AMON ICECUBE_GOLD and _BRONZE Event Information

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This table contains information about AMON_ICECUBE_GOLD and BRONZE Events, which are single-neutrino events in the IceCube detector with a neutrino energy in the sub-PeV to 1 PeV.

The most recent Notice is listed first (reverse time order).

The 3 left-most columns (EVENT) are the RunNumber_EventNumber and the date/time of the event.
These columns contain:
      the RunNumber_EventNumber (taken by AMON from IceCube data) (which is a link to all the original full-format email GCN/AMON Notices on that trigger),
      the Date (yy/mm/dd), and
      the Time ( of the start of the event or the follow-up observation.

The next 11 columns (OBSERVATION) come from the results of the various observations and analyses by the AMON (or the Counterpart).
These columns contain:
      the NoticeType is GOLD or BRONZE,
      the RA is the RA location of the event (J2000 epoch) in units of degrees,
      the Dec is the Dec location of the event (J2000 epoch) in units of degrees,
      the Error90 and Error50 are the location uncertainty (radius, 90% and 50% containment, respectively) in units of arcmin,
      the Eneregy most probable neutrino energy that would have produced an event with these observed parameters under an astrophysical neutrino signal hypothesis, assuming the best-fit diffuse muon neutrino astrophysical power-law flux ( E^-2.19),
      the Signalness is the probability this is an astrophysical signal relative to backgrounds,
      the False Alarm Rate (FAR) is the rate of background events expected that are 'like this alert' that would be seen by IceCube per year,
      the Comments from the full-format email respective Notices.
There are more fields of information than are shown in this Table;
please refer to the full notices in the links in the EventNum_RunNum column.

For more information on the AMON operation: AMON.

Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to Scott Barthelmy.

RunNum_EventNum Rev Date Time UT NoticeType RA [deg] Dec [deg] Error90 [arcmin] Error50 [arcmin] Energy Signalness FAR [#/yr] Comments
140626_1288692 1 25/03/09 07:36:04.75 GOLD 211.0699 -10.7300 17.54 8.69 4.1324e+03 5.0757e-01 0.1759 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140626_1288692 0 25/03/09 07:36:04.75 GOLD 210.8008 -10.4397 30.80 12.00 4.1324e+03 5.0757e-01 0.1759 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140601_60511904 1 25/03/02 03:20:52.90 GOLD 348.2200 +3.5499 27.00 15.00 1.4538e+03 9.7230e-01 0.1579 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140601_60511904 0 25/03/02 03:20:52.90 GOLD 348.3255 +3.6783 30.80 12.00 1.4538e+03 9.7230e-01 0.1579 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140472_78196104 1 25/02/07 02:07:55.27 BRONZE 132.9300 +20.6600 99.30 50.99 1.5911e+02 4.6806e-01 1.4538 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140472_78196104 0 25/02/07 02:07:55.27 BRONZE 130.2648 +17.0426 266.14 103.67 1.5911e+02 4.6806e-01 1.4538 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140436_11917698 1 25/02/03 03:59:29.20 BRONZE 253.3000 -1.3100 28.49 15.60 1.1429e+02 3.0465e-01 3.7051 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140436_11917698 0 25/02/03 03:59:29.20 BRONZE 253.2663 -1.2745 30.80 12.00 1.1429e+02 3.0465e-01 3.7051 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140314_61338661 1 25/01/02 13:48:01.92 BRONZE 262.7900 +6.6900 63.29 34.49 1.0700e+02 2.5888e-01 4.2015 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140314_61338661 0 25/01/02 13:48:01.92 BRONZE 262.6816 +6.6574 137.39 53.52 1.0700e+02 2.5888e-01 4.2015 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140312_53817657 1 25/01/01 21:04:57.73 BRONZE 318.9599 -0.9300 54.15 17.00 1.6147e+02 4.0579e-01 1.9213 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140312_53817657 0 25/01/01 21:04:57.73 BRONZE 319.0062 -0.9333 30.80 12.00 1.6147e+02 4.0579e-01 1.9213 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140284_303893 1 24/12/24 07:10:04.35 BRONZE 184.9699 +2.7599 36.75 19.80 1.1426e+02 2.9161e-01 3.8150 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140284_303893 0 24/12/24 07:10:04.35 BRONZE 185.0559 +2.7671 44.40 17.29 1.1426e+02 2.9161e-01 3.8150 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140125_41215060 1 24/11/27 14:11:14.42 GOLD 164.0900 +5.3799 31.80 17.39 1.8767e+02 4.9125e-01 1.2756 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140125_41215060 0 24/11/27 14:11:14.42 GOLD 163.7624 +5.9126 30.80 12.00 1.8767e+02 4.9125e-01 1.2756 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140078_30891383 1 24/11/13 14:38:33.00 BRONZE 196.1699 +8.5700 41.99 22.65 1.0544e+02 2.6333e-01 3.8708 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
140078_30891383 0 24/11/13 00:22:20.68 BRONZE 196.1930 +8.4907 31.69 12.34 1.0544e+02 2.6333e-01 3.8708 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139977_2910365 1 24/10/16 00:58:31.75 GOLD 112.3290 -33.5285 52.23 18.59 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1000.0000 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139977_2910365 0 24/10/16 00:58:31.75 GOLD 112.3290 -33.5285 52.23 18.59 2.4033e+03 6.7112e-01 0.3596 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139939_8268246 1 24/10/06 22:38:14.30 BRONZE 58.3599 +8.3499 41.10 22.34 1.3326e+02 3.4690e-01 2.5574 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139939_8268246 0 24/10/06 22:38:14.30 BRONZE 59.2921 +8.2802 30.80 12.00 1.3326e+02 3.4690e-01 2.5574 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139912_46959751 1 24/09/29 09:55:54.03 GOLD 180.6599 +18.9200 35.39 19.20 2.6779e+02 7.1170e-01 0.7553 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139912_46959751 0 24/09/29 09:55:54.03 GOLD 180.3410 +19.2833 40.60 15.82 2.6779e+02 7.1170e-01 0.7553 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139735_13003768 1 24/08/08 06:32:39.25 BRONZE 55.7700 +31.8299 254.29 147.97 1.2677e+02 4.4494e-01 1.1771 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139735_13003768 0 24/08/08 06:32:39.25 BRONZE 51.4909 +32.4560 397.84 154.98 1.2677e+02 4.4494e-01 1.1771 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139685_1723093 1 24/07/25 05:11:37.93 BRONZE 60.9500 +49.3100 177.00 100.79 1.0512e+02 3.8672e-01 0.9005 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139685_1723093 0 24/07/25 05:11:37.93 BRONZE 60.9671 +48.8288 38.59 15.03 1.0512e+02 3.8672e-01 0.9005 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139674_30853199 1 24/07/21 16:17:25.76 BRONZE 354.9900 +22.6700 71.39 41.39 1.4703e+02 4.5363e-01 1.3759 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139674_30853199 0 24/07/21 16:17:25.76 BRONZE 354.9429 +22.5349 33.06 12.88 1.4703e+02 4.5363e-01 1.3759 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139315_50057906 1 24/04/24 01:49:26.00 GOLD 327.0799 +3.0600 96.89 54.60 1.9235e+02 5.0816e-01 1.2243 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139315_50057906 0 24/04/24 01:49:26.00 GOLD 326.5299 +3.1619 76.22 29.69 1.9235e+02 5.0816e-01 1.2243 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139303_27647445 1 24/04/19 23:25:41.04 BRONZE 73.1700 +1.6399 130.49 77.54 1.2084e+02 3.1477e-01 3.4261 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139303_27647445 0 24/04/19 23:25:41.04 BRONZE 74.1535 +1.0796 55.67 21.68 1.2084e+02 3.1477e-01 3.4261 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139279_10803235 1 24/04/12 05:33:46.89 BRONZE 102.4399 +6.3499 42.29 26.70 1.2126e+02 3.0910e-01 3.4096 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139279_10803235 0 24/04/12 05:33:46.89 BRONZE 103.7861 +5.8716 69.22 26.96 1.2126e+02 3.0910e-01 3.4096 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139204_39158985 2 24/03/27 11:04:49.92 GOLD 25.3999 +7.7800 257.99 68.99 1.9966e+02 5.3864e-01 1.0306 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139205_9784024 1 24/03/27 16:12:30.47 BRONZE 89.2099 +0.9300 84.15 46.34 1.5269e+02 3.7111e-01 2.4194 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139204_39158985 1 24/03/27 13:44:38.00 GOLD 25.3999 +7.7800 257.99 68.99 1.9966e+02 5.3864e-01 1.0306 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139205_9784024 0 24/03/27 16:12:30.47 BRONZE 88.8857 +1.3239 57.42 22.37 1.5269e+02 3.7111e-01 2.4194 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139204_39158985 0 24/03/27 11:04:49.92 GOLD 25.6232 +7.7106 30.80 12.00 1.9966e+02 5.3864e-01 1.0306 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139100_34742349 1 24/03/07 07:44:57.38 GOLD 239.6299 +39.9399 922.80 451.19 1.9191e+02 6.0604e-01 0.2332 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139100_34742349 0 24/03/07 07:44:57.38 GOLD 238.9767 +39.6133 170.33 66.35 1.9191e+02 6.0604e-01 0.2332 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138938_62272876 1 24/02/04 09:09:00.44 BRONZE 348.3999 +10.2799 53.70 31.94 1.5592e+02 4.1419e-01 1.6084 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138938_62272876 0 24/02/04 09:09:00.44 BRONZE 348.6482 +11.0595 30.80 12.00 1.5592e+02 4.1419e-01 1.6084 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139071_47725621 1 24/02/29 15:48:21.51 BRONZE 72.2500 +15.7899 68.39 39.60 1.6323e+02 4.7676e-01 1.3360 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
139071_47725621 0 24/02/29 15:48:21.51 BRONZE 72.4529 +15.9956 30.80 12.00 1.6323e+02 4.7676e-01 1.3360 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138890_34080563 1 24/01/23 11:25:36.05 BRONZE 357.5400 +4.2599 78.00 41.99 1.1048e+02 2.6712e-01 4.1505 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138890_34080563 0 24/01/23 11:25:36.05 BRONZE 357.6378 +4.3696 30.80 12.00 1.1048e+02 2.6712e-01 4.1505 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138821_46175426 2 24/01/05 12:27:42.57 BRONZE 72.6899 +11.4199 71.39 39.60 1.0950e+02 3.0123e-01 2.6436 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138821_46175426 1 24/01/05 12:27:42.57 BRONZE 72.6899 +11.4199 17.39 9.60 1.0950e+02 3.0123e-01 2.6436 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138821_46175426 0 24/01/05 12:27:42.57 BRONZE 72.8929 +11.3262 30.80 12.00 1.0950e+02 3.0123e-01 2.6436 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138669_4054005 1 23/12/11 00:47:31.79 BRONZE 311.4800 +10.2799 72.45 35.99 1.0632e+02 2.7746e-01 3.3007 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138669_4054005 0 23/12/11 00:47:31.79 BRONZE 312.6131 +10.0527 30.80 12.00 1.0632e+02 2.7746e-01 3.3007 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138632_31747601 1 23/12/02 17:08:24.09 BRONZE 139.0399 +0.3699 89.85 53.40 1.0822e+02 2.7139e-01 4.4035 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138632_31747601 0 23/12/02 17:08:24.09 BRONZE 138.6545 +0.1418 41.53 16.18 1.0822e+02 2.7139e-01 4.4035 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138599_39138591 1 23/11/25 22:34:56.64 GOLD 177.5300 +53.6199 168.45 93.00 1.9173e+02 6.3125e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138599_39138591 0 23/11/25 22:34:56.64 GOLD 176.2601 +52.6366 46.75 18.21 1.9173e+02 6.3125e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138515_8773328 1 23/11/03 09:17:35.29 GOLD 105.6700 +47.8500 147.59 86.99 1.8034e+02 5.9238e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138515_8773328 0 23/11/03 09:17:35.29 GOLD 104.2522 +46.5805 64.55 25.15 1.8034e+02 5.9238e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138487_60138479 2 23/10/27 04:16:10.44 GOLD 267.1600 +46.9600 178.20 102.59 1.9151e+02 6.2474e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138487_60138479 0 23/10/27 04:16:10.44 GOLD 268.3137 +46.5106 135.40 52.75 1.9151e+02 6.2474e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138449_20481611 1 23/10/14 22:00:06.26 BRONZE 297.1600 +1.3400 141.00 77.09 1.0532e+02 2.5416e-01 4.8518 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138449_20481611 0 23/10/14 22:00:06.26 BRONZE 296.0109 +1.2386 34.43 13.41 1.0532e+02 2.5416e-01 4.8518 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138415_56188508 1 23/10/04 14:39:41.18 GOLD 143.7899 +25.0399 65.40 35.99 4.4218e+02 8.4178e-01 0.4490 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138415_56188508 0 23/10/04 14:39:41.18 GOLD 143.7656 +25.0511 30.80 12.00 4.4218e+02 8.4178e-01 0.4490 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138354_45413430 2 23/09/14 05:21:03.71 BRONZE 163.8300 +31.8299 128.40 71.99 1.6776e+02 5.4363e-01 0.8823 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138354_45413430 0 23/09/14 05:21:03.71 BRONZE 163.9996 +32.5136 43.55 16.97 1.6776e+02 5.4363e-01 0.8823 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138283_14780365 1 23/08/23 08:26:14.59 GOLD 17.9299 -12.0999 17.99 10.20 3.4127e+03 3.2938e-01 0.5131 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138283_14780365 0 23/08/23 08:26:14.59 GOLD 19.4330 -11.4977 30.80 12.00 3.4127e+03 3.2938e-01 0.5131 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138198_44334860 1 23/07/27 16:05:39.63 BRONZE 33.6599 +7.6299 49.19 27.00 1.1332e+02 2.9444e-01 3.3838 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138198_44334860 0 23/07/27 16:05:39.63 BRONZE 33.2758 +7.3621 30.80 12.00 1.1332e+02 2.9444e-01 3.3838 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138193_21103478 1 23/07/25 21:30:51.06 BRONZE 327.0400 +12.3300 112.20 63.60 1.4504e+02 3.9382e-01 1.6765 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138181_66037171 1 23/07/24 01:49:13.38 GOLD 32.5200 -1.8700 23.40 12.00 1.9143e+02 5.2650e-01 1.1738 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138193_21103478 0 23/07/25 21:30:51.06 BRONZE 325.3444 +11.8857 48.64 18.95 1.4504e+02 3.9382e-01 1.6765 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138181_66037171 0 23/07/24 01:49:13.38 GOLD 32.8295 -2.3369 40.28 15.69 1.9143e+02 5.2650e-01 1.1738 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138131_35302784 1 23/07/08 08:17:05.21 GOLD 270.6999 +8.4600 201.00 115.19 2.0845e+02 5.5963e-01 0.9371 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138131_35302784 0 23/07/08 08:17:05.21 GOLD 271.3063 +8.7543 30.80 12.00 2.0845e+02 5.5963e-01 0.9371 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138125_29513102 1 23/07/07 18:56:51.43 BRONZE 127.1800 +20.7399 609.60 359.40 1.5428e+02 4.6634e-01 1.3583 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138125_29513102 0 23/07/07 18:56:51.43 BRONZE 128.1714 +21.5037 200.07 77.93 1.5428e+02 4.6634e-01 1.3583 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138125_11333473 1 23/07/07 16:58:50.03 GOLD 269.0299 -1.9399 40.80 24.00 2.7945e+02 6.6328e-01 0.4443 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138125_11333473 0 23/07/07 16:58:50.03 GOLD 268.4284 -1.8127 30.80 12.00 2.7945e+02 6.6328e-01 0.4443 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138005_24780443 1 23/06/03 05:00:47.13 BRONZE 68.2000 +24.2100 155.39 92.40 1.4521e+02 4.5572e-01 1.2419 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
138005_24780443 0 23/06/03 05:00:47.13 BRONZE 66.6962 +24.0938 50.20 19.55 1.4521e+02 4.5572e-01 1.2419 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137971_11526243 1 23/05/24 11:09:36.24 BRONZE 318.4300 +2.8399 160.19 89.39 1.0940e+02 2.6669e-01 4.2501 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137971_11526243 0 23/05/24 11:09:36.24 BRONZE 319.0087 +2.9588 67.14 26.15 1.0940e+02 2.6669e-01 4.2501 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137932_1791376 1 23/05/11 18:03:50.10 BRONZE 17.0500 +37.0799 207.59 121.79 1.6746e+02 5.4588e-01 0.4941 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137932_1791376 0 23/05/11 18:03:50.10 BRONZE 17.7905 +37.2247 41.62 16.21 1.6746e+02 5.4588e-01 0.4941 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137910_29871391 1 23/05/06 15:53:45.93 GOLD 50.1899 +21.0599 187.20 108.60 2.1125e+02 6.4254e-01 0.7577 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137910_29871391 0 23/05/06 15:53:45.93 GOLD 51.3012 +22.3312 44.63 17.39 2.1125e+02 6.4254e-01 0.7577 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137840_57034692 1 23/04/16 05:22:26.15 BRONZE 345.8500 +9.1400 52.64 29.24 1.2729e+02 3.4064e-01 2.5322 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137840_57034692 0 23/04/16 05:22:26.15 BRONZE 345.8253 +9.0067 30.80 12.00 1.2729e+02 3.4064e-01 2.5322 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137806_8756840 1 23/04/05 13:20:20.04 BRONZE 120.8499 +9.7500 178.20 102.30 1.1043e+02 2.9923e-01 2.8353 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137806_8756840 0 23/04/05 13:20:20.04 BRONZE 118.9986 +10.3269 69.51 27.08 1.1043e+02 2.9923e-01 2.8353 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137794_38132005 1 23/04/01 16:14:18.90 BRONZE 8.1699 +1.9399 173.40 98.39 1.1079e+02 2.7409e-01 4.1124 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137794_38132005 0 23/04/01 16:14:18.90 BRONZE 6.9169 +2.8179 93.25 36.32 1.1079e+02 2.7409e-01 4.1124 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137711_79205800 1 23/03/06 10:59:30.41 GOLD 72.8599 +34.2299 52.19 29.39 1.7462e+02 5.6416e-01 0.7101 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137711_79205800 0 23/03/06 10:59:30.41 GOLD 72.5846 +34.0881 30.80 12.00 1.7462e+02 5.6416e-01 0.7101 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137668_51133257 0 23/02/20 07:39:10.83 BRONZE 359.3311 +3.3491 30.80 12.00 1.5177e+02 3.6400e-01 2.5206 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137661_22129736 1 23/02/17 20:49:43.37 BRONZE 124.5400 +20.7399 143.40 85.19 5.4853e+01 4.5373e-01 1.8772 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137661_22129736 0 23/02/17 20:49:43.37 BRONZE 124.4176 +18.9153 61.36 22.34 5.4853e+01 4.5373e-01 1.8772 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137603_30799022 1 23/02/01 06:20:54.42 BRONZE 345.4100 +12.0999 130.80 73.79 1.2098e+02 3.4770e-01 2.0701 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137603_30799022 0 23/02/01 06:20:54.42 BRONZE 346.1406 +12.0381 30.80 12.00 1.2098e+02 3.4770e-01 2.0701 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137571_16496893 1 23/01/22 03:50:02.00 BRONZE 16.7899 +7.7800 186.59 105.00 1.0765e+02 2.7309e-01 3.6241 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137571_16496893 0 23/01/22 03:50:02.00 BRONZE 17.6737 +8.3806 80.11 31.21 1.0765e+02 2.7309e-01 3.6241 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137537_52990531 1 23/01/12 06:44:50.60 BRONZE 24.3500 +0.9000 75.60 35.99 1.1122e+02 2.8432e-01 4.0476 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137537_52990531 0 23/01/12 06:44:50.60 BRONZE 24.8145 +0.5131 30.80 12.00 1.1122e+02 2.8432e-01 4.0476 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137487_35344578 1 22/12/29 07:25:27.88 GOLD 31.8999 +4.1799 82.20 46.20 2.0531e+02 5.4438e-01 1.0141 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137487_35344578 0 22/12/29 07:25:27.88 GOLD 32.5031 +4.1964 46.30 18.03 2.0531e+02 5.4438e-01 1.0141 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137469_77414913 1 22/12/24 00:55:09.29 BRONZE 335.7400 +1.4199 32.81 17.60 1.1061e+02 2.7823e-01 4.1153 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137469_77414913 0 22/12/24 00:55:09.29 BRONZE 335.8428 +1.3964 30.80 12.00 1.1061e+02 2.7823e-01 4.1153 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137467_64735045 0 22/12/23 07:43:00.52 GOLD 350.5486 +34.7110 39.58 15.41 3.5270e+02 7.9488e-01 0.2464 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137390_43495485 1 22/12/16 06:00:14.01 BRONZE 6.8600 +10.4299 86.39 52.19 1.5563e+02 4.1457e-01 1.5922 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137390_43495485 0 22/12/16 06:00:14.01 BRONZE 7.3111 +11.2398 56.48 22.00 1.5563e+02 4.1457e-01 1.5922 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137350_7930341 1 22/12/10 08:35:11.23 BRONZE 332.5799 +22.7500 508.20 323.39 1.6466e+02 5.0781e-01 0.9539 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137350_7930341 0 22/12/10 08:35:11.23 BRONZE 332.0924 +23.8409 67.87 26.44 1.6466e+02 5.0781e-01 0.9539 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137296_24212476 1 22/11/24 15:46:02.26 BRONZE 298.9300 +3.7299 117.59 68.99 1.4365e+02 3.4978e-01 2.7945 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137296_24212476 0 22/11/24 15:46:02.26 BRONZE 298.9316 +3.4804 54.14 21.09 1.4365e+02 3.4978e-01 2.7945 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137217_75180896 1 22/11/04 06:10:08.18 BRONZE 209.6200 +15.0899 48.60 28.79 1.0859e+02 3.1652e-01 2.6315 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137217_75180896 0 22/11/04 06:10:08.18 BRONZE 209.9405 +15.1367 32.60 12.70 1.0859e+02 3.1652e-01 2.6315 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137096_70551815 1 22/09/28 12:32:38.30 BRONZE 207.4199 +10.4299 88.19 53.40 1.4315e+02 3.7775e-01 1.9911 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137096_70551815 0 22/09/28 12:32:38.30 BRONZE 208.0925 +10.0339 35.73 13.92 1.4315e+02 3.7775e-01 1.9911 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137065_22012496 1 22/09/18 12:46:05.32 BRONZE 75.1500 +3.5800 214.19 124.80 1.6834e+02 4.1802e-01 1.7147 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137065_22012496 0 22/09/18 12:46:05.32 BRONZE 75.5684 +3.4555 67.53 26.30 1.6834e+02 4.1802e-01 1.7147 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137019_70165712 1 22/09/07 06:46:47.51 BRONZE 224.8100 +44.7000 90.60 58.19 1.2776e+02 4.6015e-01 0.4645 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
137019_70165712 0 22/09/07 06:46:47.51 BRONZE 223.5357 +45.0493 38.31 14.92 1.2776e+02 4.6015e-01 0.4645 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136973_28816141 1 22/08/22 20:26:30.03 BRONZE 273.0799 +21.5399 106.20 61.80 1.1492e+02 3.8344e-01 2.0054 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136973_28816141 0 22/08/22 20:26:30.03 BRONZE 273.4834 +22.1648 76.53 29.81 1.1492e+02 3.8344e-01 2.0054 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136918_45252263 0 22/08/08 07:59:57.26 BRONZE 132.3328 -42.7168 39.13 14.09 5.4853e+01 3.8646e-01 1.8772 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136783_66879340 1 22/06/29 23:51:31.69 BRONZE 163.9199 +4.3300 34.79 17.99 1.1863e+02 3.0109e-01 3.6375 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136783_66879340 0 22/06/29 23:51:31.69 BRONZE 164.1510 +4.3017 30.80 12.00 1.1863e+02 3.0109e-01 3.6375 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136775_22443736 1 22/06/27 17:51:54.27 BRONZE 165.5900 +5.2999 172.79 109.20 1.2612e+02 3.1383e-01 3.4538 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136775_22443736 0 22/06/27 17:51:54.27 BRONZE 165.4228 +5.0000 30.80 12.00 1.2612e+02 3.1383e-01 3.4538 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136766_7637140 1 22/06/24 16:13:16.40 GOLD 224.1200 +41.3100 109.80 62.40 1.9297e+02 6.0870e-01 0.1732 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136766_7637140 0 22/06/24 16:13:16.40 GOLD 224.3965 +40.6862 30.80 12.00 1.9297e+02 6.0870e-01 0.1732 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136662_35405932 1 22/05/24 07:41:32.18 BRONZE 47.2000 -3.2799 126.00 76.80 1.1604e+02 3.3628e-01 2.8556 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136662_35405932 0 22/05/24 07:41:32.18 BRONZE 48.8497 -3.5219 30.80 12.00 1.1604e+02 3.3628e-01 2.8556 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136627_61640402 1 22/05/13 23:23:12.60 GOLD 224.0300 -1.3400 62.40 38.40 2.0792e+02 5.6014e-01 0.9425 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136627_61640402 0 22/05/13 23:23:12.60 GOLD 223.2208 -1.2193 30.80 12.00 2.0792e+02 5.6014e-01 0.9425 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136615_14688828 1 22/05/09 18:19:04.11 GOLD 334.2500 +5.3799 100.79 57.59 1.7681e+02 4.4648e-01 1.5343 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136615_14688828 0 22/05/09 18:19:04.11 GOLD 334.6456 +4.9529 54.43 21.20 1.7681e+02 4.4648e-01 1.5343 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136588_56014830 1 22/05/01 22:50:58.63 BRONZE 311.5699 +18.6799 58.19 32.40 1.2703e+02 3.9646e-01 2.1096 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136588_56014830 0 22/05/01 22:50:58.63 BRONZE 311.6906 +18.7115 30.80 12.00 1.2703e+02 3.9646e-01 2.1096 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136568_17854328 1 22/04/25 02:44:57.81 GOLD 268.2400 -10.7300 102.59 58.19 6.0395e+02 1.6877e-01 0.5757 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136568_17854328 0 22/04/25 02:44:57.81 GOLD 268.3742 -12.3097 66.49 25.90 6.0395e+02 1.6877e-01 0.5757 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136565_2186969 1 22/04/24 01:06:24.06 GOLD 346.1100 +8.9100 68.39 37.80 1.8399e+02 4.9659e-01 1.2053 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136565_2186969 0 22/04/24 01:06:24.06 GOLD 345.7573 +8.8562 39.67 15.45 1.8399e+02 4.9659e-01 1.2053 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136556_43687362 1 22/04/21 05:20:18.25 BRONZE 113.6400 +5.8300 147.59 81.60 1.5506e+02 3.7463e-01 2.2809 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136556_43687362 0 22/04/21 05:20:18.25 BRONZE 114.3655 +6.0374 44.27 17.24 1.5506e+02 3.7463e-01 2.2809 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136506_15341152 1 22/04/05 22:20:03.41 BRONZE 320.6200 +29.0599 61.80 35.39 1.0632e+02 3.6433e-01 2.0160 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136506_15341152 0 22/04/05 22:20:03.41 BRONZE 320.2731 +29.2739 34.45 13.42 1.0632e+02 3.6433e-01 2.0160 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136504_1833389 1 22/04/05 04:57:26.11 BRONZE 134.4699 -1.2700 88.79 50.39 1.2181e+02 3.2315e-01 3.2832 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136504_1833389 0 22/04/05 04:57:26.11 BRONZE 134.6472 -1.2180 39.21 15.27 1.2181e+02 3.2315e-01 3.2832 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136441_11435033 1 22/03/17 02:32:17.68 BRONZE 155.7400 +11.1899 95.40 54.60 1.3262e+02 3.6467e-01 1.8993 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136441_11435033 0 22/03/17 02:32:17.68 BRONZE 155.4038 +11.3143 42.76 16.66 1.3262e+02 3.6467e-01 1.8993 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136392_25495567 1 22/03/06 03:46:37.06 GOLD 314.8199 +8.6099 31.20 18.59 4.1305e+02 7.7357e-01 0.4539 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136392_25495567 0 22/03/06 03:46:37.06 GOLD 314.8986 +8.8826 30.80 12.00 4.1305e+02 7.7357e-01 0.4539 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136388_4701751 1 22/03/04 17:44:12.21 GOLD 48.7800 +4.4800 372.00 226.79 2.6321e+02 6.3110e-01 0.5780 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136388_4701751 0 22/03/04 17:44:12.21 GOLD 48.8300 +4.4643 75.19 29.29 2.6321e+02 6.3110e-01 0.5780 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136385_7450363 1 22/03/03 18:00:07.62 GOLD 267.8000 +11.4199 70.79 41.99 3.9811e+02 7.6419e-01 0.5408 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136385_7450363 0 22/03/03 18:00:07.62 GOLD 267.3978 +10.9880 33.20 12.93 3.9811e+02 7.6419e-01 0.5408 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136366_14203460 1 22/02/25 14:12:00.68 BRONZE 34.7199 +0.0000 135.29 75.74 1.5357e+02 3.7766e-01 2.3292 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136366_14203460 0 22/02/25 14:12:00.68 BRONZE 33.7618 -0.1969 121.12 47.18 1.5357e+02 3.7766e-01 2.3292 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136348_65788242 1 22/02/21 00:42:19.11 GOLD 287.8399 +20.7399 217.79 135.00 1.5743e+02 6.7267e-01 0.3596 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136348_65788242 0 22/02/21 00:42:19.11 GOLD 289.8533 +36.0981 442.24 89.35 1.5743e+02 6.7267e-01 0.3596 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136249_27650203 1 22/02/05 00:22:39.739625 BRONZE 216.120000 15.560000 185.40 104.40 1.0958e+02 3.2225e-01 2.5242 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.

 This was missed in GCN because of a Network problem. Please note that link (far left) is not available.

136260_4895987 0 22/02/05 20:08:10.595192 GOLD 266.804401 -3.574950 30.80 12.00 2.1588e+02 5.9235e-01 0.73440 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.

 This was missed in GCN because of a Network problem. Please note that link (far left) is not available.

136249_27650203 0 22/02/05 00:22:39.739625 BRONZE 215.906053 15.264994 74.54 29.03 1.0958e+02 3.2225e-01 2.5242 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.

 This was missed in GCN because of a Network problem. Please note that link (far left) is not available.

136241_22093816 1 22/02/02 11:48:38.58 GOLD 21.3599 -3.8799 43.79 27.00 1.5094e+02 2.0564e-01 1.9253 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136241_22093816 0 22/02/02 11:48:38.58 GOLD 22.6133 -3.7224 30.80 12.00 1.5094e+02 2.0564e-01 1.9253 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136170_48281000 1 22/01/15 12:11:39.75 BRONZE 357.4499 +25.2800 73.79 46.80 1.0995e+02 3.6966e-01 2.0893 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136170_48281000 0 22/01/15 12:11:39.75 BRONZE 357.3270 +25.1251 30.80 12.00 1.0995e+02 3.6966e-01 2.0893 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136057_6147475 1 21/12/16 23:41:13.93 BRONZE 199.3400 +17.0399 93.00 55.20 1.1254e+02 3.4634e-01 2.3928 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136057_6147475 0 21/12/16 23:41:13.93 BRONZE 199.6358 +16.9163 30.80 12.00 1.1254e+02 3.4634e-01 2.3928 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136055_348073 1 21/12/16 07:07:38.13 BRONZE 316.0500 +15.7899 111.60 68.39 1.1301e+02 3.4356e-01 2.3692 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136055_348073 0 21/12/16 07:07:38.13 BRONZE 316.3685 +15.9172 32.78 12.77 1.1301e+02 3.4356e-01 2.3692 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136015_21306805 1 21/12/08 20:02:51.09 BRONZE 114.5199 +15.5600 127.79 76.80 1.7108e+02 5.0234e-01 1.1965 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
136015_21306805 0 21/12/08 20:02:51.09 BRONZE 113.9019 +15.6944 30.80 12.00 1.7108e+02 5.0234e-01 1.1965 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135936_74588253 1 21/11/25 06:22:21.55 BRONZE 43.5900 +22.5899 148.79 87.59 1.1749e+02 3.8994e-01 1.9729 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135936_74588253 0 21/11/25 06:22:21.55 BRONZE 43.6660 +21.5423 64.69 25.20 1.1749e+02 3.8994e-01 1.9729 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135930_15193553 1 21/11/23 14:25:22.60 BRONZE 265.5199 +7.3300 162.59 90.60 1.4207e+02 3.5580e-01 2.5668 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135930_15193553 0 21/11/23 14:25:22.60 BRONZE 265.1466 +7.0443 60.67 23.63 1.4207e+02 3.5580e-01 2.5668 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135908_43512334 0 21/11/17 03:50:57.18 GOLD 225.9338 -0.2016 30.80 12.00 1.9503e+02 5.2590e-01 1.1655 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135906_30719293 1 21/11/16 10:33:16.05 BRONZE 42.4500 +0.1499 71.99 44.39 1.6132e+02 4.0161e-01 1.9404 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135906_30719293 0 21/11/16 10:33:16.05 BRONZE 41.7230 +0.2965 30.80 12.00 1.6132e+02 4.0161e-01 1.9404 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135832_55176071 1 21/10/23 08:31:18.31 BRONZE 253.3000 -1.7199 66.00 39.00 1.2064e+02 3.2606e-01 3.2048 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135832_55176071 0 21/10/23 08:31:18.31 BRONZE 253.5841 -1.8364 35.04 13.65 1.2064e+02 3.2606e-01 3.2048 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135736_30987826 1 21/09/22 18:17:20.94 GOLD 60.7299 -4.1799 39.00 22.80 7.5076e+02 9.2534e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135736_30987826 0 21/09/22 18:17:20.94 GOLD 60.2786 -4.3204 30.80 12.00 7.5076e+02 9.2534e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135591_36044887 1 21/08/11 02:02:44.03 GOLD 270.7900 +25.2800 56.16 32.22 2.1767e+02 6.5826e-01 0.6939 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135591_36044887 0 21/08/11 02:02:44.03 GOLD 271.4236 +25.3668 30.80 12.00 2.1767e+02 6.5826e-01 0.6939 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135553_7213992 1 21/07/30 22:12:40.62 BRONZE 105.7300 +14.7899 84.59 43.79 1.0942e+02 3.1930e-01 2.5421 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135553_7213992 0 21/07/30 22:12:40.62 BRONZE 105.8360 +14.8168 30.80 12.00 1.0942e+02 3.1930e-01 2.5421 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135440_3139778 1 21/06/29 18:09:44.22 BRONZE 340.7500 +12.9399 78.00 46.20 1.2095e+02 3.5083e-01 2.0845 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135440_3139778 0 21/06/29 18:09:44.22 BRONZE 340.6350 +12.6111 30.80 12.00 1.2095e+02 3.5083e-01 2.0845 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135363_69917294 1 21/06/08 03:41:00.97 BRONZE 337.4100 +18.3700 352.79 161.39 1.0517e+02 3.1470e-01 3.0747 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135363_69917294 0 21/06/08 03:41:00.97 BRONZE 337.0182 +18.6470 78.35 30.52 1.0517e+02 3.1470e-01 3.0747 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135302_36915486 0 21/05/19 20:40:02.93 BRONZE 167.6902 -25.8725 129.06 36.18 3.2004e+02 3.3167e-01 0.9669 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135292_56063172 1 21/05/16 14:38:20.33 BRONZE 91.7600 +9.5199 46.80 25.79 1.0912e+02 2.8860e-01 3.0988 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135292_56063172 0 21/05/16 14:38:20.33 BRONZE 91.8213 +9.7002 30.80 12.00 1.0912e+02 2.8860e-01 3.0988 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135270_69188496 0 21/05/10 04:50:10.73 BRONZE 267.9106 +4.0004 30.80 12.00 1.1303e+02 2.8151e-01 3.9437 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
135113_19489408 0 21/03/22 02:34:09.17 BRONZE 85.5066 -44.7217 39.13 14.09 5.4853e+01 4.5899e-01 1.3823 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134994_1103075 0 21/02/13 18:40:24.51 GOLD 155.2582 -35.3994 71.40 22.94 1.4504e+03 6.0730e-01 0.4362 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134979_17138286 1 21/02/10 11:53:55.64 GOLD 206.0600 +4.7800 52.80 31.80 2.8741e+02 6.5464e-01 0.4645 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134979_17138286 0 21/02/10 11:53:55.64 GOLD 206.1922 +4.7734 30.80 12.00 2.8741e+02 6.5464e-01 0.4645 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134818_73718836 1 20/12/22 00:56:16.14 GOLD 206.3700 +13.4399 39.60 22.19 1.8578e+02 5.3370e-01 1.0081 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134818_73718836 0 20/12/22 00:56:16.14 GOLD 206.6403 +13.4825 30.80 12.00 1.8578e+02 5.3370e-01 1.0081 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134817_29175858 1 20/12/21 12:36:53.45 GOLD 261.6899 +41.8100 109.20 61.20 1.7454e+02 5.6429e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134817_29175858 0 20/12/21 12:36:53.45 GOLD 262.5451 +41.4062 62.12 24.20 1.7454e+02 5.6429e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134777_8912764 1 20/12/09 10:15:43.94 GOLD 6.8600 -9.2500 65.40 38.40 4.1860e+02 1.9226e-01 0.7698 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134777_8912764 0 20/12/09 10:15:43.94 GOLD 6.4010 -10.0181 35.26 13.73 4.1860e+02 1.9226e-01 0.7698 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134751_31476488 1 20/11/30 20:21:46.47 GOLD 30.5399 -12.0999 70.79 41.39 2.0347e+02 1.4696e-01 1.3222 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134751_31476488 0 20/11/30 20:21:46.47 GOLD 30.4950 -11.6137 42.65 16.61 2.0347e+02 1.4696e-01 1.3222 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134715_65785778 1 20/11/20 09:44:40.55 BRONZE 307.5299 +40.7700 280.79 158.40 1.5396e+02 5.0338e-01 0.2947 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134715_65785778 0 20/11/20 09:44:40.55 BRONZE 307.8471 +40.1903 30.80 12.00 1.5396e+02 5.0338e-01 0.2947 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134701_49508272 0 20/11/15 16:01:42.96 GOLD 148.7519 -21.6418 51.89 20.21 2.6182e+04 4.9261e-01 0.0681 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134699_70289682 1 20/11/15 02:07:26.21 GOLD 195.1200 +1.3799 77.40 42.59 1.7738e+02 4.5973e-01 1.5226 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134699_70289682 0 20/11/15 02:07:26.21 GOLD 193.7576 +1.2903 30.80 12.00 1.7738e+02 4.5973e-01 1.5226 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134698_40735501 1 20/11/14 15:05:31.96 GOLD 105.2500 +6.0499 64.80 34.19 2.1429e+02 5.6208e-01 0.9232 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134698_40735501 0 20/11/14 15:05:31.96 GOLD 104.6881 +5.9423 30.80 12.00 2.1429e+02 5.6208e-01 0.9232 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134621_31008065 2 20/10/21 06:37:47.48 BRONZE 260.8199 +14.5500 82.79 49.19 1.0527e+02 2.9662e-01 2.9868 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134621_31008065 1 20/10/21 06:37:47.48 BRONZE 260.9200 +14.5500 82.79 49.19 1.0527e+02 2.9662e-01 2.9868 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134621_31008065 0 20/10/21 06:37:47.48 BRONZE 260.6890 +14.6529 30.80 12.00 1.0527e+02 2.9662e-01 2.9868 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134599_66310113 1 20/10/14 02:13:27.53 BRONZE 221.2199 +14.4399 50.39 31.20 1.4693e+02 4.1371e-01 1.7069 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134599_66310113 0 20/10/14 02:13:27.53 BRONZE 220.3816 +14.4172 40.81 15.89 1.4693e+02 4.1371e-01 1.7069 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134577_31638233 1 20/10/07 22:01:49.28 GOLD 265.1700 +5.3399 24.00 13.80 6.8265e+02 8.8552e-01 0.2624 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134577_31638233 0 20/10/07 22:01:49.28 GOLD 265.0580 +5.3820 30.80 12.00 6.8265e+02 8.8552e-01 0.2624 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134552_68615710 1 20/09/29 17:48:36.83 GOLD 29.5199 +3.4700 31.80 24.00 1.8289e+02 4.7479e-01 1.4109 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134552_68615710 0 20/09/29 17:48:36.83 GOLD 29.0479 +3.0810 30.80 12.00 1.8289e+02 4.7479e-01 1.4109 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134535_41069485 1 20/09/26 22:35:29.22 BRONZE 184.7500 +32.9299 108.60 66.60 1.2142e+02 4.3381e-01 1.2900 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134535_41069485 0 20/09/26 22:35:29.22 BRONZE 188.7990 +32.0690 30.80 12.00 1.2142e+02 4.3381e-01 1.2900 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134533_53384881 1 20/09/26 07:54:11.62 GOLD 96.4599 -4.3300 39.60 23.40 6.7050e+02 4.4137e-01 0.5363 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134533_53384881 0 20/09/26 07:54:11.62 GOLD 96.5731 -4.2048 30.80 12.00 6.7050e+02 4.4137e-01 0.5363 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134512_71996695 1 20/09/21 19:07:12.89 BRONZE 195.2899 +26.2399 170.39 64.20 1.1717e+02 4.0945e-01 1.5853 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134512_71996695 0 20/09/21 19:07:12.89 BRONZE 195.1971 +26.4296 30.80 12.00 1.1717e+02 4.0945e-01 1.5853 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134498_12605830 1 20/09/16 20:40:30.95 BRONZE 109.7800 +14.3599 63.60 34.79 1.1048e+02 3.2226e-01 2.4826 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134498_12605830 0 20/09/16 20:40:30.95 BRONZE 109.4019 +14.3487 39.35 15.32 1.1048e+02 3.2226e-01 2.4826 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134482_27754576 1 20/09/11 14:19:46.23 BRONZE 51.1099 +38.1099 296.40 93.60 1.1079e+02 4.0813e-01 0.9681 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134482_27754576 0 20/09/11 14:19:46.23 BRONZE 42.1700 +38.1328 32.58 12.69 1.1079e+02 4.0813e-01 0.9681 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134354_59221243 1 20/08/06 13:50:56.43 BRONZE 157.2500 +47.7500 50.99 28.79 1.0735e+02 3.9728e-01 0.7921 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134354_59221243 0 20/08/06 13:50:56.43 BRONZE 157.1184 +47.7174 30.80 12.00 1.0735e+02 3.9728e-01 0.7921 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134327_10548129 0 20/07/28 08:17:51.99 GOLD 117.5554 -24.8475 30.80 12.00 4.2024e+04 3.9310e-01 0.1472 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134207_33533447 1 20/06/20 03:03:32.28 BRONZE 162.1100 +11.9499 40.80 20.99 1.1350e+02 3.2464e-01 2.3206 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134207_33533447 0 20/06/20 03:03:32.28 BRONZE 162.2481 +11.9072 30.80 12.00 1.1350e+02 3.2464e-01 2.3206 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134191_17593623 1 20/06/15 14:49:17.37 GOLD 142.9499 +3.6600 73.19 43.19 4.9636e+02 8.2832e-01 0.2894 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134191_17593623 0 20/06/15 14:49:17.37 GOLD 143.4519 +3.7891 55.21 21.50 4.9636e+02 8.2832e-01 0.2894 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134187_72386329 1 20/06/14 12:41:21.41 BRONZE 33.8400 +31.6099 242.40 141.00 1.1505e+02 4.1553e-01 1.4846 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134187_72386329 0 20/06/14 12:41:21.41 BRONZE 28.7043 +31.1927 71.45 27.83 1.1505e+02 4.1553e-01 1.4846 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134139_35473338 1 20/05/30 07:54:29.43 GOLD 255.3700 +26.6099 160.19 65.40 8.2186e+01 5.9170e-01 1.9521 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134139_35473338 0 20/05/30 07:54:29.43 GOLD 254.3994 +27.4596 32.59 12.70 8.2186e+01 5.9170e-01 1.9521 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134116_58596690 1 20/05/23 02:30:07.59 BRONZE 338.6399 +1.7500 333.59 218.40 1.0508e+02 2.4998e-01 4.9079 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134116_58596690 0 20/05/23 02:30:07.59 BRONZE 338.9127 +2.1494 93.40 36.38 1.0508e+02 2.4998e-01 4.9079 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134081_58268464 1 20/05/12 07:31:27.75 BRONZE 295.1800 +15.7899 97.79 54.00 1.0877e+02 3.2159e-01 2.6128 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134081_58268464 0 20/05/12 07:31:27.75 BRONZE 295.4176 +15.9766 32.49 12.65 1.0877e+02 3.2159e-01 2.6128 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134013_16038252 1 20/04/25 23:26:46.34 BRONZE 100.0999 +53.5700 178.20 90.60 1.3487e+02 4.8106e-01 0.5218 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
134013_16038252 0 20/04/25 23:26:46.34 BRONZE 100.5857 +52.6480 56.83 22.13 1.3487e+02 4.8106e-01 0.5218 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133985_60770138 1 20/04/21 00:35:24.24 BRONZE 87.9300 +8.2300 152.99 89.39 1.2697e+02 3.3312e-01 2.7906 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133985_60770138 0 20/04/21 00:35:24.24 BRONZE 89.2549 +7.9065 36.65 14.27 1.2697e+02 3.3312e-01 2.7906 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133945_24635982 1 20/04/10 23:19:55.48 BRONZE 242.5800 +11.6099 622.19 390.59 1.1000e+02 3.0535e-01 2.5451 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133945_24635982 0 20/04/10 23:19:55.48 BRONZE 241.2657 +11.5850 31.84 12.40 1.1000e+02 3.0535e-01 2.5451 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133781_21701751 0 20/02/27 05:36:31.49 BRONZE 348.2598 +21.3235 30.80 12.00 1.0950e+02 3.5075e-01 2.3437 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133644_43767651 1 20/01/20 18:48:18.55 BRONZE 67.4599 -14.6300 20.40 13.20 6.0702e+03 3.2893e-01 0.3565 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133644_43767651 0 20/01/20 18:48:18.55 BRONZE 67.7381 -14.5870 30.80 12.00 6.0702e+03 3.2893e-01 0.3565 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133634_1410505 1 20/01/17 11:08:29.69 BRONZE 116.2399 +29.1299 54.60 30.60 1.0839e+02 3.7540e-01 1.9258 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133634_1410505 0 20/01/17 11:08:29.69 BRONZE 115.9608 +29.3197 30.80 12.00 1.0839e+02 3.7540e-01 1.9258 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133609_37927131 1 20/01/09 23:41:39.93 GOLD 164.4900 +11.8699 174.60 96.60 3.7523e+02 7.6931e-01 0.6409 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133609_37927131 0 20/01/09 23:41:39.93 GOLD 165.2663 +14.9288 116.57 45.41 3.7523e+02 7.6931e-01 0.6409 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133572_82361476 1 20/01/01 11:00:06.07 BRONZE 46.3599 +20.4200 103.19 75.60 1.5538e+02 4.6281e-01 1.5642 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133572_82361476 0 19/12/31 11:00:06.07 BRONZE 48.2727 +18.7073 38.05 14.82 1.5538e+02 4.6281e-01 1.5642 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133433_29047901 1 19/12/15 11:09:57.63 BRONZE 285.8700 +58.9200 152.40 75.00 1.3265e+02 4.7490e-01 0.3374 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133433_29047901 0 19/12/15 11:09:57.63 BRONZE 286.9935 +58.3148 47.26 18.41 1.3265e+02 4.7490e-01 0.3374 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133394_27261780 1 19/12/04 22:46:11.31 BRONZE 79.7199 +2.7999 109.20 59.39 1.3020e+02 3.2711e-01 3.2085 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133394_27261780 0 19/12/04 22:46:11.31 BRONZE 79.4003 +2.8418 30.80 12.00 1.3020e+02 3.2711e-01 3.2085 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133348_80807014 1 19/11/22 22:45:10.49 BRONZE 27.2500 -0.0400 109.20 65.40 1.2844e+02 3.3128e-01 3.0981 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133348_80807014 0 19/11/22 22:45:10.49 BRONZE 28.2526 +0.0747 30.80 12.00 1.2844e+02 3.3128e-01 3.0981 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133331_47828126 2 19/11/19 01:01:29.38 GOLD 230.0999 +3.1699 220.19 154.19 1.7648e+02 4.4999e-01 1.5417 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133331_47828126 1 19/11/19 01:01:29.38 GOLD 230.0999 +2.1699 220.19 154.19 1.7648e+02 4.4999e-01 1.5417 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133331_47828126 0 19/11/19 01:01:29.38 GOLD 228.6680 +3.3500 35.14 13.69 1.7648e+02 4.4999e-01 1.5417 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133119_22683750 1 19/10/01 20:09:18.17 GOLD 314.0799 +12.9399 177.00 81.00 2.1742e+02 5.8898e-01 0.8578 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133119_22683750 0 19/10/01 20:09:18.17 GOLD 314.3550 +12.5755 47.20 18.38 2.1742e+02 5.8898e-01 0.8578 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133092_52499868 1 19/09/22 23:03:55.56 GOLD 5.7599 -1.5700 64.80 36.59 1.8737e+02 5.0501e-01 1.3265 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133091_81419 1 19/09/22 09:42:45.62 GOLD 167.4300 -22.3900 177.00 101.39 3.1139e+03 2.0165e-01 0.2262 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133092_52499868 0 19/09/22 23:03:55.56 GOLD 6.0049 -1.4881 38.02 14.81 1.8737e+02 5.0501e-01 1.3265 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
133091_81419 0 19/09/22 09:42:45.62 GOLD 166.9361 -24.5066 199.90 77.87 3.1139e+03 2.0165e-01 0.2262 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132974_67924813 0 19/08/19 17:34:24.23 BRONZE 148.8070 +0.9571 30.80 12.00 1.1316e+02 2.9215e-01 3.8699 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132910_57145925 1 19/07/30 20:50:41.31 GOLD 225.7899 +10.4700 71.10 39.74 2.9881e+02 6.7158e-01 0.6770 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132910_57145925 0 19/07/30 20:50:41.31 GOLD 226.8302 +10.5078 45.31 17.65 2.9881e+02 6.7158e-01 0.6770 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132814_44222682 1 19/07/12 01:15:17.38 BRONZE 76.4599 +13.0600 297.59 182.40 1.0867e+02 3.0332e-01 2.6230 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132814_44222682 0 19/07/12 01:15:17.38 BRONZE 78.8869 +12.4438 117.35 45.71 1.0867e+02 3.0332e-01 2.6230 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132792_60166398 1 19/07/04 18:48:52.25 BRONZE 161.8499 +27.1099 151.79 90.60 1.5499e+02 4.8607e-01 0.9984 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132792_60166398 0 19/07/04 18:48:52.25 BRONZE 161.4080 +27.4190 51.00 19.87 1.5499e+02 4.8607e-01 0.9984 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132768_5390846 1 19/06/29 19:24:15.12 BRONZE 27.2199 +84.3299 242.40 186.59 1.0767e+02 3.3892e-01 0.6417 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132768_5390846 0 19/06/29 19:24:15.12 BRONZE 25.6392 +84.5382 114.81 44.72 1.0767e+02 3.3892e-01 0.6417 IceCube Bronze event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132707_54984442 1 19/06/19 13:14:18.04 GOLD 343.2599 +10.7300 162.59 97.79 1.9870e+02 5.4551e-01 0.9829 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.
132707_54984442 0 19/06/19 13:14:18.04 GOLD 342.7772 +10.0547 40.28 15.69 1.9870e+02 5.4551e-01 0.9829 IceCube Gold event. The position error is statistical only, there is no systematic added.

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