swift-XRT 20869 19/03/05 22:21:53.00 10.7328 -49.9463 12.2 4.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Mar19 12:26:55 Other Swift-XRT 20869 19/03/05 22:21:53.00 10.8580 -50.1847 7.6 7.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Mar19 12:25:55 Other Swift-XRT 20869 19/03/05 21:57:24.00 11.5148 -49.9842 6.5 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Mar19 12:24:55 Other Swift-XRT 20869 19/03/05 21:57:24.00 11.1918 -49.9994 9.7 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
06Mar19 12:23:05 Other Swift-XRT 20869 19/03/05 22:21:53.00 10.5179 -50.1058 6.8 4.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
30Jan19 07:36:17 Other Swift-XRT 20851 19/01/30 00:45:48.00 117.2445 +0.6776 6.5 7.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J074858.7+004038
30Jan19 03:01:20 Other Swift-XRT 20852 19/01/30 00:44:42.00 117.4610 +0.9347 2.9 3.00e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20850 18/12/27 15:25:36.00 312.3700 +24.9769 7.6 9.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20849 18/12/26 02:49:52.00 348.0511 -9.3246 1.8 9.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20849 18/12/26 02:49:52.00 347.8894 -9.4024 11.2 6.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20849 18/12/26 02:49:52.00 348.2173 -9.5000 7.6 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20849 18/12/26 04:25:48.00 347.8720 -9.4291 4.3 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20848 18/12/01 06:36:14.00 319.2966 -12.6308 1.8 1.00e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20848 18/12/01 06:36:14.00 319.2343 -12.4612 4.0 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20848 18/12/01 06:36:14.00 319.4264 -12.6885 6.5 8.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20848 18/12/01 06:36:14.00 319.3416 -12.7084 9.0 9.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20848 18/12/01 06:36:14.00 319.3278 -12.4031 4.0 8.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.4975 +40.1909 7.2 6.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.5735 +40.2463 5.4 2.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.5565 +40.1267 6.8 2.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.5193 +40.1474 5.4 1.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.7071 +40.1876 6.1 1.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.6593 +40.1992 6.1 2.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.6122 +40.1372 8.6 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.5984 +40.2617 8.3 5.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.5379 +40.1193 6.5 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1WGA J1350.1+4007
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.6828 +40.2214 5.8 3.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 866783 18/10/13 02:41:25.00 207.6518 +40.1081 3.6 3.20e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The object is fading at the 3-sigma level.
    Other Swift-XRT 865179 18/10/03 06:02:40.00 52.4900 -34.0224 6.8 9.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 865179 18/10/03 06:02:40.00 52.6121 -33.9680 5.4 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 865179 18/10/03 06:02:40.00 52.5905 -34.0923 4.7 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 865179 18/10/03 06:02:40.00 52.6090 -34.0727 6.5 7.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 865179 18/10/03 06:02:40.00 52.5523 -34.0439 5.8 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 865179 18/10/03 06:02:40.00 52.5291 -33.9643 5.0 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20839 18/09/15 17:35:18.00 332.3564 +25.0631 3.2 2.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20839 18/09/15 17:30:27.00 332.3727 +24.6568 5.0 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J220929.5+243926
    Other Swift-XRT 20831 18/09/15 00:02:59.00 53.0803 -5.6242 4.7 9.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20814 18/08/09 16:05:28.00 297.9024 -34.7843 4.7 6.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20812 18/08/07 14:38:58.00 11.5495 +24.1731 4.7 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20812 18/08/07 14:45:07.00 11.5535 +24.3369 4.7 8.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20802 18/07/19 09:31:46.00 336.0398 +2.8550 5.4 8.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20803 18/07/19 05:06:57.00 44.7971 -31.4795 4.0 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20803 18/07/19 05:06:57.00 44.7053 -31.4406 4.7 5.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20803 18/07/19 05:06:57.00 44.7960 -31.6690 2.9 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 234.9979 -0.9504 4.7 8.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.1256 -0.8791 6.5 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.1344 -0.9601 7.2 1.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.0966 -0.9760 5.4 3.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.0274 -0.9197 9.7 1.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.1345 -0.9606 5.0 2.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.0969 -0.9758 4.0 3.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 235.1255 -0.8786 4.0 5.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 848048 18/07/15 19:18:12.00 234.9993 -0.9504 4.0 2.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20796 18/07/04 01:45:46.00 6.6821 -67.1252 11.9 5.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20796 18/07/04 01:49:03.00 6.1158 -67.3061 4.7 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20796 18/07/04 01:52:14.00 5.8434 -67.1865 5.8 6.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J002324.3-671101
    Other Swift-XRT 20796 18/07/04 01:49:06.00 6.4692 -67.1801 5.4 5.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20791 18/04/09 23:20:20.00 175.8440 +36.2337 5.4 7.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20789 18/03/05 17:56:09.00 49.6506 +32.0527 3.2 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J031836.9+320317
    Other Swift-XRT 20789 18/03/05 19:27:06.00 49.4404 +32.0611 5.4 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20789 18/03/05 17:56:09.00 49.6650 +31.9054 5.4 2.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20789 18/03/05 17:56:09.00 49.6177 +32.1099 2.2 6.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20789 18/03/05 17:56:09.00 49.7570 +32.1730 7.9 6.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20787 18/02/10 21:01:37.00 1.7621 +18.2946 6.5 7.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20787 18/02/10 21:01:37.00 1.8890 +18.2872 6.1 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20787 18/02/10 21:01:37.00 1.8944 +18.2128 6.5 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20787 18/02/10 21:01:37.00 1.8420 +18.5524 2.2 3.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20786 18/01/07 00:44:55.00 159.6011 -53.5560 4.7 4.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20785 17/12/10 21:26:36.00 335.2654 +24.4703 2.9 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20785 17/12/10 21:26:36.00 335.4288 +24.3100 2.2 3.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20785 17/12/10 21:26:36.00 335.2458 +24.6015 5.4 3.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20784 17/11/24 11:40:29.00 335.4223 +35.1485 3.2 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20784 17/11/24 11:40:29.00 335.3768 +35.1637 5.4 9.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20784 17/11/24 11:40:29.00 335.4761 +35.3320 2.5 5.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20784 17/11/24 11:40:29.00 335.4956 +35.1639 3.6 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20780 17/10/11 22:18:03.00 34.1643 -54.3961 6.5 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20780 17/10/11 22:18:03.00 34.1650 -54.3906 4.0 3.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20780 17/10/11 22:18:03.00 34.1341 -54.3914 5.4 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20778 17/10/11 01:44:33.00 66.5809 -10.4632 1.1 2.00e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. This is probably the GRB afterglow The object is fading at the 3-sigma level.
    Other Swift-XRT 20778 17/10/11 01:44:33.00 66.5941 -10.4419 7.6 3.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20778 17/10/11 01:44:33.00 66.6563 -10.5479 5.8 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20778 17/10/11 01:44:33.00 66.6097 -10.4036 6.5 9.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20777 17/07/11 07:49:44.00 43.1110 +42.6391 3.2 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20775 17/05/25 19:53:29.00 90.8700 -17.0831 5.4 5.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20771 17/05/23 03:13:14.00 139.0535 +25.6179 10.1 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20771 17/05/23 02:41:37.00 139.1099 +25.8755 6.5 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20771 17/05/23 03:02:48.00 139.2380 +25.4737 5.8 2.30e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20771 17/05/23 03:02:48.00 139.1561 +25.4856 6.5 3.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 12:03:44.00 160.2179 -39.2368 6.1 1.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 11:57:44.00 160.0238 -39.3426 7.2 8.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 11:57:44.00 160.1435 -39.3489 7.2 8.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 11:57:44.00 159.9140 -39.2395 11.9 6.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 12:03:44.00 160.3383 -39.2101 5.8 7.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 11:57:44.00 160.0720 -39.4083 5.4 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 12:32:34.00 160.2262 -39.1539 4.3 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 12:32:34.00 160.3051 -39.1301 6.5 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20761 17/05/10 12:32:34.00 160.2188 -39.0988 5.4 2.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J104052.0-390559
    Other Swift-XRT 20762 17/05/10 12:21:29.00 159.4046 -39.2706 5.8 4.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J103736.8-391620
    Other Swift-XRT 20762 17/05/10 12:15:40.00 159.6520 -39.6957 2.9 2.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL2 J103836.6-394133
    Other Swift-XRT 20762 17/05/10 12:32:34.00 160.1544 -39.2120 2.9 1.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20752 17/05/03 04:02:38.00 343.2526 -45.5510 2.9 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20753 17/04/25 03:17:57.00 343.0400 -45.0455 3.6 4.40e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20753 17/04/25 03:00:22.00 344.2446 -45.2221 3.2 1.20e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL1 J225658.2-451324
    Other Swift-XRT 20753 17/04/25 03:17:57.00 343.2197 -45.1804 5.0 9.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20753 17/04/25 03:12:22.00 343.2944 -45.4850 6.8 1.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20753 17/04/25 03:06:10.00 343.9123 -45.5155 4.7 1.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J225538.5-453057
    Other Swift-XRT 20744 17/03/06 18:57:20.00 154.8129 +51.7672 5.8 1.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J101913.4+514615
    Other Swift-XRT 20744 17/03/06 18:57:20.00 154.9251 +51.7101 5.0 4.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXS J101941.8+514248
    Other Swift-XRT 20745 17/03/06 18:57:20.00 154.5756 +51.6298 7.9 1.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2RXP J101817.4+513743
    Other Swift-XRT 20745 17/03/06 19:27:24.00 154.2788 +52.0467 5.8 7.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1SXPS J101706.0+520243
    Other Swift-XRT 20741 17/02/22 14:23:13.00 293.0243 +28.2674 2.9 1.00e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20742 17/02/22 16:04:55.00 292.9532 +28.0464 4.3 9.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20742 17/02/22 17:16:27.00 292.6893 +27.9684 5.4 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20741 17/02/22 14:23:13.00 293.0243 +28.2674 2.9 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20741 17/02/22 14:23:13.00 292.9530 +28.0461 5.0 2.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20740 17/02/15 02:17:45.00 256.3872 -2.0113 8.6 8.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20740 17/02/15 02:17:45.00 256.3404 -1.8870 4.3 1.70e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20740 17/02/15 02:17:45.00 256.2861 -1.7860 2.9 3.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL1 J170508.8-014708
    Other Swift-XRT 20738 17/02/01 21:01:16.00 341.3993 +64.0090 5.8 6.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20731 17/01/27 19:52:25.00 339.6478 -63.5733 3.2 3.30e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 2RXP J223835.6-633419
    Other Swift-XRT 20731 17/01/27 19:40:32.00 338.2367 -63.8740 3.6 3.40e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL1 J223256.4-635230
    Other Swift-XRT 20724 17/01/16 09:12:36.00 189.0591 -46.8306 5.8 5.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 732188 17/01/12 02:03:13.00 15.2440 -17.1647 13.3 2.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 732188 17/01/12 02:03:13.00 15.2208 -17.1066 7.2 2.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 732188 17/01/12 02:03:13.00 15.2029 -17.1372 6.1 3.30e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 732188 17/01/12 02:03:13.00 15.2899 -17.1649 5.4 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20711 16/11/09 17:39:04.00 158.0652 +61.6754 6.8 2.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20711 16/11/09 17:32:13.00 157.9735 +61.9382 5.8 3.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20711 16/11/09 17:53:02.00 157.5116 +61.8136 4.7 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: 1RXH J103003.0+614845
    Other Swift-XRT 20711 16/11/09 17:53:02.00 157.4634 +61.7788 4.0 1.00e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL1 J102951.3+614632
    Other Swift-XRT 20711 16/11/09 17:32:13.00 157.9039 +61.8838 6.1 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20711 16/11/09 17:39:04.00 158.6121 +61.8047 5.4 6.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. This matches a catalogued X-ray source: XMMSL1 J103425.3+614830
    Other Swift-XRT 20709 16/10/24 08:19:04.00 311.0221 -47.6634 1.8 2.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3702 +30.3829 5.0 5.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3605 +30.3366 3.6 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3662 +30.4107 6.1 6.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3679 +30.4234 4.7 6.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3726 +30.3900 6.5 7.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Warning flags were set: this may be a spurious detection.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3638 +30.3506 4.0 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.2515 +30.3734 2.9 1.80e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20704 16/10/16 03:36:00.00 269.3630 +30.4032 6.5 9.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20702 16/10/10 16:57:01.00 275.2137 -28.7860 3.6 1.10e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20695 16/09/11 03:05:44.00 221.4422 +39.0669 2.5 6.90e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source peak brightness is above the RASS limit
    Other Swift-XRT 704310 16/07/14 02:48:17.00 234.4304 +63.8521 4.3 6.50e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 704310 16/07/14 02:48:22.00 234.3256 +63.8680 4.7 3.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20676 16/06/30 19:43:53.00 4.8624 +76.9677 2.9 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.3234 +42.2750 4.0 8.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.3125 +42.2938 5.0 8.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.2536 +42.2659 5.4 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.3574 +42.1778 4.3 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.2368 +42.1853 4.7 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.3719 +42.2445 4.3 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.2171 +42.2267 7.2 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.3794 +42.2148 7.2 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.3062 +42.1532 5.8 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.2764 +42.1602 5.4 1.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.2407 +42.2502 4.0 3.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.0995 +42.2571 2.9 1.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20666 16/06/23 16:11:31.00 315.2967 +42.2204 2.2 7.50e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source peak brightness is above the RASS limit
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:21:04.00 119.1479 -25.3831 4.0 7.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.8937 -25.3696 3.2 7.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 119.0171 -25.5725 5.4 7.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.9885 -25.5089 3.6 7.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.9522 -25.3402 4.7 8.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.9464 -25.4073 3.2 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 119.1004 -25.4050 2.9 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.9698 -25.5095 2.9 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.8793 -25.7914 4.0 6.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20617 16/05/30 12:20:51.00 118.9740 -25.4637 4.7 6.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20615 16/05/21 20:52:07.00 147.5534 +79.1320 4.0 7.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20615 16/05/21 20:52:07.00 147.6019 +79.0868 5.8 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20615 16/05/21 20:51:55.00 147.6669 +79.0302 2.9 5.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20605 16/04/22 21:02:46.00 42.2030 -57.8706 4.7 1.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20605 16/04/22 21:02:46.00 42.0696 -57.9634 3.2 2.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20602 16/03/10 11:33:40.00 98.8225 -7.2155 3.6 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 675361 16/02/24 08:16:39.00 147.5403 +9.3779 4.7 3.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 675361 16/02/24 08:16:39.00 147.5977 +9.3695 4.7 3.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 675361 16/02/24 08:16:39.00 147.6615 +9.3578 4.0 1.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20600 16/02/22 05:44:22.00 232.0897 -28.4552 2.9 5.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20596 16/02/06 15:43:00.00 132.5582 -36.0137 4.0 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 670793 16/01/18 05:17:15.00 20.3773 -0.6350 4.7 1.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 670793 16/01/18 05:17:15.00 20.3683 -0.6542 2.5 4.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20552 15/09/07 18:26:30.00 225.0531 -47.7084 6.1 1.40e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20549 15/09/03 10:08:38.00 215.3010 -69.2488 4.0 2.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20549 15/09/03 10:08:38.00 215.1731 -69.4504 5.4 1.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20549 15/09/03 10:08:38.00 215.3268 -69.2370 4.0 5.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20549 15/09/03 10:08:38.00 215.2706 -69.4918 5.8 2.00e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20549 15/09/03 10:08:38.00 214.9796 -69.3533 2.9 5.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20543 15/07/25 19:22:35.00 352.0382 +3.7374 4.0 4.10e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20543 15/07/25 19:22:35.00 351.7829 +3.8246 4.3 9.40e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20543 15/07/25 20:58:36.00 351.8906 +3.8185 2.9 4.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20542 15/07/11 16:04:32.00 83.2182 -46.9408 5.8 6.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20541 15/07/04 22:30:00.00 52.7485 -56.9319 5.4 6.20e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20541 15/07/04 22:30:00.00 53.1085 -57.0628 6.8 1.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20521 15/05/27 02:32:01.00 115.2861 -45.4211 3.2 3.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20510 15/05/15 05:54:10.00 75.2083 -60.8568 5.0 3.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20510 15/05/15 05:54:10.00 74.6069 -60.8151 3.6 4.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20510 15/05/15 05:54:10.00 74.8750 -60.9691 2.5 2.10e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source peak brightness is above the RASS limit
    Other Swift-XRT 20498 15/04/24 13:49:41.00 182.8929 -16.0744 3.6 8.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20498 15/04/24 13:49:41.00 183.0199 -16.3526 4.3 6.60e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20489 15/04/18 04:27:22.00 160.2610 -4.7592 4.3 6.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20486 15/04/03 06:43:54.00 173.6422 +40.9772 4.7 5.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20485 15/03/23 20:41:46.00 260.4597 +38.2829 4.7 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20485 15/03/23 20:41:46.00 260.4527 +38.3167 3.2 5.20e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20484 15/02/23 21:29:42.00 135.4433 -1.6373 4.7 5.00e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20484 15/02/23 21:29:42.00 135.5355 -1.6165 3.2 2.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20484 15/02/23 21:29:42.00 135.3772 -1.6406 4.0 3.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20483 15/02/19 15:26:24.00 271.2889 -41.5463 4.3 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20483 15/02/19 15:26:24.00 271.2494 -41.5947 2.9 1.80e-11 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20475 15/02/04 02:29:21.00 86.7118 +58.7242 3.2 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20477 15/02/04 20:44:05.00 160.1962 -64.0318 4.0 5.90e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20477 15/02/04 20:44:05.00 160.2340 -64.0392 3.6 3.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20475 15/02/04 02:29:21.00 86.5921 +58.9223 4.0 3.50e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20475 15/02/04 02:29:21.00 86.9559 +58.8299 3.6 8.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See %URL% for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20466 15/01/11 14:44:59.00 68.4800 -16.9680 4.7 1.70e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20456 14/12/29 15:03:12.00 72.4287 -19.2333 4.3 8.40e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 178.8607 -52.9476 4.0 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 179.1192 -52.9039 4.0 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 178.8725 -52.7156 3.6 3.60e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 179.0489 -52.9114 4.7 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 179.0994 -52.7034 5.4 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 178.8078 -52.8449 3.2 8.80e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20451 14/12/16 19:01:32.00 178.9587 -52.8263 2.9 4.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20446 14/12/08 07:48:07.00 159.8548 +3.7114 3.2 4.90e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20446 14/12/08 07:48:07.00 160.0636 +3.8944 4.0 1.10e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6324 +53.0813 4.7 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6442 +53.1280 3.6 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6589 +53.4273 6.8 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6653 +53.4270 5.8 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.7218 +53.2947 4.0 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6703 +53.3474 4.3 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6803 +53.3571 4.7 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6631 +53.4487 7.2 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source peak brightness is above the RASS limit
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6869 +53.3873 4.3 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6898 +53.4768 4.3 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6630 +53.4071 4.3 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source peak brightness is above the RASS limit
    Other Swift-XRT 20437 14/12/03 13:14:33.00 142.6921 +53.3518 6.5 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. This is probably the GRB afterglow The source peak brightness is above the RASS limit
    Other Swift-XRT 20434 14/11/06 15:54:12.00 279.5395 -13.0621 3.6 7.70e-14 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20420 14/10/28 19:31:59.00 322.4041 +0.0801 5.8 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20378 14/05/23 18:34:28.00 133.1715 +25.0064 4.7 1.30e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20378 14/05/23 18:34:28.00 133.1684 +25.0158 3.6 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20378 14/05/23 18:34:28.00 133.3111 +24.8438 3.2 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20344 14/01/10 14:12:18.00 28.9448 -36.4307 4.3 1.40e-10 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20344 14/01/10 14:12:18.00 28.4619 -36.0439 4.3 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20344 14/01/10 14:12:18.00 28.3641 -36.3214 4.0 0.00e+00 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20344 14/01/10 14:12:18.00 29.2413 -36.0645 4.3 2.60e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20344 14/01/10 14:12:18.00 28.5325 -36.1199 3.6 2.80e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20300 13/10/14 17:24:42. 100.2004 -19.0978 2.2 2.50e-12 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB, or serendipitous.
    Other Swift-XRT 20292 13/08/29 12:40:17. 259.7323 +27.9956 2.2 5.0e-13 GRB COUNTERPART Coordinates. Swift is performing multiple tiled observations of this GRB. This object is uncatalogued. The INTENSITY is the OBSERVED flux. See for more details. We cannot confirm whether this is the GRB, or serendipitous

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